The domain within your query sequence starts at position 424 and ends at position 452; the E-value for the EFh domain shown below is 1.07e-1.
EFhEF-hand, calcium binding motif |
SMART accession number: | SM00054 |
Description: | EF-hands are calcium-binding motifs that occur at least in pairs. Links between disease states and genes encoding EF-hands, particularly the S100 subclass, are emerging. Each motif consists of a 12 residue loop flanked on either side by a 12 residue alpha-helix. EF-hands undergo a conformational change unpon binding calcium ions. |
Interpro abstract (IPR002048): | Many calcium-binding proteins belong to the same evolutionary family and share a type of calcium-binding domain known as the EF-hand. This type of domain consists of a twelve residue loop flanked on both sides by a twelve residue alpha-helical domain. In an EF-hand loop the calcium ion is coordinated in a pentagonal bipyramidal configuration. The six residues involved in the binding are in positions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12; these residues are denoted by X, Y, Z, -Y, -X and -Z. The invariant Glu or Asp at position 12 provides two oxygens for liganding Ca (bidentate ligand). Ca2 binding induces a conformational change in the EF-hand motif, leading to the activation or inactivation of target proteins. EF-hands tend to occur in pairs or higher copy numbers [ (PUBMED:9228939) (PUBMED:8848832) (PUBMED:7553064) (PUBMED:7656053) (PUBMED:10591109) ]. |
GO function: | calcium ion binding (GO:0005509) |
Family alignment: |
There are 343947 EFh domains in 122495 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing EFh domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with EFh domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing EFh domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Binding / catalysis: Ca2+-binding
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Kretsinger RH
- EF-hands embrace.
- Nat Struct Biol. 1997; 4: 514-6
- Ikura M
- Calcium binding and conformational response in EF-hand proteins.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1996; 21: 14-7
- Display abstract
EF-hand proteins undergo conformational changes upon binding of Ca2+. This event is a crucial step in many Ca2+-dependent cellular processes. Recent advances in the three-dimensional structural analysis of various EF-hand proteins have led to new insights into the structure and functional relationship of this large family of Ca2+-binding proteins.
- Schafer BW, Heizmann CW
- The S100 family of EF-hand calcium-binding proteins: functions and pathology.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1996; 21: 134-40
- Display abstract
Calcium lons as second messengers control many biological processes, at least in part, via interaction with a large number of Ca(2+)-binding proteins. One class of these proteins shares a common Ca(2+)-binding motif, the EF-hand, Here, we describe some functional aspects of EF-hand proteins, which have been found recently in different cellular compartments. Novel links between EF-hand proteins, particularly S100 proteins, and specific diseases are now emerging.
- Akke M, Forsen S, Chazin WJ
- Solution structure of (Cd2+)1-calbindin D9k reveals details of the stepwise structural changes along the Apo-->(Ca2+)II1-->(Ca2+)I,II2 binding pathway.
- J Mol Biol. 1995; 252: 102-21
- Display abstract
The three-dimensional solution structure of (Cd2+)1-calbindin D9k has been determined by distance geometry, restrained molecular dynamics and relaxation matrix calculations using experimental constraints obtained from two-dimensional 1H and 15N-1H NMR spectroscopy. The final input data consisted of 1055 NOE distance constraints and 71 dihedral angle constraints, corresponding to 15 constraints per residue on average. The resulting ensemble of 24 structures has no distance or dihedral angle constraints consistently violated by more than 0.07 A and 1.8 degrees, respectively. The structure is characteristic of an EF-hand protein, with two helix-loop-helix calcium binding motifs joined by a flexible linker, and a short anti-parallel beta-type interaction between the two ion-binding sites. The four helices are well defined with a root mean square deviation from the mean coordinates of 0.35 A for the backbone atoms. The structure of the half-saturated cadmium state was compared with the previously determined solution structures of the apo and fully calcium saturated calbindin D9k. The comparisons were aided by introducing the ensemble averaged distance difference matrix as a tool for analyzing differences between two ensembles of structures. Detailed analyses of differences between the three states in backbone and side-chain dihedral angles, hydrogen bonds, interatomic distances, and packing of the hydrophobic core reveal the reorganization of the protein that occurs upon ion binding. Overall, it was found that (Cd2+)1-calbindin D9k, representing the half-saturated calcium state with an ion in site II, is structurally more similar to the fully calcium-saturated state than the apo state. Thus, for the binding sequence apo-->(Ca2+)II1-->(Ca2+)I,II2, the structural changes occurring upon ion binding are most pronounced for the first binding step, an observation that bears significantly on the molecular basis for cooperative calcium binding in calbindin D9k.
- Kawasaki H, Kretsinger RH
- Calcium-binding proteins 1: EF-hands.
- Protein Profile. 1995; 2: 297-490
- Potts BC et al.
- The structure of calcyclin reveals a novel homodimeric fold for S100 Ca(2+)-binding proteins.
- Nat Struct Biol. 1995; 2: 790-6
- Display abstract
The S100 calcium-binding proteins are implicated as effectors in calcium-mediated signal transduction pathways. The three-dimensional structure of the S100 protein calcyclin has been determined in solution in the apo state by NMR spectroscopy and a computational strategy that incorporates a systematic docking protocol. This structure reveals a symmetric homodimeric fold that is unique among calcium-binding proteins. Dimerization is mediated by hydrophobic contacts from several highly conserved residues, which suggests that the dimer fold identified for calcyclin will serve as a structural paradigm for the S100 subfamily of calcium-binding proteins.
- Skelton NJ, Kordel J, Chazin WJ
- Determination of the solution structure of Apo calbindin D9k by NMR spectroscopy.
- J Mol Biol. 1995; 249: 441-62
- Display abstract
The three-dimensional structure of apo calbindin D9k has been determined using constraints generated from nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The family of solution structures was calculated using a combination of distance geometry, restrained molecular dynamics, and hybrid relaxation matrix analysis of the nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) cross-peak intensities. Errors and inconsistencies in the input constraints were identified using complete relaxation matrix analyses based on the results of preliminary structure calculations. The final input data consisted of 994 NOE distance constraints and 122 dihedral constraints, aided by the stereospecific assignment of the resonances from 21 beta-methylene groups and seven isopropyl groups of leucine and valine residues. The resulting family of 33 structures contain no violation of the distance constraints greater than 0.17 A or of the dihedral angle constraints greater than 10 degrees. The structures consist of a well-defined, antiparallel four-helix bundle, with a short anti-parallel beta-interaction between the two unoccupied calcium-binding loops. The root-mean-square deviation from the mean structure of the backbone heavy-atoms for the well-defined helical residues is 0.55 A. The remainder of the ion-binding loops, the linker loop connecting the two sub-domains of the protein, and the N and C termini exhibit considerable disorder between different structures in the ensemble. A comparison with the structure of the (Ca2+)2 state indicates that the largest changes associated with ion-binding occur in the middle of helix IV and in the packing of helix III onto the remainder of the protein. The change in conformation of these helices is associated with a subtle reorganization of many residues in the hydrophobic core, including some side-chains that are up to 15 A from the ion-binding site.
- Slupsky CM, Kay CM, Reinach FC, Smillie LB, Sykes BD
- Calcium-induced dimerization of troponin C: mode of interaction and use of trifluoroethanol as a denaturant of quaternary structure.
- Biochemistry. 1995; 34: 7365-75
- Display abstract
Protein aggregation can be a problem, especially as a large number of proteins become available for structural studies at fairly high concentrations using solution techniques such as NMR spectroscopy. The muscle regulatory protein troponin C (TnC) undergoes a calcium-induced dimerization at neutral pH with a dissociation constant for the dimerization of 0.4 mM at 20 degrees C. The present study indicates that the mode of dimerization involves the N-domain of one monomer interacting with the N-domain of another monomer. Addition of the solvent trifluoroethanol (TFE) to a concentration of 15%, v/v, results in a 10-fold increase in the dimer dissociation constant of calcium-saturated TnC (4 mM at 20 degrees C), making TnC predominantly a monomer for spectroscopic studies. Further, TFE, at the concentrations used herein, acts to perturb the quaternary structure of TnC without adversely affecting the secondary or tertiary structure as evidenced by minimal changes to its CD spectra and 1H, 13C, and 15N NMR chemical shifts.
- Slupsky CM, Reinach FC, Smillie LB, Sykes BD
- Solution secondary structure of calcium-saturated troponin C monomer determined by multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy.
- Protein Sci. 1995; 4: 1279-90
- Display abstract
The solution secondary structure of calcium-saturated skeletal troponin C (TnC) in the presence of 15% (v/v) trifluoroethanol (TFE), which has been shown to exist predominantly as a monomer (Slupsky CM, Kay CM, Reinach FC, Smillie LB, Sykes BD, 1995, Biochemistry 34, forthcoming), has been investigated using multidimensional heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The 1H, 15N, and 13C NMR chemical shift values for TnC in the presence of TFE are very similar to values obtained for calcium-saturated NTnC (residues 1-90 of skeletal TnC), calmodulin, and synthetic peptide homodimers. Moreover, the secondary structure elements of TnC are virtually identical to those obtained for calcium-saturated NTnC, calmodulin, and the synthetic peptide homodimers, suggesting that 15% (v/v) TFE minimally perturbs the secondary and tertiary structure of this stably folded protein. Comparison of the solution structure of calcium-saturated TnC with the X-ray crystal structure of half-saturated TnC reveals differences in the phi/psi angles of residue Glu 41 and in the linker between the two domains. Glu 41 has irregular phi/psi angles in the crystal structure, producing a kink in the B helix, whereas in calcium-saturated TnC, Glu 41 has helical phi/psi angles, resulting in a straight B helix. The linker between the N and C domains of calcium-saturated TnC is flexible in the solution structure.
- Gagne SM, Tsuda S, Li MX, Chandra M, Smillie LB, Sykes BD
- Quantification of the calcium-induced secondary structural changes in the regulatory domain of troponin-C.
