The domain within your query sequence starts at position 31 and ends at position 268; the E-value for the Tryp_SPc domain shown below is 7.49e-97.
All catalytic sites are present in this domain. Check the literature (PubMed 95010055 ) for details.
Tryp_SPcTrypsin-like serine protease |
SMART accession number: | SM00020 |
Description: | Many of these are synthesised as inactive precursor zymogens that are cleaved during limited proteolysis to generate their active forms. A few, however, are active as single chain molecules, and others are inactive due to substitutions of the catalytic triad residues. |
Interpro abstract (IPR001254): | This entry represents the active-site-containing domain found in the trypsin family members. The catalytic activity of the serine proteases from the trypsin family is provided by a charge relay system involving an aspartic acid residue hydrogen-bonded to a histidine, which itself is hydrogen-bonded to a serine. The sequences in the vicinity of the active site serine and histidine residues are well conserved in this family of proteases [ (PUBMED:3136396) ]. A partial list of proteases known to belong to the trypsin family is shown below.
All the above proteins belong to family S1 in the classification of peptidases [ (PUBMED:7845208) ] and originate from eukaryotic species. It should be noted that bacterial proteases that belong to family S2A are similar enough in the regions of the active site residues that they can be picked up by the same patterns. These proteases are listed below.
GO process: | proteolysis (GO:0006508) |
GO function: | serine-type endopeptidase activity (GO:0004252) |
Family alignment: |
There are 111555 Tryp_SPc domains in 106560 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing Tryp_SPc domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with Tryp_SPc domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing Tryp_SPc domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Binding / catalysis: Peptidase, Hydrolase
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the Tryp_SPc domain.
Protein Disease Complement factor B (P00751) (SMART) OMIM:138470: PROPERDIN FACTOR B; BF Prothrombin (P00734) (SMART) OMIM:176930: Hypoprothrombinemia ; Dysprothrombinemia Neutrophil elastase (P08246) (SMART) OMIM:130130: Hematopoiesis, cyclic
OMIM:162800: Neutropenia, congenital
OMIM:202700:Coagulation factor XII (P00748) (SMART) OMIM:234000: Factor XII deficiency Coagulation factor IX (P00740) (SMART) OMIM:306900: Hemophilia B ; Warfarin sensitivity Plasminogen (P00747) (SMART) OMIM:173350: Plasminogen Tochigi disease ; Thrombophilia, dysplasminogenemic ; Plasminogen deficiency, types I and II ; Conjunctivitis, ligneous
OMIM:217090:Complement C2 (P06681) (SMART) OMIM:217000: C2 deficiency Vitamin K-dependent protein C (P04070) (SMART) OMIM:176860: Thrombophilia due to protein C deficiency ; Purpura fulminans, neonatal Trypsin-1 (P07477) (SMART) OMIM:276000: Trypsinogen deficiency ; Pancreatitis, hereditary
OMIM:167800:Coagulation factor VII (P08709) (SMART) OMIM:227500: Factor VII deficiency ; {Myocardial infarction, decreased susceptibility to} - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 48.76 map04610 Complement and coagulation cascades 26.15 map04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 4.24 map04614 Renin-angiotensin system 3.18 map04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 2.83 map04060 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction 2.83 map05211 Renal cell carcinoma 2.83 map04510 Focal adhesion 2.83 map05218 Melanoma 2.12 map04940 Type I diabetes mellitus 2.12 map04650 Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 1.06 map02020 Two-component system - General 1.06 map05215 Prostate cancer This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with Tryp_SPc domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing Tryp_SPc domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of Tryp_SPc domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1a0h THE X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF PPACK-MEIZOTHROMBIN DESF1: KRINGLE/THROMBIN AND CARBOHYDRATE/KRINGLE/THROMBIN INTERACTIONS AND LOCATION OF THE LINKER CHAIN 1a0j CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A NON-PSYCHROPHILIC TRYPSIN FROM A COLD-ADAPTED FISH SPECIES. 1a0l HUMAN BETA-TRYPTASE: A RING-LIKE TETRAMER WITH ACTIVE SITES FACING A CENTRAL PORE 1a2c STRUCTURE OF THROMBIN INHIBITED BY AERUGINOSIN298-A FROM A BLUE-GREEN ALGA 1a3b COMPLEX OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN WITH THE BIFUNCTIONAL BORONATE INHIBITOR BOROLOG1 1a3e COMPLEX OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN WITH THE BIFUNCTIONAL BORONATE INHIBITOR BOROLOG2 1a46 THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH HIRUGEN AND A BETA-STRAND MIMETIC INHIBITOR 1a4w CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THROMBIN WITH THIAZOLE-CONTAINING INHIBITORS: PROBES OF THE S1' BINDING SITE 1a5g HUMAN THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH NOVEL SYNTHETIC PEPTIDE MIMETIC INHIBITOR AND HIRUGEN 1a5h CATALYTIC DOMAIN OF HUMAN TWO-CHAIN TISSUE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR COMPLEX OF A BIS-BENZAMIDINE 1a5i CATALYTIC DOMAIN OF VAMPIRE BAT (DESMODUS ROTUNDUS) SALIVA PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR IN COMPLEX WITH EGR-CMK (GLU-GLY-ARG CHLOROMETHYL KETONE) 1a61 THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH A BETA-MIMETIC THIAZOLE-CONTAINING INHIBITOR 1a7s ATOMIC RESOLUTION STRUCTURE OF HBP 1ab9 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BOVINE GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN 1abi STRUCTURE OF THE HIRULOG 3-THROMBIN COMPLEX AND NATURE OF THE S' SUBSITES OF SUBSTRATES AND INHIBITORS 1abj STRUCTURE OF THE HIRULOG 3-THROMBIN COMPLEX AND NATURE OF THE S' SUBSITES OF SUBSTRATES AND INHIBITORS 1acb CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF THE BOVINE ALPHA-CHYMOTRYPSIN-EGLIN C COMPLEX AT 2.0 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1ad8 COMPLEX OF THROMBIN WITH AND INHIBITOR CONTAINING A NOVEL P1 MOIETY 1ae5 HUMAN HEPARIN BINDING PROTEIN 1ae8 HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN INHIBITION BY EOC-D-PHE-PRO-AZALYS-ONP 1afe HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN INHIBITION BY CBZ-PRO-AZALYS-ONP 1afq CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BOVINE GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH A SYNTHETIC INHIBITOR 1agj EPIDERMOLYTIC TOXIN A FROM STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS 1aht CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH HIRUGEN AND P-AMIDINOPHENYLPYRUVATE) AT 1.6 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1ai8 HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN TERNARY COMPLEX WITH THE EXOSITE INHIBITOR HIRUGEN AND ACTIVE SITE INHIBITOR PHCH2OCO-D-DPA-PRO-BOROMPG 1aix HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN TERNARY COMPLEX WITH EXOSITE INHIBITOR HIRUGEN AND ACTIVE SITE INHIBITOR PHCH2OCO-D-DPA-PRO-BOROVAL 1aks CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE FIRST ACTIVE AUTOLYSATE FORM OF THE PORCINE ALPHA TRYPSIN 1amh UNCOMPLEXED RAT TRYPSIN MUTANT WITH ASP 189 REPLACED WITH SER (D189S) 1an1 LEECH-DERIVED TRYPTASE INHIBITOR/TRYPSIN COMPLEX 1anb ANIONIC TRYPSIN MUTANT WITH SER 214 REPLACED BY GLU 1anc ANIONIC TRYPSIN MUTANT WITH SER 214 REPLACED BY LYS 1and ANIONIC TRYPSIN MUTANT WITH ARG 96 REPLACED BY HIS 1ane ANIONIC TRYPSIN WILD TYPE 1ao5 MOUSE GLANDULAR KALLIKREIN-13 (PRORENIN CONVERTING ENZYME) 1aq7 TRYPSIN WITH INHIBITOR AERUGINOSIN 98-B 1au8 HUMAN CATHEPSIN G 1auj BOVINE TRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO META-CYANO-BENZYLIC INHIBITOR 1aut HUMAN ACTIVATED PROTEIN C 1avg THROMBIN INHIBITOR FROM TRIATOMA PALLIDIPENNIS 1avw COMPLEX PORCINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN/SOYBEAN TRYPSIN INHIBITOR, ORTHORHOMBIC CRYSTAL FORM 1avx COMPLEX PORCINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN/SOYBEAN TRYPSIN INHIBITOR, TETRAGONAL CRYSTAL FORM 1awf NOVEL COVALENT THROMBIN INHIBITOR FROM PLANT EXTRACT 1awh NOVEL COVALENT THROMBIN INHIBITOR FROM PLANT EXTRACT 1ay6 THROMBIN INHIBITOR FROM THEONALLA, CYCLOTHEANAMIDE-BASED MACROCYCLIC TRIPEPTIDE MOTIF 1az8 BOVINE TRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO BIS-PHENYLAMIDINE INHIBITOR 1azz FIDDLER CRAB COLLAGENASE COMPLEXED TO ECOTIN 1b0e CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE WITH MDL 101,146 1b0f CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN NEUTROPHIL ELASTASE WITH MDL 101, 146 1b5g HUMAN THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH NOVEL SYNTHETIC PEPTIDE MIMETIC INHIBITOR AND HIRUGEN 1b7x STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN Y225I MUTANT BOUND TO D-PHE-PRO-ARG-CHLOROMETHYLKETONE 1ba8 THROMBIN INHIBITOR WITH A RIGID TRIPEPTIDYL ALDEHYDES 1bb0 THROMBIN INHIBITORS WITH RIGID TRIPEPTIDYL ALDEHYDES 1bbr THE STRUCTURE OF RESIDUES 7-16 OF THE A ALPHA CHAIN OF HUMAN FIBRINOGEN BOUND TO BOVINE THROMBIN AT 2.3 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1bcu ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH HIRUGEN AND PROFLAVIN 1bda CATALYTIC DOMAIN OF HUMAN SINGLE CHAIN TISSUE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR IN COMPLEX WITH DANSYL-EGR-CMK (DANSYL-GLU-GLY-ARG CHLOROMETHYL KETONE) 1bhx X-RAY STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF HUMAN ALPHA THROMBIN WITH THE INHIBITOR SDZ 229-357 1bio HUMAN COMPLEMENT FACTOR D IN COMPLEX WITH ISATOIC ANHYDRIDE INHIBITOR 1bit THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ANIONIC SALMON TRYPSIN IN A SECOND CRYSTAL FORM 1bju BETA-TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH ACPU 1bjv BETA-TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH APPU 1bma BENZYL METHYL AMINIMIDE INHIBITOR COMPLEXED TO PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE 1bml COMPLEX OF THE CATALYTIC DOMAIN OF HUMAN PLASMIN AND STREPTOKINASE 1bmm HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH [S-(R*,R*)]-4-[(AMINOIMINOMETHYL)AMINO]-N-[[1-[3-HYDROXY-2-[(2-NAPHTHALENYLSULFONYL)AMINO]-1-OXOPROPYL]-2-PYRROLIDINYL] METHYL]BUTANAMIDE (BMS-186282) 1bmn HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH [S-(R*,R*)]-1-(AMINOIMINOMETHYL)-N-[[1-[N-[(2-NAPHTHALENYLSULFONYL)-L-SERYL]-PYRROLIDINYL]METHYL]-3-PIPERIDENECARBOXAMIDE (BMS-189090) 1bqy PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR (TSV-PA) FROM SNAKE VENOM 1bra RELOCATING A NEGATIVE CHARGE IN THE BINDING POCKET OF TRYPSIN 1brb CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF RAT ANIONIC TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH THE PROTEIN INHIBITORS APPI AND BPTI 1brc RELOCATING A NEGATIVE CHARGE IN THE BINDING POCKET OF TRYPSIN 1bru STRUCTURE OF PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE COMPLEXED WITH THE ELASTASE INHIBITOR GR143783 1bth STRUCTURE OF THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1btp UNIQUE BINDING OF A NOVEL SYNTHETIC INHIBITOR, N-[3-[4-[4-(AMIDINOPHENOXY)-CARBONYL]PHENYL]-2-METHYL-2-PROPENOYL]-N-ALLYLGLYCINE METHANESULFONATE TO BOVINE TRYPSIN, REVEALED BY THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX 1btu PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE COMPLEXED WITH (3S, 4R)-1-TOLUENESULPHONYL-3-ETHYL-AZETIDIN-2-ONE-4-CARBOXYLIC ACID 1btw EPISELECTION: NOVEL KI ~NANOMOLAR INHIBITORS OF SERINE PROTEASES SELECTED BY BINDING OR CHEMISTRY ON AN ENZYME SURFACE 1btx EPISELECTION: NOVEL KI ~NANOMOLAR INHIBITORS OF SERINE PROTEASES SELECTED BY BINDING OR CHEMISTRY ON AN ENZYME SURFACE 1bty EPISELECTION: NOVEL KI ~NANOMOLAR INHIBITORS OF SERINE PROTEASES SELECTED BY BINDING OR CHEMISTRY ON AN ENZYME SURFACE 1btz EPISELECTION: NOVEL KI ~NANOMOLAR INHIBITORS OF SERINE PROTEASES SELECTED BY BINDING OR CHEMISTRY ON AN ENZYME SURFACE 1bui STRUCTURE OF THE TERNARY MICROPLASMIN-STAPHYLOKINASE-MICROPLASMIN COMPLEX: A PROTEINASE-COFACTOR-SUBSTRATE COMPLEX IN ACTION. 1bzx THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ANIONIC SALMON TRYPSIN IN COMPLEX WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1c1m PORCINE ELASTASE UNDER XENON PRESSURE (8 BAR) 1c1n RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c1o RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c1p RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c1q RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c1r RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c1s RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c1t RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c1u RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c1v RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c1w RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c2d RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c2e RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c2f RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c2g RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c2h RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c2i RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c2j RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c2k RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c2l RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c2m RECRUITING ZINC TO MEDIATE POTENT, SPECIFIC INHIBITION OF SERINE PROTEASES 1c4u SELECTIVE NON ELECTROPHILIC THROMBIN INHIBITORS WITH CYCLOHEXYL MOIETIES. 1c4v SELECTIVE NON ELECTROPHILIC THROMBIN INHIBITORS WITH CYCLOHEXYL MOIETIES. 1c4y SELECTIVE NON-ELECTROPHILIC THROMBIN INHIBITORS 1c5l STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5m STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5n STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5o STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5p STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5q STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5r STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5s STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5t STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5u STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5v STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5w STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5x STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5y STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c5z STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR SELECTIVITY OF A SMALL MOLECULE, S1-BINDING, SUB-MICROMOLAR INHIBITOR OF UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1c9p COMPLEX OF BDELLASTASIN WITH PORCINE TRYPSIN 1c9t COMPLEX OF BDELLASTASIN WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 1ca0 BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO APPI 1ca8 THROMBIN INHIBITORS WITH RIGID TRIPEPTIDYL ALDEHYDES 1cbw BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO BPTI 1ce5 BOVINE PANCREAS BETA-TRYPSIN IN COMPLEX WITH BENZAMIDINE 1cgh HUMAN CATHEPSIN G 1cgi THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSINOGEN*A AND TWO RECOMBINANT VARIANTS OF HUMAN PANCREATIC SECRETORY TRYPSIN INHIBITOR (KAZAL-TYPE) 1cgj THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSINOGEN*A AND TWO RECOMBINANT VARIANTS OF HUMAN PANCREATIC SECRETORY TRYPSIN INHIBITOR (KAZAL-TYPE) 1chg CHYMOTRYPSINOGEN,2.5 ANGSTROMS CRYSTAL STRUCTURE, COMPARISON WITH ALPHA-CHYMOTRYPSIN,AND IMPLICATIONS FOR ZYMOGEN ACTIVATION 1cho CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEX OF ALPHA-CHYMOTRYPSIN WITH ITS INHIBITOR TURKEY OVOMUCOID THIRD DOMAIN AT 1.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1co7 R117H mutant rat anionic trypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) 1cso CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE OMTKY3 P1 VARIANT OMTKY3-ILE18I IN COMPLEX WITH SGPB 1ct0 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE OMTKY3 P1 VARIANT OMTKY3-SER18I IN COMPLEX WITH SGPB 1ct2 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE OMTKY3 P1 VARIANT OMTKY3-THR18I IN COMPLEX WITH SGPB 1ct4 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE OMTKY3 P1 VARIANT OMTKY3-VAL18I IN COMPLEX WITH SGPB 1cvw Crystal structure of active site-inhibited human coagulation factor VIIA (DES-GLA) 1d3d CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ALPHA THROMBIN IN COMPLEX WITH BENZOTHIOPHENE INHIBITOR 4 1d3p CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN APLHA-THROMBIN IN COMPLEX WITH BENZO[B]THIOPHENE INHIBITOR 3 1d3q CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ALPHA THROMBIN IN COMPLEX WITH BENZO[B]THIOPHENE INHIBITOR 2 1d3t CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ALPHA THROMBIN IN COMPLEX WITH BENZO[B]THIOPHENE INHIBITOR 1 1d4p CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ALPHA THROMBIN IN COMPLEX WITH 5-AMIDINOINDOLE-4-BENZYLPIPERIDINE INHIBITOR 1d6r CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CANCER CHEMOPREVENTIVE BOWMAN-BIRK INHIBITOR IN TERNARY COMPLEX WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN AT 2.3 A RESOLUTION. STRUCTURAL BASIS OF JANUS-FACED SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITOR SPECIFICITY 1d6w STRUCTURE OF THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH SELECTIVE NON-ELECTROPHILIC INHIBITORS HAVING CYCLOHEXYL MOIETIES AT P1 1d9i STRUCTURE OF THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH SELECTIVE NON-ELECTOPHILIC INHIBITORS HAVING CYCLOHEXYL MOIETIES AT P1 1dan COMPLEX OF ACTIVE SITE INHIBITED HUMAN BLOOD COAGULATION FACTOR VIIA WITH HUMAN RECOMBINANT SOLUBLE TISSUE FACTOR 1ddj CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN PLASMINOGEN CATALYTIC DOMAIN 1de7 INTERACTION OF FACTOR XIII ACTIVATION PEPTIDE WITH ALPHA-THROMBIN: CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ENZYME-SUBSTRATE COMPLEX 1dfp FACTOR D INHIBITED BY DIISOPROPYL FLUOROPHOSPHATE 1dic STRUCTURE OF 3,4-DICHLOROISOCOUMARIN-INHIBITED FACTOR D 1dit COMPLEX OF A DIVALENT INHIBITOR WITH THROMBIN 1dle FACTOR B SERINE PROTEASE DOMAIN 1dlk CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS OF DELTA-CHYMOTRYPSIN BOUND TO A PEPTIDYL CHLOROMETHYL KETONE INHIBITOR 1dm4 SER195ALA MUTANT OF HUMAN THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH FIBRINOPEPTIDE A (7-16) 1doj Crystal structure of human alpha-thrombin*RWJ-51438 complex at 1.7 A 1dpo STRUCTURE OF RAT TRYPSIN 1ds2 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF SGPB:OMTKY3-COO-LEU18I 1dst MUTANT OF FACTOR D WITH ENHANCED CATALYTIC ACTIVITY 1dsu HUMAN FACTOR D, COMPLEMENT ACTIVATING ENZYME 1dua CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF EXFOLIATIVE TOXIN A 1due CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF EXFOLIATIVE TOXIN A S195A MUTANT 1dva Crystal Structure of the Complex Between the Peptide Exosite Inhibitor E-76 and Coagulation Factor VIIA 1dwb CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS AT 3.0-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION OF THE BINDING TO HUMAN THROMBIN OF FOUR ACTIVE SITE-DIRECTED INHIBITORS 1dwc CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS AT 3.0-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION OF THE BINDING TO HUMAN THROMBIN OF FOUR ACTIVE SITE-DIRECTED INHIBITORS 1dwd CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS AT 3.0-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION OF THE BINDING TO HUMAN THROMBIN OF FOUR ACTIVE SITE-DIRECTED INHIBITORS 1dwe CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS AT 3.0-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION OF THE BINDING TO HUMAN THROMBIN OF FOUR ACTIVE SITE-DIRECTED INHIBITORS 1dx5 Crystal structure of the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex 1e0f Crystal structure of the human alpha-thrombin-haemadin complex: an exosite II-binding inhibitor 1e34 PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE COMPLEXED WITH (3S, 4S)N-PARA- TOLUENESULPHONYL-3-ETHYL-4-(CARBOXYLIC ACID) PYRROLIDIN-2-ONE SOAKED IN PH 9 BUFFER FOR ONE MINUTE 1e35 PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE COMPLEXED WITH (3S, 4S)N-PARA-TOLUENESULPHONYL -3-ETHYL-4-(CARBOXYLIC ACID)PYRROLIDIN-2-ONE SOAKED IN PH 9 BUFFER FOR TWO MINUTES 1e36 PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE COMPLEXED WITH (3S, 4S)N-PARA-NITROBENZENESULPHONYL -3-ETHYL-4-(CARBOXYLIC ACID)PYRROLIDIN-2-ONE 1e37 PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE COMPLEXED WITH (3S, 4S)N-PARA-NITROBENZENESULPHONYL -3-ETHYL-4-(CARBOXYLIC ACID)PYRROLIDIN-2-ONE SOAKED IN PH 9 BUFFER FOR 1 MINUTE 1e38 PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE COMPLEXED WITH (3S, 4S)N-PARA-NITROBENZENESULPHONYL -3-ETHYL-4-(CARBOXYLIC ACID)PYRROLIDIN-2-ONE SOAKED IN PH 9 BUFFER FOR 2 MINUTES 1eai COMPLEX OF ASCARIS CHYMOTRPSIN/ELASTASE INHIBITOR WITH PORCINE ELASTASE 1eas NONPEPTIDIC INHIBITORS OF HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ELASTASE. 