The domain within your query sequence starts at position 40 and ends at position 98; the E-value for the HATPase_c domain shown below is 2e-35.
The domain was found using the schnipsel database
HATPase_cHistidine kinase-like ATPases |
SMART accession number: | SM00387 |
Description: | Histidine kinase-, DNA gyrase B-, phytochrome-like ATPases. |
Interpro abstract (IPR003594): | This domain is found in several ATP-binding proteins, including: histidine kinase [ (PUBMED:15157101) ], DNA gyrase B, topoisomerases [ (PUBMED:15105144) ], heat shock protein HSP90 [ (PUBMED:15292259) (PUBMED:14718169) (PUBMED:15217611) ], phytochrome-like ATPases and DNA mismatch repair proteins. The fold of this domain consists of two layers, alpha/beta, which contains an 8-stranded mixed beta-sheet. |
Family alignment: |
There are 925732 HATPase_c domains in 922402 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing HATPase_c domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with HATPase_c domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing HATPase_c domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Cellular role: signalling
- Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
Click the image to view the interactive version of the map in iPath% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 66.93 map02020 Two-component system - General 7.80 map02030 Bacterial chemotaxis - General 6.73 map05215 Prostate cancer 6.40 map04612 Antigen processing and presentation 6.40 map04914 Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 2.14 map03090 Type II secretion system 0.60 map05210 Colorectal cancer 0.60 map05213 Endometrial cancer 0.41 map00562
Inositol phosphate metabolism 0.41 map00632
Benzoate degradation via CoA ligation 0.25 map00540
Lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis 0.22 map00230
Purine metabolism 0.14 map00620
Pyruvate metabolism 0.14 map04910 Insulin signaling pathway 0.14 map00010
Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis 0.14 map00710
Carbon fixation 0.14 map04930 Type II diabetes mellitus 0.05 map02010 ABC transporters - General 0.03 map00350
Tyrosine metabolism 0.03 map00760
Nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism 0.03 map00240
Pyrimidine metabolism 0.03 map00400
Phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan biosynthesis 0.03 map00450
Selenoamino acid metabolism 0.03 map04510 Focal adhesion 0.03 map00340
Histidine metabolism 0.03 map04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 0.03 map00380
Tryptophan metabolism 0.03 map00440
Aminophosphonate metabolism 0.03 map00626
Naphthalene and anthracene degradation 0.03 map00150
Androgen and estrogen metabolism 0.03 map04020 Calcium signaling pathway This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with HATPase_c domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing HATPase_c domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of HATPase_c domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1a4h STRUCTURE OF THE N-TERMINAL DOMAIN OF THE YEAST HSP90 CHAPERONE IN COMPLEX WITH GELDANAMYCIN 1ah6 STRUCTURE OF THE TETRAGONAL FORM OF THE N-TERMINAL DOMAIN OF THE YEAST HSP90 CHAPERONE 1ah8 STRUCTURE OF THE ORTHORHOMBIC FORM OF THE N-TERMINAL DOMAIN OF THE YEAST HSP90 CHAPERONE 1aj6 NOVOBIOCIN-RESISTANT MUTANT (R136H) OF THE N-TERMINAL 24 KDA FRAGMENT OF DNA GYRASE B COMPLEXED WITH NOVOBIOCIN AT 2.3 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1am1 ATP BINDING SITE IN THE HSP90 MOLECULAR CHAPERONE 1amw ADP BINDING SITE IN THE HSP90 MOLECULAR CHAPERONE 1b3q CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF CHEA-289, A SIGNAL TRANSDUCING HISTIDINE KINASE 1b62 MUTL COMPLEXED WITH ADP 1b63 MUTL COMPLEXED WITH ADPNP 1bgq RADICICOL BOUND TO THE ATP BINDING SITE OF THE N-TERMINAL DOMAIN OF THE YEAST HSP90 CHAPERONE 1bkn CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF AN N-TERMINAL 40KD FRAGMENT OF E. COLI DNA MISMATCH REPAIR PROTEIN MUTL 1bxd NMR STRUCTURE OF THE HISTIDINE KINASE DOMAIN OF THE E. COLI OSMOSENSOR ENVZ 1byq HSP90 N-TERMINAL DOMAIN BOUND TO ADP-MG 1ea6 N-terminal 40kDa fragment of NhPMS2 complexed with ADP 1ei1 DIMERIZATION OF E. COLI DNA GYRASE B PROVIDES A STRUCTURAL MECHANISM FOR ACTIVATING THE ATPASE CATALYTIC CENTER 1gjv Branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase (BCK) complxed with ATP-gamma-S 1gkx Branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase (BCK) 1gkz Branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase (BCK) complxed with ADP 1h7s N-terminal 40kDa fragment of human PMS2 1h7u NhPMS2-ATPgS 1i58 STRUCTURE OF THE HISTIDINE KINASE CHEA ATP-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH ATP ANALOG ADPCP AND MAGNESIUM 1i59 STRUCTURE OF THE HISTIDINE KINASE CHEA ATP-BINDING DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH ADPNP AND MAGENSIUM 1i5a STRUCTURE OF CHEA DOMAIN P4 IN COMPLEX WITH ADPCP AND MANGANESE 1i5b STRUCTURE OF CHEA DOMAIN P4 IN COMPLEX WITH ADPNP AND MANGANESE 1i5c STRUCTURE OF CHEA DOMAIN P4 IN COMPLEX WITH ADP 1i5d STRUCTURE OF CHEA DOMAIN P4 IN COMPLEX WITH TNP-ATP 1id0 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE NUCLEOTIDE BOND CONFORMATION OF PHOQ KINASE DOMAIN 1jm6 Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isozyme 2, containing ADP 1kij Crystal structure of the 43K ATPase domain of Thermus thermophilus gyrase B in complex with novobiocin 1kzn Crystal Structure of