The domain within your query sequence starts at position 129 and ends at position 237; the E-value for the BROMO domain shown below is 9.72e-38.
BROMObromo domain |
SMART accession number: | SM00297 |
Description: | - |
Interpro abstract (IPR001487): | Bromodomains are found in a variety of mammalian, invertebrate and yeast DNA-binding proteins [ (PUBMED:1350857) ]. Bromodomains can interact with acetylated lysine [ (PUBMED:9175470) ]. In some proteins, the classical bromodomain has diverged to such an extent that parts of the region are either missing or contain an insertion (e.g., mammalian protein HRX, Caenorhabditis elegans hypothetical protein ZK783.4, yeast protein YTA7). The bromodomain may occur as a single copy, or in duplicate. The precise function of the domain is unclear, but it may be involved in protein-protein interactions and may play a role in assembly or activity of multi-component complexes involved in transcriptional activation [ (PUBMED:7580139) ]. |
GO function: | protein binding (GO:0005515) |
Family alignment: |
There are 52668 BROMO domains in 38864 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing BROMO domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with BROMO domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing BROMO domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Kouzarides T
- Acetylation: a regulatory modification to rival phosphorylation?
- EMBO J. 2000; 19: 1176-9
- Display abstract
The fact that histones are modified by acetylation has been known for almost 30 years. The recent identification of enzymes that regulate histone acetylation has revealed a broader use of this modification than was suspected previously. Acetylases are now known to modify a variety of proteins, including transcription factors, nuclear import factors and alpha-tubulin. Acetylation regulates many diverse functions, including DNA recognition, protein-protein interaction and protein stability. There is even a conserved structure, the bromodomain, that recognizes acetylated residues and may serve as a signalling domain. If you think all this sounds familiar, it should be. These are features characteristic of kinases. So, is acetylation a modification analogous to phosphorylation? This review sets out what we know about the broader substrate specificity and regulation of acetyl- ases and goes on to compare acetylation with the process of phosphorylation.
- Dhalluin C, Carlson JE, Zeng L, He C, Aggarwal AK, Zhou MM
- Structure and ligand of a histone acetyltransferase bromodomain.
- Nature. 1999; 399: 491-6
- Display abstract
Histone acetylation is important in chromatin remodelling and gene activation. Nearly all known histone-acetyltransferase (HAT)-associated transcriptional co-activators contain bromodomains, which are approximately 110-amino-acid modules found in many chromatin-associated proteins. Despite the wide occurrence of these bromodomains, their three-dimensional structure and binding partners remain unknown. Here we report the solution structure of the bromodomain of the HAT co-activator P/CAF (p300/CBP-associated factor). The structure reveals an unusual left-handed up-and-down four-helix bundle. In addition, we show by a combination of structural and site-directed mutagenesis studies that bromodomains can interact specifically with acetylated lysine, making them the first known protein modules to do so. The nature of the recognition of acetyl-lysine by the P/CAF bromodomain is similar to that of acetyl-CoA by histone acetyltransferase. Thus, the bromodomain is functionally linked to the HAT activity of co-activators in the regulation of gene transcription.
- Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
Click the image to view the interactive version of the map in iPath% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 17.99 map04330 Notch signaling pathway 7.41 map03022 Basal transcription factors 6.88 map04520 Adherens junction 6.88 map04630 Jak-STAT signaling pathway 6.88 map05215 Prostate cancer 6.88 map04310 Wnt signaling pathway 6.88 map04350 TGF-beta signaling pathway 6.88 map05211 Renal cell carcinoma 6.88 map04110 Cell cycle 6.88 map05040 Huntington's disease 6.88 map04720 Long-term potentiation 6.88 map04916 Melanogenesis 2.65 map04530 Tight junction 1.59 map00230
Purine metabolism 0.53 map00190
Oxidative phosphorylation 0.53 map00790
Folate biosynthesis 0.53 map00500
Starch and sucrose metabolism This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with BROMO domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing BROMO domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of BROMO domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1e6i Bromodomain from GCN5 complexed with acetylated H4 peptide 1eqf CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE DOUBLE BROMODOMAIN MODULE FROM HUMAN TAFII250 1f68 NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE BROMODOMAIN FROM HUMAN GCN5 1jm4 NMR Structure of P/CAF Bromodomain in Complex with HIV-1 Tat Peptide 1jsp NMR Structure of CBP Bromodomain in complex with p53 peptide 1n72 Structure and Ligand of a Histone Acetyltransferase Bromodomain 1wug complex structure of PCAF bromodomain with small chemical ligand NP1 1wum Complex structure of PCAF bromodomain with small chemical ligand NP2 1x0j Crystal structure analysis of the N-terminal bromodomain of human Brd2 1zs5 Structure-based evaluation of selective and non-selective small molecules that block HIV-1 TAT and PCAF association 2d82 Target Structure-Based Discovery of Small Molecules that Block Human p53 and CREB Binding Protein (CBP) Association 2d9e Solution structure of the Bromodomain of Peregrin 2dat Solution structure of the Bromodomain of human SWI/SNF related matrix associated actin dependent regulator of cromatin subfamily A member 2 2dkw Solution structure of the bromodomain of human protein KIAA1240 2dvq Crystal structure analysis of the N-terminal bromodomain of human BRD2 complexed with acetylated histone H4 peptide 2dvr Crystal structure analysis of the N-terminal bromodomain of human BRD2 complexed with acetylated histone H4 peptide 2dvs Crystal structure analysis of the N-terminal bromodomain of human BRD2 complexed with acetylated histone H4 peptide 2dvv Crystal structure of the second bromodomain of the human Brd2 protein 2dww Crystal structure of Bromodomain-containing protein 4 2e3k Crystal structure of the human Brd2 second bromodomain in complexed with the acetylated histone H4 peptide 2e7n Solution structure of the second Bromodomain from human Bromodomain-containing protein 3 2e7o Solution structure of the Bromodomain from human Bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 2B 2f6j Crystal structure of PHD finger-linker-bromodomain fragment of human BPTF in the H3(1-15)K4me3 bound state 2f6n Crystal structure of PHD finger-linker-bromodomain fragment of human BPTF in the free form 2fsa Crystal structure of PHD finger-linker-bromodomain fragment of human BPTF in the H3(1-15)K4ME2 bound state 2g4a Solution structure of a Bromodomain from RING3 protein 2grc 1.5 A structure of bromodomain from human BRG1 protein, a central ATPase of SWI/SNF remodeling complex 2h60 Solution Structure of Human Brg1 Bromodomain 2i7k Solution Structure of the Bromodomain of Human BRD7 Protein 2i8n Solution structure of the second bromodomain of Brd4 2ktb Solution Structure of the Second Bromodomain of Human Polybromo in complex with an acetylated peptide from Histone 3 2l5e Complex between BD1 of Brd3 and GATA-1 C-tail 2l84 Solution NMR structures of CBP bromodomain with small molecule j28 2l85 Solution NMR structures of CBP bromodomain with small molecule of HBS 2lsp solution