3. DESIGN, SYNTHESIS, X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS, AND STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS FOR A SERIES OF ORALLY ACTIVE 3-AMINO-6-PHENYLPYRIDIN-2-ONE TRIFLUOROMETHYL KETONES 1eat NONPEPTIDIC INHIBITORS OF HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ELASTASE. 5. DESIGN, SYNTHESIS, AND X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY OF A SERIES OF ORALLY ACTIVE 5-AMINO-PYRIMIDIN-6-ONE-CONTAINING TRIFLUOROMETHYLKETONES 1eau NONPEPTIDIC INHIBITORS OF HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ELASTASE. 6. DESIGN OF A POTENT, INTRATRACHEALLY ACTIVE, PYRIDONE-BASED TRIFLUOROMETHYL KETONE 1eaw Crystal structure of the MTSP1 (matriptase)-BPTI (aprotinin) complex 1eax Crystal structure of MTSP1 (matriptase) 1eb1 Complex structure of human thrombin with N-methyl-arginine inhibitor 1eb2 Trypsin inhibitor complex (FRA) 1eja STRUCTURE OF PORCINE TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH BDELLASTASIN, AN ANTISTASIN-TYPE INHIBITOR 1ejm CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE BPTI ALA16LEU MUTANT IN COMPLEX WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 1ejn UROKINASE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR B-CHAIN INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1ekb THE SERINE PROTEASE DOMAIN OF ENTEROPEPTIDASE BOUND TO INHIBITOR VAL-ASP-ASP-ASP-ASP-LYS-CHLOROMETHANE 1ela ANALOGOUS INHIBITORS OF ELASTASE DO NOT ALWAYS BIND ANALOGOUSLY 1elb ANALOGOUS INHIBITORS OF ELASTASE DO NOT ALWAYS BIND ANALOGOUSLY 1elc ANALOGOUS INHIBITORS OF ELASTASE DO NOT ALWAYS BIND ANALOGOUSLY 1eld STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE ACTIVE SITE OF PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE BASED ON THE X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF COMPLEXES WITH TRIFLUOROACETYL-DIPEPTIDE-ANILIDE INHIBITORS 1ele STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE ACTIVE SITE OF PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE BASED ON THE X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF COMPLEXES WITH TRIFLUOROACETYL-DIPEPTIDE-ANILIDE INHIBITORS 1elf NATURE OF THE INACTIVATION OF ELASTASE BY N-PEPTIDYL-O-AROYL HYDROXYLAMINE AS A FUNCTION OF PH 1elg NATURE OF THE INACTIVATION OF ELASTASE BY N-PEPTIDYL-O-AROYL HYDROXYLAMINE AS A FUNCTION OF PH 1elt STRUCTURE OF NATIVE PANCREATIC ELASTASE FROM NORTH ATLANTIC SALMON AT 1.61 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1elv CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE CATALYTIC DOMAIN OF HUMAN COMPLEMENT C1S PROTEASE 1eoj Design of P1' and P3' residues of trivalent thrombin inhibitors and their crystal structures 1eol Design of P1' and P3' residues of trivalent thrombin inhibitors and their crystal structures 1ept REFINED 1.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF PORCINE EPSILON-TRYPSIN 1eq9 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FIRE ANT CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO PMSF 1esa DIRECT STRUCTURE OBSERVATION OF AN ACYL-ENZYME INTERMEDIATE IN THE HYDROLYSIS OF AN ESTER SUBSTRATE BY ELASTASE 1esb DIRECT STRUCTURE OBSERVATION OF AN ACYL-ENZYME INTERMEDIATE IN THE HYDROLYSIS OF AN ESTER SUBSTRATE BY ELASTASE 1est THE ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF CRYSTALLINE PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE AT 2.5 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION. COMPARISONS WITH THE STRUCTURE OF ALPHA-CHYMOTRYPSIN 1etr REFINED 2.3 ANGSTROMS X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BOVINE THROMBIN COMPLEXES FORMED WITH THE BENZAMIDINE AND ARGININE-BASED THROMBIN INHIBITORS NAPAP, 4-TAPAP AND MQPA: A STARTING POINT FOR IMPROVING ANTITHROMBOTICS 1ets REFINED 2.3 ANGSTROMS X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BOVINE THROMBIN COMPLEXES FORMED WITH THE BENZAMIDINE AND ARGININE-BASED THROMBIN INHIBITORS NAPAP, 4-TAPAP AND MQPA: A STARTING POINT FOR IMPROVING ANTITHROMBOTICS 1ett REFINED 2.3 ANGSTROMS X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BOVINE THROMBIN COMPLEXES FORMED WITH THE BENZAMIDINE AND ARGININE-BASED THROMBIN INHIBITORS NAPAP, 4-TAPAP AND MQPA: A STARTING POINT FOR IMPROVING ANTITHROMBOTICS 1euf BOVINE DUODENASE(NEW SERINE PROTEASE), CRYSTAL STRUCTURE 1ex3 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSINOGEN A (TETRAGONAL) 1exf EXFOLIATIVE TOXIN A 1ezq CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN COAGULATION FACTOR XA COMPLEXED WITH RPR128515 1ezs CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ECOTIN MUTANT M84R, W67A, G68A, Y69A, D70A BOUND TO RAT ANIONIC TRYPSIN II 1ezu ECOTIN Y69F, D70P BOUND TO D102N TRYPSIN 1ezx CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A SERPIN:PROTEASE COMPLEX 1f0r CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN COAGULATION FACTOR XA COMPLEXED WITH RPR208815 1f0s Crystal Structure of Human Coagulation Factor XA Complexed with RPR208707 1f0t BOVINE TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH RPR131247 1f0u BOVINE TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH RPR128515 1f2s CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX FORMED BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND MCTI-A, A TRYPSIN INHIBITOR OF SQUASH FAMILY AT 1.8 A RESOLUTION 1f5k UROKINASE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR B-CHAIN-BENZAMIDINE COMPLEX 1f5l UROKINASE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR B-CHAIN-AMILORIDE COMPLEX 1f5r RAT TRYPSINOGEN MUTANT COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1f7z RAT TRYPSINOGEN K15A COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1f92 UROKINASE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR B CHAIN-UKI-1D COMPLEX 1fak HUMAN TISSUE FACTOR COMPLEXED WITH COAGULATION FACTOR VIIA INHIBITED WITH A BPTI-MUTANT 1fax COAGULATION FACTOR XA INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1fdp PROENZYME OF HUMAN COMPLEMENT FACTOR D, RECOMBINANT PROFACTOR D 1fi8 RAT GRANZYME B [N66Q] COMPLEXED TO ECOTIN [81-84 IEPD] 1fiw THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF BETA-ACROSIN FROM RAM SPERMATOZOA 1fiz THREE DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF BETA-ACROSIN FROM BOAR SPERMATOZOA 1fjs CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE INHIBITOR ZK-807834 (CI-1031) COMPLEXED WITH FACTOR XA 1fle CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ELAFIN COMPLEXED WITH PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE 1fmg CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF PORCINE BETA TRYPSIN WITH 0.04% POLYDOCANOL 1fn6 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF PORCINE BETA TRYPSIN WITH 0.1% POLYDOCANOL 1fn8 FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM TRYPSIN AT ATOMIC RESOLUTION 1fni CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF PORCINE BETA TRYPSIN WITH 0.01% POLYDOCANOL 1fon CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BOVINE PROCARBOXYPEPTIDASE A-S6 SUBUNIT III, A HIGHLY STRUCTURED TRUNCATED ZYMOGEN E 1fpc ACTIVE SITE MIMETIC INHIBITION OF THROMBIN 1fph THE INTERACTION OF THROMBIN WITH FIBRINOGEN: A STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR ITS SPECIFICITY 1fq3 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN GRANZYME B 1fuj PR3 (MYELOBLASTIN) 1fv9 Crystal structure of human microurokinase in complex with 2-amino-5-hydroxy-benzimidazole 1fxy COAGULATION FACTOR XA-TRYPSIN CHIMERA INHIBITED WITH D-PHE-PRO-ARG-CHLOROMETHYLKETONE 1fy1 [R23S,F25E]HBP, A MUTANT OF HUMAN HEPARIN BINDING PROTEIN (CAP37) 1fy3 [G175Q]HBP, A mutant of human heparin binding protein (CAP37) 1fy4 FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM TRYPSIN AT ATOMIC RESOLUTION 1fy5 Fusarium oxysporum trypsin at atomic resolution 1fy8 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE DELTAILE16VAL17 RAT ANIONIC TRYPSINOGEN-BPTI COMPLEX 1fzz THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF NON-PEPTIDIC INHIBITOR ONO-6818 AND PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE. 1g2l FACTOR XA INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1g2m FACTOR XA INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1g30 THROMBIN INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1g32 THROMBIN INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1g36 TRYPSIN INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1g37 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH BCH-10556 AND EXOSITE-DIRECTED PEPTIDE 1g3b BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN BOUND TO META-AMIDINO SCHIFF BASE MAGNESIUM(II) CHELATE 1g3c BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN BOUND TO PARA-AMIDINO SCHIFF BASE IRON(III) CHELATE 1g3d BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN BOUND TO META-AMIDINO SCHIFF BASE COPPER (II) CHELATE 1g3e BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN BOUND TO PARA-AMIDINO SCHIFF-BASE COPPER (II) CHELATE 1g9i CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BETA-TRYSIN COMPLEX IN CYCLOHEXANE 1gbt STRUCTURE OF AN ACYL-ENZYME INTERMEDIATE DURING CATALYSIS: (GUANIDINOBENZOYL) TRYPSIN 1gcd REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF "AGED" AND "NON-AGED" ORGANOPHOSPHORYL CONJUGATES OF GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN 1gct IS GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN A TETRAPEPTIDE ACYL-ENZYME ADDUCT OF GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN? 1gdn FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM TRYPSIN AT ATOMIC RESOLUTION 1gdq FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM TRYPSIN AT ATOMIC RESOLUTION 1gdu FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM TRYPSIN AT ATOMIC RESOLUTION 1gg6 CRYSTAL STUCTURE OF GAMMA CHYMOTRYPSIN WITH N-ACETYL-PHENYLALANINE TRIFLUOROMETHYL KETONE BOUND AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1ggd CRYSTAL STUCTURE OF GAMMA CHYMOTRYPSIN WITH N-ACETYL-LEUCIL-PHENYLALANINE ALDEHYDE BOUND AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gha A SECOND ACTIVE SITE IN CHYMOTRYPSIN? THE X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF N-ACETYL-D-TRYPTOPHAN BOUND TO GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN 1ghb A SECOND ACTIVE SITE IN CHYMOTRYPSIN? THE X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF N-ACETYL-D-TRYPTOPHAN BOUND TO GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN 1ghv A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1ghw A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1ghx A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1ghy A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1ghz A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gi0 A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gi1 A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gi2 A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gi3 A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gi4 A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gi5 A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gi6 A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gi7 A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gi8 A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gi9 A NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITION MOTIF INVOLVING A MULTI-CENTERED SHORT HYDROGEN BONDING NETWORK AT THE ACTIVE SITE 1gj4 SELECTIVITY AT S1, H2O DISPLACEMENT, UPA, TPA, SER190/ALA190 PROTEASE, STRUCTURE-BASED DRUG DESIGN 1gj5 SELECTIVITY AT S1, H2O DISPLACEMENT, UPA, TPA, SER190/ALA190 PROTEASE, STRUCTURE-BASED DRUG DESIGN 1gj6 ENGINEERING INHIBITORS HIGHLY SELECTIVE FOR THE S1 SITES OF SER190 TRYPSIN-LIKE SERINE PROTEASE DRUG TARGETS 1gj7 ENGINEERING INHIBITORS HIGHLY SELECTIVE FOR THE S1 SITES OF SER190 TRYPSIN-LIKE SERINE PROTEASE DRUG TARGETS 1gj8 ENGINEERING INHIBITORS HIGHLY SELECTIVE FOR THE S1 SITES OF SER190 TRYPSIN-LIKE SERINE PROTEASE DRUG TARGETS 1gj9 ENGINEERING INHIBITORS HIGHLY SELECTIVE FOR THE S1 SITES OF SER190 TRYPSIN-LIKE SERINE PROTEASE DRUG TARGETS 1gja ENGINEERING INHIBITORS HIGHLY SELECTIVE FOR THE S1 SITES OF SER190 TRYPSIN-LIKE SERINE PROTEASE DRUG TARGETS 1gjb ENGINEERING INHIBITORS HIGHLY SELECTIVE FOR THE S1 SITES OF SER190 TRYPSIN-LIKE SERINE PROTEASE DRUG TARGETS 1gjc ENGINEERING INHIBITORS HIGHLY SELECTIVE FOR THE S1 SITES OF SER190 TRYPSIN-LIKE SERINE PROTEASE DRUG TARGETS 1gjd ENGINEERING INHIBITORS HIGHLY SELECTIVE FOR THE S1 SITES OF SER190 TRYPSIN-LIKE SERINE PROTEASE DRUG TARGETS 1gl0 structure of the complex between bovine alpha-chymotrypsin and PMP-D2v, an inhibitor from the insect Locusta migratoria 1gl1 structure of the complex between bovine alpha-chymotrypsin and PMP-C, an inhibitor from the insect Locusta migratoria 1gmc THE X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TETRAHEDRAL INTERMEDIATE OF GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN IN HEXANE 1gmd X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN IN HEXANE 1gmh REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF "AGED" AND "NON-AGED" ORGANOPHOSPHORYL CONJUGATES OF GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN 1gpz The crystal structure of the zymogen catalytic domain of complement protease C1r 1gvk Porcine pancreatic elastase acyl enzyme at 0.95 A resolution 1gvl Human prokallikrein 6 (hK6)/ prozyme/ proprotease M/ proneurosin 1gvz Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) from stallion seminal plasma 1gwa Triiodide derivative of porcine pancreas elastase 1h1b Crystal structure of human neutrophil elastase complexed with an inhibitor (GW475151) 1h4w Structure of human trypsin IV (brain trypsin) 1h8d X-ray structure of the human alpha-thrombin complex with a tripeptide phosphonate inhibitor. 1h8i X-ray crystal structure of human alpha-thrombin with a tripeptide phosphonate inhibitor. 1h9h COMPLEX OF EETI-II WITH PORCINE TRYPSIN 1h9i COMPLEX OF EETI-II MUTANT WITH PORCINE TRYPSIN 1h9l PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE COMPLEXED WITH ACETYL-VAL-GLU-PRO-ILE-COOH 1hag THE ISOMORPHOUS STRUCTURES OF PRETHROMBIN2, HIRUGEN-AND PPACK-THROMBIN: CHANGES ACCOMPANYING ACTIVATION AND EXOSITE BINDING TO THROMBIN 1hah THE ISOMORPHOUS STRUCTURES OF PRETHROMBIN2, HIRUGEN-AND PPACK-THROMBIN: CHANGES ACCOMPANYING ACTIVATION AND EXOSITE BINDING TO THROMBIN 1hai THE ISOMORPHOUS STRUCTURES OF PRETHROMBIN2, HIRUGEN-AND PPACK-THROMBIN: CHANGES ACCOMPANYING ACTIVATION AND EXOSITE BINDING TO THROMBIN 1hao COMPLEX OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN WITH A 15MER OLIGONUCLEOTIDE GGTTGGTGTGGTTGG (BASED ON NMR MODEL OF DNA 1hap COMPLEX OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN WITH A 15MER OLIGONUCLEOTIDE GGTTGGTGTGGTTGG (BASED ON X-RAY MODEL OF DNA) 1hax Snapshots of serine protease catalysis: (A) acyl-enzyme intermediate between porcine pancreatic elastase and human beta-casomorphin-7 at pH 5 1hay Snapshots of serine protease catalysis: (B) acyl-enzyme intermediate between porcine pancreatic elastase and human beta-casomorphin-7 jumped to pH 10 for 10 seconds 1haz Snapshots of serine protease catalysis: (C) acyl-enzyme intermediate between porcine pancreatic elastase and human beta-casomorphin-7 jumped to pH 9 for 1 minute 1hb0 Snapshots of serine protease catalysis: (D) acyl-enzyme intermediate between porcine pancreatic elastase and human beta-casomorphin-7 jumped to pH 10 for 2 minutes 1hbt HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH A PEPTIDYL PYRIDINIUM METHYL KETONE CONTAINING BIVALENT INHIBITOR 1hcg STRUCTURE OF HUMAN DES(1-45) FACTOR XA AT 2.2 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1hdt STRUCTURE OF A RETRO-BINDING PEPTIDE INHIBITOR COMPLEXED WITH HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN 1hfd HUMAN COMPLEMENT FACTOR D IN A P21 CRYSTAL FORM 1hgt STRUCTURE OF THE HIRUGEN AND HIRULOG 1 COMPLEXES OF ALPHA-THROMBIN 1hia KALLIKREIN COMPLEXED WITH HIRUSTASIN 1hj8 1.00 AA Trypsin from Atlantic Salmon 1hj9 Atomic resolution structures of trypsin provide insight into structural radiation damage 1hja LYS 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH ALPHA-CHYMOTRYPSIN 1hlt THE STRUCTURE OF A NONADECAPEPTIDE OF THE FIFTH EGF DOMAIN OF THROMBOMODULIN COMPLEXED WITH THROMBIN 1hne STRUCTURE OF HUMAN NEUTROPHIL ELASTASE IN COMPLEX WITH A PEPTIDE CHLOROMETHYL KETONE INHIBITOR AT 1.84-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1hrt THE STRUCTURE OF A COMPLEX OF BOVINE ALPHA-THROMBIN AND RECOMBINANT HIRUDIN AT 2.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1hut THE STRUCTURE OF ALPHA-THROMBIN INHIBITED BY A 15-MER SINGLE-STRANDED DNA APTAMER 1hv7 PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE COMPLEXED WITH GW311616A 1hxe SERINE PROTEASE 1hxf HUMAN THROMBIN COMPLEX WITH HIRUDIN VARIANT 1hyl THE 1.8 A STRUCTURE OF COLLAGENASE FROM HYPODERMA LINEATUM 1iau HUMAN GRANZYME B IN COMPLEX WITH AC-IEPD-CHO 1id5 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BOVINE THROMBIN COMPLEX WITH PROTEASE INHIBITOR ECOTIN 1ihs CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN AND NON-HYDROLYZABLE BIFUNCTIONAL INHIBITORS, HIRUTONIN-2 AND HIRUTONIN-6 1iht CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN AND NON-HYDROLYZABLE BIFUNCTIONAL INHIBITORS, HIRUTONIN-2 AND HIRUTONIN-6 1inc CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEX OF PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE WITH TWO VALINE-DERIVED BENZOXAZINONE INHIBITORS 1ioe Human coagulation factor Xa in complex with M55532 1iqe Human coagulation factor Xa in complex with M55590 1iqf Human coagulation factor Xa in complex with M55165 1iqg Human coagulation factor Xa in complex with M55159 1iqh Human coagulation factor Xa in complex with M55143 1iqi Human coagulation factor Xa in complex with M55125 1iqj Human coagulation factor Xa in complex with M55124 1iqk Human coagulation factor Xa in complex with M55113 1iql Human coagulation factor Xa in complex with M54476 1iqm Human coagulation factor Xa in complex with M54471 1iqn Human coagulation factor Xa in complex with M55192 1j14 BENZAMIDINE IN COMPLEX WITH RAT TRYPSIN MUTANT X99RT 1j15 BENZAMIDINE IN COMPLEX WITH RAT TRYPSIN MUTANT X99/175/190RT 1j16 BENZAMIDINE IN COMPLEX WITH RAT TRYPSIN MUTANT X99/175/190RT 1j17 FACTOR XA SPECIFIC INHIBITOR IN COMPLEX WITH RAT TRYPSIN MUTANT X99/175/190RT 1j8a CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BENZAMIDINE INHIBITED BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN AT 105K TO 1.21A RESOLUTION FROM LABORATORY SOURCE WITH HIGH NUMBER OF WATERS MODELLED 1j9c Crystal Structure of tissue factor-factor VIIa complex 1jbu Coagulation Factor VII Zymogen (EGF2/Protease) in Complex with Inhibitory Exosite Peptide A-183 1jim STEREOSPECIFIC REACTION OF 3-METHOXY-4-CHLORO-7-AMINOISOCOUMARIN WITH CRYSTALLINE PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE 1jir Crystal Structure of Trypsin Complex with Amylamine in Cyclohexane 1jmo Crystal Structure of the Heparin Cofactor II-S195A Thrombin Complex 1jou Crystal Structure of Native S195A Thrombin with an Unoccupied Active Site 1jrs HEMIACETAL COMPLEX BETWEEN LEUPEPTIN AND TRYPSIN 1jrt HEMIACETAL COMPLEX BETWEEN LEUPEPTIN AND TRYPSIN 1jwt CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THROMBIN IN COMPLEX WITH A NOVEL BICYCLIC LACTAM INHIBITOR 1k1i BOVINE TRYPSIN-INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1k1j BOVINE TRYPSIN-INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1k1l BOVINE TRYPSIN-INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1k1m BOVINE TRYPSIN-INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1k1n BOVINE TRYPSIN-INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1k1o BOVINE TRYPSIN-INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1k1p BOVINE TRYPSIN-INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1k21 HUMAN THROMBIN-INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1k22 HUMAN THROMBIN-INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1k2i Crystal Structure of Gamma-Chymotrypsin in Complex with 7-Hydroxycoumarin 1k9o CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MICHAELIS SERPIN-TRYPSIN COMPLEX 1kdq Crystal Structure Analysis of the Mutant S189D Rat Chymotrypsin 1kig BOVINE FACTOR XA 1kli Cofactor-and substrate-assisted activation of factor VIIa 1klj Crystal structure of uninhibited factor VIIa 1klt CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF PMSF-TREATED HUMAN CHYMASE AT 1.9 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1ksn Crystal Structure of Human Coagulation Factor XA Complexed with FXV673 1kts Thrombin Inhibitor Complex 1ktt Thrombin inhibitor complex 1kyn Cathepsin-G 1l0z THE STRUCTURE OF PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE COMPLEXED WITH XENON AND BROMIDE, CRYOPROTECTED WITH DRY PARAFFIN OIL 1l1g The Structure of Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Complexed with Xenon and Bromide, Cryoprotected with Glycerol 1l2e Human Kallikrein 6 (hK6) Active Form with benzamidine inhibitor 1l4d CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MICROPLASMINOGEN-STREPTOKINASE ALPHA DOMAIN COMPLEX 1l4z X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF MICROPLASMINOGEN WITH ALPHA DOMAIN OF STREPTOKINASE IN THE PRESENCE CADMIUM IONS 1ldt COMPLEX OF LEECH-DERIVED TRYPTASE INHIBITOR WITH PORCINE TRYPSIN 1lhc HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH AC-(D)PHE-PRO-BOROARG-OH 1lhd HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH AC-(D)PHE-PRO-BOROLYS-OH 1lhe HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH AC-(D)PHE-PRO-BORO-N-BUTYL-AMIDINO-GLYCINE-OH 1lhf HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH AC-(D)PHE-PRO-BORO-HOMOLYS-OH 1lhg HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH AC-(D)PHE-PRO-BOROORNITHINE-OH 1lka Porcine Pancreatic Elastase/Ca-Complex 1lkb Porcine Pancreatic Elastase/Na-Complex 1lmw LMW U-PA STRUCTURE COMPLEXED WITH EGRCMK (GLU-GLY-ARG CHLOROMETHYL KETONE) 1lo6 Human Kallikrein 6 (hK6) active form with benzamidine inhibitor at 1.56 A resolution 1lpg CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FXA IN COMPLEX WITH 79. 