E. coli 24kDa Domain in Complex with Clorobiocin 1l0o Crystal Structure of the Bacillus stearothermophilus Anti-Sigma Factor SpoIIAB with the Sporulation Sigma Factor SigmaF 1mu5 Structure of topoisomerase subunit 1mx0 Structure of topoisomerase subunit 1nhh Crystal structure of N-terminal 40KD MutL protein (LN40) complex with ADPnP and one Rubidium 1nhi Crystal structure of N-terminal 40KD MutL (LN40) complex with ADPnP and one potassium 1nhj Crystal structure of N-terminal 40KD MutL/A100P mutant protein complex with ADPnP and one sodium 1osf Human Hsp90 in complex with 17-desmethoxy-17-N,N-Dimethylaminoethylamino-Geldanamycin 1pvg Crystal Structure of the ATPase region of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae topoisomerase II 1qy5 Crystal Structure of the N-domain of the ER Hsp90 chaperone GRP94 in complex with the specific ligand NECA 1qy8 Crystal Structure of the N-domain of the ER Hsp90 chaperone GRP94 in complex with Radicicol 1qye Crystal Structure of the N-domain of the ER Hsp90 chaperone GRP94 in complex with 2-chlorodideoxyadenosine 1qzr CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ATPASE REGION OF SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE TOPOISOMERASE II BOUND TO ICRF-187 (DEXRAZOXANE) 1r62 Crystal structure of the C-terminal Domain of the Two-Component System Transmitter Protein NRII (NtrB) 1s14 Crystal structure of Escherichia coli Topoisomerase IV ParE 24kDa subunit 1s16 Crystal Structure of E. coli Topoisomerase IV ParE 43kDa subunit complexed with ADPNP 1tbw Ligand Induced Conformational Shift in the N-terminal Domain of GRP94, Open Conformation 1tc0 Ligand Induced Conformational Shifts in the N-terminal Domain of GRP94, Open Conformation Complexed with the physiological partner ATP 1tc6 Ligand Induced Conformational Shift in the N-terminal Domain of GRP94, Open Conformation ADP-Complex 1th8 Crystal Structures of the ADP and ATP bound forms of the Bacillus Anti-sigma factor SpoIIAB in complex with the Anti-anti-sigma SpoIIAA: inhibitory complex with ADP, crystal form II 1thn Crystal Structures of the ADP and ATP bound forms of the Bacillus Anti-sigma factor SpoIIAB in complex with the Anti-anti-sigma SpoIIAA: inhibitory complex with ADP, crystal form I 1tid Crystal Structures of the ADP and ATP bound forms of the Bacillus Anti-sigma factor SpoIIAB in complex with the Anti-anti-sigma SpoIIAA: Poised for phosphorylation complex with ATP, crystal form I 1til Crystal Structures of the ADP and ATP bound forms of the Bacillus Anti-sigma factor SpoIIAB in complex with the Anti-anti-sigma SpoIIAA:Poised for phosphorylation complex with ATP, crystal form II 1u0y N-Domain Of Grp94, with the Charged Domain, In Complex With the Novel Ligand N-Propyl Carboxyamido Adenosine 1u0z N-Domain Of Grp94 Lacking The Charged Domain In Complex With Radicicol 1u2o Crystal Structure Of The N-Domain Of Grp94 Lacking The Charged Domain In Complex With Neca 1us7 Complex of Hsp90 and P50 1uy6 Human Hsp90-alpha with 9-Butyl-8-(3,4,5-trimethoxy-benzyl)-9H-purin-6-ylamine 1uy7 Human Hsp90-alpha with 9-Butyl-8-(4-methoxy-benzyl)-9H-purin-6-ylamine 1uy8 Human Hsp90-alpha with 9-Butyl-8-(3-trimethoxy-benzyl)-9H-purin-6ylamine 1uy9 Human Hsp90-alpha with 8-Benzo[1,3]dioxol-,5-ylmethyl-9-butyl-9H-purin-6-ylamine 1uyc Human Hsp90-alpha with 9-Butyl-8-(2,5-dimethoxy-benzyl)-9H-purin-6-ylamine 1uyd Human Hsp90-alpha with 9-Butyl-8-(2-chloro-3,4,5-trimethoxy-benzyl)-9H-purin-6-ylamine 1uye Human Hsp90-alpha with 8-(2-chloro-3,4,5-trimethoxy-benzyl)-9-pent-4-ylnyl-9H-purin-6-ylamine 1uyf Human Hsp90-alpha with 8-(2-chloro-3,4,5-trimethoxy-benzyl)-2-fluoro-9-pent-4-ylnyl-9H-purin-6-ylamine 1uyg Human Hsp90-alpha with 8-(2,5-dimethoxy-benzyl)-2-fluoro-9H-purin-6-ylamine 1uyh Human Hsp90-alpha with 9-Butyl-8-(2,5-dimethoxy-benzyl)-2-fluoro-9H-purin-6-ylamine 1uyi Human Hsp90-alpha with 8-(2,5-dimethoxy-benzyl)-2-fluoro-9-pent-9H-purin-6-ylamine 1uyk Human Hsp90-alpha with 8-Benzo[1,3]dioxol-,5-ylmethyl-9-butyl-2-fluoro-9H-purin-6-ylamine 1uyl Structure-Activity Relationships in purine-based inhibitor binding to HSP90 isoforms 1uym Human Hsp90-beta with PU3 (9-Butyl-8(3,4,5-trimethoxy-benzyl)-9H-purin-6-ylamine) 1y4s Conformation rearrangement of heat shock protein 90 upon ADP binding 1y4u Conformation rearrangement of heat shock protein 90 upon ADP binding 1y8n Crystal structure of the PDK3-L2 complex 1y8o Crystal structure of the PDK3-L2 complex 1y8p Crystal structure of the PDK3-L2 complex 1yc1 Crystal Structures of human HSP90alpha complexed with dihydroxyphenylpyrazoles 1yc3 Crystal Structure of human HSP90alpha complexed with dihydroxyphenylpyrazoles 1yc4 Crystal structure of human HSP90alpha complexed with dihydroxyphenylpyrazoles 1yer HUMAN HSP90 GELDANAMYCIN-BINDING DOMAIN, "CLOSED" CONFORMATION 1yes HUMAN HSP90 GELDANAMYCIN-BINDING DOMAIN, "OPEN" CONFORMATION 1yet GELDANAMYCIN BOUND TO THE HSP90 GELDANAMYCIN-BINDING DOMAIN 1ys3 Crystal Structure of the ATP binding domain of PrrB from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 1ysr Crystal Structure of ATP binding domain of PrrB from Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 1ysz Crystal Structure of the Unliganded Form of GRP94, the ER Hsp90: Basis for Nucleotide-Induced Conformational Change, GRP94N(DELTA)41 APO CRYSTAL SOAKED WITH NECA 1yt0 Crystal Structure of the Unliganded Form of GRP94, the ER Hsp90: Basis for Nucleotide-Induced Conformational