The domain within your query sequence starts at position 13 and ends at position 382; the E-value for the SERPIN domain shown below is 9e-182.
SERPINSERine Proteinase INhibitors |
SMART accession number: | SM00093 |
Description: | - |
Interpro abstract (IPR023796): | Serpins (SERine Proteinase INhibitors) belong to MEROPS inhibitor family I4, clan ID. Most serpin family members are indeed serine protease inhibitors, but several have additional cross-class inhibition functions and inhibit cysteine protease family members such as the caspases and cathepsins [ (PUBMED:8034697) (PUBMED:7851535) ]. Others, such as ovalbumin, are incapable of protease inhibition and serve other functions [ (PUBMED:8417965) ]. Serpins share a highly conserved core structure that is critical for their functioning as serine protease inhibitors [ (PUBMED:21781239) ]. Inhibitory serpins comprise several alpha-helix and beta-strands together with an external reactive centre loop (RCL) containing the active site recognised by the target enzyme. Serpins form covalent complexes with target proteases. Their mechanism of protease inhibition is known as irreversible "trapping" in which a rapid conformational change traps the cognate protease in a covalent complex. This entry represents the structural domain of serpins. |
Family alignment: |
There are 21666 SERPIN domains in 21322 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing SERPIN domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with SERPIN domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing SERPIN domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Osterwalder T, Contartese J, Stoeckli ET, Kuhn TB, Sonderegger P
- Neuroserpin, an axonally secreted serine protease inhibitor.
- EMBO J. 1996; 15: 2944-53
- Display abstract
We have identified and chromatographically purified an axonally secreted glycoprotein of CNS and PNS neurons. Several peptides derived from it were microsequenced. Based on these sequences, a fragment of the corresponding cDNA was amplified and used as a probe to isolate a full length cDNA from a chicken brain cDNA library. Because the deduced amino acid sequence qualified the protein as a novel member of the serpin family of serine protease inhibitors, we called it neuroserpin. Analysis of the primary structural features further characterized neuroserpin as a heparin-independent, functional inhibitor of a trypsin-like serine protease. In situ hybridization revealed a predominantly neuronal expression during the late stages of neurogenesis and in the adult brain in regions which exhibit synaptic plasticity. Thus, neuroserpin might function as an axonally secreted regulator of the local extracellular proteolysis involved in the reorganization of the synaptic connectivity during development and synapse plasticity in the adult.
- Komiyama T et al.
- Inhibition of interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme by the cowpox virus serpin CrmA. An example of cross-class inhibition.
- J Biol Chem. 1994; 269: 19331-7
- Display abstract
We reported previously that human interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme (ICE) is regulated by the CrmA serpin encoded by cowpox virus. We now report the mechanism and kinetics of this unusual inhibition of a cysteine proteinase by a member of the serpin superfamily previously thought to inhibit serine proteinase only. CrmA possesses several characteristics typical of a number of inhibitory serpins. It is conformationally unstable, unfolding around 3 M urea, and stable to denaturation in 8 M urea upon complex formation with ICE. CrmA rapidly inhibits ICE with an association rate constant (kon) of 1.7 x 10(7) M-1 s-1, forming a tight complex with an equilibrium constant for inhibition (Ki) of less than 4 x 10(-12) M. These data indicate that CrmA is a potent inhibitor of ICE, consistent with the dramatic effects of CrmA on modifying host responses to virus infection. The inhibition of ICE by CrmA is an example of a "cross-class" interaction, in which a serpin inhibits a non-serine proteinase. Since CrmA possesses characteristics shared by inhibitors of serine proteinases, we presume that ICE, though it is a cysteine proteinase, has a substrate binding geometry strikingly close to that of serine proteinases. We reason that it is the substrate binding geometry, not the catalytic mechanism of a proteinase, that dictates its reactivity with protein inhibitors.
- Zou Z et al.
- Maspin, a serpin with tumor-suppressing activity in human mammary epithelial cells.
