The domain within your query sequence starts at position 233 and ends at position 289; the E-value for the MCC-bdg_PDZ domain shown below is 1.2e-14.
MCC-bdg_PDZ |
PFAM accession number: | PF10506 |
Interpro abstract (IPR019536): | The entry represents a protein that has a high homology to the tumour suppressor Usher syndrome type-1C protein-binding protein 1, or known as MCC2 (mutated in colon cancer). MCC2 protein binds the first PDZ domain of AIE-75 with its C-terminal amino acids -DTFL. A possible role of MCC2 as a tumour suppressor has been put forward. The carboxyl terminus of the predicted protein was DTFL which matched the consensus motif X-S/T-X-phi (phi: hydrophobic amino acid residue) for binding to the PDZ domain of AIE-75 [ (PUBMED:11311560) (PUBMED:15219944) ]. |
This is a PFAM domain. For full annotation and more information, please see the PFAM entry MCC-bdg_PDZ