The domain within your query sequence starts at position 245 and ends at position 495; the E-value for the TyrKc domain shown below is 2.75e-135.
All catalytic sites are present in this domain. Check the literature (PubMed 96361355 ) for details.
TyrKcTyrosine kinase, catalytic domain |
SMART accession number: | SM00219 |
Description: | Phosphotransferases. Tyrosine-specific kinase subfamily. |
Interpro abstract (IPR020635): | Protein phosphorylation, which plays a key role in most cellular activities, is a reversible process mediated by protein kinases and phosphoprotein phosphatases. Protein kinases catalyse the transfer of the gamma phosphate from nucleotide triphosphates (often ATP) to one or more amino acid residues in a protein substrate side chain, resulting in a conformational change affecting protein function. Phosphoprotein phosphatases catalyse the reverse process. Protein kinases fall into three broad classes, characterised with respect to substrate specificity [ (PUBMED:3291115) ]:
Protein kinase function is evolutionarily conserved from Escherichia coli to human [ (PUBMED:12471243) ]. Protein kinases play a role in a multitude of cellular processes, including division, proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation [ (PUBMED:12368087) ]. Phosphorylation usually results in a functional change of the target protein by changing enzyme activity, cellular location, or association with other proteins. The catalytic subunits of protein kinases are highly conserved, and several structures have been solved [ (PUBMED:15078142) ], leading to large screens to develop kinase-specific inhibitors for the treatments of a number of diseases [ (PUBMED:15320712) ]. Tyrosine-protein kinases can transfer a phosphate group from ATP to a tyrosine residue in a protein. These enzymes can be divided into two main groups [ (PUBMED:12471243) ]:
GO process: | protein phosphorylation (GO:0006468) |
GO function: | protein tyrosine kinase activity (GO:0004713) |
Family alignment: |
There are 42995 TyrKc domains in 42959 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing TyrKc domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with TyrKc domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing TyrKc domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Binding / catalysis: tyrosine-specific phosphotransferase
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Stapleton D, Balan I, Pawson T, Sicheri F
- The crystal structure of an Eph receptor SAM domain reveals a mechanism for modular dimerization.
- Nat Struct Biol. 1999; 6: 44-9
- Display abstract
The sterile alpha motif (SAM) domain is a novel protein module of approximately 70 amino acids that is found in a variety of signaling molecules including tyrosine and serine/threonine protein kinases, cytoplasmic scaffolding and adaptor proteins, regulators of lipid metabolism, and GTPases as well as members of the ETS family of transcription factors. The SAM domain can potentially function as a protein interaction module through the ability to homo- and hetero-oligomerize with other SAM domains. This functional property elicits the oncogenic activation of chimeric proteins arising from translocation of the SAM domain of TEL to coding regions of the betaPDGF receptor, Abl, JAK2 protein kinase and the AML1 transcription factor. Here we describe the 2.0 A X-ray crystal structure of a SAM domain homodimer from the intracellular region of the EphA4 receptor tyrosine kinase. The structure reveals a mode of dimerization that we predict is shared amongst the SAM domains of the Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and possibly other SAM domain containing proteins. These data indicate a mechanism through which an independently folding protein module can form homophilic complexes that regulate signaling events at the membrane and in the nucleus.
- Thanos CD, Goodwill KE, Bowie JU
- Oligomeric structure of the human EphB2 receptor SAM domain.
- Science. 1999; 283: 833-6
- Display abstract
The sterile alpha motif (SAM) domain is a protein interaction module that is present in diverse signal-transducing proteins. SAM domains are known to form homo- and hetero-oligomers. The crystal structure of the SAM domain from an Eph receptor tyrosine kinase, EphB2, reveals two large interfaces. In one interface, adjacent monomers exchange amino-terminal peptides that insert into a hydrophobic groove on each neighbor. A second interface is composed of the carboxyl-terminal helix and a nearby loop. A possible oligomer, constructed from a combination of these binding modes, may provide a platform for the formation of larger protein complexes.
- Williams JC, Wierenga RK, Saraste M
- Insights into Src kinase functions: structural comparisons.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1998; 23: 179-84
- Display abstract
Recent structures of Src tyrosine kinases reveal complex mechanisms for regulation of enzymatic activity. The regulatory SH3 and SH2 domains bind to the back of the catalytic kinase domain via a linker region that joins the SH2 domain to the catalytic domain. Members of a subgroup of the Src kinase family show distinct features in this linker and in the loops that interact with it. Hydrophobicity of key residues in this region is important for intramolecular regulation. The kinases Abl, Btk and Csk seem to have the same molecular architecture as Src. Structural comparisons between serine/threonine and tyrosine kinases indicate a specific twisting mechanism involving the N- and C-terminal lobes of the catalytic domain. This motion could provide insights into the various mechanisms used to regulate kinase activity.
- Sicheri F, Moarefi I, Kuriyan J
- Crystal structure of the Src family tyrosine kinase Hck.
- Nature. 1997; 385: 602-9
- Display abstract
The crystal structure of the haematopoietic cell kinase Hck has been determined at 2.6/2.9 A resolution. Inhibition of enzymatic activity is a consequence of intramolecular interactions of the enzyme's Src-homology domains SH2 and SH3, with concomitant displacement of elements of the catalytic domain. The conformation of the active site has similarities with that of inactive cyclin-dependent protein kinases.
- Xu W, Harrison SC, Eck MJ
- Three-dimensional structure of the tyrosine kinase c-Src.
- Nature. 1997; 385: 595-602
- Display abstract
The structure of a large fragment of the c-Src tyrosine kinase, comprising the regulatory and kinase domains and the carboxy-terminal tall, has been determined at 1.7 A resolution in a closed, inactive state. Interactions among domains, stabilized by binding of the phosphorylated tail to the SH2 domain, lock the molecule in a conformation that simultaneously disrupts the kinase active site and sequesters the binding surfaces of the SH2 and SH3 domains. The structure shows how appropriate cellular signals, or transforming mutations in v-Src, could break these interactions to produce an open, active kinase.
- Mohammadi M, Schlessinger J, Hubbard SR
- Structure of the FGF receptor tyrosine kinase domain reveals a novel autoinhibitory mechanism.
- Cell. 1996; 86: 577-87
- Display abstract
The crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1K) has been determined in its unliganded form to 2.0 angstroms resolution and in complex with with an ATP analog to 2.3 angstrosms A resolution. Several features distinguish the structure of FGFR1K from that of the tyrosine kinase domain of the insulin receptor. Residues in the activation loop of FGFR1K appear to interfere with substrate peptide binding but not with ATP binding, revealing a second and perhaps more general autoinhibitory mechanism for receptor tyrosine kinases. In addition, a dimeric form of FGFR1K observed in the crystal structure may provide insights into the molecular mechanisms by which FGF receptors are activated. Finally, the structure provides a basis for rationalizing the effects of kinase mutations in FGF receptors that lead to developmental disorders in nematodes and humans.
- Hanks SK, Hunter T
- Protein kinases 6. The eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily: kinase (catalytic) domain structure and classification.
- FASEB J. 1995; 9: 576-96
- Display abstract
The eukaryotic protein kinases make up a large superfamily of homologous proteins. They are related by virtue of their kinase domains (also known as catalytic domains), which consist of approximately 250-300 amino acid residues. The kinase domains that define this group of enzymes contain 12 conserved subdomains that fold into a common catalytic core structure, as revealed by the 3-dimensional structures of several protein-serine kinases. There are two main subdivisions within the superfamily: the protein-serine/threonine kinases and the protein-tyrosine kinases. A classification scheme can be founded on a kinase domain phylogeny, which reveals families of enzymes that have related substrate specificities and modes of regulation.
- Liu D, Bienkowska J, Petosa C, Collier RJ, Fu H, Liddington R
- Crystal structure of the zeta isoform of the 14-3-3 protein.
- Nature. 1995; 376: 191-4
- Display abstract
The 14-3-3 family of proteins have recently been identified as regulatory elements in intracellular signalling pathways: 14-3-3 proteins bind to oncogene and proto-oncogene products, including c-Raf-1 (refs 2-5), c-Bcr (ref. 6) and polyomavirus middle-T antigen; overexpression of 14-3-3 activates Raf kinase in yeast and induces meiotic maturation in Xenopus oocytes. Here we report the crystal structure of the major isoform of mammalian 14-3-3 proteins at 2.9 A resolution. Each subunit of the dimeric protein consists of a bundle of nine antiparallel helices that form a palisade around an amphipathic groove. The groove is large enough to accommodate a tenth helix, and we propose that binding to an amphipathic helix represents a general mechanism for the interaction of 14-3-3 with diverse cellular proteins. The residues in the dimer interface and the putative ligand-binding surface are invariant among vertebrates, yeast and plants, suggesting a conservation of structure and function throughout the 14-3-3 family.
- Owen DJ, Noble ME, Garman EF, Papageorgiou AC, Johnson LN
- Two structures of the catalytic domain of phosphorylase kinase: an active protein kinase complexed with substrate analogue and product.
- Structure. 1995; 3: 467-82
- Display abstract
BACKGROUND: Control of intracellular events by protein phosphorylation is promoted by specific protein kinases. All the known protein kinase possess a common structure that defines a catalytically competent entity termed the 'kinase catalytic core'. Within this common structural framework each kinase displays its own unique substrate specificity, and a regulatory mechanism that may be modulated by association with other proteins. Structural studies of phosphorylase kinase (Phk), the major substrate of which is glycogen phosphorylase, may be expected to shed light on its regulation. RESULTS: We report two crystal structures of the catalytic core (residues 1-298; Phk gamma trnc) of the gamma-subunit of rabbit muscle phosphorylase kinase: the binary complex with Mn2+/beta-gamma-imidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate (AMPPNP) to a resolution of 2.6 A and the binary complex with Mg2+/ADP to a resolution of 3.0 A. The structures were solved by molecular replacement using the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAPK) as a model. CONCLUSIONS: The overall structure of Phk gamma trnc is similar to that of the catalytic core of other protein kinases. It consists of two domians joined on one edge by a 'hinge', with the catalytic site located in the cleft between the domains. Phk gamma trnc is constitutively active, and lacks the need for an activatory phosphorylation event that is essential for many kinases. The structure exhibits an essentially 'closed' conformation of the domains which is similar to that of cAPK complexed with substrates. The phosphorylated residue that is located at the domain interface in many protein kinases and that is believed to stabilize an active conformation is substituted by a glutamate in Phk gamma trnc. The glutamate, in a similar manner to the phosphorylated residue in other protein kinases, interacts with an arginine adjacent to the catalytic aspartate but does not participate in interdomain contacts. The interactions between the enzyme and the nucleotide product of its activity, Mg2+/ADP, explain the inhibitory properties of the nucleotides that are observed in kinetic studies.
- Hubbard SR, Wei L, Ellis L, Hendrickson WA
- Crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of the human insulin receptor.
- Nature. 1994; 372: 746-54
- Display abstract
The X-ray crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of the human insulin receptor has been determined by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction phasing and refined to 2.1 A resolution. The structure reveals the determinants of substrate preference for tyrosine rather than serine or threonine and a novel autoinhibition mechanism whereby one of the tyrosines that is autophosphorylated in response to insulin, Tyr 1,162, is bound in the active site.
- Taylor SS, Radzio-Andzelm E
- Three protein kinase structures define a common motif.
- Structure. 1994; 2: 345-55
- Display abstract
Structural comparisons between cAMP-dependent protein kinase, cyclin-dependent kinase 2 and mitogen-activated protein kinase reveal which features are common to the protein kinase family and which are enzyme-specific.
- Knighton DR et al.
- Crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase.
