The domain within your query sequence starts at position 36 and ends at position 119; the E-value for the IGv domain shown below is 3.3e-30.
IGvImmunoglobulin V-Type |
SMART accession number: | SM00406 |
Description: | - |
Interpro abstract (IPR013106): | The basic structure of immunoglobulin (Ig) molecules is a tetramer of two light chains and two heavy chains linked by disulphide bonds. There are two types of light chains: kappa and lambda, each composed of a constant domain (CL) and a variable domain (VL). There are five types of heavy chains: alpha, delta, epsilon, gamma and mu, all consisting of a variable domain (VH) and three (in alpha, delta and gamma) or four (in epsilon and mu) constant domains (CH1 to CH4). Ig molecules are highly modular proteins, in which the variable and constant domains have clear, conserved sequence patterns. The domains in Ig and Ig-like molecules are grouped into four types: V-set (variable; IPR013106 ), C1-set (constant-1; IPR003597 ), C2-set (constant-2; IPR008424 ) and I-set (intermediate; IPR013098 ) [ (PUBMED:9417933) ]. Structural studies have shown that these domains share a common core Greek-key beta-sandwich structure, with the types differing in the number of strands in the beta-sheets as well as in their sequence patterns [ (PUBMED:15327963) (PUBMED:11377196) ]. Immunoglobulin-like domains that are related in both sequence and structure can be found in several diverse protein families. Ig-like domains are involved in a variety of functions, including cell-cell recognition, cell-surface receptors, muscle structure and the immune system [ (PUBMED:10698639) ]. This entry represents the V-set domains, which are Ig-like domains resembling the antibody variable domain. V-set domains are found in diverse protein families, including immunoglobulin light and heavy chains; in several T-cell receptors such as CD2 (Cluster of Differentiation 2), CD4, CD80, and CD86; in myelin membrane adhesion molecules; in junction adhesion molecules (JAM); in tyrosine-protein kinase receptors; and in the programmed cell death protein 1 (PD1). |
Family alignment: |
There are 25606 IGv domains in 24468 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing IGv domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with IGv domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing IGv domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the IGv domain.
Protein Disease Myelin protein P0 (P25189) (SMART) OMIM:159440: Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy-1B
OMIM:118200: Dejerine-Sottas disease, myelin P-zero-related
OMIM:145900: Hypomyelination, congenitalFibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (P21802) (SMART) OMIM:176943: Crouzon syndrome
OMIM:123500: Jackson-Weiss syndrome
OMIM:123150: Beare-Stevenson cutis gyrata syndrome
OMIM:123790: Pfeiffer syndrome
OMIM:101600: Apert syndrome
OMIM:101200: Saethre-Chotzen syndromePoliovirus receptor (P15151) (SMART) OMIM:173850: {Polio, susceptibility to} - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 38.13 map04514 Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) 12.95 map04660 T cell receptor signaling pathway 10.07 map04640 Hematopoietic cell lineage 10.07 map04612 Antigen processing and presentation 5.04 map04620 Toll-like receptor signaling pathway 5.04 map04940 Type I diabetes mellitus 4.32 map04520 Adherens junction 4.32 map04670 Leukocyte transendothelial migration 3.60 map05120 Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infection 3.60 map04530 Tight junction 2.16 map04360 Axon guidance 0.72 map04650 Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with IGv domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing IGv domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of IGv domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 12e8 2E8 FAB FRAGMENT 15c8 CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 5C8, FREE FAB 1a0q 29G11 COMPLEXED WITH PHENYL [1-(1-N-SUCCINYLAMINO)PENTYL] PHOSPHONATE 1a14 COMPLEX BETWEEN NC10 ANTI-INFLUENZA VIRUS NEURAMINIDASE SINGLE CHAIN ANTIBODY WITH A 5 RESIDUE LINKER AND INFLUENZA VIRUS NEURAMINIDASE 1a2y HEN EGG WHITE LYSOZYME, D18A MUTANT, IN COMPLEX WITH MOUSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 1a3l CATALYSIS OF A DISFAVORED REACTION: AN ANTIBODY EXO DIELS-ALDERASE-TSA-INHIBITOR COMPLEX AT 1.95 A RESOLUTION 1a3r FAB FRAGMENT (ANTIBODY 8F5) COMPLEXED WITH PEPTIDE FROM HUMAN RHINOVIRUS (SEROTYPE 2) VIRAL CAPSID PROTEIN VP2 (RESIDUES 156-170) 1a4j DIELS ALDER CATALYTIC ANTIBODY GERMLINE PRECURSOR 1a4k DIELS ALDER CATALYTIC ANTIBODY WITH TRANSITION STATE ANALOGUE 1a5f FAB FRAGMENT OF A MONOCLONAL ANTI-E-SELECTIN ANTIBODY 1a6t FAB FRAGMENT OF MAB1-IA MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY TO HUMAN RHINOVIRUS 14 NIM-IA SITE 1a6u B1-8 FV FRAGMENT 1a6v B1-8 FV FRAGMENT COMPLEXED WITH A (4-HYDROXY-3-NITROPHENYL) ACETATE COMPOUND 1a6w B1-8 FV FRAGMENT COMPLEXED WITH A (4-HYDROXY-5-IODO-3-NITROPHENYL) ACETATE COMPOUND 1a7n FV FRAGMENT OF MOUSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 (BALB/C, IGG1, K) VARIANT FOR CHAIN L GLU81->ASP AND CHAIN H LEU312->VAL 1a7o FV FRAGMENT OF MOUSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 (BALB/C, IGG1, K) R96L DELETION MUTANT ON VARIANT FOR CHAIN L GLU81->ASP AND CHAIN H LEU312->VAL 1a7p FV FRAGMENT OF MOUSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 (BALB/C, IGG1, K) ENGINEERED MUTANT PRO95L->SER ON VARIANT CHAIN L GLU81->ASP AND CHAIN H LEU312->VAL 1a7q FV FRAGMENT OF MOUSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 (BALB/C, IGG1, K) HIGH AFFINITY EXPRESSED VARIANT CONTAINING SER26L->GLY, ILE29L->THR, GLU81L->ASP, THR97L->SER, PRO240H->LEU, ASP258H->ALA, LYS281H->GLU, ASN283H->ASP AND LEU312H->VAL 1a7r FV FRAGMENT OF MOUSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 (BALB/C, IGG1, K) VARIANT CHAIN L GLU81->ASP 1a8j IMMUNOGLOBULIN LAMBDA LIGHT CHAIN DIMER (MCG) COMPLEX WITH ASPARTAME 1acy CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE PRINCIPAL NEUTRALIZING SITE OF HIV-1 1ad0 FAB FRAGMENT OF ENGINEERED HUMAN MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY A5B7 1ad9 IGG-FAB FRAGMENT OF ENGINEERED HUMAN MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY CTM01 1adq CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN IGM RHEUMATOID FACTOR FAB IN COMPLEX WITH ITS AUTOANTIGEN IGG FC 1ae6 IGG-FAB FRAGMENT OF MOUSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY CTM01 1afv HIV-1 CAPSID PROTEIN (P24) COMPLEX WITH FAB25.3 1ah1 CTLA-4, NMR, 20 STRUCTURES 1ahw A COMPLEX OF EXTRACELLULAR DOMAIN OF TISSUE FACTOR WITH AN INHIBITORY FAB (5G9) 1ai1 HIV-1 V3 LOOP MIMIC 1aif ANTI-IDIOTYPIC FAB 409.5.3 (IGG2A) FAB FROM MOUSE 1aj7 IMMUNOGLOBULIN 48G7 GERMLINE FAB ANTIBODY COMPLEXED WITH HAPTEN 5-(PARA-NITROPHENYL PHOSPHONATE)-PENTANOIC ACID. AFFINITY MATURATION OF AN ESTEROLYTIC ANTIBODY 1akj COMPLEX OF THE HUMAN MHC CLASS I GLYCOPROTEIN HLA-A2 AND THE T CELL CORECEPTOR CD8 1ao7 COMPLEX BETWEEN HUMAN T-CELL RECEPTOR, VIRAL PEPTIDE (TAX), AND HLA-A 0201 1ap2 SINGLE CHAIN FV OF C219 1aqk THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN FAB WITH HIGH AFFINITY FOR TETANUS TOXOID 1ar1 STRUCTURE AT 2.7 ANGSTROM RESOLUTION OF THE PARACOCCUS DENITRIFICANS TWO-SUBUNIT CYTOCHROME C OXIDASE COMPLEXED WITH AN ANTIBODY FV FRAGMENT 1ar2 DISULFIDE-FREE IMMUNOGLOBULIN FRAGMENT 1axs MATURE OXY-COPE CATALYTIC ANTIBODY WITH HAPTEN 1axt IMMUNE VERSUS NATURAL SELECTION: ANTIBODY ALDOLASES WITH THE RATES OF NATURAL ENZYMES 1ay1 ANTI TAQ FAB TP7 1b0w Structural comparison of amyloidogenic light chain dimer in two crystal forms with nonamyloidogenic counterparts 1b2w COMPARISON OF THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES OF A HUMANIZED AND A CHIMERIC FAB OF AN ANTI-GAMMA-INTERFERON ANTIBODY 1b4j COMPARISON OF THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES OF A HUMANIZED AND A CHIMERIC FAB OF AN ANTI-GAMMA-INTERFERON ANTIBODY 1b6d BENCE JONES PROTEIN DEL: AN ENTIRE IMMUNOGLOBULIN KAPPA LIGHT-CHAIN DIMER 1b88 V-ALPHA 2.6 MOUSE T CELL RECEPTOR (TCR) DOMAIN 1baf 2.9 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION STRUCTURE OF AN ANTI-DINITROPHENYL-SPIN-LABEL MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY FAB FRAGMENT WITH BOUND HAPTEN 1bbd THREE DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE FAB FRAGMENT OF A NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY TO HUMAN RHINOVIRUS SEROTYPE 2 1bbj CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A CHIMERIC FAB' FRAGMENT OF AN ANTIBODY BINDING TUMOUR CELLS 1bec BETA CHAIN OF A T CELL ANTIGEN RECEPTOR 1bey ANTIBODY TO CAMPATH-1H HUMANIZED FAB 1bfo CAMPATH-1G IGG2B RAT MONOCLONAL FAB 1bfv MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY FRAGMENT FV4155 FROM E. COLI 1bgx TAQ POLYMERASE IN COMPLEX WITH TP7, AN INHIBITORY FAB 1bj1 VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR IN COMPLEX WITH A NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 1bjm LOC NAKS, A LAMBDA 1 TYPE LIGHT-CHAIN DIMER (BENCE-JONES PROTEIN) CRYSTALLIZED IN NAKSO4 1bln ANTI-P-GLYCOPROTEIN FAB MRK-16 1bm3 IMMUNOGLOBULIN OPG2 FAB-PEPTIDE COMPLEX 1bog ANTI-P24 (HIV-1) FAB FRAGMENT CB41 COMPLEXED WITH AN EPITOPE-HOMOLOGOUS PEPTIDE 1bql STRUCTURE OF AN ANTI-HEL FAB FRAGMENT COMPLEXED WITH BOBWHITE QUAIL LYSOZYME 1bre IMMUNOGLOBULIN LIGHT CHAIN PROTEIN 1bvk HUMANIZED ANTI-LYSOZYME FV COMPLEXED WITH LYSOZYME 1bvl HUMANIZED ANTI-LYSOZYME FV 1bwm A SINGLE-CHAIN T CELL RECEPTOR 1bww BENCE-JONES IMMUNOGLOBULIN REI VARIABLE PORTION, T39K MUTANT 1bz7 FAB FRAGMENT FROM MURINE ASCITES 1bzq COMPLEX OF A DROMEDARY SINGLE-DOMAIN VHH ANTIBODY FRAGMENT WITH RNASE A 1c08 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HYHEL-10 FV-HEN LYSOZYME COMPLEX 1c12 INSIGHT IN ODORANT PERCEPTION: THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND BINDING CHARACTERISTICS OF ANTIBODY FRAGMENTS DIRECTED AGAINST THE MUSK ODORANT TRASEOLIDE 1c1e CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A DIELS-ALDERASE CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 1E9 IN COMPLEX WITH ITS HAPTEN 1c5b DECARBOXYLASE CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 21D8 UNLIGANDED FORM 1c5c DECARBOXYLASE CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 21D8-HAPTEN COMPLEX 1c5d THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE FAB FRAGMENT OF A RAT MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY AGAINST THE MAIN IMMUNOGENIC REGION OF THE HUMAN MUSCLE ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR 1cbv AN AUTOANTIBODY TO SINGLE-STRANDED DNA: COMPARISON OF THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES OF THE UNLIGANDED FAB AND A DEOXYNUCLEOTIDE-FAB COMPLEX 1cd0 STRUCTURE OF HUMAN LAMDA-6 LIGHT CHAIN DIMER JTO 1cd8 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A SOLUBLE FORM OF THE HUMAN T CELL CO-RECEPTOR CD8 AT 2.6 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1cdh STRUCTURES OF AN HIV AND MHC BINDING FRAGMENT FROM HUMAN CD4 AS REFINED IN TWO CRYSTAL LATTICES 1cdi STRUCTURES OF AN HIV AND MHC BINDING FRAGMENT FROM HUMAN CD4 AS REFINED IN TWO CRYSTAL LATTICES 1cdj STRUCTURE OF T-CELL SURFACE GLYCOPROTEIN CD4 1cdu STRUCTURE OF T-CELL SURFACE GLYCOPROTEIN CD4 MUTANT WITH PHE 43 REPLACED BY VAL 1cdy STRUCTURE OF T-CELL SURFACE GLYCOPROTEIN CD4 MUTANT WITH GLY 47 REPLACED BY SER 1ce1 1.9A STRUCTURE OF THE THERAPEUTIC ANTIBODY CAMPATH-1H FAB IN COMPLEX WITH A SYNTHETIC PEPTIDE ANTIGEN 1cf8 Convergence of catalytic antibody and terpene cyclase mechanisms: polyene cyclization directed by carbocation-pi interactions 1cfn ANTI-P24 (HIV-1) FAB FRAGMENT CB41 COMPLEXED WITH AN EPITOPE-RELATED PEPTIDE 1cfq ANTI-P24 (HIV-1) FAB FRAGMENT CB41 1cfs ANTI-P24 (HIV-1) FAB FRAGMENT CB41 COMPLEXED WITH AN EPITOPE-UNRELATED PEPTIDE 1cft ANTI-P24 (HIV-1) FAB FRAGMENT CB41 COMPLEXED WITH AN EPITOPE-UNRELATED D-PEPTIDE 1cfv MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY FRAGMENT FV4155 FROM E. COLI 1cgs LOCAL AND TRANSMITTED CONFORMATIONAL CHANGES ON COMPLEXATION OF AN ANTI-SWEETENER FAB 1cic IDIOTOPE-ANTI-IDIOTOPE FAB-FAB COMPLEX; D1.3-E225 1ck0 ANTI-ANTI-IDIOTYPIC ANTIBODY AGAINST HUMAN ANGIOTENSIN II, UNLIGANDED FORM 1cl7 ANTI HIV1 PROTEASE FAB 1clo ANTI-CARCINOEMBRYONIC ANTIGEN MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY A5B7 1cly IGG FAB (HUMAN IGG1, KAPPA) CHIMERIC FRAGMENT (CBR96) COMPLEXED WITH LEWIS Y NONOATE METHYL ESTER 1clz IGG FAB (IGG3, KAPPA) FRAGMENT (MBR96) COMPLEXED WITH LEWIS Y NONOATE METHYL ESTER 1cr9 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ANTI-PRION FAB 3F4 1ct8 CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 7C8 COMPLEX 1cu4 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ANTI-PRION FAB 3F4 IN COMPLEX WITH ITS PEPTIDE EPITOPE 1cz8 VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR IN COMPLEX WITH AN AFFINITY MATURED ANTIBODY 1d5b UNLIGANDED MATURE OXY-COPE CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 1d5i UNLIGANDED GERMLINE PRECURSOR OF AN OXY-COPE CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 1d6v CONFORMATION EFFECTS IN BIOLOGICAL CATALYSIS INTRODUCED BY OXY-COPE ANTIBODY MATURATION 1d9k CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF COMPLEX BETWEEN D10 TCR AND PMHC I-AK/CA 1dba THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF AN ANTI-STEROID FAB' AND PROGESTERONE-FAB' COMPLEX 1dbb THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF AN ANTI-STEROID FAB' AND PROGESTERONE-FAB' COMPLEX 1dbj MOLECULAR BASIS OF CROSS-REACTIVITY AND THE LIMITS OF ANTIBODY-ANTIGEN COMPLEMENTARITY 1dbk MOLECULAR BASIS OF CROSS-REACTIVITY AND THE LIMITS OF ANTIBODY-ANTIGEN COMPLEMENTARITY 1dbm MOLECULAR BASIS OF CROSS-REACTIVITY AND THE LIMITS OF ANTIBODY-ANTIGEN COMPLEMENTARITY 1dcl MCG, A LAMBDA V TYPE LIGHT-CHAIN DIMER (BENCE-JONES PROTEIN), CRYSTALLIZED FROM AMMONIUM SULFATE 1dee CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AT 2.7A RESOLUTION OF A COMPLEX BETWEEN A STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS DOMAIN AND A FAB FRAGMENT OF A HUMAN IGM ANTIBODY 1dfb STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY FAB FRAGMENT AGAINST GP41 OF HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS TYPE I 1dgi Cryo-EM structure of human poliovirus(serotype 1)complexed with three domain CD155 1dl7 THE STRUCTURAL BASIS OF REPERTOIRE SHIFT IN AN IMMUNE RESPONSE TO PHOSPHOCHOLINE 1dlf HIGH RESOLUTION CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE FV FRAGMENT FROM AN ANTI-DANSYL SWITCH VARIANT ANTIBODY IGG2A(S) CRYSTALLIZED AT PH 5.25 1dn0 STRUCTURE OF THE FAB FRAGMENT FROM A HUMAN IGM COLD AGGLUTININ 1dqd CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FAB HGR-2 F6, A COMPETITIVE ANTAGONIST OF THE GLUCAGON RECEPTOR 1dqj CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ANTI-LYSOZYME ANTIBODY HYHEL-63 COMPLEXED WITH HEN EGG WHITE LYSOZYME 1dql CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN UNLIGANDED (NATIVE) FV FROM A HUMAN IGM ANTI-PEPTIDE ANTIBODY 1dqm CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ANTI-LYSOZYME ANTIBODY 1dqq CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ANTI-LYSOZYME ANTIBODY HYHEL-63 1dsf THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE DISULFIDE-STABILIZED FV FRAGMENT OF ANTICANCER ANTIBODY B1: CONFORMATIONAL INFLUENCE OF AN ENGINEERED DISULFIDE BOND 1dvf IDIOTOPIC ANTIBODY D1.3 FV FRAGMENT-ANTIIDIOTOPIC ANTIBODY E5.2 FV FRAGMENT COMPLEX 1dzb Crystal structure of phage library-derived single-chain Fv fragment 1F9 in complex with turkey egg-white lysozyme 1e4w crossreactive binding of a circularized peptide to an anti-TGFalpha antibody Fab-fragment 1e4x crossreactive binding of a circularized peptide to an anti-TGFalpha antibody Fab-fragment 1e6j Crystal structure of HIV-1 capsid protein (p24) in complex with Fab13B5 1e6o Crystal structure of Fab13B5 against HIV-1 capsid protein p24 1eap CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A CATALYTIC ANTIBODY WITH A SERINE PROTEASE ACTIVE SITE 1eeq M4L/Y(27D)D/T94H Mutant of LEN 1eeu M4L/Y(27D)D/Q89D/T94H mutant of LEN 1efq Q38D mutant of LEN 1egj DOMAIN 4 OF THE BETA COMMON CHAIN IN COMPLEX WITH AN ANTIBODY 1ehl 64M-2 ANTIBODY FAB COMPLEXED WITH D(5HT)(6-4)T 1ejo FAB FRAGMENT OF NEUTRALISING MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY 4C4 COMPLEXED WITH G-H LOOP FROM FMDV. 1ek3 KAPPA-4 IMMUNOGLOBULIN VL, REC 1emt FAB ANTIBODY FRAGMENT OF AN C60 ANTIFULLERENE ANTIBODY 1eo8 INFLUENZA VIRUS HEMAGGLUTININ COMPLEXED WITH A NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 1etz THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF AN ANTI-SWEETENER FAB, NC10.14, SHOWS THE EXTENT OF STRUCTURAL DIVERSITY IN ANTIGEN RECOGNITION BY IMMUNOGLOBULINS 1ezv STRUCTURE OF THE YEAST CYTOCHROME BC1 COMPLEX CO-CRYSTALLIZED WITH AN ANTIBODY FV-FRAGMENT 1f11 F124 FAB FRAGMENT FROM A MONOCLONAL ANTI-PRES2 ANTIBODY 1f2x STRUCTURE OF THE SINGLE-DOMAIN CAMELID ANTIBODY CAB-CA05 1f3d CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 4B2 IN COMPLEX WITH ITS AMIDINIUM HAPTEN. 1f3r COMPLEX BETWEEN FV ANTIBODY FRAGMENT AND AN ANALOGUE OF THE MAIN IMMUNOGENIC REGION OF THE ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR 1f4w CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN ANTI-CARBOHYDRATE ANTIBODY DIRECTED AGAINST VIBRIO CHOLERAE O1 IN COMPLEX WITH ANTIGEN 1f4x CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN ANTI-CARBOHYDRATE ANTIBODY DIRECTED AGAINST VIBRIO CHOLERAE O1 IN COMPLEX WITH ANTIGEN 1f4y CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN ANTI-CARBOHYDRATE ANTIBODY DIRECTED AGAINST VIBRIO CHOLERAE O1 IN COMPLEX WITH ANTIGEN 1f58 IGG1 FAB FRAGMENT (58.2) COMPLEX WITH 24-RESIDUE PEPTIDE (RESIDUES 308-333 OF HIV-1 GP120 (MN ISOLATE) WITH ALA TO AIB SUBSTITUTION AT POSITION 323 1f6l VARIABLE LIGHT CHAIN DIMER OF ANTI-FERRITIN ANTIBODY 1f8t FAB (LNKB-2) OF MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY, CRYSTAL STRUCTURE 1f90 FAB FRAGMENT OF MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY (LNKB-2) AGAINST HUMAN INTERLEUKIN-2 IN COMPLEX WITH ANTIGENIC PEPTIDE 1f97 SOLUBLE PART OF THE JUNCTION ADHESION MOLECULE FROM MOUSE 1fai THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF TWO CRYSTAL FORMS OF FAB R19.9, FROM A MONOCLONAL ANTI-ARSONATE ANTIBODY 1fbi CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A CROSS-REACTION COMPLEX BETWEEN FAB F9.13.7 AND GUINEA-FOWL LYSOZYME 1fdl CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC REFINEMENT OF THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE FAB D1.3-LYSOZYME COMPLEX AT 2.5-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1fe8 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR A3 DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH A FAB FRAGMENT OF IGG RU5 THAT INHIBITS COLLAGEN BINDING 1fgn MONOCLONAL MURINE ANTIBODY 5G9-ANTI-HUMAN TISSUE FACTOR 1fgv X-RAY STRUCTURES OF FRAGMENTS FROM BINDING AND NONBINDING VERSIONS OF A HUMANIZED ANTI-CD18 ANTIBODY: STRUCTURAL INDICATIONS OF THE KEY ROLE OF VH RESIDUES 59 TO 65 1fh5 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE FAB FRAGMENT OF THE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY MAK33 1fig ROUTES TO CATALYSIS: STRUCTURE OF A CATALYTIC ANTIBODY AND COMPARISON WITH ITS NATURAL COUNTERPART 1fj1 LYME DISEASE ANTIGEN OSPA IN COMPLEX WITH NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY FAB LA-2 1fl3 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE BLUE FLUORESCENT ANTIBODY (19G2) IN COMPLEX WITH STILBENE HAPTEN AT 277K 1fl5 THE UNLIGANDED GERMLINE PRECURSOR TO THE SULFIDE OXIDASE CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 28B4. 