The domain within your query sequence starts at position 201 and ends at position 267; the E-value for the PDZ domain shown below is 1.99e-9.
PDZDomain present in PSD-95, Dlg, and ZO-1/2. |
SMART accession number: | SM00228 |
Description: | Also called DHR (Dlg homologous region) or GLGF (relatively well conserved tetrapeptide in these domains). Some PDZs have been shown to bind C-terminal polypeptides; others appear to bind internal (non-C-terminal) polypeptides. Different PDZs possess different binding specificities. |
Interpro abstract (IPR001478): | PDZ domains (also known as Discs-large homologous regions (DHR) or GLGF)) are found in diverse signalling proteins in bacteria, yeasts, plants, insects and vertebrates [ (PUBMED:9041651) (PUBMED:9204764) ]. PDZ domains can occur in one or multiple copies and are nearly always found in cytoplasmic proteins. They bind either the carboxyl-terminal sequences of proteins or internal peptide sequences [ (PUBMED:9204764) ]. In most cases, interaction between a PDZ domain and its target is constitutive, with a binding affinity of 1 to 10 microns. However, agonist-dependent activation of cell surface receptors is sometimes required to promote interaction with a PDZ protein. PDZ domain proteins are frequently associated with the plasma membrane, a compartment where high concentrations of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) are found. Direct interaction between PIP2 and a subset of class II PDZ domains (syntenin, CASK, Tiam-1) has been demonstrated. PDZ domains consist of 80 to 90 amino acids comprising six beta-strands (beta-A to beta-F) and two alpha-helices, A and B, compactly arranged in a globular structure. Peptide binding of the ligand takes place in an elongated surface groove as an anti-parallel beta-strand interacts with the beta-B strand and the B helix. The structure of PDZ domains allows binding to a free carboxylate group at the end of a peptide through a carboxylate-binding loop between the beta-A and beta-B strands. |
GO function: | protein binding (GO:0005515) |
Family alignment: |
There are 333040 PDZ domains in 224949 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing PDZ domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with PDZ domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing PDZ domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Cellular role: signalling
Binding / catalysis: protein-binding, C-terminal peptide-bindin - Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Beebe KD, Shin J, Peng J, Chaudhury C, Khera J, Pei D
- Substrate recognition through a PDZ domain in tail-specific protease.
- Biochemistry. 2000; 39: 3149-55
- Display abstract
Tail-specific protease (Tsp) is a periplasmic enzyme that selectively degrades proteins bearing a nonpolar C-terminus. Its substrate specificity suggests that Tsp may contain a substrate recognition domain, which selectively binds to the nonpolar C-termini of substrate proteins, separate from its catalytic site. In this work, we show that substrate recognition of Tsp is mediated by a PDZ domain, a small protein module that promotes protein-protein interactions by binding to internal or C-terminal sequences of their partner proteins. Partial proteolysis by V8 protease at a single peptide bond immediately N-terminal to the PDZ domain resulted in two distinct and relatively stable fragments and complete loss of catalytic activity. Photoaffinity labeling with a fluorescent nonpolar peptide caused the covalent attachment of the peptide to a single site on the Tsp protein. Systematic deletion mutagenesis of Tsp localized the binding site to amino acids 206-307, a region that completely encompasses the putative PDZ domain (217-301). The isolated PDZ domain (amino acids 206-334) is capable of folding into a well-behaved structure and binds to a nonpolar peptide with a dissociation constant (K(D)) of 1.9 microM, similar to that of the intact Tsp protein. Site-directed mutagenesis of a surface residue at the peptide binding site of the PDZ domain, valine 229, to Glu or Gln resulted in an increase in the K(M) value but had no effect on the k(cat) value. The use of a separate substrate recognition domain such as a PDZ domain may be a general mechanism for achieving selective protein degradation.
- Craven SE, Bredt DS
- PDZ proteins organize synaptic signaling pathways.
- Cell. 1998; 93: 495-8
- Weimbs T, Mostov K, Low SH, Hofmann K
- A model for structural similarity between different SNARE complexes based on sequence relationships.
- Trends Cell Biol. 1998; 8: 260-2
- Cowburn D
- Peptide recognition by PTB and PDZ domains.
- Curr Opin Struct Biol. 1997; 7: 835-8
- Display abstract
Protein tyrosine binding (PTB) and 'post synaptic density disc-large zo-1' (PDZ) domains bind to short peptidic ligands by augmentation of one of the domain's beta sheets and other recognition mechanisms. The two domain classes have a superficial resemblance to each other, even though no sequential homology exists. The structural bases of the interactions are well understood for the few domains now experimentally determined, and ligand-target pairs can probably be identified in favorable cases by analogy with the known domains. For both PTB and PDZ classes, functional activities are still not fully defined: it is possible that these domain classes, along with pleckstrin homology domains, have multiple roles.
- Kim SK
- Polarized signaling: basolateral receptor localization in epithelial cells by PDZ-containing proteins.
- Curr Opin Cell Biol. 1997; 9: 853-9
- Display abstract
Extracellular signals are normally presented to one surface of epithelial cells and to one end of neurons, and so neuronal and epithelial cell signaling is inherently polarized. Another aspect of signaling polarity is that receptors are often asymmetrically distributed on the surfaces of polarized cells. Recent evidence from studies of Caenorhabditis elegans shows that signaling polarity plays an important role in development. The underlying mesoderm induces the overlying ectoderm to form the vulva, and asymmetric distribution of the signal receptor on the basolateral surface of the epithelium is crucial for this signaling. In neurons, the localization of neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels at synapses allows neurons to be exquisitely sensitive to synaptic inputs. Exciting recent reports suggest that receptor localization to neuronal synapses and the basolateral membrane domains of epithelia may involve a common molecular mechanism involving localization by PDZ-containing proteins.
- Kornau HC, Seeburg PH, Kennedy MB
- Interaction of ion channels and receptors with PDZ domain proteins.
- Curr Opin Neurobiol. 1997; 7: 368-73
- Display abstract
The complex anatomy of neurons demands a high degree of functional organization. Therefore, membrane receptors and ion channels are often localized to selected subcellular sites and coupled to specific signal transduction machineries. PDZ domains have come into focus as protein interaction modules that mediate the binding of a class of submembraneous proteins to membrane receptors and ion channels and thus subserve these organizational aspects. The structures of two PDZ domains have been resolved, which has led to a structural understanding of the specificity of interactions of various PDZ domains with their respective partners. The functional implications of PDZ domain interactions are now being addressed in vitro and in vivo.
- Ponting CP
- Evidence for PDZ domains in bacteria, yeast, and plants.
