The domain within your query sequence starts at position 60 and ends at position 321; the E-value for the Carb_anhydrase domain shown below is 6.38e-109.
Carb_anhydraseEukaryotic-type carbonic anhydrase |
SMART accession number: | SM01057 |
Description: | Carbonic anhydrases are zinc metalloenzymes which catalyse the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate (PUBMED:18336305), (PUBMED:10978542). CAs have essential roles in facilitating the transport of carbon dioxide and protons in the intracellular space, across biological membranes and in the layers of the extracellular space; they are also involved in many other processes, from respiration and photosynthesis in eukaryotes to cyanate degradation in prokaryotes. There are five known evolutionarily distinct CA families (alpha, beta, gamma, delta and epsilon) that have no significant sequence identity and have structurally distinct overall folds. Some CAs are membrane-bound, while others act in the cytosol; there are several related proteins that lack enzymatic activity. The active site of alpha-CAs is well described, consisting of a zinc ion coordinated through 3 histidine residues and a water molecule/hydroxide ion that acts as a potent nucleophile. The enzyme employs a two-step mechanism: in the first step, there is a nucleophilic attack of a zinc-bound hydroxide ion on carbon dioxide; in the second step, the active site is regenerated by the ionisation of the zinc-bound water molecule and the removal of a proton from the active site (PUBMED:9336012). Beta- and gamma-CAs also employ a zinc hydroxide mechanism, although at least some beta-class enzymes do not have water directly coordinated to the metal ion. |
Interpro abstract (IPR001148): | This entry represents a domain characteristic of alpha class carbonic anhydrases. The dominating secondary structure is a 10-stranded, twisted beta-sheet, which divides the molecules into two halves [ (PUBMED:9336012) ]. Alpha-CAs contain a single zinc atom bound to three conserved histidine residues. The catalytically active group is the zinc-bound water which ionizes to a hydroxide group. In the mechanism of catalysis, nucleophilic attack of CO2 by a zinc-bound hydroxide ion is followed by displacement of the resulting zinc-bound bicarbonate ion by water; subsequent deprotonation regenerates the nucleophilic zinc-bound hydroxide ion [ (PUBMED:8673298) (PUBMED:11493685) ]. A carbonic anhydrase-like domain with striking homology to that of the alpha class carbonic anhydrases is also found in receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase gamma and zeta. In this case it may have a different function, as only one of the three His residues that ligate the zinc atom and are required for catalytic activity is conserved [ (PUBMED:8382771) ]. Carbonic anhydrases (CA: EC ) are zinc metalloenzymes which catalyse the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate [ (PUBMED:18336305) (PUBMED:10978542) ]. The alpha-CAs are found predominantly in animals but also in bacteria and green algae. There are at least 15 isoforms found in mammals, which can be subdivided into cytosolic CAs (CA-I, CA-II, CA-III, CA-VII and CA XIII), mitochondrial CAs (CA-VA and CA-VB), secreted CAs (CA-VI), membrane-associated (CA-IV, CA-IX, CA-XII and CA-XIV) and those without CA activity, the CA-related proteins (CA-RP VIII, X and XI). |
Family alignment: |
There are 15947 Carb_anhydrase domains in 15811 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing Carb_anhydrase domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with Carb_anhydrase domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing Carb_anhydrase domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Cellular role: metabolism
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Supuran CT
- Carbonic anhydrases--an overview.
- Curr Pharm Des. 2008; 14: 603-14
- Display abstract
Carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC are widespread metalloenzymes allover the phylogenetic tree, with at least 4 distinct gene familiesencoding for them. At least 16 different alpha-CA isoforms were isolatedin mammals, where these enzymes play crucial physiological roles.Representatives of the beta-delta-CA family are highly abundant in plants,diatoms, eubacteria and archaea. These enzymes are efficient catalysts forthe reversible hydration of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate, but at leastthe alpha-CAs possess a high versatility, being able to catalyze differentother hydrolytic processes The catalytic mechanism of the alpha-CAs isunderstood in detail: the active site consists of a Zn(II) ionco-ordinated by three histidine residues and a water molecule/hydroxideion. The latter is the active species, acting as a potent nucleophile. Forbeta- and gamma-CAs, the zinc hydroxide mechanism is valid too, althoughat least some beta-class enzymes do not have water directly coordinated tothe metal ion. CAs are inhibited by two classes of compounds: the metalcomplexing anions and the sulfonamides and their isosteres (sulfamates,sulfamides etc.) possessing the general formula RXSO(2)NH(2) (R = aryl;hetaryl; perhaloalkyl; X = nothing, O or NH). At least 25 clinically useddrugs/agents in clinical development show applications as diuretics andantiglaucoma drugs, anticonvulsants, with some compounds being developedas anticancer agents/diagnostic tools for tumors, antiobesity agents, andantimicrobials/antifungals (inhibitors targeting CAs from pathogenicorganisms such as Helicobacter pylori, Mycobacterium tuberculosis,Plasmodium falciparum, Candida albicans, etc). Several importantphysiological and physio-pathological functions are played by CA isozymespresent in organisms all over the phylogenetic tree, related torespiration and transport of CO(2)/bicarbonate between metabolizingtissues and the lungs, pH and CO(2) homeostasis, electrolyte secretion ina variety of tissues/organs, biosynthetic reactions, such as thegluconeogenesis and ureagenesis among others (in animals), CO(2) fixation(in plants and algae), etc. The presence of these ubiquitous enzymes in somany tissues and in so different isoforms, represents an attractive goalfor the design of inhibitors or activators with biomedical applications.
- Smith KS, Ferry JG
- Prokaryotic carbonic anhydrases.
- FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2000; 24: 335-66
- Display abstract
Carbonic anhydrases catalyze the reversible hydration of CO(2)[CO(2)+H(2)Oright harpoon over left harpoon HCO(3)(-)+H(+)]. Since thediscovery of this zinc (Zn) metalloenzyme in erythrocytes over 65 yearsago, carbonic anhydrase has not only been found in virtually all mammaliantissues but is also abundant in plants and green unicellular algae. Theenzyme is important to many eukaryotic physiological processes such asrespiration, CO(2) transport and photosynthesis. Although ubiquitous inhighly evolved organisms from the Eukarya domain, the enzyme has receivedscant attention in prokaryotes from the Bacteria and Archaea domains andhas been purified from only five species since it was first identified inNeisseria sicca in 1963. Recent work has shown that carbonic anhydrase iswidespread in metabolically diverse species from both the Archaea andBacteria domains indicating that the enzyme has a more extensive andfundamental role in prokaryotic biology than previously recognized. Aremarkable feature of carbonic anhydrase is the existence of threedistinct classes (designated alpha, beta and gamma) that have nosignificant sequence identity and were invented independently. Thus, thecarbonic anhydrase classes are excellent examples of convergent evolutionof catalytic function. Genes encoding enzymes from all three classes havebeen identified in the prokaryotes with the beta and gamma classespredominating. All of the mammalian isozymes (including the 10 humanisozymes) belong to the alpha class; however, only nine alpha classcarbonic anhydrase genes have thus far been found in the Bacteria domainand none in the Archaea domain. The beta class is comprised of enzymesfrom the chloroplasts of both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plantsas well as enzymes from phylogenetically diverse species from the Archaeaand Bacteria domains. The only gamma class carbonic anhydrase that hasthus far been isolated and characterized is from the methanoarchaeonMethanosarcina thermophila. Interestingly, many prokaryotes containcarbonic anhydrase genes from more than one class; some even contain genesfrom all three known classes. In addition, some prokaryotes containmultiple genes encoding carbonic anhydrases from the same class. Thepresence of multiple carbonic anhydrase genes within a species underscoresthe importance of this enzyme in prokaryotic physiology; however, therole(s) of this enzyme is still largely unknown. Even though most of theinformation known about the function(s) of carbonic anhydrase primarilyrelates to its role in cyanobacterial CO(2) fixation, the prokaryoticenzyme has also been shown to function in cyanate degradation and thesurvival of intracellular pathogens within their host. Investigations intoprokaryotic carbonic anhydrase have already led to the identification of anew class (gamma) and future research will undoubtedly reveal novelfunctions for carbonic anhydrase in prokaryotes.
- Lindskog S
- Structure and mechanism of carbonic anhydrase.
