The domain within your query sequence starts at position 410 and ends at position 513; the E-value for the PI3K_rbd domain shown below is 3.08e-38.
PI3K_rbdPI3-kinase family, Ras-binding domain |
SMART accession number: | SM00144 |
Description: | Certain members of the PI3K family possess Ras-binding domains in their N-termini. These regions show some similarity (although not highly significant similarity) to Ras-binding RA domains (unpublished observation). |
Interpro abstract (IPR000341): | Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are lipid kinases that phosphorylate 4,5-bisphonate (PI(4,5) P2 or PIP2) at the 3-position of the inositol ring, and thus generate phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3), which, in turns, initiates a vast array of signaling events. PI3Ks can be grouped into three classes based on their domain organisation. Class I PI3Ks are heterodimers consisting of a p110 catalytic subunit and a regulatory subunit of either the p85 type (associated with the class IA p110 isoforms p110alpha, p110beta or p110delta) or the p101 type (associated with the class IB p110 isoform p110gamma). Common to all catalytic subunits are an N-terminal adaptor-binding domain (ABD) that binds to p85, a Ras- binding domain (RBD), a putative membrane-binding domain (C2), a helical domain of unknown function, and a kinase catalytic domain. Class II PI3Ks lack the ABD domain and are distinguished by a carboxy terminal C2 domain. Class III enzymes lack the ABD and RBD domains [ (PUBMED:17626883) (PUBMED:18079394) (PUBMED:20081827) (PUBMED:10580505) ]. PI3K RBD is a small globular domain of about 100 residues in length with an alpha/beta-sandwich topology. The PI3K RBD domain consists of a five-stranded mixed beta-sheet flanked by two alpha-helices [ (PUBMED:17626883) (PUBMED:18079394) (PUBMED:20081827) (PUBMED:10580505) ]. |
Family alignment: |
There are 3332 PI3K_rbd domains in 3329 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing PI3K_rbd domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with PI3K_rbd domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing PI3K_rbd domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Binding / catalysis: protein-binding, Ras-binding
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Walker EH, Perisic O, Ried C, Stephens L, Williams RL
- Structural insights into phosphoinositide 3-kinase catalysis and signalling.
- Nature. 1999; 402: 313-20
- Display abstract
Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) are ubiquitous lipid kinases that function both as signal transducers downstream of cell-surface receptors and in constitutive intracellular membrane and protein trafficking pathways. All PI3Ks are dual-specificity enzymes with a lipid kinase activity which phosphorylates phosphoinositides at the 3-hydroxyl, and a protein kinase activity. The products of PI3K-catalysed reactions, phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4,5)P3), PtdIns(3,4)P2 and PtdIns(3)P, are second messengers in a variety of signal transduction pathways, including those essential to cell proliferation, adhesion, survival, cytoskeletal rearrangement and vesicle trafficking. Here we report the 2.2 A X-ray crystallographic structure of the catalytic subunit of PI3Kgamma, the class I enzyme that is activated by heterotrimeric G-protein betagamma subunits and Ras. PI3Kgamma has a modular organization centred around a helical-domain spine, with C2 and catalytic domains positioned to interact with phospholipid membranes, and a Ras-binding domain placed against the catalytic domain where it could drive allosteric activation of the enzyme.
- Rodriguez-Viciana P, Warne PH, Vanhaesebroeck B, Waterfield MD, Downward J
- Activation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase by interaction with Ras and by point mutation.
- EMBO J. 1996; 15: 2442-51
- Display abstract
We have reported previously that Ras interacts with the catalytic subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) in a GTP-dependent manner. The affinity of the interaction of Ras-GTP with p85alpha/p110alpha is shown here to be approximately 150 nM. The site of interaction on the p110alpha and beta isoforms of PI 3-kinase lies between amino acid residues 133 and 314. A point mutation in this region, K227E, blocks the GTP-dependent interaction of PI 3-kinase p110alpha with Ras in vitro and the ability of Ras to activate PI 3-kinase in intact cells. In addition, this mutation elevates the basal activity of PI 3-kinase in intact cells, suggesting a direct influence of the Ras binding site on the catalytic activity of PI 3-kinase. Using an in vitro reconstitution assay, it is shown that the interaction of Ras-GTP, but not Ras-GDP, with PI 3-kinase leads to an increase in its enzymatic activity. This stimulation is synergistic with the effect of tyrosine phosphopeptide binding to p85, particularly at suboptimal peptide concentrations. These data show that PI 3-kinase is regulated by a number of mechanisms, and that Ras contributes to the activation of this lipid kinase synergistically with tyrosine kinases.