- Science. 1991; 253: 407-14
- Display abstract
The crystal structure of the catalytic subunit of cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent protein kinase complexed with a 20-amino acid substrate analog inhibitor has been solved and partially refined at 2.7 A resolution to an R factor of 0.212. The magnesium adenosine triphosphate (MgATP) binding site was located by difference Fourier synthesis. The enzyme structure is bilobal with a deep cleft between the lobes. The cleft is filled by MgATP and a portion of the inhibitor peptide. The smaller lobe, consisting mostly of amino-terminal sequence, is associated with nucleotide binding, and its largely antiparallel beta sheet architecture constitutes an unusual nucleotide binding motif. The larger lobe is dominated by helical structure with a single beta sheet at the domain interface. This lobe is primarily involved in peptide binding and catalysis. Residues 40 through 280 constitute a conserved catalytic core that is shared by more than 100 protein kinases. Most of the invariant amino acids in this conserved catalytic core are clustered at the sites of nucleotide binding and catalysis.
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the TyrKc domain.
Protein Disease Phosphorylase b kinase gamma catalytic chain, liver/testis isoform (P15735) (SMART) OMIM:172471: Glycogenosis, hepatic, autosomal Protein kinase C gamma type (P05129) (SMART) OMIM:176980: PROTEIN KINASE C, GAMMA; PRKCG High affinity nerve growth factor receptor (P04629) (SMART) OMIM:191315: Insensitivity to pain, congenital, with anhidrosis
OMIM:256800: Medullary thyroid carcinoma, familial
OMIM:155240:Serine/threonine-protein kinase STK11 (Q15831) (SMART) OMIM:602216: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
OMIM:175200:Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-3 (P51812) (SMART) OMIM:300075: Coffin-Lowry syndrome
OMIM:303600: Mental retardation, X-linked nonspecific, type 19Rhodopsin kinase (Q15835) (SMART) OMIM:180381: Oguchi disease-2
OMIM:258100:Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase receptor Ret (P07949) (SMART) OMIM:164761: Multiple endocrine neoplasia IIA
OMIM:171400: Medullary thyroid carcinoma
OMIM:155240: Multiple endocrine neoplasia IIB
OMIM:162300: Hirschsprung disease
OMIM:188550: Thyroid papillary carcinomaHepatocyte growth factor receptor (P08581) (SMART) OMIM:164860: Renal cell carcinoma, papillary, familial and sporadic
OMIM:605074: Hepatocellular carcinoma, childhood type
OMIM:114550:Angiopoietin-1 receptor (Q02763) (SMART) OMIM:600221: Venous malformations, multiple cutaneous and mucosal
OMIM:600195:Tyrosine-protein kinase ZAP-70 (P43403) (SMART) OMIM:176947: Selective T-cell defect Retinal guanylyl cyclase 1 (Q02846) (SMART) OMIM:601777: Cone dystrophy, progressive
OMIM:600179: Leber congenital amaurosis, type I
OMIM:204000: Cone-rod dystrophy 6
OMIM:601777:TGF-beta receptor type-2 (P37173) (SMART) OMIM:190182: Colon cancer ; Colorectal cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis, type 6
OMIM:114500: Esophageal cancer
OMIM:133239:Mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit (P10721) (SMART) OMIM:164920: Piebaldism ; Mast cell leukemia ; Mastocytosis with associated hematologic disorder ; Germ cell tumors
OMIM:273300:Insulin receptor (P06213) (SMART) OMIM:147670: Leprechaunism
OMIM:246200: Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome
OMIM:262190: Diabetes mellitus, insulin-resistant, with acanthosis nigricansCyclin-dependent kinase 4 (P11802) (SMART) OMIM:123829: Melanoma Fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (P22607) (SMART) OMIM:134934: Achondroplasia
OMIM:100800: Hypochondroplasia
OMIM:146000: Thanatophoric dysplasia, types I and II
OMIM:187600: Crouzon syndrome with acanthosis nigricans ; Muencke syndrome
OMIM:600593: Craniosynostosis, Adelaide typeSerine/threonine-protein kinase receptor R3 (P37023) (SMART) OMIM:601284: Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia-2
OMIM:600376:Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK (Q06187) (SMART) OMIM:300300: Agammaglobulinemia, type 1, X-linked ; ?XLA and isolated growth hormone deficiency
OMIM:307200: - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 8.37 map04360 Axon guidance 7.00 map04510 Focal adhesion 5.70 map04060 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction 5.49 map04520 Adherens junction 5.42 map04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 4.39 map04012 ErbB signaling pathway 4.32 map05215 Prostate cancer 3.77 map04010 MAPK signaling pathway 3.64 map05218 Melanoma 3.50 map04020 Calcium signaling pathway 3.29 map05120 Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infection 2.95 map05210 Colorectal cancer 2.75 map04650 Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity 2.54 map04660 T cell receptor signaling pathway 2.33 map05214 Glioma 2.33 map04664 Fc epsilon RI signaling pathway 2.26 map04670 Leukocyte transendothelial migration 2.26 map04540 Gap junction 1.99 map04630 Jak-STAT signaling pathway 1.99 map04920 Adipocytokine signaling pathway 1.92 map04912 GnRH signaling pathway 1.85 map04370 VEGF signaling pathway 1.78 map04662 B cell receptor signaling pathway 1.65 map05219 Bladder cancer 1.65 map04640 Hematopoietic cell lineage 1.37 map04730 Long-term depression 1.30 map04530 Tight junction 1.17 map05213 Endometrial cancer 1.17 map05212 Pancreatic cancer 1.17 map05223 Non-small cell lung cancer 1.10 map05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 0.96 map05216 Thyroid cancer 0.69 map05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia 0.69 map04110 Cell cycle 0.69 map04916 Melanogenesis 0.69 map04320 Dorso-ventral axis formation 0.69 map04914 Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 0.62 map05222 Small cell lung cancer 0.62 map05211 Renal cell carcinoma 0.48 map05050 Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) 0.48 map04210 Apoptosis 0.48 map04910 Insulin signaling pathway 0.48 map04930 Type II diabetes mellitus This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with TyrKc domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing TyrKc domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of TyrKc domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1ad5 SRC FAMILY KINASE HCK-AMP-PNP COMPLEX 1agw CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TYROSINE KINASE DOMAIN OF FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 1 IN COMPLEX WITH SU4984 INHIBITOR 1byg KINASE DOMAIN OF HUMAN C-TERMINAL SRC KINASE (CSK) IN COMPLEX WITH INHIBITOR STAUROSPORINE 1fgi CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TYROSINE KINASE DOMAIN OF FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 1 IN COMPLEX WITH SU5402 INHIBITOR 1fgk CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TYROSINE KINASE DOMAIN OF FIBROBLAST GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 1 1fmk CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN TYROSINE-PROTEIN KINASE C-SRC 1fpu CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ABL KINASE DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH A SMALL MOLECULE INHIBITOR 1fvr TIE2 KINASE DOMAIN 1gag CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE INSULIN RECEPTOR KINASE IN COMPLEX WITH A BISUBSTRATE INHIBITOR 1gjo The FGFr2 tyrosine kinase domain 1i44 CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF AN ACTIVATION LOOP MUTANT OF THE INSULIN RECEPTOR TYROSINE KINASE 1iep CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE C-ABL KINASE DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH STI-571. 1ir3 PHOSPHORYLATED INSULIN RECEPTOR TYROSINE KINASE IN COMPLEX WITH PEPTIDE SUBSTRATE AND ATP ANALOG 1irk CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TYROSINE KINASE DOMAIN OF THE HUMAN INSULIN RECEPTOR 1jpa Crystal Structure of unphosphorylated EphB2 receptor tyrosine kinase and juxtamembrane region 1jqh IGF-1 receptor kinase domain 1k2p Crystal structure of Bruton's tyrosine kinase domain 1k3a Structure of the Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 Receptor Kinase 1k9a Crystal structure analysis of full-length carboxyl-terminal Src kinase at 2.5 A resolution 1ksw Structure of Human c-Src Tyrosine Kinase (Thr338Gly Mutant) in Complex with N6-benzyl ADP 1luf Crystal Structure of the MuSK Tyrosine Kinase: Insights into Receptor Autoregulation 1m14 Tyrosine Kinase Domain from Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 1m17 Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor tyrosine kinase domain with 4-anilinoquinazoline inhibitor erlotinib 1m52 Crystal Structure of the c-Abl Kinase domain in complex with PD173955 1m7n Crystal Structure of Unactivated APO Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Receptor Kinase Domain 1mp8 Crystal structure of Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) 1mqb Crystal Structure of Ephrin A2 (ephA2) Receptor Protein Kinase 1oec FGFr2 kinase domain 1opj Structural basis for the auto-inhibition of c-Abl tyrosine kinase 1opk Structural basis for the auto-inhibition of c-Abl tyrosine kinase 1opl Structural basis for the auto-inhibition of c-Abl tyrosine kinase 1p14 Crystal structure of a catalytic-loop mutant of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase 1p4o Structure of Apo unactivated IGF-1R KInase domain at 1.5A resolution. 1pkg Structure of a c-Kit Kinase Product Complex 1qcf CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HCK IN COMPLEX WITH A SRC FAMILY-SELECTIVE TYROSINE KINASE INHIBITOR 1qpc STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE LYMPHOCYTE-SPECIFIC KINASE LCK IN COMPLEX WITH NON-SELECTIVE AND SRC FAMILY SELECTIVE KINASE INHIBITORS 1qpd STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE LYMPHOCYTE-SPECIFIC KINASE LCK IN COMPLEX WITH NON-SELECTIVE AND SRC FAMILY SELECTIVE KINASE INHIBITORS 1qpe STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE LYMPHOCYTE-SPECIFIC KINASE LCK IN COMPLEX WITH NON-SELECTIVE AND SRC FAMILY SELECTIVE KINASE INHIBITORS 1qpj CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE LYMPHOCYTE-SPECIFIC KINASE LCK IN COMPLEX WITH STAUROSPORINE. 