- Protein Sci. 1994; 3: 1961-74
- Display abstract
The backbone resonance assignments have been completed for the apo (1H and 15N) and calcium-loaded (1H, 15N, and 13C) regulatory N-domain of chicken skeletal troponin-C (1-90), using multidimensional homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. The chemical-shift information, along with detailed NOE analysis and 3JHNH alpha coupling constants, permitted the determination and quantification of the Ca(2+)-induced secondary structural change in the N-domain of TnC. For both structures, 5 helices and 2 short beta-strands were found, as was observed in the apo N-domain of the crystal structure of whole TnC (Herzberg O, James MNG, 1988, J Mol Biol 203:761-779). The NMR solution structure of the apo form is indistinguishable from the crystal structure, whereas some structural differences are evident when comparing the 2Ca2+ state solution structure with the apo one. The major conformational change observed is the straightening of helix-B upon Ca2+ binding. The possible importance and role of this conformational change is explored. Previous CD studies on the regulatory domain of TnC showed a significant Ca(2+)-induced increase in negative ellipticity, suggesting a significant increase in helical content upon Ca2+ binding. The present study shows that there is virtually no change in alpha-helical content associated with the transition from apo to the 2Ca2+ state of the N-domain of TnC. Therefore, the Ca(2+)-induced increase in ellipticity observed by CD does not relate to a change in helical content, but more likely to changes in spatial orientation of helices.
- Skelton NJ, Kordel J, Akke M, Forsen S, Chazin WJ
- Signal transduction versus buffering activity in Ca(2+)-binding proteins.
- Nat Struct Biol. 1994; 1: 239-45
- Display abstract
The three-dimensional structure of calbindin D9k in the absence of Ca2+ has been determined using NMR spectroscopy in solution, allowing the first direct analysis of the consequences of Ca2+ binding for a member of the calmodulin superfamily of proteins. The overall response in calbindin D9k is much attenuated relative to the current model for calmodulin and troponin C. These results demonstrate a novel mechanism for modulating the conformational response to Ca(2+)-binding in calmodulin superfamily proteins and provide insights into how their Ca(2+)-binding domains can be fine-tuned to remain essentially intact or respond strongly to ion binding, in relation to their functional requirements.
- Kordel J, Skelton NJ, Akke M, Chazin WJ
- High-resolution structure of calcium-loaded calbindin D9k.
- J Mol Biol. 1993; 231: 711-34
- Display abstract
The three-dimensional solution structure of calcium-loaded calbindin D9k has been determined using experimental constraints obtained from nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. A total of 1176 constraints (16 per residue overall, 32 per residue for the core residues) was used for the final refinement, including 1002 distance and 174 dihedral angle constraints. In addition, 23 hydrogen bond constraints were used for the generation of initial structures. Stereospecific assignments were made for 37 of 61 (61%) prochiral methylene protons and the methyl groups of all three valine residues and five out of 12 leucine residues. These constraints were used as input for a series of calculations of three-dimensional structures using a combination of distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics. The 33 best structures selected for further analysis have no distance constraint violations greater than 0.3 A and good local geometries as reflected by low total energies (< or = -1014 kcal/mol in the AMBER 4.0 force field). The core of the protein consists of four well-defined helices with root-mean-square deviations from the average of 0.45 A for the N, C alpha and C' backbone atoms. These helices are packed in an antiparallel fashion to form two helix-loop-helix calcium-binding motifs, termed EF-hands. The two EF-hands are joined at one end by a ten-residue linker segment, and at the other by a short beta-type interaction between the two calcium-binding loops. Overall, the average solution structure of calbindin D9k is very similar to the crystal structure, with a pairwise root-mean-square deviation of 0.85 A for the N, C alpha and C' backbone atoms of the four helices. The differences that are observed between the solution and the crystal structures are attributed to specific crystal contacts, increased side-chain flexibility in solution, or artifacts arising from molecular dynamics refinement of the solution structures in vacuo.
- Watterson DM, HarrelsonWGJ r, Keller PM, Sharief F, Vanaman TC
- Structural similarities between the Ca2+-dependent regulatory proteins of 3':5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase and actomyosin ATPase.
- J Biol Chem. 1976; 251: 4501-13
- Display abstract
Results of studies of the Ca2+-dependent protein modulator of 3':5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase isolated from bovine brain are presented which show its structural similarity to the Ca2+-binding subunit of muscle troponin. Both proteins have blocked NH2 termini, similar and characteristic ultraviolet absorption spectra, similar Ca2+-binding properties, very similar amino acid compositions, and co-migrate on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. The primary structures of selected tryptic peptides isolated from bovine brain modulator protein are similar or identical with regions of the primary sequences of rabbit skeletal muscle and bovine cardiac muscle troponin C. Bovine brain modulator protein contains and unidentified ninhydrin-positive basic compound not found in muscle troponin C. An improved procedure is presented which yields 40 to 70 mg of modulator protein per kg of bovine brain.
- Kretsinger RH
- Gene triplication deduced from the tertiary structure of a muscle calcium binding protein.
- Nat New Biol. 1972; 240: 85-8
- McLachlan AD
- Gene duplication in carp muscle calcium binding protein.
- Nat New Biol. 1972; 240: 83-5
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the EFh domain.
Protein Disease Calpain-3 (P20807) (SMART) OMIM:114240: Muscular dystrophy, limb-girdle, type 2A
OMIM:253600: - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
Click the image to view the interactive version of the map in iPath% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 8.58 map04020 Calcium signaling pathway 7.04 map04510 Focal adhesion 6.27 map04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 6.27 map04530 Tight junction 6.01 map04070 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 5.41 map04720 Long-term potentiation 4.72 map04740 Olfactory transduction 4.12 map04210 Apoptosis 3.52 map04010 MAPK signaling pathway 3.26 map04670 Leukocyte transendothelial migration 3.00 map04520 Adherens junction 2.92 map05214 Glioma 2.92 map04916 Melanogenesis 2.92 map04912 GnRH signaling pathway 2.92 map04910 Insulin signaling pathway 2.92 map05040 Huntington's disease 2.83 map00562
Inositol phosphate metabolism 2.75 map00564
Glycerophospholipid metabolism 2.49 map04370 VEGF signaling pathway 2.49 map04662 B cell receptor signaling pathway 2.49 map04310 Wnt signaling pathway 2.49 map04360 Axon guidance 2.49 map04660 T cell receptor signaling pathway 2.49 map04650 Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.72 map00561
Glycerolipid metabolism 1.63 map00632
Benzoate degradation via CoA ligation 0.77 map00030
Pentose phosphate pathway 0.26 map00190
Oxidative phosphorylation 0.26 map00360
Phenylalanine metabolism 0.17 map00350
Tyrosine metabolism 0.17 map00340
Histidine metabolism 0.17 map00642
Ethylbenzene degradation 0.17 map00903 Limonene and pinene degradation 0.17 map00960 Alkaloid biosynthesis II 0.17 map00310
Lysine degradation 0.17 map00624
1- and 2-Methylnaphthalene degradation 0.17 map00230
Purine metabolism 0.09 map00940
Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis 0.09 map00650
Butanoate metabolism 0.09 map00680
Methane metabolism 0.09 map00280
Valine, leucine and isoleucine degradation 0.09 map00072
Synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies 0.09 map00361
gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane degradation 0.09 map00627