1lpk CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FXA IN COMPLEX WITH 125. 1lpz CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FXA IN COMPLEX WITH 41. 1lqd CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FXA IN COMPLEX WITH 45. 1lqe CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF TRYPSIN IN COMPLEX WITH 79. 1lto Human alpha1-tryptase 1lvy PORCINE ELASTASE 1m9u Crystal Structure of Earthworm Fibrinolytic Enzyme Component A from Eisenia fetida 1max BETA-TRYPSIN PHOSPHONATE INHIBITED 1may BETA-TRYPSIN PHOSPHONATE INHIBITED 1mbq Anionic Trypsin from Pacific Chum Salmon 1mct THE REFINED 1.6 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX FORMED BETWEEN PORCINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND MCTI-A, A TRYPSIN INHIBITOR OF SQUASH FAMILY 1mcv Crystal Structure Analysis of a Hybrid Squash Inhibitor in Complex with Porcine Pancreatic Elastase 1md7 Monomeric structure of the zymogen of complement protease C1r 1md8 Monomeric structure of the active catalytic domain of complement protease C1r 1mh0 Crystal structure of the anticoagulant slow form of thrombin 1mkw THE CO-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF UNLIGANDED BOVINE ALPHA-THROMBIN AND PRETHROMBIN-2: MOVEMENT OF THE YPPW SEGMENT AND ACTIVE SITE RESIDUES UPON LIGAND BINDING 1mkx THE CO-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF UNLIGANDED BOVINE ALPHA-THROMBIN AND PRETHROMBIN-2: MOVEMENT OF THE YPPW SEGMENT AND ACTIVE SITE RESIDUES UPON LIGAND BINDING 1mmj Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with a potent peptidyl inhibitor, FR136706 1mq5 Crystal Structure of 3-chloro-N-[4-chloro-2-[[(4-chlorophenyl)amino]carbonyl]phenyl]-4-[(4-methyl-1-piperazinyl)methyl]-2-thiophenecarboxamide Complexed with Human Factor Xa 1mq6 Crystal Structure of 3-chloro-N-[4-chloro-2-[[(5-chloro-2-pyridinyl)amino]carbonyl]-6-methoxyphenyl]-4-[[(4,5-dihydro-2-oxazolyl)methylamino]methyl]-2-thiophenecarboxamide Complexed with Human Factor Xa 1mtn BOVINE ALPHA-CHYMOTRYPSIN:BPTI CRYSTALLIZATION 1mts FACTOR XA SPECIFIC INHIBITOR IN COMPLEX WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 1mtu FACTOR XA SPECIFIC INHIBITOR IN COMPLEX WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 1mtv FACTOR XA SPECIFIC INHIBITOR IN COMPLEX WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 1mtw FACTOR XA SPECIFIC INHIBITOR IN COMPLEX WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 1mu6 Crystal Structure of Thrombin in Complex with L-378,622 1mu8 thrombin-hirugen_l-378,650 1mue Thrombin-Hirugen-L405,426 1mza crystal structure of human pro-granzyme K 1mzd crystal structure of human pro-granzyme K 1n6x RIP-phasing on Bovine Trypsin 1n6y RIP-phasing on Bovine Trypsin 1n8o Crystal structure of a complex between bovine chymotrypsin and ecotin 1nc6 Potent, small molecule inhibitors of human mast cell tryptase. Anti-asthmatic action of a dipeptide-based transition state analogue containing benzothiazole ketone 1nes STRUCTURE OF THE PRODUCT COMPLEX OF ACETYL-ALA-PRO-ALA WITH PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE AT 1.65 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1nfu CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN COAGULATION FACTOR XA COMPLEXED WITH RPR132747 1nfw CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN COAGULATION FACTOR XA COMPLEXED WITH RPR209685 1nfx CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN COAGULATION FACTOR XA COMPLEXED WITH RPR208944 1nfy CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN COAGULATION FACTOR XA COMPLEXED WITH RPR200095 1nm6 thrombin in complex with selective macrocyclic inhibitor at 1.8A 1nn6 Human Pro-Chymase 1no9 Design of weakly basic thrombin inhibitors incorporating novel P1 binding functions: molecular and X-ray crystallographic studies. 1npm NEUROPSIN, A SERINE PROTEASE EXPRESSED IN THE LIMBIC SYSTEM OF MOUSE BRAIN 1nrn CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURES OF THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH THROMBIN RECEPTOR PEPTIDES: EXISTENCE OF EXPECTED AND NOVEL BINDING MODES 1nro CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURES OF THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH THROMBIN RECEPTOR PEPTIDES: EXISTENCE OF EXPECTED AND NOVEL BINDING MODES 1nrp CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURES OF THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH THROMBIN RECEPTOR PEPTIDES: EXISTENCE OF EXPECTED AND NOVEL BINDING MODES 1nrq CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURES OF THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH THROMBIN RECEPTOR PEPTIDES: EXISTENCE OF EXPECTED AND NOVEL BINDING MODES 1nrr CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURES OF THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH THROMBIN RECEPTOR PEPTIDES: EXISTENCE OF EXPECTED AND NOVEL BINDING MODES 1nrs CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURES OF THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH THROMBIN RECEPTOR PEPTIDES: EXISTENCE OF EXPECTED AND NOVEL BINDING MODES 1nt1 thrombin in complex with selective macrocyclic inhibitor 1ntp USE OF THE NEUTRON DIFFRACTION H/D EXCHANGE TECHNIQUE TO DETERMINE THE CONFORMATIONAL DYNAMICS OF TRYPSIN 1nu7 Staphylocoagulase-Thrombin Complex 1nu9 Staphylocoagulase-Prethrombin-2 complex 1ny2 Human alpha thrombin inhibited by RPPGF and hirugen 1nzq D-Phe-Pro-Arg-Type Thrombin Inhibitor 1o0d Human Thrombin complexed with a d-Phe-Pro-Arg-type Inhibitor and a C-terminal Hirudin derived exo-site inhibitor 1o2g Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2h Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2i Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2j Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2k Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2l Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2m Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2n Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2o Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2p Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2q Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2r Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2s Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2t Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2u Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2v Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2w Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2x Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2y Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o2z Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o30 Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o31 Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o32 Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o33 Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o34 Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o35 Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o36 Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o37 Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o38 Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o39 Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3a Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3b Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3c Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3d Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3e Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3f Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3g Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3h Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3i Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3j Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3k Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3l Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3m Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3n Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3o Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o3p Elaborate Manifold of Short Hydrogen Bond Arrays Mediating Binding of Active Site-Directed Serine Protease Inhibitors 1o5a Dissecting and Designing Inhibitor Selectivity Determinants at the S1 site Using an Artificial Ala190 Protease (Ala190 uPA) 1o5b Dissecting and Designing Inhibitor Selectivity Determinants at the S1 site Using an Artificial Ala190 Protease (Ala190 uPA) 1o5c Dissecting and Designing Inhibitor Selectivity Determinants at the S1 site Using an Artificial Ala190 Protease (Ala190 uPA) 1o5d Dissecting and Designing Inhibitor Selectivity Determinants at the S1 site Using an Artificial Ala190 Protease (Ala190 uPA) 1o5e Dissecting and Designing Inhibitor Selectivity Determinants at the S1 site Using an Artificial Ala190 Protease (Ala190 uPA) 1o5f Dissecting and Designing Inhibitor Selectivity Determinants at the S1 site Using an Artificial Ala190 Protease (Ala190 uPA) 1o5g Dissecting and Designing Inhibitor Selectivity Determinants at the S1 site Using an Artificial Ala190 Protease (Ala190 uPA) 1okx Binding structure of elastase inhibitor scyptolin A 1ook Crystal Structure of the Complex of Platelet Receptor GPIb-alpha and Human alpha-Thrombin 1op0 Crystal Structure of AaV-SP-I, a Glycosylated Snake Venom Serine Proteinase from Agkistrodon acutus 1op2 Crystal Structure of AaV-SP-II, a Glycosylated Snake Venom Serine Proteinase from Agkistrodon acutus 1op8 Crystal Structure of Human Granzyme A 1oph NON-COVALENT COMPLEX BETWEEN ALPHA-1-PI-PITTSBURGH AND S195A TRYPSIN 1orf The Oligomeric Structure of Human Granzyme A Reveals the Molecular Determinants of Substrate Specificity 1os8 RECOMBINANT STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS TRYPSIN 1oss T190P STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS TRYPSIN IN COMPLEX WITH BENZAMIDINE 1owd Substituted 2-Naphthamidine inhibitors of urokinase 1owe Substituted 2-Naphthamidine inhibitors of urokinase 1owh Substituted 2-Naphthamidine Inhibitors of Urokinase 1owi Substituted 2-Naphthamidine Inhibitors of Urokinase 1owj Substituted 2-Naphthamidine Inhibitors of Urokinase 1owk Substituted 2-Naphthamidine Inhibitors of Urokinase 1ox1 crystal structure of the bovine trypsin complex with a synthetic 11 peptide inhibitor 1oxg Crystal structure of a complex formed between organic solvent treated bovine alpha-chymotrypsin and its autocatalytically produced highly potent 14-residue peptide at 2.2 resolution 1oyq TRYPSIN INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1oyt COMPLEX OF RECOMBINANT HUMAN THROMBIN WITH A DESIGNED FLUORINATED INHIBITOR 1p0s Crystal Structure of Blood Coagulation Factor Xa in Complex with Ecotin M84R 1p2i Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2j Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2k Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2m Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2n Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2o Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2q Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p3c Glutamyl endopeptidase from Bacillus intermedius 1p3e Structure of Glu endopeptidase in complex with MPD 1p57 Extracellular domain of human hepsin 1p8v CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF PLATELET RECEPTOR GPIB-ALPHA AND ALPHA-THROMBIN AT 2.6A 1pfx PORCINE FACTOR IXA 1pjp THE 2.2 A CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN CHYMASE IN COMPLEX WITH SUCCINYL-ALA-ALA-PRO-PHE-CHLOROMETHYLKETONE 1ppb THE REFINED 1.9 ANGSTROMS CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN: INTERACTION WITH D-PHE-PRO-ARG CHLOROMETHYLKETONE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TYR-PRO-PRO-TRP INSERTION SEGMENT 1ppc GEOMETRY OF BINDING OF THE BENZAMIDINE-AND ARGININE-BASED INHIBITORS N-ALPHA-(2-NAPHTHYL-SULPHONYL-GLYCYL)-DL-P-AMIDINOPHENYLALANYL-PIPERIDINE (NAPAP) AND (2R,4R)-4-METHYL-1-[N-ALPHA-(3-METHYL-1,2,3,4-TETRAHYDRO-8-QUINOLINESULPHONYL)-L-ARGINYL]-2-PIPERIDINE CARBOXYLIC ACID (MQPA) TO HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN: X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF THE NAPAP-TRYPSIN COMPLEX AND MODELING OF NAPAP-THROMBIN AND MQPA-THROMBIN 1ppe THE REFINED 2.0 ANGSTROMS X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX FORMED BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND CMTI-I, A TRYPSIN INHIBITOR FROM SQUASH SEEDS (CUCURBITA MAXIMA): TOPOLOGICAL SIMILARITY OF THE SQUASH SEED INHIBITORS WITH THE CARBOXYPEPTIDASE A INHIBITOR FROM POTATOES 1ppf X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ELASTASE (PMN ELASTASE) AND THE THIRD DOMAIN OF THE TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR 1ppg THE REFINED 2.3 ANGSTROMS CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ELASTASE IN A COMPLEX WITH A VALINE CHLOROMETHYL KETONE INHIBITOR 1pph GEOMETRY OF BINDING OF THE NALPHA-TOSYLATED PIPERIDIDES OF M-AMIDINO-, P-AMIDINO-AND P-GUANIDINO PHENYLALANINE TO THROMBIN AND TRYPSIN: X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THEIR TRYPSIN COMPLEXES AND MODELING OF THEIR THROMBIN COMPLEXES 1ppz Trypsin complexes at atomic and ultra-high resolution 1pq5 Trypsin at pH 5, 0.85 A 1pq7 Trypsin at 0.8 A, pH5 / borax 1pq8 Trypsin at pH 4 at atomic resolution 1pqa Trypsin with PMSF at atomic resolution 1pyt TERNARY COMPLEX OF PROCARBOXYPEPTIDASE A, PROPROTEINASE E, AND CHYMOTRYPSINOGEN C 1q3x Crystal structure of the catalytic region of human MASP-2 1qa0 BOVINE TRYPSIN 2-AMINOBENZIMIDAZOLE COMPLEX 1qb1 Bovine Trypsin with 1-[2-[5-[amino(imino)methyl]-2-hydroxyphenoxy]-6-[3-(4,5-dihydro-1-methyl-1H-imidazol-2-yl)phenoxy]pyridin-4-yl]piperidine-3-carboxylic Acid (ZK-806974) 1qb6 BOVINE TRYPSIN 3,3'-[3,5-DIFLUORO-4-METHYL-2, 6-PYRIDINEDIYLBIS(OXY)]BIS(BENZENECARBOXIMIDAMIDE) (ZK-805623) COMPLEX 1qb9 BOVINE TRYPSIN 7-[[2-[[1-(1-IMINOETHYL)PIPERIDIN-4-YL]OXY]-9H-CARBOZOL-9-YL] METHYL]NAPHTHALENE-2-CARBOXIMIDAMIDE (ZK-806450) COMPLEX 1qbn Bovine Trypsin 2-[amino(imino)methyl]-2-hydroxyphenoxy]-6-[3-(4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl)phenoxy]pyridine-4-carboxylic Acid (ZK-806688) Complex 1qbo BOVINE TRYPSIN 7-[[6-[[1-(1-IMINOETHYL)PIPERIDIN-4-YL]OXY]-2-METHYL-BENZIMIDAZOL-1-YL]METHYL]NAPHTHALENE-2-CARBOXIMIDAMID ZK-806711 INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1qbv CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH AN GUANIDINE-MIMETIC INHIBITOR 1qcp CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE RWJ-51084 BOVINE PANCREATIC BETA-TRYPSIN AT 1.8 A 1qfk STRUCTURE OF HUMAN FACTOR VIIA AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE TRIGGERING OF BLOOD COAGULATION 1qgf PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE COMPLEXED WITH (3R, 4S)N-PARA-TOLUENESULPHONYL-3-ETHYL-4-(CARBOXYLIC ACID)PYRROLIDIN-2-ONE 1qhr NOVEL COVALENT ACTIVE SITE THROMBIN INHIBITORS 1qix Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with human beta-casomorphin-7 1qj1 NOVEL COVALENT ACTIVE SITE THROMBIN INHIBITORS 1qj6 NOVEL COVALENT ACTIVE SITE THROMBIN INHIBITORS 1qj7 NOVEL COVALENT ACTIVE SITE THROMBIN INHIBITORS 1ql7 FACTOR XA SPECIFIC INHIBITOR IN COMPLEX WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 1ql8 FACTOR XA SPECIFIC INHIBITOR IN COMPLEX WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 1ql9 FACTOR XA SPECIFIC INHIBITOR IN COMPLEX WITH RAT TRYPSIN MUTANT X99RT 1qnj THE STRUCTURE OF NATIVE PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE AT ATOMIC RESOLUTION (1.1 A) 1qqu CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF PORCINE BETA TRYPSIN WITH BOUND ACETATE ION 1qr3 Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase in complex with FR901277, a novel macrocyclic inhibitor of elastases at 1.6 angstrom resolution 1qrz CATALYTIC DOMAIN OF PLASMINOGEN 1qur HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN IN COMPLEX WITH BIVALENT, BENZAMIDINE-BASED SYNTHETIC INHIBITOR 1qy6 Structue of V8 Protease from Staphylococcus aureus 1rd3 2.5A Structure of Anticoagulant Thrombin Variant E217K 1rfn HUMAN COAGULATION FACTOR IXA IN COMPLEX WITH P-AMINO BENZAMIDINE 1riw Thrombin in complex with natural product inhibitor Oscillarin 1rjx Human PLASMINOGEN CATALYTIC DOMAIN, K698M MUTANT 1rrk Crystal Structure Analysis of the Bb segment of Factor B 1rs0 Crystal Structure Analysis of the Bb segment of Factor B complexed with Di-isopropyl-phosphate (DIP) 1rtf COMPLEX OF BENZAMIDINE WITH THE CATALYTIC DOMAIN OF HUMAN TWO CHAIN TISSUE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR [(TC)-T-PA] 1rtk Crystal Structure Analysis of the Bb segment of Factor B complexed with 4-guanidinobenzoic acid 1rxp STRUCTURE OF TRYPSIN (ORTHORHOMBIC) WITH 1-(4-TERT-BUTYLCARBAMOYL- PIPERAZINE-1-CARBONYL)-3-(3-GUANIDINO-PROPYL)-4-OXO-AZETIDINE-2-CARBOXYLIC ACID 1s0q Native Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin 1s0r Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin inhibited with Benzamidine at Atomic resolution 1s5s Porcine trypsin complexed with guanidine-3-propanol inhibitor 1s6f PORCINE TRYPSIN COVALENT COMPLEX WITH BORATE AND GUANIDINE-3 INHIBITOR 1s6h PORCINE TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH GUANIDINE-3-PROPANOL INHIBITOR 1s81 PORCINE TRYPSIN WITH NO INHIBITOR BOUND 1s82 PORCINE TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH BORATE AND ETHYLENE GLYCOL 1s83 PORCINE TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH 4-AMINO PROPANOL 1s84 PORCINE TRYPSIN COVALENT COMPLEX WITH 4-AMINO BUTANOL, BORATE AND ETHYLENE GLYCOL 1s85 PORCINE TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH P-HYDROXYMETHYL BENZAMIDINE AND BORATE 1sb1 Novel Non-Covalent Thrombin Inhibitors Incorporating P1 4,5,6,7-Tetrahydrobenzothiazole Arginine Side Chain Mimetics 1sbw CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF MUNG BEAN INHIBITOR LYSINE ACTIVE FRAGMENT COMPLEX WITH BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AT 1.8A RESOLUTION 1sc8 Urokinase Plasminogen Activator B-Chain-J435 Complex 1sfi HIGH RESOLUTION STRUCTURE OF A POTENT, CYCLIC PROTEASE INHIBITOR FROM SUNFLOWER SEEDS 1sfq Fast form of thrombin mutant R(77a)A bound to PPACK 1sg8 Crystal structure of the procoagulant fast form of thrombin 1sgc THE 1.8 ANGSTROMS STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX BETWEEN CHYMOSTATIN AND STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEASE A. A MODEL FOR SERINE PROTEASE CATALYTIC TETRAHEDRAL INTERMEDIATES 1sgd ASP 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B AT PH 6.5 1sge GLU 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B AT PH 6.5 1sgf CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF 7S NGF: A COMPLEX OF NERVE GROWTH FACTOR WITH FOUR BINDING PROTEINS (SERINE PROTEINASES) 1sgi Crystal structure of the anticoagulant slow form of thrombin 1sgn ASN 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B 1sgp ALA 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B 1sgq GLY 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B 1sgr LEU 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B 1sgt REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS TRYPSIN AT 1.7 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1sgy TYR 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B AT PH 6.5 1shh Slow form of Thrombin Bound with PPACK 1shy The Crystal Structure of HGF beta-chain in Complex with the Sema Domain of the Met Receptor. 