1fl6 THE HAPTEN COMPLEXED GERMLINE PRECURSOR TO SULFIDE OXIDASE CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 28B4 1flr 4-4-20 FAB FRAGMENT 1fn4 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FAB198, AN EFFICIENT PROTECTOR OF ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR AGAINST MYASTHENOGENIC ANTIBODIES 1fns CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR (VWF) A1 DOMAIN I546V MUTANT IN COMPLEX WITH THE FUNCTION BLOCKING FAB NMC4 1for STRUCTURE DETERMINATION OF AN FAB FRAGMENT THAT NEUTRALIZES HUMAN RHINOVIRUS AND ANALYSIS OF THE FAB-VIRUS COMPLEX 1fpt THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX BETWEEN THE FAB FRAGMENT OF AN NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY FOR TYPE 1 POLIOVIRUS AND ITS VIRAL EPITOPE 1frg CRYSTAL STRUCTURE, SEQUENCE, AND EPITOPE MAPPING OF A PEPTIDE COMPLEX OF AN ANTI-INFLUENZA HA PEPTIDE ANTIBODY FAB 26(SLASH)9: FINE-TUNING ANTIBODY SPECIFICITY 1fsk COMPLEX FORMATION BETWEEN A FAB FRAGMENT OF A MONOCLONAL IGG ANTIBODY AND THE MAJOR ALLERGEN FROM BIRCH POLLEN BET V 1 1fvc X-RAY STRUCTURES OF THE ANTIGEN-BINDING DOMAINS FROM THREE VARIANTS OF HUMANIZED ANTI-P185-HER2 ANTIBODY 4D5 AND COMPARISON WITH MOLECULAR MODELING 1fvd X-RAY STRUCTURES OF THE ANTIGEN-BINDING DOMAINS FROM THREE VARIANTS OF HUMANIZED ANTI-P185-HER2 ANTIBODY 4D5 AND COMPARISON WITH MOLECULAR MODELING 1fve X-RAY STRUCTURES OF THE ANTIGEN-BINDING DOMAINS FROM THREE VARIANTS OF HUMANIZED ANTI-P185-HER2 ANTIBODY 4D5 AND COMPARISON WITH MOLECULAR MODELING 1g6r A FUNCTIONAL HOT SPOT FOR ANTIGEN RECOGNITION IN A SUPERAGONIST TCR/MHC COMPLEX 1g6v Complex of the camelid heavy-chain antibody fragment CAB-CA05 with bovine carbonic anhydrase 1g7h CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HEN EGG WHITE LYSOZYME (HEL) COMPLEXED WITH THE MUTANT ANTI-HEL MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3(VLW92A) 1g7i CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HEN EGG WHITE LYSOZYME (HEL) COMPLEXED WITH THE MUTANT ANTI-HEL MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 (VLW92F) 1g7j CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HEN EGG WHITE LYSOZYME (HEL) COMPLEXED WITH THE MUTANT ANTI-HEL MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 (VLW92H) 1g7l CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HEN EGG WHITE LYSOZYME (HEL) COMPLEXED WITH THE MUTANT ANTI-HEL MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 (VLW92S) 1g7m CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HEN EGG WHITE LYSOZYME (HEL) COMPLEXED WITH THE MUTANT ANTI-HEL MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 (VLW92V) 1g9e SOLUTION STRUCTURE AND RELAXATION MEASUREMENTS OF AN ANTIGEN-FREE HEAVY CHAIN VARIABLE DOMAIN (VHH) FROM LLAMA 1g9m HIV-1 HXBC2 GP120 ENVELOPE GLYCOPROTEIN COMPLEXED WITH CD4 AND INDUCED NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 17B 1g9n HIV-1 YU2 GP120 ENVELOPE GLYCOPROTEIN COMPLEXED WITH CD4 AND INDUCED NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 17B 1gaf 48G7 HYBRIDOMA LINE FAB COMPLEXED WITH HAPTEN 5-(PARA-NITROPHENYL PHOSPHONATE)-PENTANOIC ACID 1gc1 HIV-1 GP120 CORE COMPLEXED WITH CD4 AND A NEUTRALIZING HUMAN ANTIBODY 1ggb MAJOR ANTIGEN-INDUCED DOMAIN REARRANGEMENTS IN AN ANTIBODY 1ggc MAJOR ANTIGEN-INDUCED DOMAIN REARRANGEMENTS IN AN ANTIBODY 1ggi CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN HIV-1 NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 50.1 IN COMPLEX WITH ITS V3 LOOP PEPTIDE ANTIGEN 1ghf ANTI-ANTI-IDIOTYPE GH1002 FAB FRAGMENT 1gig REFINED THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE FAB FRAGMENT OF A MURINE IGG1, LAMBDA ANTIBODY 1gpo CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE RATIONALLY DESIGNED ANTIBODY M41 AS A FAB FRAGMENT 1h0d Crystal structure of Human Angiogenin in complex with Fab fragment of its monoclonal antibody mAb 26-2F 1h3p STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISATION OF A MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY SPECIFIC FOR THE PRES1 REGION OF THE HEPATITIS B VIRUS 1h8n THE IMPORTANCE OF FRAMEWORK RESIDUES 6 AND 9 IN THE HEAVY CHAINS OF ANTIBODY FV FRAGMENT 1h8o Selection, characterization and X-ray Structure of anti-ampicillin single chain Fv fragments from phage-displayed murine antibody libraries 1h8s Three-dimensional structure of anti-ampicillin single chain Fv fragment complexed with the hapten. 1hcv LLAMA HEAVY CHAIN VARIABLE DOMAIN AGAINST ALPHA SUBUNIT OF HCG (HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN) 1hez antibody-antigen complex 1hh6 ANTI-P24 (HIV-1) FAB FRAGMENT CB41 COMPLEXED WITH A PEPTIDE 1hh9 ANTI-P24 (HIV-1) FAB FRAGMENT CB41 COMPLEXED WITH A PEPTIDE 1hi6 ANTI-P24 (HIV-1) FAB FRAGMENT CB41 COMPLEXED WITH A PEPTIDE 1hil STRUCTURAL EVIDENCE FOR INDUCED FIT AS A MECHANISM FOR ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY RECOGNITION 1him STRUCTURAL EVIDENCE FOR INDUCED FIT AS A MECHANISM FOR ANTIBODY-ANTIGEN RECOGNITION 1hin STRUCTURAL EVIDENCE FOR INDUCED FIT AS A MECHANISM FOR ANTIBODY-ANTIGEN RECOGNITION 1hkl FREE AND LIGANDED FORM OF AN ESTEROLYTIC CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 1hq4 STRUCTURE OF NATIVE CATALYTIC ANTIBODY HA5-19A4 1hxm Crystal Structure of a Human Vgamma9/Vdelta2 T Cell Receptor 1hys CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HIV-1 REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE IN COMPLEX WITH A POLYPURINE TRACT RNA:DNA 1hzh CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE INTACT HUMAN IGG B12 WITH BROAD AND POTENT ACTIVITY AGAINST PRIMARY HIV-1 ISOLATES: A TEMPLATE FOR HIV VACCINE DESIGN 1i3g CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN AMPICILLIN SINGLE CHAIN FV, FORM 1, FREE 1i3u THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A LLAMA VHH DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH THE DYE RR1 1i3v THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A LAMA VHH DOMAIN UNLIGANDED 1i7z ANTIBODY GNC92H2 BOUND TO LIGAND 1i85 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE CTLA-4/B7-2 COMPLEX 1i8i CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF DSFV MR1 IN COMPLEX WITH THE PEPTIDE ANTIGEN OF THE MUTANT EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR, EGFRVIII, AT ROOM TEMPERATURE 1i8k CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF DSFV MR1 IN COMPLEX WITH THE PEPTIDE ANTIGEN OF THE MUTANT EPIDERMAL GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR, EGFRVIII, AT LIQUID NITROGEN TEMPERATURE 1i8l HUMAN B7-1/CTLA-4 CO-STIMULATORY COMPLEX 1i8m CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A RECOMBINANT ANTI-SINGLE-STRANDED DNA ANTIBODY FRAGMENT COMPLEXED WITH DT5 1i9e TCR DOMAIN 1i9i NATIVE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE RECOMBINANT MONOCLONAL WILD TYPE ANTI-TESTOSTERONE FAB FRAGMENT 1i9j TESTOSTERONE COMPLEX STRUCTURE OF THE RECOMBINANT MONOCLONAL WILD TYPE ANTI-TESTOSTERONE FAB FRAGMENT 1i9r STRUCTURE OF CD40L IN COMPLEX WITH THE FAB FRAGMENT OF HUMANIZED 5C8 ANTIBODY 1iai IDIOTYPE-ANTI-IDIOTYPE FAB COMPLEX 1ibg STRUCTURE AND SPECIFICITY OF THE ANTI-DIGOXIN ANTIBODY 40-50 1ic4 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HYHEL-10 FV MUTANT(HD32A)-HEN LYSOZYME COMPLEX 1ic5 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HYHEL-10 FV MUTANT(HD99A)-HEN LYSOZYME COMPLEX 1ic7 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HYHEL-10 FV MUTANT(HD32A99A)-HEN LYSOZYME COMPLEX 1ieh SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF A SOLUBLE SINGLE-DOMAIN ANTIBODY WITH HYDROPHOBIC RESIDUES TYPICAL OF A VL/VH INTERFACE 1ifh A DETAILED ANALYSIS OF THE FREE AND BOUND CONFORMATION OF AN ANTIBODY: X-RAY STRUCTURES OF ANTI-PEPTIDE FAB 17(SLASH)9 AND THREE DIFFERENT FAB-PEPTIDE COMPLEXES 1iga MODEL OF HUMAN IGA1 DETERMINED BY SOLUTION SCATTERING CURVE-FITTING AND HOMOLOGY MODELLING 1igc IGG1 FAB FRAGMENT (MOPC21) COMPLEX WITH DOMAIN III OF PROTEIN G FROM STREPTOCOCCUS 1igf CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF AN ANTIBODY TO A PEPTIDE AND ITS COMPLEX WITH PEPTIDE ANTIGEN AT 2.8 ANGSTROMS 1igi 26-10 FAB:DIGOXIN COMPLEX-AFFINITY AND SPECIFICITY DUE TO SURFACE COMPLEMENTARITY 1igj 26-10 FAB:DIGOXIN COMPLEX-AFFINITY AND SPECIFICITY DUE TO SURFACE COMPLEMENTARITY 1igm THREE DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF AN FV FROM A HUMAN IGM IMMUNOGLOBULIN 1igt STRUCTURE OF IMMUNOGLOBULIN 1igy STRUCTURE OF IMMUNOGLOBULIN 1ikf A CONFORMATION OF CYCLOSPORIN A IN AQUEOUS ENVIRONMENT REVEALED BY THE X-RAY STRUCTURE OF A CYCLOSPORIN-FAB COMPLEX 1il1 Crystal structure of G3-519, an anti-HIV monoclonal antibody 1ind HOW THE ANTI-(METAL CHELATE) ANTIBODY CHA255 IS SPECIFIC FOR THE METAL ION OF ITS ANTIGEN: X-RAY STRUCTURES FOR TWO FAB'(SLASH)HAPTEN COMPLEXES WITH DIFFERENT METALS IN THE CHELATE 1ine HOW THE ANTI-(METAL CHELATE) ANTIBODY CHA255 IS SPECIFIC FOR THE METAL ION OF ITS ANTIGEN: X-RAY STRUCTURES FOR TWO FAB'(SLASH)HAPTEN COMPLEXES WITH DIFFERENT METALS IN THE CHELATE 1iqd Human Factor VIII C2 Domain complexed to human monoclonal BO2C11 Fab. 1iqw CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE FAB FRAGMENT OF THE MOUSE ANTI-HUMAN FAS ANTIBODY HFE7A 1it9 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN ANTIGEN-BINDING FRAGMENT FROM A HUMANIZED VERSION OF THE ANTI-HUMAN FAS ANTIBODY HFE7A 1ivl THE DE NOVO DESIGN OF AN ANTIBODY COMBINING SITE: CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF THE VL DOMAIN CONFIRMS THE STRUCTURAL MODEL 1j05 The crystal structure of anti-carcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibody T84.66 Fv fragment 1j1o Crystal Structure of HyHEL-10 Fv mutant LY50F complexed with hen egg white lysozyme 1j1p Crystal structure of HyHEL-10 Fv mutant LS91A complexed with hen egg white lysozyme 1j1x Crystal Structure of HyHEL-10 Fv mutant LS93A complexed with hen egg white lysozyme 1j5o CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MET184ILE MUTANT OF HIV-1 REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE IN COMPLEX WITH DOUBLE STRANDED DNA TEMPLATE-PRIMER 1jck T-CELL RECEPTOR BETA CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH SEC3 SUPERANTIGEN 1jfq ANTIGEN-BINDING FRAGMENT OF THE MURINE ANTI-PHENYLARSONATE ANTIBODY 36-71, ""FAB 36-71"" 1jgl Crystal structure of immunoglobulin Fab fragment complexed with 17-beta-estradiol 1jgu STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR DISFAVORED ELIMINATION REACTION IN CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 1D4 1jgv STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR DISFAVORED ELIMINATION REACTION IN CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 1D4 1jhk Crystal structure of the anti-estradiol antibody 57-2 1jhl THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A HETEROCLITIC ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY CROSS-REACTION COMPLEX 1jl4 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN CD4 N-TERMINAL TWO DOMAIN FRAGMENT COMPLEXED TO A CLASS II MHC MOLECULE 1jn6 Crystal Structure of Fab-Estradiol Complexes 1jnh Crystal Structure of Fab-Estradiol Complexes 1jnl Crystal Structure of Fab-Estradiol Complexes 1jnn Crystal Structure of Fab-Estradiol Complexes 1jp5 Crystal structure of the single-chain Fv fragment 1696 in complex with the epitope peptide corresponding to N-terminus of HIV-1 protease 1jps Crystal structure of tissue factor in complex with humanized Fab D3h44 1jpt Crystal Structure of Fab D3H44 1jrh COMPLEX (ANTIBODY/ANTIGEN) 1jto Degenerate interfaces in antigen-antibody complexes 1jtp Degenerate interfaces in antigen-antibody complexes 1jtt Degenerate interfaces in antigen-antibody complexes 1jv5 Anti-blood group A Fv 1jvk THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF AN IMMUNOGLOBULIN LIGHT CHAIN DIMER ACTING AS A LETHAL AMYLOID PRECURSOR 1k4c Potassium Channel KcsA-Fab complex in high concentration of K+ 1k4d Potassium Channel KcsA-Fab complex in low concentration of K+ 1k6q Crystal structure of antibody Fab fragment D3 1kb5 MURINE T-CELL RECEPTOR VARIABLE DOMAIN/FAB COMPLEX 1kb9 YEAST CYTOCHROME BC1 COMPLEX 1kc5 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ANTIBODY PC287 IN COMPLEX WITH PS1 PEPTIDE 1kcr CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ANTIBODY PC283 IN COMPLEX WITH PS1 PEPTIDE 1kcs CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ANTIBODY PC282 IN COMPLEX WITH PS1 PEPTIDE 1kcu CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ANTIBODY PC287 1kcv Crystal structure of antibody pc282 1keg Antibody 64M-2 Fab complexed with dTT(6-4)TT 1kel CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 28B4 FAB FRAGMENT COMPLEXED WITH HAPTEN (1-[N-4'-NITROBENZYL-N-4'-CARBOXYBUTYLAMINO] METHYLPHOSPHONIC ACID) 1kem CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 28B4 FAB FRAGMENT 1ken INFLUENZA VIRUS HEMAGGLUTININ COMPLEXED WITH AN ANTIBODY THAT PREVENTS THE HEMAGGLUTININ LOW PH FUSOGENIC TRANSITION 1kfa Crystal structure of Fab fragment complexed with gibberellin A4 1kgc Immune Receptor 1kip FV MUTANT Y(B 32)A (VH DOMAIN) OF MOUSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 COMPLEXED WITH HEN EGG WHITE LYSOZYME 1kiq FV MUTANT Y(B 101)F (VH DOMAIN) OF MOUSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 COMPLEXED WITH HEN EGG WHITE LYSOZYME 1kir FV MUTANT Y(A 50)S (VL DOMAIN) OF MOUSE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY D1.3 COMPLEXED WITH HEN EGG WHITE LYSOZYME 1kj2 Murine Alloreactive ScFv TCR-Peptide-MHC Class I Molecule Complex 1kn2 CATALYTIC ANTIBODY D2.3 COMPLEX 1kn4 CATALYTIC ANTIBODY D2.3 COMPLEX 1kno CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF A CATALYTIC ANTIBODY FAB WITH A TRANSITION STATE ANALOG: STRUCTURAL SIMILARITIES IN ESTERASE-LIKE ABZYMES 1ktr Crystal Structure of the Anti-His Tag Antibody 3D5 Single-Chain Fragment (scFv) in Complex with a Oligohistidine peptide 1kxq Camelid VHH Domain in Complex with Porcine Pancreatic alpha-Amylase 1kxt Camelid VHH Domains in Complex with Porcine Pancreatic alpha-Amylase 1kxv Camelid VHH Domains in Complex with Porcine Pancreatic alpha-Amylase 1kyo YEAST CYTOCHROME BC1 COMPLEX WITH BOUND SUBSTRATE CYTOCHROME C 1l0x TCR beta chain complexed with streptococcal superantigen SpeA 1l0y T cell receptor beta chain complexed with superantigen SpeA soaked with zinc 1l7i Crystal Structure of the anti-ErbB2 Fab2C4 1l7t Crystal Structure Analysis of the anti-testosterone Fab fragment 1lgv Structure of a Human Bence-Jones Dimer Crystallized in U.S. Space Shuttle Mission STS-95: 100K 1lhz Structure of a Human Bence-Jones Dimer Crystallized in U.S. Space Shuttle Mission STS-95: 293K 1lil BENCE JONES PROTEIN CLE, A LAMBDA III IMMUNOGLOBULIN LIGHT-CHAIN DIMER 1lk3 ENGINEERED HUMAN INTERLEUKIN-10 MONOMER COMPLEXED TO 9D7 FAB FRAGMENT 1lmk THE STRUCTURE OF A BIVALENT DIABODY 1lo0 Catalytic Retro-Diels-Alderase Transition State Analogue Complex 1lo2 Retro-Diels-Alderase Catalytic Antibody 1lo3 Retro-Diels-Alderase Catalytic Antibody: Product Analogue 1lo4 Retro-Diels-Alderase Catalytic antibody 9D9 1lp9 Xenoreactive complex AHIII 12.2 TCR bound to p1049/HLA-A2.1 1lve STRUCTURE OF THE VARIABLE DOMAIN OF HUMAN IMMUNOGLOBULIN K-4 LIGHT CHAIN LEN 1m71 Crystal structure of a Monoclonal Fab Specific for Shigella Flexneri Y lipopolysaccharide 1m7d Crystal structure of a Monoclonal Fab Specific for Shigella flexneri Y Lipopolysaccharide complexed with a trisaccharide 1m7i CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A MONOCLONAL FAB SPECIFIC FOR SHIGELLA FLEXNERI Y LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDE COMPLEXED WITH A PENTASACCHARIDE 1maj SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF AN ISOLATED ANTIBODY VL DOMAIN 1mak SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF AN ISOLATED ANTIBODY VL DOMAIN 1mam CRYSTAL STRUCTURE TO 2.45 A RESOLUTION OF A MONOCLONAL FAB SPECIFIC FOR THE BRUCELLA A CELL WALL POLYSACCHARIDE ANTIGEN 1mcb PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mcc PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mcd PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mce PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mcf PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mch PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mci PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mcj PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mck PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mcl PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mcn PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mco THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN IMMUNOGLOBULIN WITH A HINGE DELETION 1mcp PHOSPHOCHOLINE BINDING IMMUNOGLOBULIN FAB MC/PC603. AN X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDY AT 2.7 ANGSTROMS 1mcq PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mcr PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mcs PRINCIPLES AND PITFALLS IN DESIGNING SITE DIRECTED PEPTIDE LIGANDS 1mcw THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A HYBRID LIGHT CHAIN DIMER. PROTEIN ENGINEERING OF A BINDING CAVITY 1mel CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A CAMEL SINGLE-DOMAIN VH ANTIBODY FRAGMENT IN COMPLEX WITH LYSOZYME 1mex Antibody Catalysis of a Bimolecular Cycloaddition Reaction 1mf2 ANTI HIV1 PROTEASE FAB COMPLEX 1mfa STRUCTURE OF A SINGLE-CHAIN FV FRAGMENT COMPLEXED WITH A CARBOHYDRATE ANTIGEN AT 1.7 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1mfb HIGH RESOLUTION STRUCTURES OF ANTIBODY FAB FRAGMENT COMPLEXED WITH CELL-SURFACE OLIGOSACCHARIDE OF PATHOGENIC SALMONELLA 1mfc HIGH RESOLUTION STRUCTURES OF ANTIBODY FAB FRAGMENT COMPLEXED WITH CELL-SURFACE OLIGOSACCHARIDE OF PATHOGENIC SALMONELLA 1mfd THE SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF A TRISACCHARIDE-ANTIBODY COMPLEX: COMPARISON OF NMR MEASUREMENTS WITH A CRYSTAL STRUCTURE 1mfe RECOGNITION OF A CELL-SURFACE OLIGO-SACCHARIDE OF PATHOGENIC SALMONELLA BY AN ANTIBODY FAB FRAGMENT 1mh5 The Structure Of The Complex Of The Fab Fragment Of The Esterolytic Antibody MS6-164 and A Transition-State Analog 1mhh Antibody-antigen complex 1mhp Crystal structure of a chimeric alpha1 integrin I-domain in complex with the Fab fragment of a humanized neutralizing antibody 1mi5 The crystal structure of LC13 TcR in complex with HLAB8-EBV peptide complex 1mie Crystal Structure Of The Fab Fragment of Esterolytic Antibody MS5-393 1mim IGG FAB FRAGMENT (CD25-BINDING) 1mj7 Crystal Structure Of The Complex Of The Fab fragment of Esterolytic Antibody MS5-393 and A Transition-State Analog 1mj8 High Resolution Crystal Structure Of The Fab Fragment of The Esterolytic Antibody MS6-126 1mjj HIGH RESOLUTION CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF THE FAB FRAGMENT OF ESTEROLYTIC ANTIBODY MS6-12 AND A TRANSITION-STATE ANALOG 1mju 1.22 ANGSTROM RESOLUTION CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE FAB FRAGMENT OF ESTEROLYTIC ANTIBODY MS6-12 1mlb MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY FAB D44.1 RAISED AGAINST CHICKEN EGG-WHITE LYSOZYME 1mlc MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY FAB D44.1 RAISED AGAINST CHICKEN EGG-WHITE LYSOZYME COMPLEXED WITH LYSOZYME 1mnu UNLIGANDED BACTERICIDAL ANTIBODY AGAINST NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS 1moe The three-dimensional structure of an engineered scFv T84.66 dimer or diabody in VL to VH linkage. 