1r0p Crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor c-Met in complex with the microbial alkaloid K-252a 1r1w CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TYROSINE KINASE DOMAIN OF THE HEPATOCYTE GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR C-MET 1rjb Crystal Structure of FLT3 1rqq Crystal Structure of the Insulin Receptor Kinase in Complex with the SH2 Domain of APS 1sm2 Crystal structure of the phosphorylated Interleukin-2 tyrosine kinase catalytic domain 1snu CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE UNPHOSPHORYLATED INTERLEUKIN-2 TYROSINE KINASE CATALYTIC DOMAIN 1snx CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF APO INTERLEUKIN-2 TYROSINE KINASE CATALYTIC DOMAIN 1t45 STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR THE AUTOINHIBITION AND STI-571 INHIBITION OF C-KIT TYROSINE KINASE 1t46 STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR THE AUTOINHIBITION AND STI-571 INHIBITION OF C-KIT TYROSINE KINASE 1u46 Crystal Structure of the Unphosphorylated Kinase Domain of the Tyrosine Kinase ACK1 1u4d Structure of the ACK1 Kinase Domain bound to Debromohymenialdisine 1u54 Crystal Structures of the Phosphorylated and Unphosphorylated Kinase Domains of the CDC42-associated Tyrosine Kinase ACK1 bound to AMP-PCP 1u59 Crystal Structure of the ZAP-70 Kinase Domain in Complex with Staurosporine 1vr2 HUMAN VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR RECEPTOR 2 (KDR) KINASE DOMAIN 1xba Crystal structure of apo syk tyrosine kinase domain 1xbb Crystal structure of the syk tyrosine kinase domain with Gleevec 1xbc Crystal structure of the syk tyrosine kinase domain with Staurosporin 1xkk EGFR kinase domain complexed with a quinazoline inhibitor- GW572016 1y57 Structure of unphosphorylated c-Src in complex with an inhibitor 1y6a Crystal structure of VEGFR2 in complex with a 2-anilino-5-aryl-oxazole inhibitor 1y6b Crystal structure of VEGFR2 in complex with a 2-anilino-5-aryl-oxazole inhibitor 1yi6 C-term tail segment of human tyrosine kinase (258-533) 1yoj Crystal structure of Src kinase domain 1yol Crystal structure of Src kinase domain in complex with CGP77675 1yom Crystal structure of Src kinase domain in complex with Purvalanol A 1yvj Crystal structure of the Jak3 kinase domain in complex with a staurosporine analogue 1ywn Vegfr2 in complex with a novel 4-amino-furo[2,3-d]pyrimidine 2auh Crystal structure of the Grb14 BPS region in complex with the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase 2b4s Crystal structure of a complex between PTP1B and the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase 2b7a The structural basis of Janus Kinase 2 inhibition by a potent and specific pan-Janus kinase inhibitor 2bdf Src kinase in complex with inhibitor AP23451 2bdj Src kinase in complex with inhibitor AP23464 2c0i Src family kinase Hck with bound inhibitor A-420983 2c0o Src family kinase Hck with bound inhibitor A-770041 2c0t Src family kinase Hck with bound inhibitor A-641359 2dq7 Crystal Structure of Fyn kinase domain complexed with staurosporine 2e2b Crystal structure of the c-Abl kinase domain in complex with INNO-406 2eb2 Crystal structure of mutated EGFR kinase domain (G719S) 2eb3 Crystal structure of mutated EGFR kinase domain (L858R) in complex with AMPPNP 2etm Crystal Structure of Focal Adhesion Kinase Domain Complexed with 7H-Pyrrolo [2,3-d] pyrimidine Derivative 2f4j Structure of the Kinase Domain of an Imatinib-Resistant Abl Mutant in Complex with the Aurora Kinase Inhibitor VX-680 2fgi CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TYROSINE KINASE DOMAIN OF FGF RECEPTOR 1 IN COMPLEX WITH INHIBITOR PD173074 2fo0 Organization of the SH3-SH2 Unit in Active and Inactive Forms of the c-Abl Tyrosine Kinase 2g15 Structural Characterization of autoinhibited c-Met kinase 2g1t A Src-like Inactive Conformation in the Abl Tyrosine Kinase Domain 2g2f A Src-like Inactive Conformation in the Abl Tyrosine Kinase Domain 2g2h A Src-like Inactive Conformation in the Abl Tyrosine Kinase Domain 2g2i A Src-like Inactive Conformation in the Abl Tyrosine Kinase Domain 2gqg X-ray Crystal Structure of Dasatinib (BMS-354825) Bound to Activated ABL Kinase Domain 2gs2 Crystal Structure of the active EGFR kinase domain 2gs6 Crystal Structure of the active EGFR kinase domain in complex with an ATP analog-peptide conjugate 2gs7 Crystal Structure of the inactive EGFR kinase domain in complex with AMP-PNP 2gsf The Human Epha3 Receptor Tyrosine Kinase and Juxtamembrane Region 2h8h Src kinase in complex with a quinazoline inhibitor 2hck SRC FAMILY KINASE HCK-QUERCETIN COMPLEX 2hel Crystal structure of a mutant EphA4 kinase domain (Y742A) 2hen Crystal Structure of the EphB2 Receptor Kinase domain in complex with ADP 2hiw Crystal Structure of Inactive Conformation Abl Kinase Catalytic Domain Complexed with Type II Inhibitor 2hk5 Hck Kinase in Complex with Lck targetted Inhibitor PG-1009247 2hwo Crystal structure of Src kinase domain in complex with covalent inhibitor 2hwp Crystal structure of Src kinase domain in complex with covalent inhibitor PD168393 2hyy Human Abl kinase domain in complex with imatinib (STI571, Glivec) 2hz0 Abl kinase domain in complex with NVP-AEG082 2hz4 Abl kinase domain unligated and in complex with tetrahydrostaurosporine 2hzi Abl kinase domain in complex with PD180970 2hzn Abl kinase domain in complex with NVP-AFG210 2i0v c-FMS tyrosine kinase in complex with a quinolone inhibitor 2i0y cFMS tyrosine kinase (FGF KID) in complex with an arylamide inhibitor 2i1m cFMS tyrosine kinase (tie2 KID) in complex with an arylamide inhibitor 2ijm Crystal Structure of Focal Adhesion Kinase Domain with 2 molecules in the Asymmetric Unit Complexed with ADP and ATP 2itn Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain G719S mutation in complex with AMP-PNP 2ito Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain G719S mutation in complex with Iressa 2itp Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain G719S mutation in complex with AEE788 2itq Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain G719S mutation in complex with AFN941 2itt Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain L858R mutation in complex with AEE788 2itu Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain L858R mutation in complex with AFN941 2itv Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain L858R mutation in complex with AMP-PNP 2itw Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with AFN941 2itx Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with AMP-PNP 2ity Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with Iressa 2itz Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain L858R mutation in complex with Iressa 2ivs Crystal structure of non-phosphorylated RET tyrosine kinase domain 2ivt Crystal structure of phosphorylated RET tyrosine kinase domain 2ivu Crystal structure of phosphorylated RET tyrosine kinase domain complexed with the inhibitor ZD6474 2ivv Crystal structure of phosphorylated RET tyrosine kinase domain complexed with the inhibitor PP1 2j0j Crystal structure of a fragment of focal adhesion kinase containing the FERM and kinase domains. 2j0k Crystal structure of a fragment of focal adhesion kinase containing the FERM and kinase domains. 2j0l Crystal structure of a the active conformation of the kinase domain of focal adhesion kinase with a phosphorylated activation loop. 2j0m Crystal structure a two-chain complex between the FERM and kinase domains of focal adhesion kinase. 2j5e Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with an irreversible inhibitor 13-jab 2j5f Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with an irreversible inhibitor 34-jab 2j6m Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with AEE788 2jit Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain T790M mutation 2jiu Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain T790M mutation in complex with AEE788 2jiv Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain T790M mutation in compex with HKI-272 2jkk Focal Adhesion Kinase catalytic domain in complex with bis-anilino pyrimidine inhibitor 2jkm Focal Adhesion Kinase catalytic domain in complex with bis-anilino pyrimidine inhibitor 2jko Focal Adhesion Kinase catalytic domain in complex with bis-anilino pyrimidine inhibitor 2jkq Focal Adhesion Kinase catalytic domain in complex with bis-anilino pyrimidine inhibitor 2of2 crystal structure of furanopyrimidine 8 bound to lck 2of4 crystal structure of furanopyrimidine 1 bound to lck 2ofu x-ray crystal structure of 2-aminopyrimidine carbamate 43 bound to Lck 2ofv crystal structure of aminoquinazoline 1 bound to Lck 2og8 crystal structure of aminoquinazoline 36 bound to Lck 2ogv Crystal Structure of the Autoinhibited Human c-Fms Kinase Domain 2oh4 Crystal structure of Vegfr2 with a benzimidazole-urea inhibitor 2oiq Crystal Structure of chicken c-Src kinase domain in complex with the cancer drug imatinib. 2oj9 Structure of IGF-1R kinase domain complexed with a benzimidazole inhibitor 2oo8 Synthesis, Structural Analysis, and SAR Studies of Triazine Derivatives as Potent, Selective Tie-2 Inhibitors 2osc Synthesis, Structural Analysis, and SAR Studies of Triazine Derivatives as Potent, Selective Tie-2 Inhibitors 2ozo Autoinhibited intact human ZAP-70 2p0c Catalytic Domain of the Proto-oncogene Tyrosine-protein Kinase MER 2p2h Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a pyridinyl-triazine inhibitor 2p2i Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a nicotinamide inhibitor 2p4i Evolution of a highly Selective and Potent 2-(Pyridin-2-yl)-1,3,5-triazine Tie-2 Kinase Inhibitor 2pl0 LCK bound to imatinib 2psq Crystal Structure of Unphosphorylated Unactivated Wild Type FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain 2ptk CHICKEN SRC TYROSINE KINASE 2pvf Crystal Structure of Tyrosine Phosphorylated Activated FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain in Complex with ATP Analog and Substrate Peptide 2pvy Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Pathogenic K659N Mutation Responsible for an Unclassified Craniosynostosis Syndrome. 2pwl Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Pathogenic N549H Mutation Responsible for Crouzon Syndrome. 2py3 Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Pathogenic E565G Mutation Responsible for Pfeiffer Syndrome 2pz5 Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Pathogenic N549T Mutation Responsible for Pfeiffer Syndrome 2pzp Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Pathogenic K526E Mutation Responsible for Crouzon Syndrome 2pzr Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Pathogenic K641R Mutation Responsible for Pfeiffer Syndrome 2q0b Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Pathogenic E565A Mutation Responsible for Pfeiffer Syndrome 2qi8 Crystal structure of drug resistant SRC kinase domain 2qlq Crystal structure of SRC kinase domain with covalent inhibitor RL3 2qo2 Human EphA3 kinase and juxtamembrane region, dephosphorylated, apo structure 2qo7 Human EphA3 kinase and juxtamembrane region, dephosphorylated, AMP-PNP bound 2qo9 Human EphA3 kinase and juxtamembrane region, phosphorylated, AMP-PNP bound 2qob Human EphA3 kinase domain, base structure 2qoc Human EphA3 kinase domain, phosphorylated, AMP-PNP bound structure 2qod Human EphA3 kinase and juxtamembrane region, Y602F mutant 2qof Human EphA3 kinase and juxtamembrane region, Y596F mutant 2qoh Crystal Structure of Abl kinase bound with PPY-A 2qoi Human EphA3 kinase and juxtamembrane region, Y596F:Y602F double mutant 2qok Human EphA3 kinase and juxtamembrane region, Y596F:Y602F:S768A triple mutant 2qol Human EphA3 kinase and juxtamembrane region, Y596:Y602:S768G triple mutant 2qon Human EphA3 kinase and juxtamembrane region, Y596F:Y602F:Y742A triple mutant 2qoo Human EphA3 kinase and juxtamembrane region, Y596F:Y602F:Y742F triple mutant 2qoq Human EphA3 kinase and juxtamembrane region, base, AMP-PNP bound structure 2qq7 Crystal structure of drug resistant SRC kinase domain with irreversible inhibitor 2qu5 Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a benzimidazole inhibitor 2qu6 Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a benzoxazole inhibitor 2r2p Kinase domain of human ephrin type-A receptor 5 (EphA5) 2r4b ErbB4 kinase domain complexed with a thienopyrimidine inhibitor 2rei Kinase domain of human ephrin type-A receptor 7 (Epha7) 2rf9 Crystal structure of the complex between the EGFR kinase domain and a Mig6 peptide 2rfd Crystal structure of the complex between the EGFR kinase domain and a Mig6 peptide 2rfe Crystal structure of the complex between the EGFR kinase domain and a Mig6 peptide 2rfn x-ray structure of c-Met with inhibitor. 