
PFAM accession number:PF03776
Interpro abstract (IPR005527):

Cytokinesis needs to be regulated spatially in order to ensure that it occurs between the daughter genomes. In prokaryotes such as Escherichia coli, cytokinesis is initiated by FtsZ, a tubulin-like protein that assembles into a ring structure at the cell centre called the Z ring. A fundamental problem in prokaryotic cell biology is to understand how the midcell division site is identified. Two major negative regulatory systems are known to be involved in preventing Z-ring assembly at all sites except the midcell. One of these systems, called nucleoid occlusion, blocks Z-ring assembly in the area occupied by an unsegregated nucleoid until a critical stage in chromosome replication or segregation is reached. The other system consists of three proteins, MinC, MinD and MinE, which prevent assembly of Z rings in regions of the cell not covered by the nucleoid, such as the cell poles. MinC is an inhibitor of FtsZ polymerisation, resulting in the inhibition of Z ring assembly in the cell; MinD greatly enhances the inhibitory effects of MinC in vivo; and MinE antagonizes the effects of MinC and MinD [ (PUBMED:11378404) ].

This entry also include plant MinE1 located in chloroplasts. AtMinE1 acts as a topological specificity factor during plastid division and specify plastid constriction sites [ (PUBMED:11743109) ].

MinE is a small bifunctional protein. The amino terminus of MinE is required to interact with MinD, while the carboxyl terminus is required for `topological specificity' - that is, the ability of MinE to antagonise MinCD inhibition of Z rings at the midcell position but not at the poles [ (PUBMED:2645057) ].

GO process:cell division (GO:0051301), regulation of division septum assembly (GO:0032955)

This is a PFAM domain. For full annotation and more information, please see the PFAM entry MinE