The domain within your query sequence starts at position 429 and ends at position 504; the E-value for the DISIN domain shown below is 4.89e-37.
DISINHomologues of snake disintegrins |
SMART accession number: | SM00050 |
Description: | Snake disintegrins inhibit the binding of ligands to integrin receptors. They contain a 'RGD' sequence, identical to the recognition site of many adhesion proteins. Molecules containing both disintegrin and metalloprotease domains are known as ADAMs. |
Interpro abstract (IPR001762): | Disintegrins are a family of small proteins from viper venoms that function as potent inhibitors of both platelet aggregation and integrin-dependent cell adhesion [ (PUBMED:15578957) (PUBMED:15974889) ]. Integrin receptors are involved in cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions, serving as the final common pathway leading to aggregation via formation of platelet-platelet bridges, which are essential in thrombosis and haemostasis. Disintegrins contain an RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp) or KGD (Lys-Gly-Asp) sequence motif that binds specifically to integrin IIb-IIIa receptors on the platelet surface, thereby blocking the binding of fibrinogen to the receptor-glycoprotein complex of activated platelets. Disintegrins act as receptor antagonists, inhibiting aggregation induced by ADP, thrombin, platelet-activating factor and collagen [ (PUBMED:12050803) ]. The role of disintegrin in preventing blood coagulation renders it of medical interest, particularly with regard to its use as an anti-coagulant [ (PUBMED:16918409) ]. Disintegrins from different snake species have been characterised: albolabrin, applagin, barbourin, batroxostatin, bitistatin, obtustatin [ (PUBMED:12742023) ], schistatin [ (PUBMED:16101289) ], echistatin [ (PUBMED:15535803) ], elegantin, eristicophin, flavoridin [ (PUBMED:14499613) ], halysin, kistrin, tergeminin, salmosin [ (PUBMED:14661951) ] and triflavin. Disintegrin-like proteins are found in various species ranging from slime mold to humans. Some other proteins known to contain a disintegrin domain are:
Family alignment: |
There are 12250 DISIN domains in 12145 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
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