- Pharmacol Ther. 1997; 74: 1-20
- Display abstract
Carbonic anhydrase (CA; carbonate hydro-lyase, EC is azinc-containing enzyme that catalyzes the reversible hydration of carbondioxide: CO2+ H2O<-->HCO3(-)+H+. The enzyme is the target for drugs, suchas acetazolamide, methazolamide, and dichlorphenamide, for the treatmentof glaucoma. There are three evolutionarily unrelated CA families,designated alpha, beta, and gamma. All known CAs from the animal kingdomare of the alpha type. There are seven mammalian CA isozymes withdifferent tissue distributions and intracellular locations, CA I-VII.Crystal structures of human CA I and II, bovine CA III, and murine CA Vhave been determined. All of them have the same tertiary fold, with acentral 10-stranded beta-sheet as the dominating secondary structureelement. The zinc ion is located in a cone-shaped cavity and coordinatedto three histidyl residues and a solvent molecule. Inhibitors bind at ornear the metal center guided by a hydrogen-bonded system comprisingGlu-106 and Thr-199. The catalytic mechanism of CA II has been studied inparticular detail. It involves an attack of zinc-bound OH- on a CO2molecule loosely bound in a hydrophobic pocket. The resultingzinc-coordinated HCO3- ion is displaced from the metal ion by H2O. Therate-limiting step is an intramolecular proton transfer from thezinc-bound water molecule to His-64, which serves as a proton shuttlebetween the metal center and buffer molecules in the reaction medium.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of Carb_anhydrase domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 12ca ALTERING THE MOUTH OF A HYDROPHOBIC POCKET. STRUCTURE AND KINETICS OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II MUTANTS AT RESIDUE VAL-121 1a42 HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH BRINZOLAMIDE 1am6 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INHIBITOR: ACETOHYDROXAMATE 1avn HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH THE HISTAMINE ACTIVATOR 1azm DRUG-PROTEIN INTERACTIONS: STRUCTURE OF SULFONAMIDE DRUG COMPLEXED WITH HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE I 1bcd X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE OF A COMPLEX BETWEEN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II AND A NEW TOPICAL INHIBITOR, TRIFLUOROMETHANE SULPHONAMIDE 1bic CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF THR-200-> HIS HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II AND ITS COMPLEX WITH THE SUBSTRATE, HCO3- 1bn1 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INHIBITOR 1bn3 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INHIBITOR 1bn4 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INHIBITOR 1bnm CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INHIBITOR 1bnn CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INHIBITOR 1bnq CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INHIBITOR 1bnt CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INHIBITOR 1bnu CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INHIBITOR 1bnv CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INHIBITOR 1bnw CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INHIBITOR 1bv3 HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH UREA 1bzm DRUG-PROTEIN INTERACTIONS: STRUCTURE OF SULFONAMIDE DRUG COMPLEXED WITH HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE I 1ca2 REFINED STRUCTURE OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II AT 2.0 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1ca3 UNEXPECTED PH-DEPENDENT CONFORMATION OF HIS-64, THE PROTON SHUTTLE OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II. 1cah STRUCTURE OF COBALT CARBONIC ANHYDRASE COMPLEXED WITH BICARBONATE 1cai STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE ZINC HYDROXIDE-THR 199-GLU 106 HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1caj STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE ZINC HYDROXIDE-THR 199-GLU 106 HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1cak STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE ZINC HYDROXIDE-THR 199-GLU 106 HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1cal STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE ZINC HYDROXIDE-THR 199-GLU 106 HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1cam STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE ZINC HYDROXIDE-THR 199-GLU 106 HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1can CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF THE BINDING OF PROTONATED AND UNPROTONATED INHIBITORS TO CARBONIC ANHYDRASE USING HYDROGEN SULPHIDE AND NITRATE ANIONS 1cao CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF THE BINDING OF PROTONATED AND UNPROTONATED INHIBITORS TO CARBONIC ANHYDRASE USING HYDROGEN SULPHIDE AND NITRATE ANIONS 1cay WILD-TYPE AND E106Q MUTANT CARBONIC ANHYDRASE COMPLEXED WITH ACETATE 1caz WILD-TYPE AND E106Q MUTANT CARBONIC ANHYDRASE COMPLEXED WITH ACETATE 1ccs STRUCTURE-ASSISTED REDESIGN OF A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE WITH FEMTOMOLAR AFFINITY 1cct STRUCTURE-ASSISTED REDESIGN OF A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE WITH FEMTOMOLAR AFFINITY 1ccu STRUCTURE-ASSISTED REDESIGN OF A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE WITH FEMTOMOLAR AFFINITY 1cil THE POSITIONS OF HIS-64 AND A BOUND WATER IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II UPON BINDING THREE STRUCTURALLY RELATED INHIBITORS 1cim THE POSITIONS OF HIS-64 AND A BOUND WATER IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II UPON BINDING THREE STRUCTURALLY RELATED INHIBITORS 1cin THE POSITIONS OF HIS-64 AND A BOUND WATER IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II UPON BINDING THREE STRUCTURALLY RELATED INHIBITORS 1cnb COMPENSATORY PLASTIC EFFECTS IN THE REDESIGN OF PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITES 1cnc COMPENSATORY PLASTIC EFFECTS IN THE REDESIGN OF PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITES 1cng X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF ENGINEERED HYDROGEN BOND NETWORKS IN A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE 1cnh X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF ENGINEERED HYDROGEN BOND NETWORKS IN A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE 1cni X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF ENGINEERED HYDROGEN BOND NETWORKS IN A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE 1cnj X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF ENGINEERED HYDROGEN BOND NETWORKS IN A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE 1cnk X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF ENGINEERED HYDROGEN BOND NETWORKS IN A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE 1cnw SECONDARY INTERACTIONS SIGNIFICANTLY REMOVED FROM THE SULFONAMIDE BINDING POCKET OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INFLUENCE BINDING CONSTANTS 1cnx SECONDARY INTERACTIONS SIGNIFICANTLY REMOVED FROM THE SULFONAMIDE BINDING POCKET OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INFLUENCE BINDING CONSTANTS 1cny SECONDARY INTERACTIONS SIGNIFICANTLY REMOVED FROM THE SULFONAMIDE BINDING POCKET OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II INFLUENCE BINDING CONSTANTS 1cra THE COMPLEX BETWEEN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II AND THE AROMATIC INHIBITOR 1,2,4-TRIAZOLE 1crm STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASES 1cva STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL IMPORTANCE OF A CONSERVED HYDROGEN BOND NETWORK IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1cvb STRUCTURAL AND FUNCTIONAL IMPORTANCE OF A CONSERVED HYDROGEN BOND NETWORK IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1cvc REDESIGNING THE ZINC BINDING SITE OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II: STRUCTURE OF A HIS2ASP-ZN2+ METAL COORDINATION POLYHEDRON 1cvd STRUCTURAL CONSEQUENCES OF REDESIGNING A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE 1cve STRUCTURAL CONSEQUENCES OF REDESIGNING A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE 1cvf STRUCTURAL CONSEQUENCES OF REDESIGNING A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE 1cvh STRUCTURAL CONSEQUENCES OF REDESIGNING A PROTEIN-ZINC BINDING SITE 1czm DRUG-PROTEIN INTERACTIONS: STRUCTURE OF SULFONAMIDE DRUG COMPLEXED WITH HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE I 1dca STRUCTURE OF AN ENGINEERED METAL BINDING SITE IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II REVEALS THE ARCHITECTURE OF A REGULATORY CYSTEINE SWITCH 1dcb STRUCTURE OF AN ENGINEERED METAL BINDING SITE IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II REVEALS THE ARCHITECTURE OF A REGULATORY CYSTEINE