structures of BRD4 second bromodomain with NF-kB-K310ac peptide 2mjv Solution structures of second bromodomain of Brd4 with di-acetylated Twist peptide 2n9g 2N9G 2nxb Crystal structure of human Bromodomain containing protein 3 (BRD3) 2oo1 Crystal structure of the Bromo domain 2 of human Bromodomain containing protein 3 (BRD3) 2oss Crystal structure of the Bromo domain 1 in human Bromodomain Containing Protein 4 (BRD4) 2ouo Crystal Structure of the Bromo domain 2 in human Bromodomain Containing Protein 4 (BRD4) 2r0s Crystal Structure of the Rsc4 tandem bromodomain 2r0v Structure of the Rsc4 tandem bromodomain acetylated at K25 2r0y Structure of the Rsc4 tandem bromodomain in complex with an acetylated H3 peptide 2r10 Structure of an acetylated Rsc4 tandem bromodomain Histone Chimera 2rfj Crystal structure of the bromo domain 1 in human bromodomain containing protein, testis specific (BRDT) 2ri7 Crystal structure of PHD finger-linker-bromodomain Y17E mutant from human BPTF in the H3(1-9)K4ME2 bound state 2rnw The Structural Basis for Site-Specific Lysine-Acetylated Histone Recognition by the Bromodomains of the Human Transcriptional Co-Activators PCAf and CBP 2rnx The Structural Basis for Site-Specific Lysine-Acetylated Histone Recognition by the Bromodomains of the HUman Transcriptional Co-Activators PCAF and CBP 2rny Complex Structures of CBP Bromodomain with H4 ack20 Peptide 2ro1 NMR Solution Structures of Human KAP1 PHD finger-bromodomain 2rs9 Solution structure of the bromodomain of human BRPF1 in complex with histone H4K5ac peptide 2wp1 Structure of Brdt bromodomain 2 bound to an acetylated histone H3 peptide 2wp2 Structure of Brdt bromodomain BD1 bound to a diacetylated histone H4 peptide. 2ydw Crystal Structure of the First Bromodomain of Human Brd2 with the inhibitor GW841819X 2yek Crystal Structure of the First Bromodomain of Human Brd2 with the inhibitor GSK525762 (IBET) 2yel Crystal Structure of the First Bromodomain of Human Brd4 with the inhibitor GW841819X 2yem Crystal Structure of the Second Bromodomain of Human Brd4 with the inhibitor GW841819X 2yqd Solution structure of the fifth bromodomain from mouse polybromo-1 2yw5 Solution structure of the bromodomain from human bromodomain containing protein 3 2yyn Crystal sturcture of human bromodomain protein 3aad Structure of the histone chaperone CIA/ASF1-double bromodomain complex linking histone modifications and site-specific histone eviction 3aqa Crystal structure of the human BRD2 BD1 bromodomain in complex with a BRD2-interactive compound, BIC1 3d7c Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human GCN5, the general control of amino-acid synthesis protein 5-like 2 3dai Crystal structure of the bromodomain of the human ATAD2 3dwy Crystal Structure of the Bromodomain of Human CREBBP 3fkm Plasmodium falciparum bromodomain-containing protein PF10_0328 3g0j Crystal Structure of the fifth Bromodomain of Human Poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (PB1) 3g0l Crystal Structure of Human Bromodomain Adjacent to Zinc finger domain 2B (BAZ2B) 3gg3 Crystal Structure of the Bromodomain of Human PCAF 3hme Crystal structure of human bromodomain containing 9 isoform 1 (BRD9) 3hmf Crystal Structure of the second Bromodomain of Human Poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (PB1) 3hmh Crystal structure of the second bromodomain of human TBP-associated factor RNA polymerase 1-like (TAF1L) 3i3j Crystal Structure of the Bromodomain of Human EP300 3iu5 Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (PB1) 3iu6 Crystal structure of the sixth bromodomain of human poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (PB1) 3jvj Crystal structure of the bromodomain 1 in mouse Brd4 3jvk Crystal structure of bromodomain 1 of mouse Brd4 in complex with histone H3-K(ac)14 3jvl Crystal structure of bromodomain 2 of mouse Brd4 3jvm Crystal structure of bromodomain 2 of mouse Brd4 3k2j Crystal Structure of the 3rd Bromodomain of Human Poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (PB1) 