The domain within your query sequence starts at position 24 and ends at position 138; the E-value for the Fascin domain shown below is 1e-29.



PFAM accession number:PF06268
Interpro abstract (IPR022768):

This family consists of several eukaryotic fascin or singed proteins. The fascins are a structurally unique and evolutionarily conserved group of actin cross-linking proteins. Fascins function in the organisation of two major forms of actin-based structures: dynamic, cortical cell protrusions and cytoplasmic microfilament bundles. The cortical structures, which include filopodia, spikes, lamellipodial ribs, oocyte microvilli and the dendrites of dendritic cells, have roles in cell-matrix adhesion, cell interactions and cell migration, whereas the cytoplasmic actin bundles appear to participate in cell architecture [ (PUBMED:11948621) ]. Dictyostelium hisactophilin, another actin-binding protein, is a submembranous pH sensor that signals slight changes of the H+ concentration to actin by inducing actin polymerisation and binding to microfilaments only at pH values below seven [ (PUBMED:11948621) ]. Members of this family are histidine rich, typically contain the repeated motif of HHXH [ (PUBMED:1436061) ].

GO function:actin filament binding (GO:0051015), protein-macromolecule adaptor activity (GO:0030674)

This is a PFAM domain. For full annotation and more information, please see the PFAM entry Fascin