The domain within your query sequence starts at position 208 and ends at position 278; the E-value for the IGc1 domain shown below is 6.29e-19.
IGc1Immunoglobulin C-Type |
SMART accession number: | SM00407 |
Description: | - |
Interpro abstract (IPR003597): | The basic structure of immunoglobulin (Ig) molecules is a tetramer of two light chains and two heavy chains linked by disulphide bonds. There are two types of light chains: kappa and lambda, each composed of a constant domain (CL) and a variable domain (VL). There are five types of heavy chains: alpha, delta, epsilon, gamma and mu, all consisting of a variable domain (VH) and three (in alpha, delta and gamma) or four (in epsilon and mu) constant domains (CH1 to CH4). Ig molecules are highly modular proteins, in which the variable and constant domains have clear, conserved sequence patterns. The domains in Ig and Ig-like molecules are grouped into four types: V-set (variable; IPR013106 ), C1-set (constant-1; IPR003597 ), C2-set (constant-2; IPR008424 ) and I-set (intermediate; IPR013098 ) [ (PUBMED:9417933) ]. Structural studies have shown that these domains share a common core Greek-key beta-sandwich structure, with the types differing in the number of strands in the beta-sheets as well as in their sequence patterns [ (PUBMED:15327963) (PUBMED:11377196) ]. Immunoglobulin-like domains that are related in both sequence and structure can be found in several diverse protein families. Ig-like domains are involved in a variety of functions, including cell-cell recognition, cell-surface receptors, muscle structure and the immune system [ (PUBMED:10698639) ]. This entry represents C1-set domains, which are classical Ig-like domains resembling the antibody constant domain. C1-set domains are found almost exclusively in molecules involved in the immune system, such as in immunoglobulin light and heavy chains, in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II complex molecules [ (PUBMED:9597133) (PUBMED:12637770) ], and in various T-cell receptors. |
Family alignment: |
There are 24638 IGc1 domains in 22657 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing IGc1 domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with IGc1 domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing IGc1 domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the IGc1 domain.
Protein Disease UNKNOWN (SMART) OMIM:147020: Agammaglobulinemia
OMIM:601495:Immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 2 (P01859) (SMART) OMIM:147110: IgG2 deficiency, selective Hereditary hemochromatosis protein (Q30201) (SMART) OMIM:235200: Hemochromatosis ; Porphyria variegata
OMIM:176200: - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 27.93 map04612 Antigen processing and presentation 26.28 map04940 Type I diabetes mellitus 26.28 map04514 Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) 14.17 map04650 Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 5.34 map04640 Hematopoietic cell lineage This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with IGc1 domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing IGc1 domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of IGc1 domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1a1m MHC CLASS I MOLECULE B*5301 COMPLEXED WITH PEPTIDE TPYDINQML FROM GAG PROTEIN OF HIV2 1a1n MHC CLASS I MOLECULE B*3501 COMPLEXED WITH PEPTIDE VPLRPMTY FROM THE NEF PROTEIN (75-82) OF HIV1 1a1o MHC CLASS I MOLECULE B*5301 COMPLEXED WITH PEPTIDE LS6 (KPIVQYDNF) FROM THE MALARIA PARASITE P. FALCIPARUM 1a6a THE STRUCTURE OF AN INTERMEDIATE IN CLASS II MHC MATURATION: CLIP BOUND TO HLA-DR3 1a6z HFE (HUMAN) HEMOCHROMATOSIS PROTEIN 1a9b DECAMER-LIKE CONFORMATION OF A NANO-PEPTIDE BOUND TO HLA-B3501 DUE TO NONSTANDARD POSITIONING OF THE C-TERMINUS 1a9e DECAMER-LIKE CONFORMATION OF A NANO-PEPTIDE BOUND TO HLA-B3501 DUE TO NONSTANDARD POSITIONING OF THE C-TERMINUS 1adq CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN IGM RHEUMATOID FACTOR FAB IN COMPLEX WITH ITS AUTOANTIGEN IGG FC 1agb ANTAGONIST HIV-1 GAG PEPTIDES INDUCE STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN HLA B8-HIV-1 GAG PEPTIDE (GGRKKYKL-3R MUTATION) 1agc ANTAGONIST HIV-1 GAG PEPTIDES INDUCE STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN HLA B8-HIV-1 GAG PEPTIDE (GGKKKYQL-7Q MUTATION) 1agd ANTAGONIST HIV-1 GAG PEPTIDES INDUCE STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN HLA B8-HIV-1 GAG PEPTIDE (GGKKKYKL-INDEX PEPTIDE) 1age ANTAGONIST HIV-1 GAG PEPTIDES INDUCE STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN HLA B8-HIV-1 GAG PEPTIDE (GGKKKYRL-7R MUTATION) 1agf ANTAGONIST HIV-1 GAG PEPTIDES INDUCE STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN HLA B8-HIV-1 GAG PEPTIDE (GGKKRYKL-5R MUTATION) 1akj COMPLEX OF THE HUMAN MHC CLASS I GLYCOPROTEIN HLA-A2 AND THE T CELL CORECEPTOR CD8 1ao7 COMPLEX BETWEEN HUMAN T-CELL RECEPTOR, VIRAL PEPTIDE (TAX), AND HLA-A 0201 1aqd HLA-DR1 (DRA, DRB1 0101) HUMAN CLASS II HISTOCOMPATIBILITY PROTEIN (EXTRACELLULAR DOMAIN) COMPLEXED WITH ENDOGENOUS PEPTIDE 1b0g CLASS I HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN (HLA-A2.1)/BETA 2-MICROGLOBULIN/PEPTIDE P1049 COMPLEX 1b0r CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-A*0201 COMPLEXED WITH A PEPTIDE WITH THE CARBOXYL-TERMINAL GROUP SUBSTITUTED BY A METHYL GROUP 1b3j STRUCTURE OF THE MHC CLASS I HOMOLOG MIC-A, A GAMMADELTA T CELL LIGAND 1bd2 COMPLEX BETWEEN HUMAN T-CELL RECEPTOR B7, VIRAL PEPTIDE (TAX) AND MHC CLASS I MOLECULE HLA-A 0201 1bii THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF H-2DD MHC CLASS I IN COMPLEX WITH THE HIV-1 DERIVED PEPTIDE P18-110 1bmg CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BOVINE BETA2-MICROGLOBULIN 1bqh MURINE CD8AA ECTODOMAIN FRAGMENT IN COMPLEX WITH H-2KB/VSV8 1bx2 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-DR2 (DRA*0101,DRB1*1501) COMPLEXED WITH A PEPTIDE FROM HUMAN MYELIN BASIC PROTEIN 1bz9 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MURINE CLASS I MHC H2-DB COMPLEXED WITH A SYNTHETIC PEPTIDE P1027 1c16 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF THE GAMMA/DELTA T CELL LIGAND T22 1cd1 CD1(MOUSE) ANTIGEN PRESENTING MOLECULE 1ce6 MHC CLASS I H-2DB COMPLEXED WITH A SENDAI VIRUS NUCLEOPROTEIN PEPTIDE 1cg9 COMPLEX RECOGNITION OF THE SUPERTYPIC BW6-DETERMINANT ON HLA-B AND-C MOLECULES BY THE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY SFR8-B6 1cl7 ANTI HIV1 PROTEASE FAB 1cqk CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE CH3 DOMAIN FROM THE MAK33 ANTIBODY 1d5m X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-DR4 COMPLEXED WITH PEPTIDE AND SEB 1d5x X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-DR4 COMPLEXED WITH DIPEPTIDE MIMETIC AND SEB 1d5z X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-DR4 COMPLEXED WITH PEPTIDOMIMETIC AND SEB 1d6e CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-DR4 COMPLEX WITH PEPTIDOMIMETIC AND SEB 1d9k CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF COMPLEX BETWEEN D10 TCR AND PMHC I-AK/CA 1ddh MHC CLASS I H-2DD HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND AN IMMUNODOMINANT PEPTIDE P18-I10 FROM THE HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS ENVELOPE GLYCOPROTEIN 120 1de4 HEMOCHROMATOSIS PROTEIN HFE COMPLEXED WITH TRANSFERRIN RECEPTOR 1dlh CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN CLASS II MHC PROTEIN HLA-DR1 COMPLEXED WITH AN INFLUENZA VIRUS PEPTIDE 1dn2 FC FRAGMENT OF HUMAN IGG1 IN COMPLEX WITH AN ENGINEERED 13 RESIDUE PEPTIDE DCAWHLGELVWCT-NH2 1duy CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-A*0201/OCTAMERIC TAX PEPTIDE COMPLEX 1duz HUMAN CLASS I HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN (HLA-A 0201) IN COMPLEX WITH A NONAMERIC PEPTIDE FROM HTLV-1 TAX PROTEIN 1e27 Nonstandard peptide binding of HLA-B*5101 complexed with HIV immunodominant epitope KM1(LPPVVAKEI) 1e28 Nonstandard peptide binding of HLA-B*5101 complexed with HIV immunodominant epitope KM2(TAFTIPSI) 1e4k Crystal structure of soluble human IgG1 Fc fragment-Fc-gamma Receptor III complex 1ed3 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF RAT MINOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN COMPLEX RT1-AA/MTF-E. 1eey Crystal Structure Determination Of HLA A2 Complexed to Peptide GP2 with the substitution (I2L/V5L/L9V) 1eez Crystal Structure Determination of HLA-A2.1 Complexed to GP2 Peptide Variant(I2L/V5L) 1efx STRUCTURE OF A COMPLEX BETWEEN THE HUMAN NATURAL KILLER CELL RECEPTOR KIR2DL2 AND A CLASS I MHC LIGAND HLA-CW3 1es0 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MURINE CLASS II ALLELE I-A(G7) COMPLEXED WITH THE GLUTAMIC ACID DECARBOXYLASE (GAD65) PEPTIDE 207-220 1exu CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN MHC-RELATED FC RECEPTOR 1f3j HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN I-AG7 1f6a Structure of the human ige-fc bound to its high affinity receptor fc(epsilon)ri(alpha) 1fc1 CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC REFINEMENT AND ATOMIC MODELS OF A HUMAN FC FRAGMENT AND ITS COMPLEX WITH FRAGMENT B OF PROTEIN A FROM STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS AT 2.9-AND 2.8-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1fc2 CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC REFINEMENT AND ATOMIC MODELS OF A HUMAN FC FRAGMENT AND ITS COMPLEX WITH FRAGMENT B OF PROTEIN A FROM STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS AT 2.9-AND 2.8-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1fcc CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE C2 FRAGMENT OF STREPTOCOCCAL PROTEIN G IN COMPLEX WITH THE FC DOMAIN OF HUMAN IGG 1ffn CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MURINE CLASS I H-2DB COMPLEXED WITH PEPTIDE GP33(C9M) 1ffo CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MURINE CLASS I H-2DB COMPLEXED WITH SYNTHETIC PEPTIDE GP33 (C9M/K1A) 1ffp CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MURINE CLASS I H-2DB COMPLEXED WITH PEPTIDE GP33 (C9M/K1S) 1fg2 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE LCMV PEPTIDIC EPITOPE GP33 IN COMPLEX WITH THE MURINE CLASS I MHC MOLECULE H-2DB 1fne HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN 1fng HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN 1fo0 MURINE ALLOREACTIVE SCFV TCR-PEPTIDE-MHC CLASS I MOLECULE COMPLEX 1fp5 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF THE HUMAN IGE-FC CEPSILON3-CEPSILON4 FRAGMENT. 1frt CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF RAT NEONATAL FC RECEPTOR WITH FC 1fv1 STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR THE BINDING OF AN IMMUNODOMINANT PEPTIDE FROM MYELIN BASIC PROTEIN IN DIFFERENT REGISTERS BY TWO HLA-DR2 ALLELES 1fyt CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A COMPLEX OF A HUMAN ALPHA/BETA-T CELL RECEPTOR, INFLUENZA HA ANTIGEN PEPTIDE, AND MHC CLASS II MOLECULE, HLA-DR1 1fzj MHC CLASS I NATURAL MUTANT H-2KBM1 HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND VESICULAR STOMATITIS VIRUS NUCLEOPROTEIN 1fzk MHC CLASS I NATURAL MUTANT H-2KBM1 HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND SENDAI VIRUS NUCLEOPROTEIN 1fzm MHC CLASS I NATURAL MUTANT H-2KBM8 HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND VESICULAR STOMATITIS VIRUS NUCLEOPROTEIN 1fzo MHC CLASS I NATURAL MUTANT H-2KBM8 HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND SENDAI VIRUS NUCLEOPROTEIN 1g6r A FUNCTIONAL HOT SPOT FOR ANTIGEN RECOGNITION IN A SUPERAGONIST TCR/MHC COMPLEX 1g7p CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MHC CLASS I H-2KB HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND YEAST ALPHA-GLUCOSIDASE 1g7q CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MHC CLASS I H-2KB HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND MUC1 VNTR PEPTIDE SAPDTRPA 1g84 THE SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE C EPSILON2 DOMAIN FROM IGE 1gzp CD1b in complex with GM2 ganglioside 1gzq CD1b in complex with Phophatidylinositol 1h15 X-ray crystal structure of HLA-DRA1*0101/DRB5*0101 complexed with a peptide from Epstein Barr Virus DNA polymerase. 