1,4-Dichlorobenzene degradation 0.09 map00364 Fluorobenzoate degradation This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with EFh domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing EFh domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of EFh domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1a29 CALMODULIN COMPLEXED WITH TRIFLUOPERAZINE (1:2 COMPLEX) 1a2x COMPLEX OF TROPONIN C WITH A 47 RESIDUE (1-47) FRAGMENT OF TROPONIN I 1a75 WHITING PARVALBUMIN 1ahr CALMODULIN MUTANT WITH A TWO RESIDUE DELETION IN THE CENTRAL HELIX 1aj4 STRUCTURE OF CALCIUM-SATURATED CARDIAC TROPONIN C, NMR, 1 STRUCTURE 1aj5 CALPAIN DOMAIN VI APO 1ak8 NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF CERIUM-LOADED CALMODULIN AMINO-TERMINAL DOMAIN (CE2-TR1C), 23 STRUCTURES 1alv CALCIUM BOUND DOMAIN VI OF PORCINE CALPAIN 1alw INHIBITOR AND CALCIUM BOUND DOMAIN VI OF PORCINE CALPAIN 1ap4 REGULATORY DOMAIN OF HUMAN CARDIAC TROPONIN C IN THE CALCIUM-SATURATED STATE, NMR, 40 STRUCTURES 1aui HUMAN CALCINEURIN HETERODIMER 1avs X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDY OF CALCIUM-SATURATED N-TERMINAL DOMAIN OF TROPONIN C 1b7t MYOSIN DIGESTED BY PAPAIN 1b8r PARVALBUMIN 1b9a PARVALBUMIN (MUTATION;D51A, F102W) 1bjf CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF RECOMBINANT BOVINE NEUROCALCIN DELTA AT 2.4 ANGSTROMS 1blq STRUCTURE AND INTERACTION SITE OF THE REGULATORY DOMAIN OF TROPONIN-C WHEN COMPLEXED WITH THE 96-148 REGION OF TROPONIN-I, NMR, 29 STRUCTURES 1boc THE SOLUTION STRUCTURES OF MUTANT CALBINDIN D9K'S, AS DETERMINED BY NMR, SHOW THAT THE CALCIUM BINDING SITE CAN ADOPT DIFFERENT FOLDS 1bod THE SOLUTION STRUCTURES OF MUTANT CALBINDIN D9K'S, AS DETERMINED BY NMR, SHOW THAT THE CALCIUM BINDING SITE CAN ADOPT DIFFERENT FOLDS 1br1 SMOOTH MUSCLE MYOSIN MOTOR DOMAIN-ESSENTIAL LIGHT CHAIN COMPLEX WITH MGADP.ALF4 BOUND AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1br4 SMOOTH MUSCLE MYOSIN MOTOR DOMAIN-ESSENTIAL LIGHT CHAIN COMPLEX WITH MGADP.BEF3 BOUND AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1bu3 REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CALCIUM-BOUND SILVER HAKE (PI 4.2) PARVALBUMIN AT 1.65 A. 1c7v NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE CALCIUM-BOUND C-TERMINAL DOMAIN (W81-S161) OF CALCIUM VECTOR PROTEIN FROM AMPHIOXUS 1c7w NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE CALCIUM-BOUND C-TERMINAL DOMAIN (W81-S161) OF CALCIUM VECTOR PROTEIN FROM AMPHIOXUS 1cdl TARGET ENZYME RECOGNITION BY CALMODULIN: 2.4 ANGSTROMS STRUCTURE OF A CALMODULIN-PEPTIDE COMPLEX 1cdm MODULATION OF CALMODULIN PLASTICITY IN MOLECULAR RECOGNITION ON THE BASIS OF X-RAY STRUCTURES 1cdp RESTRAINED LEAST SQUARES REFINEMENT OF NATIVE (CALCIUM) AND CADMIUM-SUBSTITUTED CARP PARVALBUMIN USING X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC DATA AT 1.6-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1cfc CALCIUM-FREE CALMODULIN 1cfd CALCIUM-FREE CALMODULIN 1cff NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF A COMPLEX OF CALMODULIN WITH A BINDING PEPTIDE OF THE CA2+-PUMP 1ckk CALMODULIN/RAT CA2+/CALMODULIN DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASE FRAGMENT 1cll CALMODULIN STRUCTURE REFINED AT 1.7 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1clm STRUCTURE OF PARAMECIUM TETRAURELIA CALMODULIN AT 1.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1cm1 MOTIONS OF CALMODULIN-SINGLE-CONFORMER REFINEMENT 1cm4 MOTIONS OF CALMODULIN-FOUR-CONFORMER REFINEMENT 1cmf NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF APO CALMODULIN CARBOXY-TERMINAL DOMAIN 1cmg NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF CALCIUM-LOADED CALMODULIN CARBOXY-TERMINAL DOMAIN 1ctr DRUG BINDING BY CALMODULIN: CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A CALMODULIN-TRIFLUOPERAZINE COMPLEX 1deg THE LINKER OF DES-GLU84 CALMODULIN IS BENT AS SEEN IN THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE 1df0 Crystal structure of M-Calpain 1dfk NUCLEOTIDE-FREE SCALLOP MYOSIN S1-NEAR RIGOR STATE 1dfl SCALLOP MYOSIN S1 COMPLEXED WITH MGADP:VANADATE-TRANSITION STATE 1dgu HOMOLOGY-BASED MODEL OF CALCIUM-SATURATED CIB (CALCIUM-AND INTEGRIN-BINDING PROTEIN) 1dgv HOMOLOGY-BASED MODEL OF APO CIB (CALCIUM-AND INTEGRIN-BINDING PROTEIN) 1djg PHOSPHOINOSITIDE-SPECIFIC PHOSPHOLIPASE C-DELTA1 FROM RAT COMPLEXED WITH LANTHANUM 1djh PHOSPHOINOSITIDE-SPECIFIC PHOSPHOLIPASE C-DELTA1 FROM RAT COMPLEXED WITH BARIUM 1dji PHOSPHOINOSITIDE-SPECIFIC PHOSPHOLIPASE C-DELTA1 FROM RAT COMPLEXED WITH CALCIUM 1djw PHOSPHOINOSITIDE-SPECIFIC PHOSPHOLIPASE C-DELTA1 FROM RAT COMPLEXED WITH INOSITOL-2-METHYLENE-1,2-CYCLIC-MONOPHOSPHONATE 1djx PHOSPHOINOSITIDE-SPECIFIC PHOSPHOLIPASE C-DELTA1 FROM RAT COMPLEXED WITH INOSITOL-1,4,5-TRISPHOSPHATE 1djy PHOSPHOINOSITIDE-SPECIFIC PHOSPHOLIPASE C-DELTA1 FROM RAT COMPLEXED WITH INOSITOL-2,4,5-TRISPHOSPHATE 1djz PHOSPHOINOSITIDE-SPECIFIC PHOSPHOLIPASE C-DELTA1 FROM RAT COMPLEXED WITH INOSITOL-4,5-BISPHOSPHATE 1dmo CALMODULIN, NMR, 30 STRUCTURES 1dtl CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CALCIUM-SATURATED (3CA2+) CARDIAC TROPONIN C COMPLEXED WITH THE CALCIUM SENSITIZER BEPRIDIL AT 2.15 A RESOLUTION 1dvi CALPAIN DOMAIN VI WITH CALCIUM BOUND 1ej3 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AEQUORIN 1el4 STRUCTURE OF THE CALCIUM-REGULATED PHOTOPROTEIN OBELIN DETERMINED BY SULFUR SAS 1exr THE 1.0 ANGSTROM CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CA+2 BOUND CALMODULIN 1f4o CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF GRANCALCIN WITH BOUND CALCIUM 1f4q CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF APO GRANCALCIN 1f54 SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE APO N-TERMINAL DOMAIN OF YEAST CALMODULIN 1f55 SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE CALCIUM BOUND N-TERMINAL DOMAIN OF YEAST CALMODULIN 1f70 REFINED SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF CALMODULIN N-TERMINAL DOMAIN 1f71 REFINED SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF CALMODULIN C-TERMINAL DOMAIN 1fi5 NMR STRUCTURE OF THE C TERMINAL DOMAIN OF CARDIAC TROPONIN C BOUND TO THE N TERMINAL DOMAIN OF CARDIAC TROPONIN I. 1fpw STRUCTURE OF YEAST FREQUENIN 1fw4 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF E. COLI FRAGMENT TR2C FROM CALMODULIN TO 1.7 A RESOLUTION 1g33 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF RAT PARVALBUMIN WITHOUT THE N-TERMINAL DOMAIN 1g4y 1.60 A CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE GATING DOMAIN FROM SMALL CONDUCTANCE POTASSIUM CHANNEL COMPLEXED WITH CALCIUM-CALMODULIN 1g8i CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN FREQUENIN (NEURONAL CALCIUM SENSOR 1) 1ggw CDC4P FROM SCHIZOSACCHAROMYCES POMBE 1ggz CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE CALMODULIN-LIKE PROTEIN (HCLP) FROM HUMAN EPITHELIAL CELLS 1gjy The X-ray structure of the Sorcin Calcium Binding Domain (SCBD) provides insight into the phosphorylation and calcium dependent processess 1h4b SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE BIRCH POLLEN ALLERGEN BET V 4 1hqv STRUCTURE OF APOPTOSIS-LINKED PROTEIN ALG-2 1i84 CRYO-EM STRUCTURE OF THE HEAVY MEROMYOSIN SUBFRAGMENT OF CHICKEN GIZZARD SMOOTH MUSCLE MYOSIN WITH REGULATORY LIGHT CHAIN IN THE DEPHOSPHORYLATED STATE. ONLY C ALPHAS PROVIDED FOR REGULATORY LIGHT CHAIN. ONLY BACKBONE ATOMS PROVIDED FOR S2 FRAGMENT. 1ih0 Structure of the C-domain of Human Cardiac Troponin C in Complex with Ca2+ Sensitizer EMD 57033 1ij5 METAL-FREE STRUCTURE OF MULTIDOMAIN EF-HAND PROTEIN, CBP40, FROM TRUE SLIME MOLD 1ij6 CA2+-BOUND STRUCTURE OF MULTIDOMAIN EF-HAND PROTEIN, CBP40, FROM TRUE SLIME MOLD 1iku MYRISTOYLATED RECOVERIN IN THE CALCIUM-FREE STATE, NMR, 22 STRUCTURES 1iq5 Calmodulin/nematode CA2+/Calmodulin dependent kinase kinase fragment 1iwq Crystal Structure of MARCKS calmodulin binding domain peptide complexed with Ca2+/Calmodulin 1j1d Crystal structure of the 46kDa domain of human cardiac troponin in the Ca2+ saturated form 1j1e Crystal structure of the 52kDa domain of human cardiac troponin in the Ca2+ saturated form 1j7o Solution structure of Calcium-calmodulin N-terminal domain 1j7p Solution structure of Calcium calmodulin C-terminal domain 1jba UNMYRISTOYLATED GCAP-2 WITH THREE CALCIUM IONS BOUND 1jc2 COMPLEX OF THE C-DOMAIN OF TROPONIN C WITH RESIDUES 1-40 OF TROPONIN I 1jf0 The Crystal Structure of Obelin from Obelia geniculata at 1.82 A Resolution 1jf2 Crystal Structure of W92F obelin mutant from Obelia longissima at 1.72 Angstrom resolution 1jfj NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF AN EF-HAND CALCIUM BINDING PROTEIN FROM ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA 1jfk MINIMUM ENERGY REPRESENTATIVE STRUCTURE OF A CALCIUM BOUND EF-HAND PROTEIN FROM ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA 1jsa MYRISTOYLATED RECOVERIN WITH TWO CALCIUMS BOUND, NMR, 24 STRUCTURES 1juo Crystal Structure of Calcium-free Human Sorcin: A Member of the Penta-EF-Hand Protein Family 1k90 Crystal structure of the adenylyl cyclase domain of anthrax edema factor (EF) in complex with calmodulin and 3' deoxy-ATP 1k93 Crystal structure of the adenylyl cyclase domain of anthrax edema factor (EF) in complex with calmodulin 1k94 Crystal structure of des(1-52)grancalcin with bound calcium 1k95 Crystal structure of des(1-52)grancalcin with bound calcium 1k9u Crystal Structure of the Calcium-Binding Pollen Allergen Phl p 7 (Polcalcin) at 1.75 Angstroem 1kfu Crystal Structure of Human m-Calpain Form II 1kfx Crystal Structure of Human m-Calpain Form I 1kk7 SCALLOP MYOSIN IN THE NEAR RIGOR CONFORMATION 1kk8 SCALLOP MYOSIN (S1-ADP-BeFx) IN THE ACTIN-DETACHED CONFORMATION 1kqm SCALLOP MYOSIN S1-AMPPNP IN THE ACTIN-DETACHED CONFORMATION 1kwo SCALLOP MYOSIN S1-ATPgammaS-p-PDM IN THE ACTIN-DETACHED CONFORMATION 1l2o SCALLOP MYOSIN S1-ADP-p-PDM IN THE ACTIN-DETACHED CONFORMATION 1l7z Crystal structure of Ca2+/Calmodulin complexed with myristoylated CAP-23/NAP-22 peptide 1la0 Solution Structure of Calcium Saturated Cardiac Troponin C in the Troponin C-Troponin I Complex 1la3 Solution structure of recoverin mutant, E85Q 1lin