SWITCH 1dmx MURINE MITOCHONDRIAL CARBONIC ANYHDRASE V AT 2.45 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1dmy COMPLEX BETWEEN MURINE MITOCHONDRIAL CARBONIC ANYHDRASE V AND THE TRANSITION STATE ANALOGUE ACETAZOLAMIDE 1eou CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH AN ANTICONVULSANT SUGAR SULFAMATE 1f2w THE MECHANISM OF CYANAMIDE HYDRATION CATALYZED BY CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II REVEALED BY CRYOGENIC X-RAY DIFFRACTION 1flj CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF S-GLUTATHIOLATED CARBONIC ANHYDRASE III 1fql X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ZINC-BOUND F95M/W97V CARBONIC ANHYDRASE (CAII) VARIANT 1fqm X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ZINC-BOUND F93I/F95M/W97V CARBONIC ANHYDRASE (CAII) VARIANT 1fqn X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF METAL-FREE F93I/F95M/W97V CARBONIC ANHYDRASE (CAII) VARIANT 1fqr X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF COBALT-BOUND F93I/F95M/W97V CARBONIC ANHYDRASE (CAII) VARIANT 1fr4 X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF COPPER-BOUND F93I/F95M/W97V CARBONIC ANHYDRASE (CAII) VARIANT 1fr7 X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ZINC-BOUND F93S/F95L/W97M CARBONIC ANHYDRASE (CAII) VARIANT 1fsn X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF METAL-FREE F93S/F95L/W97M CARBONIC ANHYDRASE (CAII) VARIANT 1fsq X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF COBALT-BOUND F93S/F95L/W97M CARBONIC ANHYDRASE (CAII) VARIANT 1fsr X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF COPPER-BOUND F93S/F95L/W97M CARBONIC ANHYDRASE (CAII) VARIANT 1g0e SITE-SPECIFIC MUTANT (HIS64 REPLACED WITH ALA) OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH 4-METHYLIMIDAZOLE 1g0f SITE-SPECIFIC MUTANT (HIS64 REPLACED WITH ALA) OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1g1d CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2-FLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1g3z CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) 1g45 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2-FLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1g46 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2,3-DIFLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1g48 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2,6-DIFLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1g4j CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2,3,4,5,6-PENTAFLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1g4o CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-PHENYLMETHYLBENZAMIDE 1g52 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2,3-DIFLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1g53 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2,6-DIFLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1g54 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2,3,4,5,6-PENTAFLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1g6v Complex of the camelid heavy-chain antibody fragment CAB-CA05 with bovine carbonic anhydrase 1h4n H94N CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH TRIS 1h9n H119N CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1h9q H119Q CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1hca UNEXPECTED PH-DEPENDENT CONFORMATION OF HIS-64, THE PROTON SHUTTLE OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II. 1hcb ENZYME-SUBSTRATE INTERACTIONS: STRUCTURE OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE I COMPLEXED WITH BICARBONATE 1hea CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (CARBONATE DEHYDRATASE) (HCA II) (E.C. MUTANT WITH LEU 198 REPLACED BY ARG (L198R) 1heb STRUCTURAL CONSEQUENCES OF HYDROPHILIC AMINO-ACID SUBSTITUTIONS IN THE HYDROPHOBIC POCKET OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1hec STRUCTURAL CONSEQUENCES OF HYDROPHILIC AMINO-ACID SUBSTITUTIONS IN THE HYDROPHOBIC POCKET OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1hed STRUCTURAL CONSEQUENCES OF HYDROPHILIC AMINO-ACID SUBSTITUTIONS IN THE HYDROPHOBIC POCKET OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1hug DIFFERENCES IN ANIONIC INHIBITION OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE I REVEALED FROM THE STRUCTURES OF IODIDE AND GOLD CYANIDE INHIBITOR COMPLEXES 1huh DIFFERENCES IN ANIONIC INHIBITION OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE I REVEALED FROM THE STRUCTURES OF IODIDE AND GOLD CYANIDE INHIBITOR COMPLEXES 1hva ENGINEERING THE ZINC BINDING SITE OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II: STRUCTURE OF THE HIS-94-> CYS APOENZYME IN A NEW CRYSTALLINE FORM 1i8z CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH AL-6629 2H-THIENO[3,2-E]-1,2-THIAZINE-6-SULFONAMIDE, 2-(3-METHOXYPHENYL)-3-(4-MORPHOLINYL)-, 1,1-DIOXIDE 1i90 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH AL-8520 2H-THIENO[3,2-E]-1,2-THIAZINE-6-SULFONAMIDE, 4-AMINO-3,4-DIHYDRO-2-(3-METHOXYPROPYL)-, 1,1-DIOXIDE, (R) 1i91 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH AL-6619 2H-THIENO[3,2-E]-1,2-THIAZINE-6-SULFONAMIDE, 2-(3-HYDROXYPHENYL)-3-(4-MORPHOLINYL)-, 1,1-DIOXIDE 1i9l CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(4-FLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1i9m CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2,4-DIFLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1i9n CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2,5-DIFLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1i9o CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2,3,4-TRIFLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1i9p CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(2,4,6-TRIFLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1i9q CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II (F131V) COMPLEXED WITH 4-(AMINOSULFONYL)-N-[(3,4,5-TRIFLUOROPHENYL)METHYL]-BENZAMIDE 1if4 Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed With 4-fluorobenzenesulfonamide 1if5 Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed With 2,6-difluorobenzenesulfonamide 1if6 Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed With 3,5-difluorobenzenesulfonamide 1if7 Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed With (R)-N-(3-Indol-1-yl-2-methyl-propyl)-4-sulfamoyl-benzamide 1if8 Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed With (S)-N-(3-Indol-1-yl-2-methyl-propyl)-4-sulfamoyl-benzamide 1if9 Carbonic Anhydrase II Complexed With N-[2-(1H-Indol-5-yl)-butyl]-4-sulfamoyl-benzamide 1j9w Solution Structure of the CAI Michigan 1 Variant 1jcz CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE EXTRACELLULAR DOMAIN OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE XII 1jd0 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE EXTRACELLULAR DOMAIN OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE XII COMPLEXED WITH ACETAZOLAMIDE 1jv0 THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ZINC(II) ADDUCT OF THE CAI MICHIGAN 1 VARIANT 1keq Crystal Structure of F65A/Y131C Carbonic Anhydrase V, covalently modified with 4-chloromethylimidazole 1kop NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE CARBONIC ANHYDRASE 1koq NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE CARBONIC ANHYDRASE 1kwq HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH INHIBITOR 2000-07 1kwr HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH INHIBITOR 0134-36 1lg5 Crystal Structure Analysis of the HCA II Mutant T199P in complex with beta-mercaptoethanol 1lg6 Crystal Structure Analysis of HCA II Mutant T199P in Complex with Thiocyanate 1lgd Crystal Structure Analysis of HCA II Mutant T199P in Complex with Bicarbonate 1lug Full Matrix Error Analysis of Carbonic Anhydrase 1lzv Site-Specific Mutant (Tyr7 replaced with His) of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1moo Site Specific Mutant (H64A) of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II at high resolution 1mua STRUCTURE AND ENERGETICS OF A NON-PROLINE CIS-PEPTIDYL LINKAGE IN AN ENGINEERED PROTEIN 1okl CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEX WITH THE 1OKL INHIBITOR 5-DIMETHYLAMINO-NAPHTHALENE-1-SULFONAMIDE 1okm CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEX WITH THE 1OKM INHIBITOR 4-SULFONAMIDE-[1-(4-AMINOBUTANE)]BENZAMIDE 1okn CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEX WITH THE 1OKN INHIBITOR 4-SULFONAMIDE-[1-(4-N-(5-FLUORESCEIN THIOUREA)BUTANE)] 1oq5 CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II IN COMPLEX WITH NANOMOLAR INHIBITOR 1ray THE STRUCTURE OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II IN COMPLEX WITH BROMIDE AND AZIDE 1raz THE STRUCTURE OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II IN COMPLEX WITH BROMIDE AND