1mpa BACTERICIDAL ANTIBODY AGAINST NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS 1mqk Crystal structure of the unliganded Fv-fragment of the anti-cytochrome C oxidase antibody 7E2 1mrc PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND CRYSTALLIZATION OF AN ANTIBODY FAB FRAGMENT THAT RECOGNIZES RNA. CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF NATIVE FAB AND THREE FAB-MONONUCLEOTIDE COMPLEXES 1mrd PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND CRYSTALLIZATION OF AN ANTIBODY FAB FRAGMENT THAT RECOGNIZES RNA. CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF NATIVE FAB AND THREE FAB-MONONUCLEOTIDE COMPLEXES 1mre PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND CRYSTALLIZATION OF AN ANTIBODY FAB FRAGMENT THAT RECOGNIZES RNA. CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF NATIVE FAB AND THREE FAB-MONONUCLEOTIDE COMPLEXES 1mrf PREPARATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND CRYSTALLIZATION OF AN ANTIBODY FAB FRAGMENT THAT RECOGNIZES RNA. CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF NATIVE FAB AND THREE FAB-MONONUCLEOTIDE COMPLEXES 1mvf MazE addiction antidote 1mvu SINGLE CHAIN FV OF C219 HEAVY CHAIN V101L MUTANT IN COMPLEX WITH SYNTHETIC EPITOPE PEPTIDE 1mwa 2C/H-2KBM3/DEV8 ALLOGENEIC COMPLEX 1n0x Crystal Structure of a Broadly Neutralizing Anti-HIV-1 Antibody in Complex with a Peptide Mimotope 1n4x Structure of scFv 1696 at acidic pH 1n5y HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Crosslinked to Post-Translocation AZTMP-Terminated DNA (Complex P) 1n64 Crystal structure analysis of the immunodominant antigenic site on Hepatitis C virus protein bound to mAb 19D9D6 1n6q HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Crosslinked to pre-translocation AZTMP-terminated DNA (complex N) 1n7m Germline 7G12 with N-methylmesoporphyrin 1n8z Crystal structure of extracellular domain of human HER2 complexed with Herceptin Fab 1nak IGG1 FAB FRAGMENT (83.1) COMPLEX WITH 16-RESIDUE PEPTIDE (RESIDUES 304-321 OF HIV-1 GP120 (MN ISOLATE)) 1nbq Crystal Structure of Human Junctional Adhesion Molecule Type 1 1nbv AN AUTOANTIBODY TO SINGLE-STRANDED DNA: COMPARISON OF THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES OF THE UNLIGANDED FAB AND A DEOXYNUCLEOTIDE-FAB COMPLEX 1nby Crystal Structure of HyHEL-63 complexed with HEL mutant K96A 1nbz Crystal Structure of HyHEL-63 complexed with HEL mutant K97A 1nc2 Crystal Structure of Monoclonal Antibody 2D12.5 Fab Complexed with Y-DOTA 1nc4 Crystal Structure of Monoclonal Antibody 2D12.5 Fab Complexed with Gd-DOTA 1nca REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE INFLUENZA VIRUS N9 NEURAMINIDASE-NC41 FAB COMPLEX 1ncb CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF TWO MUTANT NEURAMINIDASE-ANTIBODY COMPLEXES WITH AMINO ACID SUBSTITUTIONS IN THE INTERFACE 1ncc CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF TWO MUTANT NEURAMINIDASE-ANTIBODY COMPLEXES WITH AMINO ACID SUBSTITUTIONS IN THE INTERFACE 1ncd REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE INFLUENZA VIRUS N9 NEURAMINIDASE-NC41 FAB COMPLEX 1ncn the receptor-binding domain of human B7-2 1ncw Cationic Cyclization Antibody 4C6 in Complex with Benzoic Acid 1nd0 CATIONIC CYCLIZATION ANTIBODY 4C6 COMPLEX WITH TRANSITION STATE ANALOG 1ndg Crystal structure of Fab fragment of antibody HyHEL-8 complexed with its antigen lysozyme 1ndm Crystal structure of Fab fragment of antibody HyHEL-26 complexed with lysozyme 1neu STRUCTURE OF MYELIN MEMBRANE ADHESION MOLECULE P0 1nfd AN ALPHA-BETA T CELL RECEPTOR (TCR) HETERODIMER IN COMPLEX WITH AN ANTI-TCR FAB FRAGMENT DERIVED FROM A MITOGENIC ANTIBODY 1ngp N1G9 (IGG1-LAMBDA) FAB FRAGMENT COMPLEXED WITH (4-HYDROXY-3-NITROPHENYL) ACETATE 1ngq N1G9 (IGG1-LAMBDA) FAB FRAGMENT 1ngw Chimeric Affinity Matured Fab 7g12 complexed with mesoporphyrin 1ngx Chimeric Germline Fab 7g12 with jeffamine fragment bound 1ngy Chimeric Mature Fab 7g12-Apo 1ngz Chimeric Germline Fab 7g12-apo 1nj9 Cocaine hydrolytic antibody 15A10 1nl0 Crystal structure of human factor IX Gla domain in complex of an inhibitory antibody, 10C12 1nlb crystal structure of anti-HCV monoclonal antibody 19D9D6 1nld FAB FRAGMENT OF A NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY DIRECTED AGAINST AN EPITOPE OF GP41 FROM HIV-1 1nma N9 NEURAMINIDASE COMPLEXES WITH ANTIBODIES NC41 AND NC10: EMPIRICAL FREE-ENERGY CALCULATIONS CAPTURE SPECIFICITY TRENDS OBSERVED WITH MUTANT BINDING DATA 1nmb THE STRUCTURE OF A COMPLEX BETWEEN THE NC10 ANTIBODY AND INFLUENZA VIRUS NEURAMINIDASE AND COMPARISON WITH THE OVERLAPPING BINDING SITE OF THE NC41 ANTIBODY 1nmc COMPLEX BETWEEN NC10 ANTI-INFLUENZA VIRUS NEURAMINIDASE SINGLE CHAIN ANTIBODY WITH A 15 RESIDUE LINKER AND INFLUENZA VIRUS NEURAMINIDASE 1nn8 CryoEM structure of poliovirus receptor bound to poliovirus 1nqb TRIVALENT ANTIBODY FRAGMENT 1nsn THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ANTIBODY N10-STAPHYLOCOCCAL NUCLEASE COMPLEX AT 2.9 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1oak CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR (VWF) A1 DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH THE FUNCTION BLOCKING NMC-4 FAB 1oaq Free conformation Ab1 of the IgE SPE-7 1oar Fv IgE SPE-7 in complex with Alizarin Red 1oau Fv Structure of the IgE SPE-7 in complex with DNP-Ser (immunising hapten) 1oax Fv Structure of the IgE SPE-7 in complex with acenaphthenequinone 1oay Antibody multispecificity mediated by conformational diversity 1oaz IgE Fv SPE7 complexed with a recombinant thioredoxin 1ob1 Crystal structure of a Fab complex whith Plasmodium falciparum MSP1-19 1ocw Free conformation Ab2 of the IgE SPE-7 1oga A structural basis for immunodominant human T-cell receptor recognition. 1ohq Crystal structure of HEL4, a soluble human VH antibody domain resistant to aggregation 1ol0 Crystal structure of a camelised human VH 1om3 FAB 2G12 unliganded 1op3 Crystal Structure of Fab 2G12 bound to Man1->2Man 1op5 Crystal Structure of Fab 2G12 bound to Man9GlcNAc2 1op9 Complex of human lysozyme with camelid VHH HL6 antibody fragment 1opg OPG2 FAB FRAGMENT 1orq X-ray structure of a voltage-dependent potassium channel in complex with an Fab 1ors X-ray structure of the KvAP potassium channel voltage sensor in complex with an Fab 1osp CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF OUTER SURFACE PROTEIN A OF BORRELIA BURGDORFERI COMPLEXED WITH A MURINE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY FAB 1ots Structure of the Escherichia coli ClC Chloride channel and Fab Complex 1ott Structure of the Escherichia coli ClC Chloride channel E148A mutant and Fab Complex 1otu Structure of the Escherichia coli ClC Chloride channel E148Q mutant and Fab Complex 1p2c crystal structure analysis of an anti-lysozyme antibody 1p4b Three-Dimensional Structure Of a Single Chain Fv Fragment Complexed With The peptide GCN4(7P-14P). 1p4i Crystal Structure of scFv against peptide GCN4 1p7k Crystal structure of an anti-ssDNA antigen-binding fragment (Fab) bound to 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)piperazine-1-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) 1p84 HDBT inhibited Yeast Cytochrome bc1 Complex 1pew High Resolution Crystal Structure of Jto2, a mutant of the non-amyloidogenic Lamba6 Light Chain, Jto 1pg7 Murine 6A6 Fab in complex with humanized anti-Tissue Factor D3H44 Fab 1pko Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG) 1pkq Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein-(8-18C5) Fab-complex 1plg EVIDENCE FOR THE EXTENDED HELICAL NATURE OF POLYSACCHARIDE EPITOPES. THE 2.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION STRUCTURE AND THERMODYNAMICS OF LIGAND BINDING OF AN ANTIGEN BINDING FRAGMENT SPECIFIC FOR ALPHA-(2->8)-POLYSIALIC ACID 1psk THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN FAB FRAGMENT THAT BINDS TO THE MELANOMA-ASSOCIATED GD2 GANGLIOSIDE 1pw3 Crystal structure of JtoR68S 1py9 The crystal structure of an autoantigen in multiple sclerosis 1pz5 Structural basis of peptide-carbohydrate mimicry in an antibody combining site 1q0x Anti-morphine Antibody 9B1 Unliganded Form 1q0y Anti-Morphine Antibody 9B1 Complexed with Morphine 1q1j Crystal Structure Analysis of anti-HIV-1 Fab 447-52D in complex with V3 peptide 1q72 Anti-Cocaine Antibody M82G2 Complexed with Cocaine 1q9k S25-2 Fab Unliganded 1 1q9l S25-2 Fab Unliganded 2 1q9o S45-18 Fab Unliganded 1q9w S45-18 Fab pentasaccharide bisphosphate complex 1qac CHANGE IN DIMERIZATION MODE BY REMOVAL OF A SINGLE UNSATISFIED POLAR RESIDUE 1qbl FAB E8 (FABE8A) X-RAY STRUCTURE AT 2.26 ANGSTROM RESOLUTION 1qbm FAB E8B ANTIBODY, X-RAY STRUCTURE AT 2.37 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1qd0 CAMELID HEAVY CHAIN VARIABLE DOMAINS PROVIDE EFFICIENT COMBINING SITES TO HAPTENS 1qfu INFLUENZA VIRUS HEMAGGLUTININ COMPLEXED WITH A NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 1qfw TERNARY COMPLEX OF HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN WITH FV ANTI ALPHA SUBUNIT AND FV ANTI BETA SUBUNIT 1qgc STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF AN FAB FRAGMENT OF A NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY WITH FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE VIRUS 1qkz Fab fragment (MN14C11.6) in complex with a peptide antigen derived from Neisseria meningitidis P1.7 serosubtype antigen and domain II from Streptococcal protein G 1qle CRYO-STRUCTURE OF THE PARACOCCUS DENITRIFICANS FOUR-SUBUNIT CYTOCHROME C OXIDASE IN THE COMPLETELY OXIDIZED STATE COMPLEXED WITH AN ANTIBODY FV FRAGMENT 1qlr CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE FAB FRAGMENT OF A HUMAN MONOCLONAL IgM COLD AGGLUTININ 1qnz NMR structure of the 0.5b anti-HIV antibody complex with the gp120 V3 peptide 1qok MFE-23 AN ANTI-CARCINOEMBRYONIC ANTIGEN SINGLE-CHAIN FV ANTIBODY 1qp1 KAPPA VARIABLE LIGHT CHAIN 1qrn CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN A6 TCR COMPLEXED WITH HLA-A2 BOUND TO ALTERED HTLV-1 TAX PEPTIDE P6A 1qse STRUCTURE OF HUMAN A6-TCR BOUND TO HLA-A2 COMPLEXED WITH ALTERED HTLV-1 TAX PEPTIDE V7R 1qsf STRUCTURE OF A6-TCR BOUND TO HLA-A2 COMPLEXED WITH ALTERED HTLV-1 TAX PEPTIDE Y8A 1qyg ANTI-COCAINE ANTIBODY M82G2 COMPLEXED WITH BENZOYLECGONINE 1r0a Crystal structure of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase covalently tethered to DNA template-primer solved to 2.8 angstroms 1r24 FAB FROM MURINE IGG3 KAPPA 1r3i potassium channel KcsA-Fab complex in Rb+ 1r3j potassium channel KcsA-Fab complex in high concentration of Tl+ 1r3k potassium channel KcsA-Fab complex in low concentration of Tl+ 1r3l potassium channel KcsA-Fab complex in Cs+ 1r70 Model of human IgA2 determined by solution scattering, curve fitting and homology modelling 1rei THE MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF A DIMER COMPOSED OF THE VARIABLE PORTIONS OF THE BENCE-JONES PROTEIN REI REFINED AT 2.0 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1rfd ANTI-COCAINE ANTIBODY M82G2 1rhh Crystal Structure of the Broadly HIV-1 Neutralizing Fab X5 at 1.90 Angstrom Resolution 1ri8 Crystal Structure of the Camelid Single Domain Antibody 1D2L19 in complex with Hen Egg White Lysozyme 1rih Crystal Structure of Fab 14F7, a unique anti-tumor antibody specific for N-glycolyl GM3 1riu Anti-Cocaine Antibody M82G2 Complexed With Norbenzoylecgonine 1riv Anti-Cocaine Antibody M82G2 Complexed With meta-Oxybenzoylecgonine 1rjc Crystal structure of the camelid single domain antibody cAb-Lys2 in complex with hen egg white lysozyme 1rjl Structure of the complex between OspB-CT and bactericidal Fab-H6831 1rmf STRUCTURES OF A MONOCLONAL ANTI-ICAM-1 ANTIBODY R6.5 FRAGMENT AT 2.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1ru9 Crystal Structure (A) of u.v.-irradiated cationic cyclization antibody 4C6 Fab at pH 4.6 with a data set collected in-house. 1rua Crystal structure (B) of u.v.-irradiated cationic cyclization antibody 4C6 fab at pH 4.6 with a data set collected at SSRL beamline 11-1. 1ruk Crystal structure (C) of native cationic cyclization antibody 4C6 fab at pH 4.6 with a data set collected at SSRL beamline 9-1 1rul Crystal Structure (D) of u.v.-irradiated cationic cyclization antibody 4C6 Fab at pH 5.6 with a data set collected at SSRL beamline 11-1. 1rum Crystal structure (F) of H2O2-soaked cationic cyclization antibody 4C6 fab at pH 8.5 with a data set collected at SSRL beamline 9-1. 1rup Crystal structure (G) of native cationic cyclization antibody 4C6 fab at pH 8.5 with a data set collected at APS beamline 19-ID 1ruq Crystal Structure (H) of u.v.-irradiated Diels-Alder antibody 13G5 Fab at pH 8.0 with a data set collected in house. 1rur Crystal Structure (I) of native Diels-Alder antibody 13G5 Fab at pH 8.0 with a data set collected at SSRL beamline 9-1. 1rvf FAB COMPLEXED WITH INTACT HUMAN RHINOVIRUS 1rz7 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ANTI-HIV-1 GP120-REACTIVE ANTIBODY 48D 1rz8 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ANTI-HIV-1 GP120-REACTIVE ANTIBODY 17B 1rzf Crystal structure of Human anti-HIV-1 GP120-reactive antibody E51 1rzg Crystal structure of Human anti-HIV-1 GP120 reactive antibody 412d 1rzi Crystal structure of human anti-HIV-1 gp120-reactive antibody 47e fab 1rzj HIV-1 HXBC2 GP120 ENVELOPE GLYCOPROTEIN COMPLEXED WITH CD4 AND INDUCED NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 17B 1rzk HIV-1 YU2 GP120 ENVELOPE GLYCOPROTEIN COMPLEXED WITH CD4 AND INDUCED NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 17B 1s3k Crystal Structure of a Humanized Fab (hu3S193) in Complex with the Lewis Y Tetrasaccharide 1s5h Potassium Channel Kcsa-Fab Complex T75C mutant in K+ 1s5i Fab (LNKB-2) of monoclonal antibody to Human Interleukin-2, crystal structure 1s78 Insights into ErbB signaling from the structure of the ErbB2-pertuzumab complex 1sbb T-CELL RECEPTOR BETA CHAIN COMPLEXED WITH SUPERANTIGEN SEB 1sbs CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN ANTI-HCG FAB 1seq Fab MNAC13 1shm Convergent solutions to VHH domain stabilization from natural and in vitro evolution 1sjv Three-Dimensional Structure of a Llama VHH Domain Swapping 1sjx Three-Dimensional Structure of a Llama VHH Domain OE7 binding the cell wall protein Malf1 1sm3 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TUMOR SPECIFIC ANTIBODY SM3 COMPLEX WITH ITS PEPTIDE EPITOPE 1svz Crystal structure of the single-chain Fv fragment 1696 in complex with the epitope peptide corresponding to N-terminus of HIV-2 protease 1sy6 Crystal Structure of CD3gammaepsilon Heterodimer in Complex with OKT3 Fab Fragment 1t03 HIV-1 reverse transcriptase crosslinked to tenofovir terminated template-primer (complex P) 1t04 Three dimensional structure of a humanized anti-IFN-Gamma Fab in C2 space group 1t2j Crystal structure of a Human VH domain 1t2q The Crystal Structure of an NNA7 Fab that recognizes an N-type blood group antigen 1t3f THREE DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMANIZED ANTI-IFN-GAMMA FAB (HuZAF) IN P21 21 21 SPACE GROUP 1t4k Crystal Structure of Unliganded Aldolase Antibody 93F3 Fab 1t66 The structure of FAB with intermediate affinity for fluorescein. 1tcr MURINE T-CELL ANTIGEN RECEPTOR 2C CLONE 1tet CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN ANTICHOLERA TOXIN PEPTIDE COMPLEX AT 2.3 ANGSTROMS 1tjg Crystal Structure of the broadly neutralizing anti-HIV-1 antibody 2F5 in complex with a gp41 7mer epitope 1tjh Crystal Structure of the broadly neutralizing anti-HIV-1 antibody 2F5 in complex with a gp41 11mer epitope 1tji Crystal Structure of the broadly neutralizing anti-HIV-1 antibody 2F5 in complex with a gp41 17mer epitope 1tpx Ovine recombinant PrP(114-234), ARQ variant in complex with the Fab of the VRQ14 antibody 1tqb Ovine recombinant PrP(114-234), VRQ variant in complex with the Fab of the VRQ14 antibody 1tqc Ovine recombinant PrP(114-234), ARR variant in complex with the VRQ14 Fab fragment (IgG2a) 1tvd VARIABLE DOMAIN OF T CELL RECEPTOR DELTA CHAIN 1tzg Crystal structure of HIV-1 neutralizing human Fab 4E10 in complex with a 13-residue peptide containing the 4E10 epitope on gp41 1tzh Crystal Structure of the Fab YADS1 Complexed with h-VEGF 1tzi Crystal Structure of the Fab YADS2 Complexed with h-VEGF 1u0q Structure of a Llama VHH domain raised against a carbazole molecule 1u3h Crystal structure of mouse TCR 172.10 complexed with MHC class II I-Au molecule at 2.4 A 1u6a Crystal Structure of the Broadly Neutralizing Anti-HIV Fab F105 1u8h Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ALDKWAS 1u8i Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELDKWAN 1u8j Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELDKWAG 1u8k Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide LELDKWASL 1u8l Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide DLDRWAS 1u8m Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELDKYAS 1u8n Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELDKFAS 1u8o Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELDKHAS 1u8p Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ECDKWCS 1u8q Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELEKWAS 1u91 Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide Analog ENDKW-[Dap]-S (cyclic) 1u92 Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide Analog E-[Dap]-DKWQS (cyclic) 1u93 Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide Analog EQDKW-[Dap]-S (cyclic) 1u95 Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELDHWAS 1ua6 Crystal structure of HYHEL-10 FV MUTANT SFSF complexed with HEN EGG WHITE LYSOZYME complex 1uac Crystal Structure of HYHEL-10 FV MUTANT SFSF Complexed with TURKEY WHITE LYSOZYME 1ub5 Crystal structure of Antibody 19G2 with hapten at 100K 1ub6 Crystal structure of Antibody 19G2 with sera ligand 1ucb STRUCTURE OF UNCOMPLEXED FAB COMPARED TO COMPLEX (1CLY, 1CLZ) 1uj3 Crystal structure of a humanized Fab fragment of anti-tissue-factor antibody in complex with tissue factor 1um4 Catalytic Antibody 21H3 with hapten 1um5 Catalytic Antibody 21H3 with alcohol substrate 1um6 catalytic antibody 21h3 1uwe 14d9 catalytic antibody 1uwg Molecular Mechanism of Enantioselective Proton Transfer to Carbon in Catalytic Antibody 14D9 1uwx P1.2 serosubtype antigen derived from N. meningitidis PorA in complex with Fab fragment 1uyw Crystal Structure of the antiflavivirus Fab4g2 1uz6 anti-Lewis X Fab fragment uncomplexed 1uz8 anti-Lewis X Fab fragment in complex with Lewis X 1v7m Human Thrombopoietin Functional Domain Complexed To Neutralizing Antibody TN1 Fab 1v7n Human Thrombopoietin Functional Domain Complexed To Neutralizing Antibody TN1 Fab 1vfa BOUND WATER MOLECULES AND CONFORMATIONAL STABILIZATION HELP MEDIATE AN ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY ASSOCIATION 1vfb BOUND WATER MOLECULES AND CONFORMATIONAL STABILIZATION HELP MEDIATE AN ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY ASSOCIATION 1vge TR1.9 FAB FRAGMENT OF A HUMAN IGG1 KAPPA AUTOANTIBODY 1vhp VH-P8, NMR 1vpo Crystal Structure Analysis of the Anti-testosterone Fab in Complex with Testosterone 1w72 Crystal structure of HLA-A1:MAGE-A1 in complex with Fab-Hyb3 1wc7 FAB FRAGMENT OF PLP-DEPENDENT CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 15A9 IN COMPLEX WITH PHOSPHOPYRIDOXYL-L-ALANINE 1wcb PLP-DEPENDENT CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 15A9 IN COMPLEX WITH ITS HAPTEN 1wej IGG1 FAB FRAGMENT (OF E8 ANTIBODY) COMPLEXED WITH HORSE CYTOCHROME C AT 1.8 A RESOLUTION 1wio STRUCTURE OF T-CELL SURFACE GLYCOPROTEIN CD4, TETRAGONAL CRYSTAL FORM 1wip STRUCTURE OF T-CELL SURFACE GLYCOPROTEIN CD4, MONOCLINIC CRYSTAL FORM 1wiq STRUCTURE OF T-CELL SURFACE GLYCOPROTEIN CD4, TRIGONAL CRYSTAL FORM 1wt5 The Crystal Structure Of A Humanized Antibody Fv 528 1wtl COMPARISON OF CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF TWO HOMOLOGOUS PROTEINS: STRUCTURAL ORIGIN OF ALTERED DOMAIN INTERACTIONS IN IMMUNOGLOBULIN LIGHT CHAIN DIMERS 1wz1 Crystal structure of the Fv fragment complexed with dansyl-lysine 1x9q 4m5.3 anti-fluorescein single chain antibody fragment (scFv) 1xcq Complex HCV core-Fab 19D9D6-Protein L mutant (D55A,L57H,Y64W) in space group P21 1xct Complex HCV core-Fab 19D9D6-Protein L mutant (D55A, L57H, Y64W) in space group P21212 1xf2 Structure of Fab DNA-1 complexed with dT3 1xf3 Structure of ligand-free Fab DNA-1 in space group P65 1xf4 Structure of ligand-free Fab DNA-1 in space group P321 solved from crystals with perfect hemihedral twinning 1xf5 Complex HCV core-Fab 19D9D6-Protein L mutant (H74C, Y64W)in space group P21212 1xfp Crystal structure of the CDR2 germline reversion mutant of cAb-Lys3 in complex with hen egg white lysozyme 1xgp Structure for antibody HyHEL-63 Y33A mutant complexed with hen egg lysozyme 1xgq Structure for antibody HyHEL-63 Y33V mutant complexed with hen egg lysozyme 1xgr Structure for antibody HyHEL-63 Y33I mutant complexed with hen egg lysozyme 1xgt Structure for antibody HyHEL-63 Y33L mutant complexed with