CALMODULIN COMPLEXED WITH TRIFLUOPERAZINE (1:4 COMPLEX) 1lkj NMR Structure of Apo Calmodulin from Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1lvc Crystal structure of the adenylyl cyclase domain of anthrax edema factor (EF) in complex with calmodulin and 2' deoxy, 3' anthraniloyl ATP 1lxf Structure of the Regulatory N-domain of Human Cardiac Troponin C in Complex with Human Cardiac Troponin-I(147-163) and Bepridil 1m39 Solution structure of the C-terminal fragment (F86-I165) of the human centrin 2 in calcium saturated form 1m45 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MLC1P BOUND TO IQ2 OF MYO2P, A CLASS V MYOSIN 1m46 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MLC1P BOUND TO IQ4 OF MYO2P, A CLASS V MYOSIN 1m63 Crystal structure of calcineurin-cyclophilin-cyclosporin shows common but distinct recognition of immunophilin-drug complexes 1m8q Molecular Models of Averaged Rigor Crossbridges from Tomograms of Insect Flight Muscle 1mf8 Crystal Structure of human calcineurin complexed with cyclosporin A and human cyclophilin 1mux SOLUTION NMR STRUCTURE OF CALMODULIN/W-7 COMPLEX: THE BASIS OF DIVERSITY IN MOLECULAR RECOGNITION, 30 STRUCTURES 1mvw MOLECULAR MODELS OF AVERAGED RIGOR CROSSBRIDGES FROM TOMOGRAMS OF INSECT FLIGHT MUSCLE 1mxe Structure of the Complex of Calmodulin with the Target Sequence of CaMKI 1mxl STRUCTURE OF CARDIAC TROPONIN C-TROPONIN I COMPLEX 1n0y Crystal Structure of Pb-bound Calmodulin 1n2d Ternary complex of MLC1P bound to IQ2 and IQ3 of Myo2p, a class V myosin 1ncx TROPONIN C 1ncy TROPONIN-C, COMPLEX WITH MANGANESE 1ncz TROPONIN C 1niw Crystal structure of endothelial nitric oxide synthase peptide bound to calmodulin 1np8 18-k C-terminally trunucated small subunit of calpain 1npq structure of a rhodamine-labeled N-domain Troponin C mutant (Ca2+ saturated) in complex with skeletal Troponin I 115-131 1nwd Solution Structure of Ca2+/Calmodulin bound to the C-terminal Domain of Petunia Glutamate Decarboxylase 1nx0 Structure of Calpain Domain 6 in Complex with Calpastatin DIC 1nx1 Calpain Domain VI Complexed with Calpastatin Inhibitory Domain C (DIC) 1nx2 Calpain Domain VI 1nx3 Calpain Domain VI in Complex with the Inhibitor PD150606 1nya NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF CALERYTHRIN, AN EF-HAND CALCIUM-BINDING PROTEIN 1o18 MOLECULAR MODELS OF AVERAGED RIGOR CROSSBRIDGES FROM TOMOGRAMS OF INSECT FLIGHT MUSCLE 1o19 MOLECULAR MODELS OF AVERAGED RIGOR CROSSBRIDGES FROM TOMOGRAMS OF INSECT FLIGHT MUSCLE 1o1a MOLECULAR MODELS OF AVERAGED RIGOR CROSSBRIDGES FROM TOMOGRAMS OF INSECT FLIGHT MUSCLE 1o1b MOLECULAR MODELS OF AVERAGED RIGOR CROSSBRIDGES FROM TOMOGRAMS OF INSECT FLIGHT MUSCLE 1o1c MOLECULAR MODELS OF AVERAGED RIGOR CROSSBRIDGES FROM TOMOGRAMS OF INSECT FLIGHT MUSCLE 1o1d MOLECULAR MODELS OF AVERAGED RIGOR CROSSBRIDGES FROM TOMOGRAMS OF INSECT FLIGHT MUSCLE 1o1e MOLECULAR MODELS OF AVERAGED RIGOR CROSSBRIDGES FROM TOMOGRAMS OF INSECT FLIGHT MUSCLE 1o1f MOLECULAR MODELS OF AVERAGED RIGOR CROSSBRIDGES FROM TOMOGRAMS OF INSECT FLIGHT MUSCLE 1o1g MOLECULAR MODELS OF AVERAGED RIGOR CROSSBRIDGES FROM TOMOGRAMS OF INSECT FLIGHT MUSCLE 1oe9 Crystal structure of Myosin V nucleotide-free 1omd STRUCTURE OF ONCOMODULIN REFINED AT 1.85 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION. AN EXAMPLE OF EXTENSIVE MOLECULAR AGGREGATION VIA CA2+ 1omr non-myristoylated wild-type bovine recoverin with calcium bound to EF-hand 3 1omv non-myristoylated bovine recoverin (E85Q mutant) with calcium bound to EF-hand 3 1ooj Structural genomics of Caenorhabditis elegans : Calmodulin 1oqp STRUCTURE OF THE CA2+/C-TERMINAL DOMAIN OF CALTRACTIN IN COMPLEX WITH THE CDC31P-BINDING DOMAIN FROM KAR1P 1osa CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF RECOMBINANT PARAMECIUM TETRAURELIA CALMODULIN AT 1.68 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1ozs C-domain of human cardiac troponin C in complex with the inhibitory region of human cardiac troponin I 1pal IONIC INTERACTIONS WITH PARVALBUMINS. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE DETERMINATION OF PIKE 4.10 PARVALBUMIN IN FOUR DIFFERENT IONIC ENVIRONMENTS 1pk0 Crystal Structure of the EF3-CaM complexed with PMEApp 1prw Crystal structure of bovine brain Ca++ calmodulin in a compact form 1pva COMPARISON BETWEEN THE CRYSTAL AND THE SOLUTION STRUCTURES OF THE EF HAND PARVALBUMIN (ALPHA COMPONENT FROM PIKE MUSCLE) 1pvb X-RAY STRUCTURE OF A NEW CRYSTAL FORM OF PIKE 4.10 PARVALBUMIN 1q80 Solution structure and dynamics of Nereis sarcoplasmic calcium binding protein 1qas 1-PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL-4,5-BISPHOSPHATE PHOSPHODIESTERASE DELTA 1 1qat 1-PHOSPHATIDYLINOSITOL-4,5-BISPHOSPHATE PHOSPHODIESTERASE DELTA COMPLEX WITH SAMARIUM (III) CHLORIDE 1qiv CALMODULIN COMPLEXED WITH N-(3,3,-DIPHENYLPROPYL)-N'-[1-R-( 3,4-BIS-BUTOXYPHENYL)-ETHYL]-PROPYLENEDIAMINE (DPD), 1:2 COMPLEX 1qiw CALMODULIN COMPLEXED WITH N-(3,3,-DIPHENYLPROPYL)-N'-[1-R-( 2 3,4-BIS-BUTOXYPHENYL)-ETHYL]-PROPYLENEDIAMINE (DPD) 1qs7 The 1.8 angstrom structure of calmodulin rs20 peptide complex 1qtx THE 1.65 ANGSTROM STRUCTURE OF CALMODULIN RS20 PEPTIDE COMPLEX 1qv0 Atomic resolution structure of obelin from Obelia longissima 1qv1 Atomic resolution structure of obelin from Obelia longissima 1qvi Crystal structure of scallop myosin S1 in the pre-power stroke state to 2.6 Angstrom resolution: flexibility and function in the head 1qx5 Crystal structure of apoCalmodulin 1qx7 Crystal structure of apoCaM bound to the gating domain of small conductance Ca2+-activated potassium channel 1qxp Crystal Structure of a mu-like calpain 1r2u NMR structure of the N domain of trout cardiac troponin C at 30 C 1r6p NMR structure of the N-terminal domain of trout cardiac troponin C at 7 C 1rec THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF RECOVERIN, A CALCIUM SENSOR IN VISION 1rfj Crystal Structure of Potato Calmodulin PCM6 1rjv Solution Structure of Human alpha-Parvalbumin refined with a paramagnetism-based strategy 1rk9 Solution Structure of Human alpha-Parvalbumin (Minimized Average Structure) 1rro REFINEMENT OF RECOMBINANT ONCOMODULIN AT 1.30 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1rtp REFINED X-RAY STRUCTURE OF RAT PARVALBUMIN, A MAMMALIAN ALPHA-LINEAGE PARVALBUMIN, AT 2.0 A RESOLUTION 1rwy CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF RAT ALPHA-PARVALBUMIN AT 1.05 RESOLUTION 1s1e Crystal Structure of Kv Channel-interacting protein 1 (KChIP-1) 1s26 Structure of Anthrax Edema Factor-Calmodulin-alpha,beta-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate Complex Reveals an Alternative Mode of ATP Binding to the Catalytic Site 1s36 Crystal structure of a Ca2+-discharged photoprotein: Implications for the mechanisms of the calcium trigger and the bioluminescence 1s3p Crystal structure of rat alpha-parvalbumin S55D/E59D mutant 1s5g Structure of Scallop myosin S1 reveals a novel nucleotide conformation 1s6c Crystal structure of the complex between KChIP1 and Kv4.2 N1-30 1s6i Ca2+-regulatory region (CLD) from soybean calcium-dependent protein kinase-alpha (CDPK) in the presence of Ca2+ and the junction domain (JD) 1s6j N-terminal Region of the Ca2+-saturated calcium regulatory domain (CLD) from Soybean Calcium-dependent Protein Kinase-alpha (CDPK) 1sbj NMR Structure of the Mg2+-loaded C Terminal Domain of Cardiac Troponin C Bound to the N Terminal Domain of Cardiac Troponin I 1scm STRUCTURE OF THE REGULATORY DOMAIN OF SCALLOP MYOSIN AT 2.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1scv NMR STRUCTURE OF THE C TERMINAL DOMAIN OF CARDIAC TROPONIN C BOUND TO THE N TERMINAL DOMAIN OF CARDIAC TROPONIN I 1sjj Cryo-EM Structure of Chicken Gizzard Smooth Muscle alpha-Actinin 1sk6 Crystal structure of the adenylyl cyclase domain of anthrax edema factor (EF) in complex with calmodulin, 3',5' cyclic AMP (cAMP), and pyrophosphate 1skt SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF APO N-DOMAIN OF TROPONIN C, NMR, 40 STRUCTURES 1sl7 Crystal structure of calcium-loaded apo-obelin from Obelia longissima 1sl8 Calcium-loaded apo-aequorin from Aequorea victoria 1sl9 Obelin from Obelia longissima 1smg CALCIUM-BOUND E41A MUTANT OF THE N-DOMAIN OF CHICKEN TROPONIN C, NMR, 40 STRUCTURES 1spy REGULATORY DOMAIN OF HUMAN CARDIAC TROPONIN C IN THE CALCIUM-FREE STATE, NMR, 40 STRUCTURES 1sr6 Structure of nucleotide-free scallop myosin S1 1sw8 Solution structure of the N-terminal domain of Human N60D calmodulin refined with paramagnetism based strategy 1sy9 Structure of calmodulin complexed with a fragment of the olfactory CNG channel 1tcf CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CALCIUM-SATURATED RABBIT SKELETAL TROPONIN C 1tco TERNARY COMPLEX OF A CALCINEURIN A FRAGMENT, CALCINEURIN B, FKBP12 AND THE IMMUNOSUPPRESSANT DRUG FK506 (TACROLIMUS) 1tiz Solution Structure of a Calmodulin-Like Calcium-Binding Domain from Arabidopsis thaliana 1tn4 FOUR CALCIUM TNC 1tnp STRUCTURES OF THE APO AND CALCIUM TROPONIN-C REGULATORY DOMAINS: THE MUSCLE CONTRACTION SWITCH 1tnq STRUCTURES OF THE APO AND CALCIUM TROPONIN-C REGULATORY DOMAINS: THE MUSCLE CONTRACTION SWITCH 1tnw NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF CALCIUM SATURATED SKELETAL MUSCLE