AZIDE 1rj5 Crystal Structure of the Extracellular Domain of Murine Carbonic Anhydrase XIV 1rj6 Crystal Structure of the Extracellular Domain of Murine Carbonic Anhydrase XIV in Complex with Acetazolamide 1rza X-RAY ANALYSIS OF METAL SUBSTITUTED HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II DERIVATIVES 1rzb X-RAY ANALYSIS OF METAL SUBSTITUTED HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II DERIVATIVES 1rzc X-RAY ANALYSIS OF METAL SUBSTITUTED HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II DERIVATIVES 1rzd X-RAY ANALYSIS OF METAL SUBSTITUTED HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II DERIVATIVES 1rze X-RAY ANALYSIS OF METAL SUBSTITUTED HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II DERIVATIVES 1t9n Effect of Shuttle Location and pH Environment on H+ Transfer in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1tb0 Effect of Shuttle Location and pH Environment on H+ Transfer in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1tbt Effect of Shuttle Location and pH Environment on H+ Transfer in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1te3 Effect of Shuttle Location and pH Environment on H+ Transfer in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1teq Effect of Shuttle Location and pH Environment on H+ Transfer in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1teu Effect of Shuttle Location and pH Environment on H+ Transfer in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1tg3 Effect of Shuttle Location and pH Environment on H+ Transfer in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1tg9 Effect of Shuttle Location and pH Environment on H+ Transfer in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1th9 Effect of Shuttle Location and pH Environment on H+ Transfer in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1thk Effect of Shuttle Location and pH Environment on H+ Transfer in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1ttm Human carbonic anhydrase II complexed with 667-coumate 1uga HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II[HCAII] (E.C. MUTANT WITH ALA 65 REPLACED BY PHE (A65F) 1ugb HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II[HCAII] (E.C. MUTANT WITH ALA 65 REPLACED BY GLY (A65G) 1ugc HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II [HCAII] (E.C. MUTANT WITH ALA 65 REPLACED BY HIS (A65H) 1ugd HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II[HCAII] (E.C. MUTANT WITH ALA 65 REPLACED BY SER (A65S) 1uge HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II [HCAII] (E.C. MUTANT WITH ALA 65 REPLACED BY LEU (A65L) 1ugf HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II [HCAII] (E.C. MUTANT WITH ALA 65 REPLACED BY THR (A65T) 1ugg HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II[HCAII] (E.C. MUTANT WITH ALA 65 REPLACED BY SER (A65S)-ORTHORHOMBIC FORM 1urt MURINE CARBONIC ANHYDRASE V 1v9e Crystal Structure Analysis of Bovine Carbonic Anhydrase II 1v9i Crystal Structure Analysis of the site specific mutant (Q253C) of bovine carbonic anhydrase II 1xeg Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II complexed with an acetate ion 1xev Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in a new crystal form 1xpz Structure of human carbonic anhydrase II with 4-[4-O-sulfamoylbenzyl)(4-cyanophenyl)amino]-4H-[1,2,4]-triazole 1xq0 Structure of human carbonic anhydrase II with 4-[(3-bromo-4-O-sulfamoylbenzyl)(4-cyanophenyl)amino]-4H-[1,2,4]-triazole 1y7w Crystal structure of a halotolerant carbonic anhydrase from Dunaliella salina 1yda STRUCTURAL BASIS OF INHIBITOR AFFINITY TO VARIANTS OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1ydb STRUCTURAL BASIS OF INHIBITOR AFFINITY TO VARIANTS OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1ydc STRUCTURAL BASIS OF INHIBITOR AFFINITY TO VARIANTS OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1ydd STRUCTURAL BASIS OF INHIBITOR AFFINITY TO VARIANTS OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 1yo0 Proton Transfer from His200 in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1yo1 Proton Transfer from His200 in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1yo2 Proton Transfer from His200 in Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 1z93 Human Carbonic Anhydrase III:Structural and Kinetic study of Catalysis and Proton Transfer. 1z97 Human Carbonic Anhydrase III: Structural and Kinetic Study of Catalysis and Proton Transfer. 1z9y carbonic anhydrase II in complex with furosemide as sulfonamide inhibitor 1ze8 Carbonic anhydrase II in complex with a membrane-impermeant sulfonamide inhibitor 1zfk carbonic anhydrase II in complex with N-4-sulfonamidphenyl-N'-4-methylbenzosulfonylurease as sulfonamide inhibitor 1zfq carbonic anhydrase II in complex with ethoxzolamidphenole as sulfonamide inhibitor 1zge carbonic anhydrase II in complex with p-Sulfonamido-o,o'-dichloroaniline as sulfonamide inhibitor 1zgf carbonic anhydrase II in complex with trichloromethiazide as sulfonamide inhibitor 1zh9 carbonic anhydrase II in complex with N-4-Methyl-1-piperazinyl-N'-(p-sulfonamide)phenylthiourea as sulfonamide inhibitor 1znc HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE IV 1zsa CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II MUTANT E117Q, APO FORM 1zsb CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II MUTANT E117Q, TRANSITION STATE ANALOGUE ACETAZOLAMIDE 1zsc CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II MUTANT E117Q, HOLO FORM 2abe Carbonic anhydrase activators: X-ray crystal structure of the adduct of human isozyme II with L-histidine as a platform for the design of stronger activators 2aw1 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Valdecoxib binds to a different active site region of the human isoform II as compared to the structurally related cyclooxygenase II ""selective"" inhibitor Celecoxib 2ax2 Production and X-ray crystallographic analysis of fully deuterated human carbonic anhydrase II 2ca2 CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF INHIBITOR BINDING SITES IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II. A PENTACOORDINATED BINDING OF THE SCN-ION TO THE ZINC AT HIGH P*H 2cab STRUCTURE, REFINEMENT AND FUNCTION OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE ISOZYMES. REFINEMENT OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE I 2cba STRUCTURE OF NATIVE AND APO CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II AND SOME OF ITS ANION-LIGAND COMPLEXES 2cbb STRUCTURE OF NATIVE AND APO CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II AND SOME OF ITS ANION-LIGAND COMPLEXES 2cbc STRUCTURE OF NATIVE AND APO CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II AND SOME OF ITS ANION-LIGAND COMPLEXES 2cbd STRUCTURE OF NATIVE AND APO CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II AND SOME OF ITS ANION-LIGAND COMPLEXES 2cbe STRUCTURE OF NATIVE AND APO CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II AND SOME OF ITS ANION-LIGAND COMPLEXES 2eu2 Human Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with novel inhibitors 2eu3 Human Carbonic anhydrase II in complex with novel inhibitors 2ez7 Carbonic anhydrase activators. Activation of isozymes I, II, IV, VA, VII and XIV with L- and D-histidine and crystallographic analysis of their adducts with isoform II: engineering proton transfer processes within the active site of an enzyme 2f14 Tne Crystal Structure of the Human Carbonic Anhydrase II in Complex with a Fluorescent Inhibitor 2fmg Carbonic anhydrase activators. Activation of isoforms I, II, IV, VA, VII and XIV with L- and D- phenylalanine and crystallographic analysis of their adducts with isozyme II: sterospecific recognition within the active site of an enzyme and its consequences for the drug design, structure with L-phenylalanine 2fmz Carbonic anhydrase activators. Activation of isoforms I, II, IV, VA, VII and XIV with L- and D- phenylalanine, structure with D-Phenylalanine. 2fnk Activation of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II by exogenous proton donors 2fnm Activation of human carbonic anhdyrase II by exogenous proton donors 2fnn Activation of human carbonic anhydrase II by exogenous proton donors 2foq Human Carbonic Anhydrase II complexed with two-prong inhibitors 2fos Human Carbonic Anhydrase II complexed with two-prong inhibitors 2fou Human Carbonic Anhydrase II complexed with two-prong inhibitors 2fov Human Carbonic Anhydrase II complexed with two-prong inhibitors 2foy Human Carbonic Anhydrase I complexed with a two-prong inhibitor 2fw4 Carbonic anhydrase activators. The first X-ray crystallographic study of an activator of isoform I, structure with L-histidine. 