Change, GRP94N(DELTA)41 APO CRYSTAL SOAKED WITH ADP 1yt1 Crystal Structure of the Unliganded Form of GRP94, the ER Hsp90: Basis for Nucleotide-Induced Conformational Change, GRP94N(DELTA)41 APO CRYSTAL 1yt2 Crystal Structure of the Unliganded Form of GRP94, the ER Hsp90: Basis for Nucleotide-Induced Conformational Change, GRP94N APO CRYSTAL 1z59 Topoisomerase VI-B, ADP-bound monomer form 1z5a Topoisomerase VI-B, ADP-bound dimer form 1z5b Topoisomerase VI-B, ADP AlF4- bound dimer form 1z5c Topoisomerase VI-B, ADP Pi bound dimer form 1zw9 Yeast HSP82 in complex with the Novel HSP90 Inhibitor 8-(6-Bromo-benzo[1,3]dioxol-5-ylsulfanyl)-9-(3-isopropylamino-propyl)-adenine 1zwh Yeast Hsp82 in complex with the novel Hsp90 inhibitor Radester amine 1zxm Human Topo IIa ATPase/AMP-PNP 1zxn Human DNA topoisomerase IIa ATPase/ADP 2akp Hsp90 Delta24-N210 mutant 2brc Structure of a Hsp90 Inhibitor bound to the N-terminus of Yeast Hsp90. 2bre STRUCTURE OF A HSP90 INHIBITOR BOUND TO THE N-TERMINUS OF YEAST HSP90. 2bsm Novel, potent small molecule inhibitors of the molecular chaperone Hsp90 discovered through structure-based design 2bt0 Novel, potent small molecule inhibitors of the molecular chaperone Hsp90 discovered through structure-based design 2btz crystal structures of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 containing physiological and synthetic ligands 2bu2 crystal structures of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 containing physiological and synthetic ligands 2bu5 crystal structures of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 containing physiological and synthetic ligands 2bu6 crystal structures of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 containing physiological and synthetic ligands 2bu7 crystal structures of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 containing physiological and synthetic ligands 2bu8 crystal structures of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 2 containing physiological and synthetic ligands 2byh 3-(5-chloro-2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-pyrazole-4-carboxamides as Inhibitors of the Hsp90 Molecular Chaperone 2byi 3-(5-chloro-2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-pyrazole-4-carboxamides as Inhibitors of the Hsp90 Molecular Chaperone 2bz5 Structure-based Discovery of a New Class of Hsp90 Inhibitors 2c2a Structure of the entire cytoplasmic portion of a sensor histidine kinase protein 2ccs HUMAN HSP90 WITH 4-CHLORO-6-(4-PIPERAZIN-1-YL-1H-PYRAZOL-3-YL)- BENZENE-1,2-DIOL 2cct HUMAN HSP90 WITH 5-(5-CHLORO-2,4-DIHYDROXY-PHENYL)-4-PIPERAZIN-1-YL- 2H-PYRAZOLE-3-CARBOXYLIC ACID ETHYLAMIDE 2ccu HUMAN HSP90 WITH 4-CHLORO-6-(4-(4-(4-METHANESULPHONYL-BENZYL)- PIERAZIN-1-YL)-1H-PYRAZOL-3-YL)-BENZENE-1,3-DIOL 2cg9 Crystal structure of an Hsp90-Sba1 closed chaperone complex 2cgf A RADICICOL ANALOGUE BOUND TO THE ATP BINDING SITE OF THE N-TERMINAL DOMAIN OF THE YEAST HSP90 CHAPERONE 2ch4 Complex between Bacterial Chemotaxis histidine kinase CheA domains P4 and P5 and receptor-adaptor protein CheW 2e0a Crystal structure of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 in complex with AMPPNP 2esa GRP94 n-terminal domain bound to geldanamycin: effects of mutants 168-169 KS-AA 2exl GRP94 N-terminal Domain bound to geldanamycin 2fwy Structure of human Hsp90-alpha bound to the potent water soluble inhibitor PU-H64 2fwz Structure of human Hsp90-alpha bound to the potent water soluble inhibitor PU-H71 2fxs Yeast HSP82 in complex with the novel HSP90 Inhibitor Radamide 2fyp GRP94 in complex with the novel HSP90 Inhibitor Radester amine 2gfd GRP94 in complex with the novel HSP90 Inhibitor Radamide 2gqp N-Domain Of Grp94 In Complex With the Novel Ligand N-Propyl Carboxyamido Adenosine 2h55 Structure of human Hsp90-alpha bound to the potent water soluble inhibitor PU-DZ8 2h8m N-Domain Of Grp94 In Complex With the 2-Iodo-NECA 2hch N-Domain Of Grp94 In Complex With the Novel Ligand N-(2-amino)ethyl Carboxyamido Adenosine 2hg1 N-Domain Of Grp94 In Complex With the Novel Ligand N-(2-hydroxyl)ethyl Carboxyamido Adenosine 2hkj Topoisomerase VI-B bound to radicicol 2iop Crystal Structure of Full-length HtpG, the Escherichia coli Hsp90, Bound to ADP 2ioq Crystal Structure of full-length HTPG, the Escherichia coli HSP90 2ior Crystal Structure of the N-terminal Domain of HtpG, the Escherichia coli Hsp90, Bound to ADP 2iws Radicicol analogues bound to the ATP site of HSP90 2iwu Analogues of radicicol bound to the ATP-binding site of Hsp90 2iwx Analogues of radicicol bound to the ATP-binding site of Hsp90. 2jjc Hsp90 alpha ATPase domain with bound small molecule fragment 2jki Complex of Hsp90 N-terminal and Sgt1 CS domain 2k5b Human CDC37-HSP90 docking model based on NMR 2o1u Structure of full length GRP94 with AMP-PNP bound 2o1v Structure of full length GRP94 with ADP bound 2o1w Structure of N-terminal plus middle domains (N+M) of GRP94 2pnr Crystal Structure of the asymmetric Pdk3-l2 Complex 2q2e Crystal structure of the topoisomerase VI holoenzyme from Methanosarcina mazei 2q8f Structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 1 2q8g Structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 1 in complex with glucose-lowering drug AZD7545 2q8h Structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 1 in complex with dichloroacetate (DCA) 2q8i Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 3 in complex with antitumor drug radicicol 2qf6 HSP90 complexed with A56322 2qfo HSP90 complexed with A143571 and A516383 2qg0 HSP90 complexed with A943037 2qg2 HSP90 complexed with A917985 2uwd Inhibition of the HSP90 molecular chaperone in vitro and in vivo by novel, synthetic, potent resorcinylic pyrazole, isoxazole amide analogs 2vci 4,5 Diaryl Isoxazole Hsp90 Chaperone Inhibitors: Potential Therapeutic Agents for the Treatment of Cancer 2vcj 4,5 Diaryl Isoxazole Hsp90 Chaperone Inhibitors: Potential Therapeutic Agents for the Treatment of Cancer 2vw5 Structure Of The Hsp90 Inhibitor 7-O-carbamoylpremacbecin Bound To The N- Terminus Of Yeast Hsp90 2vwc STRUCTURE OF THE HSP90 INHIBITOR MACBECIN BOUND TO THE N-TERMINUS OF YEAST HSP90. 