TROPONIN C 1tnx NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF CALCIUM SATURATED SKELETAL MUSCLE TROPONIN C 1top STRUCTURE OF CHICKEN SKELETAL MUSCLE TROPONIN-C AT 1.78 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1trf SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE TR1C FRAGMENT OF SKELETAL MUSCLE TROPONIN-C 1ttx Solution Stucture of human beta parvalbumin (oncomodulin) refined with a paramagnetism based strategy 1u5i Crystal Structure analysis of rat m-calpain mutant Lys10 Thr 1uhh Crystal structure of cp-aequorin 1uhi Crystal structure of i-aequorin 1uhj Crystal structure of br-aequorin 1uhk Crystal structure of n-aequorin 1uhn The crystal structure of the calcium binding protein AtCBL2 from Arabidopsis thaliana 1up5 Chicken Calmodulin 1v1f Structure of the Arabidopsis thaliana SOS3 complexed with Calcium(II) and Manganese(II) ions 1v1g Structure of the Arabidopsis thaliana SOS3 complexed with Calcium(II) ion 1vrk THE 1.9 ANGSTROM STRUCTURE OF E84K-CALMODULIN RS20 PEPTIDE COMPLEX 1w7i Crystal Structure Of Myosin V Motor Without nucleotide soaked in 10 mM MgADP 1w7j Crystal Structure Of Myosin V Motor With Essential Light Chain + ADP-BeFx - Near Rigor 1wdc SCALLOP MYOSIN REGULATORY DOMAIN 1wrk Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of human cardiac troponin C in complex with trifluoperazine (orthrombic crystal form) 1wrl Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of human cardiac troponin C in complex with trifluoperazine (monoclinic crystal form) 1wrz Calmodulin complexed with a peptide from a human death-associated protein kinase 1x02 Solution structure of stereo array isotope labeled (SAIL) calmodulin 1xa5 Structure of Calmodulin in complex with KAR-2, a bis-indol alkaloid 1xfu Crystal structure of anthrax edema factor (EF) truncation mutant, EF-delta 64 in complex with calmodulin 1xfv Crystal structure of anthrax edema factor (EF) in complex with calmodulin and 3' deoxy-ATP 1xfw Crystal structure of anthrax edema factor (EF) in complex with calmodulin and 3'5' cyclic AMP (cAMP) 1xfx Crystal structure of anthrax edema factor (EF) in complex with calmodulin in the presence of 10 millimolar exogenously added calcium chloride 1xfy Crystal structure of anthrax edema factor (EF) in complex with calmodulin 1xfz Crystal structure of anthrax edema factor (EF) in complex with calmodulin in the presence of 1 millimolar exogenously added calcium chloride 1xo5 Crystal structure of CIB1, an EF-hand, integrin and kinase-binding protein 1xvj Crystal Structure Of Rat alpha-Parvalbumin D94S/G98E Mutant 1y0v Crystal structure of anthrax edema factor (EF) in complex with calmodulin and pyrophosphate 1y1a CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CALCIUM AND INTEGRIN BINDING PROTEIN 1y1x Structural analysis of a homolog of programmed cell death 6 protein from Leishmania major Friedlin 1y6w Trapped intermediate of calmodulin 1yr5 1.7-A structure of calmodulin bound to a peptide from DAP kinase 1yrt Crystal Structure analysis of the adenylyl cyclaes catalytic domain of adenylyl cyclase toxin of Bordetella pertussis in presence of c-terminal calmodulin 1yru Crystal Structure analysis of the adenylyl cyclaes catalytic domain of adenylyl cyclase toxin of Bordetella pertussis in presence of c-terminal calmodulin and 1mM calcium chloride 1ytz Crystal structure of skeletal muscle troponin in the Ca2+-activated state 1yv0 Crystal structure of skeletal muscle troponin in the Ca2+-free state 1yx7 NMR structure of Calsensin, energy minimized average structure. 1yx8 NMR structure of Calsensin, 20 low energy structures. 1zac N-DOMAIN OF TROPONIN C FROM CHICKEN SKELETAL MUSCLE, NMR, MINIMIZED AVERAGE STRUCTURE 1zmz Solution structure of the N-terminal domain (M1-S98) of human centrin 2 1zot crystal structure analysis of the CyaA/C-Cam with PMEAPP 1zuz Calmodulin in complex with a mutant peptide from human DRP-1 kinase 2a4j Solution structure of the C-terminal domain (T94-Y172) of the human centrin 2 in complex with a 17 residues peptide (P1-XPC) from xeroderma pigmentosum group C protein 2aao Regulatory apparatus of Calcium Dependent protein kinase from Arabidopsis thaliana 2ami Solution Structure Of The Calcium-loaded N-Terminal Sensor Domain Of Centrin 2b1u Solution structure of Calmodulin-like Skin Protein C terminal domain 2bbm SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF A CALMODULIN-TARGET PEPTIDE COMPLEX BY MULTIDIMENSIONAL NMR 2bbn SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF A CALMODULIN-TARGET PEPTIDE COMPLEX BY MULTIDIMENSIONAL NMR 2bcx Crystal structure of calmodulin in complex with a ryanodine receptor peptide 2be4 X-RAY STRUCTURE AN EF-HAND PROTEIN FROM DANIO RERIO Dr.36843 2be6 2.0 A crystal structure of the CaV1.2 IQ domain-Ca/CaM complex 2bec Crystal structure of CHP2 in complex with its binding region in NHE1 and insights into the mechanism of pH regulation 2bkh Myosin VI nucleotide-free (MDInsert2) crystal structure. 2bki Myosin VI nucleotide-free (MDinsert2-IQ) crystal structure 2bl0 Physarum polycephalum myosin II regulatory domain 2ccm X-ray structure of Calexcitin from Loligo pealeii at 1.8A 2col Crystal structure analysis of CyaA/C-Cam with Pyrophosphate 2ct9 The crystal structure of calcineurin B homologous proein 1 (CHP1) 2ctn STRUCTURE OF CALCIUM-SATURATED CARDIAC TROPONIN C, NMR, 30 STRUCTURES 2d8n Crystal structure of human recoverin at 2.2 A resolution 2dfs 3-D structure of Myosin-V inhibited state 2doq crystal structure of Sfi1p/Cdc31p complex 2e30 Solution structure of the cytoplasmic region of Na+/H+ exchanger 1 complexed with essential cofactor calcineurin B homologous protein 1 2e6w Solution structure and calcium binding properties of EF-hands 3 and 4 of calsenilin 2ec6 Placopecten Striated Muscle Myosin II 2ehb The structure of the C-terminal domain of the protein kinase AtSOS2 bound to the calcium sensor AtSOS3 2f2o Structure of calmodulin bound to a calcineurin peptide: a new way of making an old binding mode 2f2p Structure of calmodulin bound to a calcineurin peptide: a new way of making an old binding mode 2f33 NMR solution structure of Ca2+-loaded calbindin D28K 2f3y Calmodulin/IQ domain complex 2f3z Calmodulin/IQ-AA domain complex 2f8p Crystal structure of obelin following Ca2+ triggered bioluminescence suggests neutral coelenteramide as the primary excited state 2fce Solution structure of C-lobe Myosin Light Chain from Saccharomices cerevisiae 2fot Crystal structure of the complex between calmodulin and alphaII-spectrin 2g9b NMR solution structure of CA2+-loaded calbindin D28K 2ggm Human centrin 2 xeroderma pigmentosum group C protein complex 2ggz Crystal Structure of Human Guanylate Cyclase Activating Protein-3 2gv5 crystal structure of Sfi1p/Cdc31p complex 2het Non-myristoylated bovine recoverin (truncated at C-terminus) with calcium bound to EF-hand 3 2hf5 The structure and function of a novel two-site calcium-binding fragment of calmodulin 2hps Crystal structure of coelenterazine-binding protein from Renilla Muelleri 2hq8 Crystal structure of coelenterazine-binding protein from renilla muelleri in the ca loaded apo form 2hqw Crystal Structure of Ca2+/Calmodulin bound to NMDA Receptor NR1C1 peptide 2i08 Solvation effect in conformational changes of EF-hand proteins: X-ray structure of Ca2+-saturated double mutant Q41L-K75I of N-domain of calmodulin 2i18 The refined structure of C-terminal domain of an EF-hand Calcium binding Protein from Entamoeba Histolytica 2i2r Crystal structure of the KChIP1/Kv4.3 T1 complex 2i94 NMR Structure of recoverin bound to rhodopsin kinase 2isd PHOSPHOINOSITIDE-SPECIFIC PHOSPHOLIPASE C-DELTA1 FROM RAT 2ix7 Structure of apo-calmodulin bound to unconventional myosin V 2jc2 The crystal structure of the natural F112L human sorcin mutant 2jnf Solution structure of fly troponin C, isoform F1 2jnx NMR derived solution structure of an EF-hand Calcium Binding Protein from Entamoeba Histolytica 2joj NMR solution structure of N-terminal domain of Euplotes octocarinatus centrin 2jt0 Solution structure of F104W cardiac troponin C 2jt3 Solution Structure of F153W cardiac troponin C 2jt8 Solution structure of the F153-to-5-flurotryptophan mutant of human cardiac troponin C 2jtz Solution structure and chemical shift assignments of the F104-to-5-flurotryptophan mutant of cardiac troponin C 2ju0 Structure of Yeast Frequenin bound to PdtIns 4-kinase 2jul NMR Structure of DREAM 2jww Calcium-free rat alpha-parvalbumin 2jxl Solution structure of cardiac N-domain troponin C mutant F77W-V82A 2jzi Structure of Calmodulin complexed with the Calmodulin Binding Domain of Calcineurin 2k0e A Coupled Equilibrium Shift Mechanism in Calmodulin-Mediated Signal Transduction 2k0f Calmodulin complexed with calmodulin-binding peptide from smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase 2k0j Solution structure of CaM complexed to DRP1p 2k2a Solution Structure of the Apo C terminal domain of Lethocerus troponin C isoform F1 2k2i NMR Solution structure of the C-terminal domain (T94-Y172) of the human centrin 2 in complex with a repeat sequence of human Sfi1 (R641-T660) 2k3s HADDOCK-derived structure of the CH-domain of the smoothelin-like 1 complexed with the C-domain of