hen egg lysozyme 1xgu Structure for antibody HyHEL-63 Y33F mutant complexed with hen egg lysozyme 1xgy Crystal Structure of Anti-Meta I Rhodopsin Fab Fragment K42-41L 1xiw Crystal structure of human CD3-e/d dimer in complex with a UCHT1 single-chain antibody fragment 1y0l Catalytic elimination antibody 34E4 in complex with hapten 1y18 Fab fragment of catalytic elimination antibody 34E4 E(H50)D mutant in complex with hapten 1yc7 cAbAn33 VHH fragment against VSG 1yc8 cAbAn33- Y37V/E44G/R45L triple mutant 1yec STRUCTURE OF A CATALYTIC ANTIBODY IGG2A FAB FRAGMENT (D2.3) 1yed STRUCTURE OF A CATALYTIC ANTIBODY IGG2A FAB FRAGMENT (D2.4) 1yee STRUCTURE OF A CATALYTIC ANTIBODY, IGG2A FAB FRAGMENT (D2.5) 1yef STRUCTURE OF IGG2A FAB FRAGMENT (D2.3) COMPLEXED WITH SUBSTRATE ANALOGUE 1yeg STRUCTURE OF IGG2A FAB FRAGMENT (D2.3) COMPLEXED WITH REACTION PRODUCT 1yeh STRUCTURE OF IGG2A FAB FRAGMENT 1yei CATALYTIC ANTIBODY D2.3 COMPLEX 1yej CATALYTIC ANTIBODY COMPLEX 1yek CATALYTIC ANTIBODY D2.3 COMPLEX 1yjd Crystal structure of human CD28 in complex with the Fab fragment of a mitogenic antibody (5.11A1) 1ymh anti-HCV Fab 19D9D6 complexed with protein L (PpL) mutant A66W 1ymm TCR/HLA-DR2b/MBP-peptide complex 1ynk Identification of Key residues of the NC6.8 Fab antibody fragment binding to synthetic sweeteners: Crystal structure of NC6.8 co-crystalized with high potency sweetener compound SC45647 1ynl Identification of Key residues of the NC6.8 Fab antibody fragment binding to synthetic sweeterners: Crystal structure of NC6.8 co-crystalized with high potency sweetener compound SC45647 1ynt Structure of the immunodominant epitope displayed by the surface antigen 1 (SAG1) of Toxoplasma gondii complexed to a monoclonal antibody 1ypz Immune receptor 1yqv The crystal structure of the antibody Fab HyHEL5 complex with lysozyme at 1.7A resolution 1yuh FAB FRAGMENT 1yy8 Crystal structure of the Fab fragment from the monoclonal antibody cetuximab/Erbitux/IMC-C225 1yy9 Structure of the extracellular domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor in complex with the Fab fragment of cetuximab/Erbitux/IMC-C225 1yyl crystal structure of CD4M33, a scorpion-toxin mimic of CD4, in complex with HIV-1 YU2 gp120 envelope glycoprotein and anti-HIV-1 antibody 17b 1yym crystal structure of F23, a scorpion-toxin mimic of CD4, in complex with HIV-1 YU2 gp120 envelope glycoprotein and anti-HIV-1 antibody 17b 1yzz Humanized caban33 at room temperature 1z3g Crystal structure of complex between Pvs25 and Fab fragment of malaria transmission blocking antibody 2A8 1za3 The crystal structure of the YSd1 Fab bound to DR5 1za6 The structure of an antitumor CH2-domain-deleted humanized antibody 1zan Crystal structure of anti-NGF AD11 Fab 1zea Structure of the anti-cholera toxin antibody Fab fragment TE33 in complex with a D-peptide 1zls FAB 2G12 + Man4 1zlu FAB 2G12 + Man5 1zlv Fab 2G12 + Man7 1zlw Fab 2G12 + Man8 1zmy cAbBCII-10 VHH framework with CDR loops of cAbLys3 grafted on it and in complex with hen egg white lysozyme 1ztx West Nile Virus Envelope Protein DIII in complex with neutralizing E16 antibody Fab 1zv5 Crystal structure of the variable domain of the camelid heavy-chain antibody D2-L29 in complex with hen egg white lysozyme 1zvh Crystal stucture of the VHH domain D2-L24 in complex with hen egg white lysozyme 1zvo Semi-extended solution structure of human myeloma immunoglobulin D determined by constrained X-ray scattering 1zvy Crystal structure of the VHH D3-L11 in complex with hen egg white lysozyme 1zwi Structure of mutant KcsA potassium channel 25c8 CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 5C8, FAB-HAPTEN COMPLEX 2a0l Crystal structure of KvAP-33H1 Fv complex 2a1w Anti-cocaine antibody 7.5.21, crystal form I 2a6d Crystal structure analysis of the anti-arsonate germline antibody 36-65 in complex with a phage display derived dodecapeptide RLLIADPPSPRE 2a6i Crystal structure analysis of the anti-arsonate germline antibody 36-65 in complex with a phage display derived dodecapeptide KLASIPTHTSPL 2a6j Crystal structure analysis of the anti-arsonate germline antibody 36-65 2a6k Crystal Structure Analysis of the germline antibody 36-65 Fab in complex with the dodecapeptide SLGDNLTNHNLR 2a77 Anti-Cocaine Antibody 7.5.21, Crystal Form II 2a9m Structural Analysis of a Tight-binding Fluorescein-scFv; apo form 2a9n A Mutation Designed to Alter Crystal Packing Permits Structural Analysis of a Tight-binding Fluorescein-scFv complex 2aab Structural basis of antigen mimicry in a clinically relevant melanoma antigen system 2adf Crystal Structure and Paratope Determination of 82D6A3, an Antithrombotic Antibody Directed Against the von Willebrand factor A3-Domain 2adg Crystal structure of monoclonal anti-CD4 antibody Q425 2adi Crystal structure of monoclonal anti-CD4 antibody Q425 in complex with Barium 2adj Crystal structure of monoclonal anti-CD4 antibody Q425 in complex with Calcium 2aep An epidemiologically significant epitope of a 1998 influenza virus neuraminidase forms a highly hydrated interface in the NA-antibody complex. 2aeq An epidemiologically significant epitope of a 1998 influenza virus neuraminidase forms a highly hydrated interface in the NA-antibody complex. 2agj Crystal Structure of a glycosylated Fab from an IgM cryoglobulin with properties of a natural proteolytic antibody 2ai0 Anti-Cocaine Antibody 7.5.21, Crystal Form III 2aj3 Crystal Structure of a Cross-Reactive HIV-1 Neutralizing CD4-Binding Site Antibody Fab m18 2ajs Crystal structure of cocaine catalytic antibody 7A1 Fab' in complex with heptaethylene glycol 2aju Cyrstal structure of cocaine catalytic antibody 7A1 Fab' 2ajv Crystal Structure of Cocaine catalytic Antibody 7A1 Fab' in Complex with Cocaine 2ajx Crystal Structure of Cocaine catalytic Antibody 7A1 Fab' in Complex with Transition State Analog 2ajy Crystal Structure of Cocaine catalytic Antibody 7A1 Fab' in Complex with ecgonine methyl ester and benzoic acid 2ajz Crystal Structure of Cocaine catalytic Antibody 7A1 Fab' in Complex with ecgonine methyl ester 2ak1 Crystal Structure of Cocaine catalytic Antibody 7A1 Fab' in Complex with benzoic acid 2ak4 Crystal Structure of SB27 TCR in complex with HLA-B*3508-13mer peptide 2ap2 SINGLE CHAIN FV OF C219 IN COMPLEX WITH SYNTHETIC EPITOPE PEPTIDE 2apb Crystal Structure of the S54N variant of murine T cell receptor Vbeta 8.2 domain 2apf Crystal Structure of the A52V/S54N/K66E variant of the murine T cell receptor V beta 8.2 domain 2apt Crystal Structure of the G17E/S54N/K66E/Q72H/E80V/L81S/T87S/G96V variant of the murine T cell receptor V beta 8.2 domain 2apv Crystal Structure of the G17E/A52V/S54N/Q72H/E80V/L81S/T87S/G96V variant of the murine T cell receptor V beta 8.2 domain 2apw Crystal Structure of the G17E/A52V/S54N/K66E/E80V/L81S/T87S/G96V variant of the murine T cell receptor V beta 8.2 domain 2apx Crystal Structure of the G17E/A52V/S54N/K66E/Q72H/E80V/L81S/T87S/G96V variant of the murine T cell receptor V beta 8.2 domain 2aq1 Crystal structure of T-cell receptor V beta domain variant complexed with superantigen SEC3 mutant 2aq2 Crystal structure of T-cell receptor V beta domain variant complexed with superantigen SEC3 mutant 2aq3 Crystal structure of T-cell receptor V beta domain variant complexed with superantigen SEC3 2arj CD8alpha-alpha in complex with YTS 105.18 Fab 2atk Structure of a mutant KcsA K+ channel 2atp Crystal structure of a CD8ab heterodimer 2b0s Crystal structure analysis of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 2219 in complex with MN peptide 2b1a Crystal structure analysis of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 2219 in complex with UG1033 peptide 2b1h Crystal structure analysis of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 2219 in complex with UG29 peptide 2b2x VLA1 RdeltaH I-domain complexed with a quadruple mutant of the AQC2 Fab 2b4c Crystal structure of HIV-1 JR-FL gp120 core protein containing the third variable region (V3) complexed with CD4 and the X5 antibody 2bdn Crystal structure of human MCP-1 bound to a blocking antibody, 11K2 2bfv MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY FRAGMENT FV4155 FROM E. COLI 2bjm SPE7:Anthrone Complex 2bmk Fab fragment of PLP-dependent catalytic antibody 15A9 in complex with phosphopyridoxyl-D-alanine 2bnq Structural and kinetic basis for heightened immunogenicity of T cell vaccines 2bnr Structural and kinetic basis for heightened immunogenicity of T cell vaccines 2bnu Structural and kinetic basis for heightened immunogenicity of T cell vaccines 2bob Potassium channel KcsA-Fab complex in thallium with tetrabutylammonium (TBA) 2boc Potassium channel KcsA-Fab complex in thallium with tetraethylarsonium (TEAs) 2brr Complex of the neisserial PorA P1.4 epitope peptide and two Fab- fragments (antibody MN20B9.34) 2bse Structure of Lactococcal Bacteriophage p2 Receptor Binding Protein in complex with a llama VHH domain 2bx5 Is FR1 the antibody's Achillies heel 2c1o ENAIIHis Fab fragment in the free form 2c1p Fab-fragment of enantioselective antibody complexed with finrozole 2cd0 STRUCTURE OF HUMAN LAMBDA-6 LIGHT CHAIN DIMER WIL 2cde Structure and binding kinetics of three different human CD1d-alpha- Galactosylceramide specific T cell receptors - iNKT-TCR 2cdf Structure and binding kinetics of three different human CD1d-alpha- Galactosylceramide-specific T cell receptors (TCR 5E) 2cdg Structure and binding kinetics of three different human CD1d-alpha- Galactosylceramide-specific T cell receptors (TCR 5B) 2cgr LOCAL AND TRANSMITTED CONFORMATIONAL CHANGES ON COMPLEXATION OF AN ANTI-SWEETENER FAB 2cju Crystal structure of the TEPC15-Vk45.1 anti-2-phenyl-5-oxazolone NQ16- 113.8 scFv in complex with phOxGABA 2ck0 ANTI-ANTI-IDIOTYPIC ANTIBODY AGAINST HUMAN ANGIOTENSIN II, COMPLEX WITH A SYNTHETIC CYCLIC PEPTIDE 2ckb STRUCTURE OF THE 2C/KB/DEV8 COMPLEX 2cmr Crystal structure of the HIV-1 neutralizing antibody D5 Fab bound to the gp41 inner-core mimetic 5-helix 2d03 Crystal structure of the G91S mutant of the NNA7 Fab 2d7t Crystal structure of human anti polyhydroxybutyrate antibody Fv 2dbl MOLECULAR BASIS OF CROSS-REACTIVITY AND THE LIMITS OF ANTIBODY-ANTIGEN COMPLEMENTARITY 2dd8 Crystal Structure of SARS-CoV Spike Receptor-Binding Domain Complexed with Neutralizing Antibody 2ddq Crystal Structure of the Fab fragment of a R310 antibody complexed with (R)-HNE-histidine adduct 2dlf HIGH RESOLUTION CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE FV FRAGMENT FROM AN ANTI-DANSYL SWITCH VARIANT ANTIBODY IGG2A(S) CRYSTALLIZED AT PH 6.75 2dqc Crystal structure of hyhel-10 FV mutant(Hy33f) complexed with hen egg lysozyme 2dqd Crystal structure of hyhel-10 FV mutant (Hy50f) complexed with hen egg lysozyme 2dqe Crystal structure of hyhel-10 FV mutant (Hy53a) complexed with hen egg lysozyme 2dqf Crystal structure of hyhel-10 FV mutant (y33ay53a) complexed with hen egg lysozyme 2dqg Crystal structure of hyhel-10 FV mutant (Hy53f) complexed with hen egg lysozyme 2dqh Crystal structure of hyhel-10 FV mutant (Hy58a) complexed with hen egg lysozyme 2dqi Crystal structure of hyhel-10 FV mutant (Ly50a) complexed with hen egg lysozyme 2dqj Crystal structure of hyhel-10 FV (wild-type) complexed with hen egg lysozyme at 1.8A resolution 2dqt High resolution crystal structure of the complex of the hydrolytic antibody Fab 6D9 and a transition-state analog 2dqu Crystal form II: high resolution crystal structure of the complex of the hydrolytic antibody Fab 6D9 and a transition-state analog 2dtm Thermodynamic and structural analyses of hydrolytic mechanism by catalytic antibodies 2dwd crystal structure of KcsA-FAB-TBA complex in Tl+ 2dwe Crystal structure of KcsA-FAB-TBA complex in Rb+ 2e27 Crystal structure of Fv fragment of anti-ciguatoxin antibody complexed with ABC-ring of ciguatoxin 2e7l Structure of a high-affinity mutant of the 2C TCR in complex with Ld/QL9 2eh7 Crystal structure of humanized KR127 FAB 2eh8 Crystal structure of the complex of humanized KR127 fab and PRES1 peptide epitope 2eiz Crystal structure of humanized HYHEL-10 fv mutant(HW47Y)-hen lysozyme complex 2eks Crystal structure of humanized HyHEL-10 FV-HEN lysozyme complex 2esg Solution structure of the complex between immunoglobulin IgA1 and human serum albumin 2exw Crystal structure of a EcClC-Fab complex in the absence of bound ions 2exy Crystal structure of the E148Q Mutant of EcClC, Fab complexed in absence of bound ions 2eyr A structural basis for selection and cross-species reactivity of the semi-invariant NKT cell receptor in CD1d/glycolipid recognition 2eys A structural basis for selection and cross-species reactivity of the semi-invariant NKT cell receptor in CD1d/glycolipid recognition 2eyt A structural basis for selection and cross-species reactivity of the semi-invariant NKT cell receptor in CD1d/glycolipid recognition 2ez0 Crystal structure of the S107A/E148Q/Y445A mutant of EcClC, in complex with a FaB fragment 2f19 THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF TWO CRYSTAL FORMS OF FAB R19.9, FROM A MONOCLONAL ANTI-ARSONATE ANTIBODY 2f53 Directed Evolution of Human T-cell Receptor CDR2 residues by phage display dramatically enhances affinity for cognate peptide-MHC without apparent cross-reactivity 2f54 Directed evolution of human T cell receptor CDR2 residues by phage display dramatically enhances affinity for cognate peptide-MHC without increasing apparent cross-reactivity 2f58 IGG1 FAB FRAGMENT (58.2) COMPLEX WITH 12-RESIDUE CYCLIC PEPTIDE (INCLUDING RESIDUES 315-324 OF HIV-1 GP120) (MN ISOLATE) 2f5a CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FAB' FROM THE HIV-1 NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 2F5 2f5b CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FAB' FROM THE HIV-1 NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 2F5 IN COMPLEX WITH ITS GP41 EPITOPE 2fat An anti-urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (UPAR) antibody: Crystal structure and binding epitope 2fb4 DIR PRIMAERSTRUKTUR DES KRISTALLISIERBAREN MONOKLONALEN IMMUNOGLOBULINS IGG1 KOL. II. AMINOSAEURESEQUENZ DER L-KETTE, LAMBDA-TYP, SUBGRUPPE I (GERMAN) 2fbj REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE GALACTAN-BINDING IMMUNOGLOBULIN FAB J539 AT 1.95-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 2fd6 Structure of Human Urokinase Plasminogen Activator in Complex with Urokinase Receptor and an anti-upar antibody at 1.9 A 2fec Structure of the E203Q mutant of the Cl-/H+ exchanger CLC-ec1 from E.Coli 2fed Structure of the E203Q mutant of the Cl-/H+ exchanger CLC-ec1 from E.Coli 2fee Structure of the Cl-/H+ exchanger CLC-ec1 from E.Coli in NaBr 2fgw X-RAY STRUCTURES OF FRAGMENTS FROM BINDING AND NONBINDING VERSIONS OF A HUMANIZED ANTI-CD18 ANTIBODY: STRUCTURAL INDICATIONS OF THE KEY ROLE OF VH RESIDUES 59 TO 65 2fjf Structure of the G6 Fab, a phage derived VEGF binding Fab 2fjg Structure of the G6 Fab, a phage derived Fab fragment, in complex with VEGF 2fjh Structure of the B20-4 Fab, a phage derived Fab fragment, in complex with VEGF 2fl5 Cofactor-containing antibodies: Crystal structure of the original yellow antibody 2fr4 Structure of Fab DNA-1 complexed with a stem-loop DNA ligand 2fx7 Crystal structure of hiv-1 neutralizing human fab 4e10 in complex with a 16-residue peptide encompassing the 4e10 epitope on gp41 2fx8 Crystal structure of hiv-1 neutralizing human fab 4e10 in complex with an aib-induced peptide encompassing the 4e10 epitope on gp41 2fx9 Crystal structure of hiv-1 neutralizing human fab 4e10 in complex with a thioether-linked peptide encompassing the 4e10 epitope on gp41 2g2r Green-fluorescent antibody 11G10 in complex with its hapten (nitro-stilbene derivative) 2g5b Crystal Structure of the anti-Bax monoclonal antibody 6A7 and a Bax peptide. 2g60 Structure of anti-FLAG M2 Fab domain 2g75 Crystal Structure of anti-SARS m396 Antibody 2gcy humanized antibody C25 Fab fragment 2gfb CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A CATALYTIC FAB HAVING ESTERASE-LIKE ACTIVITY 2ghw Crystal structure of SARS spike protein receptor binding domain in complex with a neutralizing antibody, 80R 2gj6 The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the modified HTLV-1 TAX (Y5K-4-[3-Indolyl]-butyric acid) peptide 2gjj Crystal structure of a single chain antibody scA21 against Her2/ErbB2 2gjz Structure of Catalytic Elimination Antibody 13G5 from a crystal in space group P2(1) 2gk0 Structure of Catalytic Elimination Antibody 13G5 from a twinned crystal in space group C2 2gki Heavy and light chain variable single domains of an anti-DNA binding antibody hydrolyze both double- and single-stranded DNAs without sequence specificity 2gsg Crystal structure of the Fv fragment of a monoclonal antibody specific for poly-glutamine 2gsi Crystal Structure of a Murine Fab in Complex with an 11 Residue Peptide Derived from Staphylococcal Nuclease 2h1p THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES OF A POLYSACCHARIDE BINDING ANTIBODY TO CRYPTOCOCCUS NEOFORMANS AND ITS COMPLEX WITH A PEPTIDE FROM A PHAGE DISPLAY LIBRARY: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE IDENTIFICATION OF PEPTIDE MIMOTOPES 2h2p Crystal structure of CLC-ec1 in complex with Fab fragment in SeCN- 2h2s Crystal Structure of E148A mutant of CLC-ec1 in SeCN- 2h32 Crystal structure of the pre-B cell receptor 2h3n Crystal structure of a surrogate light chain (LAMBDA5 and VpreB) homodimer 2h8p Structure of a K channel with an amide to ester substitution in the selectivity filter 2h9g Crystal structure of phage derived Fab BdF1 with human Death Receptor 5 (DR5) 2hfe Rb+ complex of a K channel with an amide to ester substitution in the selectivity filter 2hff Crystal structure of CB2 Fab 2hfg Crystal structure of hBR3 bound to CB3s-Fab 2hg5 Cs+ complex of a K channel with an amide to ester substitution in the selectivity filter 2hh0 Structure of an Anti-PrP Fab, P-Clone, in Complex with its Cognate Bovine Peptide Epitope. 2hjf Potassium channel kcsa-fab complex with tetrabutylammonium (TBA) 2hkf Crystal structure of the Complex Fab M75- Peptide 2hkh Crystal structure of the Fab M75 2hlf Structure of the Escherichis coli ClC chloride channel Y445E mutant and Fab complex 2hmi HIV-1 REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE/FRAGMENT OF FAB 28/DNA COMPLEX 2hp4 Computational design and crystal structure of an enhanced affinity mutant human CD8-alpha-alpha co-receptor 2hrp ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY COMPLEX 2ht2 Structure of the Escherichia coli ClC chloride channel Y445H mutant and Fab complex 2ht3 Structure of the Escherichia coli ClC chloride channel Y445L mutant and Fab complex 2ht4 Structure of the Escherichia coli ClC chloride channel Y445W mutant and Fab complex 2htk Structure of the Escherichia coli ClC chloride channel Y445A mutant and Fab complex 2htl Structure of the Escherichia coli ClC chloride channel Y445F mutant and Fab complex 2hvj Crystal structure of KcsA-Fab-TBA complex in low K+ 2hvk crystal structure of the KcsA-Fab-TBA complex in high K+ 2hwz Fab fragment of Humanized anti-viral antibody MEDI-493 (Synagis TM) 2i5y Crystal structure of CD4M47, a scorpion-toxin mimic of CD4, in complex with HIV-1 YU2 GP120 envelope glycoprotein and anti-HIV-1 antibody 17B 2i60 Crystal structure of [Phe23]M47, a scorpion-toxin mimic of CD4, in complex with HIV-1 YU2 GP120 envelope glycoprotein and anti-HIV-1 antibody 17B 2i9l Structure of Fab 7D11 from a neutralizing antibody against the poxvirus L1 protein 2ibz Yeast Cytochrome BC1 Complex with Stigmatellin 2icw Crystal structure of a complete ternary complex between TCR, superantigen, and peptide-MHC class II molecule 2iff STRUCTURE OF AN ANTIBODY-LYSOZYME COMPLEX: EFFECT OF A CONSERVATIVE MUTATION 2ig2 DIR PRIMAERSTRUKTUR DES KRISTALLISIERBAREN MONOKLONALEN IMMUNOGLOBULINS IGG1 KOL. II. AMINOSAEURESEQUENZ DER L-KETTE, LAMBDA-TYP, SUBGRUPPE I (GERMAN) 2igf CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF AN ANTIBODY TO A PEPTIDE AND ITS COMPLEX WITH PEPTIDE ANTIGEN AT 2.8 ANGSTROMS 2ih1 Ion selectivity in a semi-synthetic K+ channel locked in the conductive conformation 2ih3 Ion selectivity in a semi-synthetic K+ channel locked in the conductive conformation 2imm REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A RECOMBINANT IMMUNOGLOBULIN DOMAIN AND A COMPLEMENTARITY-DETERMINING REGION 1-GRAFTED MUTANT 2imn REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A RECOMBINANT IMMUNOGLOBULIN DOMAIN AND A COMPLEMENTARITY-DETERMINING REGION 1-GRAFTED MUTANT 2ipt PFA1 Fab Fragment 2ipu PFA1 Fab fragment complexed with Abeta 1-8 peptide 2iq9 PFA2 FAB fragment, triclinic apo form 2iqa PFA2 FAB fragment, monoclinic apo form 2itc Potassium Channel KcsA-Fab complex in Sodium Chloride 2itd Potassium Channel KcsA-Fab complex in Barium Chloride 2j4w Structure of a Plasmodium vivax apical membrane antigen 1-Fab F8.12. 