2wep Yeast Hsp90 N-terminal domain LI-IV mutant with ADP 2weq Yeast Hsp90 N-terminal domain LI-IV mutant with Geldanamycin 2wer Yeast Hsp90 N-terminal domain LI-IV mutant with Radicicol 2wi1 Orally Active 2-Amino Thienopyrimidine Inhibitors of the Hsp90 Chaperone 2wi2 Orally Active 2-Amino Thienopyrimidine Inhibitors of the Hsp90 Chaperone 2wi3 Orally Active 2-Amino Thienopyrimidine Inhibitors of the Hsp90 Chaperone 2wi4 Orally Active 2-Amino Thienopyrimidine Inhibitors of the Hsp90 Chaperone 2wi5 Orally Active 2-Amino Thienopyrimidine Inhibitors of the Hsp90 Chaperone 2wi6 Orally Active 2-Amino Thienopyrimidine Inhibitors of the Hsp90 Chaperone 2wi7 Orally Active 2-Amino Thienopyrimidine Inhibitors of the Hsp90 Chaperone 2xab Structure of HSP90 with an inhibitor bound 2xcm COMPLEX OF HSP90 N-TERMINAL, SGT1 CS AND RAR1 CHORD2 DOMAIN 2xd6 Hsp90 complexed with a resorcylic acid macrolactone. 2xdk Structure of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xdl Structure of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xds Structure of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xdu Structure of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xdx Structre of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xhr Structure of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xht Structure of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xhx Structure of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xjg Structure of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xjj Structure of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xjx Structure of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xk2 Structure of HSP90 with small molecule inhibitor bound 2xx2 Macrolactone Inhibitor bound to HSP90 N-term 2xx4 Macrolactone Inhibitor bound to HSP90 N-term 2xx5 Macrolactone Inhibitor bound to HSP90 N-term 2ye2 HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2ye3 HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2ye4 HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2ye5 HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2ye6 HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2ye7 HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2ye8 HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2ye9 HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2yea HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2yeb HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2yec HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2yed HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2yee HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2yef HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2yeg HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2yeh HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2yei HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2yej HSP90 inhibitors and drugs from fragment and virtual screening 2yga E88G-N92L Mutant of N-Term HSP90 complexed with Geldanamycin 2yge E88G-N92L Mutant of N-Term HSP90 complexed with Geldanamycin 2ygf L89V, L93I and V136M Mutant of N-Term HSP90 complexed with Geldanamycin 2yi0 Structural characterization of 5-Aryl-4-(5-substituted-2-4- dihydroxyphenyl)-1,2,3-thiadiazole Hsp90 inhibitors. 2yi5 Structural characterization of 5-Aryl-4-(5-substituted-2-4- dihydroxyphenyl)-1,2,3-thiadiazole Hsp90 inhibitors. 2yi6 Structural characterization of 5-Aryl-4-(5-substituted-2-4- dihydroxyphenyl)-1,2,3-thiadiazole Hsp90 inhibitors. 2yi7 Structural characterization of 5-Aryl-4-(5-substituted-2-4- dihydroxyphenyl)-1,2,3-thiadiazole Hsp90 inhibitors. 2yjw Tricyclic series of Hsp90 inhibitors 2yjx Tricyclic series of Hsp90 inhibitors 2yk2 Tricyclic series of Hsp90 inhibitors 2yk9 Tricyclic series of Hsp90 inhibitors 2ykb Tricyclic series of Hsp90 inhibitors 2ykc Tricyclic series of Hsp90 inhibitors 2yke Tricyclic series of Hsp90 inhibitors 2yki Tricyclic series of Hsp90 inhibitors 2ykj Tricyclic series of Hsp90 inhibitors 2zbk Crystal structure of an intact type II DNA topoisomerase: insights into DNA transfer mechanisms 2zdx Inhibitor-bound structures of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 2zdy Inhibitor-bound structures of human pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 2zkj Crystal structure of human PDK4-ADP complex 3a0r Crystal structure of histidine kinase ThkA (TM1359) in complex with response regulator protein TrrA (TM1360) 3a0t Catalytic domain of histidine kinase ThkA (TM1359) in complex with ADP and Mg ion (trigonal) 3a0w Catalytic domain of histidine kinase ThkA (TM1359) for MAD phasing (nucleotide free form 2, orthorombic) 3a0x Catalytic domain of histidine kinase ThkA (TM1359) (nucleotide free form 1: ammomium