1si5 Protease-like domain from 2-chain hepatocyte growth factor 1sl3 crystal structue of Thrombin in complex with a potent P1 heterocycle-Aryl based inhibitor 1slu RAT ANIONIC N143H, E151H TRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO A86H ECOTIN 1slv RAT ANIONIC N143H, E151H TRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO A86H ECOTIN; COPPER-BOUND 1slw RAT ANIONIC N143H, E151H TRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO A86H ECOTIN; NICKEL-BOUND 1slx RAT ANIONIC N143H, E151H TRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO A86H ECOTIN; ZINC-BOUND 1smf STUDIES ON AN ARTIFICIAL TRYPSIN INHIBITOR PEPTIDE DERIVED FROM THE MUNG BEAN INHIBITOR 1spj STRUCTURE OF MATURE HUMAN TISSUE KALLIKREIN (HUMAN KALLIKREIN 1 OR KLK1) AT 1.70 ANGSTROM RESOLUTION WITH VACANT ACTIVE SITE 1sqa Substituted 2-Naphthamidine Inhibitors of Urokinase 1sqo Substituted 2-Naphthamidine Inhibitors of Urokinase 1sqt Substituted 2-Naphthamidine Inhibitors of Urokinase 1sr5 ANTITHROMBIN-ANHYDROTHROMBIN-HEPARIN TERNARY COMPLEX STRUCTURE 1t31 A Dual Inhibitor of the Leukocyte Proteases Cathepsin G and Chymase with Therapeutic Efficacy in Animals Models of Inflammation 1t32 A Dual Inhibitor of the Leukocyte Proteases Cathepsin G and Chymase with Therapeutic Efficacy in Animals Models of Inflammation 1t4u Crystal Structure Analysis of a novel Oxyguanidine bound to Thrombin 1t4v Crystal Structure Analysis of a novel Oxyguanidine bound to Thrombin 1t7c CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE P1 GLU BPTI MUTANT- BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEX 1t8l CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE P1 MET BPTI MUTANT- BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEX 1t8m CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE P1 HIS BPTI MUTANT- BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEX 1t8n CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE P1 THR BPTI MUTANT- BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEX 1t8o CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE P1 TRP BPTI MUTANT- BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEX 1ta2 Crystal structure of thrombin in complex with compound 1 1ta6 Crystal structure of thrombin in complex with compound 14b 1tab STRUCTURE OF THE TRYPSIN-BINDING DOMAIN OF BOWMAN-BIRK TYPE PROTEASE INHIBITOR AND ITS INTERACTION WITH TRYPSIN 1taw BOVINE TRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO APPI 1tb6 2.5A Crystal Structure of the Antithrombin-Thrombin-Heparin Ternary Complex 1tbq CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF INSECT DERIVED DOUBLE DOMAIN KAZAL INHIBITOR RHODNIIN IN COMPLEX WITH THROMBIN 1tbr CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF INSECT DERIVED DOUBLE DOMAIN KAZAL INHIBITOR RHODNIIN IN COMPLEX WITH THROMBIN 1tbz HUMAN THROMBIN WITH ACTIVE SITE N-METHYL-D PHENYLALANYL-N-[5-(AMINOIMINOMETHYL)AMINO]-1-{{BENZOTHIAZOLYL)CARBONYL] BUTYL]-L-PROLINAMIDE TRIFLUROACETATE AND EXOSITE-HIRUGEN 1tfx COMPLEX OF THE SECOND KUNITZ DOMAIN OF TISSUE FACTOR PATHWAY INHIBITOR WITH PORCINE TRYPSIN 1tgb CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BOVINE TRYPSINOGEN AT 1.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION. II. CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC REFINEMENT, REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND COMPARISON WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 1tgc ON THE DISORDERED ACTIVATION DOMAIN IN TRYPSINOGEN. CHEMICAL LABELLING AND LOW-TEMPERATURE CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 1tgn STRUCTURE OF BOVINE TRYPSINOGEN AT 1.9 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1tgs THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX BETWEEN PANCREATIC SECRETORY INHIBITOR (KAZAL TYPE) AND TRYPSINOGEN AT 1.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION. STRUCTURE SOLUTION, CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC REFINEMENT AND PRELIMINARY STRUCTURAL INTERPRETATION 1tgt ON THE DISORDERED ACTIVATION DOMAIN IN TRYPSINOGEN. CHEMICAL LABELLING AND LOW-TEMPERATURE CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 1thp STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN Y225P MUTANT BOUND TO D-PHE-PRO-ARG-CHLOROMETHYLKETONE 1thr STRUCTURES OF THROMBIN COMPLEXES WITH A DESIGNED AND A NATURAL EXOSITE INHIBITOR 1ths STRUCTURES OF THROMBIN COMPLEXES WITH A DESIGNED AND A NATURAL EXOSITE INHIBITOR 1tio HIGH PACKING DENSITY FORM OF BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN IN CYCLOHEXANE 1tld CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AT 1.5 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION IN A CRYSTAL FORM WITH LOW MOLECULAR PACKING DENSITY. ACTIVE SITE GEOMETRY, ION PAIRS AND SOLVENT STRUCTURE 1tmb MOLECULAR BASIS FOR THE INHIBITION OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN BY THE MACROCYCLIC PEPTIDE CYCLOTHEONAMIDE A 1tmt CHANGES IN INTERACTIONS IN COMPLEXES OF HIRUDIN DERIVATIVES AND HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN DUE TO DIFFERENT CRYSTAL FORMS 1tmu CHANGES IN INTERACTIONS IN COMPLEXES OF HIRUDIN DERIVATIVES AND HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN DUE TO DIFFERENT CRYSTAL FORMS 1tng PREDICTION OF NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITORS 1tnh PREDICTION OF NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITORS 1tni PREDICTION OF NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITORS 1tnj PREDICTION OF NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITORS 1tnk PREDICTION OF NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITORS 1tnl PREDICTION OF NOVEL SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITORS 1toc STRUCTURE OF SERINE PROTEINASE 1tom ALPHA-THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH HIRUGEN 1ton RAT SUBMAXILLARY GLAND SERINE PROTEASE, TONIN. STRUCTURE SOLUTION AND REFINEMENT AT 1.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1tpa THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 1tpo THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 1tpp THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 1tps ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF THE TRYPSIN-A90720A COMPLEX: A UNIFIED APPROACH TO STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 1tq0 Crystal structure of the potent anticoagulant thrombin mutant W215A/E217A in free form 1tq7 Crystal structure of the anticoagulant thrombin mutant W215A/E217A bound to PPACK 1trm THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF ASN102 MUTANT OF TRYPSIN. ROLE OF ASP102 IN SERINE PROTEASE CATALYSIS 1trn CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN TRYPSIN 1: UNEXPECTED PHOSPHORYLATION OF TYROSINE 151 1try STRUCTURE OF INHIBITED TRYPSIN FROM FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM AT 1.55 ANGSTROMS 1twx Crystal structure of the thrombin mutant D221A/D222K 1tx6 trypsin:BBI complex 1tx7 Bovine Trypsin complexed with p-amidinophenylmethylphosphinic acid (AMPA) 1tx8 Bovine Trypsin complexed with AMSO 1tyn ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF THE TRYPSIN-CYCLOTHEONAMIDE A COMPLEX: LESSONS FOR THE DESIGN OF SERINE PROTEASE INHIBITORS 1u6q Substituted 2-Naphthamadine inhibitors of Urokinase 1ucy THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH FIBRINOPEPTIDE A ALPHA (RESIDUES 7-19). THREE COMPLEXES, ONE WITH EPSILON-THROMBIN AND TWO WITH ALPHA-THROMBIN 1uhb Crystal structure of porcine alpha trypsin bound with auto catalyticaly produced native peptide at 2.15 A resolution 1uma ALPHA-THROMBIN (HIRUGEN) COMPLEXED WITH NA-(N,N-DIMETHYLCARBAMOYL)-ALPHA-AZALYSINE 1uo6 PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE/Xe-COMPLEX 1utj Trypsin specificity as elucidated by LIE calculations, X-ray structures and association constant measurements 1utk Trypsin specificity as elucidated by LIE calculations, X-ray structures and association constant measurements 1utl Trypsin specificity as elucidated by LIE calculations, X-ray structures and association constant measurements 1utm Trypsin specificity as elucidated by LIE calculations, X-ray structures and association constant measurements 1utn Trypsin specificity as elucidated by LIE calculations, X-ray structures and association constant measurements 1uto Trypsin specificity as elucidated by LIE calculations, X-ray structures and association constant measurements 1utp Trypsin specificity as elucidated by LIE calculations, X-ray structures and association constant measurements 1utq Trypsin specificity as elucidated by LIE calculations, X-ray structures and association constant measurements 1uvo Structure Of The Complex Of Porcine Pancreatic Elastase In Complex With Cadmium Refined At 1.85 A Resolution Against Data Collected At 1.0 A Wavelength 1uvp Structure Of The Complex Of Porcine Pancreatic Elastase In Complex With Cadmium Refined At 1.85 A Resolution Against Data Collected At 2.0 A Wavelength 1uvs BOVINE THROMBIN--BM51.1011 COMPLEX 1uvt BOVINE THROMBIN--BM14.1248 COMPLEX 1uvu BOVINE THROMBIN--BM12.1700 COMPLEX 1v2j BENZAMIDINE IN COMPLEX WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN VARIANT X(SSRI)bT.C1 1v2k Factor XA specific Inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(triple.Glu)bT.D2 1v2l Benzamidine in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(triple.Glu)bT.D1 1v2m Benzamidine in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(triple.Glu)bT.A1 1v2n Potent factor XA inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(99/175/190)bT 1v2o Trypsin inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(SSYI)bT.B4 1v2p Trypsin inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(SSYI)bT.A4 1v2q Trypsin inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(SSWI)bT.B4 1v2r Trypsin inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(SSRI)bT.B4 1v2s Benzamidine in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(SSFI.Glu)bT.D1 1v2t Trypsin inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(SSFI.Glu)bT.B4 1v2u Benzamidine in complex with bovine trypsin varinat X(SSAI)bT.D1 1v2v Benzamidine in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(SSAI)bT.C1 1v2w Trypsin inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin variant X(SSAI)bT.B4 1v3x Factor Xa in complex with the inhibitor 1-[6-methyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrothiazolo(5,4-c)pyridin-2-yl] carbonyl-2-carbamoyl-4-(6-chloronaphth-2-ylsulphonyl)piperazine 1v6d The crystal structure of the trypsin complex with synthetic heterochiral peptide 1vgc GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN L-PARA-CHLORO-1-ACETAMIDO BORONIC ACID INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1vit THROMBIN:HIRUDIN 51-65 COMPLEX 1vj9 Urokinase Plasminogen Activator B-Chain-JT464 Complex 1vja Urokinase Plasminogen Activator B-Chain-JT463 Complex 1vr1 Specifity for Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 1vzq Complex of thrombin with designed inhibitor 7165 1w0y tf7a_3771 complex 1w0z Urokinase type plasminogen activator 1w10 Urokinase type plasminogen activator 1w11 UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1w12 UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1w13 UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1w14 UROKINASE TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR 1w2k tf7a_4380 complex 1w7g Alpha-thrombin complex with sulfated hirudin (residues 54-65) and L- Arginine template inhibitor CS107 1w7x Factor7 - 413 complex 1w8b Factor7 - 413 complex 1way Active site thrombin inhibitors 1wbg Active site thrombin inhibitors 1wcz Crystal structure of an alkaline form of v8 protease from Staphylococcus aureus 1wqv Human Factor Viia-Tissue Factor Complexed with propylsulfonamide-D-Thr-Met-p-aminobenzamidine 1wss Human Factor Viia-Tissue Factor in Complex with peprid mimetic inhibitor that has two charge groups in P2 and P4 1wtg Human Factor Viia-Tissue Factor Complexed with ethylsulfonamide-D-biphenylalanine-Gln-p-aminobenzamidine 1wu1 Factor Xa in complex with the inhibitor 4-[(5-chloroindol-2-yl)sulfonyl]-2-(2-methylpropyl)-1-[[5-(pyridin-4-yl) pyrimidin-2-yl]carbonyl]piperazine 1wun Human Factor Viia-Tissue Factor Complexed with ethylsulfonamide-D-Trp-Gln-p-aminobenzamidine 1wv7 Human Factor Viia-Tissue Factor Complexed with ethylsulfonamide-D-5-propoxy-Trp-Gln-p-aminobenzamidine 1x7a Porcine Factor IXa Complexed to 1-{3-[amino(imino)methyl]phenyl}-N-[4-(1H-benzimidazol-1-yl)-2-fluorophenyl]-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide 1xka FACTOR XA COMPLEXED WITH A SYNTHETIC INHIBITOR FX-2212A,(2S)-(3'-AMIDINO-3-BIPHENYLYL)-5-(4-PYRIDYLAMINO)PENTANOIC ACID 1xkb FACTOR XA COMPLEXED WITH A SYNTHETIC INHIBITOR FX-2212A,(2S)-(3'-AMIDINO-3-BIPHENYLYL)-5-(4-PYRIDYLAMINO)PENTANOIC ACID 1xm1 Nonbasic Thrombin Inhibitor Complex 1xmn Crystal structure of thrombin bound to heparin 1xuf TRYPSIN-BABIM-ZN+2, PH 8.2 1xug TRYPSIN-BABIM-ZN+2, PH 8.2 1xuh TRYPSIN-KETO-BABIM-CO+2, PH 8.2 1xui TRYPSIN-KETO-BABIM, ZN+2-FREE, PH 8.2 1xuj TRYPSIN-KETO-BABIM-ZN+2, PH 8.2 1xuk TRYPSIN-BABIM-SULFATE, PH 5.9 1xvm Trypsin from Fusarium oxysporum- room temperature to atomic resolution 1xvo Trypsin from Fusarium oxysporum at pH 6 1xx9 Crystal Structure of the FXIa Catalytic Domain in Complex with EcotinM84R 1xxd Crystal Structure of the FXIa Catalytic Domain in Complex with mutated Ecotin 1xxf Crystal Structure of the FXIa Catalytic Domain in Complex with Ecotin Mutant (EcotinP) 1y3u TRYPSIN INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1y3v Trypsin Inhibitor Complex 1y3w TRYPSIN INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1y3x TRYPSIN INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1y3y TRYPSIN INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1y59 Dianhydrosugar-based benzamidine, factor Xa specific inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin mutant 1y5a Dianhydrosugar-based benzamidine, factor Xa specific inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin mutant 1y5b Dianhydrosugar-based benzamidine, factor Xa specific inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin mutant 1y5u Dianhydrosugar-based benzamidine, factor Xa specific inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin mutant 1ybw Protease domain of HGFA with no inhibitor 1yc0 short form HGFA with first Kunitz domain from HAI-1 1ycp THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FIBRINOGEN-AA PEPTIDE 1-23 (F8Y) BOUND TO BOVINE THROMBIN EXPLAINS WHY THE MUTATION OF PHE-8 TO TYROSINE STRONGLY INHIBITS NORMAL CLEAVAGE AT ARGININE-16 1yf4 Crystal Structure of trypsin-vasopressin complex 1ygc Short Factor VIIa with a small molecule inhibitor 1ykt Trypsin/Bpti complex mutant 1ylc Trypsin/BPTI complex mutant 1yld Trypsin/BPTI complex mutant 1ym0 Crystal Structure of Earthworm Fibrinolytic Enzyme Component B: a Novel, Glycosylated Two-chained Trypsin 1yp9 Trypsin Inhibitor Complex 1ype Thrombin Inhibitor Complex 1ypg Thrombin Inhibitor Complex 1yph High resolution structure of bovine alpha-chymotrypsin 1ypj Thrombin Inhibitor Complex 1ypk Thrombin Inhibitor Complex 1ypl X-ray crystal structure of thrombin inhibited by synthetic cyanopeptide analogue RA-1008 1ypm X-ray crystal structure of thrombin inhibited by synthetic cyanopeptide analogue RA-1014 1yyy TRYPSIN INHIBITORS WITH RIGID TRIPEPTIDYL ALDEHYDES 1z6e Factor XA in complex with the inhibitor 1-(3'-amino-1,2-benzisoxazol-5'-yl)-n-(4-(2'-((dimethylamino)methyl)-1h-imidazol-1-yl)-2-fluorophenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1h-pyrazole-5-carboxamide (razaxaban; DPC906; BMS-561389) 1z6j Crystal Structure of a ternary complex of Factor VIIa/Tissue Factor/Pyrazinone Inhibitor 1z71 thrombin and P2 pyridine N-oxide inhibitor complex structure 1z7k Crystal Structure of Trypsin- Ovomucoid turkey egg white inhibitor complex 1z8g Crystal structure of the extracellular region of the transmembrane serine protease hepsin with covalently bound preferred substrate. 1z8i Crystal structure of the thrombin mutant G193A bound to PPACK 1z8j Crystal structure of the thrombin mutant G193P bound to PPACK 1zgi thrombin in complex with an oxazolopyridine inhibitor 21 1zgv Thrombin in complex with an oxazolopyridine inhibitor 2 1zhm Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of the Coagulation Factor XIa in Complex with Benzamidine (S434A-T475A-K437 Mutant) 1zhp Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with Benzamidine (S434A-T475A-K505 Mutant) 1zhr Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with Benzamidine (S434A-T475A-C482S-K437A Mutant) 1zjd Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with Kunitz Protease Inhibitor Domain of Protease Nexin II 1zjk Crystal structure of the zymogen catalytic region of human MASP-2 1zlr Factor XI catalytic domain complexed with 2-guanidino-1-(4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)phenyl)ethyl nicotinate 1zmj Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Factor XI in complex with 4-(guanidinomethyl)-phenylboronic acid 1zml Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Factor XI in complex with (R)-1-(4-(4-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)phenethyl)guanidine 1zmn Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with (R)-1-(4-(4-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)phenyl)guanidine 1zom Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in complex with a peptidomimetic Inhibitor 1zpb Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with 4-Methyl-pentanoic acid {1-[4-guanidino-1-(thiazole-2-carbonyl)-butylcarbamoyl]-2-methyl-propyl}-amide 1zpc Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with 2-[2-(3-Chloro-phenyl)-2-hydroxy-acetylamino]-N-[4-guanidino-1-(thiazole-2-carbonyl)-butyl]-3-methyl-butyramide 1zpz Factor XI catalytic domain complexed with N-((R)-1-(4-bromophenyl)ethyl)urea-Asn-Val-Arg-alpha-ketothiazole 1zr0 Crystal Structure of Kunitz Domain 1 of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor-2 with Bovine Trypsin 1zrb Thrombin in complex with an azafluorenyl inhibitor 23b 1zrk Factor XI complexed with 3-hydroxypropyl 3-(7-amidinonaphthalene-1-carboxamido)benzenesulfonate 1zsj Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in complex with N-(7-Carbamimidoyl-naphthalen-1-yl)-3-hydroxy-2-methyl-benzamide 1zsk Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with 6-Carbamimidoyl-4-(3-hydroxy-2-methyl-benzoylamino)-naphthalene-2-carboxylic acid methyl ester 1zsl Factor XI complexed with a pyrimidinone inhibitor 1ztj Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with 2-(5-Benzylamino-2-methylsulfanyl-6-oxo-6H-pyrimidin-1-yl)-N-[4-guanidino-1-(thiazole-2-carbonyl)-butyl]-acetamide 1ztk Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with 2-(5-Amino-6-oxo-2-m-tolyl-6H-pyrimidin-1-yl)-N-[4-guanidino-1-(thiazole-2-carbonyl)-butyl]-acetamide 1ztl Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with N-[4-Guanidino-1-(thiazole-2-carbonyl)-butyl]-2-{6-oxo-5-[(quinolin-8-ylmethyl)-amino]-2-m-tolyl-6H-pyrimidin-1-yl}-acetamide 1zzz TRYPSIN INHIBITORS WITH RIGID TRIPEPTIDYL ALDEHYDES 2a0q Structure of thrombin in 400 mM potassium chloride 2a1d Staphylocoagulase bound to bovine thrombin 2a2q Complex of Active-site Inhibited Human Coagulation Factor VIIa with Human Soluble Tissue Factor in the Presence of Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and Zn2+ 2a2x Orally Active Thrombin Inhibitors in Complex with Thrombin Inh12 2a31 Trypsin in complex with borate 2a32 Trypsin in complex with benzene boronic acid 2a45 Crystal structure of the complex between thrombin and the central ""E"" region of fibrin 2a7c On the Routine Use of Soft X-Rays in Macromolecular Crystallography, Part III- The Optimal Data Collection Wavelength 2a7h On the Routine Use of Soft X-Rays in Macromolecular Crystallography, Part III- The Optimal Data Collection Wavelength 2a7j On the Routine Use of Soft X-Rays in Macromolecular Crystallography, Part III- The Optimal Data Collection Wavelength 2aei Crystal structure of a ternary complex of factor VIIa/tissue factor and 2-[[6-[3-(aminoiminomethyl)phenoxy]-3,5-difluro-4-[(1-methyl-3-phenylpropyl)amino]-2-pyridinyl]oxy]-benzoic acid 2aer Crystal Structure of Benzamidine-Factor VIIa/Soluble Tissue Factor complex. 