- Kodaki T, Woscholski R, Hallberg B, Rodriguez-Viciana P, Downward J, Parker PJ
- The activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase by Ras.
- Curr Biol. 1994; 4: 798-806
- Display abstract
BACKGROUND: Activation of the mammalian phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex can play a critical role in transducing growth factor responses. The lipid kinase complex, which is made up of p85 alpha and p110 alpha regulatory and catalytic subunits, becomes associated with a number of activated receptor protein tyrosine kinases, but the mechanism of its activation has not yet been defined. Recent evidence indicates that Ras can bind to the p85 alpha/p110 alpha complex. We describe here the functional regulation of the mammalian phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex by Ras. RESULTS: Expression of p110 alpha, the catalytic subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, in the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, has been used to demonstrate an inhibitory effect of p85 alpha on p110 alpha activity in intact cells; inhibition did not result from a decrease in p110 alpha expression. In this cellular context, we have investigated the effect of a constitutively active mutant of Ras, v-Ras, either on p85 alpha or p110 alpha-alone, or on the p85 alpha/p110 alpha complex. In the presence of the p85 alpha/p110 alpha complex, v-Ras suppressed cell growth, but an effector-domain mutant of v-Ras did not. The growth-suppressive effect of v-Ras was not seen for any other combination of expressed proteins. The phenotype induced by v-Ras was consistent with activation of the p85 alpha/p110 alpha complex: it was sensitive to the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor, wortmannin, and the cells accumulated 3-phosphorylated polyphosphoinositides. Activation of purified p85 alpha/p110 alpha by purified recombinant Ras in vitro was also demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, p85 alpha/p110 alpha, shows a suppressed catalytic function in vivo when compared with free p110 alpha. This complex can, however, be activated by Ras. We suggest that the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p85 alpha/p110 alpha complex is a downstream effector of Ras.
- Rodriguez-Viciana P et al.
- Phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase as a direct target of Ras.
- Nature. 1994; 370: 527-32
- Display abstract
Ras (p21ras) interacts directly with the catalytic subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase in a GTP-dependent manner through the Ras effector site. In vivo, dominant negative Ras mutant N17 inhibits growth factor induced production of 3' phosphorylated phosphoinositides in PC12 cells, and transfection of Ras, but not Raf, into COS cells results in a large elevation in the level of these lipids. Therefore Ras can probably regulate phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase, providing a point of divergence in signalling pathways downstream of Ras.
- Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
Click the image to view the interactive version of the map in iPath% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 5.01 map04070 Phosphatidylinositol signaling system 3.59 map00562
Inositol phosphate metabolism 3.38 map05222 Small cell lung cancer 3.38 map04664 Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway 3.38 map05210 Colorectal cancer 3.38 map05213 Endometrial cancer 3.38 map04370 VEGF signaling pathway 3.38 map04620 Toll-like receptor signaling pathway 3.38 map04662 B cell receptor signaling pathway 3.38 map05212 Pancreatic cancer 3.38 map04630 Jak-STAT signaling pathway 3.38 map05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia 3.38 map04210 Apoptosis 3.38 map04510 Focal adhesion 3.38 map04910 Insulin signaling pathway 3.38 map04670 Leukocyte transendothelial migration 3.38 map05215 Prostate cancer 3.38 map05214 Glioma 3.38 map04012 ErbB signaling pathway 3.38 map04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 3.38 map04150 mTOR signaling pathway 3.38 map04660 T cell receptor signaling pathway 3.38 map05211 Renal cell carcinoma 3.38 map05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 3.38 map04930 Type II diabetes mellitus 3.38 map05223 Non-small cell lung cancer 3.38 map05218 Melanoma 3.38 map04650 Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 3.38 map04914 Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 0.22 map04140 Regulation of autophagy This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with PI3K_rbd domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing PI3K_rbd domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of PI3K_rbd domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1e7u Structure determinants of phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibition by wortmannin, LY294002, quercetin, myricetin and staurosporine 1e7v Structure determinants of phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibition by wortmannin, LY294002, quercetin, myricetin and staurosporine 1e8w Structure determinants of phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibition by wortmannin, LY294002, quercetin, myricetin and staurosporine 1e8x STRUCTURAL INSIGHTS INTO PHOSHOINOSITIDE 3-KINASE ENZYMATIC MECHANISM AND SIGNALLING 1e8y Structure determinants of phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibition by wortmannin, LY294002, quercetin, myricetin and staurosporine 1e8z Structure determinants of phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibition by wortmannin, LY294002, quercetin, myricetin and staurosporine 1e90 Structure determinants of phosphoinositide 3-kinase inhibition by wortmannin, LY294002, quercetin, myricetin and staurosporine 1he8 Ras G12V - PI 3-kinase gamma complex 2a4z Crystal Structure of human PI3Kgamma complexed with AS604850 2a5u Crystal Structure of human PI3Kgamma complexed with AS605240 2chw A pharmacological map of the PI3-K family defines a role for p110 alpha in signaling: The structure of complex of phosphoinositide 3- kinase gamma with inhibitor PIK-39 2chx A pharmacological map of the PI3-K family defines a role for p110alpha in signaling: The structure of complex of phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma with inhibitor PIK-90 2chz A pharmacological map of the PI3-K family defines a role for p110alpha in signaling: The structure of complex of phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma with inhibitor PIK-93. 2rd0 Structure of a human p110alpha/p85alpha complex 2v4l complex of human phosphoinositide 3-kinase catalytic subunit gamma ( p110 gamma) with PIK-284 2wxf The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with PIK-39. 2wxg The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with SW13. 2wxh The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with SW14. 2wxi The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with SW30. 2wxj The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with INK654. 2wxk The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with INK666. 