phosphate, monoclinic) 3a0y Catalytic domain of histidine kinase ThkA (TM1359) (nucleotide free form 3: 1,2-propanediol, orthorombic) 3a0z Catalytic domain of histidine kinase ThkA (TM1359) (nucleotide free form 4: isopropanol, orthorombic) 3b24 Hsp90 alpha N-terminal domain in complex with an aminotriazine fragment molecule 3b25 Hsp90 alpha N-terminal domain in complex with an inhibitor CH4675194 3b26 Hsp90 alpha N-terminal domain in complex with an inhibitor Ro1127850 3b27 Hsp90 alpha N-terminal domain in complex with an inhibitor Ro4919127 3b28 Hsp90 alpha N-terminal domain in complex with an inhibitor CH5015765 3bm9 Discovery of Benzisoxazoles as Potent Inhibitors of Chaperone Hsp90 3bmy Discovery of Benzisoxazoles as Potent Inhibitors of Chaperone Hsp90 3c0e Yeast Hsp82 N-terminal domain: effects of mutants 98-99 KS-AA 3c11 Yeast Hsp82 N-terminal domain-Geldanamycin complex: effects of mutants 98-99 KS-AA 3cgy Crystal Structure of Salmonella Sensor Kinase PhoQ catalytic domain in complex with radicicol 3cgz Crystal Structure of Salmonella Sensor Kinase PhoQ catalytic domain 3crk Crystal structure of the PDHK2-L2 complex. 3crl Crystal structure of the PDHK2-L2 complex. 3d0b Crystal Structure of Benzamide Tetrahydro-4H-carbazol-4-one bound to Hsp90 3d2r Crystal structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 4 in complex with ADP 3d36 How to Switch Off a Histidine Kinase: Crystal Structure of Geobacillus stearothermophilus KinB with the Inhibitor Sda 3dge Structure of a histidine kinase-response regulator complex reveals insights into Two-component signaling and a novel cis-autophosphorylation mechanism 3ehf Crystal structure of DesKC in complex with AMP-PCP 3ehg Crystal structure of the ATP-binding domain of DesK in complex with ATP 3ehh Crystal structure of DesKC-H188V in complex with ADP 3ehj Crystal structure of DesKC-H188V in complex with AMP-PCP 3eko Dihydroxylphenyl amides as inhibitors of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone 3ekr Dihydroxylphenyl amides as inhibitors of the Hsp90 molecular chaperone 3ft5 Structure of HSP90 bound with a novel fragment 3ft8 Structure of HSP90 bound with a noval fragment. 3fv5 Crystal Structure of E. coli Topoisomerase IV co-complexed with inhibitor 3g75 Crystal structure of Staphylococcus aureus Gyrase B co-complexed with 4-METHYL-5-[3-(METHYLSULFANYL)-1H-PYRAZOL-5-YL]-2-THIOPHEN-2-YL-1,3-THIAZOLE inhibitor 3g7b Staphylococcus aureus Gyrase B co-complex with METHYL ({5-[4-(4-HYDROXYPIPERIDIN-1-YL)-2-PHENYL-1,3-THIAZOL-5-YL]-1H-PYRAZOL-3-YL}METHYL)CARBAMATE inhibitor 3g7e Crystal structure of E. coli Gyrase B co-complexed with PROP-2-YN-1-YL {[5-(4-PIPERIDIN-1-YL-2-PYRIDIN-3-YL-1,3-THIAZOL-5-YL)-1H-PYRAZOL-3-YL]METHYL}CARBAMATE inhibitor 3gie Crystal structure of DesKC_H188E in complex with AMP-PCP 3gif Crystal structure of DesKC_H188E in complex with ADP 3gig Crystal structure of phosphorylated DesKC in complex with AMP-PCP 3h4l Crystal Structure of N terminal domain of a DNA repair protein 3h80 Crystal structure of the amino-terminal domain of HSP90 from Leishmania major, LmjF33.0312:M1-K213 3hek HSP90 N-terminal domain in complex with 1-{4-[(2R)-1-(5-chloro-2,4-dihydroxybenzoyl)pyrrolidin-2-yl]benzyl}-3,3-difluoropyrrolidinium 3hhu Human heat-shock protein 90 (HSP90) in complex with {4-[3-(2,4-dihydroxy-5-isopropyl-phenyl)-5-thioxo- 1,5-dihydro-[1,2,4]triazol-4-yl]-benzyl}-carbamic acid ethyl ester {ZK 2819} 3hyy Crystal structure of Hsp90 with fragment 37-D04 3hyz Crystal structure of Hsp90 with fragment 42-C03 3hz1 Crystal structure of Hsp90 with fragments 37-D04 and 42-C03 3hz5 Crystal structure of Hsp90 with fragment Z064 3ied Crystal structure of N-terminal domain of Plasmodium falciparum Hsp90 (PF14_0417) in complex with AMPPN 3inw HSP90 N-TERMINAL DOMAIN with pochoxime A 3inx HSP90 N-TERMINAL DOMAIN with pochoxime B 3ja6 3JA6 3jz3 Structure of the cytoplasmic segment of histidine kinase QseC 3k60 Crystal structure of N-terminal domain of Plasmodium falciparum Hsp90 (PF07_0029) bound to ADP 3k97 HSP90 N-terminal domain in complex with 4-chloro-6-{[(2R)-2-(2-methylphenyl)pyrrolidin-1-yl]carbonyl}benzene-1,3-diol 3k98 HSP90 N-terminal domain in complex with (1R)-2-(5-chloro-2,4-dihydroxybenzoyl)-N-ethylisoindoline-1-carboxamide 3k99 HSP90 N-terminal domain in complex with 4-(1,3-dihydro-2H-isoindol-2-ylcarbonyl)benzene-1,3-diol 3ke6 The crystal structure of the RsbU and RsbW domains of Rv1364c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis 3lnu Crystal structure of ParE subunit 3lps Crystal structure of parE 3mnr Crystal Structure of Benzamide SNX-1321 bound to Hsp90 3nmq Hsp90b N-terminal domain in complex with EC44, a pyrrolo-pyrimidine methoxypyridine inhibitor 3o0i Structure of the human Hsp90-alpha N-domain bound to the hsp90 inhibitor PU-H54 3o2f Structure of the N-domain of GRP94 bound to the HSP90 inhibitor PU-H54 3o6o Crystal Structure of the N-terminal domain of an HSP90 from Trypanosoma Brucei, Tb10.26.1080 in the presence of an the inhibitor BIIB021 3omu Crystal Structure of the N-terminal domain of an HSP90 from Trypanosoma Brucei, Tb10.26.1080 in the presence of a thienopyrimidine derivative 3opd Crystal Structure of the N-terminal domain of an HSP90 from Trypanosoma Brucei, Tb10.26.1080 in the presence of a benzamide derivative 3ow6 Crystal Structure of HSP90 with N-Aryl-benzimidazolone I 3owb Crystal Structure of HSP90 with VER-49009 3owd