2afq 1.9 angstrom crytal structure of wild-type human thrombin in the sodium free state 2age Succinyl-AAPR-trypsin acyl-enzyme at 1.15 A resolution 2agg succinyl-AAPK-trypsin acyl-enzyme at 1.28 A resolution 2agi The leupeptin-trypsin covalent complex at 1.14 A resolution 2ah4 guanidinobenzoyl-trypsin acyl-enzyme at 1.13 A resolution 2aip Crystal structure of native protein C activator from the venom of copperhead snake Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix 2aiq Crystal structure of benzamidine-inhibited protein C activator from the venom of copperhead snake Agkistrodon contortrix contortrix 2ank orally active thrombin inhibitors in complex with thrombin and an exosite decapeptide 2anm Ternary complex of an orally active thrombin inhibitor with human thrombin and a c-terminal hirudin derived exo-sit inhibitor 2anw Expression, crystallization and three-dimensional structure of the catalytic domain of human plasma kallikrein: Implications for structure-based design of protease inhibitors 2any Expression, Crystallization and the Three-dimensional Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Human Plasma Kallikrein: Implications for Structure-Based Design of Protease Inhibitors 2as9 Functional and structural characterization of Spl proteases from staphylococcus aureus 2asu Crystal Structure of the beta-chain of HGFl/MSP 2ayw Crystal Structure of the complex formed between trypsin and a designed synthetic highly potent inhibitor in the presence of benzamidine at 0.97 A resolution 2b5t 2.1 Angstrom structure of a nonproductive complex between antithrombin, synthetic heparin mimetic SR123781 and two S195A thrombin molecules 2b7d Factor VIIa Inhibitors: Chemical Optimization, Preclinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Efficacy in a Baboon Thrombosis Model 2b8o Crystal Structure of Glu-Gly-Arg-Chloromethyl Ketone-Factor VIIa/Soluble Tissue Factor Complex 2b9l Crystal structure of prophenoloxidase activating factor-II from the beetle Holotrichia diomphalia 2bb4 Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and Asp-Phe at pH 5.0 2bd2 Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and Arg-Phe at pH 5.0 2bd3 Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and Lys-Ala-NH2 at pH 5.0 2bd4 Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and Lys-Ser at pH 5.0 2bd5 Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and Lys-Ser at pH 5 and immersed in pH 9 buffer for 30 seconds 2bd7 Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and Arg-Phe at pH 5.0 (50 min soak) 2bd8 Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and Arg-Phe at pH 5.0 (50 min soak) and immersed in pH 9 buffer for 30 seconds 2bd9 Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with beta-casomorphin-7 and Arg-Phe at pH 5.0 (50 min soak) and immersed in pH 9 buffer for 28 seconds (2nd pH jump) 2bda Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with N-acetyl-NPI and Ala-Ala at pH 5.0 2bdb Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with Asn-Pro-Ile and Ala-Ala at pH 5.0 2bdc Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with Asn-Pro-Ile at pH 5.0 2bdg Human Kallikrein 4 complex with nickel and p-aminobenzamidine 2bdh Human Kallikrein 4 complex with zinc and p-aminobenzamidine 2bdi Human Kallikrein 4 complex with cobalt and p-aminobenzamidine 2bdy thrombin in complex with inhibitor 2blo Elastase before a high dose x-ray ""burn"" 2blq Elastase After A High Dose X-Ray ""Burn"" 2blv Trypsin before a high dose x-ray ""burn"" 2blw Trypsin after a high dose X-ray ""Burn"" 2bm2 human beta-II tryptase in complex with 4-(3-Aminomethyl-phenyl)- piperidin-1-yl-(5-phenethyl- pyridin-3-yl)-methanone 2bmg Crystal structure of factor Xa in complex with 50 2boh Crystal structure of factor Xa in complex with compound ""1"" 2bok Factor Xa - cation 2bq6 Crystal structure of factor Xa in complex with 21 2bq7 Crystal structure of factor Xa in complex with 43 2bqw CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF FACTOR XA IN COMPLEX WITH COMPOUND 45 2btc BOVINE TRYPSIN IN COMPLEX WITH SQUASH SEED INHIBITOR (CUCURBITA PEPO TRYPSIN INHIBITOR II) 2bvr Human thrombin complexed with fragment-based small molecules occupying the S1 pocket 2bvs Human thrombin complexed with fragment-based small molecules occupying the S1 pocket 2bvx Design and Discovery of Novel, Potent Thrombin Inhibitors with a Solubilizing Cationic P1-P2-Linker 2bxt Design and Discovery of Novel, Potent Thrombin Inhibitors with a Solubilizing Cationic P1-P2-Linker 2bxu Design and Discovery of Novel, Potent Thrombin Inhibitors with a Solubilizing Cationic P1-P2-Linker 2by5 Is radiation damage dependent on the dose-rate used during macromolecular crystallography data collection 2by6 Is radiation damage dependent on the dose-rate used during macromolecular crystallography data collection 2by7 Is radiation damage dependent on the dose-rate used during macromolecular crystallography data collection 2by8 Is radiation damage dependent on the dose-rate used during macromolecular crystallography data collection 2by9 Is radiation damage dependent on the dose-rate used during macromolecular crystallography data collection 2bya Is radiation damage dependent on the dose-rate used during macromolecular crystallography data collection 2bz6 Orally available Factor7a inhibitor 2bza BOVINE PANCREAS BETA-TRYPSIN IN COMPLEX WITH BENZYLAMINE 2c4f crystal structure of factor VII.stf complexed with pd0297121 2c8w thrombin inhibitors 2c8x thrombin inhibitors 2c8y thrombin inhibitors 2c8z thrombin inhibitors 2c90 thrombin inhibitors 2c93 thrombin inhibitors 2cf8 Thrombin-methoxy 2cf9 Thrombin-methoxy2 2cga BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSINOGEN A. X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS AND REFINEMENT OF A NEW CRYSTAL FORM AT 1.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 2cha THE STRUCTURE OF CRYSTALLINE ALPHA-CHYMOTRYPSIN, V.THE ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF TOSYL-ALPHA-CHYMOTRYPSIN AT 2 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 2cji Crystal structure of a Human Factor Xa inhibitor complex 2cmy Crystal complex between bovine trypsin and Veronica hederifolia trypsin inhibitor 2cn0 Thrombin-2fluoro 2cv3 Crystal structure of porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with a macroclyclic peptide inhibitor 2d1j Factor Xa in complex with the inhibitor 2-[[4-[(5-chloroindol-2-yl)sulfonyl]piperazin-1-yl] carbonyl]thieno[3,2-b]pyridine n-oxide 2d26 Active site distortion is sufficient for proteinase inhibit second crystal structure of covalent serpin-proteinase complex 2d8w Structure of HYPER-VIL-trypsin 2de8 Crystal structure of porcine pancreatic elastase with a unique conformation induced by Tris 2de9 Crystal structure of porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with Tris after soaking a tris-free solution 2ec9 Crystal structure analysis of human Factor VIIa , Souluble tissue factor complexed with BCX-3607 2eek Crystal structure of Atlantic cod trypsin complexed with benzamidine 2ei6 FACTOR XA IN COMPLEX WITH THE INHIBITOR (-)-cis-N1-[(5-Chloroindol-2-yl)carbonyl]-N2-[(5-methyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrothiazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-2-yl)carbonyl]-1,2-cyclohexanediamine 2ei7 FACTOR XA IN COMPLEX WITH THE INHIBITOR trans-N1-[(5-Chloroindol-2-yl)carbonyl]-N2-[(5-methyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrothiazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-2-yl)carbonyl]-1,2-cyclohexanediamine 2ei8 FACTOR XA IN COMPLEX WITH THE INHIBITOR (1S,2R,4S)-N1-[(5-chloroindol-2-yl)carbonyl]-4-(N,N-dimethylcarbamoyl)-N2-[(5-methyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydrothiazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-2-yl)carbonyl]-1,2-cyclohexanediamine 2est CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDY OF THE BINDING OF A TRIFLUOROACETYL DIPEPTIDE ANILIDE INHIBITOR WITH ELASTASE 2f3c Crystal structure of infestin 1, a Kazal-type serineprotease inhibitor, in complex with trypsin 2f83 Crystal structure at 2.9 Angstroms resolution of human plasma coagulation factor XI zymogen 2f91 1.2A resolution structure of a crayfish trypsin complexed with a peptide inhibitor, SGTI 2f9b Discovery of Novel Heterocyclic Factor VIIa Inhibitors 2f9n Crystal Structure of the Recombinant Human Alpha I Tryptase Mutant K192Q/D216G in Complex with Leupeptin 2f9o Crystal Structure of the Recombinant Human Alpha I Tryptase Mutant D216G 2f9p Crystal Structure of the Recombinant Human Alpha I Tryptase Mutant D216G in Complex with Leupeptin 2fda Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Human Coagulation Factor XIa in Complex with alpha-Ketothiazole Arginine Derived Ligand 2feq orally active thrombin inhibitors 2fes Orally active thrombin inhibitors 2fi3 Crystal structure of a BPTI variant (Cys14->Ser, Cys38->Ser) in complex with trypsin 2fi4 Crystal structure of a BPTI variant (Cys14->Ser) in complex with trypsin 2fi5 Crystal structure of a BPTI variant (Cys38->Ser) in complex with trypsin 2fir Crystal structure of DFPR-VIIa/sTF 2flb Discovery of a Novel Hydroxy Pyrazole Based Factor IXa Inhibitor 2flr Novel 5-Azaindole Factor VIIa Inhibitors 2fmj 220-loop mutant of streptomyces griseus trypsin 2fo9 Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase in 95% acetone 2foa Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase in 40/50/10 % benzene 2fob Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase in 40/50/10 cyclohexane 2foc Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase in 55% dimethylformamide 2fod Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase in 80% ethanol 2foe Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase in 80% hexane 2fof Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase in 80% isopropanol 2fog Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase in 40% trifluoroethanol 2foh Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase in 40% trifluoroethanol 2fpz Human tryptase with 2-amino benzimidazole 2fs8 Human beta-tryptase II with inhibitor CRA-29382 2fs9 Human beta tryptase II with inhibitor CRA-28427 2ftl Crystal structure of trypsin complexed with BPTI at 100K 2ftm Crystal structure of trypsin complexed with the BPTI variant (Tyr35->Gly) 2fww human beta-tryptase II complexed with 4-piperidinebutyrate to make acylenzyme 2fx4 Bovine trypsin bound by 4-piperidinebutyrate to make acylenzyme complex 2fx6 bovine trypsin complexed with 2-aminobenzamidazole 2fxr human beta tryptase II complexed with activated ketone inhibitor CRA-29382 2fzz Factor Xa in complex with the inhibitor 1-(3-amino-1,2-benzisoxazol-5-yl)-6-(2'-(((3r)-3-hydroxy-1-pyrrolidinyl)methyl)-4-biphenylyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-7h-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-7-one 2g00 Factor Xa in complex with the inhibitor 3-(6-(2'-((dimethylamino)methyl)-4-biphenylyl)-7-oxo-3-(trifluoromethyl)-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-1-yl)benzamide 2g4t anomalous substructure of porcine pancreatic elastase (Na) 2g4u Anomalous substructure of porcine pancreatic elastaase (Ca) 2g51 anomalous substructure of trypsin (p1) 2g52 Anomalous substructure of trypsin (P21) 2g55 Anomalous substructure of trypsin (P3121) 2g5n Indole-amidine Complexes with Bovine Trypsin 2g5v Indole-amidine Complexes with Bovine Trypsin 2g81 Crystal Structure of the Bowman-Birk Inhibitor from Vigna unguiculata Seeds in Complex with Beta-trypsin at 1.55 Angstrons Resolution 2g8t Indole-amidine Complexes with Bovine Trypsin 2gch REFINED CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN AT 1.9 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 2gct STRUCTURE OF GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN IN THE RANGE PH 2.0 TO PH 10.5 SUGGESTS THAT GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN IS A COVALENT ACYL-ENZYME ADDUCT AT LOW PH 2gd4 Crystal Structure of the Antithrombin-S195A Factor Xa-Pentasaccharide Complex 2gdd Human beta II tryptase with inhibitor CRA-27592 2gde Thrombin in complex with inhibitor 2gkv Crystal structure of the SGPB:P14'-Ala32 OMTKY3-del(1-5) complex 2gmt THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF CHYMOTRYPSIN INACTIVATED WITH (2S) N-ACETYL-L-ALANYL-L-PHENYLALANYL-CHLOROETHYL KETONE: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE MECHANISM OF INACTIVATION OF SERINE PROTEASES BY CHLOROKETONES 2gp9 Crystal structure of the slow form of thrombin in a self-inhibited conformation 2gv6 Crystal Structure of Matriptase with Inhibitor CJ-730 2gv7 Structure of Matriptase in Complex with Inhibitor CJ-672 2h1u Porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with MetPheLeuGlu at pH 5.0 2h9e Crystal Structure of FXa/selectide/NAPC2 ternary complex 2h9t Crystal structure of human alpha-thrombin in complex with suramin 2hgt STRUCTURE OF THE HIRUGEN AND HIRULOG 1 COMPLEXES OF ALPHA-THROMBIN 2hlc HL COLLAGENASE STRUCTURE AT 1.7A RESOLUTION 2hnt CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE OF HUMAN GAMMA-THROMBIN 2hpp STRUCTURES OF THE NONCOVALENT COMPLEXES OF HUMAN AND BOVINE PROTHROMBIN FRAGMENT 2 WITH HUMAN PPACK-THROMBIN 2hpq STRUCTURES OF THE NONCOVALENT COMPLEXES OF HUMAN AND BOVINE PROTHROMBIN FRAGMENT 2 WITH HUMAN PPACK-THROMBIN 2hvx Discovery of Potent, Orally Active, Nonpeptide Inhibitors of Human Mast Cell Chymase by Using Structure-Based Drug Design 2hwl Crystal structure of thrombin in complex with fibrinogen gamma' peptide 2i6q Complement component C2a 2i6s Complement component C2a 2iln Crystal structure of the Bowman-Birk inhibitor from snail medic seeds in complex with bovine trypsin 2iot Clavulanic Acid bound to Elastase 2j2u CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN FACTOR XA INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2j34 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN FACTOR XA INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2j38 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN FACTOR XA INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2j4i CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN FACTOR XA INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2j94 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN FACTOR XA INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2j95 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A HUMAN FACTOR XA INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2j9n Robotically harvested Trypsin complexed with Benzamidine containing polypeptide mediated crystal contacts 2jet Crystal structure of a trypsin-like mutant (S189D , A226G) chymotrypsin. 2jh0 Human Thrombin Hirugen Inhibitor complex. 2jh5 Human Thrombin Hirugen Inhibitor complex. 2jh6 Human Thrombin Hirugen Inhibitor complex. 2jkh Factor Xa - cation inhibitor complex 2kai REFINED 2.5 ANGSTROMS X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX FORMED BY PORCINE KALLIKREIN A AND THE BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR. CRYSTALLIZATION, PATTERSON SEARCH, STRUCTURE DETERMINATION, REFINEMENT, STRUCTURE AND COMPARISON WITH ITS COMPONENTS AND WITH THE BOVINE TRYPSIN-PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2nu0 Molecular structures of the complexes of SGPB with OMTKY3 aromatic P1 variants Trp18I, His18I, Phe18I, and Tyr18I 2nu1 Molecular structures of the complexes of SGPB with OMTKY3 aromatic P1 variants Trp18I, His18I, Phe18I and Tyr18I 2nu2 Accommodation of positively-charged residues in a hydrophobic specificity pocket: Crystal structures of SGPB in complex with OMTKY3 variants Lys18I and Arg18I 2nu3 Accommodation of positively-charged residues in a hydrophobic specificity pocket: Crystal structures of SGPB in complex with OMTKY3 variants Lys18I and Arg18I 2nu4 Accommodation of positively-charged residues in a hydrophobic specificity pocket: Crystal structures of SGPB in complex with OMTKY3 variants Lys18I and Arg18I 2nwn New Pharmacophore for Serine Protease Inhibition Revealed by Crystal Structure of Human Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator Complexed with a Cyclic Peptidyl Inhibitor, upain-1 2o8l Structure of V8 protease from staphylococcus aureus 2o8t Crystal Structure and Binding Epitopes of Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator (C122A/N145Q) in complex with Inhibitors 2o8u Crystal Structure and Binding Epitopes of Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator (C122A/N145Q/S195A) in complex with Inhibitors 2o8w Crystal Structure and Binding Epitopes of Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator (C122A/N145Q/S195A) in complex with Inhibitors 2o9q The crystal structure of Bovine Trypsin complexed with a small inhibition peptide ORB2K 2ocv Structural basis of Na+ activation mimicry in murine thrombin 2od3 Human thrombin chimera with human residues 184a, 186, 186a, 186b, 186c and 222 replaced by murine thrombin equivalents. 