- Protein Sci. 1997; 6: 464-8
- Display abstract
Several dozen signaling proteins are now known to contain 80-100 residue repeats, called PDZ (or DHR or GLGF) domains, several of which interact with the C-terminal tetrapeptide motifs X-Ser/Thr-X-Val-COO- of ion channels and/or receptors. PDZ domains have previously been noted only in mammals, flies, and worms, suggesting that the primordial PDZ domain arose relatively late in eukaryotic evolution. Here, techniques of sequence analysis-including local alignment, profile, and motif database searches-indicate that PDZ domain homologues are present in yeast, plants, and bacteria. It is suggested that two PDZ domains occur in bacterial high-temperature requirement A (htrA) and one in tail-specific protease (tsp) homologues, and that a yeast htrA homologue contains four PDZ domains. Sequence comparisons suggest that the spread of PDZ domains in these diverse organisms may have occurred via horizontal gene transfer. The known affinity of Escherichia coli tsp for C-terminal polypeptides is proposed to be mediated by its PDZ-like domain, in a similar manner to the binding of C-terminal polypeptides by animal PDZ domains.
- Ponting CP, Phillips C, Davies KE, Blake DJ
- PDZ domains: targeting signalling molecules to sub-membranous sites.
- Bioessays. 1997; 19: 469-79
- Display abstract
PDZ (also called DHR or GLGF) domains are found in diverse membrane-associated proteins including members of the MAGUK family of guanylate kinase homologues, several protein phosphatases and kinases, neuronal nitric oxide synthase, and several dystrophin-associated proteins, collectively known as syntrophins. Many PDZ domain-containing proteins appear to be localised to highly specialised submembranous sites, suggesting their participation in cellular junction formation, receptor or channel clustering, and intracellular signalling events. PDZ domains of several MAGUKs interact with the C-terminal polypeptides of a subset of NMDA receptor subunits and/or with Shaker-type K+ channels. Other PDZ domains have been shown to bind similar ligands of other transmembrane receptors. Recently, the crystal structures of PDZ domains, with and without ligand, have been determined. These demonstrate the mode of ligand-binding and the structural bases for sequence conservation among diverse PDZ domains.
- Ranganathan R, Ross EM
- PDZ domain proteins: scaffolds for signaling complexes.
- Curr Biol. 1997; 7: 7703-7703
- Display abstract
InaD, a Drosophila photoreceptor scaffolding protein, assembles multiple signal-transducing proteins at the membrane via its five PDZ domains, enhancing speed and efficiency of vision. Extensive conservation of PDZ domains suggests that these motifs have a general role in organizing diverse signaling complexes.
- Songyang Z et al.
- Recognition of unique carboxyl-terminal motifs by distinct PDZ domains.
- Science. 1997; 275: 73-7
- Display abstract
The oriented peptide library technique was used to investigate the peptide-binding specificities of nine PDZ domains. Each PDZ domain selected peptides with hydrophobic residues at the carboxyl terminus. Individual PDZ domains selected unique optimal motifs defined primarily by the carboxyl terminal three to seven residues of the peptides. One family of PDZ domains, including those of the Discs Large protein, selected peptides with the consensus motif Glu-(Ser/Thr)-Xxx-(Val/Ile) (where Xxx represents any amino acid) at the carboxyl terminus. In contrast, another family of PDZ domains, including those of LIN-2, p55, and Tiam-1, selected peptides with hydrophobic or aromatic side chains at the carboxyl terminal three residues. On the basis of crystal structures of the PSD-95-3 PDZ domain, the specificities observed with the peptide library can be rationalized.
- Doyle DA, Lee A, Lewis J, Kim E, Sheng M, MacKinnon R
- Crystal structures of a complexed and peptide-free membrane protein-binding domain: molecular basis of peptide recognition by PDZ.
- Cell. 1996; 85: 1067-76
- Display abstract
Modular PDZ domains, found in many cell junction-associated proteins, mediate the clustering of membrane ion channels by binding to their C-terminus. The X-ray crystallographic structures of the third PDZ domain from the synaptic protein PSD-95 in complex with and in the absence of its peptide ligand have been determined at 1.8 angstroms and 2.3 angstroms resolution, respectively. The structures reveal that a four-residue C-terminal stretch (X-Thr/Ser-X-Val-COO(-)) engages the PDZ domain through antiparallel main chain interactions with a beta sheet of the domain. Recognition of the terminal carboxylate group of the peptide is conferred by a cradle of main chain amides provided by a Gly-Leu-Gly-Phe loop as well as by an arginine side chain. Specific side chain interactions and a prominent hydrophobic pocket explain the selective recognition of the C-terminal consensus sequence.
- Fanning AS, Anderson JM
- Protein-protein interactions: PDZ domain networks.
- Curr Biol. 1996; 6: 1385-8
- Display abstract
PDZ domains can dimerize or bind to the carboxyl termini of unrelated proteins. Crystallographic studies demonstrate the structural basis for these interactions, which contribute to the ability of PDZ domains to create networks associated with the plasma membrane.
- Gomperts SN
- Clustering membrane proteins: It's all coming together with the PSD-95/SAP90 protein family.
- Cell. 1996; 84: 659-62
- MoraisCabral JH et al.
- Crystal structure of a PDZ domain.
- Nature. 1996; 382: 649-52
- Display abstract
PDZ domains (also known as DHR domains or GLGF repeats) are approximately 90-residue repeats found in a number of proteins implicated in ion-channel and receptor clustering, and the linking of receptors to effector enzymes. PDZ domains are protein-recognition modules; some recognize proteins containing the consensus carboxy-terminal tripeptide motif S/TXV with high specificity. Other PDZ domains form homotypic dimers: the PDZ domain of the neuronal enzyme nitric oxide synthase binds to the PDZ domain of PSD-95, an interaction that has been implicated in its synaptic association. Here we report the crystal structure of the third PDZ domain of the human homologue of the Drosophila discs-large tumour-suppressor gene product, DlgA. It consists of a five-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel flanked by three alpha-helices. A groove runs over the surface of the domain, ending in a conserved hydrophobic pocket and a buried arginine; we suggest that this is the binding site for the C-terminal peptide.