3ljw Crystal Structure of the Second Bromodomain of Human Polybromo 3lqh Crystal structure of MLL1 PHD3-Bromo in the free form 3lqi Crystal structure of MLL1 PHD3-Bromo complexed with H3(1-9)K4me2 peptide 3lqj Crystal structure of MLL1 PHD3-Bromo complexed with H3(1-9)K4me3 peptide 3lxj Crystal Structure of the Bromodomain of Human AAA domain containing 2B (ATAD2B) 3mb3 Crystal Structure of the second bromodomain of Pleckstrin homology domain interacting protein (PHIP) 3mb4 Crystal Structure of the fifth Bromodomain of Human Poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (PB1) with NMP 3mqm Crystal Structure of the Bromodomain of human ASH1L 3muk Crystal structure of Brd4 bromodomain 1 with propionylated histone H3-K(prop)23 3mul Crystal structure of Brd4 bromodomain 1 with butyrylated histone H3-K(buty)14 3mxf Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with the inhibitor JQ1 3nxb Crystal Structure of the Bromodomain of human CECR2 3o33 Crystal structure of TRIM24 PHD-Bromo in the free state 3o34 Crystal structure of TRIM24 PHD-Bromo complexed with H3(13-32)K23ac peptide 3o35 Crystal structure of TRIM24 PHD-Bromo complexed with H3(23-31)K27ac peptide 3o36 Crystal structure of TRIM24 PHD-Bromo complexed with H4(14-19)K16ac peptide 3o37 Crystal structure of TRIM24 PHD-Bromo complexed with H3(1-10)K4 peptide 3oni Crystal Structure of the second bromodomain of human BRD2 in complex with the inhibitor JQ1 3p1c Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human CREBBP in complex with acetylated lysine 3p1d Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human CREBBP in complex with N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) 3p1e Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human CREBBP in complex with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) 3p1f Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human CREBBP in complex with a hydroquinazolin ligand 3p5o Crystal Structure of the First Bromodomain of Human Brd4 in complex with IBET inhibitor 3q2e Crystal structure of the second bromodomain of human bromodomain and WD repeat-containing protein 1 isoform A (WDR9) 3q2f Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human BAZ2B in complex with a triazolo ligand 3qzs Crystal Structure of BPTF bromo in complex with histone H4K16ac - Form I 3qzt Crystal Structure of BPTF bromo in complex with histone H4K16ac - Form II 3qzv Crystal Structure of BPTF PHD-linker-bromo in complex with histone H4K12ac peptide 3rcw Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human BRD1 3s91 Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD3 in complex with the inhibitor JQ1 3s92 Crystal Structure of the second bromodomain of human BRD3 in complex with the inhibitor JQ1 3svf Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a dihydro-quinazolin ligand 3svg Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a 3,5-dimethylisoxazol ligand 3svh Crystal Structure of the bromdomain of human CREBBP in complex with a 3,5-dimethylisoxazol ligand 3tlp Crystal structure of the fourth bromodomain of human poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (PB1) 3u5j Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with Alprazolam 3u5k Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with Midazolam 3u5l Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a benzo-triazepine ligand (BzT-7) 3u5m Crystal structure of TRIM33 PHD-Bromo in the free state 3u5n Crystal structure of the complex of TRIM33 PHD-Bromo and H3(1-20)K9me3K14ac histone peptide 3u5o Crystal structure of the complex of TRIM33 PHD-Bromo and H3(1-22)K9me3K14acK18ac histone peptide 3u5p Crystal structure of the complex of TRIM33 PHD-Bromo and H3(1-28)K9me3K14acK18acK23ac histone peptide 3uv2 Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human nucleosome-remodeling factor subunit BPTF 3uv4 Crystal Structure of the second bromodomain of human Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 1 (TAF1) 3uv5 Crystal Structure of the tandem bromodomains of human Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 1 (TAF1) 3uvd Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human Transcription activator BRG1 (SMARCA4) in complex with N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone 3uvw Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a diacetylated histone 4 peptide (H4K5acK8ac) 3uvx Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a diacetylated histone 4 peptide (H4K12acK16ac) 3uvy Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a diacetylated histone 4 peptide (H4K16acK20ac) 3uw9 Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a diacetylated histone 4 peptide (H4K8acK12ac) 3zyu Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with I-BET151(GSK1210151A) 4a9e N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD2 WITH 3-methyl-1,2,3,4- tetrahydroquinazolin-2-one 4a9f N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD2 WITH 1-METHYLPYRROLIDIN-2-ONE 4a9h N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD2 WITH 1-(2-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolin-1-yl)ethan-1-one 4a9i N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD2 WITH 3-methyl-1,2,3,4- tetrahydroquinazolin-2-one 4a9j N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD2 WITH N-(4-hydroxyphenyl) acetamide 4a9k BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN CREBBP WITH N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide 4a9l N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD4 WITH 1,3-DIMETHYL-6-(MORPHOLINE- 4-SULFONYL)-1,2,3,4-TETRAHYDROQUINAZOLIN-2-ONE 4a9m N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD2 WITH N-cyclopentyl-5-(3,5- dimethyl-1,2-oxazol-4-yl)-2-methylbenzene-1-sulfonamide 4a9n N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD2 WITH N-cyclopropyl-5-(3,5- dimethyl-1,2-oxazol-4-yl)-2-methylbenzene-1-sulfonamide 4a9o N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD2 WITH 5 ethyl-3-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2-oxazole 4akn N-Terminal Bromodomain of Human BRD2 With tbutyl-phenyl-amino- dimethyl-oxazolyl-quinoline-carboxylic acid 4alg N-Terminal Bromodomain of Human BRD2 With IBET-151 4alh N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD2 WITH 3,5 dimethyl-4-phenyl-1,2- oxazole 4bhw Structural basis for autoinhibition of the acetyltransferase activity of p300 4bjx N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD4 WITH GSK1324726A (I-BET726) 4bw1 The first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with 3,5 dimethylisoxaxole ligand 4bw2 The first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with 3,5 dimethylisoxaxole ligand 4bw3 The first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with 3,5 dimethylisoxaxole ligand 4bw4 The first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with 3,5 dimethylisoxaxole ligand 4c66 Discovery of Epigenetic Regulator I-BET762: Lead Optimization to Afford a Clinical Candidate Inhibitor of the BET Bromodomains 4c67 Discovery of Epigenetic Regulator I-BET762: Lead Optimization to Afford a Clinical Candidate Inhibitor of the BET Bromodomains 4cfk N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD4 WITH LY294002 4cfl N-TERMINAL BROMODOMAIN OF HUMAN BRD4 WITH LY303511 4cl9 4CL9 4clb 4CLB 4cos Crystal structure of the PHD-Bromo-PWWP cassette of human PRKCBP1 4cup Crystal structure of human BAZ2B in complex with fragment-1 N09421 4cuq Crystal structure of human BAZ2B in complex with fragment-2 N09594 4cur Crystal structure of human BAZ2B in complex with fragment-3 N09555 4cus Crystal structure of human BAZ2B in complex with fragment-4 N09496 4cut Crystal structure of human BAZ2B in complex with fragment-5 N09428 4cuu Crystal structure of human BAZ2B in complex with fragment-6 N09645 4don Brd4 Bromodomain 1 complex with a fragment 3,4-Dihydro-3-methyl-2(1H)-quinazolinon 4e96 Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with the inhibitor PFi-1 4f3i Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with MS417 inhibitor 