1h3t Crystal structure of the human igg1 fc-fragment,glycoform (mn2f)2 1h3u Structural analysis of human IgG-Fc glycoforms reveals a correlation between glycosylation and structural integrity 1h3v Structural analysis of human IgG-Fc glycoforms reveals a correlation between glycosylation and structural integrity 1h3w Structural analysis of human IgG-Fc glycoforms reveals a correlation between glycosylation and structural integrity 1h3x Structural analysis of human IgG-Fc glycoforms reveals a correlation between glycosylation and structural integrity 1h3y Structural analysis of human IgG-Fc glycoforms reveals a correlation between glycosylation and structural integrity 1hdm HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN HLA-DM 1hhg THE ANTIGENIC IDENTITY OF PEPTIDE(SLASH)MHC COMPLEXES: A COMPARISON OF THE CONFORMATION OF FIVE PEPTIDES PRESENTED BY HLA-A2 1hhh THE ANTIGENIC IDENTITY OF PEPTIDE(SLASH)MHC COMPLEXES: A COMPARISON OF THE CONFORMATION OF FIVE PEPTIDES PRESENTED BY HLA-A2 1hhi THE ANTIGENIC IDENTITY OF PEPTIDE(SLASH)MHC COMPLEXES: A COMPARISON OF THE CONFORMATION OF FIVE PEPTIDES PRESENTED BY HLA-A2 1hhj THE ANTIGENIC IDENTITY OF PEPTIDE(SLASH)MHC COMPLEXES: A COMPARISON OF THE CONFORMATION OF FIVE PEPTIDES PRESENTED BY HLA-A2 1hhk THE ANTIGENIC IDENTITY OF PEPTIDE(SLASH)MHC COMPLEXES: A COMPARISON OF THE CONFORMATION OF FIVE PEPTIDES PRESENTED BY HLA-A2 1hla STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN CLASS I HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN, HLA-A2 1hoc THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF H-2DB AT 2.4 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION: IMPLICATIONS FOR ANTIGEN-DETERMINANT SELECTION 1hqr CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A SUPERANTIGEN BOUND TO THE HIGH-AFFINITY, ZINC-DEPENDENT SITE ON MHC CLASS II 1hsa THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-B27 AT 2.1 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION SUGGESTS A GENERAL MECHANISM FOR TIGHT PEPTIDE BINDING TO MHC 1hsb DIFFERENT LENGTH PEPTIDES BIND TO HLA-AW68 SIMILARLY AT THEIR ENDS BUT BULGE OUT IN THE MIDDLE 1hxy CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF STAPHYLOCOCCAL ENTEROTOXIN H IN COMPLEX WITH HUMAN MHC CLASS II 1hyr CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN MICA IN COMPLEX WITH NATURAL KILLER CELL RECEPTOR NKG2D 1i1a CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE NEONATAL FC RECEPTOR COMPLEXED WITH A HETERODIMERIC FC 1i1c NON-FCRN BINDING FC FRAGMENT OF RAT IGG2A 1i1f Crystal structure of human class i mhc (hla-a2.1) complexed with beta 2-microglobulin and hiv-rt variant peptide i1y 1i1y CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN CLASS I MHC (HLA-A2.1) COMPLEXED WITH BETA 2-MICROGLOBULIN AND HIV-RT VARIANT PEPTIDE I1Y 1i3r CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A MUTANT IEK CLASS II MHC MOLECULE 1i4f CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-A*0201/MAGE-A4-PEPTIDE COMPLEX 1i7r CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CLASS I MHC A2 IN COMPLEX WITH PEPTIDE P1058 1i7t CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CLASS I MHC A2 IN COMPLEX WITH PEPTIDE P1049-5V 1i7u CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CLASS I MHC A2 IN COMPLEX WITH PEPTIDE P1049-6V 1iak HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN I-AK 1iao CLASS II MHC I-AD IN COMPLEX WITH OVALBUMIN PEPTIDE 323-339 1iea HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN 1ieb HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN 1im3 Crystal Structure of the human cytomegalovirus protein US2 bound to the MHC class I molecule HLA-A2/tax 1im9 Crystal structure of the human natural killer cell inhibitory receptor KIR2DL1 bound to its MHC ligand HLA-Cw4 1inq Structure of Minor Histocompatibility Antigen peptide, H13a, complexed to H2-Db 1j8h Crystal Structure of a Complex of a Human alpha/beta-T cell Receptor, Influenza HA Antigen Peptide, and MHC Class II Molecule, HLA-DR4 1je6 Structure of the MHC Class I Homolog MICB 1jf1 Crystal structure of HLA-A2*0201 in complex with a decameric altered peptide ligand from the MART-1/Melan-A 1jgd HLA-B*2709 bound to deca-peptide s10R 1jge HLA-B*2705 bound to nona-peptide m9 1jht Crystal structure of HLA-A2*0201 in complex with a nonameric altered peptide ligand (ALGIGILTV) from the MART-1/Melan-A. 1jk8 Crystal structure of a human insulin peptide-HLA-DQ8 complex 1jl4 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN CD4 N-TERMINAL TWO DOMAIN FRAGMENT COMPLEXED TO A CLASS II MHC MOLECULE 1jnj NMR solution structure of the human beta2-microglobulin 1jpf Crystal Structure Of The LCMV Peptidic Epitope Gp276 In Complex With The Murine Class I Mhc Molecule H-2Db 1jpg Crystal Structure Of The LCMV Peptidic Epitope Np396 In Complex With The Murine Class I Mhc Molecule H-2Db 1juf Structure of Minor Histocompatibility Antigen peptide, H13b, complexed to H2-Db 1jwm Crystal Structure of the Complex of the MHC Class II Molecule HLA-DR1(HA peptide 306-318) with the Superantigen SEC3 1jws Crystal Structure of the Complex of the MHC Class II Molecule HLA-DR1 (HA peptide 306-318) with the Superantigen SEC3 Variant 3B1 1jwu Crystal Structure of the Complex of the MHC Class II Molecule HLA-DR1 (HA peptide 306-318) with the superantigen SEC3 Variant 3B2 1k2d Crystal structure of the autoimmune MHC class II I-Au complexed with myelin basic protein 1-11 at 2.2A 1k5n HLA-B*2709 BOUND TO NONA-PEPTIDE M9 1k8d crystal structure of the non-classical MHC class Ib Qa-2 complexed with a self peptide 1k8i CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MOUSE H2-DM 1kbg MHC Class I H-2KB Presented Glycopeptide RGY8-6H-GAL2 1kg0 Structure of the Epstein-Barr Virus gp42 Protein Bound to the MHC class II Receptor HLA-DR1 1kgc Immune Receptor 1kj2 Murine Alloreactive ScFv TCR-Peptide-MHC Class I Molecule Complex 1kj3 Mhc Class I H-2Kb molecule complexed with pKB1 peptide 1kjm TAP-A-associated rat MHC class I molecule 1kjv TAP-B-associated rat MHC class I molecule 1klg Crystal structure of HLA-DR1/TPI(23-37, Thr28-->Ile mutant) complexed with staphylococcal enterotoxin C3 variant 3B2 (SEC3-3B2) 1klu Crystal structure of HLA-DR1/TPI(23-37) complexed with staphylococcal enterotoxin C3 variant 3B2 (SEC3-3B2) 1kpr The human non-classical major histocompatibility complex molecule HLA-E 1kpu High resolution crystal structure of the MHC class I complex H-2Kb/VSV8 1kpv High resolution crystal structure of the MHC class I complex H-2Kb/SEV9 1kt2 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CLASS II MHC MOLECULE IEK BOUND TO MOTH CYTOCHROME C PEPTIDE 1ktd CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CLASS II MHC MOLECULE IEK BOUND TO PIGEON CYTOCHROME C PEPTIDE 1ktk Complex of Streptococcal pyrogenic enterotoxin C (SpeC) with a human T cell receptor beta chain (Vbeta2.1) 1ktl The human non-classical major histocompatibility complex molecule HLA-E 1l6x FC FRAGMENT OF RITUXIMAB BOUND TO A MINIMIZED VERSION OF THE B-DOMAIN FROM PROTEIN A CALLED Z34C 1ld9 THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF AN H-2LD PEPTIDE COMPLEX EXPLAINS THE UNIQUE INTERACTION OF LD WITH BETA2M AND PEPTIDE 1ldp CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MURINE MHC CLASS I H-2LD WITH A MIXTURE OF BOUND PEPTIDES 1lds Crystal Structure of monomeric human beta-2-microglobulin 1leg Crystal Structure of H-2Kb bound to the dEV8 peptide 1lek Crystal Structure of H-2Kbm3 bound to dEV8 1lk2 1.35A crystal structure of H-2Kb complexed with the GNYSFYAL peptide 1lnu CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CLASS II MHC MOLECULE IAb BOUND TO EALPHA3K PEPTIDE 1lo5 Crystal structure of the D227A variant of Staphylococcal enterotoxin A in complex with human MHC class II 1lp9 Xenoreactive complex AHIII 12.2 TCR bound to p1049/HLA-A2.1 1m05 HLA B8 in complex with an Epstein Barr Virus determinant 1m6o Crystal Structure of HLA B*4402 in complex with HLA DPA*0201 peptide 1mhc MODEL OF MHC CLASS I H2-M3 WITH NONAPEPTIDE FROM RAT ND1 REFINED AT 2.3 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1mhe THE HUMAN NON-CLASSICAL MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX MOLECULE HLA-E 1mi5 The crystal structure of LC13 TcR in complex with HLAB8-EBV peptide complex 1muj Crystal structure of murine class II MHC I-Ab in complex with a human CLIP peptide 1mwa 2C/H-2KBM3/DEV8 ALLOGENEIC COMPLEX 1n2r A natural selected dimorphism in HLA B*44 alters self, peptide reportoire and T cell recognition. 1n3n Crystal structure of a mycobacterial hsp60 epitope with the murine class I MHC molecule H-2Db 1n59 Crystal structure of the Murine class I Major Histocompatibility Complex of H-2KB, B2-Microglobulin, and A 9-Residue immunodominant peptide epitope gp33 derived from LCMV 1n5a Crystal structure of the Murine class I Major Histocompatibility Complex of H-2DB, B2-Microglobulin, and A 9-Residue immunodominant peptide epitope gp33 derived from LCMV 1nam MURINE ALLOREACTIVE SCFV TCR-PEPTIDE-MHC CLASS I MOLECULE COMPLEX 1nan MCH CLASS I H-2KB MOLECULE COMPLEXED WITH PBM1 PEPTIDE 1nez The Crystal Structure of a TL/CD8aa Complex at 2.1A resolution:Implications for Memory T cell Generation, Co-receptor Preference and Affinity 1nfd AN ALPHA-BETA T CELL RECEPTOR (TCR) HETERODIMER IN COMPLEX WITH AN ANTI-TCR FAB FRAGMENT DERIVED FROM A MITOGENIC ANTIBODY 1ntl Model of mouse Crry-Ig determined by solution scattering, curve fitting and homology modelling 1o0v The crystal structure of IgE Fc reveals an asymmetrically bent conformation 1of2 Crystal structure of HLA-B*2709 complexed with the vasoactive intestinal peptide type 1 receptor (VIPR) peptide (residues 400-408) 1oga A structural basis for immunodominant human T-cell receptor recognition. 