2rfs X-ray structure of SU11274 bound to c-Met 2rgp Structure of EGFR in complex with hydrazone, a potent dual inhibitor 2rl5 Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a 2,3-dihydro-1,4-benzoxazine inhibitor 2src CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN TYROSINE-PROTEIN KINASE C-SRC, IN COMPLEX WITH AMP-PNP 2v7a Crystal structure of the T315I Abl mutant in complex with the inhibitor PHA-739358 2vwu ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 2vwv ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 2vww ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 2vwx ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 2vwy ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 2vwz ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 2vx0 ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 2vx1 ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 2w1i Structure determination of Aurora Kinase in complex with inhibitor 2wd1 Human c-Met Kinase in complex with azaindole inhibitor 2wgj X-ray Structure of PF-02341066 bound to the kinase domain of c-Met 2wkm X-ray Structure of PHA-00665752 bound to the kinase domain of c-Met 2wqb Structure of the Tie2 kinase domain in complex with a thiazolopyrimidine inhibitor 2x2k Crystal Structure of phosphorylated RET tyrosine kinase domain with inhibitor 2x2l Crystal Structure of phosphorylated RET tyrosine kinase domain with inhibitor 2x2m Crystal Structure of phosphorylated RET tyrosine kinase domain with inhibitor 2x9f ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 2xa4 Inhibitors of Jak2 Kinase domain 2xb7 Structure of Human Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in complex with NVP- TAE684 2xba Structure of Human Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in complex with PHA- E429 2xir Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with PF- 00337210 (N,2-dimethyl-6-(7-(2-morpholinoethoxy)quinolin-4-yloxy) benzofuran-3-carboxamide) 2xp2 Structure of the Human Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Complex with Crizotinib (PF-02341066) 2xvd ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 2xyn HUMAN ABL2 IN COMPLEX WITH AURORA KINASE INHIBITOR VX-680 2xyu Crystal structure of EphA4 kinase domain in complex with VUF 12058 2y6m Crystal structure of EphA4 kinase domain 2y6o Crystal structure of EphA4 kinase domain in complex with Dasatinib. 2yfx Structure of L1196M Mutant Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Complex with Crizotinib 2yhv Structure of L1196M Mutant Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase 2yjr Structure of F1174L Mutant Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase 2yjs Structure of C1156Y Mutant Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase 2yn8 ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 2z60 Crystal Structure of the T315I Mutant of Abl kinase bound with PPY-A 2z8c Phosphorylated insulin receptor tyrosine kinase in complex with (4-{[5-carbamoyl-4-(3-methylanilino)pyrimidin-2-yl]amino}phenyl)acetic acid 2zm1 Crystal structure of imidazo pyrazin 1 bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 2zm3 Complex Structure of Insulin-like Growth Factor Receptor and Isoquinolinedione Inhibitor 2zm4 Crystal structure of imidazo quinoxaline 1 bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, activated form (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 2zv7 Lyn Tyrosine Kinase Domain, apo form 2zv8 Lyn Tyrosine Kinase Domain-AMP-PNP complex 2zv9 Lyn Tyrosine Kinase Domain-PP2 complex 2zva Lyn Tyrosine Kinase Domain-Dasatinib complex 2zyb Crystal structure of phenylimidazo pyrazin 2 bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3a4o Lyn kinase domain 3a4p human c-MET kinase domain complexed with 6-benzyloxyquinoline inhibitor 3ac1 Crystal structure of pyrazin derivative bound to the kinase domain of Human LCK, (Auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3ac2 Crystal structure of pyrazolo pyrimidine derivative bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3ac3 Crystal structure of pyrazolo pyrimidine derivative bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3ac4 Crystal structure of triazolo pyrimidine derivative bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3ac5 Crystal structure of triazolo pyrimidine derivative bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3ac8 Crystal structure of pyrazolo pyrimidine derivative bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3acj Crystal structure of imidazo pyrimidine derivative bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, (Auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3ack Crystal structure of Pyrrolo pyrazine derivative bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3ad4 Crystal Structure of Methoxy Benzofuran Derivative bound to the Kinase domain of human LCK, (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3ad5 Crystal structure of Triazolone derivative bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3ad6 Crystal structure of Pyrazolo pyrimidine derivative bound to the kinase domain of human LCK, (auto-phosphorylated on TYR394) 3aox X-ray crystal structure of human anaplastic lymphoma kinase in complex with CH5424802 3b2t Structure of phosphotransferase 3b2w Crystal structure of pyrimidine amide 11 bound to Lck 3b8q Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a naphthamide inhibitor 3b8r Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a naphthamide inhibitor 3bbt crystal structure of the ErbB4 kinase in complex with lapatinib 3bbw crystal structure of the ErbB4 kinase in its inactive conformation 3bce Crystal structure of the ErbB4 kinase 3be2 Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a benzamide inhibitor 3bea cFMS tyrosine kinase (tie2 KID) in complex with a pyrimidinopyridone inhibitor 3bel X-ray structure of EGFR in complex with oxime inhibitor 3bkb Crystal structure of human Feline Sarcoma Viral Oncogene Homologue (v-FES) 3bpr Crystal structure of catalytic domain of the proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase MER in complex with inhibitor C52 3brb Crystal structure of catalytic domain of the proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase MER in complex with ADP 3bu3 Crystal structure of the insulin receptor kinase in complex with IRS2 KRLB peptide 3bu5 Crystal structure of the insulin receptor kinase in complex with IRS2 KRLB peptide and ATP 3bu6 Crystal structure of the insulin receptor kinase in complex with IRS2 KRLB phosphopeptide 3bym X-ray co-crystal structure aminobenzimidazole triazine 1 bound to Lck 3byo X-Ray co-crystal structure of 2-amino-6-phenylpyrimido[5',4':5,6]pyrimido[1,2-a]benzimidazol-5(6H)-one 25 bound to Lck 3bys co-crystal structure of Lck and aminopyrimidine amide 10b 3byu co-crystal structure of Lck and aminopyrimidine reverse amide 23 3bz3 Crystal Structure Analysis of Focal Adhesion Kinase with a Methanesulfonamide Diaminopyrimidine Inhibitor 3c1x Crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor c-MET in complex with a Pyrrolotriazine based inhibitor 3c4f FGFR TYROSINE KINASE DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH 3-(3-methoxybenzyl)-7-azaindole 3c7q Structure of VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with BIBF1120 3cbl Crystal structure of human feline sarcoma viral oncogene homologue (v-FES) in complex with staurosporine and a consensus peptide 3cc6 Crystal structure of kinase domain of protein tyrosine kinase 2 beta (PTK2B) 3ccn X-ray structure of c-Met with triazolopyridazine inhibitor. 3cd3 Crystal structure of phosphorylated human feline sarcoma viral oncogene homologue (v-FES) in complex with staurosporine and a consensus peptide 3cd8 X-ray Structure of c-Met with triazolopyridazine Inhibitor. 3ce3 Crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor C-MET in complex with a Pyrrolopyridinepyridone based inhibitor 3cjf Crystal structure of VEGFR2 in complex with a 3,4,5-trimethoxy aniline containing pyrimidine 3cjg Crystal structure of VEGFR2 in complex with a 3,4,5-trimethoxy aniline containing pyrimidine 3cly Crystal Structure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domains Trapped in Trans-Phosphorylation Reaction 3cp9 Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a pyridone inhibitor 3cpb Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a bisamide inhibitor 3cpc Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a pyridone inhibitor 3cs9 Human ABL kinase in complex with nilotinib 3cth Crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor c-met in complex with a aminopyridine based inhibitor 3ctj Crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor c-met in complex with a aminopyridine based inhibitor 3d7t Structural basis for the recognition of c-Src by its inactivator Csk 3d7u Structural basis for the recognition of c-Src by its inactivator Csk 3d94 Crystal structure of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor kinase in complex with PQIP 3dk3 Crystal structure of mutant ABL kinase domain in complex with small molecule fragment 3dk6 Crystal structure of mutant ABL kinase domain in complex with small molecule fragment 3dk7 Crystal structure of mutant ABL kinase domain in complex with small molecule fragment 3dkc SGX CLONE 5698a65KFg1h1 3dkf SGX CLONE 5698a65KFg1h1 3dkg SGX CLONE 5698a109KFg1h1 3dko Complex between the kinase domain of human ephrin type-a receptor 7 (epha7) and inhibitor alw-ii-49-7 3dpk cFMS tyrosine kinase in complex with a pyridopyrimidinone inhibitor 3dqw c-Src kinase domain Thr338Ile mutant in complex with ATPgS 3dqx chicken c-Src kinase domain in complex with ATPgS 3dtc Crystal structure of mixed-lineage kinase MLK1 complexed with compound 16 3dtw Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a benzisoxazole inhibitor 3dzq Human EphA3 kinase domain in complex with inhibitor AWL-II-38.3 3e62 Fragment based discovery of JAK-2 inhibitors 3e63 Fragment based discovery of JAK-2 inhibitors 3e64 Fragment based discovery of JAK-2 inhibitors 3efj Structure of c-Met with pyrimidone inhibitor 7 3efk Structure of c-Met with pyrimidone inhibitor 50 3efl Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with motesanib 3ekk Insulin receptor kinase complexed with an inhibitor 3ekn Insulin receptor kinase complexed with an inhibitor 3el7 Crystal structure of c-Src in complex with pyrazolopyrimidine 3 3el8 Crystal structure of c-Src in complex with pyrazolopyrimidine 5 3emg Discovery and SAR of novel 4-thiazolyl-2-phenylaminopyrimidines as potent inhibitors of spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK) 3en4 Targeted