4flp Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRDT in complex with the inhibitor JQ1 4gpj Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a isoxazolylbenzimidazole ligand 4hbv Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a quinazolin ligand 4hbw Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a quinazoline ligand 4hbx Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a quinazolin ligand 4hby Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a quinazolin ligand 4hxk Brd4 Bromodomain 1 complex with 6,7-DIHYDROTHIENO[3,2-C]PYRIDIN-5(4H)-YL(1H-IMIDAZOL-1-YL)METHANONE inhibitor 4hxl Brd4 Bromodomain 1 complex with 3-CYCLOHEXYL-N-{3-(2-OXO-2,3-DIHYDRO-1,3-THIAZOL-4-YL)-5-[(THIOPHEN-2-YLSULFONYL)AMINO]PHENYL}PROPANAMIDE inhibitor 4hxm Brd4 Bromodomain 1 complex with N-{3-(2-OXO-2,3-DIHYDRO-1,3-THIAZOL-4-YL)-5-[(THIOPHEN-2-YLSULFONYL)AMINO]PHENYL}BUTANAMIDE inhibitor 4hxn Brd4 Bromodomain 1 complex with 4-(2-FLUOROPHENYL)-1,3-THIAZOL-2(3H)-ONE inhibitor 4hxo Brd4 Bromodomain 1 complex with 3-{[(3-METHYL-1,2-OXAZOL-5-YL)METHYL]SULFANYL}[1,2,4]TRIAZOLO[4,3-A]PYRIDINE inhibitor 4hxp Brd4 Bromodomain 1 complex with 4-(2-OXO-1,3-OXAZOLIDIN-3-YL)BENZAMIDE inhibitor 4hxr Brd4 Bromodomain 1 complex with N-[3-(2-OXO-2,3-DIHYDRO-1,3-THIAZOL-4-YL)PHENYL]THIOPHENE-2-SULFONAMIDE inhibitor 4hxs Brd4 Bromodomain 1 complex with N-[3-(2-OXO-2,3-DIHYDRO-1,3-THIAZOL-4-YL)PHENYL]-1-PHENYLMETHANESULFONAMIDE inhibitor 4ioo Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of BRD4 in complex with N-methyltrimethylacetamide 4ioq Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of BRD4 in complex with pyrrolidin-2-one 4ior Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of BRD4 in complex with DMSO 4ir3 Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human BAZ2B in complex with 1-[7-amino-1-(pyrimidin-2-yl)indolizin-3-yl]ethanone (GSK2833282A) 4ir4 Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human BAZ2B in complex with 1-[7-(morpholin-4-yl)-1-(pyridin-2-yl)indolizin-3-yl]ethanone (GSK2834113A) 4ir5 Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human BAZ2B in complex with 1-{1-[2-(hydroxymethyl)phenyl]-7-phenoxyindolizin-3-yl}ethanone (GSK2847449A) 4ir6 Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human BAZ2B in complex with 1-{1-[2-(METHYLSULFONYL)PHENYL]-7-PHENOXYINDOLIZIN-3-YL}ETHANONE (GSK2838097A) 4j0r Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a 3,5-dimethylisoxazol ligand 4j0s Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a 3,5-dimethylisoxazol ligand 4j1p X-ray crystal structure of bromodomain 2 of human brd2 in complex with rvx208 to 1.08 A resolution 4j3i X-ray crystal structure of bromodomain complex to 1.24 A resolution 4kcx BRDT in complex with Dinaciclib 4kv1 Crystal Structure of Brd4 Bromodomain 1 in Complex with Acetylated Rel Peptide 4kv4 Brd4 Bromodomain 2 in Complex with Acetylated Rel Peptide 4lc2 Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human BRPF1B 4ldf Crystal Structure of CpBRD2 from cryptosporidium, cgd3_3190 4lr6 Structure of BRD4 bromodomain 1 with a 3-methyl-4-phenylisoxazol-5-amine fragment 4lrg Structure of BRD4 bromodomain 1 with a dimethyl thiophene isoxazole azepine carboxamide 4lyi Crystal Structure of apo-BRD4(1) 4lys Crystal Structure of BRD4(1) bound to Colchiceine 4lyw Crystal Structure of BRD4(1) bound to inhibitor XD14 4lz2 Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human BAZ2A 4lzr Crystal Structure of BRD4(1) bound to Colchicine 4lzs Crystal Structure of BRD4(1) bound to inhibitor XD46 4men Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a 5-methyl-triazolopyrimidine ligand 4meo Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a 2-methyl-quinoline ligand 4mep Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a 3-chloro-pyridone ligand 4meq Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a 5-methyl-triazolopyrimidine ligand 4mr3 Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a quinazolinone ligand (RVX-OH) 4mr4 Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a quinazolinone ligand (RVX-208) 4mr5 Crystal Structure of the second bromodomain of human BRD2 in complex with a quinazolinone ligand (RVX-OH) 4mr6 Crystal Structure of the second bromodomain of human BRD2 in complex with a quinazolinone ligand (RVX-208) 4n3w Crystal Structure of the Bromodomain-PHD Finger Module of Human Transcriptional Co-Activator CBP in complex with Acetylated Histone 4 Peptide (H4K20ac). 