18 complex 2j5l Structure of a Plasmodium falciparum apical membrane antigen 1-Fab F8. 12.19 complex 2j6e Crystal Structure of an Autoimmune Complex between a Human IgM Rheumatoid Factor and IgG1 Fc reveals a Novel Fc Epitope and Evidence for Affinity Maturation 2j88 Hyaluronidase in complex with a monoclonal IgG Fab fragment 2j8u Large CDR3a loop alteration as a function of MHC mutation. 2jb5 Fab fragment in complex with small molecule hapten, crystal form-1 2jb6 Fab fragment in complex with small molecule hapten, crystal form-2 2jcc AH3 recognition of mutant HLA-A2 W167A 2jel JEL42 FAB/HPR COMPLEX 2jix Crystal structure of ABT-007 FAB fragment with the soluble domain of EPO receptor 2jk5 Potassium Channel KcsA in complex with Tetrabutylammonium in high K 2kh2 Solution structure of a scFv-IL-1B complex 2kqm Solution structure of the KI O18/O8 Y87H immunoglobulin light chain variable domain 2kqn Solution structure of the AL-09 H87Y immunoglobulin light chain variable domain 2ltq High resolution structure of DsbB C41S by joint calculation with solid-state NMR and X-ray data 2lve RECOMBINANT LEN 2m2d Human programmed cell death 1 receptor 2mcg THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A LIGHT CHAIN DIMER CRYSTALLIZED IN WATER. CONFORMATIONAL FLEXIBILITY OF A MOLECULE IN TWO CRYSTAL FORMS 2mcp REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MC/PC603 FAB-PHOSPHOCHOLINE COMPLEX AT 3.1 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 2mkw 2MKW 2mmx 2MMX 2mpa BACTERICIDAL ANTIBODY AGAINST NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS 2n4i 2N4I 2nlj Potassium Channel KcsA(M96V)-Fab complex in KCl 2nr6 Crystal structure of the complex of antibody and the allergen Bla g 2 2ntf Crystal Structure of a Quorum-Quenching Antibody in Complex with an N-Acyl-L-Homoserine Lactone Analog 2nw2 Crystal structure of ELS4 TCR at 1.4A 2nx5 Crystal structure of ELS4 TCR bound to HLA-B*3501 presenting EBV peptide EPLPQGQLTAY at 1.7A 2nxy HIV-1 gp120 Envelope Glycoprotein(S334A) Complexed with CD4 and Antibody 17b 2nxz HIV-1 gp120 Envelope Glycoprotein (T257S, S334A, S375W) Complexed with CD4 and Antibody 17b 2ny0 HIV-1 gp120 Envelope Glycoprotein (M95W, W96C, T257S, V275C, S334A, S375W, A433M) Complexed with CD4 and Antibody 17b 2ny1 HIV-1 gp120 Envelope Glycoprotein (I109C, T257S, S334A, S375W, Q428C) Complexed with CD4 and Antibody 17b 2ny2 HIV-1 gp120 Envelope Glycoprotein (T123C, T257S, S334A, S375W, G431C) Complexed with CD4 and Antibody 17b 2ny3 HIV-1 gp120 Envelope Glycoprotein (K231C, T257S, E267C, S334A, S375W) Complexed with CD4 and Antibody 17b 2ny4 HIV-1 gp120 Envelope Glycoprotein (K231C, T257S, E268C, S334A, S375W) Complexed with CD4 and Antibody 17b 2ny5 HIV-1 gp120 Envelope Glycoprotein (M95W, W96C, I109C, T257S, V275C, S334A, S375W, Q428C, A433M) Complexed with CD4 and Antibody 17b 2ny6 HIV-1 gp120 Envelope Glycoprotein (M95W, W96C, I109C, T123C, T257S, V275C,S334A, S375W, Q428C, G431C) Complexed with CD4 and Antibody 17b 2ny7 HIV-1 gp120 Envelope Glycoprotein Complexed with the Broadly Neutralizing CD4-Binding-Site Antibody b12 2nyy Crystal structure of botulinum neurotoxin type A complexed with monoclonal antibody CR1 2nz9 Crystal structure of botulinum neurotoxin type A complexed with monoclonal antibody AR2 2o5x Crystal structure of 1E9 LeuH47Trp/ArgH100Trp, an engineered Diels-Alderase Fab with nM steroid-binding affinity 2o5y Crystal structure of the 1E9 LeuH47Trp/ArgH100Trp Fab progesterone complex 2o5z Crystal structure of the 1E9 LeuH47Trp/ArgH100Trp Fab 5-beta-androstane-3,17-dione complex 2oi9 Structure of the 2C/Ld/QL9 allogeneic complex 2ojz Anti-DNA antibody ED10 2ok0 Fab ED10-DNA complex 2old Bence Jones KWR Protein- Immunoglobulin Light Chain Dimer, P3(2)21 Crystal Form 2omb Bence Jones KWR Protein- Immunoglobulin Light Chain Dimer, P3(1)21 Crystal Form 2omn Bence Jones KWR Protein- Immunoglobulin Light Chain Dimer, P4(3)2(1)2 Crystal Form 2op4 Crystal Structure of Quorum-Quenching Antibody 1G9 2oqj Crystal structure analysis of Fab 2G12 in complex with peptide 2G12.1 2or9 The structure of the anti-c-myc antibody 9E10 Fab fragment/epitope peptide complex reveals a novel binding mode dominated by the heavy chain hypervariable loops 2orb The structure of the anti-c-myc antibody 9E10 Fab fragment 2osl Crystal structure of Rituximab Fab in complex with an epitope peptide 2otu Crystal structure of Fv polyglutamine complex 2otw Crystal structure of Fv polyglutamine complex 2oz4 Structural Plasticity in IgSF Domain 4 of ICAM-1 Mediates Cell Surface Dimerization 2p1y 1.B2.D9, a bispecific alpha/beta TCR 2p42 Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with RNASE A at 1.8A resolution: SE3-mono-2 crystal form with three se-met sites (M34, M51, M83) in vhh scaffold 2p43 Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with RNASE A at 1.65A resolution: SE3-mono-1 crystal form with three se-met sites (M34, M51, M83) in vhh scaffold 2p44 Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with RNASE A at 1.8A resolution: SE5A-mono-1 crystal form with five se-met sites (M34, M51, F68M, M83, L86M) in vhh scaffold 2p45 Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with RNASE A at 1.1A resolution: SE5B-ORTHO-1 crystal form with five se-met sites (L4M, M34, M51, F68M, M83) in vhh scaffold. 2p46 Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with RNASE A at 2.5A resolution: se5b-ortho-2 crystal form with five se-met sites (L4M, M34, M51, F68M, M83) in vhh scaffold. 2p47 Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with RNASE A at 2.5A resolution: SE5B-TRI crystal form with five se-met sites (L4M, M34, M51, F68M, M83) in vhh scaffold. 2p48 Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with RNASE A at 2.3A resolution: SE5B-tetra crystal form with five se-met sites (L4M, M34, M51, F68M, M83) in vhh scaffold. 2p49 Complex of a camelid single-domain vhh antibody fragment with RNASE A at 1.4A resolution: native mono_1 crystal form 2p4a X-ray structure of a camelid affinity matured single-domain vhh antibody fragment in complex with RNASE A 2p5e Crystal Structures of High Affinity Human T-Cell Receptors Bound to pMHC Reveal Native Diagonal Binding Geometry 2p5w Crystal structures of high affinity human T-cell receptors bound to pMHC reveal native diagonal binding geometry 2p7t Crystal Structure of KcsA mutant 2p8l Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELLELDKWASLWN 2p8m Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELLELDKWASLWN in new crystal form 2p8p Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide LELDKWASLW[N-Ac] 2pcp ANTIBODY FAB COMPLEXED WITH PHENCYCLIDINE 2po6 Crystal structure of CD1d-lipid-antigen complexed with Beta-2-Microglobulin, NKT15 Alpha-Chain and NKT15 Beta-Chain 2pr4 Crystal Structure of Fab' from the HIV-1 Neutralizing Antibody 2F5 2pw1 Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELDKWNSL 2pw2 Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELDKWKSL 2pxy Crystal structures of immune receptor complexes 2pye Crystal Structures of High Affinity Human T-Cell Receptors Bound to pMHC RevealNative Diagonal Binding Geometry TCR Clone C5C1 Complexed with MHC 2pyf Crystal Structures of High Affinity Human T-Cell Receptors Bound to pMHC RevealNative Diagonal Binding Geometry Unbound TCR Clone 5-1 2q1e Altered dimer interface decreases stability in an amyloidogenic kappa1 Bence Jones protein. 2q20 Structure of the germline Vk1 O18/O8 light chain variable domain homodimer 2q3a Crystal Structure of Rhesus Macaque CD8 Alpha-Alpha Homodimer 2q76 Mouse anti-hen egg white lysozyme antibody F10.6.6 Fab fragment 2q86 Structure of the mouse invariant NKT cell receptor Valpha14 2q8a Structure of the malaria antigen AMA1 in complex with a growth-inhibitory antibody 2q8b Structure of the malaria antigen AMA1 in complex with a growth-inhibitory antibody 2qad Structure of tyrosine-sulfated 412d antibody complexed with HIV-1 YU2 gp120 and CD4 2qhr Crystal structure of the 13F6-1-2 Fab fragment bound to its Ebola virus glycoprotein peptide epitope. 2qqk Neuropilin-2 a1a2b1b2 Domains in Complex with a Semaphorin-Blocking Fab 2qql Neuropilin-2 a1a2b1b2 Domains in Complex with a Semaphorin-Blocking Fab 2qqn Neuropilin-1 b1 Domain in Complex with a VEGF-Blocking Fab 2qr0 Structure of VEGF complexed to a Fab containing TYR and SER in the CDRs 2qsc Crystal structure analysis of anti-HIV-1 V3-Fab F425-B4e8 in complex with a V3-peptide 2qtj Solution structure of human dimeric immunoglobulin A 2r0k Protease domain of HGFA with inhibitor Fab58 2r0l Short Form HGFA with Inhibitory Fab75 2r0w PFA2 FAB complexed with Abeta1-8 2r0z PFA1 FAB complexed with GripI peptide fragment 2r1w Crystal structure of S25-2 Fab in complex with Kdo analogues 2r1x Crystal structure of S25-2 Fab in complex with Kdo analogues 2r1y Crystal structure of S25-2 Fab in complex with Kdo analogues 2r23 Crystal structure of S25-2 Fab in complex with Kdo analogues 2r29 Neutralization of dengue virus by a serotype cross-reactive antibody elucidated by cryoelectron microscopy and x-ray crystallography 2r2b Crystal structure of S25-2 Fab in complex with Kdo analogues 2r2e Crystal structure of S25-2 Fab in complex with Kdo analogues 2r2h Structure of S25-2 in Complex with Ko 2r4r Crystal structure of the human beta2 adrenoceptor 2r4s Crystal structure of the human beta2 adrenoceptor 2r56 Crystal Structure of a Recombinant IgE Fab Fragment in Complex with Bovine Beta-Lactoglobulin Allergen 2r69 Crystal structure of Fab 1A1D-2 complexed with E-DIII of Dengue virus at 3.8 angstrom resolution 2r6p Fit of E protein and Fab 1A1D-2 into 24 angstrom resolution cryoEM map of Fab complexed with dengue 2 virus. 2r8s High resolution structure of a specific synthetic FAB bound to P4-P6 RNA ribozyme domain 2r9h Crystal Structure of Q207C Mutant of CLC-ec1 in complex with Fab 2rcj Solution structure of human Immunoglobulin M 2rcs IMMUNOGLOBULIN 48G7 GERMLINE FAB-AFFINITY MATURATION OF AN ESTEROLYTIC ANTIBODY 2rhe STRUCTURE OF A NOVEL BENCE-JONES PROTEIN (RHE) FRAGMENT AT 1.6 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 2uud Crystal structure of the TEPC15-Vk45.1 anti-2-phenyl-5-oxazolone NQ10- 1.12 scFv in complex with the hapten 2uwe Large CDR3a loop alteration as a function of MHC mutation 2uyl Crystal structure of a monoclonal antibody directed against an antigenic determinant common to Ogawa and Inaba serotypes of Vibrio cholerae O1 2uzi Crystal structure of HRAS(G12V) - anti-RAS Fv complex 2v17 Structure of the complex of antibody MN423 with a fragment of tau protein 2v7h Crystal structure of an immunogen specific anti-mannopyranoside monoclonal antibody Fab fragment 2v7n Unusual twinning in crystals of the CitS binding antibody Fab fragment f3p4 2vc2 Re-refinement of Integrin AlphaIIbBeta3 Headpiece Bound to Antagonist L-739758 2vdk Re-refinement of Integrin AlphaIIbBeta3 Headpiece 2vdl Re-refinement of Integrin AlphaIIbBeta3 Headpiece 2vdm Re-refinement of Integrin AlphaIIbBeta3 Headpiece Bound to Antagonist Tirofiban 2vdn Re-refinement of Integrin AlphaIIbBeta3 Headpiece Bound to Antagonist Eptifibatide 2vdo Integrin AlphaIIbBeta3 Headpiece Bound to Fibrinogen Gamma chain peptide, HHLGGAKQAGDV 2vdp Integrin AlphaIIbBeta3 Headpiece Bound to Fibrinogen Gamma chain peptide,LGGAKQAGDV 2vdq Integrin AlphaIIbBeta3 Headpiece Bound to a Chimeric Fibrinogen Gamma chain peptide, HHLGGAKQRGDV 2vdr Integrin AlphaIIbBeta3 Headpiece Bound to Fibrinogen Gamma chain chimera peptide, LGGAKQRGDV 2vh5 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HRAS(G12V) - ANTI-RAS FV (disulfide free mutant) COMPLEX 2vir INFLUENZA VIRUS HEMAGGLUTININ COMPLEXED WITH A NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 2vis INFLUENZA VIRUS HEMAGGLUTININ, (ESCAPE) MUTANT WITH THR 131 REPLACED BY ILE, COMPLEXED WITH A NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 2vit INFLUENZA VIRUS HEMAGGLUTININ, MUTANT WITH THR 155 REPLACED BY ILE, COMPLEXED WITH A NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODY 2vl5 Structure of anti-collagen type II FAb CIIC1 2vlj The Structural Dynamics and Energetics of an Immunodominant T-cell Receptor are Programmed by its Vbeta Domain 2vlk The Structural Dynamics and Energetics of an Immunodominant T-cell Receptor are Programmed by its Vbeta Domain 2vlm The Structural Dynamics and Energetics of an Immunodominant T-cell Receptor are Programmed by its Vbeta Domain 2vlr The Structural Dynamics and Energetics of an Immunodominant T-cell Receptor are Programmed by its Vbeta Domain 2vq1 anti trimeric Lewis X Fab54-5C10-A 2vwe Crystal Structure of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-B in Complex with a Neutralizing Antibody Fab Fragment 2vxq Crystal structure of the major grass pollen allergen Phl p 2 in complex with its specific IgE-Fab 2vxs Structure of IL-17A in complex with a potent, fully human neutralising antibody 2vxt Crystal structure of human IL-18 complexed to murine reference antibody 125-2H Fab 2vxu Crystal structure of murine reference antibody 125-2H Fab fragment 2vxv Crystal structure of human IgG ABT-325 Fab Fragment 2vyr Structure of human MDM4 N-terminal domain bound to a single domain antibody 2w0f Potassium Channel KcsA-Fab Complex with Tetraoctylammonium 2w0k Crystal structure of the recombinant variable domain 6JAL2 2w0l CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MUTANT H8P FROM THE RECOMBINANT VARIABLE DOMAIN 6JAL2 2w60 Anti citrullinated Collagen type 2 antibody acc4 2w65 Anti citrullinated Collagen type 2 antibody acc4 in complex with a citrullinated peptide 2w9d Structure of Fab fragment of the ICSM 18 - anti-Prp therapeutic antibody at 1.65 A resolution. 2w9e Structure of ICSM 18 (anti-Prp therapeutic antibody) Fab fragment complexed with human Prp fragment 119-231 2wbj TCR complex 2wub Crystal structure of HGFA in complex with the allosteric non- inhibitory antibody Fab40.deltaTrp 2wuc Crystal structure of HGFA in complex with the allosteric non- inhibitory antibody Fab40.deltaTrp and Ac-KQLR-chloromethylketone 2wzp Structures of Lactococcal Phage p2 Baseplate Shed Light on a Novel Mechanism of Host Attachment and Activation in Siphoviridae 2x1o Gelsolin Nanobody 2x1p Gelsolin Nanobody 2x1q Gelsolin Nanobody 2x44 Structure of a strand-swapped dimeric form of CTLA-4 2x6m Structure of a single domain camelid antibody fragment in complex with a C-terminal peptide of alpha-synuclein 2x7l Implications of the HIV-1 Rev dimer structure at 3.2A resolution for multimeric binding to the Rev response element 2x89 Structure of the Beta2_microglobulin involved in amyloidogenesis 2xa3 crystal structure of the broadly neutralizing llama VHH D7 and its mode of HIV-1 gp120 interaction 2xa8 Crystal structure of the Fab domain of omalizumab at 2.41A 2xkn Crystal structure of the Fab fragment of the anti-EGFR antibody 7A7 2xn9 Crystal structure of the ternary complex between human T cell receptor, staphylococcal enterotoxin H and human major histocompatibility complex class II 2xna Crystal structure of the complex between human T cell receptor and staphylococcal enterotoxin 2xqb Crystal Structure of anti-IL-15 Antibody in Complex with human IL-15 2xqy Crystal structure of Pseudorabies core fragment of glycoprotein H in complex with Fab d6.3 2xra crystal structure of the HK20 Fab in complex with a gp41 mimetic 5- Helix 2xt1 Crystal structure of the HIV-1 capsid protein C-terminal domain (146- 231) in complex with a camelid VHH. 2xtj The crystal structure of PCSK9 in complex with 1D05 Fab 2xv6 Crystal structure of the HIV-1 capsid protein C-terminal domain (146- 220) in complex with a camelid VHH. 2xwt Crystal structure of the TSH receptor in complex with a blocking type TSHR autoantibody 2xxc Crystal structure of a camelid VHH raised against the HIV-1 capsid protein C-terminal domain. 2xxm Crystal structure of the HIV-1 capsid protein C-terminal domain in complex with a camelid VHH and the CAI peptide. 2xza Crystal Structure of recombinant A.17 antibody FAB fragment 2xzc Crystal Structure of phosphonate-modified recombinant A.17 antibody FAB fragment 2xzq CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF THE ANTI-(4-HYDROXY-3-NITROPHENYL)- ACETYL MURINE GERMLINE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY BBE6.12H3 FAB FRAGMENT IN COMPLEX WITH A PHAGE DISPLAY DERIVED DODECAPEPTIDE YQLRPNAETLRF 2y06 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF THE ANTI-(4-HYDROXY-3-NITROPHENYL) - ACETYL MURINE GERMLINE ANTIBODY BBE6.12H3 FAB FRAGMENT IN COMPLEX WITH A PHAGE DISPLAY DERIVED DODECAPEPTIDE GDPRPSYISHLL 2y07 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF THE ANTI-(4-HYDROXY-3-NITROPHENYL) - ACETYL MURINE GERMLINE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY BBE6.12H3 FAB FRAGMENT IN COMPLEX WITH A PHAGE DISPLAY DERIVED DODECAPEPTIDE PPYPAWHAPGNI 2y36 Crystal structure analysis of the anti-(4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl)- acetyl murine germline antibody BBE6.12H3 Fab fragment in complex with a phage display derived dodecapeptide DLWTTAIPTIPS 2y5t Crystal structure of the pathogenic autoantibody CIIC1 in complex with the triple-helical C1 peptide 2y6s Structure of an Ebolavirus-protective antibody in complex with its mucin-domain linear epitope 2ybr Crystal structure of the human derived single chain antibody fragment (scFv) 9004G in complex with Cn2 toxin from the scorpion Centruroides noxius Hoffmann 2yc1 Crystal structure of the human derived single chain antibody fragment (scFv) 9004G in complex with Cn2 toxin from the scorpion Centruroides noxius Hoffmann 2yk1 Structure of human anti-nicotine Fab fragment in complex with nicotine 2ykl Structure of human anti-nicotine Fab fragment in complex with nicotine-11-yl-methyl-(4-ethylamino-4-oxo)-butanoate 2ymx Crystal structure of inhibitory anti-AChE Fab408 2ypl Structural features underlying T-cell receptor sensitivity to concealed MHC class I micropolymorphisms 2ypv Crystal structure of the Meningococcal vaccine antigen factor H binding protein in complex with a bactericidal antibody 2yss Crystal structure of Humanized HYHEL-10 FV mutant(HQ39KW47Y)-HEN lysozyme complex 2z31 Crystal structure of immune receptor complex 2z35 Crystal structure of immune receptor 2z4q Crystal structure of a murine antibody FAB 528 2z91 Crystal structure of the Fab fragment of anti-ciguatoxin antibody 10C9 2z92 Crystal structure of the Fab fragment of anti-ciguatoxin antibody 10C9 in complex with CTX3C_ABCDE 2z93 Crystal structure of Fab fragment of anti-ciguatoxin antibody 10C9 in complex with CTX3C-ABCD 2zch Crystal structure of human prostate specific antigen complexed with an activating antibody 2zck Crystal structure of a ternary complex between PSA, a substrat-acyl intermediate and an activating antibody 2zcl Crystal structure of human prostate specific antigen complexed with an activating antibody 2zjs Crystal Structure of SecYE translocon from Thermus thermophilus with a Fab fragment 2zkh Human thrombopoietin neutralizing antibody TN1 FAB 2znw Crystal Structure of ScFv10 in Complex with Hen Egg Lysozyme 