2gd8 Crystal structure analysis of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with a 2-substituted estradiol bis-sulfamate 2geh N-Hydroxyurea, a versatile zinc binding function in the design of metalloenzyme inhibitors 2h15 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Clashing with Ala65 as a means of designing isozyme-selective inhibitors that show low affinity for the ubiquitous isozyme II 2h4n H94N CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II COMPLEXED WITH ACETAZOLAMIDE 2hd6 Crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with a hypoxia-activatable sulfonamide. 2hfw Structural and kinetic analysis of proton shuttle residues in the active site of human carbonic anhydrase III 2hkk Carbonic anhydrase activators: Solution and X-ray crystallography for the interaction of andrenaline with various carbonic anhydrase isoforms 2hl4 Crystal structure analysis of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with a benzenesulfonamide derivative 2hnc Crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with the 5-amino-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide inhibitor. 2hoc Crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with the 5-(4-amino-3-chloro-5-fluorophenylsulfonamido)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-sulfonamide inhibitor 2ili Refine atomic structure of human carbonic anhydrase II 2it4 X ray structure of the complex between Carbonic Anhydrase I and the phosphonate antiviral drug foscarnet 2nmx Structure of inhibitor binding to Carbonic Anhydrase I 2nn1 Structure of inhibitor binding to Carbonic Anhydrase I 2nn7 Structure of inhibitor binding to Carbonic Anhydrase I 2nng Structure of inhibitor binding to Carbonic Anhydrase II 2nno Structure of inhibitor binding to Carbonic Anhydrase II 2nns Structure of inhibitor binding to Carbonic Anhydrase II 2nnv Structure of inhibitor binding to Carbonic Anhydrase II 2nwo Structural and kinetic effect of hydrophobic mutations in the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II 2nwp Structural and kinetic effects of hydrophobic mutations in the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II 2nwy Structural and kinetic effects of hydrophobic mutations on the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II 2nwz Structural and kinetic effects of hydrophobic mutations on the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II 2nxr Structural effects of hydrophobic mutations on the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II 2nxs Structural and kinetic effects of hydrophobic mutations in the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II 2nxt Structural and kinetic effects of hydrophobic mutations in the active site of human carbonic anhydrase II 2o4z Crystal structure of the Carbonic Anhydrase II complexed with hydroxysulfamide inhibitor 2osf Inhibition of Carbonic Anhydrase II by Thioxolone: A Mechanistic and Structural Study 2osm Inhibition of Carbonic Anhydrase II by Thioxolone: A Mechanistic and Structural Study 2pou The crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with 4,5-dichloro-benzene-1,3-disulfonamide 2pov The crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with 4-amino-6-chloro-benzene-1,3-disulfonamide 2pow The crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with 4-amino-6-trifluoromethyl-benzene-1,3-disulfonamide 2q1b Carbonic Anhydrase II in Complex with Saccharin 2q1q Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Interaction of the antiepileptic drug sulthiame with twelve mammalian isoforms: kinetic and X-Ray crystallographic studies 2q38 Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with Saccharin at 1.95 Angstrom 2qo8 Crystal structure of the complex of hcaii with an indane-sulfonamide inhibitor 2qoa Crystal structure of the complex of hcaii with an indane-sulfonamide inhibitor 2qp6 The crystal structure of the complex of hcaII with a bioreductive antitumor derivative 2vva Human carbonic anhydrase in complex with CO2 2vvb Human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with bicarbonate 2w2j Crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase related protein VIII 2wd2 A chimeric microtubule disruptor with efficacy on a taxane resistant cell line 2wd3 Highly Potent First Examples of Dual Aromatase-Steroid Sulfatase Inhibitors based on a Biphenyl Template 2weg Thermodynamic Optimisation of Carbonic Anhydrase Fragment Inhibitors 2weh Thermodynamic Optimisation of Carbonic Anhydrase Fragment Inhibitors 2wej Thermodynamic Optimisation of Carbonic Anhydrase Fragment Inhibitors 2weo Thermodynamic Optimisation of Carbonic Anhydrase Fragment Inhibitors 2x7s Structures of human carbonic anhydrase II inhibitor complexes reveal a second binding site for steroidal and non-steroidal inhibitors. 2x7t Structures of human carbonic anhydrase II inhibitor complexes reveal a second binding site for steroidal and non-steroidal inhibitors. 2x7u Structures of human carbonic anhydrase II inhibitor complexes reveal a second binding site for steroidal and non-steroidal inhibitors. 2znc MURINE CARBONIC ANHYDRASE IV 3b1b The unique structure of wild type carbonic anhydrase alpha-CA1 from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 3b4f Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Interaction of 2-(hydrazinocarbonyl)-3-phenyl-1H-indole-5-sulfonamide with twelve mammalian isoforms: kinetic and X-Ray crystallographic studies 3bet Crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with STX 641 at 1.85 angstroms resolution 3bl0 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Interaction of 2-N,N-Dimethylamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole-5-methanesulfonamide with twelve mammalian isoforms: kinetic and X-Ray crystallographic studies 3bl1 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Sulfonamide diuretics revisited old leads for new applications 3c7p Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with STX237 3ca2 CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF INHIBITOR BINDING SITES IN HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II. A PENTACOORDINATED BINDING OF THE SCN-ION TO THE ZINC AT HIGH P*H 3caj Crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with ethoxzolamide 3cyu Human Carbonic Anhydrase II complexed with Cryptophane biosensor and xenon 3czv Crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase XIII in complex with acetazolamide 3d0n Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase XIII 3d8w Use of a carbonic Anhydrase II, IX Active-site Mimic, for the Purpose of Screening Inhibitors for Possible Anti-Cancer Properties 3d92 Human carbonic anhydrase II bound with substrate carbon dioxide 3d93 Apo Human carbonic anhydrase II bound with substrate carbon dioxide 3d9z Use of Carbonic Anhydrase II, IX Active-Site Mimic, for the Purpose of Screening Inhibitors for Possible Anti-Cancer Properties 3da2 X-ray structure of human carbonic anhydrase 13 in complex with inhibitor 3daz Use of Carbonic Anhydrase II, IX Active-Site Mimic, for the Purpose of Screening Inhibitors for Possible Anti-Cancer Properties 3dbu Use of Carbonic Anhydrase II, IX Active-Site Mimic, for the Purpose of Screening Inhibitors for Possible Anti-Cancer Properties 3dc3 Use of Carbonic Anhydrase II, IX Active-Site Mimic, for the Purpose of Screening Inhibitors for Possible Anti-Cancer Properties 3dc9 Use of Carbonic Anhydrase II, IX Active-Site Mimic, for the Purpose of Screening Inhibitors for Possible Anti-Cancer Properties 3dcc Use of Carbonic Anhydrase II, IX Active-Site Mimic, for the Purpose of Screening Inhibitors for Possible Anti-Cancer Properties 3dcs Use of Carbonic Anhydrase II, IX Active-Site Mimic, for the Purpose of Screening Inhibitors for Possible Anti-Cancer Properties 3dcw Use of Carbonic Anhydrase II, IX Active-Site Mimic, for the Purpose of Screening Inhibitors for Possible Anti-Cancer Properties 3dd0 Use of Carbonic Anhydrase II, IX Active-Site Mimic, for the Purpose of Screening Inhibitors for Possible Anti-Cancer Properties 3dd8 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Interaction of the antitumor sulfamate EMD-486019 with twelve mammalian isoforms: kinetic and X-Ray crystallographic studies 3dv7 Role of Hydrophilic Residues in Proton Transfer During Catalysis by Human Carbonic Anhydrase II (N62A) 3dvb X-ray crystal structure of mutant N62V human Carbonic Anhydrase II 3dvc X-ray crystal structure of mutant N62T of human Carbonic Anhydrase II 3dvd X-ray crystal structure of mutant N62D of human Carbonic Anhydrase II 3efi Carbonic anhydrase activators: Kinetic and X-ray crystallographic study for the interaction of d- and l-tryptophan with the mammalian isoforms I-XIV 3eft Crystal structure of the complex between Carbonic Anhydrase II and a spin-labeled sulfonamide incorporating TEMPO moiety 3f4x Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. Comparison of chlorthalidone and indapamide X-ray crystal structures in adducts with isozyme II: when three water molecules make the difference 3f7b Crystal Structure of soluble domain of CA4 in complex with small molecule. 