4n4f Crystal Structure of the Bromodomain-PHD Finger Module of Human Transcriptional Co-Activator CBP in complex with di-Acetylated Histone 4 Peptide (H412acK16ac). 4n4g Crystal structure of the Bromo-PWWP of the mouse zinc finger MYND-type containing 11 isoform alpha 4n4h Crystal structure of the Bromo-PWWP of the mouse zinc finger MYND-type containing 11 isoform alpha in complex with histone H3.1K36me3 4n4i Crystal structure of the Bromo-PWWP of the mouse zinc finger MYND-type containing 11 isoform alpha in complex with histone H3.3K36me3 4nqm Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with a triazolo-phthalazine ligand 4nqn Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human BRD9 in complex with a triazolo-phthalazine ligand 4nr4 Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human CREBBP in complex with an isoxazolyl-benzimidazole ligand 4nr5 Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human CREBBP in complex with an isoxazolyl-benzimidazole ligand 4nr6 Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human CREBBP in complex with an oxazepin ligand 4nr7 Crystal structure of the bromodomain of human CREBBP in complex with an isoxazolyl-benzimidazole ligand 4nr8 Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with an isoxazolyl-benzimidazole ligand 4nr9 Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human BAZ2B in complex with acetylated lysine 4nra Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human BAZ2B in complex with compound-6 E11322 4nrb Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human BAZ2B in complex with compound-1 N01197 4nrc Crystal Structure of the bromodomain of human BAZ2B in complex with compound-3 N01186 4ns5 Crystal structure of human BS69 Bromo-Zinc finger-PWWP 4nuc Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with MS435 inhibitor 4nud Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with MS436 inhibitor 4nue Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with MS267 inhibitor 4nxj Crystal Structure of PF3D7_1475600, a bromodomain from Plasmodium Falciparum 4nyv Crystal Structure of the Bromodomain of human CREBBP in complex with a quinazolin-one ligand 4nyw Crystal Structure of the Bromodomain of human CREBBP in complex with a dihydroquinoxalinone ligand 4nyx Crystal Structure of the Bromodomain of human CREBBP in complex with a dihydroquinoxalinone ligand 4o70 Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with DINACICLIB 4o71 Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with FLAVOPIRIDOL 4o72 Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with NU7441 4o74 Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with BI 2536 4o75 Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with FOSTAMATINIB 4o76 Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with TG101209 4o77 Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with SB 202190 4o78 Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with GW612286X 4o7a Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with SB-409514 4o7b Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with SB-284847-BT 4o7c Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with SB-614067-R 4o7e Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with SB-610251-B 4o7f Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with SB-251527 4ogi Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with the inhibitor BI-2536 4ogj Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with the inhibitor TG-101348 4ouf Crystal Structure of CBP bromodomain 4pce Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with compound