1ogt CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-B*2709 COMPLEXED WITH THE VASOACTIVE INTESTINAL PEPTIDE TYPE 1 RECEPTOR (VIPR) PEPTIDE (RESIDUES 400-408) 1onq Crystal Structure of CD1a in Complex with a Sulfatide 1oqo Complex between G0 version of an Fc bound to a minimized version of Protein A called Mini-Z 1oqx G-2 glycovariant of human IgG Fc bound to minimized version of Protein A called Z34C 1osz MHC CLASS I H-2KB HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND AN (L4V) MUTANT OF THE VESICULAR STOMATITIS VIRUS NUCLEOPROTEIN 1ow0 Crystal structure of human FcaRI bound to IgA1-Fc 1p1z X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE LECTIN-LIKE NATURAL KILLER CELL RECEPTOR LY-49C BOUND TO ITS MHC CLASS I LIGAND H-2Kb 1p4l Crystal structure of NK receptor Ly49C mutant with its MHC class I ligand H-2Kb 1p7q Crystal Structure of HLA-A2 Bound to LIR-1, a Host and Viral MHC Receptor 1pfc MOLECULAR-REPLACEMENT STRUCTURE OF GUINEA PIG IGG1 P*FC(PRIME) REFINED AT 3.1 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1pqz MURINE CYTOMEGALOVIRUS IMMUNOMODULATORY PROTEIN M144 1py4 Beta2 microglobulin mutant H31Y displays hints for amyloid formations 1pyw Human class II MHC protein HLA-DR1 bound to a designed peptide related to influenza virus hemagglutinin, FVKQNA(MAA)AL, in complex with staphylococcal enterotoxin C3 variant 3B2 (SEC3-3B2) 1q94 Structures of HLA-A*1101 in complex with immunodominant nonamer and decamer HIV-1 epitopes clearly reveal the presence of a middle anchor residue 1qew HUMAN CLASS I HISTOCOMPATIBILITY ANTIGEN (HLA-A 0201) COMPLEX WITH A NONAMERIC PEPTIDE FROM MELANOMA-ASSOCIATED ANTIGEN 3 (RESIDUES 271-279) 1qlf MHC CLASS I H-2DB COMPLEXED WITH GLYCOPEPTIDE K3G 1qo3 Complex between NK cell receptor Ly49A and its MHC class I ligand H-2Dd 1qqd CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-CW4, A LIGAND FOR THE KIR2D NATURAL KILLER CELL INHIBITORY RECEPTOR 1qr1 POOR BINDING OF A HER-2/NEU EPITOPE (GP2) TO HLA-A2.1 IS DUE TO A LACK OF INTERACTIONS IN THE CENTER OF THE PEPTIDE 1qrn CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN A6 TCR COMPLEXED WITH HLA-A2 BOUND TO ALTERED HTLV-1 TAX PEPTIDE P6A 1qse STRUCTURE OF HUMAN A6-TCR BOUND TO HLA-A2 COMPLEXED WITH ALTERED HTLV-1 TAX PEPTIDE V7R 1qsf STRUCTURE OF A6-TCR BOUND TO HLA-A2 COMPLEXED WITH ALTERED HTLV-1 TAX PEPTIDE Y8A 1qvo STRUCTURES OF HLA-A*1101 IN COMPLEX WITH IMMUNODOMINANT NONAMER AND DECAMER HIV-1 EPITOPES CLEARLY REVEAL THE PRESENCE OF A MIDDLE ANCHOR RESIDUE 1r3h Crystal Structure of T10 1r5i Crystal structure of the MAM-MHC complex 1r5v Evidence that structural rearrangements and/or flexibility during TCR binding can contribute to T-cell activation 1r5w Evidence that structural rearrangements and/or flexibility during TCR binding can contribute to T-cell activation 1rjy Mhc Class I Natural Mutant H-2Kbm8 Heavy Chain Complexed With beta-2 Microglobulin and Herpes Simplex Virus Glycoprotein B Peptide 1rjz Mhc Class I Natural Mutant H-2Kbm8 Heavy Chain Complexed With beta-2 Microglobulin and Herpies Simplex Virus Mutant Glycoprotein B Peptide 1rk0 Mhc Class I H-2Kb Heavy Chain Complexed With beta-2 Microglobulin and Herpes Simplex Virus Glycoprotein B peptide 1rk1 Mhc Class I Natural H-2Kb Heavy Chain Complexed With beta-2 Microglobulin and Herpes Simplex Virus Mutant Glycoprotein B Peptide 1s7q Crystal structures of the murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Kb in complex with LCMV-derived gp33 index peptide and three of its escape variants 1s7r Crystal structures of the murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Kb in complex with LCMV-derived gp33 index peptide and three of its escape variants 1s7s Crystal structures of the murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Kb in complex with LCMV-derived gp33 index peptide and three of its escape variants 1s7t Crystal structures of the murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Kb in complex with LCMV-derived gp33 index peptide and three of its escape variants 1s7u Crystal structures of the murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Db in complex with LCMV-derived gp33 index peptide and three of its escape variants 1s7v Crystal structures of the murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Db in complex with LCMV-derived gp33 index peptide and three of its escape variants 1s7w Crystal structures of the murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Db in complex with LCMV-derived gp33 index peptide and three of its escape variants 1s7x Crystal structures of the murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Db in complex with LCMV-derived gp33 index peptide and three of its escape variants 1s8d Structural basis for degenerate recognition of HIV peptide variants by cytotoxic lymphocyte, variant SL9-3A 1s9v Crystal structure of HLA-DQ2 complexed with deamidated gliadin peptide 1s9w Crystal Structure Analysis of NY-ESO-1 epitope, SLLMWITQC, in complex with HLA-A2 1s9x Crystal Structure Analysis of NY-ESO-1 epitope analogue, SLLMWITQA, in complex with HLA-A2 1s9y Crystal Structure Analysis of NY-ESO-1 epitope analogue, SLLMWITQS, in complex with HLA-A2 1seb COMPLEX OF THE HUMAN MHC CLASS II GLYCOPROTEIN HLA-DR1 AND THE BACTERIAL SUPERANTIGEN SEB 1sje HLA-DR1 complexed with a 16 residue HIV capsid peptide bound in a hairpin conformation 1sjh HLA-DR1 complexed with a 13 residue HIV capsid peptide 1sys Crystal structure of HLA, B*4403, and peptide EEPTVIKKY 1syv HLA-B*4405 complexed to the dominant self ligand EEFGRAYGF 1t0m Conformational switch in polymorphic H-2K molecules containing an HSV peptide 1t0n Conformational switch in polymorphic H-2K molecules containing an HSV peptide 1t1w Structural basis for degenerate recognition of HIV peptide variants by cytotoxic lymphocyte, variant SL9-3F6I8V 1t1x Structural basis for degenerate recognition of HIV peptide variants by cytotoxic lymphocyte, variant SL9-4L 1t1y Structural basis for degenerate recognition of HIV peptide variants by cytotoxic lymphocyte, variant SL9-5V 1t1z Structural basis for degenerate recognition of HIV peptide variants by cytotoxic lymphocyte, variant SL9-6A 1t20 Structural basis for degenerate recognition of HIV peptide variants by cytotoxic lymphocyte, variant SL9-6I 1t21 Structural basis for degenerate recognition of HIV peptide variants by cytotoxic lymphocyte, variant SL9, monoclinic crystal 1t22 Structural basis for degenerate recognition of HIV peptide variants by cytotoxic lymphocyte, variant SL9, orthorhombic crystal 1t5w HLA-DR1 in complex with a synthetic peptide (AAYSDQATPLLLSPR) 1t5x HLA-DR1 in complex with a synthetic peptide (AAYSDQATPLLLSPR) and the superantigen SEC3-3B2 1t7v Zn-alpha-2-glycoprotein; baculo-ZAG PEG 200 1t7w Zn-alpha-2-glycoprotein; CHO-ZAG PEG 400 1t7x Zn-alpha-2-glycoprotein; refolded CHO-ZAG PEG 400 1t7y Zn-alpha-2-glycoprotein; baculo-ZAG PEG 200, no glycerol 1t7z Zn-alpha-2-glycoprotein; baculo-ZAG no PEG, no glycerol 1t80 Zn-alpha-2-glycoprotein; CHO-ZAG PEG 200 1t83 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN TYPE III FC GAMMA RECEPTOR IN COMPLEX WITH AN FC FRAGMENT OF IGG1 (ORTHORHOMBIC) 1t89 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN TYPE III FC GAMMA RECEPTOR IN COMPLEX WITH AN FC FRAGMENT OF IGG1 (HEXAGONAL) 1tmc THE HTREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A CLASS I MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX MOLECULE MISSING THE ALPHA3 DOMAIN OF THE HEAVY CHAIN 1tvb Crystal structure of Melanoma Antigen gp100(209-217) Bound to Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 1tvh Crystal structure of Modified Melanoma Antigen gp100(209-T2M) Bound to Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 1u3h Crystal structure of mouse TCR 172.10 complexed with MHC class II I-Au molecule at 2.4 A 1u58 Crystal structure of the murine cytomegalovirus MHC-I homolog m144 1uqs The Crystal Structure of Human CD1b with a Bound Bacterial Glycolipid 1uvq Crystal structure of HLA-DQ0602 in complex with a hypocretin peptide 1uxs CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-B*2705 COMPLEXED WITH THE LATENT MEMBRANE PROTEIN 2 PEPTIDE (LMP2)OF EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS 1uxw CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-B*2709 COMPLEXED WITH THE LATENT MEMBRANE PROTEIN 2 PEPTIDE (LMP2) OF EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS 1vac MHC CLASS I H-2KB HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND CHICKEN OVALBUMIN 1vad MHC CLASS I H-2KB HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND YEAST ALPHA-GLUCOSIDASE 1vgk The crystal structure of class I Major histocompatibility complex, H-2Kd at 2.0 A resolution 1w0v Crystal Structure Of HLA-B*2705 Complexed With the self-Peptide TIS from EGF-response factor 1 1w0w Crystal Structure Of HLA-B*2709 Complexed With the self-Peptide TIS from EGF-response factor 1 1w72 Crystal structure of HLA-A1:MAGE-A1 in complex with Fab-Hyb3 1wbx CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF MURINE MHC CLASS I H-2 Db AND Kb MOLECULES IN COMPLEX WITH CTL EPITOPES FROM INFLUENZA A VIRUS: IMPLICATIONS FOR TCR REPERTOIRE SELECTION AND IMMUNODOMINANCE 1wby CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF MURINE MHC CLASS I H-2 Db AND Kb MOLECULES IN COMPLEX WITH CTL EPITOPES FROM INFLUENZA A VIRUS: IMPLICATIONS FOR TCR REPERTOIRE SELECTION AND IMMUNODOMINANCE 1wbz CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF MURINE MHC CLASS I H-2 Db AND Kb MOLECULES IN COMPLEX WITH CTL EPITOPES FROM INFLUENZA A VIRUS: IMPLICATIONS FOR TCR REPERTOIRE SELECTION AND IMMUNODOMINANCE 1x7q Crystal structure of HLA-A*1101 with sars nucleocapsid peptide 1xh3 Conformational Restraints and Flexibility of 14-Meric Peptides in Complex with HLA-B*3501 1xr8 Crystal Structures of HLA-B*1501 in Complex with Peptides from Human UbcH6 and Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA-3 1xr9 Crystal Structures of HLA-B*1501 in Complex with Peptides from Human UbcH6 and Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA-3 1xz0 Crystal structure of CD1a in complex with a synthetic mycobactin lipopeptide 1ydp 1.9A crystal structure of HLA-G 1ymm TCR/HLA-DR2b/MBP-peptide complex 1yn6 Crystal structure of a mouse MHC class I protein, H2-Db, in complex with a peptide from the influenza A acid polymerase 1yn7 Crystal structure of a mouse MHC class I protein, H2-Db, in complex with a mutated peptide (R7A) of the influenza A acid polymerase 1ypz Immune receptor 1z5l Structure of a highly potent short-chain galactosyl ceramide agonist bound to CD1D 1zag HUMAN ZINC-ALPHA-2-GLYCOPROTEIN 1zgl Crystal structure of 3A6 TCR bound to MBP/HLA-DR2a 1zhb Crystal Structure Of The Murine Class I Major Histocompatibility Complex Of H-2Db, B2-Microglobulin, and a 9-Residue Peptide Derived from rat dopamine beta-monooxigenase 1zhk Crystal structure of HLA-B*3501 presenting 13-mer EBV antigen LPEPLPQGQLTAY 1zhl Crystal structure of HLA-B*3508 presenting 13-mer EBV antigen LPEPLPQGQLTAY 1zhn Crystal Structure of mouse CD1d bound to the self ligand phosphatidylcholine 1zs8 Crystal Structure of the Murine MHC Class Ib Molecule M10.5 1zsd Crystal Structure Of HLA-B*3501 Presenting an 11-Mer EBV Antigen EPLPQGQLTAY 1zt1 crystal structure of class I MHC H-2Kk in complex with an octapeptide 1zt4 The crystal structure of human CD1d with and without alpha-Galactosylceramide 1zt7 crystal structure of class I MHC H-2Kk in complex with a nonapeptide 1zvs Crystal structure of the first class MHC mamu and Tat-Tl8 complex 2a83 Crystal structure of hla-b*2705 complexed with the glucagon receptor (gr) peptide (residues 412-420) 2ak4 Crystal Structure of SB27 TCR in complex with HLA-B*3508-13mer peptide 2akr Structural basis of sulfatide presentation by mouse CD1d 2aty Complement receptor chimaeric conjugate CR2-Ig 2av1 Crystal structure of HTLV-1 TAX peptide Bound to Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the E63Q and K66A mutations in the heavy chain. 2av7 Crystal structure of HTLV-1 TAX peptide Bound to Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the K66A mutation in the heavy chain. 