2znx 5-Fluorotryptophan Incorporated ScFv10 Complexed to Hen Egg Lysozyme 2zpk Crystal structure of P20.1 Fab fragment in complex with its antigen peptide 2zuq Crystal structure of DsbB-Fab complex 32c2 STRUCTURE OF AN ACTIVITY SUPPRESSING FAB FRAGMENT TO CYTOCHROME P450 AROMATASE 35c8 CATALYTIC ANTIBODY 5C8, FAB-INHIBITOR COMPLEX 3a67 Crystal Structure of HyHEL-10 Fv mutant LN31D complexed with hen egg white lysozyme 3a6b Crystal Structure of HyHEL-10 Fv mutant LN32D complexed with hen egg white lysozyme 3a6c Crystal Structure of HyHEL-10 Fv mutant LN92D complexed with hen egg white lysozyme 3aaz Crystal structure of the humanized recombinant Fab fragment of a murine; antibody 3ab0 Crystal structure of complex of the Bacillus anthracis major spore surface protein BclA with ScFv antibody fragment 3alp Cell adhesion protein 3arb Ternary crystal structure of the NKT TCR-CD1d-alpha-galactosylceramide analogue-OCH 3ard Ternary crystal structure of the mouse NKT TCR-CD1d-3'deoxy-alpha-galactosylceramide 3are Ternary crystal structure of the mouse NKT TCR-CD1d-4'deoxy-alpha-galactosylceramide 3arf Ternary crystal structure of the mouse NKT TCR-CD1d-C20:2 3arg Ternary crystal structure of the mouse NKT TCR-CD1d-alpha-glucosylceramide(C20:2) 3auv Predicting Amino Acid Preferences in the Complementarity Determining Regions of an Antibody-Antigen Recognition Interface 3axl Murine Valpha 10 Vbeta 8.1 T-cell receptor 3b2u Crystal structure of isolated domain III of the extracellular region of the epidermal growth factor receptor in complex with the Fab fragment of IMC-11F8 3b2v Crystal structure of the extracellular region of the epidermal growth factor receptor in complex with the Fab fragment of IMC-11F8 3b5g Crystal Structure of the Unstable and Highly Fibrillogenic PRO7SER Mutant of the Recombinant Variable Domain 6AJL2 3b9k Crystal structure of CD8alpha-beta in complex with YTS 156.7 FAB 3b9v Crystal Structure of an Autonomous VH Domain 3bae Crystal structure of Fab WO2 bound to the N terminal domain of Amyloid beta peptide (1-28) 3bd3 Crystal structure of single domain VL of an anti-DNA binding antibody 3D8 scFv and its active site revealed by complex structures of a small molecule and metals 3bd4 Crystal structure of single domain VL of an anti-DNA binding antibody 3D8 scFv and its active site revealed by complex structures of a small molecule and metals 3bd5 Crystal structure of single domain VL of an anti-DNA binding antibody 3D8 scFv and its active site revealed by complex structures of a small molecule and metals 3bdx Crystal structure of the unstable and highly fibrillogenic Pro7Ser mutant of the Recombinant variable domain 6AJL2 3bdy Dual specific bH1 Fab in complex with VEGF 3be1 Dual specific bH1 Fab in complex with the extracellular domain of HER2/ErbB-2 3bgf X-ray crystal structure of the SARS coronavirus spike receptor binding domain in complex with F26G19 Fab 3bj9 Crystal structure of the Surrogate Light Chain Variable Domain VpreBJ 3bjl LOC, A LAMBDA 1 TYPE LIGHT-CHAIN DIMER (BENCE-JONES PROTEIN) CRYSTALLIZED IN AMMONIUM SULFATE 3bkc Crystal structure of anti-amyloid beta FAB WO2 (P21, FormB) 3bkj Crystal structure of Fab wo2 bound to the n terminal domain of amyloid beta peptide (1-16) 3bkm Structure of anti-amyloid-beta Fab WO2 (Form A, P212121) 3bky Crystal Structure of Chimeric Antibody C2H7 Fab in complex with a CD20 Peptide 3bn9 Crystal Structure of MT-SP1 in complex with Fab Inhibitor E2 3bpc co-crystal structure of S25-2 Fab in complex with 5-deoxy-4-epi-2,3-dehydro Kdo (4.8) Kdo 3bqu Crystal Structure of the 2F5 Fab'-3H6 Fab Complex 3bsz Crystal structure of the transthyretin-retinol binding protein-Fab complex 3bt2 Structure of urokinase receptor, urokinase and vitronectin complex 3bx7 Engineered Human Lipocalin 2 (LCN2) in Complex with the Extracellular Domain of Human CTLA-4 3byt A complex between a variant of staphylococcal enterotoxin C3 and the variable domain of the murine T cell receptor beta chain 8.2 3byy Manipulating the coupled folding and binding process drives affinity maturation in a protein-protein complex 3bz4 Crystal structure of Fab F22-4 in complex with a Shigella flexneri 2a O-Ag decasaccharide 3bzd Manipulating the coupled folding and binding process drives affinity maturation in a protein-protein complex 3c08 Crystal structure the Fab fragment of matuzumab/EMD72000 (Fab72000) 3c09 Crystal structure the Fab fragment of matuzumab (Fab72000) in complex with domain III of the extracellular region of EGFR 3c2a Antibody Fab fragment 447-52D in complex with UG1033 peptide 3c5s Crystal Structure of monoclonal Fab F22-4 specific for Shigella flexneri 2a O-Ag 3c5z Crystal structure of mouse MHC class II I-Ab/3K peptide complexed with mouse TCR B3K506 3c60 Crystal structure of mouse MHC class II I-Ab/3K peptide complexed with mouse TCR YAe62 3c6l Crystal structure of mouse MHC class II I-Ab/3K peptide complexed with mouse TCR 2W20 3c6s Crystal structure of Fab F22-4 in complex with a Shigella flexneri 2a O-Ag pentadecasaccharide 3cd4 REFINEMENT AND ANALYSIS OF THE FIRST TWO DOMAINS OF HUMAN CD4 3cdc kI O18/O8 N34I/Y87H immunoglobulin light chain variable domain 3cdf kI O18/O8 Y87H immunoglobulin light chain variable domain 3cdy AL-09 H87Y, immuglobulin light chain variable domain 3cfb High-resolution structure of blue fluorescent antibody EP2-19G2 in complex with stilbene hapten at 100K 3cfc High-resolution structure of blue fluorescent antibody EP2-19G2 3cfd Purple-fluorescent antibody EP2-25C10 in complex with its stilbene hapten 3cfe Crystal structure of purple-fluorescent antibody EP2-25C10 3cfi Nanobody-aided structure determination of the EPSI:EPSJ pseudopilin heterdimer from Vibrio Vulnificus 3cfj Crystal structure of catalytic elimination antibody 34E4, orthorhombic crystal form 3cfk Crystal structure of catalytic elimination antibody 34E4, triclinic crystal form 3chn Solution structure of human secretory IgA1 3ck0 ANTI-ANTI-IDIOTYPIC ANTIBODY AGAINST HUMAN ANGIOTENSIN II, COMPLEX WITH HUMAN ANGIOTENSIN II 3cle HIV neutralizing monoclonal antibody YZ23 3clf HIV neutralizing monoclonal antibody YZ23 3cm9 Solution Structure of Human SIgA2 3cmo HIV neutralizing monoclonal antibody YZ18 3csp Crystal structure of the DM2 mutant of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein 3csy Crystal structure of the trimeric prefusion Ebola virus glycoprotein in complex with a neutralizing antibody from a human survivor 3cvh How TCR-like antibody recognizes MHC-bound peptide 3cvi How TCR-like antibody recognizes MHC-bound peptide 3cx5 Structure of complex III with bound cytochrome c in reduced state and definition of a minimal core interface for electron transfer. 3cxd Crystal structure of anti-osteopontin antibody 23C3 in complex with its epitope peptide 3cxh Structure of yeast complex III with isoform-2 cytochrome c bound and definition of a minimal core interface for electron transfer. 3d0l Crystal structure of the HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibody 2F5 in complex with the gp41 FP-MPER Hyb3K construct 514GIGALFLGFLGAAGS528KK-Ahx-655KNEQELLELDKWASLWN671 3d0v Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide LLELDKWASLW 3d39 The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the modified HTLV-1 TAX (Y5(4-fluoroPhenylalanine)) peptide 3d3v The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the modified HTLV-1 TAX (Y5(3,4-difluoroPhenylalanine)) peptide 3d69 Crystal Structure of the Fab Fragment of an Anti-Factor IX Antibody 10C12 3d85 Crystal structure of IL-23 in complex with neutralizing FAB 3d9a High Resolution Crystal Structure Structure of HyHel10 Fab Complexed to Hen Egg Lysozyme 3det Structure of the E148A, Y445A doubly ungated mutant of E.coli CLC_Ec1, Cl-/H+ antiporter 3dgg Crystal structure of FabOX108 3dif Crystal structure of FabOX117 3dmm Crystal structure of the CD8 alpha beta/H-2Dd complex 3dro Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ELLELDKWASLWN grown in ammonium sulfate 3drq Crystal structure of the HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibody 2F5 in complex with the gp41 FP-MPER Hyb3K construct 514GIGALFLGFLGAAGS528KK-Ahx-655KNEQELLELDKWASLWN671 soaked in PEG/2-propanol solution 3drt Crystal structure of the HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibody 2F5 in complex with the gp41 scrambledFP-MPER scrHyb3K construct GIGAFGLLGFLAAGSKK-Ahx-K656NEQELLELDKWASLWN671 3dsf Crystal structure of anti-osteopontin antibody 23C3 in complex with W43A mutated epitope peptide 3dur Crystal structure of SAG173-04 3dus Crystal structure of SAG506-01, orthorhombic, twinned, crystal 1 3duu Crystal structure of SAG506-01, orthorhombic, twinned, crystal 2 3dv4 Crystal structure of SAG506-01, tetragonal, crystal 1 3dv6 Crystal structure of SAG506-01, tetragonal, crystal 2 3dvf Structure of amyloidogenic kappa 1 Bence Jones protein 3dvg Crystal structure of K63-specific fab Apu.3A8 bound to K63-linked di-ubiquitin 3dvi Crystal structure of kappa 1 amyloidogenic light chain variable domain 3dvn Crystal structure of K63-specific fab Apu2.16 bound to K63-linked di-ubiquitin 3dwt Structure of CabBCII-10 nanobody 3e2h Structure of the m67 high-affinity mutant of the 2C TCR in complex with Ld/QL9 3e3q Structure of the 3alpham13 high-affinity mutant of the 2C TCR in complex with Ld/QL9 3e8u Crystal structure and thermodynamic analysis of diagnostic Fab 106.3 complexed with BNP 5-13 (C10A) reveal basis of selective molecular recognition 3eak NbBCII10 humanized (FGLA mutant) 3eba CAbHul6 FGLW mutant (humanized) in complex with human lysozyme 3efd The crystal structure of the cytoplasmic domain of KcsA 3eff The Crystal Structure of Full-Length KcsA in its Closed Conformation 3egs Crystal structure of the HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibody 2F5 in complex with the gp41 scrambledFP-MPER scrHyb3K construct GIGAFGLLGFLAAGSKK-Ahx-K656NEQELLELDKWASLWN671 soaked in ammonium sulfate 3ehb A D-Pathway Mutation Decouples the Paracoccus Denitrificans Cytochrome c Oxidase by Altering the side chain orientation of a distant, conserved Glutamate 3ejy Structure of E203H mutant of E.coli Cl-/H+ antiporter, CLC-ec1 3ejz Structure of E203V mutant E.coli Cl-/H+ exchanger, CLC-ec1 3eo0 Structure of the Transforming Growth Factor-Beta Neutralizing Antibody GC-1008 3eo1 Structure of the Fab Fragment of GC-1008 in Complex with Transforming Growth Factor-Beta 3 3eo9 Crystal structure the Fab fragment of Efalizumab 3eoa Crystal structure the Fab fragment of Efalizumab in complex with LFA-1 I domain, Form I 3eob Crystal structure the Fab fragment of Efalizumab in complex with LFA-1 I domain, Form II 3eot Crystal structure of LAC031, an engineered anti-VLA1 Fab 3eoy Structure of Reovirus sigma1 in Complex with Its Receptor Junctional Adhesion Molecule-A 3epc CryoEM structure of poliovirus receptor bound to poliovirus type 1 3epd CryoEM structure of poliovirus receptor bound to poliovirus type 3 3epf CryoEM structure of poliovirus receptor bound to poliovirus type 2 3esu Crystal structure of anthrax-neutralizing single-chain antibody 14b7 3esv Crystal structure of the engineered neutralizing antibody M18 3et9 Crystal structure of the engineered neutralizing antibody 1H 3etb Crystal structure of the engineered neutralizing antibody M18 complexed with anthrax protective antigen domain 4 3eyf Crystal structure of anti-human cytomegalovirus antibody 8f9 plus gB peptide 3eyo Crystal structure of anti-human cytomegalovirus antibody 8F9 3eyq Crystal structure of MJ5 Fab, a germline antibody variant of anti-human cytomegalovirus antibody 8f9 3eys PFA1 Fab fragment complexed with pyro-Glu3-A-Beta (3-8) 3eyu PFA1 Fab fragment complexed with Ror2(518-525) 3eyv Anti-Lewis Y Fab fragment with Lewis Y antigen in the presence of zinc ions 3ezj Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of the secretin GspD from ETEC determined with the assistance of a nanobody 3f12 Germline V-genes sculpt the binding site of a family of antibodies neutralizing human cytomegalovirus 3f58 IGG1 FAB FRAGMENT (58.2) COMPLEX WITH 12-RESIDUE CYCLIC PEPTIDE (INCLUDING RESIDUES 315-324 OF HIV-1 GP120 (MN ISOLATE); H315S MUTATION 3f5w KcsA Potassium channel in the open-inactivated state with 32 A opening at T112 3f7v KcsA Potassium channel in the open-inactivated state with 23 A opening at T112 3f7y KcsA Potassium channel in the partially open state with 17 A opening at T112 3fb5 KcsA potassium channel in the partially open state with 14.5 A opening at T112 3fb6 KcsA Potassium channel in the partially open state with 16 A opening at T112 3fb7 Open KcsA potassium channel in the presence of Rb+ ion 3fb8 KcsA Potassium channel in the open-conductive state with 20 A opening at T112 in the presence of Rb+ ion 3fct MATURE METAL CHELATASE CATALYTIC ANTIBODY WITH HAPTEN 3ffc Crystal Structure of CF34 TCR in complex with HLA-B8/FLR 3ffd Structure of parathyroid hormone-related protein complexed to a neutralizing monoclonal antibody 3fku Crystal structure of influenza hemagglutinin (H5) in complex with a broadly neutralizing antibody F10 3fmg Structure of rotavirus outer capsid protein VP7 trimer in complex with a neutralizing Fab 3fn0 Crystal structure of HIV-1 neutralizing human Fab Z13e1 in complex with a 12-residue peptide containing the Z13e1 epitope on gp41 3fo0 Crystal structure of hapten complex of catalytic elimination antibody 13G5 (wild-type) 3fo1 Crystal structure of hapten complex of catalytic elimination antibody 13G5 (Glu(L39)Ala mutant) 3fo2 Crystal structure of hapten complex of catalytic elimination antibody 13G5 (Glu(L39)Gln mutant) 3fo9 Crystal structure of aldolase antibody 33F12 Fab' in complex with hapten 1,3-diketone 3fzu IgG1 Fab characterized by H/D exchange 3g04 Crystal structure of the TSH receptor in complex with a thyroid-stimulating autoantibody 3g5v Antibodies Specifically Targeting a Locally Misfolded Region of Tumor Associated EGFR 3g5x Antibodies Specifically Targeting a Locally Misfolded Region of Tumor Associated EGFR 3g5y Antibodies Specifically Targeting a Locally Misfolded Region of Tumor Associated EGFR 3g5z Antibodies Specifically Targeting a Locally Misfolded Region of Tumor Associated EGFR 3g6a Crystal structure of anti-IL-13 antibody CNTO607 3g6d Crystal structure of the complex between CNTO607 Fab and IL-13 3g6j C3b in complex with a C3b specific Fab 3g9a Green fluorescent protein bound to minimizer nanobody 3gb7 Potassium Channel KcsA-Fab complex in Li+ 3gbm Crystal Structure of Fab CR6261 in Complex with a H5N1 influenza virus hemagglutinin. 3gbn Crystal Structure of Fab CR6261 in Complex with the 1918 H1N1 influenza virus hemagglutinin 3ggw Crystal Structure of FAB F22-4 in complex with a Carbohydrate-mimetic peptide 3ghb Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 Fab 447-52D in complex with V3 peptide W2RW020 3ghe Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 Fab 537-10D in complex with V3 peptide MN 3gi8 Crystal Structure of ApcT K158A Transporter Bound to 7F11 Monoclonal Fab Fragment 3gi9 Crystal Structure of ApcT Transporter Bound to 7F11 Monoclonal Fab Fragment 3giz Crystal structure of the Fab fragment of anti-CD20 antibody Ofatumumab 3gje Rational development of high-affinity T-cell receptor-like antibodies 3gjf Rational development of high-affinity T-cell receptor-like antibodies 3gk8 X-ray crystal structure of the Fab from MAb 14, mouse antibody against Canine Parvovirus 3gkw Crystal structure of the Fab fragment of Nimotuzumab. An anti-epidermal growth factor receptor antibody 3gkz Crystal structures of a therapeutic single chain antibody in complex methamphetamine 3gm0 Anti-methamphetamine single chain Fv in complex with MDMA 3gnm The crystal structure of the JAA-F11 monoclonal antibody Fab fragment 3go1 Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 Fab 268-D in complex with V3 peptide MN 3grw FGFR3 in complex with a Fab 3h0t Hepcidin-Fab complex 3h3b Crystal structure of the single-chain Fv (scFv) fragment of an anti-ErbB2 antibody chA21 in complex with residues 1-192 of ErbB2 extracellular domain 3h3p Crystal structure of HIV epitope-scaffold 4E10 Fv complex 3h42 Crystal structure of PCSK9 in complex with Fab from LDLR competitive antibody 3h9s The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound Tel1p peptide 3hae Rational development of high-affinity T-cell receptor-like antibodies 3hb3 High resolution crystal structure of Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase 3hc0 BHA10 IgG1 wild-type Fab - antibody directed at human LTBR 3hc3 BHA10 IgG1 Fab double mutant variant - antibody directed at human LTBR 3hc4 BHA10 IgG1 Fab quadruple mutant variant - antibody directed at human LTBR 3he6 Crystal structure of mouse CD1d-alpha-galactosylceramide with mouse Valpha14-Vbeta8.2 NKT TCR 3hfm STRUCTURE OF AN ANTIBODY-ANTIGEN COMPLEX. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE HY/HEL-10 FAB-LYSOZYME COMPLEX 3hg1 Germline-governed recognition of a cancer epitope by an immunodominant human T cell receptor 3hi1 Structure of HIV-1 gp120 (core with V3) in Complex with CD4-Binding-Site Antibody F105 3hi5 Crystal structure of Fab fragment of AL-57 3hi6 Crystal structure of intermediate affinity I domain of integrin LFA-1 with the Fab fragment of its antibody AL-57 3hmw Crystal structure of ustekinumab FAB 3hmx Crystal structure of ustekinumab FAB/IL-12 complex 3hns CS-35 Fab Complex with Oligoarabinofuranosyl Hexasaccharide 3hnt CS-35 Fab complex with a linear, terminal oligoarabinofuranosyl tetrasaccharide from lipoarabinomannan 3hnv CS-35 Fab Complex with Oligoarabinofuranosyl Tetrasaccharide (branch part of Hexasaccharide) 3hpl KcsA E71H-F103A mutant in the closed state 3hr5 M1prime peptide from IgE bound by humanized antibody 47H4 Fab 3huj Crystal structure of human CD1d-alpha-Galactosylceramide in complex with semi-invariant NKT cell receptor 3hzk Crystal structure of S73-2 antibody in complex with antigen Kdo(2.4)Kdo 3hzm Crystal structure of S73-2 antibody in complex with antigen Kdo 3hzv Crystal structure of S73-2 antibody in complex with antigen Kdo(2.8)Kdo(2.4)Kdo 3hzy Crystal structure of S73-2 antibody in complex with antigen Kdo(2.4)Kdo(2.4)Kdo 3i02 Crystal structure of S54-10 antibody in complex with antigen Kdo(2.4)Kdo(2.4)Kdo 3i2c Crystal structure of anti-IL-23 antibody CNTO4088 3i50 Crystal structure of the West Nile Virus envelope glycoprotein in complex with the E53 antibody Fab 3i75 Antibody Structure 3i9g Crystal structure of the LT1009 (SONEPCIZUMAB) antibody Fab fragment in complex with sphingosine-1-phosphate 3idg Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 in complex with gp41 Peptide ALDKWD 3idi Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 Fab' fragment in complex with gp41 Peptide ALDKWNQ 3idj Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 Fab' fragment in complex with gp41 Peptide analog ELD(Orn)WAS 3idm Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 Fab' fragment in complex with gp41 Peptide analog ELD(Nrg)WAS 3idn Crystal structure of the HIV-1 Cross Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody 2F5 Fab' fragment in complex with gp41 Peptide analog ELD(Paf)WAS 3idx Crystal structure of HIV-gp120 core in complex with CD4-binding site antibody b13, space group C222 3idy Crystal structure of HIV-gp120 core in complex with CD4-binding site antibody b13, space group C2221 3iet Crystal Structure of 237mAb with antigen 3if1 Crystal structure of 237mAb in complex with a GalNAc 3ifl X-ray structure of amyloid beta peptide:antibody (Abeta1-7:12A11) complex 3ifn X-ray structure of amyloid beta peptide:antibody (Abeta1-40:12A11) complex 3ifo X-ray structure of amyloid beta peptide:antibody (Abeta1-7:10D5) complex 3ifp X-ray structure of amyloid beta peptide:antibody (Abeta1-7:12B4) complex 3iga Potassium Channel KcsA-Fab complex in Li+ and K+ 3ijh Structure of S67-27 in Complex with Ko 3ijs Structure of S67-27 in Complex with TSBP 3ijy Structure of S67-27 in Complex with Kdo(2.8)Kdo 3ikc Structure of S67-27 in Complex with Kdo(2.8)-7-O-methyl-Kdo 3inu Crystal structure of an unbound KZ52 neutralizing anti-Ebolavirus antibody. 