- Science. 1994; 263: 526-9
- Display abstract
A gene encoding a protein related to the serpin family of protease inhibitors was identified as a candidate tumor suppressor gene that may play a role in human breast cancer. The gene product, called maspin, is expressed in normal mammary epithelial cells but not in most mammary carcinoma cell lines. Transfection of MDA-MB-435 mammary carcinoma cells with the maspin gene did not alter the cells' growth properties in vitro, but reduced the cells' ability to induce tumors and metastasize in nude mice and to invade through a basement membrane matrix in vitro. Analysis of human breast cancer specimens revealed that loss of maspin expression occurred most frequently in advanced cancers. These results support the hypothesis that maspin functions as a tumor suppressor.
- Steele FR, Chader GJ, Johnson LV, Tombran-Tink J
- Pigment epithelium-derived factor: neurotrophic activity and identification as a member of the serine protease inhibitor gene family.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1993; 90: 1526-30
- Display abstract
Cultured pigment epithelial cells of the fetal human retina secrete a protein, pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), that induces a neuronal phenotype in cultured human retinoblastoma cells. Morphological changes include the induction of an extensive neurite meshwork and the establishment of corona-like cellular aggregates surrounding a central lumen. The differentiated cells also show increases in the expression of neuron-specific enolase and the 200-kDa neurofilament subunit. Amino acid and DNA sequence data demonstrate that PEDF belongs to the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) family. The PEDF gene contains a typical signal-peptide sequence, initiator methionine codon, and polyadenylylation signal and matches the size of other members of the serpin superfamily (e.g., alpha 1-antitrypsin). It lacks homology, however, at the putative serpin reactive center. Thus, PEDF could exert a paracrine effect in the embryonic retina, influencing neuronal differentiation by a mechanism that does not involve classic inhibition of serine protease activity.
- Clarke EP, Sanwal BD
- Cloning of a human collagen-binding protein, and its homology with rat gp46, chick hsp47 and mouse J6 proteins.
- Biochim Biophys Acta. 1992; 1129: 246-8
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Several cDNA clones encoding a collagen-binding protein were isolated from human fibroblasts. The cDNA encoded a 417 amino acid protein, containing two potential N-linked oligosaccharide binding sites and a C-terminal RDEL sequence, which has been shown to act as an endoplasmic retention signal in other systems. The derived amino acid sequence of the protein shows close homology with gp46 from rat skeletal myoblasts, J6 protein from mouse F9 embryonal carcinoma cells and hsp47 from chick embryo fibroblasts. It also shows sequence similarity with members of the serpin family.
- Holland LJ, Suksang C, Wall AA, Roberts LR, Moser DR, Bhattacharya A
- A major estrogen-regulated protein secreted from the liver of Xenopus laevis is a member of the serpin superfamily. Nucleotide sequence of cDNA and hormonal induction of mRNA.
- J Biol Chem. 1992; 267: 7053-9
- Display abstract
Estrogen treatment of Xenopus frogs causes four mRNAs to become highly abundant in the liver. Three of these mRNAs have been previously identified as coding for vitellogenin, ferritin, and serum retinol binding protein. We show here that the fourth abundant liver messenger RNA comprises about 1500 nucleotides and codes for a 45-kDa secreted protein, designated Ep45. A clone complementary to Ep45 mRNA was isolated, and its identity was confirmed by hybridization selection of mRNA that translated in vitro into the Ep45 precursor. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the nearly full length cDNA revealed a total length of 1454 base pairs consisting of: 36 nucleotides of the 5' noncoding region, 1308 base pairs encoding an open reading frame of 436 amino acids, and 110 nucleotides of the 3' untranslated region. Ep45 mRNA may originate from as many as four closely spaced transcription start sites, which are 15 to 21 bases upstream of the first nucleotide of the cDNA clone. The Xenopus laevis genome appears to contain a single Ep45 gene. The deduced amino acid sequence indicates that Ep45 has features typical of a secreted protein, including a signal peptide of 16 amino acids and three potential sites for N-linked glycosylation, and is related to the serine protease inhibitors, a large family of proteins with very diverse physiological functions. Ep45 mRNA was absent in the liver of normal male frogs and increased at least 100-fold in response to estradiol-17 beta. Thus, both Ep45 and vitellogenin mRNAs are switched from undetectable to very high levels, a pattern of expression not found for any other mRNAs in Xenopus liver.
- Kirchhoff C, Habben I, Ivell R, Krull N
- A major human epididymis-specific cDNA encodes a protein with sequence homology to extracellular proteinase inhibitors.