2axf The Immunogenicity of a Viral Cytotoxic T Cell Epitope is controlled by its MHC-bound Conformation 2axg The Immunogenicity of a Viral Cytotoxic T Cell Epitope is controlled by its MHC-bound Conformation 2axh Crystal structures of T cell receptor beta chains related to rheumatoid arthritis 2axj Crystal structures of T cell receptor beta chains related to rheumatoid arthritis 2bc4 Crystal structure of HLA-DM 2bck Crystal Structure of HLA-A*2402 Complexed with a telomerase peptide 2bnq Structural and kinetic basis for heightened immunogenicity of T cell vaccines 2bnr Structural and kinetic basis for heightened immunogenicity of T cell vaccines 2bnu Structural and kinetic basis for heightened immunogenicity of T cell vaccines 2bsr Crystal structures and KIR3DL1 recognition of three immunodominant viral peptides complexed to HLA-B2705 2bss Crystal structures and KIR3DL1 recognition of three immunodominant viral peptides complexed to HLA-B2705 2bst Crystal structures and KIR3DL1 recognition of three immunodominant viral peptides complexed to HLA-B2705 2bvo Structures of Three HIV-1 HLA-B5703-Peptide Complexes and Identification of Related HLAs Potentially Associated with Long-Term Non-Progression 2bvp Structures of Three HIV-1 HLA-B5703-Peptide Complexes and Identification of Related HLAs Potentially Associated with Long-Term Non-Progression 2bvq Structures of Three HIV-1 HLA-B5703-Peptide Complexes and Identification of Related HLAs Potentially Associated with Long-Term Non-Progression 2c7u Conflicting selective forces affect CD8 T-cell receptor contact sites in an HLA-A2 immunodominant HIV epitope. 2cde Structure and binding kinetics of three different human CD1d-alpha- Galactosylceramide specific T cell receptors - iNKT-TCR 2cdf Structure and binding kinetics of three different human CD1d-alpha- Galactosylceramide-specific T cell receptors (TCR 5E) 2cdg Structure and binding kinetics of three different human CD1d-alpha- Galactosylceramide-specific T cell receptors (TCR 5B) 2cii The crystal structure of H-2Db complexed with a partial peptide epitope suggests an MHC Class I assembly-intermediate 2cik Insights Into Crossreactivity in Human Allorecognition: The Structure of HLA-B35011 Presenting an Epitope derived from Cytochrome P450. 2ckb STRUCTURE OF THE 2C/KB/DEV8 COMPLEX 2clr THREE DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A PEPTIDE EXTENDING OUT ONE END OF A CLASS I MHC BINDING SITE 2clv MHC Class I Natural Mutant H-2Kbm8 Heavy Chain Complexed With beta-2 Microglobulin and pBM8 peptide 2clz Mhc Class I Natural Mutant H-2Kbm8 Heavy Chain Complexed With beta-2 Microglobulin and pBM1 peptide 2d31 Crystal structure of disulfide-linked HLA-G dimer 2d4d The Crystal Structure of human beta2-microglobulin, L39W W60F W95F Mutant 2d4f The Crystal Structure of human beta2-microglobulin 2dts Crystal Structure of the Defucosylated Fc Fragment from Human Immunoglobulin G1 2dyp Crystal Structure of LILRB2(LIR2/ILT4/CD85d) complexed with HLA-G 2esv Structure of the HLA-E-VMAPRTLIL/KK50.4 TCR complex 2eyr A structural basis for selection and cross-species reactivity of the semi-invariant NKT cell receptor in CD1d/glycolipid recognition 2eys A structural basis for selection and cross-species reactivity of the semi-invariant NKT cell receptor in CD1d/glycolipid recognition 2eyt A structural basis for selection and cross-species reactivity of the semi-invariant NKT cell receptor in CD1d/glycolipid recognition 2f53 Directed Evolution of Human T-cell Receptor CDR2 residues by phage display dramatically enhances affinity for cognate peptide-MHC without apparent cross-reactivity 2f54 Directed evolution of human T cell receptor CDR2 residues by phage display dramatically enhances affinity for cognate peptide-MHC without increasing apparent cross-reactivity 2f74 Murine MHC class I H-2Db in complex with human b2-microglobulin and LCMV-derived immunodminant peptide gp33 2f8o A Native to Amyloidogenic Transition Regulated by a Backbone Trigger 2fik Structure of a microbial glycosphingolipid bound to mouse CD1d 2fo4 Enhanced MHC class I binding and immune responses through anchor modification of the non-canonical tumor associated MUC1-8 peptide 2fse Crystallographic structure of a rheumatoid arthritis MHC susceptibility allele, HLA-DR1 (DRB1*0101), complexed with the immunodominant determinant of human type II collagen 2fwo MHC Class I H-2Kd heavy chain in complex with beta-2microglobulin and peptide derived from influenza nucleoprotein 2fyy The role of T cell receptor alpha genes in directing human MHC restriction 2fz3 The role of T cell receptor alpha genes in directing human MHC restriction 2g9h Crystal Structure of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin I (SEI) in Complex with a Human MHC class II Molecule 2gaz Mycobacterial lipoglycan presentation by CD1d 2git Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the modified HTLV-1 TAX (Y5K-4-[3-Indolyl]-butyric acid) peptide 2gj6 The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the modified HTLV-1 TAX (Y5K-4-[3-Indolyl]-butyric acid) peptide 2gj7 Crystal Structure of a gE-gI/Fc complex 2gt9 Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the decameric Melan-A/MART-1(26-35) peptide 2gtw Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the nonameric Melan-A/MART-1(27-35) peptide having A27L substitution 2gtz Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the nonameric Melan-A/MART-1(27-35) peptide having A28L substitution 2guo Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the native nonameric Melan-A/MART-1(27-35) peptide 2h26 human CD1b in complex with endogenous phosphatidylcholine and spacer 2h32 Crystal structure of the pre-B cell receptor 2h3n Crystal structure of a surrogate light chain (LAMBDA5 and VpreB) homodimer 2h6p Crystal structure of HLA-B*3501 presenting the human cytochrome P450 derived peptide, KPIVVLHGY 2hjk Crystal Structure of HLA-B5703 and HIV-1 peptide 2hjl Crystal Structure of HLA-B5703 and HIV-1 peptide 2hla SPECIFICITY POCKETS FOR THE SIDE CHAINS OF PEPTIDE ANTIGENS IN HLA-AW68 2hn7 HLA-A*1101 in complex with HBV peptide homologue 2iad CLASS II MHC I-AD IN COMPLEX WITH AN INFLUENZA HEMAGGLUTININ PEPTIDE 126-138 2ial Structural basis for recognition of mutant self by a tumor-specific, MHC class II-restricted TCR 2iam Structural basis for recognition of mutant self by a tumor-specific, MHC class II-restricted TCR 2ian Structural basis for recognition of mutant self by a tumor-specific, MHC class II-restricted TCR 2icw Crystal structure of a complete ternary complex between TCR, superantigen, and peptide-MHC class II molecule 2ipk Crystal Structure of the MHC Class II Molecule HLA-DR1 in Complex with the Fluorogenic Peptide, AcPKXVKQNTLKLAT (X=3-[5-(dimethylamino)-1,3-dioxo-1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-yl]-L-alanine) and the Superantigen, SEC3 Variant 3B2 2iwg COMPLEX BETWEEN THE PRYSPRY DOMAIN OF TRIM21 AND IGG FC 2j6e Crystal Structure of an Autoimmune Complex between a Human IgM Rheumatoid Factor and IgG1 Fc reveals a Novel Fc Epitope and Evidence for Affinity Maturation 2j8u Large CDR3a loop alteration as a function of MHC mutation. 2jcc AH3 recognition of mutant HLA-A2 W167A 2mha CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX CLASS I H-2KB MOLECULE CONTAINING A SINGLE VIRAL PEPTIDE: IMPLICATIONS FOR PEPTIDE BINDING AND T-CELL RECEPTOR RECOGNITION 2nna Structure of the MHC class II molecule HLA-DQ8 bound with a deamidated gluten peptide 2nts Crystal Structure of SEK-hVb5.1 2nw3 Crystal structure of HLA-B*3508 presenting EBV peptide EPLPQGQLTAY at 1.7A 2nx5 Crystal structure of ELS4 TCR bound to HLA-B*3501 presenting EBV peptide EPLPQGQLTAY at 1.7A 2oje Mycoplasma arthritidis-derived mitogen complexed with class II MHC molecule HLA-DR1/HA complex in the presence of EDTA 2ol3 crystal structure of BM3.3 ScFV TCR in complex with PBM8-H-2KBM8 MHC class I molecule 2p24 I-Au/MBP125-135 2p5e Crystal Structures of High Affinity Human T-Cell Receptors Bound to pMHC Reveal Native Diagonal Binding Geometry 2p5w Crystal structures of high affinity human T-cell receptors bound to pMHC reveal native diagonal binding geometry 2po6 Crystal structure of CD1d-lipid-antigen complexed with Beta-2-Microglobulin, NKT15 Alpha-Chain and NKT15 Beta-Chain 2pxy Crystal structures of immune receptor complexes 2pye Crystal Structures of High Affinity Human T-Cell Receptors Bound to pMHC RevealNative Diagonal Binding Geometry TCR Clone C5C1 Complexed with MHC 2pyf Crystal Structures of High Affinity Human T-Cell Receptors Bound to pMHC RevealNative Diagonal Binding Geometry Unbound TCR Clone 5-1 2q6w The structure of HLA-DRA, DRB3*0101 (DR52a) with bound platelet integrin peptide associated with fetal and neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia 2q7y Structure of the endogenous iNKT cell ligand iGb3 bound to mCD1d 2qej Crystal structure of a Staphylococcus aureus protein (SSL7) in complex with Fc of human IgA1 2ql1 Structural Characterization of a Mutated, ADCC-Enhanced Human Fc Fragment 2qri Crystal structure of a single chain trimer composed of the MHC I heavy chain H-2Kb WT, beta-2microglobulin, and ovalbumin-derived peptide. 2qrs Crystal Structure of a single chain trimer composed of the MHC I heavy chain H-2Kb Y84A, beta-2microglobulin, and ovalbumin-derived peptide. 2qrt Crystal Structure of a disulfide trapped single chain trimer composed of the MHC I heavy chain H-2Kb Y84C, beta-2microglobulin, and ovalbumin-derived peptide. 2rcj Solution structure of human Immunoglobulin M 2rfx Crystal Structure of HLA-B*5701, presenting the self peptide, LSSPVTKSF 2rgs FC-fragment of monoclonal antibody IGG2B from Mus musculus 2seb X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HLA-DR4 COMPLEXED WITH A PEPTIDE FROM HUMAN COLLAGEN II 2uwe Large CDR3a loop alteration as a function of MHC mutation 2v2w T CELL CROSS-REACTIVITY AND CONFORMATIONAL CHANGES DURING TCR ENGAGEMENT 2v2x T cell cross-reactivity and conformational changes during TCR engagement. 2vaa MHC CLASS I H-2KB HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND VESICULAR STOMATITIS VIRUS NUCLEOPROTEIN 2vab MHC CLASS I H-2KB HEAVY CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH BETA-2 MICROGLOBULIN AND SENDAI VIRUS NUCLEOPROTEIN 2vb5 Solution structure of W60G mutant of human beta2-microglobulin 2ve6 Crystal structure of a Murine MHC class I H2-Db molecule in complex with a photocleavable peptide 2vlj The Structural Dynamics and Energetics of an Immunodominant T-cell Receptor are Programmed by its Vbeta Domain 2vlk The Structural Dynamics and Energetics of an Immunodominant T-cell Receptor are Programmed by its Vbeta Domain 2vll The Structural Dynamics and Energetics of an Immunodominant T-cell Receptor are Programmed by its Vbeta Domain 2vlm The Structural Dynamics and Energetics of an Immunodominant T-cell Receptor are Programmed by its Vbeta Domain 2vlr The Structural Dynamics and Energetics of an Immunodominant T-cell Receptor are Programmed by its Vbeta Domain 2vuo Crystal structure of the rabbit IgG Fc fragment 2w59 Structure of an Avian IgY-Fc 3-4 Fragment 2wah Crystal Structure of an IgG1 Fc Glycoform (Man9GlcNAc2) 2wbj TCR complex 2wng complete extracellular structure of human signal regulatory protein ( SIRP) alpha 2wqr The high resolution crystal structure of IgE Fc 2wy3 Structure of the HCMV UL16-MICB complex elucidates select binding of a viral immunoevasin to diverse NKG2D ligands 2x4n Crystal structure of MHC CLass I HLA-A2.1 bound to residual fragments of a photocleavable peptide that is cleaved upon UV-light treatment 2x4o Crystal structure of MHC CLass I HLA-A2.1 bound to HIV-1 envelope peptide env120-128 2x4p Crystal structure of MHC CLass I HLA-A2.1 bound to a photocleavable peptide 2x4q Crystal structure of MHC CLass I HLA-A2.1 bound to a photocleavable peptide 2x4r Crystal structure of MHC CLass I HLA-A2.1 bound to Cytomegalovirus ( CMV) pp65 epitope 2x4s Crystal structure of MHC CLass I HLA-A2.1 bound to a peptide representing the epitope of the H5N1 (Avian Flu) Nucleoprotein 2x4t Crystal structure of MHC CLass I