- Kennedy MB
- Origin of PDZ (DHR, GLGF) domains.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1995; 20: 350-350
- Ponting CP, Phillips C
- DHR domains in syntrophins, neuronal NO synthases and other intracellular proteins.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1995; 20: 102-3
- Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
Click the image to view the interactive version of the map in iPath% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 20.11 map04530 Tight junction 11.11 map02020 Two-component system - General 6.13 map04520 Adherens junction 5.56 map04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 5.56 map04360 Axon guidance 4.60 map04310 Wnt signaling pathway 4.60 map04916 Melanogenesis 4.60 map05217 Basal cell carcinoma 4.60 map05210 Colorectal cancer 4.60 map04330 Notch signaling pathway 2.87 map03050 Proteasome 2.30 map03090 Type II secretion system 2.11 map04670 Leukocyte transendothelial migration 1.92 map05050 Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) 1.92 map04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 1.53 map00230
Purine metabolism 1.34 map05120 Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infection 1.34 map04662 B cell receptor signaling pathway 1.34 map04660 T cell receptor signaling pathway 1.34 map04540 Gap junction 1.15 map05222 Small cell lung cancer 1.15 map04020 Calcium signaling pathway 1.15 map04010 MAPK signaling pathway 1.15 map00380
Tryptophan metabolism 1.15 map00330
Arginine and proline metabolism 1.15 map04730 Long-term depression 0.57 map00780
Biotin metabolism 0.57 map00310
Lysine degradation 0.38 map00632
Benzoate degradation via CoA ligation 0.38 map00562
Inositol phosphate metabolism 0.19 map04920 Adipocytokine signaling pathway 0.19 map05214 Glioma 0.19 map03060 Protein export 0.19 map04910 Insulin signaling pathway 0.19 map05215 Prostate cancer 0.19 map04012 ErbB signaling pathway 0.19 map04150 mTOR signaling pathway 0.19 map05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 0.19 map04930 Type II diabetes mellitus This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with PDZ domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing PDZ domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of PDZ domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1b8q SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE EXTENDED NEURONAL NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHASE PDZ DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH AN ASSOCIATED PEPTIDE 1be9 THE THIRD PDZ DOMAIN FROM THE SYNAPTIC PROTEIN PSD-95 IN COMPLEX WITH A C-TERMINAL PEPTIDE DERIVED FROM CRIPT. 1bfe THE THIRD PDZ DOMAIN FROM THE SYNAPTIC PROTEIN PSD-95 1d5g SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE PDZ2 DOMAIN FROM HUMAN PHOSPHATASE HPTP1E COMPLEXED WITH A PEPTIDE 1fc6 PHOTOSYSTEM II D1 C-TERMINAL PROCESSING PROTEASE 1fc7 PHOTOSYSTEM II D1 C-TERMINAL PROCESSING PROTEASE 1fc9 PHOTOSYSTEM II D1 C-TERMINAL PROCESSING PROTEASE 1fcf PHOTOSYSTEM II D1 C-TERMINAL PROCESSING PROTEASE 1g9o FIRST PDZ DOMAIN OF THE HUMAN NA+/H+ EXCHANGER REGULATORY FACTOR 1gm1 Second PDZ Domain (PDZ2) of PTP-BL 1gq4 STRUCTURAL DETERMINANTS OF THE NHERF INTERACTION WITH BETA2AR AND PDGFR 1gq5 Structural Determinants of the NHERF Interaction with beta2-AR and PDGFR 1i16 STRUCTURE OF INTERLEUKIN 16: IMPLICATIONS FOR FUNCTION, NMR, 20 STRUCTURES 1i92 STRUCTURAL BASIS OF THE NHERF PDZ1-CFTR INTERACTION 1ihj Crystal Structure of the N-terminal PDZ domain of InaD in complex with a NorpA C-terminal peptide 1iu0 The first PDZ domain of PSD-95 1iu2 The first PDZ domain of PSD-95 1kef PDZ1 of SAP90 1kwa HUMAN CASK/LIN-2 PDZ DOMAIN 1ky9 Crystal Structure of DegP (HtrA) 1l6o XENOPUS DISHEVELLED PDZ DOMAIN 1lcy Crystal Structure of the Mitochondrial Serine Protease HtrA2 1m5z The PDZ7 of Glutamate Receptor Interacting Protein Binds to its Target via a Novel Hydrophobic Surface Area 1mc7 Solution Structure of mDvl1 PDZ domain 1mfg The Structure of ERBIN PDZ domain bound to the Carboxy-terminal tail of the ErbB2 Receptor 1mfl The Structure of ERBIN PDZ domain bound to the Carboxy-terminal tail of the ErbB2 Receptor 1n7e Crystal structure of the sixth PDZ domain of GRIP1 1n7f Crystal structure of the sixth PDZ domain of GRIP1 in complex with liprin C-terminal peptide 1n7t ERBIN PDZ domain bound to a phage-derived peptide 1n99 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE PDZ TANDEM OF HUMAN SYNTENIN 1nf3 Structure of Cdc42 in a complex with the GTPase-binding domain of the cell polarity protein, Par6 1nte CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF THE SECOND PDZ DOMAIN OF SYNTENIN 1obx Crystal structure of the complex of PDZ2 of syntenin with an interleukin 5 receptor alpha peptide. 1oby Crystal structure of the complex of PDZ2 of syntenin with a syndecan-4 peptide. 1obz Crystal structure of the complex of the PDZ tandem of syntenin with an interleukin 5 receptor alpha peptide. 1ozi The alternatively spliced PDZ2 domain of PTP-BL 1p1d Structural Insights into the Inter-domain Chaperoning of Tandem PDZ Domains in Glutamate Receptor Interacting Proteins 1p1e Structural Insights into the Inter-domain Chaperoning of Tandem PDZ Domains in Glutamate Receptor Interacting Proteins 1pdr CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE THIRD PDZ DOMAIN FROM THE HUMAN HOMOLOG OF DISCS LARGE PROTEIN 1q3o Crystal structure of the Shank PDZ-ligand complex reveals a class I PDZ interaction and a novel PDZ-PDZ dimerization 1q3p Crystal structure of the Shank PDZ-ligand complex reveals a class I PDZ interaction and a novel PDZ-PDZ dimerization 1q7x Solution structure of the alternatively spliced PDZ2 domain (PDZ2b) of PTP-Bas (hPTP1E) 1qau UNEXPECTED MODES OF PDZ DOMAIN SCAFFOLDING REVEALED BY STRUCTURE OF NNOS-SYNTROPHIN COMPLEX 1qav Unexpected Modes of PDZ Domain Scaffolding Revealed by Structure of NNOS-Syntrophin Complex 1qlc Solution structure of the second PDZ domain of Postsynaptic Density-95 1r6j Ultrahigh resolution Crystal Structure of syntenin PDZ2 1rgr Cyclic Peptides Targeting PDZ Domains of PSD-95: Structural Basis for Enhanced Affinity and Enzymatic Stability 1rgw Solution Structure of ZASP's PDZ domain 1ry4 NMR Structure of the