Crystal Structure of HSP90 with N-Aryl-benzimidazolone II 3peh Crystal Structure of the N-terminal domain of an HSP90 from Plasmodium Falciparum, PFL1070c in the presence of a thienopyrimidine derivative 3pej Crystal Structure of the N-terminal domain of an HSP90 from Plasmodium Falciparum, PFL1070c in the presence of Macbecin 3q5j Crystal structure of the amino-terminal domain of HSP90 from Leishmania major, LMJF33.0312:M1-K213 in the presence of 17-DMAP-geldanamycin 3q5k Crystal structure of the amino-terminal domain of HSP90 from Leishmania major, LMJF33.0312:M1-K213 in the presence of an inhibitor 3q5l Crystal structure of the amino-terminal domain of HSP90 from Leishmania major, LMJF33.0312:M1-K 213 in the presence of 17-AEP-geldanamycin 3qdd HSP90A N-terminal domain in complex with BIIB021 3qtf Design and SAR of macrocyclic Hsp90 inhibitors with increased metabolic stability and potent cell-proliferation activity 3r4m Optimization of Potent, Selective, and Orally Bioavailable Pyrrolodinopyrimidine-containing Inhibitors of Heat Shock Protein 90. Identification of Development Candidate 2-amino-4-{4-chloro-2-[2-(4-fluoro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)ethoxy]-6-methylphenyl}-N-(2,2-difluoropropyl)-5,7-dihydro-6H-pyrrolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine-6-carboxamide 3r4n Optimization of Potent, Selective, and Orally Bioavailable Pyrrolodinopyrimidine-containing Inhibitors of Heat Shock Protein 90. Identification of Development Candidate 2-amino-4-{4-chloro-2-[2-(4-fluoro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)ethoxy]-6-methylphenyl}-N-(2,2-difluoropropyl)-5,7-dihydro-6H-pyrrolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine-6-carboxamide 3r4o Optimization of Potent, Selective, and Orally Bioavailable Pyrrolodinopyrimidine-containing Inhibitors of Heat Shock Protein 90. Identification of Development Candidate 2-amino-4-{4-chloro-2-[2-(4-fluoro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)ethoxy]-6-methylphenyl}-N-(2,2-difluoropropyl)-5,7-dihydro-6H-pyrrolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine-6-carboxamide 3r4p Optimization of potent, selective, and orally bioavailable pyrrolodinopyrimidine-containing inhibitors of heat shock protein 90. identification of development candidate 2-amino-4-{4-chloro-2-[2-(4-fluoro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)ethoxy]-6-methylphenyl}-N-(2,2-difluoropropyl)-5,7-dihydro-6H-pyrrolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine-6-carboxamide 3r91 Macrocyclic lactams as potent Hsp90 inhibitors with excellent tumor exposure and extended biomarker activity. 3r92 Discovery of a macrocyclic o-aminobenzamide Hsp90 inhibitor with heterocyclic tether that shows extended biomarker activity and in vivo efficacy in a mouse xenograft model. 3rkz Discovery of a stable macrocyclic o-aminobenzamide Hsp90 inhibitor capable of significantly decreasing tumor volume in a mouse xenograft model. 3rlp Co-crystal structure of the HSP90 ATP binding domain in complex with 4-(2,4-dichloro-5-methoxyphenyl)-6-methylpyrimidin-2-amine 3rlq Co-crystal structure of the HSP90 ATP binding domain in complex with 4-(2,4-dichloro-5-methoxyphenyl)-2-methyl-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine-5- carbonitrile 3rlr Co-crystal structure of the HSP90 ATP binding domain in complex with 4-(2,4-dichloro-5-methoxyphenyl)-2,6-dimethyl-7H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine-5-carbonitrile 3sl2 ATP Forms a Stable Complex with the Essential Histidine Kinase WalK (YycG) Domain 3t0h Structure insights into mechanisms of ATP hydrolysis and the activation of human Hsp90 3t0z Hsp90 N-terminal domain bound to ATP 3t10 HSP90 N-terminal domain bound to ACP 3t1k HSP90 N-terminal domain bound to ANP 3t2s HSP90 N-terminal domain bound to AGS 3ttz Crystal structure of a topoisomerase ATPase inhibitor 3tuh Crystal Structure of the N-terminal domain of an HSP90 in the presence of an the inhibitor ganetespib 3tz0 Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase/S-alpha-chloroisocaproate complex 3tz2 Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase/phenylbutyrate complex 3tz4 Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase/S-alpha-chloroisocaproate complex with ADP 3tz5 Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase/phenylbutyrate complex with ADP 3u2d S. aureus GyrB ATPase domain in complex with small molecule inhibitor 3u2k S. aureus GyrB ATPase domain in complex with a small molecule inhibitor 3u67 Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of Hsp90 from Leishmania major(LmjF33.0312)in complex with ADP 3ur1 The structure of a ternary complex between CheA domains P4 and P5 with CheW and with a truncated fragment of TM14, a chemoreceptor analog from Thermotoga maritima. 