apocalmodulin 2k61 Solution structure of CaM complexed to DAPk peptide 2k7c NMR Structure of Mg2+-bound CaBP1 C-domain 2k7d NMR Structure of Ca2+-bound CaBP1 C-domain 2kdh The Solution Structure of Human Cardiac Troponin C in complex with the Green Tea Polyphenol; (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate 2kdu Structural basis of the Munc13-1/Ca2+-Calmodulin interaction: A novel 1-26 calmodulin binding motif with a bipartite binding mode 2kfx Structure of the N-terminal domain of human cardiac troponin C bound to calcium ion and to the inhibitor W7 2kgb NMR solution of the regulatory domain cardiac F77W-Troponin C in complex with the cardiac Troponin I 144-163 switch peptide 2kn2 Solution structure of the C-terminal domain of soybean calmodulin isoform 4 fused with the calmodulin-binding domain of NtMKP1 2kne Calmodulin wraps around its binding domain in the plasma membrane CA2+ pump anchored by a novel 18-1 motif 2kqy Solution structure of Avian Thymic Hormone 2krd Solution Structure of the Regulatory Domain of Human Cardiac Troponin C in Complex with the Switch Region of cardiac Troponin I and W7 2ksz The solution structure of the Magnesium bound soybean calmodulin isoform 4 N-domain 2kug Halothane binds to druggable sites in calcium-calmodulin: Solution Structure of halothane-CaM N-terminal domain 2kuh Halothane binds to druggable sites in calcium-calmodulin: Solution structure of halothane-CaM C-terminal domain 2kxw Structure of the C-domain Fragment of apo Calmodulin Bound to the IQ motif of Nav1.2 2kyc solution structure of Ca-free chicken parvalbumin 3 (CPV3) 2kyf solution structure of calcium-bound CPV3 2kz2 Calmodulin, C-terminal domain, F92E mutant 2l1r The structure of the calcium-sensitizer, dfbp-o, in complex with the N-domain of troponin C and the switch region of troponin I 2l1w The solution structure of soybean calmodulin isoform 4 complexed with the vacuolar calcium ATPase BCA1 peptide 2l2e Solution NMR structure of myristoylated NCS1p in apo form 2l4h The Solution Structure of Calcium Bound CIB1 2l4i The Solution Structure of Magnesium bound CIB1 2l53 Solution NMR Structure of apo-calmodulin in complex with the IQ motif of Human Cardiac Sodium Channel NaV1.5 2l7l Solution structure of Ca2+/calmodulin complexed with a peptide representing the calmodulin-binding domain of calmodulin kinase I 2l98 Structure of trans-Resveratrol in complex with the cardiac regulatory protein Troponin C 2lan NMR structure of Ca2+-bound CaBP1 N-domain with RDC 2lap NMR structure of Ca2+-bound CaBP1 C-domain with RDC 2lc5 Calmodulin-like Protein from Entamoeba histolytica: Solution Structure and Calcium-Binding Properties of a Partially Folded Protein 2lcp NMR structure of calcium loaded, un-myristoylated human NCS-1 2lgf Solution structure of Ca2+/calmodulin complexed with a peptide representing the calmodulin-binding domain of L-selectin 2lhh Solution structure of Ca2+-bound yCaM 2lhi Solution structure of Ca2+/CNA1 peptide-bound yCaM 2ll6 Solution NMR structure of CaM bound to iNOS CaM binding domain peptide 2ll7 Solution NMR structure of CaM bound to the eNOS CaM binding domain peptide 2llo Solution NMR-derived structure of calmodulin N-lobe bound with ER alpha peptide 2llq Solution nmr-derived structure of calmodulin c-lobe bound with er alpha peptide 2lm5 Solution structure of Ca2+-CIB1 in complex with the cytoplasmic domain of the integrin aIIb subunit 2lmt NMR structure of Androcam 2lmu Androcam at high calcium 2lmv Androcam at high calcium with three explicit Ca2+ 2lqc NMR solution structure of a Ca2+-Calmodulin with a binding motif (NSCaTE) peptide from the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the L-type Voltage-Cated Calcium Channel alpha1C subunit 2lqp NMR solution structure of the Ca2+-Calmodulin C-terminal domain in a complex with a peptide (NSCaTE) from the L-type Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel alpha1C subunit 2lv6 The complex between Ca-Calmodulin and skeletal muscle myosin light chain kinase from combination of NMR and aqueous and contrast-matched SAXS data 2lv7 Solution structure of Ca2+-bound CaBP7 N-terminal doman 2lvi Solution structure of apo-Phl p 7 2lvj solution structure of hemi-Mg-bound Phl p 7 2lvk Solution structure of Ca-bound Phl p 7 2lvv NMR structure of TB24 2m0j 3D Structure of Calmodulin and Calmodulin binding domain of Olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel complex 2m0k 3D Structure of Calmodulin and Calmodulin Binding Domain of Rat Olfactory Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Ion Channel 2m1u Solution structure of the small dictyostelium discoideium myosin light chain mlcb provides insights into iq-motif recognition of class i myosin myo1b 2m28 NMR structure of Ca2+ bound CaBP4 C-domain 2m29 NMR structure of Ca2+ bound CaBP4 N-domain 2m3s Calmodulin, i85l, f92e, h107i, l107i, a128t, m144r mutant 2m55 NMR structure of the complex of an N-terminally acetylated alpha-synuclein peptide with calmodulin 2m5e 2M5E 2m7k NMR solution structure of N-terminal domain of (Y81F)-EhCaBP1 2m7m N-terminal domain of EhCaBP1 structure 2m7n C-terminal structure of (Y81F)-EhCaBP1 2m8u 2M8U 2m97 Optimized Ratiometric Calcium Sensors For Functional In Vivo Imaging of Neurons and T-Lymphocytes 2ma2 Solution structure of RasGRP2 EF hands bound to calcium 2mbx 2MBX 2mes 2MES 2mg5 Solution Structure of Calmodulin bound to the target peptide of Endothelial Nitrogen Oxide Synthase phosphorylated at Thr495 2mgu Structure of the complex between calmodulin and the binding domain of HIV-1 matrix protein 2mhh 2MHH 2mkp N domain of cardiac troponin C bound to the switch fragment of fast skeletal troponin I at pH 6 2mle NMR structure of the C-domain of troponin C bound to the anchoring region of troponin I 2mlf NMR structure of the dilated cardiomyopathy mutation G159D in troponin C bound to the anchoring region of troponin I 2mys MYOSIN SUBFRAGMENT-1, ALPHA CARBON COORDINATES ONLY FOR THE TWO LIGHT CHAINS 2mzp 2MZP 2n27 2N27 2n6a 2N6A 2n77 2N77 2n79 2N79 2n7l 2N7L 2n8j 2N8J 2n8y 2N8Y 2n8z 2N8Z 2na0 2NA0 2nco 2NCO 2ncp 2NCP 2nln Solution Structure of Calcium-free Rat Beta-parvalbumin 2nxq Crystal structure of calcium binding protein 1 from Entamoeba histolytica: a novel arrangement of EF hand motifs 2nz0 Crystal structure of potassium channel Kv4.3 in complex with its regulatory subunit KChIP1 (CASP Target) 2o5g Calmodulin-smooth muscle light chain kinase peptide complex 2o60 Calmodulin bound to peptide from neuronal nitric oxide synthase 2obh Centrin-XPC peptide 2opo Crystal structure of the calcium-binding pollen allergen Che a 3 2os8 Rigor-like structures of muscle myosins reveal key mechanical elements in the transduction pathways of this allosteric motor 2otg Rigor-like structures of muscle myosins reveal key mechanical elements in the transduction pathways of this allosteric motor 2p6b Crystal Structure of Human Calcineurin in Complex with PVIVIT Peptide 2pal IONIC INTERACTIONS WITH PARVALBUMINS. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE DETERMINATION OF PIKE 4.10 PARVALBUMIN IN FOUR DIFFERENT IONIC ENVIRONMENTS 2pas COMPARISON BETWEEN THE CRYSTAL AND THE SOLUTION STRUCTURES OF THE EF HAND PARVALBUMIN 2pmy EF-hand domain of human RASEF 2pq3 N-Terminal Calmodulin Zn-Trapped Intermediate 2pvb PIKE PARVALBUMIN (PI 4.10) AT LOW TEMPERATURE (100K) AND ATOMIC RESOLUTION (0.91 A). 2q4u Ensemble refinement of the crystal structure of an EF-hand protein from Danio rerio Dr.36843 2r28 The complex Structure of Calmodulin Bound to a Calcineurin Peptide 2r2i Myristoylated Guanylate Cyclase Activating Protein-1 with Calcium Bound 2ro8 Solution structure of calcium bound soybean calmodulin isoform 1 N-terminal domain 2ro9 Solution structure of calcium bound soybean calmodulin isoform 1 C-terminal domain 2roa Solution structure of calcium bound soybean calmodulin isoform 4 N-terminal domain 2rob Solution structure of calcium bound soybean calmodulin isoform 4 C-terminal domain 2rrt Solution structure of Magnesium-bound form of calmodulin C-domain E104D/E140D mutant 2sas STRUCTURE OF A SARCOPLASMIC CALCIUM-BINDING PROTEIN FROM AMPHIOXUS REFINED AT 2.4 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 2scp STRUCTURE OF A SARCOPLASMIC CALCIUM-BINDING PROTEIN FROM NEREIS DIVERSICOLOR REFINED AT 2.0 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 2tn4 FOUR CALCIUM TNC 2v01 Recombinant vertebrate calmodulin complexed with Pb 2v02 Recombinant vertebrate calmodulin complexed with Ba 2vas Myosin VI (MD-insert2-CaM, Delta-Insert1) Post-rigor state 2vay Calmodulin complexed with CaV1.1 IQ peptide 2vb6 Myosin VI (MD-insert2-CaM, Delta Insert1) Post-rigor state (crystal form 2) 2w49 Isometrically contracting insect asynchronous flight muscle 2w4a Isometrically contracting insect asynchronous flight muscle 2w4g Isometrically contracting insect asynchronous flight muscle quick frozen after a quick stretch step 2w4h Isometrically contracting insect asynchronous flight muscle quick frozen after a quick release step 2w4t Isometrically contracting insect asynchronous flight muscle 2w4u Isometrically contracting insect asynchronous flight muscle quick frozen after a length step 2w4v Isometrically