CRIB-PDZ module of Par-6 1rzx Crystal Structure of a Par-6 PDZ-peptide Complex 1sot Crystal Structure of the DegS stress sensor 1soz Crystal Structure of DegS protease in complex with an activating peptide 1t2m Solution Structure Of The Pdz Domain Of AF-6 1te0 Structural analysis of DegS, a stress sensor of the bacterial periplasm 1tp3 PDZ3 domain of PSD-95 protein complexed with KKETPV peptide ligand 1tp5 Crystal structure of PDZ3 domain of PSD-95 protein complexed with a peptide ligand KKETWV 1tq3 Higher resolution crystal structure of the third PDZ domain of post synaptic PSD-95 protein 1u37 Auto-inhibition Mechanism of X11s/Mints Family Scaffold Proteins Revealed by the Closed Conformation of the Tandem PDZ Domains 1u38 Auto-inhibition Mechanism of X11s/Mints Family Scaffold Proteins Revealed by the Closed Conformation of the Tandem PDZ Domains 1u39 Auto-inhibition Mechanism of X11s/Mints Family Scaffold Proteins Revealed by the Closed Conformation of the Tandem PDZ Domains 1u3b Auto-inhibition Mechanism of X11s/Mints Family Scaffold Proteins Revealed by the Closed Conformation of the Tandem PDZ Domains 1uep Solution Structure of The Third PDZ Domain of Human Atrophin-1 Interacting Protein 1 (KIAA0705 Protein) 1ueq Solution Structure of The First PDZ domain of Human Atrophin-1 Interacting Protein 1 (KIAA0705 protein) 1uew Solution Structure of The forth PDZ Domain of Human Atrophin-1 Interacting Protein 1 (KIAA0705 Protein) 1uez Solution structure of the first PDZ domain of human KIAA1526 protein 1uf1 Solution structure of the second PDZ domain of human KIAA1526 protein 1ufx Solution structure of the third PDZ domain of human KIAA1526 protein 1uhp Solution structure of RSGI RUH-005, a PDZ domain in human cDNA, KIAA1095 1uit Solution structure of RSGI RUH-006, The third PDZ domain OF hDlg5 (KIAA0583) protein [Homo sapiens] 1ujd Solution Structure of RSGI RUH-003, a PDZ domain of hypothetical KIAA0559 protein from human cDNA 1uju Solution structure of the fourth PDZ domain of human scribble (KIAA0147 protein) 1ujv Solution structure of the second PDZ domain of human membrane associated guanylate kinase inverted-2 (MAGI-2) 1um1 Solution Structure of RSGI RUH-007, PDZ domain in Human cDNA 1um7 Solution structure of the third PDZ domain of synapse-associated protein 102 1v1t Crystal structure of the PDZ tandem of human syntenin with TNEYKV peptide 1v5l Solution structure of PDZ domain of mouse Alpha-actinin-2 associated LIM protein 1v5q Solution Structure of the PDZ Domain from Mouse Glutamate Receptor Interacting Protein 1A-L (GRIP1) Homolog 1v62 Solution structure of the 3rd PDZ domain of GRIP2 1v6b Solution structure of the third PDZ domain of mouse harmonin 1va8 Solution structure of the PDZ domain of Pals1 protein 1vae Solution structure of the PDZ domain of mouse Rhophilin-2 1vb7 Solution structure of the PDZ domain of PDZ and LIM domain 2 1vcw Crystal structure of DegS after backsoaking the activating peptide 1vj6 PDZ2 from PTP-BL in complex with the C-terminal ligand from the APC protein 1w9e Crystal structure of the PDZ tandem of human syntenin in complex with TNEFYF peptide 1w9o Crystal structure of the PDZ tandem of human syntenin in complex with TNEYYV peptide 1w9q Crystal structure of the PDZ tandem of human syntenin in complex with TNEFAF peptide 1wf7 Solution structure of the PDZ domain of Enigma homologue protein 1wf8 Solution structure of the PDZ domain of Spinophilin/NeurabinII protein 1wfg PDZ domain of human RIM2B 1wfv Solution structure of the fifth PDZ domain of human membrane associated guanylate kinase inverted-2 (KIAA0705 protein) 1wg6 Solution structure of PDZ domain in protein XP_110852 1wh1 Solution structure of the fourth PDZ domain of KIAA1095 protein 1wha Solution structure of the second PDZ domain of human scribble (KIAA0147 protein). 1whd Solution structure of the PDZ domain of RGS3 1wi2 Solution structure of the PDZ domain from RIKEN cDNA 2700099C19 1wi4 Solution structure of the PDZ domain of syntaxin binding protein 4 1wif The solution structure of RSGI RUH-020, a PDZ domain of hypothetical protein from mouse 1wjl Solution structure of PDZ domain of mouse Cypher protein 1x45 Solution structure of the first PDZ domain of amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A, member 1 1x5n Solution structure of the second PDZ domain of harmonin protein 1x5q Solution structure of the first PDZ domain of scribble homolog protein (hScrib) 1x5r Solution structure of the fourth PDZ domain of Glutamate receptor interacting protein 2 1x6d Solution structures of the PDZ domain of human Interleukin-16 1x8s Structure of the Par-6 PDZ domain with a Pals1 internal ligand 1xz9 Structure of AF-6 PDZ domain 1y7n Solution structure of the second PDZ domain of the human neuronal adaptor X11alpha 1y8t Crystal Structure of RV0983 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis- Proteolytically active form 1ybo Crystal structure of the PDZ tandem of human syntenin with syndecan peptide 1z86 Solution structure of the PDZ domain of alpha-syntrophin 1z87 solution structure of the split PH-PDZ Supramodule of alpha-Syntrophin 1zok PDZ1 Domain Of Synapse Associated Protein 97 1zub Solution Structure of the RIM1alpha PDZ Domain in Complex with an ELKS1b C-terminal Peptide 2ain Solution structure of the AF-6 PDZ domain complexed with the C-terminal peptide from the Bcr protein 2awu Synapse associated protein 97 PDZ2 domain variant C378G 2aww Synapse associated protein 97 PDZ2 domain variant C378G with C-terminal GluR-A peptide 2awx Synapse associated protein 97 PDZ2 domain variant C378S 2byg 2nd PDZ Domain of Discs Large Homologue 2 2cs5 Solution structure of PDZ domain of Protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 4 2csj Solution structure of N-terminal PDZ domain from mouse TJP2 2css Solution structure of the PDZ domain of human KIAA0340 protein 2d8i Solution structure of the PDZ domain of T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1 varian 2d90 Solution structure of the third PDZ domain of PDZ domain containing protein 1 2d92 Solution structure of the fifth PDZ domain of InaD-like protein 2daz Solution structure of the 7th PDZ domain of InaD-like protein 2db5 Solution structure of