2odp Complement component C2a, the catalytic fragment of C3- and C5-convertase of human complement 2odq Complement component C2a, the catalytic fragment of C3- and C5-convertase of human complement 2ody Thrombin-bound boophilin displays a functional and accessible reactive-site loop 2ok5 Human Complement factor B 2olg Crystal structure of the serine protease domain of prophenoloxidase activating factor-I in a zymogen form 2oq5 Crystal structure of DESC1, a new member of the type II transmembrane serine proteinases family 2oqu High Pressure Cryocooling of Capillary Sample Cryoprotection and Diffraction Phasing at Long Wavelengths 2otv Crystal structure of the complex formed between bovine trypsin and nicotinamide at 1.56 A resolution 2oua Crystal Structure of Nocardiopsis Protease (NAPase) 2oxs Crytal Structure of the trypsin complex with benzamidine at high temperature (35 C) 2p16 Factor Xa in Complex with the Inhibitor APIXABAN (BMS-562247) AKA 1-(4-METHOXYPHENYL)-7-OXO-6-(4-(2-OXO-1-PIPERIDINYL)PHENYL)-4,5,6,7-TETRAHYDRO-1H-PYRAZOLO[3, 4-C]PYRIDINE-3-CARBOXAMIDE 2p3f Crystal structure of the factor Xa/NAP5 complex 2p3t Crystal structure of human factor XA complexed with 3-Chloro-4-(2-methylamino-imidazol-1-ylmethyl)-thiophene-2-carboxylic acid [4-chloro-2-(5-chloro-pyridin-2-ylcarbamoyl)-6-methoxy-phenyl]-amide 2p3u Crystal structure of human factor XA complexed with 3-chloro-N-(4-chloro-2-{[(5-chloropyridin-2-yl)amino]carbonyl}-6-methoxyphenyl)-4-[(1-methyl-1H-imidazol-2-yl)methyl]thiophene-2-carboxamide {Pfizer 320663} 2p8o Crystal Structure of a Benzohydroxamic Acid/Vanadate complex bound to chymotrypsin A 2p93 Factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 5-chloro-N-(2-(4-(2-oxopyridin-1(2H)-yl)benzamido)ethyl)thiophene-2-carboxamide 2p94 Factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 3-chloro-N-((1R,2S)-2-(4-(2-oxopyridin-1(2H)-yl)benzamido)cyclohexyl)-1H-indole-6-carboxamide 2p95 Factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 5-chloro-N-((1R,2S)-2-(4-(2-oxopyridin-1(2H)-YL)benzamido) cyclopentyl)thiophene-2-carboxamide 2pgb Inhibitor-free human thrombin mutant C191A-C220A 2pgq Human thrombin mutant C191A-C220A in complex with the inhibitor PPACK 2phb An Orally Efficacious Factor Xa Inhibitor 2pka REFINED 2 ANGSTROMS X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF PORCINE PANCREATIC KALLIKREIN A, A SPECIFIC TRYPSIN-LIKE SERINE PROTEINASE. CRYSTALLIZATION, STRUCTURE DETERMINATION, CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC REFINEMENT, STRUCTURE AND ITS COMPARISON WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 2pks Thrombin in complex with inhibitor 2plx Trypsin complexed to a synthetic peptide from Veronica hederifolia 2pr3 Factor XA inhibitor 2psx Crystal Structure of Human Kallikrein 5 in complex with Leupeptin 2psy Crystal Structure of Human Kallikrein 5 in complex with Leupeptin and Zinc 2ptc THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 2ptn ON THE DISORDERED ACTIVATION DOMAIN IN TRYPSINOGEN. CHEMICAL LABELLING AND LOW-TEMPERATURE CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2puq Crystal structure of active site inhibited coagulation factor VIIA in complex with soluble tissue factor 2pux Crystal structure of murine thrombin in complex with the extracellular fragment of murine PAR3 2pv9 Crystal structure of murine thrombin in complex with the extracellular fragment of murine PAR4 2pw8 Crystal structure of sulfo-hirudin complexed to thrombin 2q1j The discovery of glycine and related amino acid-based factor xa inhibitors 2qa9 Crystal structure of the second tetrahedral intermediates of SGPB at pH 4.2 2qaa Crystal structure of the second tetrahedral intermediates of SGPB at pH 7.3 2qn5 Crystal Structure and Functional Study of the Bowman-Birk Inhibitor from Rice Bran in Complex with Bovine Trypsin 2qxg Crystal Structure of Human Kallikrein 7 in Complex with Ala-Ala-Phe-chloromethylketone 2qxh Crystal Structure of Human Kallikrein 7 in Complex with Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-chloromethylketone 2qxi High resolution structure of Human Kallikrein 7 in Complex with Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-chloromethylketone 2qxj Crystal Structure of Human Kallikrein 7 in Complex with Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-chloromethylketone and Copper 2qy0 Active dimeric structure of the catalytic domain of C1r reveals enzyme-product like contacts 2qyi Crystal structure of a binary complex between an engineered trypsin inhibitor and Bovine trypsin 2r0k Protease domain of HGFA with inhibitor Fab58 2r0l Short Form HGFA with Inhibitory Fab75 2r2m 2-(2-Chloro-6-Fluorophenyl)Acetamides as Potent Thrombin Inhibitors 2r2w Urokinase plasminogen activator B-chain-GPPE complex 2r9p Human mesotrypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor(BPTI) 2ra0 X-ray Structure of FXa in complex with 7-fluoroindazole 2ra3 Human cationic trypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) 2rdl Hamster Chymase 2 2rg3 Covalent complex structure of elastase 2sfa SERINE PROTEINASE FROM STREPTOMYCES FRADIAE ATCC 14544 2sga ELECTRON DENSITY CALCULATIONS AS AN EXTENSION OF PROTEIN STRUCTURE REFINEMENT. STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEASE AT 1.5 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 2sgd ASP 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B AT PH 10.7 2sge GLU 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B AT PH 10.7 2sgf PHE 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B 2sgp PRO 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B AT PH 6.5 2sgq GLN 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B AT PH 6.5 2sta ANIONIC SALMON TRYPSIN IN COMPLEX WITH SQUASH SEED INHIBITOR (CUCURBITA MAXIMA TRYPSIN INHIBITOR I) 2stb ANIONIC SALMON TRYPSIN IN COMPLEX WITH SQUASH SEED INHIBITOR (CUCURBITA PEPO TRYPSIN INHIBITOR II) 2tbs COLD-ADAPTION OF ENZYMES: STRUCTURAL COMPARISON BETWEEN SALMON AND BOVINE TRYPSINS 2tga ON THE DISORDERED ACTIVATION DOMAIN IN TRYPSINOGEN. CHEMICAL LABELLING AND LOW-TEMPERATURE CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2tgd LACK OF THE TRANSITION STATE STABILIZATION SITE IS A FACTOR IN THE INACTIVITY OF TRYPSINOGEN, A SERINE PROTEASE ZYMOGEN. STRUCTURE OF DFP INHIBITED BOVINE TRYPSINOGEN AT 2.1 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 2tgp THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 2tgt ON THE DISORDERED ACTIVATION DOMAIN IN TRYPSINOGEN. CHEMICAL LABELLING AND LOW-TEMPERATURE CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2thf STRUCTURE OF HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN Y225F MUTANT BOUND TO D-PHE-PRO-ARG-CHLOROMETHYLKETONE 2tio LOW PACKING DENSITY FORM OF BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN IN CYCLOHEXANE 2tld CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN ENGINEERED SUBTILISIN INHIBITOR COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 2tpi ON THE DISORDERED ACTIVATION DOMAIN IN TRYPSINOGEN. CHEMICAL LABELLING AND LOW-TEMPERATURE CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2trm THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF ASN102 MUTANT OF TRYPSIN. ROLE OF ASP102 IN SERINE PROTEASE CATALYSIS 2uuf Thrombin-hirugen binary complex at 1.26A resolution 2uuj Thrombin-hirugen-gw473178 ternary complex at 1.32A resolution 2uuk Thrombin-hirugen-gw420128 ternary complex at 1.39A resolution 2uuy Structure of a tick tryptase inhibitor in complex with bovine trypsin 2uwl Selective and Dual Action Orally Active Inhibitors of Thrombin and Factor Xa 2uwo Selective and Dual Action Orally Active Inhibitors of Thrombin and Factor Xa 2uwp Factor Xa inhibitor complex 2v0b SAD Structure solution porcine pancreatic elastase from a Selenate derivative 2v35 Porcine Pancreatic Elastase in complex with inhibitor JM54 2v3h Thrombin with 3-cycle no F 2v3o Thrombin with 3-cycle with F 2vgc GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN D-PARA-CHLORO-1-ACETAMIDO BORONIC ACID INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2vh0 Structure and property based design of factor Xa inhibitors:biaryl pyrrolidin-2-ones incorporating basic heterocyclic motifs 2vh6 Structure and property based design of factor Xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with biaryl P4 motifs 2vid Serine protease SplB from Staphylococcus aureus at 1.8A resolution 2vin Fragment-Based Discovery of Mexiletine Derivatives as Orally Bioavailable Inhibitors of Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator 2vio Fragment-Based Discovery of Mexiletine Derivatives as Orally Bioavailable Inhibitors of Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator 2vip Fragment-Based Discovery of Mexiletine Derivatives as Orally Bioavailable Inhibitors of Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator 2viq Fragment-Based Discovery of Mexiletine Derivatives as Orally Bioavailable Inhibitors of Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator 2viv Fragment-Based Discovery of Mexiletine Derivatives as Orally Bioavailable Inhibitors of Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator 2viw Fragment-Based Discovery of Mexiletine Derivatives as Orally Bioavailable Inhibitors of Urokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator 2vnt UROKINASE-TYPE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR INHIBITOR COMPLEX WITH A 1-(7- SULPHOAMIDOISOQUINOLINYL)GUANIDINE 2vu8 Crystal structure of an insect inhibitor with a fungal trypsin 2vvc Aminopyrrolidine Factor Xa inhibitor 2vvu Aminopyrrolidine Factor Xa inhibitor 2vvv Aminopyrrolidine-related triazole Factor Xa inhibitor 2vwl Aminopyrrolidine Factor Xa inhibitor 2vwm Aminopyrrolidine Factor Xa inhibitor 2vwn Aminopyrrolidine Factor Xa inhibitor 2vwo Aminopyrrolidine Factor Xa inhibitor 2w26 Fator Xa in complex with BAY59-7939 2w3i Crystal Structure of FXa in complex with 4,4-disubstituted pyrrolidine-1,2-dicarboxamide inhibitor 2 2w3k Crystal Structure of FXa in complex with 4,4-disubstituted pyrrolidine-1,2-dicarboxamide inhibitor 1 2win C3 convertase (C3bBb) stabilized by SCIN 2wph factor IXa superactive triple mutant 2wpi factor IXa superactive double mutant 2wpj factor IXa superactive triple mutant, NaCl-soaked 2wpk factor IXa superactive triple mutant, ethylene glycol-soaked 2wpl factor IXa superactive triple mutant, EDTA-soaked 2wpm factor IXa superactive mutant, EGR-CMK inhibited 2wub Crystal structure of HGFA in complex with the allosteric non- inhibitory antibody Fab40.deltaTrp 2wuc Crystal structure of HGFA in complex with the allosteric non- inhibitory antibody Fab40.deltaTrp and Ac-KQLR-chloromethylketone 2wyg Structure and property based design of factor Xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with monoaryl P4 motifs 2wyj Structure and property based design of factor Xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with monoaryl P4 motifs 2xbv Factor Xa in complex with a pyrrolidine-3,4-dicarboxylic acid inhibitor 2xbw Factor Xa in complex with a pyrrolidine-3,4-dicarboxylic acid inhibitor 2xbx Factor Xa in complex with a pyrrolidine-3,4-dicarboxylic acid inhibitor 2xby Factor Xa in complex with a pyrrolidine-3,4-dicarboxylic acid inhibitor 2xc0 Factor Xa in complex with a pyrrolidine-3,4-dicarboxylic acid inhibitor 2xc4 Factor Xa in complex with a pyrrolidine-3,4-dicarboxylic acid inhibitor 2xc5 Factor Xa in complex with a pyrrolidine-3,4-dicarboxylic acid inhibitor 2xrc Human complement factor I 2xtt Bovine trypsin in complex with evolutionary enhanced Schistocerca gregaria protease inhibitor 1 (SGPI-1-P02) 2xw9 Crystal Structure of Complement Factor D mutant S183A 2xwa Crystal Structure of Complement Factor D Mutant R202A 2xwb Crystal Structure of Complement C3b in complex with Factors B and D 2xwj Crystal Structure of Complement C3b in Complex with Factor B 2xxl Crystal structure of drosophila Grass clip serine protease of Toll pathway 2y5f FACTOR XA - CATION INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2y5g FACTOR XA - CATION INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2y5h FACTOR XA - CATION INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2y6t Molecular Recognition of Chymotrypsin by the Serine Protease Inhibitor Ecotin from Yersinia pestis 2y7x The discovery of potent and long-acting oral factor Xa inhibitors with tetrahydroisoquinoline and benzazepine P4 motifs 2y7z Structure and property based design of factor Xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with aminoindane and phenylpyrrolidine P4 motifs 2y80 Structure and property based design of factor Xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with aminoindane and phenylpyrrolidine P4 motifs 2y81 Structure and property based design of factor Xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with aminoindane and phenylpyrrolidine P4 motifs 2y82 Structure and property based design of factor Xa inhibitors: pyrrolidin-2-ones with aminoindane and phenylpyrrolidine P4 motifs 2z7f Crystal structure of the complex of human neutrophil elastase with 1/2SLPI 2za5 Crystal Structure of human tryptase with potent non-peptide inhibitor 2zc9 Thrombin in complex with Inhibitor 2zch Crystal structure of human prostate specific antigen complexed with an activating antibody 2zck Crystal structure of a ternary complex between PSA, a substrat-acyl intermediate and an activating antibody 2zcl Crystal structure of human prostate specific antigen complexed with an activating antibody 2zda Exploring Thrombin S1 pocket 2zdk Exploring Trypsin S3 Pocket 2zdl Exploring trypsin S3 pocket 2zdm Exploring trypsin S3 pocket 2zdn Exploring trypsin S3 pocket 2zdv Exploring Thrombin S1 pocket 2zeb Potent, Nonpeptide Inhibitors of Human Mast Cell Tryptase 2zec Potent, Nonpeptide Inhibitors of Human Mast Cell Tryptase 2zf0 Exploring Thrombin S1 Pocket 2zff Exploring Thrombin S1-pocket 2zfp Thrombin Inibition 2zfq Exploring thrombin S3 pocket 2zfr Exploring thrombin S3 pocket 2zfs Exploring trypsin S3 pocket 2zft Exploring trypsin S3 pocket 2zg0 Exploring thrombin S3 pocket 2zgb Thrombin Inhibition 2zgc Crystal Structure of Active Human Granzyme M 2zgh Crystal Structure of active granzyme M bound to its product 2zgj Crystal Structure of D86N-GzmM Complexed with Its Optimal Synthesized Substrate 2zgx Thrombin Inhibition 2zhd Exploring trypsin S3 pocket 2zhe Exploring thrombin S3 pocket 2zhf Exploring thrombin S3 pocket 2zhq Thrombin Inhibition 2zhw Exploring thrombin S3 pocket 2zi2 Thrombin Inhibition 2ziq Thrombin Inhibition 2zks Structural insights into the proteolytic machinery of apoptosis-inducing Granzyme M 2znk Thrombin Inhibition 2zo3 Bisphenylic Thrombin Inhibitors 2zp0 Human factor viia-tissue factor complexed with benzylsulfonamide-D-ile-gln-P-aminobenzamidine 2zpq Crystal structure of anionic trypsin isoform 1 from chum salmon 2zpr Crystal structure of anionic trypsin isoform 2 from chum salmon 2zps Crystal structure of anionic trypsin isoform 3 from chum salmon 2zq1 Exploring trypsin S3 pocket 2zq2 Exploring trypsin S3 pocket 2zwl Human factor viia-tissue factor complexed with highly selective peptide inhibitor 2zzu Human Factor VIIA-Tissue Factor Complexed with ethylsulfonamide-D-5-(3-carboxybenzyloxy)-Trp-Gln-p-aminobenzamidine 3a7t Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with 4-formylbenzimidamide 3a7v Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with 3-formylbenzimidamide 3a7w Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-4-((tetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yloxyimino)methyl)benzimidamide (soaking 4hours) 3a7x Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-2-(4-carbamimidoylbenzylideneaminooxy)acetic acid (soaking 45seconds) 3a7y Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-4-((1-methylpiperidin-3-yloxyimino)methyl)benzimidamide (soaking 2hours) 3a7z Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-4-((1-methylpiperidin-4-yloxyimino)methyl)benzimidamide (soaking 3hours) 3a80 Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-2-(4-carbamimidoylbenzylideneaminooxy)-2-methylpropanoic acid (soaking 40seconds) 3a81 Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-4-((2-nicotinoylhydrazono)methyl)benzimidamide (soaking 8 hours) 3a82 Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with pre-synthesized (E)-2-(4-carbamimidoylbenzylideneaminooxy)acetic acid 3a83 Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with pre-synthesized (E)-4-((2-nicotinoylhydrazono)methyl)benzimidamide 3a84 Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with(E)-2-(4-carbamimidoylbenzylideneaminooxy)acetic acid (soaking 5 seconds) 3a85 Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-2-(4-carbamimidoylbenzylideneaminooxy)acetic acid (soaking 15 seconds) 3a86 Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-2-(4-carbamimidoylbenzylideneaminooxy)acetic acid (soaking 30 seconds) 3a87 Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-4-((2-nicotinoylhydrazono)methyl)benzimidamide (soaking 5 minutes) 3a88 Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-4-((2-nicotinoylhydrazono)methyl)benzimidamide (soaking 30 minutes) 3a89 Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-4-((2-nicotinoylhydrazono)methyl)benzimidamide (soaking 4 hours) 3a8a Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with 4-formylbenzimidamide and aniline 3a8b Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-4-((4-bromophenylimino)methyl)benzimidamide 3a8c Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-2-(4-carbamimidoylbenzylideneaminooxy)acetic acid (soaking with mixture of [(E)-2-(4-carbamimidoylbenzylideneaminooxy)acetic acid] and [(E)-2-(4-carbamimidoylbenzylideneaminooxy)-2-methylpropanoic acid]) 3a8d Crystal Structure of Trypsin complexed with (E)-2-(4-carbamimidoylbenzylideneaminooxy)acetic acid (under aniline-free condition) 3aas Bovine beta-trypsin bound to meta-guanidino schiff base copper (II) chelate 3aau Bovine beta-trypsin bound to meta-diguanidino schiff base copper (II) chelate 3aav Bovine beta-trypsin bound to meta-diamidino schiff base copper (II) chelate 3ati Crystal structure of trypsin complexed with (3-methoxyphenyl)methanamine 3atk Crystal structure of trypsin complexed with cycloheptanamine 3atl Crystal structure of trypsin complexed with benzamidine 3atm Crystal structure of trypsin complexed with 2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethanamine 3b23 Crystal structure of thrombin-variegin complex: Insights of a novel mechanism of inhibition and design of tunable thrombin inhibitors 3b9f 1.6 A structure of the PCI-thrombin-heparin complex 3bef Crystal structure of thrombin bound to the extracellular fragment of PAR1 3bei Crystal structure of the slow form of thrombin in a self_inhibited conformation 3beu Na+-Dependent Allostery Mediates Coagulation Factor Protease Active Site Selectivity 3bf6 Thrombin:suramin complex 3bg4 The crystal structure of guamerin in complex with chymotrypsin and the development of an elastase-specific inhibitor 3bg8 Crystal structure of Factor XIa in complex with Clavatadine A 3biu Human thrombin-in complex with UB-THR10 3biv Human thrombin-in complex with UB-THR11 3bn9 Crystal Structure of MT-SP1 in complex with Fab Inhibitor E2 3bsq Crystal structure of human kallikrein 7 produced as a secretion protein in E.coli 3btd The Crystal Structures of the Complexes Between the Bovine Beta-Trypsin and Ten P1 Variants of BPTI. 3bte The Crystal Structures of the Complexes Between Bovine Beta-Trypsin and Ten P1 Variants of BPTI. 3btf THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI. 3btg THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3bth THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3btk THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3btm THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3btq THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3btt THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3btw THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3bv9 Structure of Thrombin Bound to the Inhibitor FM19 3c1k Crystal structure of thrombin in complex with inhibitor 15 3c27 Cyanofluorophenylacetamides as Orally Efficacious Thrombin Inhibitors 3cen Factor XA in complex with the inhibitor N-(2-(((5-chloro-2-pyridinyl) amino)sulfonyl)phenyl)-4-(2-oxo-1(2H)-pyridinyl)benzamide 3cs7 FACTOR XA IN COMPLEX WITH THE INHIBITOR 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)-6-(4-(1-(pyrrolidin-1-ylmethyl)cyclopropyl)phenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-5,6-dihydro-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-7(4H)-one 3d49 Thrombin Inhibition 3d65 Crystal structure of Textilinin-1, a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor from the Australian Common Brown snake venom, in complex with trypsin 3da9 Crystal structure of thrombin in complex with inhibitor 3dd2 Crystal structure of an RNA aptamer bound to human thrombin 3dfj Crystal structure of human Prostasin 3dfl Crystal structure of human Prostasin complexed to 4-guanidinobenzoic acid 3dhk Bisphenylic Thrombin Inhibitors 3dt0 Understanding Thrombin Inhibition 3dux Understanding Thrombin Inhibition 3e0n The X-ray structure of Human Prostasin in complex with DFFR-chloromethyl ketone inhibitor 3e0p The X-ray structure of Human Prostasin in complex with a covalent benzoxazole inhibitor 3e16 X-ray structure of human prostasin in complex with Benzoxazole warhead peptidomimic, lysine in P3 3e1x The Crystal Structure of Apo Prostasin at 1.7 Angstroms Resolution 3e3t Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase with the magic triangle I3C 3e6p Crystal structure of human meizothrombin desF1 3e8l The Crystal Structure of the Double-headed Arrowhead Protease Inhibitor A in Complex with Two Trypsins 3edx Crystal structure of the W215A/E217A mutant of murine thrombin 3ee0 Crystal Structure of the W215A/E217A Mutant of Human Thrombin (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1)) 3egk KNOBLE Inhibitor 3ela Crystal structure of active site inhibited coagulation factor VIIA mutant in complex with soluble tissue factor 3ens Crystal structure of human FXA in complex with methyl (2Z)-3-[(3-chloro-1H-indol-7-yl)amino]-2-cyano-3-{[(3S)-2-oxo-1-(2-oxo-2-pyrrolidin-1-ylethyl)azepan-3-yl]amino}acrylate 3eq0 Thrombin Inhibitor 3est STRUCTURE OF NATIVE PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE AT 1.65 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 3f1s Crystal structure of Protein Z complexed with protein Z-dependent inhibitor 3f68 Thrombin Inhibition 3f6u Crystal structure of human Activated Protein C (APC) complexed with PPACK 3ffg Factor XA in complex with the inhibitor (R)-6-(2'-((3- HYDROXYPYRROLIDIN-1-YL)METHYL)BIPHENYL-4-YL)-1-(3-(5-OXO-4,5-DIHYDRO-1H-1,2,4-TRIAZOL-3-YL)PHENYL)-3-(TRIFLUOROMETHYL)-5,6-DIHYDRO-1H-PYRAZOLO[3,4-C]PYRIDIN- 7(4H)-ONE 3fp6 Anionic trypsin in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) determined to the 1.49 A resolution limit 3fp7 Anionic trypsin variant