contracting insect asynchronous flight muscle quick frozen after a quick release step 2w4w Isometrically contracting insect asynchronous flight muscle quick frozen after a quick stretch step 2w73 High-resolution structure of the complex between calmodulin and a peptide from calcineurin A 2wel Crystal structure of SU6656-bound calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta in complex with calmodulin 2x0g X-RAY STRUCTURE OF A DAP-KINASE CALMODULIN COMPLEX 2x51 M6 delta Insert1 2y4v CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN CALMODULIN IN COMPLEX WITH A DAP KINASE-1 MUTANT (W305Y) PEPTIDE 2ygg Complex of CaMBR and CaM 2zfd The crystal structure of plant specific calcium binding protein AtCBL2 in complex with the regulatory domain of AtCIPK14 2zn8 Crystal structure of Zn2+-bound form of ALG-2 2zn9 Crystal structure of Ca2+-bound form of des3-20ALG-2 2znd Crystal structure of Ca2+-free form of des3-20ALG-2 2zne Crystal structure of Zn2+-bound form of des3-23ALG-2 complexed with Alix ABS peptide 2zrs Crystal structure of Ca2+-bound form of des3-23ALG-2 2zrt Crystal structure of Zn2+-bound form of des3-23ALG-2 3a8r The structure of the N-terminal regulatory domain of a plant NADPH oxidase 3aaj Crystal structure of Ca2+-bound form of des3-23ALG-2deltaGF122 3aak Crystal structure of Zn2+-bound form of des3-20ALG-2F122A 3aka Structural basis for prokaryotic calcium-mediated regulation by a Streptomyces coelicolor calcium-binding protein 3akb Structural basis for prokaryotic calcium-mediated regulation by a Streptomyces coelicolor calcium-binding protein 3b32 Crystal Structure of Calcium-Saturated Calmodulin N-Terminal Domain Fragment, Residues 1-75 3bow Structure of M-calpain in complex with Calpastatin 3bxk Crystal structure of the P/Q-type calcium channel (CaV2.1) IQ domain and CA2+calmodulin complex 3bxl Crystal structure of the R-type calcium channeL (CaV2.3) IQ domain and CA2+calmodulin complex 3bya Structure of a Calmodulin Complex 3cln STRUCTURE OF CALMODULIN REFINED AT 2.2 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 3cs1 Flagellar Calcium-binding Protein (FCaBP) from T. cruzi 3ctn STRUCTURE OF CALCIUM-SATURATED CARDIAC TROPONIN C, NMR, 30 STRUCTURES 3dd4 Structural Basis of KChIP4a Modulation of Kv4.3 Slow Inactivation 3df0 Calcium-dependent complex between m-calpain and calpastatin 3dtp Tarantula heavy meromyosin obtained by flexible docking to Tarantula muscle thick filament Cryo-EM 3D-MAP 3dve Crystal Structure of Ca2+/CaM-CaV2.2 IQ domain complex 3dvj Crystal Structure of Ca2+/CaM-CaV2.2 IQ domain (without cloning artifact, HM to TV) complex 3dvk Crystal Structure of Ca2+/CaM-CaV2.3 IQ domain complex 3dvm Crystal Structure of Ca2+/CaM-CaV2.1 IQ domain complex 3e3r Crystal structure and biochemical characterization of recombinant human calcyphosine delineates a novel EF-hand-containing protein family 3ek4 Calcium-saturated GCaMP2 Monomer 3ek7 Calcium-saturated GCaMP2 dimer 3ek8 Calcium-saturated GCaMP2 T116V/G87R mutant monomer 3ekh Calcium-saturated GCaMP2 T116V/K378W mutant monomer 3ekj Calcium-free GCaMP2 (calcium binding deficient mutant) 3evr Crystal structure of Calcium bound monomeric GCAMP2 3evu Crystal structure of Calcium bound dimeric GCAMP2, (#1) 3evv Crystal Structure of Calcium bound dimeric GCAMP2 (#2) 3ewt Crystal Structure of calmodulin complexed with a peptide 3ewv Crystal Structure of calmodulin complexed with a peptide 3f45 Structure of the R75A mutant of rat alpha-Parvalbumin 3fs7 Crystal structure of Gallus gallus beta-parvalbumin (avian thymic hormone) 3fwb Sac3:Sus1:Cdc31 complex 3fwc Sac3:Sus1:Cdc31 complex 3g43 Crystal structure of the calmodulin-bound Cav1.2 C-terminal regulatory domain dimer 3gn4 Myosin lever arm 3gof Calmodulin bound to peptide from macrophage nitric oxide synthase 3gp2 Calmodulin bound to peptide from calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) 3hr4 Human iNOS Reductase and Calmodulin Complex 3hx4 Crystal structure of CDPK1 of Toxoplasma gondii, TGME49_101440, in presence of calcium 3hzt Crystal structure of Toxoplasma gondii CDPK3, TGME49_105860 3i5f Crystal structure of squid MG.ADP myosin S1 3i5g Crystal structure of rigor-like squid myosin S1 3i5h The crystal structure of rigor like squid myosin S1 in the absence of nucleotide 3i5i The crystal structure of squid myosin S1 in the presence of SO4 2- 3i79 Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) 3i7b Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with bumped kinase inhibitor NM-PP1 3i7c Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with bumped kinase inhibitor NA-PP2 3if7 Structure of Calmodulin complexed with its first endogenous inhibitor, sphingosylphosphorylcholine 3ifk Crystal Structure Of Calcium-Saturated Calmodulin N-terminal Domain Fragment, Residues 1-90 3igo Crystal structure of Cryptosporidium parvum CDPK1, cgd3_920 3j04 EM structure of the heavy meromyosin subfragment of Chick smooth muscle Myosin with regulatory light chain in phosphorylated state 3j41 Pseudo-atomic model of the Aquaporin-0/Calmodulin complex derived from electron microscopy 3jax 3JAX 3jbh 3JBH 3jtd Calcium-free Scallop Myosin Regulatory Domain with ELC-D19A Point Mutation 3jvt Calcium-bound Scallop Myosin Regulatory Domain (Lever Arm) with Reconstituted Complete Light Chains 3k21 Crystal Structure of carboxy-terminus of PFC0420w. 3kf9 Crystal structure of the SdCen/skMLCK complex 3khe Crystal structure of the calcium-loaded calmodulin-like domain of the CDPK, 541.m00134 from toxoplasma gondii 3kpx Crystal Structure Analysis of photoprotein clytin 3ku2 Crystal Structure of inactivated form of CDPK1 from toxoplasma gondii, TGME49.101440 3l19 Crystal structure of calcium binding domain of CpCDPK3, cgd5_820 3l9i Myosin VI nucleotide-free (mdinsert2) L310G mutant crystal structure 3li6 Crystal structure and trimer-monomer transition of N-terminal domain of EhCaBP1 from Entamoeba histolytica 3lij Crystal structure of full length CpCDPK3 (cgd5_820) in complex with Ca2+ and AMPPNP 3ll8 Crystal Structure of Calcineurin in Complex with AKAP79 Peptide 3mse Crystal structure of C-terminal domain of PF110239. 3mwu Activated Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Cryptosporidium parvum (CpCDPK1) in complex with bumped kinase inhibitor RM-1-95 3n51 Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with bumped kinase inhibitor RM-1-95 3ncg Activated Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Cryptosporidium parvum (CpCDPK1) in complex with bumped kinase inhibitor NM-PP1 3nyv Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with non-specific inhibitor WHI-P180 3o4y Crystal structure of CAD domain of the Plasmodium Vivax CDPK, PVX_11610 3o77 The structure of Ca2+ Sensor (Case-16) 3o78 The structure of Ca2+ Sensor (Case-12) 3ox5 Crystal Structure of the calcium sensor calcium-binding protein 1 (CaBP1) 3ox6 Crystal Structure of the calcium sensor calcium-binding protein 1 (CaBP1) 3oxq Crystal Structure of Ca2+/CaM-CaV1.2 pre-IQ/IQ domain complex 3pal IONIC INTERACTIONS WITH PARVALBUMINS. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE DETERMINATION OF PIKE 4.10 PARVALBUMIN IN FOUR DIFFERENT IONIC ENVIRONMENTS 3pat COMPARISON BETWEEN THE CRYSTAL AND THE SOLUTION STRUCTURES OF THE EF HAND PARVALBUMIN 3pm8 CAD domain of PFF0520w, Calcium dependent protein kinase 3pn7 Visualizing new hinges and a potential major source of compliance in the lever arm of myosin 3px1 Structure of Calcium Binding Protein-1 from Entamoeba histolytica in complex with Strontium 3q5i Crystal Structure of PBANKA_031420 3qjk Structure of Calcium Binding Protein-1 from Entamoeba histolytica in complex with Lead 3qrx Chlamydomonas reinhardtii centrin bound to melittin 3rv5 Crystal structure of human cardiac troponin C regulatory domain in complex with cadmium and deoxycholic acid 3sd6 Crystal structure of the amino-terminal domain of human cardiac troponin C in complex with cadmium at 1.4 resolution. 