the first PDZ domain of InaD-like protein 2dc2 Solution Structure of PDZ Domain 2djt Solution structures of the PDZ domain of human unnamed protein product 2dkr Solution structure of the PDZ domain from human Lin-7 homolog B 2dls Solution structure of the PDZ domain of human Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 11 2dlu Solution structure of the second PDZ domain of human InaD-like protein 2dm8 Solution structure of the eighth PDZ domain of human InaD-like protein 2dmz Solution structure of the third PDZ domain of human InaD-like protein 2e7k Solution structure of the PDZ domain from Human MAGUK p55 subfamily member 2 2eaq Crystal structure of PDZ domain of KIAA0858 (LIM), MS0793 from Homo sapiens 2edp Solution structure of the PDZ domain from human Shroom family member 4 2edv Solution structure of the PDZ domain from human FERM and PDZ domain containing 1 2edz Solution structures of the PDZ domain of mus musculus PDZ domain-containing protein 1 2eeg Solution Structure of PDZ domain of PDZ and LIM domain protein 2eeh Solution Structure of First PDZ domain of PDZ Domain Containing Protein 7 2eei Solution Structure of Second PDZ domain of PDZ Domain Containing Protein 1 2eej Solution Structure of Fourth PDZ domain of PDZ Domain Containing Protein 1 2egk Crystal Structure of Tamalin PDZ-Intrinsic Ligand Fusion Protein 2egn Crystal Structure of Tamalin PDZ Domain in Complex with mGluR5 C-terminal Peptide 2ego Crystal Structure of Tamalin PDZ Domain 2ehr Solution structure of the sixth PDZ domain of human InaD-like protein 2ejy Solution structure of the p55 PDZ T85C domain complexed with the glycophorin C F127C peptide 2eno Solution structure of the PDZ domain from human Synaptojanin 2 binding protein 2ev8 Solution structure of the erythroid p55 PDZ domain 2exg Making Protein-Protein Interactions Drugable: Discovery of Low-Molecular-Weight Ligands for the AF6 PDZ Domain 2f0a Crystal Structure of Monomeric Uncomplexed form of Xenopus dishevelled PDZ domain 2f5y Crystal Structure of the PDZ Domain from Human RGS-3 2fcf The crystal structure of the 7th PDZ domain of MPDZ (MUPP-1) 2fe5 The Crystal Structure of the Second PDZ Domain of Human DLG3 2fn5 NMR Structure of the Neurabin PDZ domain (502-594) 2fne The crystal structure of the 13th PDZ domain of MPDZ 2g2l Crystal Structure of the Second PDZ Domain of SAP97 in Complex with a GluR-A C-terminal Peptide 2g5m Spinophilin PDZ domain 2gzv The cystal structure of the PDZ domain of human PICK1 (CASP TARGET) 2h2b Crystal Structure of ZO-1 PDZ1 Bound to a Phage-Derived Ligand (WRRTTYL) 2h2c Crystal Structure of ZO-1 PDZ1 Bound to a Phage-Derived Ligand (WRRTTWV) 2h3l Crystal Structure of ERBIN PDZ 2h3m Crystal Structure of ZO-1 PDZ1 2he2 Crystal structure of the 3rd PDZ domain of human discs large homologue 2, DLG2 2he4 The crystal structure of the second PDZ domain of human NHERF-2 (SLC9A3R2) interacting with a mode 1 PDZ binding motif 2hga Solution NMR Structure of Conserved protein MTH1368, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target TT821A 2i04 X-ray crystal structure of MAGI-1 PDZ1 bound to the C-terminal peptide of HPV18 E6 2i0i X-ray crystal structure of Sap97 PDZ3 bound to the C-terminal peptide of HPV18 E6 2i0l X-ray crystal structure of Sap97 PDZ2 bound to the C-terminal peptide of HPV18 E6. 2i1n Crystal structure of the 1st PDZ domain of Human DLG3 2iwn 3rd PDZ domain of Multiple PDZ Domain Protein MPDZ (CASP Target) 2iwo 12th PDZ domain of Multiple PDZ Domain Protein MPDZ (CASP Target) 2iwp 12th PDZ domain of Multiple PDZ Domain Protein MPDZ (CASP Target) 2iwq 7th PDZ domain of Multiple PDZ Domain Protein MPDZ 2jik Crystal structure of PDZ domain of Synaptojanin-2 binding protein 2jil Crystal structure of 2nd PDZ domain of glutamate receptor interacting protein-1 (GRIP1) 2jin Crystal structure of PDZ domain of Synaptojanin-2 binding protein 2joa HtrA1 bound to an optimized peptide: NMR assignment of PDZ domain and ligand resonances 2jre C60-1, a PDZ domain designed using statistical coupling analysis 2jwe Solution structure of the second PDZ domain from human zonula occludens-1: A dimeric form with 3D domain swapping 2jxo Structure of the second PDZ domain of NHERF-1 2k1z Solution structure of Par-3 PDZ3 2k20 Solution structure of Par-3 PDZ3 in complex with PTEN peptide 2ka9 Solution structure of PSD-95 PDZ12 complexed with cypin peptide 2kaw NMR structure of the mDvl1 PDZ domain in complex with its inhibitor 2kbs Solution structure of harmonin PDZ2 in complex with the carboxyl tail peptide of cadherin23 2kg2 Solution structure of a PDZ protein 2kjd Solution structure of extended PDZ2 domain from NHERF1 (150-270) 2kjk Solution structure of the second domain of the listeria protein Lin2157, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target Lkr136b 2kjp Solution structure of protein YlbL (BSU15050) from Bacillus subtilis, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target sr713a 2kl1 Solution structure of GtR34C from Geobacillus thermodenitrificans. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target GtR34C 2koh NMR structure of mouse Par3-PDZ3 in complex with VE-Cadherin C-terminus 2koj Solution structure of mouse Par-3 PDZ2 (residues 450-558) 2kom Solution structure of humar Par-3b PDZ2 (residues 451-549) 2kpk MAGI-1 PDZ1 2kpl MAGI-1 PDZ1 / E6CT 2kqf Solution structure of MAST205-PDZ complexed with the C-terminus of a rabies virus G protein 2krg Solution Structure of human sodium/ hydrogen exchange regulatory factor 1(150-358) 2kv8 Solution structure ofRGS12 PDZ domain 2kyl Solution structure of MAST2-PDZ complexed with the C-terminus of PTEN 2l4s Promiscuous Binding at the Crossroads of Numerous Cancer Pathways: Insight from the Binding of GIP with Glutaminase L 2l4t GIP/Glutaminase L peptide complex 2l97 Solution structure of HtrA PDZ domain from Streptococcus pneumoniae 2la8 Solution structure of INAD PDZ5 complexed with Kon-tiki peptide 2lc6 Solution structure of Par-6 Q144C/L164C 2lc7 Solution structure of the isolated Par-6 PDZ domain 2lob PDZ Domain of CAL (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator-Associated Ligand) 2lui Structure of the PICK PDZ domain in complex with the DAT C-terminal 2m0t Structural