- Biol Reprod. 1991; 45: 350-7
- Display abstract
The amino acid sequence of a major human epididymis-specific protein was deduced from the nucleotide sequence of its cloned cDNA. The encoded product showed characteristics of a secretory protein, with a signal peptide followed by a small (approximately 10-kDa), acidic (pI 4.3), and cysteine-rich polypeptide. The positions of half-cysteines suggested that it was a two-domain member of the family of 'four-disulfide core' proteins to which a number of proteinase inhibitors belong. Southern blot analyses of human genomic DNA showed that the transcripts originated from a single copy gene. Northern blot and in situ transcript hybridization specifically localized the HE4 (human epididymis gene product) mRNA to the epithelial cells of the epididymal duct, predominantly within the distal sections. A possible function in sperm maturation as indicated by amino acid similarities to extracellular proteinase inhibitors of genital tract mucous secretions is discussed in the context of its tissue-specific transcription.
- Huber R, Carrell RW
- Implications of the three-dimensional structure of alpha 1-antitrypsin for structure and function of serpins.
- Biochemistry. 1989; 28: 8951-66
- Carrell RW, Pemberton PA, Boswell DR
- The serpins: evolution and adaptation in a family of protease inhibitors.
- Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. 1987; 52: 527-35
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the SERPIN domain.
Protein Disease Plasma protease C1 inhibitor (P05155) (SMART) OMIM:106100: Angioedema, hereditary Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin (P01011) (SMART) OMIM:107280: Alpha-1-antichymotrypsin deficiency ; Cerebrovascular disease, occlusive Thyroxine-binding globulin (P05543) (SMART) OMIM:314200: THYROXINE-BINDING GLOBULIN OF SERUM; TBG Antithrombin-III (P01008) (SMART) OMIM:107300: Antithrombin III deficiency Plasma serine protease inhibitor (P05154) (SMART) OMIM:601841: Protein C inhibitor deficiency Angiotensinogen (P01019) (SMART) OMIM:106150: {Hypertension, essential, susceptibility to} ; {Preeclampsia, susceptibility to} Alpha-1-antitrypsin (P01009) (SMART) OMIM:107400: Emphysema-cirrhosis ; Hemorrhagic diathesis due to `antithrombin' Pittsburgh ; Emphysema Neuroserpin (Q99574) (SMART) OMIM:602445: Encephalopathy, familial, with neuroserpin inclusion bodies
OMIM:604218:Heparin cofactor 2 (P05546) (SMART) OMIM:142360: Thrombophilia due to heparin cofactor II deficiency - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 64.71 map04610 Complement and coagulation cascades 22.06 map04115 p53 signaling pathway 13.24 map04614 Renin-angiotensin system This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with SERPIN domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing SERPIN domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of SERPIN domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1a7c HUMAN PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR INHIBITOR TYPE-1 IN COMPLEX WITH A PENTAPEPTIDE 1ant BIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF A 3 ANGSTROMS STRUCTURE OF DIMERIC ANTITHROMBIN 1as4 CLEAVED ANTICHYMOTRYPSIN A349R 1ath THE INTACT AND CLEAVED HUMAN ANTITHROMBIN III COMPLEX AS A MODEL FOR SERPIN-PROTEINASE INTERACTIONS 1att CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CLEAVED BOVINE ANTITHROMBIN III AT 3.2 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1atu UNCLEAVED ALPHA-1-ANTITRYPSIN 1azx ANTITHROMBIN/PENTASACCHARIDE COMPLEX 1b3k Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 1br8 IMPLICATIONS FOR FUNCTION AND THERAPY OF A 2.9A STRUCTURE OF BINARY-COMPLEXED ANTITHROMBIN 1by7 HUMAN PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR INHIBITOR-2. LOOP (66-98) DELETION MUTANT 1c5g PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR INHIBITOR-1 1c8o 2.9 A STRUCTURE OF CLEAVED VIRAL SERPIN CRMA 1d5s CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CLEAVED