3sg2 Crystal Structure of GCaMP2-T116V,D381Y 3sg3 Crystal Structure of GCaMP3-D380Y 3sg4 Crystal Structure of GCaMP3-D380Y, LP(linker 2) 3sg5 Crystal Structure of Dimeric GCaMP3-D380Y, QP(linker 1), LP(linker 2) 3sg6 Crystal Structure of Dimeric GCaMP2-LIA(linker 1) 3sg7 Crystal Structure of GCaMP3-KF(linker 1) 3sia Crystal structure of URE3-binding protein, (D127A,N129A) mutant, iodide phased 3sib Crystal structure of URE3-binding protein, wild-type 3sjq Crystal structure of a small conductance potassium channel splice variant complexed with calcium-calmodulin 3sjs Crystal structure of URE3-binding protein from Entamoeba histolytica, (D127A,N129A) mutant, native form 3sui Crystal structure of ca2+-calmodulin in complex with a trpv1 c-terminal peptide 3swb Crystal structure of the amino-terminal domain of human cardiac troponin C in complex with cadmium at 1.7 A resolution 3sx9 Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with Bumped Kinase Inhibitor, RM-1-132 3sxf Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with Bumped Kinase Inhibitor, RM-1-89 3t3u Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with Bumped Kinase Inhibitor, RM-1-130 3t3v Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with Bumped Kinase Inhibitor, RM-1-87 3ts5 Crystal Structure of a Light Chain Domain of Scallop Smooth Muscle Myosin 3tuy Phosphorylated Light Chain Domain of Scallop smooth Muscle Myosin 3tz1 Crystal structure of the Ca2+-saturated C-terminal domain of Akazara scallop troponin C in complex with a troponin I fragment 3u0k Crystal Structure of the genetically encoded calcium indicator RCaMP 3uct Structure of Mn2+-bound N-terminal domain of calmodulin in the presence of Zn2+ 3ucw Structure of MG2+ bound N-Terminal domain of Calmodulin 3ucy Structure of Mg2+ bound N-terminal domain of calmodulin in the presence of Zn2+ 3ulg Crystal structure of Calcium-Binding Protein-1 from Entamoeba histolytica in complex with barium 3upx Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with inhibitor UW1300 3upz Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with bumpless BKI analog UW1243 3v51 Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with inhibitor RM-1-176 3v5p Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with inhibitor UW1288 3v5t Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with inhibitor UW1299 3wfn Crystal Structure of Nav1.6 IQ motif in complex with apo-CaM 3wlc Crystal structure of dimeric GCaMP6m 3wld Crystal structure of monomeric GCaMP6m 3wxa 3WXA 4anj MYOSIN VI (MDinsert2-GFP fusion) PRE-POWERSTROKE STATE (MG.ADP.AlF4) 4aqr Crystal structure of calmodulin in complex with the regulatory domain of a plasma-membrane Ca2+-ATPase 4bw7 Calmodulin in complex with strontium 4bw8 Calmodulin with small bend in central helix 4by4 4BY4 4by5 4BY5 4bya 4BYA 4byf Crystal structure of human Myosin 1c in complex with calmodulin in the pre-power stroke state 4c0j Crystal structure of Drosophila Miro EF hand and cGTPase domains in the apo state (Apo-MiroS) 4c0k Crystal structure of Drosophila Miro EF hand and cGTPase domains bound to one calcium ion (Ca-MiroS) 4c0l Crystal structure of Drosophila Miro EF hand and cGTPase domains bound to one magnesium ion and Mg:GDP (MgGDP-MiroS) 4cln STRUCTURE OF A RECOMBINANT CALMODULIN FROM DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER REFINED AT 2.2-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 4cpv REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CALCIUM-LIGANDED CARP PARVALBUMIN 4.25 AT 1.5-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 4d1e 4D1E 4dbp Myosin VI nucleotide-free (MDINSERT2) D179Y crystal structure 4dbq MYOSIN VI D179Y (MD-INSERT2-CAM, DELTA-INSERT1) post-rigor state 4dck Crystal structure of the C-terminus of voltage-gated sodium channel in complex with FGF13 and CaM 4djc 1.35 A crystal structure of the NaV1.5 DIII-IV-Ca/CaM complex 4ds7 Crystal structure of yeast calmodulin bound to the C-terminal fragment of spindle pole body protein Spc110 4e50 Calmodulin and Ng peptide complex 4e53 Calmodulin and Nm peptide complex 4ehq Crystal Structure of Calmodulin Binding Domain of Orai1 in Complex with Ca2+/Calmodulin Displays a Unique Binding Mode 4f0z Crystal Structure of Calcineurin in Complex with the Calcineurin-Inhibiting Domain of the African Swine Fever Virus Protein A238L 4g27 Calcium-calmodulin complexed with the calmodulin binding domain from a small conductance potassium channel splice variant and phenylurea 4g28 Calcium-calmodulin complexed with the calmodulin binding domain from a small conductance potassium channel splice variant and EBIO-1 4gje Crystal structure of the refolded amino-terminal domain of human cardiac troponin C in complex with cadmium 4gjf Crystal structure of the amino-terminal domain of human cardiac troponin C mutant L29Q in complex with cadmium 4gjg Crystal structure of the amino-terminal domain of human cardiac troponin C mutant D2N/V28I/L29Q/G30D (NIQD) in complex with cadmium. 4gow Crystal Structure of Ca2+/CaM:Kv7.4 (KCNQ4) B helix complex 4guk New crystal form structure of human NCS1 4hex A novel conformation of calmodulin 4i2y Crystal Structure of the genetically encoded calcium indicator RGECO1 4ieb Crystal Structure of a Gly128Met mutant of the toxoplasma CDPK, TGME49_101440 4ifg Crystal structure of TgCDPK1 with inhibitor bound 4ih8 Crystal structure of TgCDPK1 with inhibitor bound 4ihp Crystal structure of TgCDPK1 with inhibitor bound 4ik1 High resolution structure of GCaMPJ at pH 8.5 4ik3 High resolution structure of GCaMP3 at pH 8.5 4ik4 High resolution structure of GCaMP3 at pH 5.0 4ik5 High resolution structure of Delta-REST-GCaMP3 4ik8 High resolution structure of GCaMP3 dimer form 1 at pH 7.5 4ik9 High resolution structure of GCaMP3 dimer form 2 at pH 7.5 4il1 Crystal Structure of the Rat Calcineurin 4j9y Calcium-calmodulin complexed with the calmodulin binding domain from a small conductance potassium channel splice variant 4j9z Calcium-calmodulin complexed with the calmodulin binding domain from a small conductance potassium channel splice variant and NS309 4jbv Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with inhibitor UW1268 4jpz Voltage-gated sodium channel 1.2 C-terminal domain in complex with FGF13U and Ca2+/calmodulin 4jq0 Voltage-gated sodium channel 1.5 C-terminal domain in complex with FGF12B and Ca2+/calmodulin 4jwq Crystal Structure of the Calcium Binding Domain of CDPK3 from Plasmodium Berghei, PB000947.00 4l79 Crystal Structure of nucleotide-free Myosin 1b residues 1-728 with bound Calmodulin 4lzx Complex of IQCG and Ca2+-free CaM 4m1l Complex of IQCG and Ca2+-bound CaM 4m2o Crystal structure of a non-myristoylated C39A recoverin mutant with one calcium ion bound to EF-hand 3 4m2p Crystal structure of a non-myristoylated C39D recoverin mutant with one calcium ion bound to EF-hand 3 4m2q Crystal structure of non-myristoylated recoverin with Cysteine-39 oxidized to sulfenic acid 4m84 Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with inhibitor UW1455 4m97 Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Neospora caninum 4mbe 4MBE 4mlw Crystal structure of non-myristoylated recoverin at 1.45 A resolution with calcium bound to EF-hand 3 4mn0 Spatial structure of the novel light-sensitive photoprotein berovin from the ctenophore Beroe abyssicola in the Ca2+-loaded apoprotein conformation state 4mrx Crystal Structure of Y138F obelin mutant from Obelia longissima at 1.72 Angstrom resolution 4mry Crystal Structure of Ca(2+)- discharged Y138F obelin mutant from Obelia longissima at 1.30 Angstrom resolution 4msp Crystal structure of human peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase FKBP22 (aka FKBP14) containing two EF-hand motifs 4mvf 4MVF 4mx9 CDPK1 from Neospora caninum in complex with inhibitor UW1294 4mxa CDPK1 from Neospora caninum in complex with inhibitor RM-1-132 4n1f Crystal Structure of F88Y obelin mutant from Obelia longissima at 2.09 Angstrom resolution 4n1g Crystal Structure of Ca(2+)- discharged F88Y obelin mutant from Obelia longissima at 1.50 Angstrom resolution 4n5x Crystal structure of N-terminal calmodulin-like Calcium sensor of human mitochondrial ATP-Mg/Pi carrier SCaMC1 4ndb 4NDB 4ndc 4NDC 4ndd 4NDD 4nqg 4NQG 4nsc Crystal Structure of CBARA1 in the Apo-form 4nsd Crystal Structure of CBARA1 in the Ca2+ Binding Form 4oci 4OCI 4okh 4OKH 4ona Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase 1 from Toxoplasma gondii (TgCDPK1) in complex with inhibitor UW1517 4or9 4OR9 4ora 4ORA 4orb 4ORB 4orc 4ORC 4ov2 Crystal structure of C-terminally truncated Neuronal Calcium Sensor (NCS-1) from Rattus norvegicus 4ovn 4OVN 4oy4 4OY4 4p5w 4P5W 4p5x 4P5X 4p60 4P60 4pal IONIC INTERACTIONS WITH PARVALBUMINS. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE DETERMINATION OF PIKE 4.10 PARVALBUMIN IN FOUR DIFFERENT IONIC ENVIRONMENTS 4phj 4PHJ 4phk 4PHK 4phm 4PHM 4phn 4PHN 4pjj 4PJJ 4q04 Crystal structure of URE3-BP from Entomaeba histolytica without calcium 4q57 4Q57 4q5u 4Q5U 4qnh 4QNH 4qox 4QOX 4r8g 4R8G 4rgj 4RGJ 4rjd 4RJD 4tnc REFINED STRUCTURE OF CHICKEN SKELETAL MUSCLE TROPONIN C IN THE TWO-CALCIUM STATE AT 2-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 4tzr 4TZR 4u8d 4U8D 4umo 4UMO 4upg 4UPG 4upu 4UPU 4usl 4USL 4v0c 4V0C 4wg3 4WG3 4wg4 4WG4 4wg5 4WG5 4wpx 4WPX 4wq2 4WQ2 4wq3 4WQ3 4y5q 4Y5Q 4y99 4Y99 4yga 4YGA 4yi8 4YI8 4yi9 4YI9 4yjn 4YJN 4yru 4YRU 4ysj 4YSJ 4ysm 4YSM 4yuq 4YUQ 4yzb 4YZB 4zcu 4ZCU 4zcv 4ZCV 4zlk 4ZLK 5a2h 5A2H 5aeq 5AEQ 5aer 5AER 5afp 5AFP 5b8i 5B8I 5bpj 5BPJ 5coc 5COC 5cpv RESTRAINED LEAST SQUARES REFINEMENT OF NATIVE (CALCIUM) AND CADMIUM-SUBSTITUTED CARP PARVALBUMIN USING X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC DATA AT 1.6-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 5d43 5D43 5d69 5D69 5dow 5DOW 5dqq 5DQQ 5dvr 5DVR 5e1j 5E1J 5e1k 5E1K 5e1n 5E1N 5e1p 5E1P 5e37 5E37 5f6t 5F6T 5ggm 5GGM 5go9 5GO9 5goa 5GOA 5gqq 5GQQ 5hit 5HIT 5i0i 5I0I 5ibw 5IBW 5j03 5J03 5j8h 5J8H 5jjg 5JJG 5jms 5JMS 5jn2 5JN2 5k7l 5K7L 5k8q 5K8Q 5ksz 5KSZ 5kty 5KTY 5ku1 5KU1 5pal CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE UNIQUE PARVALBUMIN COMPONENT FROM MUSCLE OF THE LEOPARD SHARK (TRIAKIS SEMIFASCIATA). THE FIRST X-RAY STUDY OF AN ALPHA-PARVALBUMIN 5sy1 5SY1 5t6a 5T6A 5t6i 5T6I 5t6k 5T6K 5tnc REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF TROPONIN C FROM TURKEY SKELETAL MUSCLE AT 2.0 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)
INTERPRO IPR002048 PFAM efhand