HLA-A2.1 bound to a Peiodate- cleavable peptide 2x4u Crystal structure of MHC CLass I HLA-A2.1 bound to HIV-1 Peptide RT468-476 2x70 Crystal structure of MHC CLass I HLA-A2.1 bound to a photocleavable peptide 2x89 Structure of the Beta2_microglobulin involved in amyloidogenesis 2xfx cattle MHC class I N01301 presenting an 11mer from Theileria parva 2xks Prion-like conversion during amyloid formation at atomic resolution 2xku Prion-like conversion during amyloid formation at atomic resolution 2xn9 Crystal structure of the ternary complex between human T cell receptor, staphylococcal enterotoxin H and human major histocompatibility complex class II 2xna Crystal structure of the complex between human T cell receptor and staphylococcal enterotoxin 2xpg Crystal structure of a MHC class I-peptide complex 2xtj The crystal structure of PCSK9 in complex with 1D05 Fab 2y7q The high-affinity complex between IgE and its receptor Fc epsilon RI 2yez COMPLEX OF A B21 CHICKEN MHC CLASS I MOLECULE AND A 10MER CHICKEN PEPTIDE 2ypk Structural features underlying T-cell receptor sensitivity to concealed MHC class I micropolymorphisms 2ypl Structural features underlying T-cell receptor sensitivity to concealed MHC class I micropolymorphisms 2yxf The high resolution crystal structure of beta2-microglobulin under physiological conditions 2z31 Crystal structure of immune receptor complex 2z9t Crystal structure of the human beta-2 microglobulin mutant W60G 2zok Crystal structure of H-2Db in complex with JHMV epitope S510 2zol Crystal structure of H-2Db in complex with the W513S variant of JHMV epitope S510 2zsv Crystal structure of H-2Kb in complex with JHMV epitope S598 2zsw Crystal structure of H-2Kb in complex with the Q600Y variant of JHMV epitope S598 3agv Crystal structure of a human IgG-aptamer complex 3am8 Crystal Structure of a Human Major Histocompatibilty complex 3arb Ternary crystal structure of the NKT TCR-CD1d-alpha-galactosylceramide analogue-OCH 3ard Ternary crystal structure of the mouse NKT TCR-CD1d-3'deoxy-alpha-galactosylceramide 3are Ternary crystal structure of the mouse NKT TCR-CD1d-4'deoxy-alpha-galactosylceramide 3arf Ternary crystal structure of the mouse NKT TCR-CD1d-C20:2 3arg Ternary crystal structure of the mouse NKT TCR-CD1d-alpha-glucosylceramide(C20:2) 3au1 Crystal structure of mouse CD1d in complex with ganglioside GD3 3ave Crystal Structure of the Fucosylated Fc Fragment from Human Immunoglobulin G1 3ay4 Crystal structure of nonfucosylated Fc complexed with bis-glycosylated soluble form of Fc gamma receptor IIIa 3b3i Citrullination-dependent differential presentation of a self-peptide by HLA-B27 subtypes 3b6s Crystal Structure of hla-b*2705 Complexed with the Citrullinated Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide Type 1 Receptor (vipr) Peptide (residues 400-408) 3bev 11mer Structure of an MHC class I molecule from B21 chickens illustrate promiscuous peptide binding 3bew 10mer Crystal Structure of chicken MHC class I haplotype B21 3bgm Crystal Structure of PKD2 Phosphopeptide Bound to Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 3bh8 Crystal Structure of RQA_M Phosphopeptide Bound to HUMAN Class I MHC HLA-A2 3bh9 Crystal Structure of RTY Phosphopeptide Bound to Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 3bhb Crystal Structure of KMD Phosphopeptide Bound to Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 3bo8 The High Resolution Crystal Structure of HLA-A1 Complexed with the MAGE-A1 Peptide 3bp4 The high resolution crystal structure of HLA-B*2705 in complex with a Cathepsin A signal sequence peptide pCatA 3bp7 The high resolution crystal structure of HLA-B*2709 in complex with a Cathepsin A signal sequence peptide, pCatA 3buy MHC-I in complex with peptide 3bvn High resolution crystal structure of HLA-B*1402 in complex with the latent membrane protein 2 peptide (LMP2) of Epstein-Barr virus 3bw9 Crystal Structure of HLA B*3508 in complex with a HCMV 12-mer peptide from the pp65 protein 3bwa Crystal Structure of HLA B*3508 in complex with a HCMV 8-mer peptide from the pp65 protein 3bxn The high resolution crystal structure of HLA-B*1402 complexed with a Cathepsin A signal sequence peptide, pCatA 3bze The human non-classical major histocompatibility complex molecule HLA-E 3bzf The human non-classical major histocompatibility complex molecule HLA-E 3c2s Structural Characterization of a Human Fc Fragment Engineered for Lack of Effector Functions 3c5j Crystal structure of HLA DR52c 3c5z Crystal structure of mouse MHC class II I-Ab/3K peptide complexed with mouse TCR B3K506 3c60 Crystal structure of mouse MHC class II I-Ab/3K peptide complexed with mouse TCR YAe62 3c6l Crystal structure of mouse MHC class II I-Ab/3K peptide complexed with mouse TCR 2W20 3c8k The crystal structure of Ly49C bound to H-2Kb 3c9n Crystal Structure of a SARS Corona Virus Derived Peptide Bound to the Human Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I molecule HLA-B*1501 3cc5 H-2Db complex with human gp100 3cch H-2Db complex with murine gp100 3cdg Human CD94/NKG2A in complex with HLA-E 3ch1 Crystal structure of H-2Db in complex with chimeric gp100 3cii Structure of NKG2A/CD94 bound to HLA-E 3ciq A regulatable switch mediates self-association in an immunoglobulin fold 3cpl Crystal Structure of H-2Db in complex with a variant M6A of the NP366 peptide from influenza A virus 3cup Crystal structure of the MHC class II molecule I-Ag7 in complex with the peptide GAD221-235 3cvh How TCR-like antibody recognizes MHC-bound peptide 3czf Crystal structure of HLA-B*2709 complexed with the glucagon receptor (GR) peptide (residues 412-420) 3d18 Crystal structure of HLA-B*2709 complexed with a variant of the latent membrane protein 2 peptide (LMP2(L)) of epstein-barr virus 3d25 Crystal structure of HA-1 minor histocompatibility antigen bound to human class I MHC HLA-A2 3d2u Structure of UL18, a Peptide-Binding Viral MHC Mimic, Bound to a Host Inhibitory Receptor 3d39 The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the modified HTLV-1 TAX (Y5(4-fluoroPhenylalanine)) peptide 3d3v The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the modified HTLV-1 TAX (Y5(3,4-difluoroPhenylalanine)) peptide 3d6g Fc fragment of IgG1 (Herceptin) with protein-A mimetic peptide dendrimer ligand. 3dbx Structure of chicken CD1-2 with bound fatty acid 3dhj Beta 2 microglobulin mutant W60C 3dhm Beta 2 microglobulin mutant D59P 3dmm Crystal structure of the CD8 alpha beta/H-2Dd complex 3dnk Enzyme deglycosylated Human IgG1 Fc fragment 3do3 Human 1gG1 Fc fragment, 2.5 Angstrom structure 3dtx Crystal structure of HLA-B*2705 complexed with the double citrullinated vasoactive intestinal peptide type 1 receptor (VIPR) peptide (residues 400-408) 3dx6 Crystal Structure of B*4402 presenting a 10mer EBV epitope 3dx7 Crystal Structure of HLA-B*4403 presenting 10mer EBV antigen 3dx8 Crystal Structure of B*4405 presenting a 10mer EBV epitope 3dx9 Crystal Structure of the DM1 TCR at 2.75A 3dxa Crystal Structure of the DM1 TCR in complex with HLA-B*4405 and decamer EBV antigen 3e6f MHC CLASS I H-2Dd Heavy chain complexed with Beta-2 Microglobulin and a variant peptide, PA9, from the Human immunodeficiency virus (BaL) envelope glycoprotein 120 3e6h MHC CLASS I H-2Dd heavy chain complexed with Beta-2 Microglobulin and a variant peptide, PI10, from the human immunodeficiency virus (BaL) envelope glycoprotein 120 3ecb Crystal structure of mouse H-2Dd in complex with peptide P18-I10 derived from human immunodeficiency virus envelope glycoprotein 120 3ekc structure of W60V beta-2 microglobulin mutant 3es6 Crystal structure of the novel complex formed between Zinc 2-glycoprotein (ZAG) and Prolactin inducible protein (PIP) from human seminal plasma 3ffc Crystal Structure of CF34 TCR in complex with HLA-B8/FLR 3fjt Crystal structure of a human Fc fragment engineered for extended serum half-life 3fol Crystal structure of the Class I MHC Molecule H-2Kwm7 with a Single Self Peptide VNDIFERI 3fom Crystal structure of the Class I MHC Molecule H-2Kwm7 with a Single Self Peptide IQQSIERL 3fon Crystal structure of the Class I MHC Molecule H-2Kwm7 with a Single Self Peptide VNDIFEAI 3fqn Phosphorylation of self-peptides alters Human Leukocyte Antigen Class I-restricted antigen presentation and generates tumor specific epitopes 3fqr Phosphorylation of self-peptides alters Human Leukocyte Antigen Class I-restricted antigen presentation and generates tumor specific epitopes 3fqt Phosphorylation of self-peptides alters Human Leukocyte Antigen Class I-restricted antigen presentation and generates tumor specific epitopes 3fqu Phosphorylation of self-peptides alters Human Leukocyte Antigen Class I-restricted antigen presentation and generates tumor specific epitopes 3fqw Phosphorylation of self-peptides alters Human Leukocyte Antigen Class I-restricted antigen presentation and generates tumor specific epitopes 3fqx Phosphorylation of self-peptides alters Human Leukocyte Antigen Class I-restricted antigen presentation and generates tumor specific epitopes 3fru NEONATAL FC RECEPTOR, PH 6.5 3ft2 Crystal Structure of a citrulline peptide variant of the minor histocompatibility peptide HA-1 in complex with HLA-A2 3ft3 Crystal Structure of the minor histocompatibility peptide HA-1His in complex with HLA-A2 3ft4 Crystal Structure of the minor histocompatibility peptide HA-1Arg in complex with HLA-A2 3ftg Crystal Structure of H2Db in complex with NP366-N3A variant peptide from influenza 3g08 Crystal structure of the alpha-galactosylceramide analog OCH in complex with mouse CD1d 3gbl Crystal structure of grass carp Beta2-microglobulin 3giv Antigen processing influences HIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte immunodominance 3gjf Rational development of high-affinity T-cell receptor-like antibodies 3gml Structure of mouse CD1d in complex with C6Ph 3gmm Structure of mouse CD1d in complex with C8Ph 3gmn Structure of mouse CD1d in complex with C10Ph 3gmo Structure of mouse CD1d in complex with C8PhF 3gmp Structure of mouse CD1d in complex with PBS-25 3gmq Structure of mouse CD1d expressed in SF9 cells, no ligand added 3gmr Structure of mouse CD1d in complex with C8Ph, different space group 3gsn Crystal structure of the public RA14 TCR in complex with the HCMV dominant NLV/HLA-A2 epitope 3gso Crystal structure of the binary complex between HLA-A2 and HCMV NLV peptide 3gsq Crystal structure of the binary complex between HLA-A2 and HCMV NLV-M5S peptide variant 3gsr Crystal structure of the binary complex between HLA-A2 and HCMV NLV-M5V peptide variant 3gsu Crystal structure of the binary complex between HLA-A2 and HCMV NLV-M5T peptide variant 3gsv Crystal structure of the binary complex between HLA-A2 and HCMV NLV-M5Q peptide variant 3gsw Crystal structure of the binary complex between HLA-A2 and HCMV NLV-T8A peptide variant 3gsx Crystal structure of the binary complex between HLA-A2 and HCMV NLV-T8V peptide variant 3h7b Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the Tel1p peptide 3h9h Human Class I MHC HLA-A2(A150P) in complex with the Tel1p peptide 3h9s The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound Tel1p peptide 3h9y Crystal structure of the IgE-Fc3-4 domains 3h9z Crystal structure of the IgE-Fc3-4 domains 3ha0 Crystal structure of the IgE-Fc3-4 domains 3hae Rational development of high-affinity T-cell receptor-like antibodies 3hcv Crystal structure of HLA-B*2709 complexed with the double citrullinated vasoactive intestinal peptide type 1 receptor (VIPR) peptide (residues 400-408) 