3iu3 Crystal structure of the Fab fragment of therapeutic antibody Basiliximab in complex with IL-2Ra (CD25) ectodomain 3iu4 anti NeuGcGM3 ganglioside chimeric antibody chP3 3ivk Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Core of an RNA Polymerase Ribozyme Complexed with an Antigen Binding Antibody Fragment 3ixt Crystal Structure of Motavizumab Fab Bound to Peptide Epitope 3ixx The pseudo-atomic structure of West Nile immature virus in complex with Fab fragments of the anti-fusion loop antibody E53 3ixy The pseudo-atomic structure of dengue immature virus in complex with Fab fragments of the anti-fusion loop antibody E53 3iy0 Variable domains of the x-ray structure of Fab 14 fitted into the cryoEM reconstruction of the virus-Fab 14 complex 3iy1 Variable domains of the WAM of Fab B fitted into the cryoEM reconstruction of the virus-Fab B complex 3iy2 Variable domains of the computer generated model (WAM) of Fab 6 fitted into the cryoEM reconstruction of the virus-Fab 6 complex 3iy3 Variable domains of the computer generated model (WAM) of Fab 8 fitted into the cryoEM reconstruction of the virus-Fab 8 complex 3iy4 Variable domains of the computer generated model (WAM) of Fab 15 fitted into the cryoEM reconstruction of the virus-Fab 15 complex 3iy5 Variable domains of the mouse Fab (1AIF) fitted into the cryoEM reconstruction of the virus-Fab 16 complex 3iy6 Variable domains of the computer generated model (WAM) of Fab E fitted into the cryoEM reconstruction of the virus-Fab E complex 3iy7 Variable domains of the computer generated model (WAM) of Fab F fitted into the cryoEM reconstruction of the virus-Fab F complex 3iyw West Nile virus in complex with Fab fragments of MAb CR4354 (fitted coordinates of envelope proteins and Fab fragments of one icosahedral ASU) 3j1s Structure of adeno-associated virus-2 in complex with neutralizing monoclonal antibody A20 3j2x Electron Cryo-microscopy of Chikungunya VLP in complex with neutralizing antibody Fab m242 3j2y Electron Cryo-microscopy of Chikungunya VLP in complex with neutralizing antibody Fab 9.8B 3j2z Electron Cryo-microscopy of Chikungunya VLP in complex with neutralizing antibody Fab m10 3j30 Electron Cryo-microscopy of Chikungunya VLP in complex with neutralizing antibody Fab CHK152 3j3o Conformational Shift of a Major Poliovirus Antigen Confirmed by Immuno-Cryogenic Electron Microscopy: 160S Poliovirus and C3-Fab Complex 3j3p Conformational Shift of a Major Poliovirus Antigen Confirmed by Immuno-Cryogenic Electron Microscopy: 135S Poliovirus and C3-Fab Complex 3j3z Structure of MA28-7 neutralizing antibody Fab fragment from electron cryo-microscopy of enterovirus 71 complexed with a Fab fragment 3j42 Obstruction of Dengue Virus Maturation by Fab Fragments of the 2H2 Antibody 3j5m Cryo-EM structure of the BG505 SOSIP.664 HIV-1 Env trimer with 3 PGV04 Fabs 3j6u 3J6U 3j70 3J70 3j7e 3J7E 3j8d 3J8D 3j8f 3J8F 3j8v 3J8V 3j8w 3J8W 3j8z 3J8Z 3j93 3J93 3j9f 3J9F 3jab 3JAB 3jau 3JAU 3jba 3JBA 3jbc 3JBC 3jbd 3JBD 3jbe 3JBE 3jbf 3JBF 3jbg 3JBG 3jbq 3JBQ 3jcx 3JCX 3juy Crystal Structure of a 3B3 Variant, a Broadly Neutralizing HIV-1 scFv Antibody 3jwd Structure of HIV-1 gp120 with gp41-Interactive Region: Layered Architecture and Basis of Conformational Mobility 3jwo Structure of HIV-1 gp120 with gp41-Interactive Region: Layered Architecture and Basis of Conformational Mobility 3k1k Green fluorescent protein bound to minimizer nanobody 3k2u Crystal structure of HGFA in complex with the allosteric inhibitory antibody Fab40 3k3q Crystal Structure of a Llama Antibody complexed with the C. Botulinum Neurotoxin Serotype A Catalytic Domain 3k74 Disruption of protein dynamics by an allosteric effector antibody 3k7u Structure of essential protein from Trypanosoma brucei 3k80 Structure of essential protein from Trypanosoma brucei 3k81 Structure of the central interaction protein from the Trypanosoma brucei editosome in complex with single domain antibodies 3kdm Crystal Structure of Human Anti-steroid Fab 5F2 in Complex with Testosterone 3kj4 Structure of rat Nogo receptor bound to 1D9 antagonist antibody 3kj6 Crystal structure of a Methylated beta2 Adrenergic Receptor-Fab complex 3klh Crystal structure of AZT-Resistant HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase crosslinked to post-translocation AZTMP-Terminated DNA (COMPLEX P) 3kpr Crystal Structure of the LC13 TCR in complex with HLA B*4405 bound to EEYLKAWTF a mimotope 3kps Crystal Structure of the LC13 TCR in complex with HLA B*4405 bound to EEYLQAFTY a self peptide from the ABCD3 protein 3kr3 Crystal structure of IGF-II antibody complex 3ks0 Crystal structure of the heme domain of flavocytochrome b2 in complex with Fab B2B4 3kxf Crystal Structure of SB27 TCR in complex with the 'restriction triad' mutant HLA-B*3508-13mer 3kyk Crystal structure of li33 Igg1 Fab 3kym Crystal structure of Li33 IgG2 di-Fab 3l1o Crystal structure of monoclonal antibody MN423 Fab fragment with free combining site, crystallized in the presence of zinc 3l5w Crystal structure of the complex between IL-13 and C836 FAB 3l5x Crystal structure of the complex between IL-13 and H2L6 FAB 3l7e Crystal structure of ANTI-IL-13 antibody C836 3l7f Structure of IL-13 antibody H2L6, A humanized variant OF C836 3l95 Crystal structure of the human Notch1 Negative Regulatory Region (NRR) bound to the fab fragment of an antagonist antibody 3ld8 Structure of JMJD6 and Fab Fragments 3ldb Structure of JMJD6 complexd with ALPHA-KETOGLUTARATE and Fab Fragment. 3lev HIV-1 antibody 2F5 in complex with epitope scaffold ES2 3lex 2F5 Epitope scaffold elicited anti-HIV-1 monoclonal antibody 11F10 in complex with HIV-1 GP41 3ley 2F5 Epitope scaffold elicited anti-HIV-1 monoclonal antibody 6a7 in complex with HIV-1 GP41 3lh2 Crystal structure of HIV epitope-scaffold 4E10_1VI7A_S0_002_N 4E10 Fv complex 3lhp Crystal structure of HIV epitope-scaffold 4E10_D0_1ISEA_004_N 4E10 Fv complex 3liz crystal structure of bla g 2 complexed with Fab 4C3 3lmj Structure of human anti HIV 21c Fab 3ln9 Crystal structure of the fibril-specific B10 antibody fragment 3lqa Crystal structure of clade C gp120 in complex with sCD4 and 21c Fab 3lrg Structure of anti-huntingtin VL domain 3lrh Structure of anti-huntingtin VL domain in complex with huntingtin peptide 3lrs Structure of PG16, an antibody with broad and potent neutralization of HIV-1 3ls4 Crystal Structure of Anti-tetrahydrocannabinol Fab Fragment in Complex with THC 3ls5 Anti-tetrahydrocannabinol Fab Fragment, Free Form 3lve LEN Q38E MUTANT: A DOMAIN FLIP FROM A SINGLE AMINO ACID SUBSTITUTION 3lzf Crystal Structure of Fab 2D1 in Complex with the 1918 Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin 3m8o Human IgA1 Fab fragment 3ma9 Crystal structure of gp41 derived protein complexed with fab 8066 3mac crystal structure of GP41-derived protein complexed with fab 8062 3mbe TCR 21.30 in complex with MHC class II I-Ag7HEL(11-27) 3mbx Crystal structure of chimeric antibody X836 3mc0 Crystal Structure of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin G (SEG) in Complex with a Mouse T-cell Receptor beta Chain 3mcg THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A LIGHT CHAIN DIMER CRYSTALLIZED IN WATER. CONFORMATIONAL FLEXIBILITY OF A MOLECULE IN TWO CRYSTAL FORMS 3mck Crystal structure of anti-beta-amyloid antibody C705 3mcl Anti-beta-amyloid antibody c706 fab in space group P21 3mff 1F1E8hu TCR 3mfg Crystal structure of Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin 1 (TSST-1) in complex with the human T cell receptor beta chain Vbeta2.1 (EP-8) 3mj8 Crystal structure of HL4E10 Fab, a hamster Ab stimulatory for gammadelta T cells 3mj9 Crystal structure of JAML in complex with the stimulatory antibody HL4E10 3mlr Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 2557 in complex with a NY5 V3 peptide 3mls Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 V3 mAb 2557 Fab in complex with a HIV-1 gp120 V3 mimotope 3mlt Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 2557 in complex with a UG1033 V3 peptide 3mlu Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 2557 in complex with a ZAM18 V3 peptide 3mlv Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 2557 in complex with an NOF V3 peptide 3mlw Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 1006-15D in complex with an MN V3 peptide 3mlx Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 3074 in complex with an MN V3 peptide 3mly Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 3074 in complex with a UR29 V3 peptide 3mlz Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 3074 in complex with a VI191 V3 peptide 3mme Structure and functional dissection of PG16, an antibody with broad and potent neutralization of HIV-1 3mnv Crystal structure of the non-neutralizing HIV antibody 13H11 Fab fragment 3mnw Crystal structure of the non-neutralizing HIV antibody 13H11 Fab fragment with a gp41 MPER-derived peptide in a helical conformation 3mnz Crystal structure of the non-neutralizing HIV antibody 13H11 Fab fragment with a gp41 MPER-derived peptide bearing Ala substitutions in a helical conformation 3mo1 Crystal structure of the non-neutralizing HIV antibody 13H11 Fab fragment 3moa Crystal structure of the neutralizing HIV antibody 2F5 Fab fragment (recombinantly produced Fab) with 17 aa gp41 MPER-derived peptide 3mob Crystal structure of the neutralizing HIV antibody 2F5 Fab fragment (recombinantly produced Fab) with 11 aa gp41 MPER-derived peptide 3mod Crystal structure of the neutralizing HIV antibody 2F5 Fab fragment (recombinantly produced IgG) with 11 aa gp41 MPER-derived peptide 3mug Crystal structure of human Fab PG16, a broadly reactive and potent HIV-1 neutralizing antibody 3muh Crystal structure of PG9 light chain 3mv7 Crystal Structure of the TK3 TCR in complex with HLA-B*3501/HPVG 3mv8 Crystal Structure of the TK3-Gln55His TCR in complex with HLA-B*3501/HPVG 3mv9 Crystal Structure of the TK3-Gln55Ala TCR in complex with HLA-B*3501/HPVG 3mxv Crystal structure of fab fragment of anti-Shh 5E1 chimera 3mxw Crystal structure Sonic hedgehog bound to the 5E1 fab fragment 3n85 Crystallographic trimer of HER2 extracellular regions in complex with tryptophan-rich antibody fragment 3n9g Crystal structure of the Fab fragment of the human neutralizing anti-West Nile Virus MAb CR4354 3na9 Crystal structure of Fab15 3naa Crystal structure of Fab15 Mut5 3nab Crystal Structure of fab15 Mut6 3nac Crystal structure of Fab15 Mut7 3ncj Crystal structure of Fab15 Mut8 3ncy X-ray crystal structure of an arginine agmatine antiporter (AdiC) in complex with a Fab fragment 3nfp Crystal structure of the Fab fragment of therapeutic antibody daclizumab in complex with IL-2Ra (CD25) ectodomain 3nfs Crystal structure the Fab fragment of therapeutic antibody daclizumab 3ngb Crystal structure of broadly and potently neutralizing antibody VRC01 in complex with HIV-1 gp120 3nh7 Crystal structure of the neutralizing Fab fragment AbD1556 bound to the BMP type I receptor IA 3nid The Closed Headpiece of Integrin alphaIIB beta3 and its Complex with an alpahIIB beta3 -Specific Antagonist That Does Not Induce Opening 3nif The Closed Headpiece of Integrin IIb 3 and its Complex with an IIb 3 -Specific Antagonist That Does Not Induce Opening 3nig The Closed Headpiece of Integrin IIb 3 and its Complex with an IIb 3 -Specific Antagonist That Does Not Induce Opening 3nn8 Crystal structure of engineered antibody fragment based on 3D5 3nps Crystal structure of membrane-type serine protease 1 (MT-SP1) in complex with the Fab Inhibitor S4 3ntc Crystal structure of KD-247 Fab, an anti-V3 antibody that inhibits HIV-1 Entry 3nz8 Crystal structure of the HIV-2 neutralizing Fab fragment 7C8 3nzh Crystal structure of anti-emmprin antibody 5F6 FAB 3o0r Crystal structure of nitric oxide reductase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in complex with antibody fragment 3o11 Anti-beta-amyloid antibody c706 fab in space group c2 3o2d Crystal structure of HIV-1 primary receptor CD4 in complex with a potent antiviral antibody 3o2v Crystal structure of 1E9 PheL89Ser/LeuH47Trp/MetH100bPhe, an engineered Diels-Alderase Fab with modified specificity and catalytic activity 3o2w Crystal structure of the 1E9 PheL89Ser/LeuH47Trp/MetH100bPhe Fab in complex with a 39A11 transition state analog 3o41 Crystal Structure of 101F Fab Bound to 15-mer Peptide Epitope 3o45 Crystal Structure of 101F Fab Bound to 17-mer Peptide Epitope 3o6f Crystal structure of a human autoimmune TCR MS2-3C8 bound to MHC class II self-ligand MBP/HLA-DR4 3o6k Crystal structure of anti-Tat HIV Fab'11H6H1 3o6l Anti-Tat HIV 11H6H1 Fab' complexed with a 15-mer Tat peptide 3o6m Anti-Tat HIV 11H6H1 Fab' complexed with a 9-mer Tat peptide 3o8x Recognition of Glycolipid Antigen by iNKT Cell TCR 3o9w Recognition of a Glycolipid Antigen by the iNKT Cell TCR 3oai Crystal structure of the extra-cellular domain of human myelin protein zero 3oau Antibody 2G12 Recognizes Di-Mannose Equivalently in Domain- and Non-Domain-Exchanged Forms, but only binds the HIV-1 Glycan Shield if Domain-Exchanged 3oay A non-self sugar mimic of the HIV glycan shield shows enhanced antigenicity 3oaz A non-self sugar mimic of the HIV glycan shield shows enhanced antigenicity 3ob0 A non-self sugar mimic of the HIV glycan shield shows enhanced antigenicity 3ogc KcsA E71A variant in presence of Na+ 3ogo Structure of the GFP:GFP-nanobody complex at 2.8 A resolution in spacegroup P21212 3ojd Anti-Indolicidin monoclonal antibody V2D2 (Fab fragment) 3okd Crystal structure of S25-39 in complex with Kdo 3oke Crystal structure of S25-39 in complex with Ko 3okk Crystal structure of S25-39 in complex with Kdo(2.4)Kdo 3okl Crystal structure of S25-39 in complex with Kdo(2.8)Kdo 3okm Crystal structure of unliganded S25-39 3okn Crystal structure of S25-39 in complex with Kdo(2.4)Kdo(2.4)Kdo 3oko Crystal structure of S25-39 in complex with Kdo(2.8)Kdo(2.4)Kdo 3omz Crystal structure of MICA-specific human gamma delta T cell receptor 3opz Crystal structure of trans-sialidase in complex with the Fab fragment of a neutralizing monoclonal IgG antibody 3or6 On the structural basis of modal gating behavior in K+channels - E71Q 3or7 On the structural basis of modal gating behavior in K+channels - E71I 3osk Crystal structure of human CTLA-4 apo homodimer 3owe Crystal Structure of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin G (SEG) in Complex with a High Affinity Mutant Mouse T-cell Receptor Chain 3oz9 Crystal Structure of anti-gp41 Fab NC-1 3p0g Structure of a nanobody-stabilized active state of the beta2 adrenoceptor 3p0v anti-EGFR/HER3 Fab DL11 alone 3p0y anti-EGFR/HER3 Fab DL11 in complex with domain III of EGFR extracellular region 3p11 anti-EGFR/HER3 Fab DL11 in complex with domains I-III of the HER3 extracellular region 3p30 crystal structure of the cluster II Fab 1281 in complex with HIV-1 gp41 ectodomain 3p9w Crystal structure of an engineered human autonomous VH Domain in complex with VEGF 3pgf Crystal structure of maltose bound MBP with a conformationally specific synthetic antigen binder (sAB) 3pho Crystal structure of S64-4 in complex with PSBP 3phq Crystal structure of S64-4 in complex with KDO 3piq Crystal structure of human 2909 Fab, a quaternary structure-specific antibody against HIV-1 3pjs Mechanism of Activation Gating in the Full-Length KcsA K+ Channel 3pl6 Structure of Autoimmune TCR Hy.1B11 in complex with HLA-DQ1 and MBP 85-99 3pnw Crystal Structure of the tudor domain of human TDRD3 in complex with an anti-TDRD3 FAB 3pp3 Epitope characterization and crystal structure of GA101 provide insights into the molecular basis for the type I / type II distinction of anti- CD20 antibodies 3pp4 Epitope characterization and crystal structure of GA101 provide insights into the molecular basis for the type I / type II distinction of anti- CD20 antibodies 3pwp The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound HuD peptide 3q1s HIV-1 neutralizing antibody Z13e1 in complex with epitope display protein 3q3g Crystal Structure of A-domain in complex with antibody 3q6f Crystal structure of Fab of human mAb 2909 specific for quaternary neutralizing epitope of HIV-1 gp120 3q6g Crystal structure of Fab of rhesus mAb 2.5B specific for quaternary neutralizing epitope of HIV-1 gp120 3qa3 Crystal Structure of A-domain in complex with antibody 3qct Crystal structure of the humanized apo LT3015 anti-lysophosphatidic acid antibody Fab fragment 3qcu Crystal structure of the LT3015 antibody Fab fragment in complex with lysophosphatidic acid (14:0) 3qcv Crystal structure of the LT3015 antibody Fab fragment in complex with lysophosphatidic acid (18:2) 3qdg The complex between TCR DMF5 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound MART-1(26-35)(A27L) peptide 3qdj The complex between TCR DMF5 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound MART-1(27-35) nonameric peptide 3qdm The complex between TCR DMF4 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound MART-1(26-35)(A27L) decameric peptide 3qeg Crystal structure of human N12-i2 Fab, an ADCC and neutralizing anti-HIV-1 Env antibody 3qeh Crystal structure of human N12-i15, an ADCC and non-neutralizing anti-HIV-1 Env antibody 3qeq The complex between TCR DMF4 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the bound MART-1(27-35) nonameric peptide 3qeu The crystal structure of TCR DMF5 3qfj The complex between TCR A6 and human Class I MHC HLA-A2 with the modified TAX (Y5F) peptide 3qg6 Structural Basis for Ligand Recognition and Discrimination of a Quorum Quenching Antibody 3qg7 Structural Basis for Ligand Recognition and Discrimination of a Quorum Quenching Antibody 3qh3 The crystal structure of TCR A6 3qhf Crystal Structure of Fab del2D1, a deletion variant of anti-influenza antibody 2D1 3qhz Crystal Structure of human anti-influenza Fab 2D1 3qnx Orthorhombic form of human IgA1 Fab fragment, sharing same Fv as IgG 3qny Monoclinic form of human IgA1 Fab fragment, sharing same Fv as IgG 3qnz Orthorhombic form of IgG1 Fab fragment (in complex with antigenic tubulin peptide) sharing same Fv as IgA 3qo0 Monoclinic form of IgG1 Fab fragment (in complex with antigenic peptide) sharing same Fv as IgA 3qo1 Monoclinic form of IgG1 Fab fragment (apo form) sharing same Fv as IgA 3qpq Crystal structure of ANTI-TLR3 antibody C1068 FAB 3qpx Crystal structure of Fab C2507 3qq9 Crystal structure of FAB fragment of anti-human RSV (RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL VIRUS) F Protein MAB 101F 3qrg Crystal structure of antiRSVF Fab B21m 3qsk 5 Histidine Variant of the anti-RNase A VHH in Complex with RNAse A 3qum Crystal structure of human prostate specific antigen (PSA) in Fab sandwich with a high affinity and a PCa selective antibody 3qux Structure of the mouse CD1d-alpha-C-GalCer-iNKT TCR complex 3quy Structure of the mouse CD1d-BnNH-GSL-1'-iNKT TCR complex 3quz Structure of the mouse CD1d-NU-alpha-GalCer-iNKT TCR complex 3qwo Crystal structure of a motavizumab epitope-scaffold bound to motavizumab Fab 3qxt Structure of an Anti-Methotrexate CDR1-3 Graft VHH Antibody in Complex with Methotrexate 3qxu Free Structure of an Anti-Methotrexate CDR1-3 Graft VHH Antibody 3qxv Structure of an Anti-Methotrexate CDR1-4 Graft VHH Antibody in Complex with Methotrexate 3qxw Free structure of an anti-methotrexate CDR1-4 Graft VHH Antibody 3qyc Structure of a dimeric anti-HER2 single domain antibody 3qzw Plasticity of human CD8 binding to peptide-HLA-A*2402 3r06 Crystal structure of anti-mouse CD3epsilon antibody 2C11 Fab fragment 3r08 Crystal structure of mouse cd3epsilon in complex with antibody 2C11 Fab 3r0m Crystal structure of anti-HIV llama VHH antibody A12 3r1g Structure Basis of Allosteric Inhibition of BACE1 by an Exosite-Binding Antibody 3ra7 Bispecific digoxigenin binding antibodies for targeted payload delivery 3raj Crystal structure of human CD38 in complex with the Fab fragment of antibody HB7 3rdt Crystal Structure of 809.B5 TCR complexed with MHC Class II I-Ab/3k peptide 3rev Crystal structure of human alloreactive tcr nb20 3rgv A single TCR bound to MHCI and MHC II reveals switchable TCR conformers 3rhw C. elegans glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) in complex with Fab and ivermectin 3ri5 C. elegans glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) in complex with Fab, ivermectin and picrotoxin 3ria C. elegans glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) in complex with Fab, ivermectin and iodide. 