characterization of the extended PDZ1 domain from NHERF1 2m0u Complex structure of C-terminal CFTR peptide and extended PDZ1 domain from NHERF1 2m0v Complex structure of C-terminal CFTR peptide and extended PDZ2 domain from NHERF1 2m0z cis form of a photoswitchable PDZ domain crosslinked with an azobenzene derivative 2m10 trans form of a photoswitchable PDZ domain crosslinked with an azobenzene derivative 2m3m Solution structure of a complex consisting of hDlg/SAP-97 residues 318-406 and HPV51 oncoprotein E6 residues 141-151 2mho Solution State Structure PSD-95 PDZ1 with 5HT2C Receptor peptide 2mx6 2MX6 2n7p 2N7P 2nb4 2NB4 2o2t The crystal structure of the 1st PDZ domain of MPDZ 2ocs The crystal structure of the first PDZ domain of human NHERF-2 (SLC9A3R2) 2ogp Solution structure of the second PDZ domain of Par-3 2omj solution structure of LARG PDZ domain 2opg The crystal structure of the 10th PDZ domain of MPDZ 2oqs Structure of the hDLG/SAP97 PDZ2 in complex with HPV-18 papillomavirus E6 peptide 2os6 Solution structure of LARG PDZ domain in complex with C-terminal octa-peptide of Plexin B1 2osg Solution Structure and Binding Property of the Domain-swapped Dimer of ZO2PDZ2 2ozf The crystal structure of the 2nd PDZ domain of the human NHERF-1 (SLC9A3R1) 2p3w Crystal Structure of the HtrA3 PDZ Domain Bound to a Phage-Derived Ligand (FGRWV) 2pa1 Structure of the PDZ domain of human PDLIM2 bound to a C-terminal extension from human beta-tropomyosin 2pdz SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE SYNTROPHIN PDZ DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH THE PEPTIDE GVKESLV, NMR, 15 STRUCTURES 2pkt Crystal structure of the human CLP-36 (PDLIM1) bound to the C-terminal peptide of human alpha-actinin-1 2pku Solution structure of PICK1 PDZ in complex with the carboxyl tail peptide of GluR2 2pnt Crystal structure of the PDZ domain of human GRASP (GRP1) in complex with the C-terminal peptide of the metabotropic glutamate receptor type 1 2pzd Crystal Structure of the HtrA2/Omi PDZ Domain Bound to a Phage-Derived Ligand (WTMFWV) 2q3g Structure of the PDZ domain of human PDLIM7 bound to a C-terminal extension from human beta-tropomyosin 2q9v Crystal structure of the C890S mutant of the 4th PDZ domain of human membrane associated guanylate kinase 2qbw The crystal structure of PDZ-Fibronectin fusion protein 2qg1 Crystal structure of the 11th PDZ domain of MPDZ (MUPP1) 2qkt Crystal Structure of the 5th PDZ domain of InaD 2qku The 5th PDZ Domain of InaD in 10mM DTT 2qkv Crystal Structure of the C645S Mutant of the 5th PDZ Domain of InaD 2qt5 Crystal Structure of GRIP1 PDZ12 in Complex with the Fras1 Peptide 2r3y Crystal structure of the DegS protease in complex with the YWF activating peptide 2r4h Crystal structure of a C1190S mutant of the 6th PDZ domain of human membrane associated guanylate kinase 2rcz Structure of the second PDZ domain of ZO-1 2rey Crystal structure of the PDZ domain of human dishevelled 2 (homologous to Drosophila dsh) 2rrm Interplay between phosphatidyl-inositol-phosphates and claudins upon binding to the 1st PDZ domain of zonula occludens 1 2uzc Structure of human PDLIM5 in complex with the C-terminal peptide of human alpha-actinin-1 2v1w Crystal structure of human LIM protein RIL (PDLIM4) PDZ domain bound to the C-terminal peptide of human alpha-actinin-1 2v90 Crystal structure of the 3rd PDZ domain of intestine- and kidney- enriched PDZ domain IKEPP (PDZD3) 2vph Crystal structure of the human protein tyrosine phosphatase, non- receptor type 4, PDZ domain 2vrf CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN BETA-2-SYNTROPHIN PDZ DOMAIN 2vsp Crystal structure of the fourth PDZ domain of PDZ domain-containing protein 1 2vsv Crystal structure of the PDZ domain of human rhophilin-2 2vwr Crystal structure of the second pdz domain of numb-binding protein 2 2vz5 Structure of the PDZ domain of Tax1 (human T-cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 3 2w4f CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE FIRST PDZ DOMAIN OF HUMAN SCRIB1 2w7r Structure of the PDZ domain of Human Microtubule associated serine- threonine kinase 4 2wl7 Crystal structure of the PSD93 PDZ1 domain 2x7z Crystal Structure of the SAP97 PDZ2 I342W C378A mutant protein domain 2xkx Single particle analysis of PSD-95 in negative stain 2yt7 Solution structure of the PDZ domain of Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 3 2yt8 Solution structure of the PDZ domain of Amyloid beta A4 precursor protein-binding family A member 3 (Neuron- specific X11L2 protein) (Neuronal Munc18-1-interacting protein 3) (Mint-3) (Adapter protein X11gamma) 2ytw Solution structure of the PDZ-domain of human protease HTRA 1 precursor 2yub Solution structure of the PDZ domain from mouse LIM domain kinase 2yuy Solution Structure of PDZ domain of Rho GTPase Activating Protein 21 2z17 Crystal sturcture of PDZ domain from human Pleckstrin homology, Sec7 2z9i Crystal structure of RV0983 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis- Proteolytically active form 2zle Cryo-EM structure of DegP12/OMP 2zpm Crystal structure analysis of PDZ domain B 3axa Crystal structure of afadin PDZ domain in complex with the C-terminal peptide from nectin-3 3b76 Crystal structure of the third PDZ domain of human ligand-of-numb protein-X (LNX1) in complex with the C-terminal peptide from the coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor 3bpu Crystal structure of the 3rd PDZ domain of human membrane associated guanylate kinase, C677S and C709S double mutant 3cbx The Dvl2 PDZ Domain in Complex with the C1 Inhibitory Peptide 3cby The Dvl2 PDZ Domain in Complex with the N1 Inhibitory Peptide 3cbz The Dvl2 PDZ Domain in Complex with the N2 Inhibitory Peptide 3cc0 The Dvl2 PDZ Domain in Complex with the N3 Inhibitory Peptide 3ch8 The crystal structure of PDZ-Fibronectin fusion protein 3cs0 Crystal structure of DegP24 3cyy The crystal structure of ZO-1 PDZ2 in complex with the Cx43 peptide 3diw c-terminal beta-catenin bound TIP-1 structure 3dj1 crystal structure of TIP-1 wild type 3dj3 Crystal Structure of C-terminal Truncated TIP-1 (6-113) 3e17 Crystal structure of the second PDZ domain from human Zona Occludens-2 3egg Crystal