3he6 Crystal structure of mouse CD1d-alpha-galactosylceramide with mouse Valpha14-Vbeta8.2 NKT TCR 3he7 Crystal structure of mouse CD1d-alpha-galactosylceramide with mouse Valpha14-Vbeta7 NKT TCR 3hg1 Germline-governed recognition of a cancer epitope by an immunodominant human T cell receptor 3hkf Murine unglycosylated IgG Fc fragment 3hla SPECIFICITY POCKETS FOR THE SIDE CHAINS OF PEPTIDE ANTIGENS IN HLA-AW68 3hpj Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the WT-1 (126-134) peptide 3huj Crystal structure of human CD1d-alpha-Galactosylceramide in complex with semi-invariant NKT cell receptor 3i6g Newly identified epitope Mn2 from SARS-CoV M protein complexed withHLA-A*0201 3i6k Newly identified epitope from SARS-CoV membrane protein complexed with HLA-A*0201 3i6l Newly identified epitope N1 derived from SARS-CoV N protein complexed with HLA-A*2402 3ib4 The double mutant of Beta-2 microglobulin K58P-W60G 3ilp Structure of mCD1d with bound glycolipid BbGL-2f from Borrelia burgdorferi 3ilq Structure of mCD1d with bound glycolipid BbGL-2c from Borrelia burgdorferi 3ixa Human Class I MHC HLA-A2(A150P) in complex with the Tax peptide 3jts GY9-Mamu-A*02-hb2m 3jtt Cystal structure of Rhesus macaque MHC class I:Mamu-A*02 3jvg Crystal Structure of chicken CD1-1 3kla Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum of NY-ESO-1 specific T cells is modulated by the affinity of T cell receptor and by the use of the CD8 co-receptor 3kpl Crystal Structure of HLA B*4402 in complex with EEYLQAFTY a self peptide from the ABCD3 protein 3kpm Crystal Structure of HLA B*4402 in complex with EEYLKAWTF, a mimotope 3kpn Crystal Structure of HLA B*4403 in complex with EEYLQAFTY a self peptide from the ABCD3 protein 3kpo Crystal Structure of HLA B*4403 in complex with EEYLKAWTF, a mimotope 3kpp Crystal Structure of HLA B*4405 in complex with EEYLQAFTY a self peptide from the ABCD3 protein 3kpq Crystal Structure of HLA B*4405 in complex with EEYLKAWTF, a mimotope 3kpr Crystal Structure of the LC13 TCR in complex with HLA B*4405 bound to EEYLKAWTF a mimotope 3kps Crystal Structure of the LC13 TCR in complex with HLA B*4405 bound to EEYLQAFTY a self peptide from the ABCD3 protein 3kww Crystal structure of the 'restriction triad' mutant of HLA B*3508, beta-2-microglobulin and EBV peptide 3kxf Crystal Structure of SB27 TCR in complex with the 'restriction triad' mutant HLA-B*3508-13mer 3kyn Crystal structure of HLA-G presenting KGPPAALTL peptide 3kyo Crystal structure of HLA-G presenting KLPAQFYIL peptide 3l3d Crystal structure of HLA-B*4402 in complex with the F3A mutant of a self-peptide derived from DPA*0201 3l3g Crystal structure of HLA-B*4402 in complex with the R5A mutant of a self-peptide derived from DPA*0201 3l3h X-ray crystal structure of the F6A mutant of influenza A acid polymerase epitope PA224 bound to murine H2-Db MHC 3l3i Crystal structure of HLA-B*4402 in complex with the F7A mutant of a self-peptide derived from DPA*0201 3l3j Crystal structure of HLA-B*4402 in complex with the F3A/R5A double mutant of a self-peptide derived from DPA*0201 3l3k Crystal structure of HLA-B*4402 in complex with the R5A/F7A double mutant of a self-peptide derived from DPA*0201 3l6f Structure of MHC class II molecule HLA-DR1 complexed with phosphopeptide MART-1 3l9r Crystal structure of bovine CD1b3 with endogenously bound ligands 3lkn Crystal Structure of HLA B*3501 in complex with influenza NP418 epitope from 1918 strain 3lko Crystal Structure of HLA B*3501 in complex with influenza NP418 epitope from 1934 strain 3lkp Crystal Structure of HLA B*3501 in complex with influenza NP418 epitope from 1972 strain 3lkq Crystal Structure of HLA B*3501 in complex with influenza NP418 epitope from 1977 strain 3lkr Crystal Structure of HLA B*3501 in complex with influenza NP418 epitope from 2009 H1N1 swine origin strain 3lks Crystal Structure of HLA B*3501 in complex with influenza NP418 epitope from 1980 strain 3ln4 Crystal structure of HLA-B*4103 in complex with a 16mer self-peptide derived from heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins C1/C2 3ln5 Crystal structure of HLA-B*4104 in complex with a 11mer self-peptide derived from S-methyl-5-thioadenosine phosphorylase 3low Crystal structure of Beta 2 Microglobulin domain-swapped dimer 3lqz Crystal Structure of HLA-DP2 3lv3 Crystal structure of HLA-B*2705 complexed with a peptide derived from the human voltage-dependent calcium channel alpha1 subunit (residues 513-521) 3m17 Crystal structure of human FcRn with a monomeric peptide inhibitor 3m1b Crystal structure of human FcRn with a dimeric peptide inhibitor 3ma7 Crystal structure of Cardiolipin bound to mouse CD1D 3mbe TCR 21.30 in complex with MHC class II I-Ag7HEL(11-27) 3mff 1F1E8hu TCR 3mgo Crystal structure of a H5-specific CTL epitope derived from H5N1 influenza virus in complex with HLA-A*0201 3mgt Crystal structure of a H5-specific CTL epitope variant derived from H5N1 influenza virus in complex with HLA-A*0201 3mr9 Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with HCMV pp65-495-503 nonapeptide M5A variant 3mrb Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with HCMV pp65-495-503 nonapeptide A7H variant 3mrc Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with HCMV pp65-495-503 nonapeptide V6C variant 3mrd Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with HCMV pp65-495-503 nonapeptide V6G variant 3mre Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with EBV bmlf1-280-288 nonapeptide 3mrf Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with EBV bmlf1-280-288 nonapeptide T4P variant 3mrg Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with HCV NS3-1073-1081 nonapeptide 3mrh Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with HCV NS3-1073-1081 nonapeptide N3S variant 3mri Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with HCV NS3-1073-1081 nonapeptide G4M-V5W variant 3mrj Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with HCV NS3-1073-1081 nonapeptide V5M variant 3mrk Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with AFP137 nonapeptide 3mrl Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with HCV NS3-1073-1081 nonapeptide C6V variant 3mrm Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with HCV NS3-1406-1415 decapeptide 3mrn Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with HCV NS4b-1807-1816 decapeptide 3mro Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with Melan-A MART1 decapeptide variant 3mrp Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with Melan-A MART1 decapeptide variant 3mrq Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with Melan-A MART1 decapeptide variant 3mrr Crystal Structure of MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule complexed with Human Prostaglandin Transporter decapeptide 3mv7 Crystal Structure of the TK3 TCR in complex with HLA-B*3501/HPVG 3mv8 Crystal Structure of the TK3-Gln55His TCR in complex with HLA-B*3501/HPVG 3mv9 Crystal Structure of the TK3-Gln55Ala TCR in complex with HLA-B*3501/HPVG 3myj Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the WT-1 (126-134) (R1Y) peptide variant. 3myz Protein induced photophysical changes to the amyloid indicator dye, thioflavin T 3mzt Protein-induced photophysical changes to the amyloid indicator dye, thioflavin T 3na4 D53P beta-2 microglobulin mutant 3nfn Recognition of peptide-MHC by a V-delta/V-beta TCR 3nwm Crystal structure of a single chain construct composed of MHC class I H-2Kd, beta-2microglobulin and a peptide which is an autoantigen for type 1 diabetes 3o3a Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the Peptidomimetic ELA-1 3o3b Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the Peptidomimetic ELA-1.1 3o3d Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the Peptidomimetic ELA-2 3o3e Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the Peptidomimetic ELA-2.1 3o4l Genetic and structural basis for selection of a ubiquitous T cell receptor deployed in Epstein-Barr virus 3o6f Crystal structure of a human autoimmune TCR MS2-3C8 bound to MHC class II self-ligand MBP/HLA-DR4 3o81 Beta2-microglobulin from Gallus gallus 3o8x Recognition of Glycolipid Antigen by iNKT Cell TCR 3o9w Recognition of a Glycolipid Antigen by the iNKT Cell TCR 3of6 Human pre-T cell receptor crystal structure 3ov6 CD1c in complex with MPM (mannosyl-beta1-phosphomycoketide) 3ox8 Crystal Structure of HLA A*02:03 Bound to HBV Core 18-27 3oxr Crystal Structure of HLA A*02:06 Bound to HBV Core 18-27 3oxs Crystal Structure of HLA A*02:07 Bound to HBV Core 18-27 3p4m Crystal Structure of H2-Kb in complex with the NP205-LCMV epitope YTVKYPNL, an 8-mer peptide from the LCMV 3p4n Crystal Structure of H2-Kb in complex with the NP205-PV epitope YTVKFPNM, an 8-mer peptide from PV 3p4o Crystal Structure of H2-Kb in complex with the mutant NP205-LCMV-V3A epitope YTAKYPNL, an 8-mer modified peptide from the LCMV 3p73 Crystal Structures of the Chicken YF1*7.1 molecule 3p77 Crystal Structures of the Chicken YF1*7.1 molecule 3p9l Crystal Structure of H2-Kb in complex with the chicken ovalbumin epitope OVA 3p9m Crystal Structure of H2-Kb in complex with a mutant of the chicken ovalbumin epitope OVA-G4 3pab Crystal Structure of H2-Kb in complex with a mutant of the chicken ovalbumin epitope OVA-E1 3pdo Crystal Structure of HLA-DR1 with CLIP102-120 3pgc Crystal Structure of HLA-DR1 with CLIP106-120, flipped peptide orientation 3pgd Crystal Structure of HLA-DR1 with CLIP106-120, canonical peptide orientation 3pl6 Structure of Autoimmune TCR Hy.1B11 in complex with HLA-DQ1 and MBP 85-99 3pqy Crystal Structure of 6218 TCR in complex with the H2Db-PA224 3pv6 Crystal structure of NKp30 bound to its ligand B7-H6 3pv7 Crystal structure of NKp30 ligand B7-H6 3pwj Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the HuD (G2L,I9V) peptide variant 3pwl Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the HuD peptide 3pwn Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with the HuD (G2L) peptide variant 3pwp The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound HuD peptide 3pwu An immmunodominant CTL epitope from rinderpest virus presented by cattle MHC class I molecule N*01801(BoLA-A11) 3pwv An immmunodominant CTL epitope from rinderpest virus presented by cattle MHC class I molecule N*01801 (BoLA-A11) 3q5t V beta/V beta homodimerization-based pre-TCR model suggested by TCR beta crystal structures 3q5y V beta/V beta homodimerization-based pre-TCR model suggested by TCR beta crystal structures 3qda Crystal structure of W95L beta-2 microglobulin 3qdg The complex between TCR DMF5 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound MART-1(26-35)(A27L) peptide 3qdj The complex between TCR DMF5 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound MART-1(27-35) nonameric peptide 3qdm The complex between TCR DMF4 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound MART-1(26-35)(A27L) decameric peptide 3qeq The complex between TCR DMF4 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound MART-1(27-35) nonameric peptide 3qeu The crystal structure of TCR DMF5 3qfd Human Class I MHC HLA-A2 in complex with Mart-1(27-35) nonameric peptide 3qfj The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the modified TAX (Y5F) peptide 3qh3 The crystal structure of TCR A6 3qi9 Crystal structure of mouse CD1d-alpha-phosphotidylinositol with mouse Valpha14-Vbeta6 2A3-D NKT TCR 3qib Crystal structure of the 2B4 TCR in complex with MCC/I-Ek 3qiu Crystal structure of the 226 TCR in complex with MCC/I-Ek 3qiw Crystal structure