3rif C. elegans glutamate-gated chloride channel (GluCl) in complex with Fab, ivermectin and glutamate. 3rjq Crystal structure of anti-HIV llama VHH antibody A12 in complex with C186 gp120 3rkd Hepatitis E Virus E2s domain (Genotype I) in complex with a neutralizing antibody 3rpi Crystal Structure of Fab from 3BNC60, Highly Potent anti-HIV Antibody 3rrq Crystal structure of the extracellular domain of human PD-1 3rtq Structure of the mouse CD1d-HS44-iNKT TCR complex 3ru8 Structure of an HIV epitope scaffold in complex with neutralizing antibody b12 Fab 3rug Crystal structure of Valpha10-Vbeta8.1 NKT TCR in complex with CD1d-alphaglucosylceramide (C20:2) 3rvt Structure of 4C1 Fab in P212121 space group 3rvu Structure of 4C1 Fab in C2221 space group 3rvv Crystal structure of Der f 1 complexed with Fab 4C1 3rvw Crystal structure of Der p 1 complexed with Fab 4C1 3rvx Crystal structure of Der p 1 complexed with Fab 4C1 3rzc Structure of the self-antigen iGb3 bound to mouse CD1d and in complex with the iNKT TCR 3s34 Structure of the 1121B Fab fragment 3s35 Structural basis for the function of two anti-VEGF receptor antibodies 3s36 Structural basis for the function of two anti-VEGF receptor antibodies 3s37 Structural basis for the function of two anti-VEGF receptor antibodies 3s4s Crystal structure of CD4 mutant bound to HLA-DR1 3s5l Crystal structure of CD4 mutant bound to HLA-DR1 3s62 Structure of Fab fragment of malaria transmission blocking antibody 2A8 against P. vivax P25 protein 3s88 Crystal structure of Sudan Ebolavirus Glycoprotein (strain Gulu) bound to 16F6 3s96 Crystal structure of 3B5H10 3sdx Crystal structure of human autoreactive-Valpha24 NKT TCR in complex with CD1d-beta-galactosylceramide 3sdy Crystal Structure of Broadly Neutralizing Antibody CR8020 Bound to the Influenza A H3 Hemagglutinin 3se8 Crystal structure of broadly and potently neutralizing antibody VRC03 in complex with HIV-1 gp120 3se9 Crystal structure of broadly and potently neutralizing antibody VRC-PG04 in complex with HIV-1 gp120 3sgd Crystal structure of the mouse mAb 17.2 3sge Crystal structure of mAb 17.2 in complex with R13 peptide 3sjv Crystal structure of the RL42 TCR in complex with HLA-B8-FLR 3skj Structural And Functional Characterization of an Agonistic Anti-Human EphA2 Monoclonal Antibody 3skn Crystal structure of the RL42 TCR unliganded 3sku Herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D bound to the human receptor nectin-1 3sm5 Influenza hemagglutinin in complex with a neutralizing antibody 3sn6 Crystal structure of the beta2 adrenergic receptor-Gs protein complex 3so3 Structures of Fab-Protease Complexes Reveal a Highly Specific Non-Canonical Mechanism of Inhibition. 3sob The structure of the first YWTD beta propeller domain of LRP6 in complex with a FAB 3sqo PCSK9 J16 Fab complex 3stb A complex of two editosome proteins and two nanobodies 3stl KcsA potassium channel mutant Y82C with Cadmium bound 3stz KcsA potassium channel mutant Y82C with nitroxide spin label 3sy0 S25-2- A(2-8)-A(2-4)KDO trisaccharide complex 3t0e Crystal structure of a complete ternary complex of T cell receptor, peptide-MHC and CD4 3t0v Unliganded fluorogen activating protein M8VL 3t0w Fluorogen activating protein M8VL in complex with dimethylindole red 3t0x Fluorogen Activating Protein M8VLA4(S55P) in complex with dimethylindole red 3t2n Human hepsin protease in complex with the Fab fragment of an inhibitory antibody 3t3m A Novel High Affinity Integrin alphaIIbbeta3 Receptor Antagonist That Unexpectedly Displaces Mg2+ from the beta3 MIDAS 3t3p A Novel High Affinity Integrin alphaIIbbeta3 Receptor Antagonist That Unexpectedly Displaces Mg2+ from the beta3 MIDAS 3t4y S25-2- KDO monosaccharide complex 3t65 S25-2- A(2-8)KDO disaccharide complex 3t77 S25-2- A(2-4)KDO disaccharide complex 3ta3 Structure of the mouse CD1d-Glc-DAG-s2-iNKT TCR complex 3tcl Crystal Structure of HIV-1 Neutralizing Antibody CH04 3tf7 42F3 QL9/H2-Ld complex 3tfk 42F3-p4B10/H2-Ld 3thm Crystal structure of Fas receptor extracellular domain in complex with Fab EP6b_B01 3tje Crystal structure of Fas receptor extracellular domain in complex with Fab E09 3tjh 42F3-p3A1/H2-Ld complex 3tn0 Structure of mouse Va14Vb8.2NKT TCR-mouse CD1d-a-C-Galactosylceramide complex 3tnm Crystal structure of A32 Fab, an ADCC mediating anti-HIV-1 antibody 3tnn Crystal structure of N5-i5 Fab, an ADCC mediating and non-neutralizing CD4i anti-HIV- 1 antibody. 3tpk Crystal structure of the oligomer-specific KW1 antibody fragment 3tpu 42F3 p5E8/H2-Ld complex 3tt1 Crystal Structure of LeuT in the outward-open conformation in complex with Fab 3tt3 Crystal Structure of LeuT in the inward-open conformation in complex with Fab 3tv3 Crystal structure of broad and potent HIV-1 neutralizing antibody PGT128 in complex with Man9 3tvm Structure of the mouse CD1d-SMC124-iNKT TCR complex 3twc Crystal structure of broad and potent HIV-1 neutralizing antibody PGT127 in complex with Man9 3tyf Crystal structure of a CD1d-lysophosphatidylcholine reactive iNKT TCR 3tyg Crystal structure of broad and potent HIV-1 neutralizing antibody PGT128 in complex with a glycosylated engineered gp120 outer domain with miniV3 (eODmV3) 3tzv Crystal structure of an iNKT TCR in complex with CD1d-lysophosphatidylcholine 3u0t Fab-antibody complex 3u0w AD related murine antibody Fragment 3u1s Crystal structure of human Fab PGT145, a broadly reactive and potent HIV-1 neutralizing antibody 3u2s Crystal Structure of PG9 Fab in Complex with V1V2 Region from HIV-1 strain ZM109 3u30 Crystal structure of a linear-specific Ubiquitin fab bound to linear ubiquitin 3u36 Crystal Structure of PG9 Fab 3u46 CH04H/CH02L P212121 3u4b CH04H/CH02L Fab P4 3u4e Crystal Structure of PG9 Fab in Complex with V1V2 Region from HIV-1 strain CAP45 3u6r Three dimensional structure of broadly neutralizing anti - Hepatitis C virus (HCV) glycoprotein E2 single chain FV fragment 1:7 3u79 AL-103 Y32F Y96F 3u7a AL-09 Y32F Y96F 3u7w Crystal structure of NIH45-46 Fab 3u7y Structure of NIH45-46 Fab in complex with gp120 of 93TH057 HIV 3u82 Binding of herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D to nectin-1 exploits host cell adhesion 3u83 Crystal structure of nectin-1 3u9p Crystal Structure of Murine Siderocalin in Complex with an Fab Fragment 3u9u Crystal Structure of Extracellular Domain of Human ErbB4/Her4 in complex with the Fab fragment of mAb1479 3uaj Crystal structure of the envelope glycoprotein ectodomain from dengue virus serotype 4 in complex with the fab fragment of the chimpanzee monoclonal antibody 5H2 3ubx Crystal structure of the mouse CD1d-C20:2-aGalCer-L363 mAb Fab complex 3uc0 Crystal structure of domain I of the envelope glycoprotein ectodomain from dengue virus serotype 4 in complex with the fab fragment of the chimpanzee monoclonal antibody 5H2 3udw Crystal structure of the immunoreceptor TIGIT in complex with Poliovirus receptor (PVR/CD155/necl-5) D1 domain 3uji Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 2558 in complex with MN peptide 3ujj Crystal structure of anti-HIV-1 V3 Fab 4025 in complex with Con A peptide 3ujt Structure of the Fab fragment of Ab-52, an antibody that binds the O-antigen of Francisella tularensis 3uls Crystal structure of Fab12 3ulu Structure of quaternary complex of human TLR3ecd with three Fabs (Form1) 3ulv Structure of quaternary complex of human TLR3ecd with three Fabs (Form2) 3umt scFv12, Anti-BclA antibody single chain variable fragment 3uo1 Structure of a monoclonal antibody complexed with its MHC-I antigen 3upa A general strategy for the generation of human antibody variable domains with increased aggregation resistance 3upc A general strategy for the generation of human antibody variable domains with increased aggregation resistance 3uro Poliovirus receptor CD155 D1D2 3utp 1E6 TCR specific for HLA-A*0201-ALWGPDPAAA 3uts 1E6-A*0201-ALWGPDPAAA Complex, Monoclinic 3utt 1E6-A*0201-ALWGPDPAAA Complex, Triclinic 3utz Endogenous-like inhibitory antibodies targeting activated metalloproteinase motifs show therapeutic potential 3ux9 Structural insights into a human anti-IFN antibody exerting therapeutic potential for systemic lupus erythematosus 3uyp Crystal structure of the dengue virus serotype 4 envelope protein domain III in complex with the variable domains of Mab 4E11 3uyr Structure of a monoclonal antibody complexed with its MHC-I antigen 3uze Crystal structure of the dengue virus serotype 3 envelope protein domain III in complex with the variable domains of Mab 4E11 3uzq Crystal structure of the dengue virus serotype 1 envelope protein domain III in complex with the variable domains of Mab 4E11 3uzv Crystal structure of the dengue virus serotype 2 envelope protein domain III in complex with the variable domains of Mab 4E11 3v0a 2.7 angstrom crystal structure of BoNT/Ai in complex with NTNHA 3v0v Fab WN1 222-5 unliganded 3v0w Crystal structure of Fab WN1 222-5 in complex with LPS 3v4p crystal structure of a4b7 headpiece complexed with Fab ACT-1 3v4u Structure of a monoclonal antibody complexed with its MHC-I antigen 3v4v crystal structure of a4b7 headpiece complexed with Fab ACT-1 and RO0505376 3v52 Structure of a monoclonal antibody complexed with its MHC-I antigen 3v6f Crystal Structure of an anti-HBV e-antigen monoclonal Fab fragment (e6), unbound 3v6o Leptin Receptor-antibody complex 3v6z Crystal Structure of Hepatitis B Virus e-antigen 3v7a Structural basis for broad detection of genogroup II noroviruses by a monoclonal antibody that binds to a site occluded in the viral particle 3ve0 Crystal structure of Sudan Ebolavirus Glycoprotein (strain Boniface) bound to 16F6 3vfg Crystal structure of monoclonal anitbody 3F8 Fab fragment that binds to GD2 ganglioside 3vg0 Antibody Fab fragment 3vg9 Crystal structure of human adenosine A2A receptor with an allosteric inverse-agonist antibody at 2.7 A resolution 3vga Crystal structure of human adenosine A2A receptor with an allosteric inverse-agonist antibody at 3.1 A resolution 3vi3 Crystal structure of alpha5beta1 integrin headpiece (ligand-free form) 3vi4 Crystal structure of alpha5beta1 integrin headpiece in complex with RGD peptide 3vrl Crystal structure of BMJ4 p24 capsid protein in complex with A10F9 Fab 3vw3 Antibody 64M-5 Fab in complex with a double-stranded DNA (6-4) photoproduct 3vwj Ternary crystal structure of the human NKT TCR-CD1d-C20:2 complex 3vwk Ternary crystal structure of the human NKT TCR-CD1d-4'deoxy-alpha-galactosylceramide complex 3vxq H27-14 TCR specific for HLA-A24-Nef134-10 3vxr The complex between H27-14 TCR and HLA-A24 bound to HIV-1 Nef134-10(wt) peptide 3vxs The complex between H27-14 TCR and HLA-A24 bound to HIV-1 Nef134-10(6L) peptide 3vxt T36-5 TCR specific for HLA-A24-Nef134-10 3vxu The complex between T36-5 TCR and HLA-A24 bound to HIV-1 Nef134-10(2F) peptide 3w0w The complex between T36-5 TCR and HLA-A24 bound to HIV-1 Nef134-10(2F) peptide in space group P212121 3w11 Insulin receptor ectodomain construct comprising domains L1-CR in complex with human insulin, Alpha-CT peptide(704-719) and FAB 83-7 3w12 Insulin receptor ectodomain construct comprising domains L1-CR in complex with high-affinity insulin analogue [D-PRO-B26]-DTI-NH2, alpha-CT peptide(704-719) and FAB 83-7 3w13 Insulin receptor ectodomain construct comprising domains L1-CR in complex with high-affinity insulin analogue [D-PRO-B26]-DTI-NH2, alphact peptide(693-719) and FAB 83-7 3w14 Insulin receptor ectodomain construct comprising domains L1,CR,L2, FNIII-1 and alphact peptide in complex with bovine insulin and FAB 83-14 3w2d Crystal Structure of Staphylococcal Eenterotoxin B in complex with a novel neutralization monoclonal antibody Fab fragment 3w9d Structure of Human Monoclonal Antibody E317 Fab 3w9e Structure of Human Monoclonal Antibody E317 Fab Complex with HSV-2 gD 3wbd Crystal structure of anti-polysialic acid antibody single chain Fv fragment (mAb735) complexed with octasialic acid 3wd5 Crystal structure of TNFalpha in complex with Adalimumab Fab fragment 3we6 3WE6 3wfb 3WFB 3wfc 3WFC 3wfd 3WFD 3wfe 3WFE 3wfh 3WFH 3whe A new conserved neutralizing epitope at the globular head of hemagglutinin in H3N2 influenza viruses 3whx 3WHX 3wif 3WIF 3wih 3WIH 3wii 3WII 3wkm The periplasmic PDZ tandem fragment of the RseP homologue from Aquifex aeolicus in complex with the Fab fragment 3wlw 3WLW 3wsq 3WSQ 3wxv 3WXV 3wxw 3WXW 3x2d 3X2D 3x3f 3X3F 3x3g 3X3G 3zdx Integrin alphaIIB beta3 headpiece and RGD peptide complex 3zdy Integrin alphaIIB beta3 headpiece and RGD peptide complex 3zdz Integrin alphaIIB beta3 headpiece and RGD peptide complex 3ze0 Integrin alphaIIB beta3 headpiece and RGD peptide complex 3ze1 Integrin alphaIIB beta3 headpiece and RGD peptide complex 3ze2 Integrin alphaIIB beta3 headpiece and RGD peptide complex 3zhd The crystal structure of single domain antibody 8-4 scaffold. 3zhk The crystal structure of single domain antibody 2x1 scaffold 3zhl The crystal structure of single domain antibody 8-14 scaffold 3zkm BACE2 FAB COMPLEX 3zkn BACE2 FAB INHIBITOR COMPLEX 3zkq BACE2 XAPERONE COMPLEX 3zks BACE2 XAPERONE COMPLEX WITH INHIBITOR 3zkx TERNARY BACE2 XAPERONE COMPLEX 3zl4 Antibody structural organization: Role of kappa - lambda chain constant domain switch in catalytic functionality 3zlq BACE2 XAPERONE COMPLEX 3ztj Structure of influenza A neutralizing antibody selected from cultures of single human plasma cells in complex with human H3 Influenza haemagglutinin. 3ztn Structure of influenza A neutralizing antibody selected from cultures of single human plasma cells in complex with human H1 Influenza haemagglutinin. 43c9 CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE OF THE ESTEROLYTIC AND AMIDOLYTIC 43C9 ANTIBODY 43ca CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE OF THE ESTEROLYTIC AND AMIDOLYTIC 43C9 ANTIBODY WITH BOUND P-NITROPHENOL 4a6y CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FAB FRAGMENT OF ANTI-(4-HYDROXY-3-NITROPHENYL) -ACETYL MURINE GERMLINE ANTIBODY BBE6.12H3 4aeh Crystal structure of the anti-AaHI Fab9C2 antibody 4aei Crystal structure of the AaHII-Fab4C1 complex 4ag4 Crystal structure of a DDR1-Fab complex 4aix Crystallographic structure of an amyloidogenic variant, 3rC34Y, of the germinal line lambda 3 4aiz Crystallographic structure of 3mJL2 from the germinal line lambda 3 4aj0 Crystallographic structure of an amyloidogenic variant, 3rCW, of the germinal line lambda 3 4al8 Structure of Dengue virus DIII in complex with Fab 2H12 4ala Structure of Dengue virus DIII in complex with Fab 2H12 4am0 Structure of Dengue virus strain 4 DIII in complex with Fab 2H12 4amk Fab fragment of antiporphrin antibody 13g10 4aq1 Structure of the SbsB S-layer protein of Geobacillus stearothermophilus PV72p2 in complex with nanobody KB6 4at6 Fab fragment of antiporphyrin antibody 14H7 4b41 Crystal structure of an amyloid-beta binding single chain antibody G7 4b50 Crystal structure of the HIV-1 gp41 MPER-specific llama VHH 2H10 4b5e Crystal Structure of an amyloid-beta binding single chain antibody PS2-8 4bel BACE2 XAPERONE COMPLEX 4bfb BACE2 XAPERONE COMPLEX 4bfi Structure of the complex of the extracellular portions of mouse CD200R and mouse CD200 4bh7 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF GERMLINE ANTIBODY 36-65 IN COMPLEX WITH PEPTIDE PPYPAWHAPGNI 4bh8 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF GERMLINE ANTIBODY 36-65 IN COMPLEX WITH PEPTIDE GDPRPSYISHLL 4bjl LOCW, A LAMBDA 1 TYPE LIGHT-CHAIN DIMER (BENCE-JONES PROTEIN) CRYSTALLIZED IN DISTILLED WATER 4bkl Crystal structure of the arthritogenic antibody M2139 (Fab fragment) in complex with the triple-helical J1 peptide 4buh Human IgE against the major allergen Bet v 1 - Crystal structure of clone M0418 scFv 4bz1 4BZ1 4bz2 4BZ2 4c2i Cryo-EM structure of Dengue virus serotype 1 complexed with Fab fragments of human antibody 1F4 4c57 Structure of GAK kinase in complex with a nanobody 4c58 Structure of GAK kinase in complex with nanobody (NbGAK_4) 4c59 Structure of GAK kinase in complex with nanobody (NbGAK_4) 4c83 Crystal Structure of the IgG2a LPT3 in complex with an 8-sugar inner core analogue of Neisseria meningitidis 4cad Mechanism of farnesylated CAAX protein processing by the integral membrane protease Rce1 4cau THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF DENGUE VIRUS SEROTYPE 1 COMPLEXED WITH 2 HMAB 14C10 FAB 4cc8 Pre-fusion structure of trimeric HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein determined by cryo-electron microscopy 4cdg Crystal structure of the Bloom's syndrome helicase BLM in complex with Nanobody 4ckd Model of complex between the E.coli enzyme beta-galactosidase and four single chain Fv antibody domains scFv13R4. 4cmh 4CMH 4cni Crystal structure of the Fab portion of Olokizumab in complex with IL- 6 4d3c 4D3C 4d9l Fab structure of anti-HIV-1 gp120 V2 mAb 697 4d9q Inhibiting Alternative Pathway Complement Activation by Targeting the Exosite on Factor D 4d9r Inhibiting Alternative Pathway Complement Activation by Targeting the Exosite on Factor D 4dag Structure of the Human Metapneumovirus Fusion Protein with Neutralizing Antibody Identifies a Pneumovirus Antigenic Site 4dcq Crystal Structure of the Fab Fragment of 3B5H10, an Antibody-Specific for Extended Polyglutamine Repeats (orthorhombic form) 4dgi Structure of POM1 FAB fragment complexed with human PrPc Fragment 120-230 4dgv Structure of the Hepatitis C virus envelope glycoprotein E2 antigenic region 412-423 bound to the broadly neutralizing antibody HCV1, P2(1) form 4dgy Structure of the Hepatitis C virus envelope glycoprotein E2 antigenic region 412-423 bound to the broadly neutralizing antibody HCV1, C2 form 4dk3 Structure of Editosome protein 4dk6 Structure of Editosome protein 4dka Structure of Editosome protein 4dke Crystal Structure of Human Interleukin-34 Bound to FAb1.1 4dkf Crystal Structure of Human Interleukin-34 Bound to FAb2 4dn3 Crystal structure of anti-mcp-1 antibody cnto888 4dn4 Crystal structure of the complex between cnto888 fab and mcp-1 mutant p8a 4dqo Crystal Structure of PG16 Fab in Complex with V1V2 Region from HIV-1 strain ZM109 4dtg Hemostatic effect of a monoclonal antibody mAb 2021 blocking the interaction between FXa and TFPI in a rabbit hemophilia model 4dvb The crystal structure of the Fab fragment of pro-uPA antibody mAb-112 4dvr Crystal structure of YU2 gp120 core in complex with Fab 48d and NBD-557 4dw2 The crystal structure of uPA in complex with the Fab fragment of mAb-112 4dzb Mucosal-associated invariant T cell receptor, Valpha7.2Jalpha33-Vbeta2 4ebq Fab structure of anti-Vaccinia virus D8L antigen mouse IgG2a LA5 4edw Nerve Growth Factor in Complex with Fab from humanized version of mouse mAb 911 (tanezumab) 4edx Nerve Growth Factor in Complex with Fab from mouse mAb 911 4ei5 Crystal Structure of XV19 TCR in complex with CD1d-sulfatide C24:1 4ei6 Structure of XV19 Valpha1-Vbeta16 Type-II Natural Killer T cell receptor 4eig CA1698 camel antibody fragment in complex with DHFR 4eiz Structure of Nb113 bound to apoDHFR 4ej1 Binding of Nb113 camelid antibody fragment with the binary DHFR:folate complex 4elk Crystal structure of the Hy19.3 type II NKT TCR 4elm Crystal structure of the mouse CD1d-lysosulfatide-Hy19.3 TCR complex 4en3 Crystal structure of a human Valpha24(-) NKT TCR in complex with CD1d/alpha-galactosylceramide 4ene