S195A in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) cleaved at the scissile bond (LYS15-ALA16) determined to the 1.46 A resolution limit 3fp8 Anionic trypsin variant S195A in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) determined to the 1.46 A resolution limit 3fvf The Crystal Structure of Prostasin Complexed with Camostat at 1.6 Angstroms Resolution 3fzz Structure of GrC 3g01 Structure of GrC mutant E192R/E193G 3gch CHEMISTRY OF CAGED ENZYMES. BINDING OF PHOTOREVERSIBLE CINNAMATES TO CHYMOTRYPSIN 3gct STRUCTURE OF GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN IN THE RANGE PH 2.0 TO PH 10.5 SUGGESTS THAT GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN IS A COVALENT ACYL-ENZYME ADDUCT AT LOW PH 3gic Structure of thrombin mutant delta(146-149e) in the free form 3gis Crystal Structure of Na-free Thrombin in Complex with Thrombomodulin 3gov Crystal structure of the catalytic region of human MASP-1 3gy2 A comparative study on the inhibition of bovine beta-trypsin by bis-benzamidines diminazene and pentamidine by X-ray crystallography and ITC 3gy3 A comparative study on the inhibition of bovine beta-trypsin by bis-benzamidines diminazene and pentamidine by X-ray crystallography and ITC 3gy4 A comparative study on the inhibition of bovine beta-trypsin by bis-benzamidines diminazene and pentamidine by X-ray crystallography and ITC 3gy5 A comparative study on the inhibition of bovine beta-trypsin by bis-benzamidines diminazene and pentamidine by X-ray crystallography and ITC 3gy6 A comparative study on the inhibition of bovine beta-trypsin by the bis-benzamidines diminazene and pentamidine 3gy7 A comparative study on the inhibition of bovine beta-trypsin by bis-benzamidines diminazene and pentamidine by X-ray crystallography and ITC 3gy8 A comparative study on the inhibition of bovine beta-trypsin by bis-benzamidines diminazene and pentamidine by X-ray crystallography and ITC 3gyl Structure of Prostasin at 1.3 Angstroms resolution in complex with a Calcium Ion. 3gym Structure of Prostasin in Complex with Aprotinin 3h5c X-Ray Structure of Protein Z-Protein Z Inhibitor Complex 3h7o Crystal structure of scabies mite inactivated protease paralogue S-I1 (SMIPP-S-I1) 3h7t Crystal structure of scabies mite inactivated protease paralogue S-D1 (SMIPP-S-D1) 3hat ACTIVE SITE MIMETIC INHIBITION OF THROMBIN 3hgn Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with a potent peptidyl inhibitor FR130180 determined by neutron crystallography 3hgp Structure of porcine pancreatic elastase complexed with a potent peptidyl inhibitor FR130180 determined by high resolution crystallography 3hk3 Crystal structure of murine thrombin mutant W215A/E217A (one molecule in the asymmetric unit) 3hk6 Crystal structure of murine thrombin mutant W215A/E217A (two molecules in the asymmetric unit) 3hki Crystal structure of murine thrombin mutant W215A/E217A in complex with the extracellular fragment of human PAR1 3hkj Crystal structure of human thrombin mutant W215A/E217A in complex with the extracellular fragment of human PAR1 3hpt Crystal structure of human FxA in complex with (S)-2-cyano-1-(2-methylbenzofuran-5-yl)-3-(2-oxo-1-(2-oxo-2-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)ethyl)azepan-3-yl)guanidine 3hrz Cobra Venom Factor (CVF) in complex with human factor B 3hs0 Cobra Venom Factor (CVF) in complex with human factor B 3htc THE STRUCTURE OF A COMPLEX OF RECOMBINANT HIRUDIN AND HUMAN ALPHA-THROMBIN 3i29 Crystal structure of a binary complex between an mutant trypsin inhibitor with bovine trypsin 3i77 35/99/170-loops of FXa in SGT 3i78 35/99/170/186/220-loops of FXa in SGT 3ig6 Low molecular weigth human Urokinase type Plasminogen activator 2-[6-(3'-Aminomethyl-biphenyl-3-yloxy)-4-(3-dimethylamino-pyrrolidin-1-yl)-3,5-difluoro-pyridin-2-yloxy]-4-dimethylamino-benzoic acid complex 3iit Factor XA in complex with a cis-1,2-diaminocyclohexane derivative 3iti Structure of bovine trypsin with the MAD triangle B3C 3jz1 Crystal structure of human thrombin mutant N143P in E:Na+ form 3jz2 Crystal structure of human thrombin mutant N143P in E* form 3k2u Crystal structure of HGFA in complex with the allosteric inhibitory antibody Fab40 3k65 Crystal Structure of Prethombin-2/Fragment-2 Complex 3k6y Crystal structure of Rv3671c protease from M. tuberculosis, active form 3k6z Crystal structure of Rv3671c protease, inactive form 3k9x X-ray crystal structure of human fxa in complex with (S)-N-((2-METHYLBENZOFURAN-5-YLAMINO)(2-OXO-1-(2-OXO-2- (PYRROLIDIN-1-YL)ETHYL)AZEPAN-3- YLAMINO)METHYLENE)NICOTINAMIDE 3kcg Crystal structure of the antithrombin-factor IXa-pentasaccharide complex 3kgp Crystal Structures of Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator in Complex with 4-(Aminomethyl) Benzoic Acid and 4-(Aminomethyl-phenyl)-methanol 3khv Crystal Structures of Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator in Complex with 4-(Aminomethyl) Benzoic Acid and 4-(Aminomethyl-phenyl)-methanol 3kid The Crystal Structures of 2-Aminobenzothiazole-based Inhibitors in Complexes with Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator 3kl6 Discovery of Tetrahydropyrimidin-2(1H)-one derivative TAK-442: A potent, selective and orally active factor Xa inhibitor 3kqb Factor xa in complex with the inhibitor n-(3-fluoro-2'- (methylsulfonyl)biphenyl-4-yl)-1-(3-(5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1h- 1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)phenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1h- pyrazole-5-carboxamide 3kqc Factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 6-(2'- (methylsulfonyl)biphenyl-4-yl)-1-(3-(5-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1h- 1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)phenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-5,6- dihydro-1h-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-7(4h)-one 3kqd Factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 1-(3-(5-oxo-4,5- dihydro-1h-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)phenyl)-6-(2'-(pyrrolidin-1- ylmethyl)biphenyl-4-yl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-5,6-dihydro- 1h-pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-7(4h)-one 3kqe Factor xa in complex with the inhibitor 3-methyl-1-(3-(5- oxo-4,5-dihydro-1h-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)phenyl)-6-(2'- (pyrrolidin-1-ylmethyl)biphenyl-4-yl)-5,6-dihydro-1h- pyrazolo[3,4-c]pyridin-7(4h)-one 3l33 Human mesotrypsin complexed with amyloid precursor protein inhibitor(APPI) 3l3t Human mesotrypsin complexed with amyloid precursor protein inhibitor variant (APPIR15K) 3lc3 Benzothiophene Inhibitors of Factor IXa 3lc5 Selective Benzothiophine Inhibitors of Factor IXa 3ldx Discovery and Clinical Evaluation of RWJ-671818, a Thrombin Inhibitor with an Oxyguanidine P1 Motif 3liw Factor XA in complex with (R)-2-(1-ADAMANTYLCARBAMOYLAMINO)-3-(3-CARBAMIDOYL-PHENYL)-N-PHENETHYL-PROPIONIC ACID AMIDE 3ljj Bovine trypsin in complex with UB-THR 10 3ljo Bovine trypsin in complex with UB-THR 11 3lt3 Crystal structure of Rv3671c from M. tuberculosis H37Rv, Ser343Ala mutant, inactive form 3lu9 Crystal structure of human thrombin mutant S195A in complex with the extracellular fragment of human PAR1 3m35 Trypsin in complex with the inhibitor 1-[3-(aminomethyl)phenyl]-N-[3-fluoro-2'-(methylsulfonyl)biphenyl-4-yl]-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide (DPC423) 3m36 Factor XA in complex with the inhibitor 1-[3-(aminomethyl)phenyl]-N-[3-fluoro-2'-(methylsulfonyl)biphenyl-4-yl]-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide (DPC423) 3m37 Factor XA in complex with the inhibitor 1-[2-(aminomethyl)phenyl]-N-(3-fluoro-2'-sulfamoylbiphenyl-4-yl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide (DPC602) 3m61 Crystal structure of complex of urokinase and a upain-1 variant(W3A) in pH4.6 condition 3m7q Crystal structure of recombinant Kunitz Type serine protease Inhibitor-1 from the Caribbean sea anemone stichodactyla helianthus in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin 3mfj Bovine trypsin at 0.8 A resolution, restrained refinement 3mhw The complex crystal Structure of Urokianse and 2-Aminobenzothiazole 3mi4 Bovine trypsin at 0.8 A resolution, non-restrained refinement 3mnb Investigation of global and local effects of radiation damage on porcine pancreatic elastase. First stage of radiation damage 3mnc Investigation of global and local effects of radiation damage on porcine pancreatic elastase. Second stage of radiation damage 3mns Investigation of global and local effects of radiation damage on porcine pancreatic elastase. Third stage of radiation damage 3mnx Investigation of global and local effects of radiation damage on porcine pancreatic elastase. Fourth stage of radiation damage 3mo3 Investigation of global and local effects of radiation damage on porcine pancreatic elastase. Fifth stage of radiation damage 3mo6 Investigation of global and local effects of radiation damage on porcine pancreatic elastase. Sixth stage of radiation damage 3mo9 Investigation of global and local effects of radiation damage on porcine pancreatic elastase. Seventh stage of radiation damage 3moc Investigation of global and local effects of radiation damage on porcine pancreatic elastase. Eighth stage of radiation damage 3mty Comparison of the character and the speed of X-ray-induced structural changes of porcine pancreatic elastase at two temperatures, 100 and 15K. The data set was collected from region A of the crystal. First step of radiation damage 3mu0 Comparison of the character and the speed of X-ray-induced structural changes of porcine pancreatic elastase at two temperatures, 100 and 15K. The data set was collected from region A of the crystal. Third step of radiation damage 3mu1 Comparison of the character and the speed of X-ray-induced structural changes of porcine pancreatic elastase at two temperatures, 100 and 15K. The data set was collected from region A of the crystal. Fifth step of radiation damage 3mu4 Comparison of the character and the speed of X-ray-induced structural changes of porcine pancreatic elastase at two temperatures, 100 and 15K. The data set was collected from region B of the crystal. First step of radiation damage 3mu5 Comparison of the character and the speed of X-ray-induced structural changes of porcine pancreatic elastase at two temperatures, 100 and 15K. The data set was collected from region B of the crystal. Third step of radiation damage 3mu8 Comparison of the character and the speed of X-ray-induced structural changes of porcine pancreatic elastase at two temperatures, 100 and 15K. The data set was collected from region B of the crystal. Fifth step of radiation damage 3mwi The complex crystal Structure of Urokianse and 5-nitro-1H-indole-2-amidine 3myw The Bowman-Birk type inhibitor from mung bean in ternary complex with porcine trypsin 3n7o X-ray structure of human chymase in complex with small molecule inhibitor. 3ncl Crystal Structure of MT-SP1 bound to Benzamidine Phosphonate Inhibitor 3nk8 Trypsin in complex with fluorine-containing fragment 3nkk Trypsin in complex with fluorine containing fragment 3nps Crystal structure of membrane-type serine protease 1 (MT-SP1) in complex with the Fab Inhibitor S4 3nxp Crystal structure of human prethrombin-1 3odd Comparison of the character and the speed of X-ray-induced structural changes of porcine pancreatic elastase at two temperatures, 100 and 15K. The data set was collected from region B of the crystal. Second step of radiation damage 3odf Comparison of the character and the speed of X-ray-induced structural changes of porcine pancreatic elastase at two temperatures, 100 and 15K. The data set was collected from region A of the crystal. Second step of radiation damage 3otj A Crystal Structure of Trypsin Complexed with BPTI (Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor) by X-ray/Neutron Joint Refinement 3ox7 The crystal structure of uPA complex with peptide inhibitor MH027 at pH4.6 3oy5 The crystal structure of uPA complex with peptide inhibitor MH027 at pH7.4 3oy6 The crystal structure of uPA complex with peptide inhibitor MH036 at pH4.6 3p17 Thrombin Inhibition by Pyridin Derivatives 3p6z Structural basis of thrombin mediated factor V activation: essential role of the hirudin-like sequence Glu666-Glu672 for processing at the heavy chain-B domain junction 3p70 Structural basis of thrombin-mediated factor V activation: essential role of the hirudin-like sequence Glu666-Glu672 for processing at the heavy chain-B domain junction 3p8f Crystal Structure of MT-SP1 in complex with SFTI-1 3p8g Crystal Structure of MT-SP1 in complex with benzamidine 3p92 Human mesotrypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor variant (BPTI-K15R/R17G) 3p95 Human mesotrypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor variant (BPTI-K15R/R17D) 3pb1 Crystal Structure of a Michaelis Complex between Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 and Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator 3plb Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleIle227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3plk Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleIle227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3plp Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleIle227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3pm3 Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleIle227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3pma 2.2 Angstrom crystal structure of the complex between Bovine Thrombin and Sucrose Octasulfate 3pmb 2.9 Angstrom crystal structure of bovine thrombin in tetragonal spacegroup 3pmh Mechanism of Sulfotyrosine-Mediated Glycoprotein Ib Interaction with Two Distinct alpha-Thrombin Sites 3pmj Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleIle227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3po1 Thrombin in complex with Benzothiazole Guanidine 3ptb THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 3ptn ON THE DISORDERED ACTIVATION DOMAIN IN TRYPSINOGEN. CHEMICAL LABELLING AND LOW-TEMPERATURE CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 3pwb Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleGlu217Ile227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3pwc Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleGlu217Ile227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3pyh Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleGlu217Ile227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3q00 Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleGlu217Ile227) in comlex with small molecule inhibitor 3q3k Factor Xa in complex with a phenylenediamine derivative 3q76 Structure of human neutrophil elastase (uncomplexed) 3q77 Structure of human neutrophil elastase in complex with a dihydropyrimidone inhibitor 3qdz Crystal structure of the human thrombin mutant D102N in complex with the extracellular fragment of human PAR4. 3qgn The allosteric E*-E equilibrium is a key property of the trypsin fold 3qk1 Crystal Structure of Enterokinase-like Trypsin Variant 3qlp X-ray structure of the complex between human alpha thrombin and a modified thrombin binding aptamer (mTBA) 3qn7 Potent and selective bicyclic peptide inhibitor (UK18) of human urokinase-type plasminogen activator(uPA) 3qto Thrombin Inhibition by Pyridin Derivatives 3qtv Thrombin Inhibition by Pyridin Derivatives 3qum Crystal structure of human prostate specific antigen (PSA) in Fab sandwich with a high affinity and a PCa selective antibody 3qwc Thrombin Inhibition by Pyridin Derivatives 3qx5 Thrombin Inhibition by Pyridin Derivatives 3r3g Structure of human thrombin with residues 145-150 of murine thrombin. 3rdz Crystal Structure of rBTI-trypsin complex at 2.26 angstrom resolution 3rlw Human Thrombin in complex with MI328 3rly Human Thrombin in complex with MI329 3rm0 Human Thrombin in complex with MI354 3rm2 Human Thrombin in complex with MI003 3rml Human Thrombin in complex with MI331 3rmm Human Thrombin in complex with MI332 3rmn Human Thrombin in complex with MI341 3rmo Human Thrombin in complex with MI004 3rp2 THE STRUCTURE OF RAT MAST CELL PROTEASE II AT 1.9-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 3ru4 Crystal structure of the Bowman-Birk serine protease inhibitor BTCI in complex with trypsin and chymotrypsin 3rxa Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with cycloheptanamine 3rxb Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with 4-guanidinobutanoic acid 3rxc Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with 2-aminopyridine 3rxd Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with (3-methoxyphenyl)methanamine 3rxe Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with benzamide 3rxf Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with 4-aminopyridine 3rxg Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with 4-aminocyclohexanol 3rxh Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with 2-(1H-imidazol-4-yl)ethanamine 3rxi Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with 2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethanamine 3rxj Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with 4-guanidinobenzoic acid 3rxk Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with methyl 4-amino-1-methyl-pyrrolidine-2-carboxylate 3rxl Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with (2,5-dimethyl-3-furyl)methanamine 3rxm Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with [2-(2-thienyl)thiazol-4-yl]methanamine 3rxo Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with (3-pyrrol-1-ylphenyl)methanamine 3rxp Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with (1,5-dimethylpyrazol-3-yl)methanamine 3rxq Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with benzamide (F01 and F05, cocktail experiment) 3rxr Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with cycloheptanamine (F01 and F03, cocktail experiment) 3rxs Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with (3-methoxyphenyl)methanamine (F04 and A06, cocktail experiment) 3rxt Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with (3-methoxyphenyl)methanamin (F04 and F03, cocktail experiment) 3rxu Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with benzamide (F05 and A06, cocktail experiment) 3rxv Crystal structure of Trypsin complexed with benzamide (F05 and F03, cocktail experiment) 3s0n Crystal Structure of Human Chymase with Benzimidazolone Inhibitor 3s69 Crystal structure of saxthrombin 3s7h Structure of thrombin mutant Y225P in the E* form 3s7k Structure of thrombin mutant Y225P in the E form 3s9a Russell's viper venom serine proteinase, RVV-V (closed-form) 3s9b Russell's viper venom serine proteinase, RVV-V (open-form) 3s9c Russell's viper venom serine proteinase, RVV-V in complex with the fragment (residues 1533-1546) of human factor V 3sbk Russell's viper venom serine proteinase, RVV-V (PPACK-bound form) 3sga STRUCTURES OF PRODUCT AND INHIBITOR COMPLEXES OF STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEASE A AT 1.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION. A MODEL FOR SERINE PROTEASE CATALYSIS 3sgb STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEASE B AND THE THIRD DOMAIN OF THE TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR AT 1.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 3sgq GLN 18 VARIANT OF TURKEY OVOMUCOID INHIBITOR THIRD DOMAIN COMPLEXED WITH STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B AT PH 10.7 3sha Human Thrombin In Complex With UBTHR97 3shc Human Thrombin In Complex With UBTHR101 3si3 Human Thrombin In Complex With UBTHR103 3si4 Human Thrombin In Complex With UBTHR104 3so3 Structures of Fab-Protease Complexes Reveal a Highly Specific Non-Canonical Mechanism of Inhibition. 