ANTITRYPSIN POLYMER 1db2 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF NATIVE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR INHIBITOR-1 1dvm ACTIVE FORM OF HUMAN PAI-1 1dvn LATENT FORM OF PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR INHIBITOR-1 (PAI-1) 1dzg N135Q-S380C-ANTITHROMBIN-III 1dzh P14-FLUORESCEIN-N135Q-S380C-ANTITHROMBIN-III 1e03 PLASMA ALPHA ANTITHROMBIN-III AND PENTASACCHARIDE 1e04 PLASMA BETA ANTITHROMBIN-III 1e05 PLASMA ALPHA ANTITHROMBIN-III 1ezx CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A SERPIN:PROTEASE COMPLEX 1f0c STRUCTURE OF THE VIRAL SERPIN CRMA 1hle CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CLEAVED EQUINE LEUCOCYTE ELASTASE INHIBITOR DETERMINED AT 1.95 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1hp7 A 2.1 ANGSTROM STRUCTURE OF AN UNCLEAVED ALPHA-1-ANTITRYPSIN SHOWS VARIABILITY OF THE REACTIVE CENTER AND OTHER LOOPS 1imv 2.85 A crystal structure of PEDF 1iz2 Interactions causing the kinetic trap in serpin protein folding 1jjo Crystal Structure of Mouse Neuroserpin (Cleaved form) 1jmj Crystal Structure of Native Heparin Cofactor II 1jmo Crystal Structure of the Heparin Cofactor II-S195A Thrombin Complex 1jrr HUMAN PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR INHIBITOR-2.[LOOP (66-98) DELETIONMUTANT] COMPLEXED WITH PEPTIDE MIMIckING THE REACTIVE CENTER LOOP 1jti Loop-inserted Structure of P1-P1' Cleaved Ovalbumin Mutant R339T 1jvq Crystal structure at 2.6A of the ternary complex between antithrombin, a P14-P8 reactive loop peptide, and an exogenous tetrapeptide 1k9o CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MICHAELIS SERPIN-TRYPSIN COMPLEX 1kct ALPHA1-ANTITRYPSIN 1lj5 1.8A Resolution Structure of Latent Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1(PAI-1) 1lk6 Structure of dimeric antithrombin complexed with a P14-P9 reactive loop peptide and an exogenous tripeptide 1lq8 Crystal structure of cleaved protein C inhibitor 1m93 1.65 A Structure of Cleaved Viral Serpin CRMA 1mtp The X-ray crystal structure of a serpin from a thermophilic prokaryote 1nq9 Crystal Structure of Antithrombin in the Pentasaccharide-Bound Intermediate State 1oc0 plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 complex with somatomedin B domain of vitronectin 1oo8 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A1PI-PITTSBURGH IN THE NATIVE CONFORMATION 1oph NON-COVALENT COMPLEX BETWEEN ALPHA-1-PI-PITTSBURGH AND S195A TRYPSIN 1ova CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF UNCLEAVED OVALBUMIN AT 1.95 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1oyh Crystal Structure of P13 Alanine Variant of Antithrombin 1psi INTACT RECOMBINED ALPHA1-ANTITRYPSIN MUTANT PHE 51 TO LEU 1qlp 2.0 ANGSTROM STRUCTURE OF INTACT ALPHA-1-ANTITRYPSIN: A CANONICAL TEMPLATE FOR ACTIVE SERPINS 1qmb Cleaved alpha-1-antitrypsin polymer 1qmn Alpha1-antichymotrypsin serpin in the delta conformation (partial loop insertion) 1r1l Structure of dimeric antithrombin complexed with a P14-P9 reactive loop peptide and an exogenous tripeptide (formyl-norleucine-LF) 1sek THE STRUCTURE OF ACTIVE SERPIN K FROM MANDUCA SEXTA AND A MODEL FOR SERPIN-PROTEASE COMPLEX FORMATION 1sng Structure of a Thermophilic Serpin in the Native State 1sr5 ANTITHROMBIN-ANHYDROTHROMBIN-HEPARIN TERNARY COMPLEX STRUCTURE 1t1f Crystal Structure of Native Antithrombin in its Monomeric Form 1tb6 2.5A Crystal Structure of the Antithrombin-Thrombin-Heparin Ternary Complex 1uhg Crystal Structure of S-Ovalbumin At 1.9 Angstrom Resolution 1wz9 The 2.1 A structure of a tumour suppressing serpin 1xqg 3.10 A crystal structure of maspin, Space group P 4 21 2 1xqj 3.10 A Crystal structure of maspin, space group I 4 2 2 1xu8 The 2.8 A structure of a tumour suppressing serpin 1yxa Serpina3n, a murine orthologue of human antichymotrypsin 2ach CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CLEAVED HUMAN ALPHA1-ANTICHYMOTRYPSIN AT 2.7 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION AND ITS COMPARISON WITH OTHER SERPINS 2ant THE 2.6 A STRUCTURE OF ANTITHROMBIN INDICATES A CONFORMATIONAL CHANGE AT THE HEPARIN BINDING SITE 2arq Human plasminogen activator inhibitor-2.