3vad Crystal structure of I170F mutant branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase in complex with 3,6-dichlorobenzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxylic acid 3vha Hsp90 alpha N-terminal domain in complex with a macrocyclic inhibitor 3vhc Hsp90 alpha N-terminal domain in complex with a macrocyclic inhibitor 3vhd Hsp90 alpha N-terminal domain in complex with a macrocyclic inhibitor, CH5164840 3wha Hsp90 alpha N-terminal domain in complex with a tricyclic inhibitor 3wq9 3WQ9 3zkb CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ATPASE REGION OF Mycobacterium tuberculosis GyrB WITH AMPPNP 3zkd CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ATPASE REGION OF Mycobacterium tuberculosis GyrB WITH AMPPNP 3zm7 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ATPASE REGION OF Mycobacterium tuberculosis GyrB WITH AMPPCP 3zxo CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MUTANT ATP-BINDING DOMAIN OF MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS DOSS 3zxq CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ATP-BINDING DOMAIN OF MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS DOST 4as9 The structure of modified benzoquinone ansamycins bound to yeast N- terminal Hsp90 4asa The structure of modified benzoquinone ansamycins bound to yeast N- terminal Hsp90 4asb The structure of modified benzoquinone ansamycins bound to yeast N- terminal Hsp90 4asf The structure of modified benzoquinone ansamycins bound to yeast N- terminal Hsp90 4asg The structure of modified benzoquinone ansamycins bound to yeast N- terminal Hsp90 4awo Complex of HSP90 ATPase domain with tropane derived inhibitors 4awp Complex of HSP90 ATPase domain with tropane derived inhibitors 4awq Complex of HSP90 ATPase domain with tropane derived inhibitors 4b6c Structure of the M. smegmatis GyrB ATPase domain in complex with an aminopyrazinamide 4b7p Structure of HSP90 with NMS-E973 inhibitor bound 4bae Optimisation of pyrroleamides as mycobacterial GyrB ATPase inhibitors: Structure Activity Relationship and in vivo efficacy in the mouse model of tuberculosis 4biu Crystal structure of CpxAHDC (orthorhombic form 1) 4biv Crystal structure of CpxAHDC (trigonal form) 4biw Crystal structure of CpxAHDC (hexagonal form) 4bix Crystal structure of CpxAHDC (monoclinic form 1) 4biy Crystal structure of CpxAHDC (monoclinic form 2) 4biz Crystal structure of CpxAHDC (orthorhombic form 2) 4bqg structure of HSP90 with an inhibitor bound 4bqj structure of HSP90 with an inhibitor bound 4bxi 4BXI 4cb0 Crystal structure of CpxAHDC in complex with ATP (hexagonal form) 4ce1 Hsp90 N-terminal domain bound to macrolactam analogues of radicicol. 4ce2 Hsp90 N-terminal domain bound to macrolactam analogues of radicicol. 4ce3 Hsp90 N-terminal domain bound to macrolactam analogues of radicicol. 4cti Escherichia coli EnvZ histidine kinase catalytic part fused to Archaeoglobus fulgidus Af1503 HAMP domain 4cwf 4CWF 4cwn 4CWN 4cwo 4CWO 4cwp 4CWP 4cwq 4CWQ 4cwr 4CWR 4cws 4CWS 4cwt 4CWT 4duh Crystal structure of 24 kDa domain of E. coli DNA gyrase B in complex with small molecule inhibitor 4dzy Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase/(S)-2-chloro-3-phenylpropanoic acid complex with ADP 4e00 Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase/3,6-dichlorobenzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxylic acid complex with ADP 4e01 Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase/3,6-dichlorobenzo[b]thiophene-2-carboxylic acid complex with AMPPNP 4e02 Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase/(S)-2-chloro-3-phenylpropanoic acid complex with AMPPNP 4eeh Hsp90 Alpha N-terminal Domain in Complex with an Inhibitor 3-(4-Hydroxy-phenyl)-1H-indazol-6-ol 4eft Hsp90 Alpha N-terminal Domain in Complex with an Inhibitor 3-Cyclohexyl-2-(6-hydroxy-1H-indazol-3-yl)-propionitrile 4efu Hsp90 Alpha N-terminal Domain in Complex with an Inhibitor 6-Hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-benzyl)-1H-indazole-5-carboxylic acid benzyl-methyl-amide 4egh Hsp90-alpha ATPase domain in complex with (4-Hydroxyphenyl)morpholin-4-yl methanone 4egi Hsp90-alpha ATPase domain in complex with 2-Amino-4-ethylthio-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine 4egk Human Hsp90-alpha ATPase domain bound to Radicicol 4em7 Crystal structure of a topoisomerase ATP inhibitor 4emv Crystal structure of a topoisomerase ATP inhibitor 4fcp Targetting conserved water molecules: Design of 4-aryl-5-cyanopyrrolo [2,3-d] pyrimidine Hsp90 inhibitors using fragment-based screening and structure-based optimization 4fcq Targeting conserved water molecules: Design of 4-aryl-5-cyanopyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine Hsp90 inhibitors using fragment-based screening and structure-based optimization 4fcr Targeting conserved water molecules: Design of 4-aryl-5-cyanopyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine Hsp90 inhibitors using fragment-based screening and structure-based optimization 4gcz Structure of a blue-light photoreceptor 4gee Pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitors of DNA gyrase B and topoisomerase IV, part I: structure guided discovery and optimization of dual targeting agents with potent, broad-spectrum enzymatic activity. 4gfh Topoisomerase II-DNA-AMPPNP complex 4gfn Pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitors of dna gyrase b and topoisomerase iv, part i: structure guided discovery and optimization of dual targeting agents with potent, broad-spectrum enzymatic 4ggl Pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitors of dna gyrase b and topoisomerase iv, part i: structure guided discovery and optimization of dual targeting agents with potent, broad-spectrum enzymatic activity 4gqt N-terminal domain of C. elegans Hsp90 4gt8 Crystal Structure of the Catalytic and ATP-binding Domain from VraS in Complex with ADP 4h7q Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase in complex with alpha-ketoisocaproic acid and ADP 4h81 Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase/(R)-2-chloro-3-phenylpropanoic acid complex with ADP 4h85 Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinase/(R)-alpha-chloroisocaproate complex with ADP 4hxw Pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitors of dna gyrase b and topoisomerase iv, part i: structure guided discovery and optimization of dual targeting agents with potent, broad-spectrum enzymatic activity. 