2wxl The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with ZSTK474. 2wxm The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with DL06. 2wxn The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with DL07. 2wxo The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with AS5. 2wxp The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with GDC-0941. 2wxq The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with AS15. 2wxr The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta. 2x38 The crystal structure of the murine class IA PI 3-kinase p110delta in complex with IC87114. 2y3a Crystal structure of p110beta in complex with icSH2 of p85beta and the drug GDC-0941 3apc Crystal structure of human PI3K-gamma in complex with CH5132799 3apd Crystal structure of human PI3K-gamma in complex with CH5108134 3apf Crystal structure of human PI3K-gamma in complex with CH5039699 3csf Crystal structure of PI3K p110gamma catalytical domain in complex with organoruthenium inhibitor DW2 3cst Crystal structure of PI3K p110gamma catalytical domain in complex with organoruthenium inhibitor E5E2 3dbs Structure of PI3K gamma in complex with GDC0941 3dpd Achieving multi-isoform PI3K inhibition in a series of substituted 3,4-Dihydro-2H-benzo[1,4]oxazines 3ene Complex of PI3K gamma with an inhibitor 3hhm Crystal structure of p110alpha H1047R mutant in complex with niSH2 of p85alpha and the drug wortmannin 3hiz Crystal structure of p110alpha H1047R mutant in complex with niSH2 of p85alpha 3ibe Crystal Structure of a Pyrazolopyrimidine Inhibitor Bound to PI3 Kinase Gamma 3l08 Structure of Pi3K gamma with a potent inhibitor: GSK2126458 3l13 Crystal Structures of Pan-PI3-Kinase and Dual Pan-PI3-Kinase/mTOR Inhibitors 3l16 Discovery of (thienopyrimidin-2-yl)aminopyrimidines as Potent, Selective, and Orally Available Pan-PI3-Kinase and Dual Pan-PI3-Kinase/mTOR Inhibitors for the Treatment of Cancer 3l17 Discovery of (thienopyrimidin-2-yl)aminopyrimidines as Potent, Selective, and Orally Available Pan-PI3-Kinase and Dual Pan-PI3-Kinase/mTOR Inhibitors for the Treatment of Cancer 3l54 Structure of Pi3K gamma with inhibitor 3lj3 PI3-kinase-gamma with a pyrrolopyridine-benzofuran inhibitor 3mjw PI3 Kinase gamma with a benzofuranone inhibitor 3ml8 Discovery of the Highly Potent PI3K/mTOR Dual Inhibitor PF-04691502 through Structure Based Drug Design 3ml9 Discovery of the Highly Potent PI3K/mTOR Dual Inhibitor PF-04691502 through Structure Based Drug Design 3nzs Structure-based Optimization of Pyrazolo -Pyrimidine and -Pyridine Inhibitors of PI3-Kinase 3nzu Structure-based Optimization of Pyrazolo -Pyrimidine and -Pyridine Inhibitors of PI3-Kinase 3oaw 4-Methylpteridineones as Orally Active and Selective PI3K/mTOR Dual Inhibitors 3p2b Crystal Structure of PI3K gamma with 3-(2-morpholino-6-(pyridin-3-ylamino)pyrimidin-4-yl)phenol 3pre Quinazolines with intra-molecular hydrogen bonding scaffold (iMHBS) as PI3K/mTOR dual inhibitors. 3prz Quinazolines with intra-molecular hydrogen bonding scaffold (iMHBS) as PI3K/mTOR dual inhibitors. 3ps6 Quinazolines with intra-molecular hydrogen bonding scaffold (iMHBS) as PI3K/mTOR dual inhibitors. 3qaq Crystal structure of PI3K-gamma in complex with triazine-benzimidazole 1 3qar Crystal structure of PI3K-gamma in complex with triazine-benzimidazole 32 3qjz Crystal structure of PI3K-gamma in complex with benzothiazole 1 3qk0 Crystal structure of PI3K-gamma in complex with benzothiazole 82 3r7q Structure-based design of thienobenzoxepin inhibitors of PI3- kinase 3r7r Structure-based design of thienobenzoxepin inhibitors of PI3-Kinase 3s2a Crystal structure of PI3K-gamma in complex with a quinoline inhibitor 3sd5 Crystal Structure of PI3K gamma with 5-(2,4-dimorpholinopyrimidin-6-yl)-4-(trifluoromethyl)pyridin-2-amine 3t8m Rational Design of PI3K-alpha Inhibitors that Exhibit Selectivity Over the PI3K-beta Isoform 3tjp Crystal Structure of PI3K gamma with N6-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-morpholino-[4,5'-bipyrimidine]-2',6-diamine 3tl5 Discovery of GDC-0980: a Potent, Selective, and Orally Available Class I Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (PI3K)/Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) Kinase Inhibitor for the Treatment of Cancer 3zim Discovery of a potent and isoform-selective targeted covalent inhibitor of the lipid kinase PI3Kalpha 3zvv Fragment Bound to PI3KInase gamma 3zw3 Fragment based discovery of a novel and selective PI3 Kinase inhibitor 4a55 Crystal structure of p110alpha in complex with iSH2 of p85alpha and the inhibitor PIK-108 4ajw Discovery and Optimization of New Benzimidazole- and Benzoxazole-Pyrimidone Selective PI3KBeta Inhibitors for the Treatment of Phosphatase and TENsin homologue (PTEN)-Deficient Cancers"" 4anu Complexes of PI3Kgamma with isoform selective inhibitors. 4anv Complexes of PI3Kgamma with isoform selective inhibitors. 4anw Complexes of PI3Kgamma with isoform selective inhibitors. 4anx Complexes of PI3Kgamma with isoform selective inhibitors. 4aof Selective small molecule inhibitor discovered by chemoproteomic assay platform reveals regulation of Th17 cell differentiation by PI3Kgamma 4bfr Discovery and Optimization of Pyrimidone Indoline Amide PI3Kbeta Inhibitors for the Treatment of Phosphatase and TENsin homologue ( PTEN)-Deficient Cancers 4dk5 Crystal structure of human PI3K-gamma in complex with a pyridyl-triazine inhibitor 4ezj Potent and Selective Inhibitors of PI3K-delta: Obtaining Isoform Selectivity from the Affinity Pocket and Tryptophan Shelf 4ezk Potent and Selective Inhibitors of PI3K-delta: Obtaining Isoform Selectivity from the Affinity Pocket and Tryptophan Shelf 4ezl Potent and Selective Inhibitors of PI3K-delta: Obtaining Isoform Selectivity from the Affinity Pocket and Tryptophan Shelf 4f1s Crystal structure of human PI3K-gamma in complex with a pyridyl-triazine-sulfonamide inhibitor 4fa6 Design and Synthesis of a Novel Pyrrolidinyl Pyrido Pyrimidinone Derivative as a Potent Inhibitor of PI3Ka and mTOR 4fad Design and Synthesis of a Novel Pyrrolidinyl Pyrido Pyrimidinone Derivative as a Potent Inhibitor of PI3Ka and mTOR 4fhj Crystal Structure of PI3K-gamma in Complex with Imidazopyridine 2 4fhk Crystal Structure of PI3K-gamma in Complex with Imidazopyridazine 19e 4fjy Crystal structure of PI3K-gamma in complex with quinoline-indoline inhibitor 24f 4fjz Crystal structure of PI3K-gamma in complex with pyrrolo-pyridine inhibitor 63 4flh Crystal structure of human PI3K-gamma in complex with AMG511 4ful PI3 Kinase Gamma bound to a pyrmidine inhibitor 4g11 X-ray structure of PI3K-gamma bound to a 4-(morpholin-4-yl)- (6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyrimidin-2-yl)amide inhibitor 4gb9 Potent and Highly Selective Benzimidazole Inhibitors of PI3K-delta 4hle Compound 21 (1-alkyl-substituted 1,2,4-triazoles) 4hvb Catalytic unit of PI3Kg in complex with PI3K/mTOR dual inhibitor PF-04979064 4j6i Discovery of thiazolobenzoxepin PI3-kinase inhibitors that spare the PI3-kinase beta isoform 4jps Co-crystal Structures of the Lipid Kinase PI3K alpha with Pan and Isoform Selective Inhibitors 4kz0 Structure of PI3K gamma with Imidazopyridine inhibitors 4kzc Structure of PI3K gamma with Imidazopyridine inhibitors 4l1b Crystal Structure of p110alpha complexed with niSH2 of p85alpha 4l23 Crystal Structure of p110alpha complexed with niSH2 of p85alpha and PI-103 4l2y Crystal Structure of p110alpha complexed with niSH2 of p85alpha and compound 9d 4ovu 4OVU 4ovv 4OVV 4ps3 Structure of PI3K gamma in complex with 1-[6-(5-methoxypyridin-3-yl)-1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl]-3-[2-(1-propyl-1H-imidazol-4-yl)ethyl]urea 4ps7 Structure of PI3K gamma in complex with N-[6-(pyridin-3-yl)-1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl]acetamide 4ps8 Structure of PI3K gamma in complex with N-[6-(5,6-dimethoxypyridin-3-yl)-1,3-benzothiazol-2-yl]acetamide 4tuu 4TUU 4tv3 4TV3 4urk 4URK 4v0i 4V0I 4waf 4WAF 4wwn 4WWN 4wwo 4WWO 4wwp 4WWP 4xe0 4XE0 4xx5 4XX5 4xz4 4XZ4 4ykn 4YKN 4zop 4ZOP 5ae8 5AE8 5ae9 5AE9 5dxh 5DXH 5dxt 5DXT 5dxu 5DXU 5eds 5EDS 5fi4 5FI4 5g2n 5G2N 5g55 5G55 5is5 5IS5 5itd 5ITD 5l72 5L72 - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)