3f7u Crystal Structure of soluble domain of CA4 in complex with small molecule. 3f8e Coumarins are a novel class of suicide carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 3fe4 Crystal Structure of Human Carbonic Anhydrase vi 3ffp X ray structure of the complex between carbonic anhydrase II and LC inhibitors 3fw3 Crystal Structure of soluble domain of CA4 in complex with Dorzolamide 3gz0 Apo-human carbonic anhydrase II revisited: Implications of the loss of a metal in protein structure, stability and solvent network 3hfp Crystal structure of teh complex between CA II and the activator MAI 3hkn Human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with (2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-acetyl-beta-D-galactopyranosyl) -(1-4)-1,2,3,6-tetra-O-acetyl-1-thio-beta-D-glucopyranosylsulfonamide 3hkq Human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with 1-S-D-Galactopyranosylsulfonamide 3hkt Human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with alpha-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1->4)-1-thio-beta-D-glucopyranosylsulfonamide 3hku Human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with topiramate 3hlj Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 3-methylthiobenzimidazo[1,2-c][1,2,3]thiadiazol-7-sulfonamide 3hs4 Human carbonic anhydrase II complexed with acetazolamide 3iai Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the tumor-associated human carbonic anhydrase IX 3ibi The crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with an aliphatic sulfamate inhibitor 3ibl The crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with an aliphatic bis-sulfamate inhibitor 3ibn The crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with an aliphatic bis-sulfamate inhibitor 3ibu The crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with an aliphatic sulfamate inhibitor 3ieo The coumarin-binding site in carbonic anhydrase: the antiepileptic lacosamide as an example 3igp Structure of inhibitor binding to Carbonic Anhydrase II 3jxf CA-like domain of human PTPRZ 3jxg CA-like domain of mouse PTPRG 3jxh CA-like domain of human PTPRG 3k2f Nitric oxide-donating carbonic anhydrase inhibitors for the treatment of open-angle glaucoma 3k34 Human carbonic anhydrase II with a sulfonamide inhibitor 3k7k Crystal structure of the complex between Carbonic Anhydrase II and anions 3kig Mutant carbonic anhydrase II in complex with an azide and an alkyne 3kkx Neutron structure of human carbonic anhydrase II 3kld PTPRG CNTN4 complex 3kne Carbonic Anhydrase II H64C mutant in complex with an in situ formed triazole 3koi Crystal structure of cobalt (III) human carbonic anhydrase II at pH 6.0 3kok Crystal structure of cobalt (II) human carbonic anhydrase II at pH 8.5 3kon Crystal structure of cobalt (II) human carbonic anhydrase II at pH 11.0 3ks3 High resolution structure of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II at 0.9 A 3kwa Polyamines inhibit carbonic anhydrases 3l14 Human Carbonic Anhydrase II complexed with Althiazide 3lxe Human Carbonic Anhydrase I in complex with topiramate 3m04 Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with novel sulfonamide inhibitor 3m14 Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with novel sulfonamide inhibitor 3m1j The crystal structure of a NAMI A-Carbonic Anhydrase II adduct discloses the mode of action of this novel anticancer metallodrug 3m1k Carbonic Anhydrase in complex with fragment 3m1q Carbonic Anhydrase II mutant W5C-H64C with opened disulfide bond 3m1w Carbonic Anhyrdase II mutant W5CH64C with closed disulfide bond in complex with sulfate 3m2n Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-{2-[N-(6-chloro-5-nitropyrimidin-4-yl)amino]ethyl}benzenesulfonamide 3m2x Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with novel sulfonamide inhibitor 3m2y Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with novel sulfonamide inhibitor 3m2z Fragment tethered to Carbonic Anhydrase II H64C mutant 3m3x Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-{2-[N-(6-methoxy-5-nitropyrimidin-4-yl)amino]ethyl}benzenesulfonamide 3m40 Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-[N-(6-chloro-5-nitropyrimidin-4-yl)amino]benzenesulfonamide 3m5e Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-{[N-(6-chloro-5-formyl-2-methylthiopyrimidin-4-yl)amino]methyl}benzenesulfonamide 3m5s Carbonic Anhydrase II mutant H64C in complex with carbonate 3m5t Fragment tethered to Carbonic Anhydrase II H64C mutant 3m67 Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 2-chloro-5-[(6,7-dihydro-1H-[1,4]dioxino[2,3-f]benzimidazol-2-ylsulfanyl)acetyl]benzenesulfonamide 3m96 Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 5-{[(5-bromo-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)sulfanyl]acetyl}-2-chlorobenzenesulfonamide 3m98 Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 5-(1H-benzimidazol-1-ylacetyl)-2-chlorobenzenesulfonamide 3mdz Crystal Structure of Human Carbonic Anhydrase VII [isoform 1], CA7 3mhc Crystal structure of human cabonic anhydrase II in adduct with an adamantyl analogue of acetazolamide in a novel hydrophobic binding pocket 3mhi Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-{[(5-nitro-6-oxo-1,6-dihydro-4-pyrimidinyl)amino]methyl}benzenesulfonamide 3mhl Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-{[N-(6-methoxy-5-nitropyrimidin-4-yl)amino]methyl}benzenesulfonamide 3mhm Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-{[N-(6-benzylamino-5-nitropyrimidin-4-yl)amino]methyl}benzenesulfonamide 3mho Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-[N-(6-chloro-5-formyl-2-methylthiopyrimidin-4-yl)amino]benzenesulfonamide 3ml2 Human carbonic anhydsase II in complex with an aryl sulfonamide inhibitor 3ml5 Crystal structure of the C183S/C217S mutant of human CA VII in complex with acetazolamide 3mmf Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with a 1,3,5-triazine-substituted benzenesulfonamide inhibitor 3mna The crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase Ii in complex with a 1,3,5-triazine-substituted benzenesulfonamide inhibitor 3mnh Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Mutant K170A 3mni Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Mutant K170D 3mnj Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Mutant K170E 3mnk Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Mutant K170H 3mnu Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: crystallographic and solution binding studies for the interaction of a boron containing aromatic sulfamide with mammalian isoforms I-XV 3mwo Human carbonic anhydrase II in a doubled monoclinic cell: a re-determination 3myq Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 2-chloro-5-[(1H-imidazo[4,5-c]quinolin-2-ylsulfanyl)acetyl]benzenesulfonamide 3mzc Human carbonic ahydrase II in complex with a benzenesulfonamide inhibitor 3n0n Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with a benzenesulfonamide inhibitor 3n2p Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with a benzenesulfonamide inhibitor 3n3j Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with a benzenesulfonamide inhibitor 3n4b Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with a benzenesulfonamide inhibitor 3nb5 Human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with 2-(3-chloro-4-hydroxyphenyl)-N-(4-sulfamoylphenethyl)acetamide 3ni5 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor: C1 family 3nj9 Crystal structure of carbonic anhydrase II in complex with a Nir inhibitor 3oik Human Carbonic anhydrase II mutant A65S, N67Q (CA IX mimic) bound by 2-Ethylestradiol 3,17-O,O-bis-sulfamate 3oil Human Carbonic anhydrase II mutant A65S, N67Q (CA IX mimic) bound by 2-Ethylestradiol 3-O-sulfamate 3oim Human Carbonic anhydrase II bound by 2-Ethylestradiol 3-O-sulfamate 3oku Human Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with 2-Ethylestrone-3-O-sulfamate 3okv Human Carbonic Anhydrase II A65S, N67Q (CA IX mimic) bound with 2-Ethylestrone 3-O-sulfamate 3oy0 Human Carbonic Anhydrase II complexed with 1-(4-(4-(2-(ISOPROPYLSULFONYL)PHENYLAMINO)-1H-PYRROLO[2,3-B]PYRIDIN-6-YLAMINO)-3-METHOXYPHENYL)PIPERIDIN-4-OL 3oyq Structure of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II complexed with 5,6-DIHYDRO-BENZO[H]CINNOLIN-3-YLAMINE 3oys Human Carbonic Anhydrase II complexed with 2-{[4-AMINO-3-(3-HYDROXYPROP-1-YN-1-YL)-1H-PYRAZOLO[3,4-D]PYRIMIDIN-1-YL]METHYL}-5-METHYL-3-(2-METHYLPHENYL)QUINAZOLIN-4(3H)-ONE 