B13 4pci Crystal Structure of the first bromodomain of BRD4 in complex with B16 4pkl 4PKL 4ps5 Crystal structure of the first bromodomain of human BRD4 in complex with TG101348 4ptb Crystal structure of human SP100 PHD-Bromodomain in the free state 4py6 Crystal Structure of bromodomain of PFA0510w from Plasmodium Falciparum 4q0n Crystal Structure of the fifth bromodomain of Human Poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (PB1) in complex with a hydroxyphenyl-propenone ligand 4q0o Crystal Structure of the fifth bromodomain of Human Poly-bromodomain containing protein 1 (PB1) in complex with a hydroxyphenyl-propenone ligand 4qb3 4QB3 4qbm Crystal structure of human BAZ2A bromodomain in complex with a diacetylated histone 4 peptide (H4K16acK20ac) 4qc1 Crystal structure of human BAZ2B bromodomain in complex with an acetylated histone 3 peptide (H3K14ac) 4qc3 Crystal structure of human BAZ2B bromodomain in complex with a diacetylated histone 4 peptide (H4K8acK12ac) 4qeu 4QEU 4qev 4QEV 4qew 4QEW 4qns 4QNS 4qr3 4QR3 4qr4 4QR4 4qr5 4QR5 4qsp 4QSP 4qsq 4QSQ 4qsr 4QSR 4qss 4QSS 4qst 4QST 4qsu 4QSU 4qsv 4QSV 4qsw 4QSW 4qsx 4QSX 4qut 4QUT 4quu 4QUU 4qy4 4QY4 4qyd 4QYD 4qyl 4QYL 4qzs 4QZS 4rvr 4RVR 4tqn 4TQN 4ts8 4TS8 4tt2 4TT2 4tt4 4TT4 4tt6 4TT6 4tte 4TTE 4tu4 4TU4 4tu6 4TU6 4tyl 4TYL 4tz2 4TZ2 4tz8 4TZ8 4uit 4UIT 4uiu 4UIU 4uiv 4UIV 4uiw 4UIW 4uix 4UIX 4uiy 4UIY 4uiz 4UIZ 4uyd 4UYD 4uye 4UYE 4uyf 4UYF 4uyg 4UYG 4uyh 4UYH 4whu 4WHU 4whw 4WHW 4wiv 4WIV 4x2i 4X2I 4xua 4XUA 4xub 4XUB 4xy8 4XY8 4xy9 4XY9 4xya 4XYA 4y03 4Y03 4yab 4YAB 4yad 4YAD 4yat 4YAT 4yax 4YAX 4ybm 4YBM 4ybs 4YBS 4ybt 4YBT 4yc9 4YC9 4yh3 4YH3 4yh4 4YH4 4yk0 4YK0 4yy4 4YY4 4yy6 4YY6 4yyd 4YYD 4yyg 4YYG 4yyh 4YYH 4yyi 4YYI 4yyj 4YYJ 4yyk 4YYK 4yym 4YYM 4yyn 4YYN 4z1q 4Z1Q 4z1s 4Z1S 4z6h 4Z6H 4z6i 4Z6I 4z93 4Z93 4zc9 4ZC9 4zql 4ZQL 4zw1 4ZW1 5a5n 5A5N 5a5o 5A5O 5a5p 5A5P 5a5q 5A5Q 5a5r 5A5R 5a5s 5A5S 5a7c 5A7C 5a81 5A81 5a82 5A82 5a83 5A83 5a85 5A85 5acy 5ACY 5ad2 5AD2 5ad3 5AD3 5ame 5AME 5amf 5AMF 5b73 5B73 5bt3 5BT3 5bt4 5BT4 5bt5 5BT5 5c4q 5C4Q 5c7n 5C7N 5c85 5C85 5c87 5C87 5c89 5C89 5c8g 5C8G 5cfw 5CFW 5cgp 5CGP 5coi 5COI 5cp5 5CP5 5cpe 5CPE 5cq3 5CQ3 5cq4 5CQ4 5cq5 5CQ5 5cq6 5CQ6 5cq7 5CQ7 5cq8 5CQ8 5cqa 5CQA 5cqt 5CQT 5crm 5CRM 5crz 5CRZ 5cs8 5CS8 5ctl 5CTL 5cu8 5CU8 5cua 5CUA 5cub 5CUB 5cuc 5CUC 5cud 5CUD 5cue 5CUE 5cug 5CUG 5cy9 5CY9 5czg 5CZG 5d0c 5D0C 5d24 5D24 5d25 5D25 5d26 5D26 5d3h 5D3H 5d3j 5D3J 5d3l 5D3L 5d3n 5D3N 5d3p 5D3P 5d3r 5D3R 5d3s 5D3S 5d3t 5D3T 5d7x 5D7X 5dbm 5DBM 5dfb 5DFB 5dfc 5DFC 5dfd 5DFD 5dkc 5DKC 5dkd 5DKD 5dkh 5DKH 5dlx 5DLX 5dlz 5DLZ 5dw1 5DW1 5dw2 5DW2 5dx4 5DX4 5dy7 5DY7 5dya 5DYA 5dyc 5DYC 5dyu 5DYU 5dyx 5DYX 5e0r 5E0R 5e3d 5E3D 5e3g 5E3G 5e73 5E73 5e74 5E74 5e7d 5E7D 5e9i 5E9I 5e9k 5E9K 5e9l 5E9L 5e9m 5E9M 5e9v 5E9V 5e9y 5E9Y 5ea1 5EA1 5egu 5EGU 5ei4 5EI4 5eic 5EIC 5eis 5EIS 5ek9 5EK9 5em3 5EM3 5enb 5ENB 5enc 5ENC 5ene 5ENE 5enf 5ENF 5eng 5ENG 5enh 5ENH 5eni 5ENI 5enj 5ENJ 5ep7 5EP7 5epb 5EPB 5epr 5EPR 5eps 5EPS 5eq1 5EQ1 5etb 5ETB 5etd 5ETD 5eu1 5EU1 5ev9 5EV9 5eva 5EVA 5ewc 5EWC 5ewd 5EWD 5ewh 5EWH 5ewv 5EWV 5eww 5EWW 5f1h 5F1H 5f1l 5F1L 5f25 5F25 5f2p 5F2P 5fb0 5FB0 5fb1 5FB1 5fbx 5FBX 5fdz 5FDZ 5fe0 5FE0 5fe1 5FE1 5fe2 5FE2 5fe3 5FE3 5fe4 5FE4 5fe5 5FE5 5fe6 5FE6 5fe7 5FE7 5fe8 5FE8 5fe9 5FE9 5fea 5FEA 5ffv 5FFV 5ffw 5FFW 5ffy 5FFY 5fg4 5FG4 5fg5 5FG5 5fg6 5FG6 5fh6 5FH6 5fh7 5FH7 5fh8 5FH8 5fur 5FUR 5g4r 5G4R 5g4s 5G4S 5hel 5HEL 5hem 5HEM 5hen 5HEN 5hfq 5HFQ 5hfr 5HFR 5hjc 5HJC 5hls 5HLS 5hm0 5HM0 5hrv 5HRV 5hrw 5HRW 5hrx 5HRX 5i1q 5I1Q 5i29 5I29 5i40 5I40 5i7x 5I7X 5i7y 5I7Y 5i80 5I80 5i83 5I83 5i86 5I86 5i88 5I88 5i89 5I89 5i8b 5I8B 5i8g 5I8G 5ibn 5IBN 5ig6 5IG6 5igk 5IGK 5igl 5IGL 5igm 5IGM 5ign 5IGN 5ii1 5II1 5ii2 5II2 5iid 5IID 5j0d 5J0D 5ji8 5JI8 5jwm 5JWM 5k29 5K29 5khm 5KHM 5ko4 5KO4 5ktu 5KTU 5ktw 5KTW 5ktx 5KTX 5ku3 5KU3 5l8t 5L8T 5l8u 5L8U 5l96 5L96 5l97 5L97 5l98 5L98 5l99 5L99 5lj0 5LJ0 5lj1 5LJ1 5lj2 5LJ2 5lkt 5LKT 5lku 5LKU 5lkx 5LKX 5lkz 5LKZ 5luu 5LUU 5lvq 5LVQ 5lvr 5LVR 5tb6 5TB6 5tcm 5TCM - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)