[loop (66-98) deletion mutant] complexed with peptide n-acetyl-teaaagdggvmtgr-oh 2arr Human plasminogen activator inhibitor-2.[loop (66-98) deletion mutant] complexed with peptide n-acetyl-teaaagmggvmtgr-oh 2b4x Crystal Structure of Antithrombin-III 2b5t 2.1 Angstrom structure of a nonproductive complex between antithrombin, synthetic heparin mimetic SR123781 and two S195A thrombin molecules 2beh Crystal structure of antithrombin variant S137A/V317C/T401C with plasma latent antithrombin 2ceo thyroxine-binding globulin complex with thyroxine 2d26 Active site distortion is sufficient for proteinase inhibit second crystal structure of covalent serpin-proteinase complex 2dut Crystal structure of a M-loop deletion variant of MENT in the native conformation 2gd4 Crystal Structure of the Antithrombin-S195A Factor Xa-Pentasaccharide Complex 2h4p Crystal structure of wildtype MENT in the cleaved conformation 2h4q Crystal structure of a M-loop deletion variant of MENT in the cleaved conformation 2h4r Crystal structure of wildtype MENT in the native conformation 2hi9 Crystal Structure of human native protein C inhibitor 2hij Crystal Structure of P14 Alanine Variant of Antithrombin 2oay Crystal structure of latent human C1-inhibitor 2ol2 High Resolution Structure of Native PCI in Space Group P21 2pee Crystal Structure of a Thermophilic Serpin, Tengpin, in the Native State 2pef Crystal Structure of a Thermophilic Serpin, Tengpin, in the Latent State 2qug Crystal structure of alpha-1-antitrypsin, crystal form A 2r9y Structure of antiplasmin 2riv Crystal structure of the reactive loop cleaved human Thyroxine Binding Globulin 2riw The Reactive loop cleaved human Thyroxine Binding Globulin complexed with thyroxine 2v95 Struture of Corticosteroid-Binding Globulin in complex with Cortisol 2vdx Crystal Structure of the reactive loop Cleaved Corticosteroid Binding Globulin 2vdy Crystal structure of the reactive loop cleaved Corticosteroid Binding Globulin complexed with Cortisol 2vh4 Structure of a loop C-sheet serpin polymer 2wxw Crystal structure of human angiotensinogen 2wxx Crystal structure of mouse angiotensinogen in the oxidised form 2wxy Crystal structure of mouse angiotensinogen in the reduced form 2wxz Crystal structure of rat angiotensinogen in C2 space group 2wy0 Crystal structure of mouse angiotensinogen in the oxidised form with space group P6122 2wy1 Crystal structure of rat angiotensinogen in P321 space group 2x0b Crystal structure of human angiotensinogen complexed with renin 2xn3 Crystal structure of thyroxine-binding globulin complexed with mefenamic acid 2xn5 Crystal structure of thyroxine-binding globulin complexed with Furosemide 2xn6 Crystal structure of thyroxine-binding globulin complexed with thyroxine-fluoresein 2xn7 Crystal structure of thyroxine-binding globulin complexed with thyroxine-fluoresein (T405-CF) 2znh Crystal Structure of a Domain-Swapped Serpin Dimer 2zv6 Crystal structure of human squamous cell carcinoma antigen 1 3b9f 1.6 A structure of the PCI-thrombin-heparin complex 3caa CLEAVED ANTICHYMOTRYPSIN A347R 3cvm High resolution structure of a stable Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 in its protease cleaved form 3cwl Crystal structure of alpha-1-antitrypsin, crystal form B 3cwm Crystal structure of alpha-1-antitrypsin complexed with citrate 3dlw Antichymotrypsin 3drm 2.2 Angstrom Crystal Structure of Thr114Phe Alpha1-Antitrypsin 3dru Crystal Structure of Gly117Phe Alpha1-Antitrypsin 3dy0 Crystal Structure of Cleaved PCI Bound to Heparin 3eox High quality structure of cleaved PAI-1-stab 3evj Intermediate structure of antithrombin bound to the natural pentasaccharide 3f02 Cleaved human neuroserpin 3f1s