3p3h Human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with p-(5-ferrocenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)benzenesulfonamide 3p3j Human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with p-(5-ruthenocenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)benzenesulfonamide 3p44 Human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with p-(4-ruthenocenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)benzenesulfonamide 3p4v Human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with (+)-Xylariamide A 3p55 Human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with p-(4-ferrocenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)benzenesulfonamide 3p58 Human Carbonic Anhydrase in complex with Benzyl (Methyl) Carbamodithoic Acid 3p5a Human Carbonic Anhydrase complexed with Sodium morpholinocarbodithioate 3p5l Human Carbonic Anhydrase complexed with sodium 4-cyano-4-phenylpiperidine-1-carbodithioate 3pjj Synthetic Dimer of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 3po6 Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II with 6,7-Dimethoxy-1-methyl-3,4-dihydroisoquinoline-2(1H)-sulfonamide 3pyk Human Carbonic Anhydrase II as Host for Pianostool Complexes Bearing a Sulfonamide Anchor 3q31 Structure of fungal alpha Carbonic Anhydrase from Aspergillus oryzae 3qyk Human Carbonic Anhydrase II complexed with triple ring benzene sulfonamide inhibitor 3r16 Human CAII bound to N-(4-sulfamoylphenyl)-2-(thiophen-2-yl) acetamide 3r17 hCarbonic anhydrase II bound to N-(2-fluoro.4-sulfamoylphenyl)-2-(thiophen-2-yl) acetamide 3rg3 Crystal structure of the W5E mutant of human carbonic anhydrase II 3rg4 Crystal structure of the W5F mutant of human carbonic anhydrase II 3rge Crystal structure of the W5H mutant of human carbonic anhydrase II 3rj7 Human carbonic anhydrase II complexed with its inhibitor rhenium(I)triscarbonyl-cyclopentadienyl-carboxy-4-aminomethylbenzene-sulfonamide 3rld Crystal structure of the Y7I mutant of human carbonic anhydrase II 3ryj Carbonic Anhydrase complexed with 4-sulfamoyl-N-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)benzamide 3ryv Carbonic Anhydrase complexed with N-ethyl-4-sulfamoylbenzamide 3ryx Fluoroalkyl and Alkyl Chains Have Similar Hydrophobicities in Binding to the Hydrophobic Wall of Carbonic Anhydrase 3ryy Fluoroalkyl and Alkyl Chains Have Similar Hydrophobicities in Binding to the Hydrophobic Wall of Carbonic Anhydrase 3ryz Fluoroalkyl and Alkyl Chains Have Similar Hydrophobicities in Binding to the Hydrophobic Wall of Carbonic Anhydrase 3rz0 Fluoroalkyl and Alkyl Chains Have Similar Hydrophobicities in Binding to the Hydrophobic Wall of Carbonic Anhydrase 3rz1 Fluoroalkyl and Alkyl Chains Have Similar Hydrophobicities in Binding to the Hydrophobic Wall of Carbonic Anhydrase 3rz5 Fluoroalkyl and Alkyl Chains Have Similar Hydrophobicities in Binding to the Hydrophobic Wall of Carbonic Anhydrase 3rz7 Fluoroalkyl and Alkyl Chains Have Similar Hydrophobicities in Binding to the Hydrophobic Wall of Carbonic Anhydrase 3rz8 Fluoroalkyl and Alkyl Chains Have Similar Hydrophobicities in Binding to the Hydrophobic Wall of Carbonic Anhydrase 3s71 The origin of the hydrophobic effect in the molecular recognition of arylsulfonamides by carbonic anhydrase 3s72 The origin of the hydrophobic effect in the molecular recognition of arylsulfonamides by carbonic anhydrase 3s73 The origin of the hydrophobic effect in the molecular recognition of arylsulfonamides by carbonic anhydrase 3s74 The origin of the hydrophobic effect in the molecular recognition of arylsulfonamides by carbonic anhydrase 3s75 The origin of the hydrophobic effect in the molecular recognition of arylsulfonamides by carbonic anhydrase 3s76 The origin of the hydrophobic effect in the molecular recognition of arylsulfonamides by carbonic anhydrase 3s77 The origin of the hydrophobic effect in the molecular recognition of arylsulfonamides by carbonic anhydrase 3s78 The origin of the hydrophobic effect in the molecular recognition of arylsulfonamides by carbonic anhydrase 3s8x Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-{[(4-methyl-6-oxo-1,6-dihydro-2-pyrimidinyl)sulfanyl]acetyl}benzenesulfonamide 3s97 PTPRZ CNTN1 complex 3s9t Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 2-chloro-5-{[(4,6-dimethyl-2-pyrimidinyl)sulfanyl]acetyl}benzenesulfonamide 3sap Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-{[(5-butyl-2-pyrimidinyl)sulfanyl]acetyl}benzenesulfonamide 3sax Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 2-chloro-5-{[(5-ethyl-2-pyrimidinyl)sulfanyl]acetyl}benzenesulfonamide 3sbh Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-{[(4,6-dimethyl-2-pyrimidinyl)sulfanyl]acetyl}benzenesulfonamide 3sbi Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 4-[(2-pyrimidinylsulfanyl)acetyl]benzenesulfonamide 3t5u Crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with N-hydroxy benzenesulfonamide 3t5z Crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with N-methoxy-benzenesulfonamide 3t82 Human Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with Acetylated Carbohydrate Sulfamates 3t83 Human Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with Acetylated Carbohydrate Sulfamates 3t84 Human Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with Acetylated Carbohydrate Sulfamates 3t85 Human Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with Acetylated Carbohydrate Sulfamates 3tmj Joint X-ray/neutron structure of human carbonic anhydrase II at pH 7.8 3tvn Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Proton Transfer Mutant 3tvo Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Proton Transfer Double Mutant 3u3a structure of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II V143I 3u45 Human Carbonic Anhydrase II V143A 3u47 Human Carbonic Anhydrase II V143L 3u7c crystal structure of the V143I mutant of human carbonic anhydrase II 3uyn HCA 3 3uyq HCA 3 3v2j Effect of Sucrose and Glycerol as Cryoprotectans, on the Inhibition of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 3v2m Effect of Sucrose and Glycerol as Cryoprotectans, on the Inhibition of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II 3v3f Kinetic and structural studies of thermostabilized mutants of HCA II. 3v3g Kinetic and structural studies of thermostabilized mutants of HCA II. 3v3h Kinetic and structural studies of thermostabilized mutants of HCA II. 3v3i Kinetic and structural studies of thermostabilized mutants of HCA II. 3v3j Kinetic and structural studies of thermostabilized mutants of HCA II. 3v5g Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with the 4-sulfamido-benzenesulfonamide inhibitor 3v7x Complex of human carbonic anhydrase II with N-[2-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)ethyl]-4-sulfamoylbenzamide 3vbd Complex of human carbonic anhydrase II with 4-(6-methoxy-3,4-dihydroisoquinolin-1-yl)benzenesulfonamide 3w6h Crystal structure of 19F probe-labeled hCAI in complex with acetazolamide 3w6i Crystal structure of 19F probe-labeled hCAI 3znc MURINE CARBONIC ANHYDRASE IV COMPLEXED WITH BRINZOLAMIDE 3zp9 human Carbonic Anhydrase II as a Scaffold for an Artificial Transfer Hydrogenase 4bcw Carbonic anhydrase IX mimic in complex with (E)-2-(5-bromo-2- hydroxyphenyl)ethenesulfonic acid 4bf1 Three dimensional structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with 5-(1-naphthalen-1-yl-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)thiophene-2-sulfonamide 4bf6 Three dimensional structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with 5-(1-(3-Cyanophenyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)thiophene-2- sulfonamide 4c3t 4C3T 4ca2 ENGINEERING THE HYDROPHOBIC POCKET OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 4cac REFINED STRUCTURE OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II AT 2.0 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 4cnr 4CNR 4cnv 4CNV 4cnw 4CNW 4cnx 4CNX 4coq 4COQ 4cq0 Cyclic secondary sulfonamides: unusually good inhibitors of cancer- related carbonic anhydrase enzymes 4dz7 hCA II in complex with novel sulfonamide inhibitors Set D 4dz9 hCA II in complex with novel sulfonamide inhibitors Set D 4e3d Nucleophile recognition as an alternative inhibition mode for benzoic acid based carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 4e3f Nucleophile recognition as an alternative inhibition mode for benzoic acid based carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 4e3g Nucleophile recognition as an alternative inhibition mode for benzoic acid based carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 4e3h Nucleophile recognition as an alternative inhibition mode for benzoic