structure of a complex between Protein Phosphatase 1 alpha (PP1) and the PP1 binding and PDZ domains of Spinophilin 3egh Crystal structure of a complex between Protein Phosphatase 1 alpha (PP1), the PP1 binding and PDZ domains of Spinophilin and the small natural molecular toxin Nodularin-R 3fy5 Dishevelled PDZ domain homodimer 3gcn Crystal structure of DegS H198P/D320A mutant modified by DFP in complex with OMP peptide (YQF) 3gco Crystal structure of DegS H198P/D320A mutant modified by DFP in complex with DNRDGNVYQF OMP peptide 3gds Crystal structure of DegS H198P/D320A mutant modified by DFP in complex with DNRDGNVYYF peptide 3gdu Crystal structure of DegS H198P/D320A mutant modified by DFP and in complex with YRF peptide 3gdv Crystal structure of DegS H198P/D320A mutant modified by DFP and in complex with YQF peptide 3gge Crystal structure of the PDZ domain of PDZ domain-containing protein GIPC2 3gj9 crystal structure of TIP-1 in complex with c-terminal of Kir2.3 3gsl Crystal structure of PSD-95 tandem PDZ domains 1 and 2 3hpk Oxidized dimeric PICK1 PDZ in complex with the carboxyl tail peptide of GluR2 3hpm Oxidized dimeric PICK1 PDZ C46G mutant in complex with the carboxyl tail peptide of GluR2 3hvq Crystal structure of a complex between Protein Phosphatase 1 alpha (PP1) and the PP1 binding and PDZ domains of Neurabin 3i18 Crystal Structure of the PDZ domain of the SdrC-like protein (Lmo2051) from Listeria monocytogenes, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target LmR166B 3i1e Crystal Structure of the PDZ domain of the SdrC-like Protein (Lin2157) from Listeria innocua, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target LkR136C 3i4w Crystal Structure of the third PDZ domain of PSD-95 3id2 Crystal Structure of RseP PDZ2 domain 3id3 Crystal Structure of RseP PDZ2 I304A domain 3id4 Crystal Structure of RseP PDZ2 domain fused GKASPV peptide 3jxt Crystal structure of the third PDZ domain of SAP-102 in complex with a fluorogenic peptide-based ligand 3k1r Structure of harmonin NPDZ1 in complex with the SAM-PBM of Sans 3k50 Crystal structure of Putative S41 protease (YP_211611.1) from Bacteroides fragilis NCTC 9343 at 2.00 A resolution 3k82 Crystal Structure of the third PDZ domain of PSD-95 3khf The crystal structure of the PDZ domain of human Microtubule Associated Serine/Threonine Kinase 3 (MAST3) 3kzd Crystal Structure of Free T-cell Lymphoma Invasion and Metastasis-1 PDZ Domain 3kze Crystal Structure of T-cell Lymphoma Invasion and Metastasis-1 PDZ in Complex With SSRKEYYA Peptide 3l4f Crystal Structure of betaPIX Coiled-Coil Domain and Shank PDZ Complex 3lnx Second PDZ domain from human PTP1E 3lny Second PDZ domain from human PTP1E in complex with RA-GEF2 peptide 3mh4 HtrA proteases are activated by a conserved mechanism that can be triggered by distinct molecular cues 3mh5 HtrA proteases are activated by a conserved mechanism that can be triggered by distinct molecular cues 3mh6 HtrA proteases are activated by a conserved mechanism that can be triggered by distinct molecular cues 3mh7 HtrA proteases are activated by a conserved mechanism that can be triggered by distinct molecular cues 3nfk Crystal structure of the PTPN4 PDZ domain complexed with the C-terminus of a rabies virus G protein 3nfl Crystal structure of the PTPN4 PDZ domain complexed with the C-terminus of the GluN2A NMDA receptor subunit 3ngh Molecular Analysis of the Interaction of the HDL Receptor SR-BI with the Adaptor Protein PDZK1 3num Substrate induced remodeling of the active site regulates HtrA1 activity 3nzi Substrate induced remodeling of the active site regulates HtrA1 activity 3o46 Crystal structure of the PDZ domain of MPP7 3o5n Tetrahydroquinoline carboxylates are potent inhibitors of the Shank PDZ domain, a putative target in autism disorders 3otp Crystal structure of the DegP dodecamer with a model substrate 3ou0 re-refined 3CS0 3pdv Structure of the PDlim2 PDZ domain in complex with the C-terminal 6-peptide extension of NS1 3pdz SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE PDZ2 DOMAIN FROM HUMAN PHOSPHATASE HPTP1E 3ps4 PDZ domain from Human microtubule-associated serine/threonine-protein kinase 1 3pv2 Structure of Legionella fallonii DegQ (wt) 3pv3 Structure of Legionella fallonii DegQ (S193A variant) 3pv4 Structure of Legionella fallonii DegQ (Delta-PDZ2 variant) 3pv5 Structure of Legionella fallonii DegQ (N189G/P190G variant) 3qdo Crystal Structure of PDZ domain of sorting nexin 27 (SNX27) fused to the Gly-Gly linker followed by C-terminal (ESESKV) of GIRK3 3qe1 Crystal Structure of PDZ domain of sorting nexin 27 (SNX27) fused to the C-terminal residues (ESESKV) of GIRK3 3qgl Crystal Structure of PDZ domain of sorting nexin 27 (SNX27) in complex with the ESESKV peptide corresponding to the C-terminal tail of GIRK3 3qik Crystal structure of the first PDZ domain of PREX1 3qjm Structural flexibility of Shank PDZ domain is important for its binding to different ligands 3qjn Structural flexibility of Shank PDZ domain is important for its binding to different ligands 3qo6 Crystal structure analysis of the plant protease Deg1 3r0h Structure of INAD PDZ45 in complex with NG2 peptide 3r68 Molecular Analysis of the PDZ3 domain of PDZK1 3r69 Molecular analysis of the interaction of the HDL-receptor SR-BI with the PDZ3 domain of its adaptor protein PDZK1 3rl7 Crytal structure of hDLG1-PDZ1 complexed with APC 3rl8 Crytal structure of hDLG1-PDZ2 complexed with APC 3rle Crystal Structure of GRASP55 GRASP domain (residues 7-208) 3sfj Crystal Structure of Tax-Interacting Protein-1 (TIP-1) PDZ domain bound to iCAL36 inhibitor peptide 3shu Crystal structure of ZO-1 PDZ3 3shw Crystal structure of ZO-1 PDZ3-SH3-Guk supramodule complex with Connexin-45 peptide 3soe Crystal Structure of the 3rd PDZ domain of the human Membrane-associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain-containing protein 3 (MAGI3) 3stj Crystal structure of the protease + PDZ1 domain of DegQ from Escherichia coli 3suz Crystal structure of Rat Mint2 PPC 3tmh Crystal structure of dual-specific A-kinase anchoring protein 2 in complex with cAMP-dependent protein kinase A type II alpha and PDZK1 3tsv crystal structure of the third PDZ domain of the human