polypharmacology: crystal structure of the c-Src kinase domain in complex with PP121, a multitargeted kinase inhibitor 3en5 Targeted polypharmacology: crystal structure of the c-Src kinase domain in complex with PP494, a multitargeted kinase inhibitor 3en6 Targeted polypharmacology: crystal structure of the c-Src kinase domain in complex with PP102, a multitargeted kinase inhibitor 3en7 Targeted polypharmacology: crystal structure of the c-Src kinase domain in complex with S1, a multitargeted kinase inhibitor 3eqp Crystal Structure of Ack1 with compound T95 3eqr Crystal Structure of Ack1 with compound T74 3et7 Crystal structure of PYK2 complexed with PF-2318841 3eta Kinase domain of insulin receptor complexed with a pyrrolo pyridine inhibitor 3ewh Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a pyridyl-pyrimidine benzimidazole inhibitor 3eyg Crystal structures of JAK1 and JAK2 inhibitor complexes 3eyh Crystal structures of JAK1 and JAK2 inhibitor complexes 3f3t Kinase domain of cSrc in complex with inhibitor RL38 (Type III) 3f3u Kinase domain of cSrc in complex with inhibitor RL37 (Type III) 3f3v Kinase domain of cSrc in complex with inhibitor RL45 (Type II) 3f3w Drug resistant cSrc kinase domain in complex with inhibitor RL45 (Type II) 3f5p Complex Structure of Insulin-like Growth Factor Receptor and 3-Cyanoquinoline Inhibitor 3f66 Human c-Met Kinase in complex with quinoxaline inhibitor 3f6x c-Src kinase domain in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3f82 Crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor C-MET in complex with N-(4-(2-amino-3-chloropyridin-4-yloxy)-3-fluorophenyl)-4-ethoxy-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-oxo-1,2-dihydropyridine-3-carboxamide 3fqe Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with YM193306 3fqh Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with a 2-substituted 7-azaindole 3fqs Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with R406 3fup Crystal structures of JAK1 and JAK2 inhibitor complexes 3fxx Human EphA3 Kinase and Juxtamembrane Region Bound to Substrate KQWDNYE[pTyr]IW 3fy2 Human EphA3 Kinase and Juxtamembrane Region Bound to Substrate KQWDNYEFIW 3fzo Crystal Structure of PYK2-Apo, Proline-rich Tyrosine Kinase 3fzp Crystal structure of PYK2 complexed with ATPgS 3fzr Crystal structure of PYK2 complexed with PF-431396 3fzs Crystal Structure of PYK2 complexed with BIRB796 3fzt Crystal structure of PYK2 complexed with PF-4618433 3g0e KIT kinase domain in complex with sunitinib 3g0f KIT kinase domain mutant D816H in complex with sunitinib 3g5d Kinase domain of cSrc in complex with Dasatinib 3g6g Equally potent inhibition of c-Src and Abl by compounds that recognize inactive kinase conformations 3g6h Src Thr338Ile inhibited in the DFG-Asp-Out conformation 3gen The 1.6 A crystal structure of human bruton's tyrosine kinase bound to a pyrrolopyrimidine-containing compound 3geq Structural basis for the chemical rescue of Src kinase activity 3gop Crystal structure of the EGF receptor juxtamembrane and kinase domains 3gqi Crystal Structure of activated receptor tyrosine kinase in complex with substrates 3gql Crystal Structure of activated receptor tyrosine kinase in complex with substrates 3gt8 Crystal structure of the inactive EGFR kinase domain in complex with AMP-PNP 3gvu The crystal structure of human ABL2 in complex with GLEEVEC 3h3c Crystal structure of PYK2 in complex with Sulfoximine-substituted trifluoromethylpyrimidine analog 3hmi The crystal structure of human ABL2 in complex with 5-AMINO-3-{[4-(AMINOSULFONYL)PHENYL]AMINO}-N-(2,6-DIFLUOROPHENYL)-1H-1,2,4-TRIAZOLE-1-CARBOTHIOAMIDE 3hng Crystal structure of VEGFR1 in complex with N-(4-Chlorophenyl)-2-((pyridin-4-ylmethyl)amino)benzamide 3i5n Crystal structure of c-Met with triazolopyridazine inhibitor 13 3i81 Crystal structure of insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R-WT) complex with BMS-754807 [1-(4-((5-cyclopropyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)amino)pyrrolo[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazin-2-yl)-N-(6-fluoro-3-pyridinyl)-2-methyl-L-prolinamide] 3ik3 AP24534, a Pan-BCR-ABL Inhibitor for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Potently Inhibits the T315I Mutant and Overcomes Mutation-Based Resistance 3ika Crystal Structure of EGFR 696-1022 T790M Mutant Covalently Binding to WZ4002 3io7 2-Aminopyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines as potent and selective inhibitors of JAK2 3iok 2-Aminopyrazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidines as potent and selective inhibitors of JAK2 3js2 Crystal structure of minimal kinase domain of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 in complex with 5-(2-thienyl)nicotinic acid 3jy9 Janus Kinase 2 Inhibitors 3k54 Structures of human Bruton's tyrosine kinase in active and inactive conformations suggests a mechanism of activation for TEC family kinases. 3k5v Structure of Abl kinase in complex with imatinib and GNF-2 3kck A Novel Chemotype of Kinase Inhibitors 3kex Crystal structure of the catalytically inactive kinase domain of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 3 (HER3) 3kf4 Structural analysis of DFG-in and DFG-out dual Src-Abl inhibitors sharing a common vinyl purine template 3kfa Structural analysis of DFG-in and DFG-out dual Src-Abl inhibitors sharing a common vinyl purine template 3kmm Structure of human LCK kinase with a small molecule inhibitor 3krj cFMS tyrosine kinase in complex with 4-Cyano-1H-imidazole-2-carboxylic acid (2-cyclohex-1-enyl-4-piperidin-4-yl-phenyl)-amide 3krl cFMS Tyrosine kinase in complex with 5-Cyano-furan-2-carboxylic acid [4-(4-methyl-piperazin-1-yl)-2-piperidin-1-yl-phenyl]-amide 3krr Crystal Structure of JAK2 complexed with a potent quinoxaline ATP site inhibitor 3kul Kinase domain of human ephrin type-A receptor 8 (EPHA8) 3kxx Structure of the mutant Fibroblast Growth Factor receptor 1 3kxz The complex crystal structure of LCK with a probe molecule w259 3ky2 Crystal structure of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 kinase domain 3l8p Crystal structure of cytoplasmic kinase domain of Tie2 complexed with inhibitor CEP11207 3l8v Crystal structure of the tyrosine kinase domain of the hepatocyte growth factor receptor C-MET in complex with a biarylamine based inhibitor 3l9p Crystal Structure of the Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Catalytic Domain 3lcd Inhibitor Bound to A DFG-In structure of the Kinase Domain of CSF-1R 3lck THE KINASE DOMAIN OF HUMAN LYMPHOCYTE KINASE (LCK), ACTIVATED FORM (AUTO-PHOSPHORYLATED ON TYR394) 3lco Inhibitor Bound to A DFG-Out structure of the Kinase Domain of CSF-1R 3lcs Crystal Structure of the Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Catalytic Domain 3lct Crystal Structure of the Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Catalytic Domain 3lmg Crystal structure of the ERBB3 kinase domain in complex with AMP-PNP 3lok Drug resistant cSrc kinase domain in complex with covalent inhibitor PD168393 3lpb Crystal structure of Jak2 complexed with a potent 2,8-diaryl-quinoxaline inhibitor 3lq8 Structure of the kinase domain of c-Met bound to XL880 (GSK1363089) 3lvp Crystal structure of bisphosphorylated IGF1-R Kinase domain (2P) in complex with a bis-azaindole inhibitor 3lw0 IGF-1RK in complex with ligand MSC1609119A-1 3lxk Structural and Thermodynamic Characterization of the TYK2 and JAK3 Kinase Domains in Complex with CP-690550 and CMP-6 3lxl Structural and Thermodynamic Characterization of the TYK2 and JAK3 Kinase Domains in Complex with CP-690550 and CMP-6 3lxn Structural and Thermodynamic Characterization of the TYK2 and JAK3 Kinase Domains in Complex with CP-690550 and CMP-6 3lxp Structural and Thermodynamic Characterization of the TYK2 and JAK3 Kinase Domains in Complex with CP-690550 and CMP-6 3lzb EGFR kinase domain complexed with an imidazo[2,1-b]thiazole inhibitor 3miy X-ray crystal structure of ITK complexed with sunitinib 3mj1 X-ray crystal structure of ITK complexed with inhibitor RO5191614 3mj2 X-ray crystal structure of ITK complexed with inhibitor BMS-509744 3mpm LCK complexed with a pyrazolopyrimidine 3ms9 ABL kinase in complex with imatinib and a fragment (FRAG1) in the myristate pocket 3mss Abl kinase in complex with imatinib and fragment (FRAG2) in the myristate site 3nw5 Crystal structure of insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R-WT) complex with a carbon-linked proline isostere inhibitor (11B) 3nw6 Crystal structure of insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R-WT) complex with a carbon-linked proline isostere inhibitor (11A) 3nw7 Crystal structure of insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R-WT) complex with a carbon-linked proline isostere inhibitor (34) 3nyx Non-phosphorylated TYK2 JH1 domain with Quinoline-Thiadiazole-Thiophene Inhibitor 3nz0 Non-phosphorylated TYK2 kinase with CMP6 3o23 Human unphosphorylated IGF1-R Kinase domain in complex with an hydantoin inhibitor 3ocs Crystal structure of bruton's tyrosine kinase in complex with inhibitor CGI1746 3oct Crystal structure of bruton's tyrosine kinase mutant V555R in complex with dasatinib 3oez crystal structure of the L317I mutant of the chicken c-Src tyrosine kinase domain complexed with imatinib 3of0 crystal structure of the L317I mutant of the chicken c-Src tyrosine kinase domain 3oxz Crystal structure of ABL kinase domain bound with a DFG-out inhibitor AP24534 3oy3 Crystal structure of ABL T315I mutant kinase domain bound with a DFG-out inhibitor AP24589 3p08 Crystal structure of the human BTK kinase domain 3pix Crystal structure of BTK kinase domain complexed with 2-Isopropyl-7-(4-methyl-piperazin-1-yl)-4-(5-methyl-2H-pyrazol-3-ylamino)-2H-phthalazin-1-one 3piy Crystal structure of BTK kinase domain complexed with R406 3piz Crystal structure of BTK kinase domain complexed with (5-Amino-1-o-tolyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-[3-(1-methanesulfonyl-piperidin-4-yl)-phenyl]-methanone 3pj1 Crystal structure of BTK kinase domain complexed with 3-(2,6-Dichloro-phenyl)-7-[4-(2-diethylamino-ethoxy)-phenylamino]-1-methyl-3,4-dihydro-1H-pyrimido[4,5-d]pyrimidin-2-one 3pj2 Crystal structure of BTK kinase domain complexed with 2-[4-(2-Diethylamino-ethoxy)-phenylamino]-6-(4-fluoro-phenoxy)-8-methyl-8H-pyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidin-7-one 3pj3 Crystal structure of BTK kinase domain complexed with 2-Methyl-5-[(E)-(3-phenyl-acryloyl)amino]-N-(2-phenyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridin-6-yl)-benzamide 3pjc Crystal structure of JAK3 complexed with a potent ATP site inhibitor showing high selectivity within the Janus kinase family 3pls RON in complex with ligand AMP-PNP 3poz EGFR Kinase domain complexed with tak-285 3pp0 Crystal Structure of the Kinase domain of Human HER2 (erbB2). 