acid based carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 4e49 Nucleophile recognition as an alternative inhibition mode for benzoic acid based carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 4e4a Nucleophile recognition as an alternative inhibition mode for benzoic acid based carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 4e5q Human Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with cyanate 4e9o Vaccinia D8L ectodomain structure 4etq Vaccinia virus D8L IMV envelope protein in complex with Fab of murine IgG2a LA5 4fik Human carbonic anhydrase II H64A complexed with thioxolone hydrolysis products 4fl7 The crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with N-(Hydroxy)-benzamide 4fpt Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with ethyl (2Z,4R)-2-(sulfamoylimino)-1,3-thiazolidine-4-carboxylate 4frc Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with N'-sulfamoylpyrrolidine-1-carboximidamide 4fu5 Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with N-[(2Z)-1,3-oxazolidin-2-ylidene]sulfuric diamide 4fvn Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with N-(tetrahydropyrimidin-2(1H)-ylidene)sulfuric diamide 4fvo Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with N-[(2E)-3,4-dihydroquinazolin-2(1H)-ylidene]sulfuric diamide 4g0c Neutron structure of acetazolamide-bound human carbonic anhydrase II reveal molecular details of drug binding. 4g7a The crystal structure of an alpha Carbonic Anhydrase from the extremophilic bacterium Sulfurihydrogenibium yellowstonense YO3AOP1 4gl1 Structure of H64A/N62L/N67L Human Carbonic Anhydrase II triple mutant 4hba Structural and Catalytic Characterization of a Thermal and Acid Stable Variant of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Containing an Engineered Disulfide Bond 4hew Activity Enhancers of H64A Variant of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Possess Multiple Binding Sites within and around the Enzyme Structure 4hey Activity Enhancers of H64A Variant of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Possess Multiple Binding Sites within and around the Enzyme Structure 4hez Activity Enhancers of H64A Variant of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Possess Multiple Binding Sites within and around the Enzyme Structure 4hf3 Activity Enhancers of H64A Variant of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Possess Multiple Binding Sites within and around the Enzyme Structure 4ht0 Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with the inhibitor. 4ht2 Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme XII with the inhibitor. 4hu1 Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme XIII with the inhibitor. 4idr Human Carbonic Anhydrase II Proton Transfer Double Mutant 4ilx Structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with an adamantyl sulfonamide inhibitor 4ito Human CA II inhibition by novel sulfonamide 4itp Structure of human carbonic anhydrase II bound to a benzene sulfonamide 4iwz structure of hCAII in complex with an acetazolamide derivative 4js6 Crystal structure of inhibitor-free hCAII H94D 4jsa Benzenesulfonamide complexed with hCAII H94D 4jss Human carbonic anhydrase II H94D bound to a bidentate inhibitor 4jsw Human carbonic anhydrase II H94C 4jsz Benzenesulfonamide bound to hCAII H94C 4k0s Structure of HCAIX mimic (HCAII with 5 mutations in active site) in complex with acetazolamide 4k0t Structure of HCAIX mimic (HCAII with 5 mutations in active site) in complex with chlorzolamide 4k0z Structure of HCAIX mimic (HCAII with 5 mutations in active site) in complex with methazolamide 4k13 Structure of HCAIX mimic (HCAII with 5 mutations in active site) in complex with dorzolamide 4k1q Structure of hCAIX mimic (hCAII with 5 mutations in active site) 4kap The Binding of Benzoarylsulfonamide Ligands to Human Carbonic Anhydrase is Insensitive to Formal Fluorination of the Ligand 4kni Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 2-Chloro-4-{[(4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-2-yl)sulfanyl]acetyl}benzenesulfonamide 4knj Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme II with 2-Chloro-4-[(pyrimidin-2-ylsulfanyl)acetyl]benzenesulfonamide 4knm Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme XIII with 2-Chloro-4-{[(4,6-dimethylpyrimidin-2-yl)sulfanyl]acetyl}benzenesulfonamide 4knn Crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme XIII with 2-Chloro-4-[(pyrimidin-2-ylsulfanyl)acetyl]benzenesulfonamide 4kp5 Crystal structure of catalytic domain of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme XII with 2-Chloro-4-[(pyrimidin-2-ylsulfanyl)acetyl]benzenesulfonamide 4kp8 Crystal structure of catalytic domain of human carbonic anhydrase isozyme XII with 3-[(Pyrimidin-2-ylsulfanyl)acetyl]benzenesulfonamide 4kuv 4KUV 4kuw 4KUW 4kuy 4KUY 4kv0 4KV0 4l5u The structural implications of the secondary CO2 binding pocket in human carbonic anhydrase II 4l5v The structural implications of the secondary CO2 binding pocket in human carbonic anhydrase II 4l5w Structural implications of the secondary CO2 binding pocket in human carbonic anhydrase II 4lhi 4LHI 4lp6 Crystal Structure of Human Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with a quinoline oligoamide foldamer 4lu3 The crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase XIV 4m2r Human Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with Brinzolamide 4m2u Carbonic Anhydrase II in complex with Dorzolamide 4m2v Genetically engineered Carbonic Anhydrase IX in complex with Brinzolamide 4m2w Genetically engineered Carbonic Anhydrase IX in complex with Dorzolamide 4mdg Closo Carborane Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor 4mdl Meta Carborane Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor 4mdm Nido-Carborane Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor 4mlt 4MLT 4mlx 4MLX 4mo8 The crystal structure of the human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with N-[2-(2-methyl-5-nitro-1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethyl]sulfamide 4mty Structure at 2.1 A reolution of a helical aromatic foldamer-protein complex. 4n0x Room temperature crystal structure of human carbonic anhydrase II in complex with thiophene-2-sulfonamide 4n16 4N16 4pq7 4PQ7 4pxx 4PXX 4pyx 4PYX 4pyy 4PYY 4pzh 4PZH 4q06 4Q06 4q07 4Q07 4q08 4Q08 4q09 4Q09 4q0l 4Q0L 4q49 4Q49 4q6d 4Q6D 4q6e 4Q6E 4q78 4Q78 4q7p 4Q7P 4q7s 4Q7S 4q7v 4Q7V 4q7w 4Q7W 4q81 4Q81 4q83 4Q83 4q87 4Q87 4q8x 4Q8X 4q8y 4Q8Y 4q8z 4Q8Z 4q90 4Q90 4q99 4Q99 4q9y 4Q9Y 4qef 4QEF 4qiy 4QIY 4qiz 4QIZ 4qj0 4QJ0 4qjm 4QJM 4qjo 4QJO 4qjp 4QJP 4qjw 4QJW 4qjx 4QJX 4qk1 4QK1 4qk2 4QK2 4qk3 4QK3 4qsa 4QSA 4qsb 4QSB 4qsi 4QSI 4qsj 4QSJ 4qtl 4QTL 4qy3 4QY3 4r59 4R59 4r5a 4R5A 4r5b 4R5B 4rfc 4RFC 4rfd 4RFD 4rh2 4RH2 4riu 4RIU 4riv 4RIV 4rn4 4RN4 4rux 4RUX 4ruy 4RUY 4ruz 4RUZ 4twl 4TWL 4twm 4TWM 4uov 4UOV 4wl4 4WL4 4wr7 4WR7 4wup 4WUP 4wuq 4WUQ 4ww6 4WW6 4ww8 4WW8 4x5s 4X5S 4xe1 4XE1 4xfw 4XFW 4xiw 4XIW 4xix 4XIX 4xz5 4XZ5 4y0j 4Y0J 4ygf 4YGF 4ygj 4YGJ 4ygk 4YGK 4ygl 4YGL 4ygn 4YGN 4yha 4YHA 4yvy 4YVY 4ywp 4YWP 4yx4 4YX4 4yxi 4YXI 4yxo 4YXO 4yxu 4YXU 4yyt 4YYT 4z0q 4Z0Q 4z1e 4Z1E 4z1j 4Z1J 4z1k 4Z1K 4z1n 4Z1N 4zao 4ZAO 4zwi 4ZWI 4zwx 4ZWX 4zwy 4ZWY 4zwz 4ZWZ 4zx0 4ZX0 4zx1 4ZX1 5a25 5A25 5a6h 5A6H 5amd 5AMD 5amg 5AMG 5aml 5AML 5bnl 5BNL 5bru 5BRU 5brv 5BRV 5brw 5BRW 5byi 5BYI 5c8i 5C8I 5ca2 CONFORMATIONAL MOBILITY OF HIS-64 IN THE THR-200 (RIGHT ARROW) SER MUTANT OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 5cac REFINED STRUCTURE OF HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II AT 2.0 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 5cjf 5CJF 5cjl 5CJL 5clu 5CLU 5dog 5DOG 5doh 5DOH 5drs 5DRS 5dsi 5DSI 5dsj 5DSJ 5dsk 5DSK 5dsl 5DSL 5dsm 5DSM 5dsn 5DSN 5dso 5DSO 5dsp 5DSP 5dsq 5DSQ 5dsr 5DSR 5dvx 5DVX 5e28 5E28 5e2k 5E2K 5e2m 5E2M 5e2n 5E2N 5e2r 5E2R 5e2s 5E2S 5e5r 5E5R 5e5u 5E5U 5eh5 5EH5 5eh7 5EH7 5eh8 5EH8 5ehe 5EHE 5ehv 5EHV 5ehw 5EHW 5eij 5EIJ 5ekh 5EKH 5ekj 5EKJ 5ekm 5EKM 5eoi 5EOI 5ezt 5EZT 5fdc 5FDC 5fdi 5FDI 5fl4 5FL4 5fl5 5FL5 5fl6 5FL6 5flo 5FLO 5flp 5FLP 5flq 5FLQ 5flr 5FLR 5fls 5FLS 5flt 5FLT 5fng 5FNG 5fnh 5FNH 5fni 5FNI 5fnj 5FNJ 5fnk 5FNK 5fnl 5FNL 5fnm 5FNM 5g01 5G01 5g03 5G03 5g0b 5G0B 5g0c 5G0C 5j8z 5J8Z 5jq0 5JQ0 5jqt 5JQT 5lmd 5LMD 6ca2 ENGINEERING THE HYDROPHOBIC POCKET OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 7ca2 ENGINEERING THE HYDROPHOBIC POCKET OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 8ca2 ENGINEERING THE HYDROPHOBIC POCKET OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II 9ca2 ENGINEERING THE HYDROPHOBIC POCKET OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE II - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)
INTERPRO IPR001148 PFAM Carb_anhydrase