of the 226 TCR in complex with MCC-p5E/I-Ek 3qjf Crystal structure of the 2B4 TCR 3qjh The crystal structure of the 5c.c7 TCR 3qq3 Crystal structure of swine major histocompatibility complex class I SLA-1 0401 and identification of 2009 pandemic swine-origin influenza A H1N1 virus cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitope peptides 3qq4 Crystal structure of swine major histocompatibility complex class I SLA-1 0401 and identification of 2009 pandemic swine-origin influenza A H1N1 virus cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitope peptides 3quk Crystal structures of the murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Db in complex with LCMV-derived gp33 altered peptide ligand (Y4A) 3qul Crystal structures of the murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Db in complex with LCMV-derived gp33 altered peptide ligand (Y4S) 3qux Structure of the mouse CD1d-alpha-C-GalCer-iNKT TCR complex 3quy Structure of the mouse CD1d-BnNH-GSL-1'-iNKT TCR complex 3quz Structure of the mouse CD1d-NU-alpha-GalCer-iNKT TCR complex 3qxa HLA-DR1 bound with CLIP peptide 3qxd F54C HLA-DR1 bound with CLIP peptide 3qzw Plasticity of human CD8 binding to peptide-HLA-A*2402 3rdt Crystal Structure of 809.B5 TCR complexed with MHC Class II I-Ab/3k peptide 3rev Crystal structure of human alloreactive tcr nb20 3rew Crystal structure of an lmp2a-derived peptide bound to human class i mhc hla-a2 3rgv A single TCR bound to MHCI and MHC II reveals switchable TCR conformers 3rl1 HIV RT derived peptide complexed to HLA-A*0301 3rl2 HIV Nef derived peptide Nef73 complexed to HLA-A*0301 3rol Murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Kb in complex with post-translationally modified LCMV-derived gp34-41 peptide, comprising a nitrotyrosine at position 3 3roo Murine class I major histocompatibility complex H-2Kb in complex with immunodominant LCMV-derived gp34-41 peptide 3rtq Structure of the mouse CD1d-HS44-iNKT TCR complex 3rug Crystal structure of Valpha10-Vbeta8.1 NKT TCR in complex with CD1d-alphaglucosylceramide (C20:2) 3rwc Crystal structure of rhesus macaque MHC class I molecule Mamu-B*17-IW9 3rwd rhesus macaque MHC class I molecule Mamu-B*17-IW11 3rwe rhesus macaque MHC class I molecule Mamu-B*17-FW9 3rwf Rhesus macaque MHC class I molecule Mamu-B*17-QW9 3rwg Rhesus macaque MHC class I molecule Mamu-B*17-MW9 3rwh Rhesus macaque MHC class I molecule Mamu-B*17-MF8 3rwi Rhesus macaque MHC class I molecule Mamu-B*17-GW10 3rwj Rhesus macaque MHC class I molecule Mamu-B*17-HW8 3ry6 Complex of fcgammariia (CD32) and the FC of human IGG1 3rzc Structure of the self-antigen iGb3 bound to mouse CD1d and in complex with the iNKT TCR 3s4s Crystal structure of CD4 mutant bound to HLA-DR1 3s5l Crystal structure of CD4 mutant bound to HLA-DR1 3s6c Structure of human CD1e 3s7g Aglycosylated human igg1 fc fragment 3scm Crystal structure of autoreactive-Valpha14-Vbeta6 NKT TCR in complex with CD1d-isoglobotrihexosylceramide 3sda Crystal structure of autoreactive-Valpha14-Vbeta6 NKT TCR in complex with CD1d-beta-galactosylceramide 3sdc Crystal structure of autoreactive-Valpha14-Vbeta6 NKT TCR in complex with CD1d-globotrihexosylceramide 3sdd Crystal structure of autoreactive-Valpha14-Vbeta6 NKT TCR in complex with CD1d-beta-lactosylceramide 3sdx Crystal structure of human autoreactive-Valpha24 NKT TCR in complex with CD1d-beta-galactosylceramide 3sgj Unique carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions are required for high affinity binding between FcgIII and antibodies lacking core fucose 3sgk Unique carbohydrate/carbohydrate interactions are required for high affinity binding of FcgIII and antibodies lacking core fucose 3sjv Crystal structure of the RL42 TCR in complex with HLA-B8-FLR 3skm Crystal structure of the HLA-B8FLRGRAYVL, mutant G8V of the FLR peptide 3skn Crystal structure of the RL42 TCR unliganded 3sko Crystal structure of the HLA-B8-A66-FLR, mutant A66 of the HLA B8 3spv Crystal structure of a peptide-HLA complex 3t0e Crystal structure of a complete ternary complex of T cell receptor, peptide-MHC and CD4 3t1f Crystal structure of the mouse CD1d-Glc-DAG-s2 complex 3t8x Crystal structure of human CD1b in complex with synthetic antigenic diacylsulfoglycolipid SGL12 and endogenous spacer 3ta3 Structure of the mouse CD1d-Glc-DAG-s2-iNKT TCR complex 3tbs CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MURINE CLASS I MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX H-2DB IN COMPLEX THE WITH LCMV-DERIVED GP33 ALTERED PEPTIDE ligand (V3P,Y4A) 3tbt CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MURINE CLASS I MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX H-2DB IN COMPLEX WITH THE LCMV-DERIVED GP33 ALTERED PEPTIDE ligand (V3P, Y4S) 3tbv CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MURINE CLASS I MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX H-2DB IN COMPLEX WITH THE LCMV-DERIVED GP33 ALTERED PEPTIDE ligand (A2G,V3P,Y4A) 3tbw CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MURINE CLASS I MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX H-2DB IN COMPLEX WITH THE LCMV-DERIVED GP33 ALTERED PEPTIDE ligand (A2G, V3P, Y4S) 3tby CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MURINE CLASS I MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX H-2DB IN COMPLEX WITH THE LCMV-DERIVED GP33 ALTERED PEPTIDE ligand (V3P, Y4F) 3tid Crystal structure of the LCMV derived peptide GP34 in complex with the murine mhc class I H-2 Kb 3tie Crystal structure of the vaccinia derived peptide A11R in complex with the murine MHC CLASS I H-2 KB 3tlr Crystal Structure of the tetrameric Beta-2 microglobulin DIMC20 mutant 3tm6 Crystal structure of the beta-2 microglobulin DIMC50 disulphide-linked homodimer mutant 3tn0 Structure of mouse Va14Vb8.2NKT TCR-mouse CD1d-a-C-Galactosylceramide complex 3to2 Structure of HLA-A*0201 complexed with peptide Md3-C9 derived from a clustering region of restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitope from SARS-CoV M protein 3to4 Structure of mouse Valpha14Vbeta2-mouseCD1d-alpha-Galactosylceramide 3tvm Structure of the mouse CD1d-SMC124-iNKT TCR complex 3tyf Crystal structure of a CD1d-lysophosphatidylcholine reactive iNKT TCR 3tzv Crystal structure of an iNKT TCR in complex with CD1d-lysophosphatidylcholine 3u0p Crystal structure of human CD1d-lysophosphatidylcholine 3ubx Crystal structure of the mouse CD1d-C20:2-aGalCer-L363 mAb Fab complex 3upr HLA-B*57:01 complexed to pep-V and Abacavir 3utp 1E6 TCR specific for HLA-A*0201-ALWGPDPAAA 3utq Human HLA-A*0201-ALWGPDPAAA 3uts 1E6-A*0201-ALWGPDPAAA Complex, Monoclinic 3utt 1E6-A*0201-ALWGPDPAAA Complex, Triclinic 3v5d HLA-A2.1 KVAELVHFL 3v5h HLA-A2.1 KVAEIVHFL 3v5k HLA2.1 KVAELVWFL 3v7m Crystal structure of monoclonal human anti-Rhesus D Fc IgG1 T125(YB2/0) in the presence of Zn2+ 3v8c Crystal structure of monoclonal human anti-rhesus D Fc IgG1 t125(yb2/0) double mutant (H310 and H435 in K) 3v95 Crystal structure of monoclonal human anti-rhesus D Fc and IgG1 t125(yb2/0) in the presence of EDTA 3vcl Crystal Structure of HLA-B7 with the HCMV pp65 peptide RPHERNGFTVL 3vfm crystal structure of HLA B*3508 LPEP155A, HLA mutant Ala155 3vfn crystal structure of HLA B*3508LPEP151A, HLA mutant Ala151 3vfo crystal structure of HLA B*3508 LPEP157A, HLA mutant Ala157 3vfp crystal structure of HLA B*3508 LPEP158G, HLA mutant Gly158 3vfr crystal structure of HLA B*3508LPEP-P4Ala, peptide mutant P4-ala 3vfs crystal structure of HLA B*3508LPEP-P5Ala , peptide mutant P5-ala 3vft crystal structure of HLA B*3508LPEP-P6Ala, peptide mutant P6-ala 3vfu crystal structure of HLA B*3508 LPEP-P7Ala, peptide mutant P7-ala 3vfv crystal structure of HLA B*3508 LPEP-P9Ala, peptide mutant P9-ala 3vfw crystal structure of HLA B*3508 LPEP-P10Ala, peptide mutant P10-ala 3vh8 KIR3DL1 in complex with HLA-B*5701 3vj6 Structure of the MHC class Ib molecule Qa-1b 3vri HLA-B*57:01-RVAQLENVYI in complex with abacavir 3vrj HLA-B*57:01-LTTKLTNTNI in complex with abacavir 3vwj Ternary crystal structure of the human NKT TCR-CD1d-C20:2 complex 3vwk Ternary crystal structure of the human NKT TCR-CD1d-4'deoxy-alpha-galactosylceramide complex 3vxm The complex between C1-28 TCR and HLA-A24 bound to HIV-1 Nef134-10(2F) peptide 3vxn HLA-A24 in complex with HIV-1 Nef134-10(wt) 3vxo HLA-A24 in complex with HIV-1 Nef134-10(2F) 3vxp HLA-A24 in complex with HIV-1 Nef134-10(6L) 3vxq H27-14 TCR specific for HLA-A24-Nef134-10 3vxr The complex between H27-14 TCR and HLA-A24 bound to HIV-1 Nef134-10(wt) peptide 3vxs The complex between H27-14 TCR and HLA-A24 bound to HIV-1 Nef134-10(6L) peptide 3vxt T36-5 TCR specific for HLA-A24-Nef134-10 3vxu The complex between T36-5 TCR and HLA-A24 bound to HIV-1 Nef134-10(2F) peptide 3w0w The complex between T36-5 TCR and HLA-A24 bound to HIV-1 Nef134-10(2F) peptide in space group P212121 3w39 Crystal structure of HLA-B*5201 in complexed with HIV immunodominant epitope (TAFTIPSI) 3wex 3WEX 3wjj Crystal structure of IIb selective Fc variant, Fc(P238D), in complex with FcgRIIb 3wjl Crystal structure of IIb selective Fc variant, Fc(V12), in complex with FcgRIIb 3wkn 3WKN 3wl9 3WL9 3wlb 3WLB 3wn5 3WN5 3ws3 Crystal Structure of H-2D in complex with an insulin derived peptide 3ws6 Crystal Structure of H-2D in complex with a mimotopic peptide 3wuw 3WUW 3x11 3X11 3x12 3X12 3x13 3X13 3x14 3X14 3zo0 Mouse IgG2a in complex with mouse TRIM21 PRYSPRY 4acp Deactivation of human IgG1 Fc by endoglycosidase treatment 4aen HLA-DR1 with covalently linked CLIP106-120 in reversed orientation 4ah2 HLA-DR1 with covalently linked CLIP106-120 in canonical orientation 4apq Crystal structure of autoreactive-Valpha14-Vbeta6 NKT TCR in complex with CD1d-sulfatide 4b53 Crystal structure of the isolated IgG4 CH3 domain 4b7i Crystal Structure of Human IgG Fc Bearing Hybrid-type Glycans 4bm7 Crystal Structure of IgG Fc F241A mutant with native glycosylation 4bsv Heterodimeric Fc Antibody Azymetric Variant 1 4bsw Heterodimeric Fc Antibody Azymetric Variant 2 4byh Crystal structure of sialylated IgG Fc 4c54 Crystal structure of recombinant human IgG4 Fc 4c55 Crystal structure of serum-derived human IgG4 Fc 4c56 4C56 4cdh 4CDH 4cvx 4CVX 4cvz 4CVZ 4cw1 4CW1 4d0b 4D0B 4d0c 4D0C 4d0d 4D0D 4d2n 4D2N 4d8p Structural and functional studies of the trans-encoded HLA-DQ2.3 (DQA1*03:01/DQB1*02:01) molecule 4dz8 human IgG1 Fc fragment Heterodimer 4dzb Mucosal-associated invariant T cell receptor, Valpha7.2Jalpha33-Vbeta2 4e0r Structure of the chicken MHC class I molecule BF2*0401 4e41 Structural basis for the recognition of mutant self by a tumor-specific, MHC class II-restricted T cell receptor G4 4e42 Structural basis for the recognition of mutant self by a tumor-specific, MHC class II-restricted T cell receptor G4 4e5x Crystal structure of a complex between the human adenovirus type 2 E3-19K protein and MHC class I molecule HLA-A2/Tax 4ei5 Crystal Structure of XV19 TCR in complex with CD1d-sulfatide C24:1 4ei6 Structure of XV19 Valpha1-Vbeta16 Type-II Natural Killer T cell receptor 4elk Crystal structure of the Hy19.3 type II NKT TCR 4elm Crystal structure of the mouse CD1d-lysosulfatide-Hy19.3 TCR complex 4en3 Crystal structure of a human Valpha24(-) NKT TCR in complex with CD1d/alpha-galactosylceramide 4eup The complex between TCR JKF6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 presenting the MART-1(27-35)(A27L) peptide 4ezm Crystal structure of the human IgE-Fc(epsilon)3-4 bound to its B cell receptor derCD23 4f7c Crystal structure of bovine CD1d with bound