3pxk FOCAL ADHESION KINASE CATALYTIC DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH Pyrrolo[2,3-d]thiazole 3pyy Discovery and Characterization of a Cell-Permeable, Small-molecule c-Abl Kinase Activator that Binds to the Myristoyl Binding Site 3q32 Structure of Janus kinase 2 with a pyrrolotriazine inhibitor 3q6u Structure of the apo MET receptor kinase in the dually-phosphorylated, activated state 3q6w Structure of dually-phosphorylated MET receptor kinase in complex with an MK-2461 analog with specificity for the activated receptor 3qgw Crystal Structure of ITK kinase bound to an inhibitor 3qgy Crystal structure of ITK inhibitor complex 3qlf Crystal structure of the L317I mutant of the C-src tyrosine kinase domain complexed with pyrazolopyrimidine 5 3qlg Crystal structure of the L317I mutant of the C-src tyrosine kinase domain complexed with dasatinib 3qqu Cocrystal structure of unphosphorylated igf with pyrimidine 8 3qri The crystal structure of human abl1 kinase domain in complex with DCC-2036 3qrj The crystal structure of human abl1 kinase domain T315I mutant in complex with DCC-2036 3qrk The crystal structure of human abl1 kinase domain in complex with DP-987 3qti c-Met Kinase in Complex with NVP-BVU972 3qup Inhibitor bound structure of the kinase domain of the murine receptor tyrosine kinase TYRO3 (Sky) 3r7o Structure of dually phosphorylated c-MET receptor kinase in complex with an MK-2461 analog 3rcd HER2 Kinase Domain Complexed with TAK-285 3rhk Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of c-Met kinase in complex with ARQ 197 3rhx Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of FGFR1 kinase in complex with ARQ 069 3ri1 Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of FGFR2 kinase in complex with ARQ 069 3rvg Crystals structure of Jak2 with a 1-amino-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indol-4-carboxamide inhibitor 3srv Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase (SYK) in complex with a diaminopyrimidine carboxamide inhibitor 3svv Crystal Structure of T338C c-Src covalently bound to vinylsulfonamide-pyrazolopyrimidine 9 3sxr Crystal structure of BMX non-receptor tyrosine kinase complex with dasatinib 3sxs Crystal structure of BMX non-receptor tyrosine kinase complexed with PP2 3t9t Crystal structure of BTK mutant (F435T,K596R) complexed with Imidazo[1,5-a]quinoxaline 3tcp Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase MER in complex with inhibitor UNC569 3tjc Co-crystal structure of jak2 with thienopyridine 8 3tjd co-crystal structure of Jak2 with thienopyridine 19 3tt0 Co-structure of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 kinase domain with 3-(2,6-dichloro-3,5-dimethoxy-phenyl)-1-{6-[4-(4-ethyl-piperazin-1-yl)-phenylamino]-pyrimidin-4-yl}-1-methyl-urea (BGJ398) 3tub Crystal structure of SYK kinase domain with 1-(5-(6,7-dimethoxyquinolin-4-yloxy)pyridin-2-yl)-3-((1R,2S)-2-phenylcyclopropyl)urea 3tuc Crystal structure of SYK kinase domain with 1-benzyl-N-(5-(6,7-dimethoxyquinolin-4-yloxy)pyridin-2-yl)-2-oxo-1,2-dihydropyridine-3-carboxamide 3tud Crystal structure of SYK kinase domain with N-(4-methyl-3-(8-methyl-7-oxo-2-(phenylamino)-7,8-dihydropyrido[2,3-d]pyrimidin-6-yl)phenyl)-3-(trifluoromethyl)benzamide 3tz7 Kinase domain of cSrc in complex with RL103 3tz8 Kinase domain of cSrc in complex with RL104 3tz9 Kinase domain of cSrc in complex with RL130 3u4w Src in complex with DNA-templated macrocyclic inhibitor MC4b 3u51 Src in complex with DNA-templated macrocyclic inhibitor MC1 3u6h Crystal structure of c-Met in complex with pyrazolone inhibitor 26 3u6i Crystal structure of c-Met in complex with pyrazolone inhibitor 58a 3u6j Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a pyrazolone inhibitor 3ue4 Structural and spectroscopic analysis of the kinase inhibitor bosutinib binding to the Abl tyrosine kinase domain 3ug1 Crystal structure of the mutated EGFR kinase domain (G719S/T790M) in the apo form 3ug2 Crystal structure of the mutated EGFR kinase domain (G719S/T790M) in complex with gefitinib 3ugc Structural basis of Jak2 inhibition by the type II inhibtor NVP-BBT594 3uqf c-SRC kinase domain in complex with BKI RM-1-89 3uqg c-SRC kinase domain in complex with bumpless BKI analog UW1243 3v5j Crystal Structure of Interleukin-2 Inducible T-cell Kinase Itk Catalytic Domain with Thienopyrazolylindole Inhibitor 090 3v5l Crystal Structure of Interleukin-2 Inducible T-cell Kinase Itk Catalytic Domain with Thienopyrazolylindole Inhibitor 542 3v5q Discovery of a selective TRK Inhibitor with efficacy in rodent cancer tumor models 3v8t Crystal Structure of Interleukin-2 Inducible T-cell Kinase Itk Catalytic Domain with Thienopyrazolylindole Inhibitor 477 3v8w Crystal Structure of Interleukin-2 Inducible T-cell Kinase Itk Catalytic Domain with Thienopyrazolylindole Inhibitor 469 3vf8 Crystal Structure of Spleen Tyrosine Kinase Syk Catalytic Domain with Pyrazolylbenzimidazole Inhibitor 416 3vf9 Crystal Structure of Spleen Tyrosine Kinase Syk Catalytic Domain with Thienopyrazolylindole Inhibitor 027 3vhe Crystal structure of human VEGFR2 kinase domain with a novel pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitor. 3vhk Crystal structure of the VEGFR2 kinase domain in complex with a back pocket binder 3vid Crystal structure of human VEGFR2 kinase domain with Compound A. 3vjn Crystal structure of the mutated EGFR kinase domain (G719S/T790M) in complex with AMPPNP. 3vjo Crystal structure of the wild-type EGFR kinase domain in complex with AMPPNP. 3vnt Crystal Structure of the Kinase domain of Human VEGFR2 with a [1,3]thiazolo[5,4-b]pyridine derivative 3vo3 Crystal Structure of the Kinase domain of Human VEGFR2 with imidazo[1,2-b]pyridazine derivative 3vry Crystal structure of HCK complexed with a pyrrolo-pyrimidine inhibitor 4-Amino-5-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-7-yl-cyclopentane 3vrz Crystal structure of HCK complexed with a pyrrolo-pyrimidine inhibitor 1-[4-(4-amino-7-cyclopentyl-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-5-yl)phenyl]-3-benzylurea 3vs0 Crystal structure of HCK complexed with a pyrrolo-pyrimidine inhibitor N-[4-(4-amino-7-cyclopentyl-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-5-yl)phenyl]benzamide 3vs1 Crystal structure of HCK complexed with a pyrrolo-pyrimidine inhibitor 1-[4-(4-amino-7-cyclopentyl-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-5-yl)phenyl]-3-phenylurea 3vs2 Crystal structure of HCK complexed with a pyrrolo-pyrimidine inhibitor 7-[cis-4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)cyclohexyl]-5-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-amine 3vs3 Crystal structure of HCK complexed with a pyrrolo-pyrimidine inhibitor 7-[trans-4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)cyclohexyl]-5-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-amine 3vs4 Crystal structure of HCK complexed with a pyrrolo-pyrimidine inhibitor 5-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-7-(tetrahydro-2H-pyran-4-yl)-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-amine 3vs5 Crystal structure of HCK complexed with a pyrrolo-pyrimidine inhibitor 7-(1-methylpiperidin-4-yl)-5-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-amine 3vs6 Crystal structure of HCK complexed with a pyrazolo-pyrimidine inhibitor tert-butyl {4-[4-amino-1-(propan-2-yl)-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidin-3-yl]-2-methoxyphenyl}carbamate 3vs7 Crystal structure of HCK complexed with a pyrazolo-pyrimidine inhibitor 1-cyclopentyl-3-(1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridin-5-yl)-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidin-4-amine 3vw8 Crystal structure of human c-Met kinase domain with its inhibitor 3w2o EGFR Kinase domain T790M/L858R Mutant with TAK-285 3w2p EGFR Kinase domain T790M/L858R mutant with compound 2 3w2q EGFR kinase domain T790M/L858R mutant with HKI-272 3w2r EGFR Kinase domain T790M/L858R mutant with compound 4 3w2s EGFR kinase domain with compound4 3w32 EGFR kinase domain complexed with compound 20a 3w33 EGFR kinase domain complexed with compound 19b 3wzd 3WZD 3wze 3WZE 3zbf Structure of Human ROS1 Kinase Domain in Complex with Crizotinib 3zbx X-ray Structure of c-Met kinase in complex with inhibitor 6-((6-(4- fluorophenyl)-(1,2,4)triazolo(4,3-b)(1,2,4)triazin-3-yl)methyl) quinoline. 3zc5 X-ray Structure of c-Met kinase in complex with inhibitor (S)-6-(1-(6- (1-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-(1,2,4)triazolo(4,3-b)pyridazin-3-yl)ethyl) quinoline. 3zc6 Crystal structure of JAK3 kinase domain in complex with an indazole substituted pyrrolopyrazine 3zcl X-ray Structure of c-Met kinase in complex with inhibitor (S)-3-(1-( 1H-pyrrolo(2,3-b)pyridin-3-yl)ethyl)-N-isopropyl-(1,2,4)triazolo(4,3- b)pyridazin-6-amine 3zep Crystal Structure of JAK3 Kinase Domain in Complex with a Pyrrolopyrazine-2-phenyl Ether Inhibitor 3zew Crystal structure of EphB4 in complex with staurosporine 3zfm Crystal structure of EphB2 3zfx Crystal structure of EphB1 3zfy Crystal structure of EphB3 3zmm Inhibitors of Jak2 Kinase domain 3zos Crystal structure of the human DDR1 kinase domain 3zxz X-ray Structure of PF-04217903 bound to the kinase domain of c-Met 3zze Crystal structure of C-MET kinase domain in complex with N'-((3Z)-4- chloro-7-methyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-3H-indol-3-ylidene)-2-(4- hydroxyphenyl)propanohydrazide 3zzw Crystal structure of the kinase domain of ROR2 4ag8 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE VEGFR2 KINASE DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH AXITINIB (AG-013736) (N-Methyl-2-(3-((E)-2-pyridin-2-yl-vinyl)-1H- indazol-6-ylsulfanyl)-benzamide) 4agc CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF VEGFR2 (JUXTAMEMBRANE AND KINASE DOMAINS) IN COMPLEX WITH AXITINIB (AG-013736) (N-Methyl-2-(3-((E)-2-pyridin-2-yl- vinyl)-1H-indazol-6-ylsulfanyl)-benzamide) 4agd CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF VEGFR2 (JUXTAMEMBRANE AND KINASE DOMAINS) IN COMPLEX WITH SUNITINIB (SU11248) (N-2-diethylaminoethyl)-5-((Z)-(5- fluoro-2-oxo-1H-indol-3-ylidene)methyl)-2,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrrole-3- carboxamide) 4agw Discovery of a small molecule type II inhibitor of wild-type and gatekeeper mutants of BCR-ABL, PDGFRalpha, Kit, and Src kinases 4anl Structure of G1269A Mutant Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase 4anq Structure of G1269A Mutant Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Complex with Crizotinib 4ans Structure of L1196M,G1269A Double Mutant Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Complex with Crizotinib 4aoi Crystal structure of C-MET kinase domain in complex with 4-(3-((1H- pyrrolo(2,3-b)pyridin-3-yl)methyl)-(1,2,4)triazolo(4,3-b)(1,2,4) triazin-6-yl)benzonitrile 4aoj Human TrkA in complex with the inhibitor AZ-23 4ap7 Crystal structure of C-MET kinase domain in complex with 4-((6-(4- fluorophenyl)-(1,2,4)triazolo(4,3-b)(1,2,4)triazin-3-yl)methyl)phenol 4aqc Triazolopyridine-based Inhibitor of Janus Kinase 2 4asd CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF VEGFR2 (JUXTAMEMBRANE AND KINASE DOMAINS) IN COMPLEX WITH SORAFENIB (BAY 43-9006) 4ase CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF VEGFR2 (JUXTAMEMBRANE AND KINASE DOMAINS) IN COMPLEX WITH TIVOZANIB (AV-951) 4asz Crystal structure of apo TrkB kinase domain 4at3 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF TRKB KINASE DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH CPD5N 4at4 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF TRKB KINASE DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH EX429 4at5 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF TRKB KINASE DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH GW2580 4aw5 Complex of the EphB4 kinase domain with an oxindole inhibitor 4bb4 ephB4 kinase domain inhibitor complex 4bbe Aminoalkylpyrimidine Inhibitor Complexes with JAK2 4bbf Aminoalkylpyrimidine Inhibitor Complexes with JAK2 4bkj Crystal structure of the human DDR1 kinase domain in complex with imatinib 4brx Focal Adhesion Kinase catalytic domain in complex with a diarylamino- 1,3,5-triazine inhibitor 4c3f Structure of Lck in complex with a compound discovered by Virtual Fragment Linking 4c61 Inhibitors of Jak2 Kinase domain 4c62 Inhibitors of Jak2 Kinase domain 4c7t Focal Adhesion Kinase catalytic domain in complex with a diarylamino- 1,3,5-triazine inhibitor 4ccb Structure of the Human Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Complex with 3-(( R)-1-(5-fluoro-2-(2H-1,2,3-triazol-2-yl)phenyl)ethoxy)-5-(5-methyl-1H- pyrazol-4-yl)pyridin-2-amine 4ccu Structure of the Human Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Complex with 2-( 5-(6-amino-5-((R)-1-(5-fluoro-2-(2H-1,2,3-triazol-2-yl)phenyl)ethoxy) pyridin-3-yl)-4-methylthiazol-2-yl)propan-2-ol 4cd0 Structure of L1196M Mutant Human Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Complex with 2-(5-(6-amino-5-((R)-1-(5-fluoro-2-(2H-1,2,3-triazol-2- yl)phenyl)ethoxy)pyridin-3-yl)-4-methylthiazol-2-yl)propane-1,2-diol 4cki Crystal Structure of oncogenic RET tyrosine kinase M918T bound to adenosine 4ckj Crystal structure of RET tyrosine kinase domain bound to adenosine 4ckr Crystal structure of the human DDR1 kinase domain in complex with DDR1-IN-1 4cli 4CLI 4clj 4CLJ 4cmo 4CMO 4cmt 4CMT 4cmu 4CMU 4cnh 4CNH 4csv 4CSV 4ctb 4CTB 4ctc 4CTC 4d0w 4D0W 4d0x 4D0X 4d1s 4D1S 4d2r 4D2R 4d4r 4D4R 4d4s 4D4S 4d4v 4D4V 4d4y 4D4Y 4d55 4D55 4d58 4D58 4d5h 4D5H 4d5k 4D5K 4dce Crystal structure of human anaplastic lymphoma kinase in complex with a piperidine-carboxamide inhibitor 4deg Crystal structure of c-Met in complex with triazolopyridazine inhibitor 2 4deh Crystal structure of c-Met in complex with triazolopyridinone inhibitor 3 4dei Crystal structure of c-Met in complex with triazolopyridinone inhibitor 24 4dfl Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with a sulfonamidopyrazine piperidine inhibitor 4dfn Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with an adamantylpyrazine inhibitor 4dgg c-SRC kinase domain in complex with RM-1-176 4e1z Structure of mouse Tyk-2 complexed to a 3-aminoindazole inhibitor 4e20 Structure of mouse Tyk-2 complexed to a 3-aminoindazole inhibitor 4e4l JAK1 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with compound 30 4e4m JAK2 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with compound 30 4e4n JAK1 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with compound 49 4e5w JAK1 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with compound 26 4e6d JAK2 kinase (JH1 domain) triple mutant in complex with compound 7 4e6q JAK2 kinase (JH1 domain) triple mutant in complex with compound 12 4e93 Crystal structure of human Feline Sarcoma Viral Oncogene Homologue (v-FES)in complex with TAE684 4ebv Structure of Focal Adhesion Kinase catalytic domain in complex with novel allosteric inhibitor 4ebw Structure of Focal Adhesion Kinase catalytic domain in complex with novel allosteric inhibitor 4eev Crystal structure of c-Met in complex with LY2801653 4ehz The Jak1 kinase domain in complex with inhibitor 4ei4 JAK1 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with compound 20 4ewh Co-crystal structure of ACK1 with inhibitor 4f08 Discovery and Optimization of C-2 Methyl Imidazo-pyrrolopyridines as Potent and Orally Bioavailable JAK1 Inhibitors with Selectivity over JAK2 4f09 Discovery and Optimization of C-2 Methyl Imidazo-pyrrolopyridines as Potent and Orally Bioavailable JAK1 Inhibitors with Selectivity over JAK2 4f0i Crystal structure of apo TrkA 4f4p SYK in COMPLEX WITH LIGAND LASW836 4f63 Crystal structure of Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 Kinase domain in complex with compound 1 4f64 Crystal structure of Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 Kinase domain in complex with compound 6 4f65 Crystal structure of Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 Kinase domain in complex with compound 8 4feq Inhibitor bound structure of the kinase domain of the murine receptor tyrosine kinase TYRO3 (Sky) 4ff8 Inhibitor bound structure of the kinase domain of the murine receptor tyrosine kinase TYRO3 (Sky) 4fic Kinase domain of cSrc in complex with a hinge region-binding fragment 4fk6 JAK1 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with compound 72 4fl1 Structural and Biophysical Characterization of the Syk Activation Switch 4fl2 Structural and Biophysical Characterization of the Syk Activation Switch 4fl3 Structural and Biophysical Characterization of the Syk Activation Switch 4fnw Crystal structure of the apo F1174L anaplastic lymphoma kinase catalytic domain 4fnx Crystal structure of the apo R1275Q anaplastic lymphoma kinase catalytic domain 4fny Crystal structure of the R1275Q anaplastic lymphoma kinase catalytic domain in complex with a benzoxazole inhibitor 4fnz Crystal structure of human anaplastic lymphoma kinase in complex with piperidine-carboxamide inhibitor 2 4fob Crystal structure of human anaplastic lymphoma kinase in complex with acyliminobenzimidazole inhibitor 1 4foc Crystal structure of human anaplastic lymphoma kinase in complex with acyliminobenzimidazole inhibitor 2 4fod Crystal structure of human anaplastic lymphoma kinase in complex with acyliminobenzimidazole inhibitor 36 4fyn Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with 3-(8-{4-[Ethyl-(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-amino]-phenylamino}-imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazin-5-yl)-phenol 4fyo Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with N-{(S)-1-[7-(3,4-Dimethoxy-phenylamino)-thiazolo[5,4-d]pyrimidin-5-yl]-pyrrolidin-3-yl}-terephthalamic acid 4fz6 Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with [6-((S)-2-Methyl-pyrrolidin-1-yl)-pyridin-2-yl]-(6-phenyl-imidazo[1,2-b]pyridazin-8-yl)-amine 4fz7 Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with 6-((1R,2S)-2-Amino-cyclohexylamino)-4-(6-ethyl-pyridin-2-ylamino)-pyridazine-3-carboxylic acid amide 4g2f Human EphA3 kinase domain in complex with compound 7 4g5j Crystal structure of EGFR kinase in complex with BIBW2992 4g5p Crystal structure of EGFR kinase T790M in complex with BIBW2992 4gfg Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with r9021 4gfm JAK2 kinase (JH1 domain) with 2,6-DICHLORO-N-(2-OXO-2,5-DIHYDROPYRIDIN-4-YL)BENZAMIDE 4gfo TYK2 kinase (JH1 domain) with 2,6-DICHLORO-N-(2-OXO-2,5-DIHYDROPYRIDIN-4-YL)BENZAMIDE 4gg5 Crystal structure of CMET in complex with novel inhibitor 4gg7 Crystal structure of cMET in complex with novel inhibitor 4gih Tyk2 (JH1) in complex with 2,6-DICHLORO-N-{2-[(CYCLOPROPYLCARBONYL)AMINO]PYRIDIN-4-YL}BENZAMIDE 4gii Tyk2 (JH1) in complex with 2,6-dichloro-4-cyano-N-{2-[(cyclopropylcarbonyl)amino]pyridin-4-yl}benzamide 4gj2 Tyk2 (JH1) in complex with 2,6-dichloro-N-[2-({[(1R,2R)-2-fluorocyclopropyl]carbonyl}amino)pyridin-4-yl]benzamide 4gj3 Tyk2 (JH1) in complex with 2,6-dichloro-4-cyano-N-[2-({[(1R,2R)-2-fluorocyclopropyl]carbonyl}amino)pyridin-4-yl]benzamide 4gk2 Human EphA3 Kinase domain in complex with ligand 66 4gk3 Human EphA3 Kinase domain in complex with ligand 87 4gk4 Human EphA3 Kinase domain in complex with ligand 90 4gl9 Crystal structure of inhibitory protein SOCS3 in complex with JAK2 kinase domain and fragment of GP130 intracellular domain 4gmy JAK2 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with 2,6-DICHLORO-N-{2-[(CYCLOPROPYLCARBONYL)AMINO]PYRIDIN-4-YL}BENZAMIDE 4gt4 Structure of unliganded, inactive Ror2 kinase domain 4gt5 Crystal structure of the inactive TrkA kinase domain 4gu6 FOCAL ADHESION KINASE CATALYTIC DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH N-{3-[(5-Cyano-2-phenyl-1H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridin-4-ylamino)- methyl]-pyridin-2-yl}-N-methyl-methanesulfonamide 4gu9 Focal adhesion kinase catalytic domain in complex with (2-Fluoro-phenyl)-(1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidin-4-yl)-amine 4gvj Tyk2 (JH1) in complex with adenosine di-phosphate 4h1j Crystal structure of PYK2 with the pyrazole 13a 4h1m Crystal structure of PYK2 with the indole 10c 4hct Crystal structure of ITK in complex with compound 52 4hcu Crystal structure of ITK in complext with compound 40 4hcv Crystal structure of ITK in complex with compound 53 4hge JAK2 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with compound 8 4hjo Crystal structure of the inactive EGFR tyrosine kinase domain with erlotinib 4hvd JAK3 kinase domain in complex with 2-Cyclopropyl-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid ((S)-1,2,2-trimethyl-propyl)-amide 4hvg JAK3 kinase domain in complex with 2-Cyclopropyl-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid ((S)-2-hydroxy-1,2-dimethyl-propyl)-amide 4hvh JAK3 kinase domain in complex with 2-Cyclopropyl-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid ((R)-2-hydroxy-1,2-dimethyl-propyl 4hvi JAK3 kinase domain in complex with 2-Cyclopropyl-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid ((R)-1-methyl-2-oxo-2-piperidin-1-yl-ethyl)-amide 4hvs Crystal structure of KIT kinase domain with a small molecule inhibitor, PLX647 4hw7 Crystal structure of FMS kinase domain with a small molecular inhibitor, PLX647-OME 4hzr Crystal structure of Ack1 kinase domain 4hzs Crystal structure of Ack1 kinase domain with C-terminal SH3 domain 4i0r Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with 2-(3,4,5-Trimethoxy-phenyl)-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid isopropylamide 4i0s Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with 2-(6-Chloro-1-methyl-1H-indazol-3-yl)-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid isopropylamide 4i0t Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase complexed with 2-(5,6,7,8-Tetrahydro-imidazo[1,5-a]pyridin-1-yl)-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid tert-butylamide 4i1z Crystal structure of the monomeric (V948R) form of the gefitinib/erlotinib resistant EGFR kinase domain L858R+T790M 4i20 Crystal structure of monomeric (V948R) primary oncogenic mutant L858R EGFR kinase domain 4i21 Crystal structure of L858R + T790M EGFR kinase domain in complex with MIG6 peptide 4i22 Structure of the monomeric (V948R)gefitinib/erlotinib resistant double mutant (L858R+T790M) EGFR kinase domain co-crystallized with gefitinib 4i23 Crystal structure of the wild-type EGFR kinase domain in complex with dacomitinib (soaked) 4i24 Structure of T790M EGFR kinase domain co-crystallized with dacomitinib 4i4e Structure of Focal Adhesion Kinase catalytic domain in complex with hinge binding pyrazolobenzothiazine compound. 