ZO-1 MAGUK protein 3tsw crystal structure of the PDZ3-SH3-GUK core module of Human ZO-1 3tsz crystal structure of PDZ3-SH3-GUK core module from human ZO-1 in complex with 12mer peptide from human JAM-A cytoplasmic tail 3vqf Crystal Structure Analysis of the PDZ Domain Derived from the Tight Junction Regulating Protein 3vqg Crystal Structure Analysis of the PDZ Domain Derived from the Tight Junction Regulating Protein 3wkl The periplasmic PDZ tandem fragment of the RseP homologue from Aquifex aeolicus 3wkm The periplasmic PDZ tandem fragment of the RseP homologue from Aquifex aeolicus in complex with the Fab fragment 3zrt Crystal structure of human PSD-95 PDZ1-2 4a8a Asymmetric cryo-EM reconstruction of E. coli DegQ 12-mer in complex with lysozyme 4a8b Symmetrized cryo-EM reconstruction of E. coli DegQ 12-mer in complex with lysozymes 4a8c Symmetrized cryo-EM reconstruction of E. coli DegQ 12-mer in complex with a binding peptide 4a8d DegP dodecamer with bound OMP 4a9g Symmetrized cryo-EM reconstruction of E. coli DegQ 24-mer in complex with beta-casein 4amh Influence of circular permutation on the folding pathway of a PDZ domain 4c2c Crystal structure of the protease CtpB in an active state 4c2d Crystal structure of the protease CtpB in an active state 4c2e Crystal structure of the protease CtpB(S309A) present in a resting state 4c2f Crystal structure of the CtpB R168A mutant present in an active conformation 4c2g Crystal structure of CtpB(S309A) in complex with a peptide having a Val-Pro-Ala C-terminus 4c2h Crystal structure of the CtpB(V118Y) mutant 4cmz An intertwined homodimer of the PDZ homology domain of periaxin 4cn0 An intertwined homodimer of the PDZ homology domain of AHNAK2 4e34 Crystal structure of CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to iCAL36 (ANSRWPTSII) peptide 4e35 Crystal structure of CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to iCAL36-L (ANSRWPTSIL) peptide 4e3b Crystal structure of Tax-Interacting Protein-1 (TIP-1) PDZ domain bound to iCAL36-L (ANSRWPTSIL) peptide 4edj Crystal structure of the GRASP55 GRASP Domain with a phosphomimetic mutation (S189D) 4f8k Molecular analysis of the interaction between the prostacyclin receptor and the first PDZ domain of PDZK1 4fgm Crystal structure of the aminopeptidase N family protein Q5QTY1 from Idiomarina loihiensis. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target IlR60. 4g69 Structure of the Human Discs Large 1 PDZ2 - Adenomatous Polyposis Coli Cytoskeletal Polarity Complex 4gvc Crystal Structure of T-cell Lymphoma Invasion and Metastasis-1 PDZ in complex with phosphorylated Syndecan1 Peptide 4gvd Crystal Structure of T-cell Lymphoma Invasion and Metastasis-1 PDZ in complex with Syndecan1 Peptide 4h11 Interaction partners of PSD-93 studied by X-ray crystallography and fluorescent polarization spectroscopy 4hop Crystal structure of the computationally designed NNOS-Syntrophin complex 4ic6 Crystal structure of Deg8 4jj0 Crystal structure of MamP 4jj3 Crystal structure of MamP in complex with iron(II) 4jl7 Crystal Structure of the Chemokine Receptor CXCR2 in Complex with the First PDZ Domain of NHERF1 4joe CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to peptide A-iCAL36 (ANSRAPTSII) 4jof CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to peptide L-iCAL36 (ANSRLPTSII) 4jog CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to peptide V-iCAL36 (ANSRVPTSII) 4joh CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to peptide H-iCAL36 (ANSRHPTSII) 4joj CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) domain bound to peptide F-iCAL36 (ANSRFPTSII) 4jok CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to peptide Y-iCAL36 (ANSRYPTSII) 4jop CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ bound to HPV16 E6 oncoprotein C-terminal peptide (TRRETQL) 4jor CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to HPV18 E6 oncoprotein C-terminal peptide (RLQRRRETQV) 4k6y CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to peptide iCAL36-Q (ANSRWQTSII) 4k72 CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to peptide iCAL36-VQD (ANSRVQDSII) 4k75 CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to peptide iCAL36-QDTRL (ANSRWQDTRL) 4k76 CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) PDZ domain bound to peptide iCAL36-TRL (ANSRWPTTRL) 4k78 CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) E317A PDZ domain bound to peptide iCAL36-QDTRL (ANSRWQDTRL) 4kfw Structural insight into Golgi membrane stacking by GRASP65 and GRASP55 4l8n Crystal structure of a PDZ domain protein (BDI_1242) from Parabacteroides distasonis ATCC 8503 at 2.50 A resolution 4lmm Crystal structure of NHERF1 PDZ1 domain complexed with the CXCR2 C-terminal tail in P21 space group 4mpa Crystal structure of NHERF1-CXCR2 signaling complex in P21 space group 4n6x Crystal Structure of the Chemokine Receptor CXCR2 in Complex with the First PDZ Domain of NHERF1 4nmo 4NMO 4nmp 4NMP 4nmq 4NMQ 4nmr 4NMR 4nms 4NMS 4nmt 4NMT 4nmv 4NMV 4nnl 4NNL 4nnm 4NNM 4nxp 4NXP 4nxq 4NXQ 4nxr 4NXR 4o06 1.15A Resolution Structure of the Proteasome Assembly Chaperone Nas2 PDZ Domain 4oaj Crystal structure of the complex between SAP97 PDZ2 and 5HT2A receptor peptide 4oeo 4OEO 4oep 4OEP 4p0c Crystal Structure of NHERF2 PDZ1 Domain in Complex with LPA2 4p2a 4P2A 4pqw Crystal Structure of Phospholipase C beta 3 in Complex with PDZ1 of NHERF1 4q2n 4Q2N 4q2o 4Q2O 4q2p 4Q2P 4q2q 4Q2Q 4q3h The crystal structure of NHERF1 PDZ2 CXCR2 complex revealed by the NHERF1 CXCR2 chimeric protein 4q6h CFTR Associated Ligand (CAL) bound to last 6 residues of CFTR (decameric peptide: iCAL36VQDTRL) 4q6s 4Q6S 4ql6 4QL6 4r2z 4R2Z 4ri0 4RI0 4rqy 4RQY 4rqz 4RQZ 4rr0 4RR0 4rr1 4RR1 4uu5 4UU5 4uu6 4UU6 4wsi 4WSI 4wyt 4WYT 4wyu 4WYU 4xh7 4XH7 4xhv 4XHV 4ydp 4YDP 4ynn 4YNN 4yo1 4YO1 4yyx 4YYX 4z33 4Z33 4z8j 4Z8J 5a2p 5A2P 5b6l 5B6L 5d13 5D13 5dth 5DTH 5e6p 5E6P 5elq 5ELQ 5em9 5EM9 5ema 5EMA 5emb 5EMB 5eyz 5EYZ 5ez0 5EZ0 5f3x 5F3X 5f67 5F67 5fb8 5FB8 5fht 5FHT 5g1d 5G1D 5g1e 5G1E 5glj 5GLJ 5gnd 5GND 5heb 5HEB 5hed 5HED 5het 5HET 5hey 5HEY 5hf1 5HF1 5hfb 5HFB 5hfc 5HFC 5hff 5HFF 5hj1 5HJ1 5i7z 5I7Z 5izu 5IZU 5jd8 5JD8 5jxb 5JXB - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)