3sor Factor XIa in complex with a clorophenyl-tetrazole inhibitor 3sos Benzothiazinone inhibitor in complex with FXIa 3sqe Crystal structure of prethrombin-2 mutant S195A in the alternative form 3sqh Crystal structure of prethrombin-2 mutant S195A in the the open form 3sv2 Human Thrombin In Complex With UBTHR105 3sw2 X-ray crystal structure of human FXA in complex with 6-chloro-N-((3S)-2-oxo-1-(2-oxo-2-((5S)-8-oxo-5,6-dihydro-1H-1,5-methanopyrido[1,2-a][1,5]diazocin-3(2H,4H,8H)-yl)ethyl)piperidin-3-yl)naphthalene-2-sulfonamide 3t25 TMAO-grown orthorhombic trypsin (bovine) 3t26 Orthorhombic trypsin (bovine) in the presence of sarcosine 3t27 Orthorhombic trypsin (bovine) in the presence of betaine 3t28 TMAO-grown trypsin (bovine)-previously unreported tetragonal crystal form 3t29 TMAO-grown trigonal trypsin (bovine) 3t2n Human hepsin protease in complex with the Fab fragment of an inhibitory antibody 3t5f Human Thrombin In Complex With MI340 3t62 Crystal structure of recombinant Kunitz Type serine protease Inhibitor-1 from the Caribbean Sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus in complex with bovine chymotrypsin 3tgi WILD-TYPE RAT ANIONIC TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR (BPTI) 3tgj S195A TRYPSINOGEN COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR (BPTI) 3tgk TRYPSINOGEN MUTANT D194N AND DELETION OF ILE 16-VAL 17 COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR (BPTI) 3th2 Mg2+ Is Required for Optimal Folding of the Gamma-Carboxyglutamic Acid (Gla) Domains of Vitamin K-Dependent Clotting Factors At Physiological Ca2+ 3th3 Mg2+ Is Required for Optimal Folding of the Gamma-Carboxyglutamic Acid (Gla) Domains of Vitamin K-Dependent Clotting Factors At Physiological Ca2+ 3th4 Mg2+ Is Required for Optimal Folding of the Gamma-Carboxyglutamic Acid (Gla) Domains of Vitamin K-Dependent Clotting Factors At Physiological Ca2+ 3tju Crystal structure of human granzyme H with an inhibitor 3tjv Crystal structure of human granzyme H with a peptidyl substrate 3tk5 Factor Xa in complex with D102-4380 3tk6 factor Xa in complex with D46-5241 3tk9 Crystal structure of human granzyme H 3tpi THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 3tu7 Human alpha-thrombin complexed with N-(methylsulfonyl)-D-phenylalanyl-N-((1-carbamimidoyl-4-piperidinyl)methyl)-l-prolinamide (BMS-189664) 3tvj Catalytic fragment of MASP-2 in complex with its specific inhibitor developed by directed evolution on SGCI scaffold 3u69 Unliganded wild-type human thrombin 3u8o Human thrombin complexed with D-Phe-Pro-D-Arg-D-Thr 3u8r Human thrombin complexed with D-Phe-Pro-D-Arg-Ile 3u8t Human thrombin complexed with D-Phe-Pro-D-Arg-Cys 3u98 Human Thrombin In Complex With MI001 3u9a Human Thrombin In Complex With MI330 3uir Crystal structure of the plasmin-textilinin-1 complex 3unq Bovine trypsin variant X(triplePhe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3unr Bond length analysis of asp, glu and his residues in trypsin at 1.2A resolution 3uns Bovine trypsin variant X(triplePhe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3uop Bovine trypsin variant X(triplePhe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3uou Crystal structure of the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor ShPI-1 Lys13Leu mutant in complex with pancreatic elastase 3upe Bovine trypsin variant X(triplePhe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3uqo Bovine trypsin variant X(triplePhe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3uqv Bovine trypsin variant X(triplePhe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3utu High affinity inhibitor of human thrombin 3uuz Bovine trypsin variant X(triplePhe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3uwi Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleGlu217Phe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3uwj Human Thrombin In Complex With MI353 3uy9 Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleGlu217Phe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3v0x Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleGlu217Phe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3v12 Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleGlu217Phe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3v13 Bovine trypsin variant X(tripleGlu217Phe227) in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3v7t Crystal Structure of Human Beta-Tryptase Complexed with a Synthetic Inhibitor with a Tropanylamide Scaffold 3veq A binary complex betwwen bovine pancreatic trypsin and a engineered mutant trypsin inhibitor 3vfe Virtual Screening and X-Ray Crystallography for Human Kallikrein 6 Inhibitors with an Amidinothiophene P1 Group 3vgc GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN L-NAPHTHYL-1-ACETAMIDO BORONIC ACID ACID INHIBITOR COMPLEX 3vpk Crystal Structure of 6-Guanidinohexanoyl Trypsin 3vxe Human alpha-thrombin-Bivalirudin complex at PD5.0 3vxf X/N Joint refinement of Human alpha-thrombin-Bivalirudin complex PD5 3w94 Structure of Oryzias latipes enteropeptidase light chain 4a5t STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR THE CONFORMATIONAL MODULATION 4a6l beta-tryptase inhibitor 4a7i Factor Xa in complex with a potent 2-amino-ethane sulfonamide inhibitor 4ab8 Fragments bound to bovine trypsin for the SAMPL challenge 4ab9 Fragments bound to bovine trypsin for the SAMPL challenge 4aba Fragments bound to bovine trypsin for the SAMPL challenge 4abb Fragments bound to bovine trypsin for the SAMPL challenge 4abd Fragments bound to bovine trypsin for the SAMPL challenge 4abe Fragments bound to bovine trypsin for the SAMPL challenge 4abf Fragments bound to bovine trypsin for the SAMPL challenge 4abg Fragments bound to bovine trypsin for the SAMPL challenge 4abh Fragments bound to bovine trypsin for the SAMPL challenge 4abi Co-complex structure of bovine trypsin with a modified Bowman-Birk inhibitor (PtA)SFTI-1(1,14), that was 1,4-disubstituted with a 1,2,3- trizol to mimic a trans amide bond 4abj Co-complex structure of bovine trypsin with a modified Bowman-Birk inhibitor (IcA)SFTI-1(1,14), that was 1,5-disubstituted with 1,2,3- trizol to mimic a cis amid bond 4afq Human Chymase - Fynomer Complex 4afs Human Chymase - Fynomer Complex 4afu Human Chymase - Fynomer Complex 4afz Human Chymase - Fynomer Complex 4ag1 Human Chymase - Fynomer Complex 4ag2 Human Chymase - Fynomer Complex 4an7 Kunitz type trypsin inhibitor complex with porcine trypsin 4aoq Cationic trypsin in complex with mutated Spinacia oleracea trypsin inhibitor III (SOTI-III) (F14A) 4aor Cationic trypsin in complex with the Spinacia oleracea trypsin inhibitor III (SOTI-III) 4ax9 Human thrombin complexed with Napsagatran, RO0466240 4ayv Human thrombin - inhibitor complex 4ayy Human thrombin - inhibitor complex 4az2 Human thrombin - inhibitor complex 4b1t Structure of the factor Xa-like trypsin variant triple-Ala (TA) in complex with eglin C 4b2a Structure of the factor Xa-like trypsin variant triple-Ala (TGA) in complex with eglin C 4b2b Structure of the factor Xa-like trypsin variant triple-Ala (TGPA) in complex with eglin C 4b2c Structure of the factor Xa-like trypsin variant triple-Ala (TPA) in complex with eglin C 4bah Thrombin in complex with inhibitor 4bak Thrombin in complex with inhibitor 4bam Thrombin in complex with inhibitor 4ban Thrombin in complex with inhibitor 4bao Thrombin in complex with inhibitor 4baq Thrombin in complex with inhibitor 4bnr Extremely stable complex of crayfish trypsin with bovine trypsin inhibitor 4boh Madanins (MEROPS I53) are cleaved by thrombin and factor Xa 4bti factor Xa in complex with the dual thrombin-FXa inhibitor 58. 4btt factor Xa in complex with the dual thrombin-FXa inhibitor 31. 4btu Factor Xa in complex with the dual thrombin-FXa inhibitor 57. 4bxs Crystal Structure of the Prothrombinase Complex from the Venom of Pseudonaja Textilis 4bxw Crystal Structure of the Prothrombinase Complex from the Venom of Pseudonaja Textilis 4cbn Crystal structure of Complement Factor D mutant R202A after conventional refinement 4cbo Crystal structure of Complement Factor D mutant R202A after ensemble refinement 4ch2 Low-salt crystal structure of a thrombin-GpIbalpha peptide complex 4ch8 High-salt crystal structure of a thrombin-GpIbalpha peptide complex 4cha STRUCTURE OF ALPHA-CHYMOTRYPSIN REFINED AT 1.68 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 4cr5 4CR5 4cr9 4CR9 4cra 4CRA 4crb 4CRB 4crc 4CRC 4crd 4CRD 4cre 4CRE 4crf 4CRF 4crg 4CRG 4d76 4D76 4d7f 4D7F 4d7g 4D7G 4d8n Human Kallikrein 6 Inhibitors with a para-Amidobenzylanmine P1 Group Carry a High Binding Efficiency 4d9q Inhibiting Alternative Pathway Complement Activation by Targeting the Exosite on Factor D 4d9r Inhibiting Alternative Pathway Complement Activation by Targeting the Exosite on Factor D 4dg4 Human mesotrypsin-S39Y complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) 4dgj Structure of a human enteropeptidase light chain variant 4dih X-ray structure of the complex between human alpha thrombin and thrombin binding aptamer in the presence of sodium ions 4dii X-ray structure of the complex between human alpha thrombin and thrombin binding aptamer in the presence of potassium ions 4djz Catalytic fragment of masp-1 in complex with its specific inhibitor developed by directed evolution on sgci scaffold 4doq Crystal structure of the complex of Porcine Pancreatic Trypsin with 1/2SLPI 4dt7 Crystal structure of thrombin bound to the activation domain QEDQVDPRLIDGKMTRRGDS of protein C 4dur The X-ray Crystal Structure of Full-Length type II Human Plasminogen 4duu The X-ray Crystal Structure of Full-Length type I Human Plasminogen 4dva The crystal structure of human urokinase-type plasminogen activator catalytic domain 4dw2 The crystal structure of uPA in complex with the Fab fragment of mAb-112 4dy7 Crystal structures of protease nexin-1 in complex with S195A thrombin 4e05 Anophelin from the malaria vector inhibits thrombin through a novel reverse-binding mechanism 4e06 Anophelin from the malaria vector inhibits thrombin through a novel reverse-binding mechanism 4e7n Crystal Structure of AhV_TL-I, a Glycosylated Snake-venom Thrombin-like Enzyme from Agkistrodon halys 4e7r Thrombin in complex with 3-amidinophenylalanine inhibitor 4est CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COVALENT COMPLEX FORMED BY A PEPTIDYL ALPHA,ALPHA-DIFLUORO-BETA-KETO AMIDE WITH PORCINE PANCREATIC ELASTASE AT 1.78-ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 4f4o Structure of the Haptoglobin-Haemoglobin Complex 4fu7 Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fu8 Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fu9 Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fub Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fuc Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fud Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fue Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fuf Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fug Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fuh Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fui Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fuj Crystal Structure of the Urokinase 4fxg Complement C4 in complex with MASP-2 4gaw Crystal structure of active human granzyme H 4gch STRUCTURE AND ACTIVITY OF TWO PHOTOREVERSIBLE CINNAMATES BOUND TO CHYMOTRYPSIN 4gly Human urokinase-type plasminogen activator uPA in complex with the two-disulfide bridge peptide UK504 4gso structure of Jararacussin-I 4gux trypsin:MCoTi-II complex 4gvu Lyngbyastatin 7-Porcine Pancreatic Elastase Co-crystal Structure 4h42 Synthesis of a Weak Basic uPA Inhibitor and Crystal Structure of Complex with uPA 4h4f Crystal structure of human chymotrypsin C (CTRC) bound to inhibitor eglin c from Hirudo medicinalis 4h6s Crystal structure of thrombin mutant E14eA/D14lA/E18A/S195A 4h6t Crystal structure of prethrombin-2 mutant E14eA/D14lA/E18A/S195A 4hfp Structure of thrombin mutant S195a bound to the active site inhibitor argatroban 4hgc Crystal structure of bovine trypsin complexed with sfti-1 analog containing a peptoid residue at position p1 4htc THE REFINED STRUCTURE OF THE HIRUDIN-THROMBIN COMPLEX 4hzh Structure of recombinant Gla-domainless prothrombin mutant S525A 4i7y Crystal Structure of Human Alpha Thrombin in Complex with a 27-mer Aptamer Bound to Exosite II 4i8g Bovine trypsin at 0.8 resolution 4i8h Bovine trypsin at 0.75 resolution 4i8j Bovine trypsin at 0.87 A resolution 4i8k Bovine trypsin at 0.85 resolution 4i8l Bovine trypsin at 0.87 resolution 4ibl Rubidium Sites in Blood Coagulation Factor VIIa 4igd Crystal structure of the zymogen catalytic region of Human MASP-1 4is5 Crystal Structure of the ligand-free inactive Matriptase 4ish Structure of FACTOR VIIA in complex with the inhibitor BMS-593214 also known as 2'-[(6R,6AR,11BR)-2-CARBAMIMIDOYL-6,6A,7,11B-TETRAHYDRO-5H-INDENO[2,1-C]QUINOLIN-6-YL]-5'-HYDROXY-4'-METHOXYBIPHENYL-4-CARBOXYLIC ACID 4isi Structure of FACTOR VIIA in complex with the inhibitor (6S)-N-(4-CARBAMIMIDOYLBENZYL)-1-CHLORO-3-(CYCLOBUTYLAMINO)-8,8-DIETHYL-4-OXO-4,6,7,8-TETRAHYDROPYRROLO[1,2-A]PYRAZINE-6-CARBOXAMIDE 4isl Crystal Structure of the inactive Matriptase in complex with its inhibitor HAI-1 4isn Crystal Structure of Matriptase in complex with its inhibitor HAI-1 4iso Crystal Structure of Matriptase in complex with its inhibitor HAI-1 4iw4 Crystal structure of the serine protease domain of MASP-3 in complex with ecotin 4j1y The X-ray crystal structure of human complement protease C1s zymogen 4j2y Crystal structure of a plant trypsin inhibitor EcTI in complex with bovine trypsin. 4jk5 Human urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator (uPA) in complex with a bicyclic peptide inhibitor (UK18-D-Ser) 4jk6 Human urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator (uPA) in complex with a bicyclic peptide inhibitor (UK18-D-Aba) 4jni Crystal Structure of uPA in complex with its inhibitor 4-bromobenzylamine at pH 4.6 4jnl Crystal Structure of uPA in complex with its inhibitor 4-bromobenzylamine at pH 7.4 4jyt Crystal Structure of Matriptase in complex with Inhibitor 4jyu Structure of factor VIIA in complex with the inhibitor (2R)-2-[(1-AMINOISOQUINOLIN-6-YL)AMINO]-2-[3-ETHOXY-4-(PROPAN-2-YLOXY)PHENYL]-N-(PHENYLSULFONYL)ETHANAMIDE 4jyv Structure of factor VIIA in complex with the inhibitor (2R)-2-[3-ETHOXY-4-(PROPAN-2-YLOXY)PHENYL]-2-(ISOQUINOLIN-6-YLAMINO)-N-[(3-SULFAMOYLPHENYL)SULFONYL]ETHANAMIDE 4jz1 Crystal Structure of Matriptase in complex with Inhibitor 4jzd Structure of factor VIIA in complex with the inhibitor 2-{2-[(4-carbamimidoylphenyl)carbamoyl]-6-methoxypyridin-3-yl}-5-{[(2S)-1-hydroxy-3,3-dimethylbutan-2-yl]carbamoyl}benzoic acid 4jze Structure of factor VIIA in complex with the inhibitor 2-{2-[(1-aminoisoquinolin-6-yl)carbamoyl]-6-methoxypyridin-3-yl}-5-{[(2S)-1-hydroxy-3,3-dimethylbutan-2-yl]carbamoyl}benzoic acid 4jzf Structure of factor VIIA in complex with the inhibitor 2-{2-[(3-carbamoylphenyl)carbamoyl]-6-methoxypyridin-3-yl}-5-{[(2S)-1-hydroxy-3,3-dimethylbutan-2-yl]carbamoyl}benzoic acid 4jzi Crystal Structure of Matriptase in complex with Inhibitor". 4k1e Atomic resolution crystal structures of Kallikrein-Related Peptidase 4 complexed with a modified SFTI inhibitor FCQR 4k1s Gly-Ser-SplB protease from Staphylococcus aureus at 1.96 A resolution 4k1t Gly-Ser-SplB protease from Staphylococcus aureus at 1.60 A resolution 4k2y Crystal Structure of Human Chymase in Complex with Fragment Inhibitor 6-chloro-1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2-one 4k3j Crystal structure of Onartuzumab Fab in complex with MET and HGF-beta 4k5z Crystal Structure of Human Chymase in Complex with Fragment Inhibitor 6-chloro-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindol-1-one 4k60 Crystal Structure of Human Chymase in Complex with Fragment 6-bromo-1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2-one 4k69 Crystal Structure of Human Chymase in Complex with Fragment Linked Benzimidazolone Inhibitor: (3S)-3-{3-[(6-bromo-2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-indol-4-yl)methyl]-2-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl}hexanoic acid 4k8y Atomic resolution crystal structures of Kallikrein-Related Peptidase 4 complexed with Sunflower Trypsin Inhibitor (SFTI-1) 4kel Atomic resolution crystal structure of Kallikrein-Related Peptidase 4 complexed with a modified SFTI inhibitor FCQR(N) 4kga Crystal structure of kallikrein-related peptidase 4 4kkd The X-ray crystal structure of Mannose-binding lectin-associated serine proteinase-3 reveals the structural basis for enzyme inactivity associated with the 3MC syndrome 4kp0 Crystal Structure of the human Chymase with TJK002 4kts Bovine trypsin in complex with microviridin J at pH 8.5 4ktu Bovine trypsin in complex with microviridin J at pH 6.5 4lk4 Structure of Vibrio cholerae VesB protease 4loy 4LOY 4lxb 4LXB 4lz1 X-ray structure of the complex between human thrombin and the TBA deletion mutant lacking thymine 12 nucleobase 4lz4 X-ray structure of the complex between human thrombin and the TBA deletion mutant lacking thymine 3 nucleobase 4m7g Streptomyces Erythraeus Trypsin 4mlf Crystal structure for the complex of thrombin mutant D102N and hirudin 4mnv Crystal structure of bicyclic peptide UK729 bound as an acyl-enzyme intermediate to urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) 4mnw Crystal structure of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) complexed with bicyclic peptide UK749 4mnx Crystal structure of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) complexed with bicyclic peptide UK811 4mny Crystal structure of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) complexed with bicyclic peptide UK903 4mpu 4MPU 4mpv 4MPV 4mpw 4MPW 4mpx 4MPX 4mqa 4MQA 4mtb 4MTB 4n3l Crystal structure of thrombin in complex with a novel glucose-conjugated potent inhibitor 4na7 Factor XIA in complex with the inhibitor 3'-[(2S,4R)-6-carbamimidoyl-4-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolin-2-yl]-4-carbamoyl-5'-[(3-methylbutanoyl)amino]biphenyl-2-carboxylic acid 4na8 Factor XIa in complex with the inhibitor 5-aminocarbonyl-2-[3-[(2s,4r)-6-carbamimidoyl-4-methyl-4-phenyl-2,3-dihydro-1h-quinolin-2-yl]phenyl]benzoic acid 4na9 Factor VIIa in complex with the inhibitor 3'-amino-5'-[(2s,4r)-6-carbamimidoyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolin-2-yl]biphenyl-2-carboxylic acid 4ncy In situ trypsin crystallized on a MiTeGen micromesh with imidazole ligand 4nfe 4NFE 4nff 4NFF 4ng9 Factor viia in complex with the inhibitor (2R)-2-[(1-aminoisoquinolin-6-yl)amino]-2-[3-ethoxy-4-(propan-2-yloxy)phenyl]-n-(3-sulfamoylbenzyl)ethanamide 4nga Factor viia in complex with the inhibitor (2R)-2-[(1-aminoisoquinolin-6-yl)amino]-2-[3-ethoxy-4-(propan-2-yloxy)phenyl]-N-[2-(propan-2-ylsulfonyl)benzyl]ethanamide 4niv Crystal structure of trypsiligase (K60E/N143H/Y151H/D189K trypsin) trigonal form 4niw Crystal structure of trypsiligase (K60E/N143H/Y151H/D189K trypsin) orthorhombic form 4nix Crystal structure of trypsiligase (K60E/N143H/Y151H/D189K trypsin) orthorhombic form, zinc-bound 4niy Crystal structure of trypsiligase (K60E/N143H/Y151H/D189K trypsin) complexed to YRH-ecotin (M84Y/M85R/A86H ecotin) 4nze Crystal structure of thrombin in complex with a novel tetra-O-acetyl-glucopyranoside-conjugated potent inhibitor 4nzl 4NZL 4nzq Crystal structure of Ca2+-free prothrombin deletion mutant residues 146-167 4o03 Crystal structure of Ca2+ bound prothrombin deletion mutant residues 146-167 4o3t 4O3T 4o3u 4O3U 4o97 4O97 4o9v 4O9V 4ogx 4OGX 4ogy 4OGY 4os1 4OS1 4os2 4OS2 4os4 4OS4 4os5 4OS5 4os6 4OS6 4os7 4OS7 4q2k 4Q2K 4q7x 4Q7X 4q7y 4Q7Y 4q7z 4Q7Z 4q80 4Q80 4qt8 4QT8 4r0i 4R0I 4rkj 4RKJ 4rko 4RKO 4rn6 4RN6 4sga STRUCTURES OF PRODUCT AND INHIBITOR COMPLEXES OF STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEASE A AT 1.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION. A MODEL FOR SERINE PROTEASE CATALYSIS 4sgb STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF STREPTOMYCES GRISEUS PROTEINASE B AND POLYPEPTIDE CHYMOTRYPSIN INHIBITOR-1 FROM RUSSET BURBANK POTATO TUBERS AT 2.1 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 4thn THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ALPHA-THROMBIN-HIRUNORM IV COMPLEX REVEALS A NOVEL SPECIFICITY SITE RECOGNITION MODE. 4tpi THE REFINED 2.2-ANGSTROMS (0.22-NM) X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TERNARY COMPLEX FORMED BY BOVINE TRYPSINOGEN, VALINE-VALINE AND THE ARG15 ANALOGUE OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 4tpy 4TPY 4ty6 4TY6 4ty7 4TY7 4u2w 4U2W 4u30 4U30 4u32 4U32 4ud9 4UD9 4udw 4UDW 4ue7 4UE7 4ueh 4UEH 4ufd 4UFD 4ufe 4UFE 4uff 4UFF 4ufg 4UFG 4vgc GAMMA-CHYMOTRYPSIN D-NAPHTHYL-1-ACETAMIDO BORONIC ACID INHIBITOR COMPLEX 4wjg 4WJG 4wvp 4WVP 4wwy 4WWY 4wxi 4WXI 4wxv 4WXV 4x0l 4X0L 4x0w 4X0W 4x1n 4X1N 4x1p 4X1P 4x1q 4X1Q 4x1r 4X1R 4x1s 4X1S 4x6m 4X6M 4x6n 4X6N 4x6o 4X6O 4x6p 4X6P 4x8s 4X8S 4x8t 4X8T 4x8u 4X8U 4x8v