4i4f Structure of Focal Adhesion Kinase catalytic domain in complex with an allosteric binding pyrazolobenzothiazine compound. 4i5c The Jak1 kinase domain in complex with inhibitor 4i6q JAK3 kinase domain in complex with 2-Phenoxy-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid ((S)-1-cyclopropyl-ethyl)-amide 4ibm Crystal structure of insulin receptor kinase domain in complex with an inhibitor Irfin-1 4id7 ACK1 kinase in complex with the inhibitor cis-3-[8-amino-1-(4-phenoxyphenyl)imidazo[1,5-a]pyrazin-3-yl]cyclobutanol 4iva JAK2 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with the inhibitor TRANS-4-[(8AS)-2-[(1R)-1-HYDROXYETHYL]IMIDAZO[4,5-D]PYRROLO[2,3-B]PYRIDIN-1(8AH)-YL]CYCLOHEXANECARBONITRILE 4ivb JAK1 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with the inhibitor TRANS-4-{2-[(1R)-1-HYDROXYETHYL]IMIDAZO[4,5-D]PYRROLO[2,3-B]PYRIDIN-1(6H)-YL}CYCLOHEXANECARBONITRILE 4ivc JAK1 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with the inhibitor (TRANS-4-{2-[(1R)-1-HYDROXYETHYL]IMIDAZO[4,5-D]PYRROLO[2,3-B]PYRIDIN-1(6H)-YL}CYCLOHEXYL)ACETONITRILE 4ivd JAK1 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with compound 34 4iwd Structure of dually phosphorylated c-MET receptor kinase in complex with an MK-8033 analog 4j95 Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Pathogenic K659N Mutation Responsible for an Unclassified Craniosynostosis Syndrome in Space Group C2. 4j96 Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Pathogenic Gain-of-Function K659M Mutation Identified in Cervical Cancer. 4j97 Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Pathogenic Gain-of-Function K659E Mutation Identified in Endometrial Cancer. 4j98 Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Gain-of-Function K659Q Mutation. 4j99 Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 2 (FGFR2) Kinase Domain Harboring the Gain-of-Function K659T Mutation. 4ji9 JAK2 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with TG101209 4jia JAK2 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with compound 9 4joa Crystal Structure of Human Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in complex with 7-azaindole based inhibitor 4jq7 Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with compound 2a 4jq8 Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with compound 4b 4jr3 Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with compound 3g 4jrv Crystal structure of EGFR kinase domain in complex with compound 4c 4k11 The structure of 1NA in complex with Src T338G 4k2r Structural basis for activation of ZAP-70 by phosphorylation of the SH2-kinase linker 4k33 Crystal Strucure of FGF Receptor 3 (FGFR3) Kinase Domain Harboring the K650E Mutation, a Gain-of-Function Mutation Responsible for Thanatophoric Dysplasia Type II and Spermatocytic Seminoma 4k6z The Jak1 kinase domain in complex with compound 37 4k77 JAK1 kinase (JH1 domain) in complex with compound 6 4k8a Fragment-based discovery of Focal Adhesion Kinase Inhibitors 4k9y FOCAL ADHESION KINASE Catalytic domain in complex with 1-[4-(6-Amino-purin-9-yl)-phenyl]-3-(5-tert-butyl-2-p-tolyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-urea 4kab FOCAL ADHESION KINASE CATALYTIC DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH 3-Methyl-1,4-dihydro-pyrazolo[4,5-c]pyrazole 4kao FOCAL ADHESION KINASE CATALYTIC DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH 1-(5-tert-Butyl-2-p-tolyl-2H-pyrazol-3-yl)-3-(4-pyridin-3- yl-phenyl)-urea 4kio Kinase domain mutant of human Itk in complex with a covalently-binding inhibitor 4knb C-Met in complex with OSI ligand 4l7s Kinase domain mutant of human Itk in complex with an aminobenzothiazole inhibitor 4lgg Structure of 3MB-PP1 bound to analog-sensitive Src kinase 4lgh Crystal structure of 1NM-PP1 bound to analog-sensitive Src kinase 4li5 EGFR-K IN COMPLEX WITH N-[3-[[5-chloro-4-(1H-indol-3-yl)pyrimidin-2-yl]amino]-4-methoxy-phenyl] Prop-2-enamide 4ll0 EGFR L858R/T790M in complex with PD168393 4lqm EGFR L858R in complex with PD168393 4lrm EGFR D770_N771insNPG in complex with PD168393 4lud Crystal Structure of HCK in complex with the fluorescent compound SKF86002 4lue Crystal Structure of HCK in complex with 7-[trans-4-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)cyclohexyl]-5-(4-phenoxyphenyl)-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4-amine (resulting from displacement of SKF86002) 4m0y Crystal structure of ITK in complex with compound 1 [4-(carbamoylamino)-1-(naphthalen-1-yl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide] 4m0z Crystal structure of ITK in complex with compound 5 {4-(carbamoylamino)-1-(7-methoxynaphthalen-1-yl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide} 4m12 Crystal structure of ITK in complex with compound 7 [4-(carbamoylamino)-1-(7-ethoxynaphthalen-1-yl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide] 4m13 Crystal structure of ITK in complex with compound 8 [4-(carbamoylamino)-1-(7-propoxynaphthalen-1-yl)-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide] 4m14 Crystal structure of ITK in complex with compound 9 [4-(carbamoylamino)-1-[7-(propan-2-yloxy)naphthalen-1-yl]-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide] 4m15 Crystal structure of ITK in complex with compound 9 [4-(carbamoylamino)-1-[7-(propan-2-yloxy)naphthalen-1-yl]-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxamide] and ADP 4m3q Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase MER in complex with inhibitor UNC1917 4mcv Star 12 bound to analog-sensitive Src kinase 4mf0 ITK kinase domain in complex with benzothiazole inhibitor compound 12a (1S,2S)-2-{4-[(DIMETHYLAMINO)METHYL]PHENYL}-N-[6-(PYRIDIN-3-YL)-1,3-BENZOTHIAZOL-2-YL]CYCLOPROPANECARBOXAMIDE (12a) 4mf1 ITK kinase domain in complex with benzothiazole inhibitor 12b (1S,2S)-2-{4-[(DIMETHYLAMINO)METHYL]PHENYL}-N-[6-(1H-PYRAZOL-4-YL)-1,3-BENZOTHIAZOL-2-YL]CYCLOPROPANECARBOXAMIDE 4mh7 Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase MER in complex with inhibitor UNC1896 4mha Crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase MER in complex with inhibitor UNC1817 4mkc Crystal Structure of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Complexed with LDK378 4mxc 4MXC 4mxo human Src kinase bound to kinase inhibitor bosutinib 4mxx Human Src A403T mutant bound to kinase inhibitor bosutinib 4mxy Src M314L T338M double mutant bound to kinase inhibitor bosutinib 4mxz Src M314L T338M double mutant bound to kinase inhibitor bosutinib 4nk9 Crystal structure of human fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 kinase domain in complex with pyrazolaminopyrimidine 1 4nka Crystal structure of human fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 kinase domain in complex with pyrazolaminopyrimidine 2 4nks Crystal structure of human fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 kinase domain in complex with pyrazolaminopyrimidine 3 4nwm Crystal structure of Bruton agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase complexed with BMS-809959 aka 4-tert-butyl-n-[2-me thyl-3-(6-{[4-(morpholine-4-carbonyl)phenyl]amino}-9h- purin-2-yl)phenyl]benzamide 4o2p 4O2P 4oli 4OLI 4ot5 Crystal structure of BTK kinase domain complexed with 4-tert-Butyl-N-(3-{8-[4-(4-methyl-piperazine-1-carbonyl)-phenylamino]-imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazin-6-yl}-phenyl)-benzamide 4ot6 Crystal structure of BTK kinase domain complexed with 4-Methanesulfonyl-N-(3-{8-[4-(morpholine-4-carbonyl)-phenylamino]-imidazo[1,2-a]pyrazin-6-yl}-phenyl)-benzamide 4otf 4OTF 4otq Crystal structure of BTK kinase domain complexed with 1-[5-[3-(7-tert-butyl-4-oxo-quinazolin-3-yl)-2-methyl-phenyl]-1-methyl-2-oxo-3-pyridyl]-3-methyl-urea 4otr Crystal structure of BTK kinase domain complexed with 6-cyclopropyl-2-[3-[5-[[5-(4-ethylpiperazin-1-yl)-2-pyridyl]amino]-1-methyl-6-oxo-3-pyridyl]-2-(hydroxymethyl)phenyl]-8-fluoro-isoquinolin-1-one 4otw HER3 pseudokinase domain bound to bosutinib 4p2k Structure of Ephrin type-A receptor 2 4p4c 4P4C 4p5q 4P5Q 4p5z 4P5Z 4p7e 4P7E 4pdo Structure of Ephrin type-A receptor 2 4pmm 4PMM 4pmp 4PMP 4pms 4PMS 4pmt 4PMT 4pp9 4PP9 4ppa 4PPA 4ppb 4PPB 4ppc 4PPC 4pqn 4PQN 4puz Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) in complex with GS-9973 4pv0 Crystal structure of spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) in complex with an imidazopyrazine inhibitor 4px6 SYK catalytic domain in complex with a potent pyridopyrimidinone inhibitor 4py1 4PY1 4q9s 4Q9S 4qd6 4QD6 4qps 4QPS 4qq5 4QQ5 4qqc 4QQC 4qqj 4QQJ 4qqt 4QQT 4qrc 4QRC 4qt1 4QT1 4r1v 4R1V 4r1y 4R1Y 4r3p 4R3P 4r3r 4R3R 4r5s 4R5S 4r6v 4R6V 4r7h 4R7H 4r7i 4R7I 4rfm 4RFM 4rfy 4RFY 4rfz 4RFZ 4rg0 4RG0 4rio 4RIO 4riw 4RIW 4rix 4RIX 4riy 4RIY 4rj4 4RJ4 4rj5 4RJ5 4rj6 4RJ6 4rj7 4RJ7 4rj8 4RJ8 4rss 4RSS 4rt7 4RT7 4rwi 4RWI 4rwj 4RWJ 4rwk 4RWK 4rwl 4RWL 4rx5 4RX5 4rx7 4RX7 4rx8 4RX8 4rx9 4RX9 4tks 4TKS 4trl 4TRL 4tt7 4TT7 4twn 4TWN 4two 4TWO 4twp 4TWP 4tye 4TYE 4tyg 4TYG 4tyi 4TYI 4tyj 4TYJ 4u0i 4U0I 4u5j 4U5J 4ueu 4UEU 4uwb 4UWB 4uwc 4UWC 4uwy 4UWY 4uxl 4UXL 4uxq 4UXQ 4uy9 4UY9 4uya 4UYA 4v01 4V01 4v04 4V04 4v05 4V05 4v0g 4V0G 4wa9 4WA9 4wd5 4WD5 4wkq 4WKQ 4wnm 4WNM 4wrg 4WRG 4wun 4WUN 4x3j 4X3J 4xcu 4XCU 4xey 4XEY 4xg2 4XG2 4xg3 4XG3 4xg4 4XG4 4xg6 4XG6 4xg7 4XG7 4xg8 4XG8 4xg9 4XG9 4xi2 4XI2 4xli 4XLI 4xlv 4XLV 4xmo 4XMO 4xuf 4XUF 4xyf 4XYF 4y93 4Y93 4y95 4Y95 4ybj 4YBJ 4ybk 4YBK 4yc8 4YC8 4yhf 4YHF 4yjo 4YJO 4yjp 4YJP 4yjq 4YJQ 4yjr 4YJR 4yjs 4YJS 4yjt 4YJT 4yju 4YJU 4yjv 4YJV 4ymj 4YMJ 4yne 4YNE 4yps 4YPS 4ytc 4YTC 4ytf 4YTF 4yth 4YTH 4yti 4YTI 4z16 4Z16 4z3v 4Z3V 4z55 4Z55 4zau 4ZAU 4zim 4ZIM 4zjv 4ZJV 4zly 4ZLY 4zlz 4ZLZ 4zog 4ZOG 4zsa 4ZSA 4zse 4ZSE 5a46 5A46 5a4c 5A4C 5a9u 5A9U 5aa8 5AA8 5aa9 5AA9 5aaa 5AAA 5aab 5AAB 5aac 5AAC 5aep 5AEP 5am6 5AM6 5am7 5AM7 5amn 5AMN 5b7v 5B7V 5bmm 5BMM 5bpy 5BPY 5bq0 5BQ0 5bvk 5BVK 5bvn 5BVN 5bvo 5BVO 5bvw 5BVW 5c26 5C26 5c27 5C27 5c8k 5C8K 5c8m 5C8M 5c8n 5C8N 5cal 5CAL 5can 5CAN 5cao 5CAO 5cap 5CAP 5caq 5CAQ 5cas 5CAS 5cau 5CAU 5cav 5CAV 5cf4 5CF4 5cf5 5CF5 5cf6 5CF6 5cf8 5CF8 5cnn 5CNN 5cno 5CNO 5cxh 5CXH 5cxz 5CXZ 5cy3 5CY3 5czh 5CZH 5czi 5CZI 5d10 5D10 5d11 5D11 5d12 5D12 5d41 5D41 5d7v 5D7V 5da3 5DA3 5dg5 5DG5 5e1e 5E1E 5e1s 5E1S 5edp 5EDP 5edq 5EDQ 5edr 5EDR 5eg3 5EG3 5ek7 5EK7 5em5 5EM5 5em6 5EM6 5em7 5EM7 5em8 5EM8 5eob 5EOB 5ew3 5EW3 5ew8 5EW8 5eyc 5EYC 5eyd 5EYD 5f1z 5F1Z 5f20 5F20 5fbn 5FBN 5fbo 5FBO 5fdp 5FDP 5fdx 5FDX 5fed 5FED 5fee 5FEE 5feq 5FEQ 5flf 5FLF 5fto 5FTO 5ftq 5FTQ 5fxq 5FXQ 5fxr 5FXR 5fxs 5FXS 5ghv 5GHV 5hcx 5HCX 5hcy 5HCY 5hcz 5HCZ 5hez 5HEZ 5hg5 5HG5 5hg7 5HG7 5hg8 5HG8 5hg9 5HG9 5hhw 5HHW 5hib 5HIB 5hic 5HIC 5hlw 5HLW 5hni 5HNI 5ho6 5HO6 5hoa 5HOA 5hor 5HOR 5hu9 5HU9 5hx8 5HX8 5hzn 5HZN 5i9u 5I9U 5i9v 5I9V 5i9w 5I9W 5i9x 5I9X 5i9y 5I9Y 5i9z 5I9Z 5ia0 5IA0 5ia1 5IA1 5ia2 5IA2 5ia3 5IA3 5ia4 5IA4 5ia5 5IA5 5imx 5IMX 5iug 5IUG 5iuh 5IUH 5iui 5IUI 5j5s 5J5S 5j7h 5J7H 5j9y 5J9Y 5j9z 5J9Z 5jeb 5JEB 5jkg 5JKG 5jrs 5JRS 5k5x 5K5X 5khw 5KHW 5khx 5KHX 5kup 5KUP 5kz0 5KZ0 5l3a 5L3A 5l6o 5L6O 5l6p 5L6P 5lma 5LMA 5lmb 5LMB 5lwm 5LWM 5lwn 5LWN 5t3q 5T3Q 5t68 5T68 5toz 5TOZ 5tr6 5TR6 5tt7 5TT7 - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)
PFAM pkinase INTERPRO IPR020635