C12-di-sulfatide 4f7e Crystal structure of bovine CD1d with bound C16:0-alpha-galactosyl ceramide 4f7m Crystal Structure of HLA-A*2402 Complexed with a Newly Identified Peptide from 2009 H1N1 PA (649-658) 4f7p Crystal Structure of HLA-A*2402 Complexed with a Newly Identified Peptide from 2009H1N1 PB1 (496-505) 4f7t Crystal Structure of HLA-A*2402 Complexed with a Newly Identified Peptide from 2009 H1N1 PB1 (498-505) 4fqx Crystal structure of HLA-DM bound to HLA-DR1 4ftv The complex between the high affinity version of A6 TCR (A6c134) and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound TAX nonameric peptide 4fxl Crystal structure of the D76N Beta-2 Microglobulin mutant 4g42 Structure of the Chicken MHC Class I Molecule BF2*0401 complexed to pepitde P8D 4g43 Structure of the chicken MHC class I molecule BF2*0401 complexed to P5E 4g8e Crystal Structure of clone18 TCR 4g8f Crystal Structure of clone42 TCR 4g8g Crystal Structure of C12C TCR-HA B2705-KK10 4g8i Crystal Structure of HLA B2705-KK10-L6M 4g9d Crystal Structure of HLA B2705-KK10 4g9f Crystal Structure of C12C TCR-HLAB2705-KK10-L6M 4gbx Crystal structure of an immune complex at pH 6.5 4gg6 Protein complex 4gg8 Immune Receptor 4gkn A2-MHC Complex carrying FATGIGIITV 4gko Crystal structure of the calcium2+-bound human IgE-Fc(epsilon)3-4 bound to its B cell receptor derCD23 4gks A2-MHC Complex carrying FLTGIGIITV 4gkz HA1.7, a MHC class II restricted TCR specific for haemagglutinin 4grg Crystal structure of IgE complexed with E2_79, an anti-IgE inhibitor 4grl Crystal structure of a autoimmune TCR-MHC complex 4grm The crystal structure of the high affinity TCR A6 4gt7 An engineered disulfide bond reversibly traps the IgE-Fc3-4 in a closed, non-receptor binding conformation 4gup Structure of MHC-class I related molecule MR1 4h1l TCR interaction with peptide mimics of nickel offers structural insights in nickel contact allergy 4h25 TCR interaction with peptide mimics of nickel offers structure insights to nickel contact allergy 4h26 TCR interaction with peptide mimics of nickel offers structure insight to nickel contact allergy 4haf Crystal structure of fc-fragment of human IgG2 antibody (primitive crystal form) 4hag Crystal structure of fc-fragment of human IgG2 antibody (centered crystal form) 4hkj Structure of Cowpox CPXV203 in complex with MHCI (H-2Kb) 4hs3 Crystal structure of H-2Kb with a disulfide stabilized F pocket in complex with the LCMV derived peptide GP34 4huu Crystal Structure of H2Db-NPM6I 4huv Crystal Structure of H2Db-NPM6W 4huw Crystal Structure of H2Db-NPM6T 4hux Crystal Structure of H2Db-H155A-NP 4hv8 Crystal Structure of H2Db-H155A-NPM6I 4hwz Structure of HLA-A68 complexed with an HIV derived peptide 4hx1 Structure of HLA-A68 complexed with a tumor antigen derived peptide 4i0p HLA-DO in complex with HLA-DM 4i2x Crystal structure of Signal Regulatory Protein gamma (SIRP-gamma) in complex with FabOX117 4i48 Structure of HLA-A68 complexed with an HIV Env derived peptide 4i4w Peptide length determines the outcome of T cell receptor/peptide-MHCI engagement 4i5b Structure of human MHC class II protein HLA-DR1 carrying an influenza hemagglutinin peptide partially filling the binding groove 4iho Crystal structure of H-2Db Y159F in complex with chimeric gp100 4iiq Crystal structure of a human MAIT TCR in complex with bovine MR1 4irj Structure of the mouse CD1d-4ClPhC-alpha-GalCer-iNKT TCR complex 4irs Structure of the mouse CD1d-PyrC-alpha-GalCer-iNKT TCR complex 4is6 Crystal structure of HLA-DR4 bound to GP100 peptide 4j12 monomeric Fc 4j4p The complex of human IgE-Fc with two bound Fab fragments 4jfd Preservation of peptide specificity during TCR-MHC contact dominated affinity enhancement of a melanoma-specific TCR 4jfe Preservation of peptide specificity during TCR-MHC contact dominated affinity enhancement of a melanoma-specific TCR 4jff Preservation of peptide specificity during TCR-MHC contact dominated affinity enhancement of a melanoma-specific TCR 4jfh High Affinity alpha24-beta17 T Cell Receptor for A2 HLA-Melanoma peptide complex 4jfo A2 HLA complex with E1A heteroclitic variant of Melanoma peptide 4jfp A2 HLA complex with G4A heteroclitic variant of Melanoma peptide 4jfq A2 HLA complex with L8A heteroclitic variant of Melanoma peptide 4jqv HLA-B*18:01 in complex with Epstein-Barr virus BZLF1-derived peptide (residues 173-180) 4jqx HLA-B*44:03 in complex with Epstein-Barr virus BZLF1-derived peptide (residues 169-180) 4jrx Crystal Structure of CA5 TCR-HLA B*3505-LPEP complex 4jry Crystal Structure of SB47 TCR-HLA B*3505-LPEP complex 4jvu IgM C2-domain from mouse 4jvw IgM C4-domain from mouse 4k71 Crystal structure of a high affinity Human Serum Albumin variant bound to the Neonatal Fc Receptor 4k7f Newly identified epitope V60 from HBV core protein complexed with HLA-A*0201 4kdt Structure of an early native-like intermediate of beta2-microglobulin amyloidosis 4ki1 Primitive triclinic crystal form of the human IgE-Fc(epsilon)3-4 bound to its B cell receptor derCD23 4ku1 Role of the hinge and C-gamma-2/C-gamma-3 interface in immunoglobin G1 Fc domain motions: implications for Fc engineering 4l29 Structure of wtMHC class I with NY-ESO1 double mutant 4l3c Structure of HLA-A2 in complex with D76N b2m mutant and NY-ESO1 double mutant 4l3e 4L3E 4l4j Crystal structure of fc-fragment of human IgG2-Sigma antibody 4l4t Structure of human MAIT TCR in complex with human MR1-6-FP 4l4v Structure of human MAIT TCR in complex with human MR1-RL-6-Me-7-OH 4l8b Crystal structure of the H2Db in complex with the NP-N5H peptide 4l8c Crystal structure of the H2Db in complex with the NP-N3D peptide 4l8d Crystal structure of the H2Db in complex with the NP-N5D peptide 4l8s Crystal structure of a human Valpha7.2/Vbeta13.3 MAIT TCR in complex with bovine MR1 4l9l Crystal structure of a human Valpha7.2/Vbeta13.2 MAIT TCR in complex with bovine MR1 4lcc Crystal structure of a human MAIT TCR in complex with a bacterial antigen bound to humanized bovine MR1 4lcw The structure of human MAIT TCR in complex with MR1-K43A-RL-6-Me-7OH 4lcy 4LCY 4lfh Crystal Structure of 9C2 TCR 4lhu Crystal Structure of 9C2 TCR bound to CD1d 4lld Structure of wild-type IgG1 antibody heavy chain constant domain 1 and light chain lambda constant domain (IgG1 CH1:Clambda) at 1.19A 4llm Structure of redesigned IgG1 first constant and lambda domains (CH1:Clambda constant redesign 1, CRD1) at 1.75A 4llq Structure of redesigned IgG1 first constant and lambda domains (CH1:Clambda constant redesign 2 beta, CRD2b) at 1.42A 4lnr 4LNR 4m8v 4M8V 4m9o 4M9O 4may Crystal structure of an immune complex 4mcy Immune Receptor 4mcz Immune Receptor 4md0 Immune Receptor 4md4 Immune Receptor 4md5 Immune Receptor 4mdi Immune Receptor 4mdj Immune Receptor 4mj5 4MJ5 4mj6 4MJ6 4mji 4MJI 4mng Structure of the DP10.7 TCR with CD1d-sulfatide 4mnh Structure of the DP10.7 TCR 4mnq TCR-peptide specificity overrides affinity enhancing TCR-MHC interactions 4mq7 Structure of human CD1d-sulfatide 4mx7 4MX7 4n0f Human FcRn complexed with human serum albumin 4n0u Ternary complex between Neonatal Fc receptor, serum albumin and Fc 4n8v Crystal structure of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor KIR2DS2 in complex with HLA-A 4ndm Structure of the AB18.1 TCR 4nhg Crystal Structure of 2G12 IgG Dimer 4nhh Structure of 2G12 IgG Dimer 4nnx 4NNX 4nny 4NNY 4no0 4NO0 4no2 4NO2 4no3 4NO3 4no5 4NO5 4nqc Crystal structure of TCR-MHC ternary complex and covalently bound 5-(2-oxopropylideneamino)-6-D-ribitylaminouracil 4nqd Crystal structure of TCR-MHC ternary complex and non-covalently bound 5-(2-oxopropylideneamino)-6-D-ribitylaminouracil 4nqe Crystal structure of TCR-MHC ternary complex bound to 5-(2-oxoethylideneamino)-6-D-ribitylaminouracil 4nqs Knob-into-hole IgG Fc 4nqt anti-parallel Fc-hole(T366S/L368A/Y407V) homodimer 4nqu anti-parallel Fc-knob (T366W) homodimer 4nqv Crystal Structure of HLA A*0101 in complex with NP44, an 9-mer influenza epitope 4nqx Crystal Structure of HLA A*0101 in complex with NP44-S7N, an 9-mer influenza epitope 4nsk CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MURINE CLASS I MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX H-2DB IN COMPLEX WITH LCMV-DERIVED GP33 ALTERED PEPTIDE ligand V3P 4nt6 4NT6 4o2c 4O2C 4o2e 4O2E 4o2f 4O2F 4onh 4ONH 4ono 4ONO 4ov5 4OV5 4ozf JR5.1 protein complex 4ozg D2 protein complex 4ozh S16 protein complex 4ozi S2 protein complex 4p23 4P23 4p2o Crystal structure of the 2B4 TCR in complex with 2A/I-Ek 4p2q Crystal structure of the 5cc7 TCR in complex with 5c2/I-Ek 4p2r Crystal structure of the 5cc7 TCR in complex with 5c1/I-Ek 4p46 4P46 4p4k 4P4K 4p4r 4P4R 4p57 4P57 4p5k 4P5K 4p5m 4P5M 4p5t 4P5T 4pg2 4PG2 4pg9 4PG9 4pgb 4PGB 4pgc 4PGC 4pgd 4PGD 4pge 4PGE 4pj5 4PJ5 4pj7 4PJ7 4pj8 4PJ8 4pj9 4PJ9 4pja 4PJA 4pjb 4PJB 4pjc 4PJC 4pjd 4PJD 4pje 4PJE 4pjf 4PJF 4pjg 4PJG 4pjh 4PJH 4pji 4PJI 4pjx 4PJX 4pr5 Crystal structure of a HLA-B*35:01-HPVG-D5 4pra Crystal structure of a HLA-B*35:01-HPVG-Q5 4prb Crystal structure of a HLA-B*35:08-HPVG-A4 4prd Crystal structure of a HLA-B*35:08-HPVG-D5 4pre Crystal structure of a HLA-B*35:08-HPVG-Q5 4prh Crystal structure of TK3 TCR-HLA-B*35:08-HPVG-D5 complex 4pri Crystal structure of TK3 TCR-HLA-B*35:08-HPVG complex 4prn Crystal structure of a HLA-B*35:01-HPVG-A4 4prp Crystal structure of TK3 TCR-HLA-B*35:01-HPVG-Q5 complex 4pv8 Crystal Structure of H2Kb-Q600F complex 4pv9 Crystal Structure of H2Kb-Q600V complex 4q6y 4Q6Y 4q74 4Q74 4q7d 4Q7D 4q97 4Q97 4q9b 4Q9B 4q9c 4Q9C 4qgt 4QGT 4qok 4QOK 4qrp 4QRP 4qrq 4QRQ 4qrr 4QRR 4qrs 4QRS 4qrt 4QRT 4qru 4QRU 4r9h 4R9H 4ra3 4RA3 4rah 4RAH 4rmq 4RMQ 4rmr 4RMR 4rms 4RMS 4rmt 4RMT 4rmu 4RMU 4rmv 4RMV 4rmw 4RMW 4u1h 4U1H 4u1i 4U1I 4u1j 4U1J 4u1k 4U1K 4u1l 4U1L 4u1m 4U1M 4u1n 4U1N 4u1s 4U1S 4u6x 4U6X 4u6y 4U6Y 4udt 4UDT 4udu 4UDU 4uq2 4UQ2 4uq3 4UQ3 4w4n 4W4N 4w4o 4W4O 4wdi 4WDI 4wi2 4WI2 4wi3 4WI3 4wi4 4WI4 4wi5 4WI5 4wi6 4WI6 4wi7 4WI7 4wi8 4WI8 4wi9 4WI9 4wj5 4WJ5 4wnq 4WNQ 4wo4 4WO4 4wu5 4WU5 4wu7 4WU7 4wuu 4WUU 4ww1 4WW1 4ww2 4WW2 4wwi 4WWI 4wwk 4WWK 4x4m 4X4M 4x5w 4X5W 4x5x 4X5X 4x6b 4X6B 4x6c 4X6C 4x6d 4X6D 4x6e 4X6E 4x6f 4X6F 4x98 4X98 4x99 4X99 4xxc 4XXC 4y16 4Y16 4y19 4Y19 4y1a 4Y1A 4y2d 4Y2D 4y4f 4Y4F 4y4h 4Y4H 4y4k 4Y4K 4z76 4Z76 4z77 4Z77 4z78 4Z78 4z7u 4Z7U 4z7v 4Z7V 4z7w 4Z7W 4zak 4ZAK 4zdh 4ZDH 4zez 4ZEZ 4zfz 4ZFZ 4znc 4ZNC 4zne 4ZNE 4zso 4ZSO 4zus 4ZUS 4zut 4ZUT 4zuu 4ZUU 4zuv 4ZUV 4zuw 4ZUW 5acz 5ACZ 5ad0 5AD0 5anm 5ANM 5b38 5B38 5b39 5B39 5brz 5BRZ 5bs0 5BS0 5bw7 5BW7 5bxf 5BXF 5c07 5C07 5c08 5C08 5c09 5C09 5c0a 5C0A 5c0b 5C0B 5c0c 5C0C 5c0d 5C0D 5c0e 5C0E 5c0f 5C0F 5c0g 5C0G 5c0h 5C0H 5c0i 5C0I 5c0j 5C0J 5c9j 5C9J 5cfh 5CFH 5cka 5CKA 5ckg 5CKG 5cnz 5CNZ 5cs7 5CS7 5csb 5CSB 5csg 5CSG 5d2l 5D2L 5d2n 5D2N 5d4q 5D4Q 5d5m 5D5M 5d6d 5D6D 5d7i 5D7I 5d7j 5D7J 5d7k 5D7K 5d7l 5D7L 5d9s 5D9S 5ddh 5DDH 5def 5DEF 5deg 5DEG 5di8 5DI8 5dj0 5DJ0 5dj2 5DJ2 5dj6 5DJ6 5dj8 5DJ8 5dja 5DJA 5djc 5DJC 5djd 5DJD 5djx 5DJX 5djy 5DJY 5djz 5DJZ 5dk0 5DK0 5dk2 5DK2 5dmk 5DMK 5dvk 5DVK 5dvl 5DVL 5dvm 5DVM 5dvn 5DVN 5dvo 5DVO 5e6i 5E6I 5e8n 5E8N 5e8o 5E8O 5e8p 5E8P 5e9d 5E9D 5efi 5EFI 5enw 5ENW 5eo0 5EO0 5eo1 5EO1 5eu3 5EU3 5eu4 5EU4 5eu5 5EU5 5eu6 5EU6 5euo 5EUO 5f1i 5F1I 5f1n 5F1N 5fk9 5FK9 5fka 5FKA 5fkp 5FKP 5h94 5H94 5hga 5HGA 5hgb 5HGB 5hgd 5HGD 5hgh 5HGH 5hhm 5HHM 5hhn 5HHN 5hho 5HHO 5hhp 5HHP 5hhq 5HHQ 5hsf 5HSF 5hvw 5HVW 5hyj 5HYJ 5hys 5HYS 5im7 5IM7 5inc 5INC 5ind 5IND 5iro 5IRO 5j1a 5J1A 5j6g 5J6G 5j6h 5J6H 5ks9 5KS9 5ksa 5KSA 5ksb 5KSB 5l2j 5L2J 5l2k 5L2K 5swq 5SWQ 5sws 5SWS 5swz 5SWZ - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)