Crystal structure of Protein Z complexed with protein Z-dependent inhibitor 3f5n Structure of native human neuroserpin 3fgq Crystal structure of native human neuroserpin 3h5c X-Ray Structure of Protein Z-Protein Z Inhibitor Complex 3kcg Crystal structure of the antithrombin-factor IXa-pentasaccharide complex 3le2 Structure of Arabidopsis AtSerpin1. Native Stressed Conformation 3lw2 Mouse Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) 3nda Crystal structure of serpin from tick Ixodes ricinus 3ndd Cleaved antitrypsin with P10 Pro, and P9-P6 Asp 3ndf Cleaved antitrypsin with P8-P6 Asp 3ne4 1.8 Angstrom structure of intact native wild-type alpha-1-antitrypsin 3ozq Crystal structure of Serpin48, which is a highly specific serpin in the insect Tenebrio molitor 3pb1 Crystal Structure of a Michaelis Complex between Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 and Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator 3pzf 1.75A resolution structure of Serpin-2 from Anopheles gambiae 3q02 Crystal structure of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in a metastable active conformation. 3q03 Crystal structure of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 in a metastable active conformation. 3r4l Human very long half life Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor type-1 3sto Serpin from the trematode Schistosoma Haematobium 3t1p Crystal structure of an alpha-1-antitrypsin trimer 3ut3 A novel PAI-I inhibitor and its structural mechanism 3vvj Structure of Ovalbumin from Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) 3zha Molecular basis for the action of the collagen-specific chaperone Hsp47 SERPINH1 and its structure-specific client recognition. 4afx Crystal structure of the reactive loop cleaved ZPI in I2 space group 4ajt The crystal structure of mouse protein-Z dependent protease inhibitor( mZPI) 4aju Crystal structure of the reactive loop cleaved ZPI in P41 space group 4aqh Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 in complex with the inhibitor AZ3976 4au2 Crystal Structure of a Hsp47-collagen complex 4au3 Crystal Structure of a Hsp47-collagen complex 4au4 Crystal Structure of Hsp47 4bb2 Crystal structure of cleaved corticosteroid-binding globulin in complex with progesterone 4c41 4C41 4c49 4C49 4caa CLEAVED ANTICHYMOTRYPSIN T345R 4dte Crystal structure of zebrafish plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) 4dy0 Crystal structure of native protease nexin-1 with heparin 4dy7 Crystal structures of protease nexin-1 in complex with S195A thrombin 4eb1 Hyperstable in-frame insertion variant of antithrombin 4g8o Crystal Structure of a novel small molecule inactivator bound to plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 4g8r Crystal Structure of a novel small molecule inactivator bound to plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 4ga7 Crystal structure of human serpinB1 mutant 4ic0 Crystal Structure of PAI-1 in Complex with Gallate 4if8 Structure Of Vaspin 4kds Crystal structure of latent rainbow trout plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) 4p0f Cleaved Serpin 42Da (C 2 2 21) 4p0o Cleaved Serpin 42Da 4pyw 4PYW 4r9i 4R9I 4ro9 4RO9 4roa 4ROA 4rob 4ROB 4rsq 4RSQ 4x30 4X30 4y3k 4Y3K 4y40 4Y40 4yia 4YIA 4zk0 4ZK0 4zk3 4ZK3 5brr 5BRR 5c98 5C98 5cdx 5CDX 5cdz 5CDZ 5ce0 5CE0 5du3 5DU3 5duq 5DUQ 5ei0 5EI0 5hgc 5HGC 5inw 5INW 5io1 5IO1 7api THE S VARIANT OF HUMAN ALPHA1-ANTITRYPSIN, STRUCTURE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR FUNCTION AND METABOLISM 8api THE S VARIANT OF HUMAN ALPHA1-ANTITRYPSIN, STRUCTURE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR FUNCTION AND METABOLISM 9api THE S VARIANT OF HUMAN ALPHA1-ANTITRYPSIN, STRUCTURE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR FUNCTION AND METABOLISM 9pai CLEAVED SUBSTRATE VARIANT OF PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR INHIBITOR-1 - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)