4hxz Pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitors of dna gyrase b and topoisomerase iv, part i: structure guided discovery and optimization of dual targeting agents with potent, broad-spectrum enzymatic activity. 4hy1 Pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitors of dna gyrase b and topoisomerase iv, part i: structure guided discovery and optimization of dual targeting agents with potent, broad-spectrum enzymatic activity. 4hy6 Crystal Structure of the human Hsp90-alpha N-domain bound to the hsp90 inhibitor FJ1 4hym Pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitors of dna gyrase b and topoisomerase iv, part i: structure guided discovery and optimization of dual targeting agents with potent, broad-spectrum enzymatic activity. 4hyp Pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitors of dna gyrase b and topoisomerase iv, part i: structure guided discovery and optimization of dual targeting agents with potent, broad-spectrum enzymatic activity. 4hz0 Pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitors of dna gyrase b and topoisomerase iv, part i: structure guided discovery and optimization of dual targeting agents with potent, broad-spectrum enzymatic activity. 4hz5 Pyrrolopyrimidine inhibitors of dna gyrase b and topoisomerase iv, part i: structure guided discovery and optimization of dual targeting agents with potent, broad-spectrum enzymatic activity 4i3h A three-gate structure of topoisomerase IV from Streptococcus pneumoniae 4i5s Structure and function of sensor histidine kinase 4ipe Crystal structure of mitochondrial Hsp90 (TRAP1) with AMPPNP 4ivg Crystal structure of mitochondrial Hsp90 (TRAP1) NTD-Middle domain dimer with AMPPNP 4iyn Structure of mitochondrial Hsp90 (TRAP1) with ADP-ALF4- 4j0b Structure of mitochondrial Hsp90 (TRAP1) with ADP-BeF3 4jas Structural basis of a rationally rewired protein-protein interface (HK853mutant A268V, A271G, T275M, V294T and D297E and RR468mutant V13P, L14I, I17M and N21V) 4jau Structural basis of a rationally rewired protein-protein interface (HK853mutant A268V, A271G, T275M, V294T and D297E) 4jav Structural basis of a rationally rewired protein-protein interface (HK853wt and RR468mutant V13P, L14I, I17M and N21V) 4jpb The structure of a ternary complex between CheA domains P4 and P5 with CheW and with an unzipped fragment of TM14, a chemoreceptor analog from Thermotoga maritima. 4jql Synthesis of Benzoquinone-Ansamycin-Inspired Macrocyclic Lactams from Shikimic Acid 4juo A low-resolution three-gate structure of topoisomerase IV from Streptococcus pneumoniae in space group H32 4k4o The DNA Gyrase B ATP binding domain of Enterococcus faecalis in complex with a small molecule inhibitor 4kfg The DNA Gyrase B ATP binding domain of Escherichia coli in complex with a small molecule inhibitor. 4kp4 Deciphering cis-trans directionality and visualizing autophosphorylation in histidine kinases. 4kqv Topoisomerase iv atp binding domain of francisella tularensis in complex with a small molecule inhibitor 4ksg Dna gyrase atp binding domain of enterococcus faecalis in complex with a small molecule inhibitor (4-[(1S,5R,6R)-6-AMINO-1-METHYL-3-AZABICYCLO[3.2.0]HEPT-3-YL]-6-FLUORO-N-METHYL-2-[(2-METHYLPYRIMIDIN-5-YL)OXY]-9H-PYRIMIDO[4,5-B]INDOL-8-AMINE) 4ksh Dna gyrase atp binding domain of enterococcus faecalis in complex with a small molecule inhibitor (7-({4-[(3R)-3-AMINOPYRROLIDIN-1-YL]-5-CHLORO-6-ETHYL-7H-PYRROLO[2,3-D]PYRIMIDIN-2-YL}SULFANYL)-1,5-NAPHTHYRIDIN-1(4H)-OL) 4ktn Dna gyrase atp binding domain of enterococcus faecalis in complex with a small molecule inhibitor ((3S)-1-[2-(PYRIDO[2,3-B]PYRAZIN-7-YLSULFANYL)-9H-PYRIMIDO[4,5-B]INDOL-4-YL]PYRROLIDIN-3-AMINE) 4l8z 4L8Z 4l90 4L90 4l91 4L91 4l93 4L93 4l94 4L94 4lp0 Crystal structure of a topoisomerase ATP inhibitor 4lpb Crystal structure of a topoisomerase ATPase inhibitor 4lwe 4LWE 4lwf 4LWF 4lwg 4LWG 4lwh 4LWH 4lwi 4LWI 4mb9 Structure of Streptococcus pneumonia ParE in complex with AZ13102335 4mbc Structure of Streptococcus pneumonia ParE in complex with AZ13053807 4mot Structure of Streptococcus pneumonia pare in complex with AZ13072886 4mp2 Crystal structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 2 in complex with inhibitor PA1 4mp7 Crystal structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 2 in complex with inhibitor PA7 4mpc Crystal structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 2 in complex with inhibitor PS2 4mpe Crystal structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 2 in complex with inhibitor PS8 4mpn Crystal structure of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase isoform 2 in complex with inhibitor PS10 4nh7 Correlation between chemotype-dependent binding conformations of HSP90 alpha/beta and isoform selectivity 4nh8 Correlation between chemotype-dependent binding conformations of HSP90 alpha/beta and isoform selectivity 4nh9 Correlation between chemotype-dependent binding conformations of HSP90 alpha/beta and isoform selectivity 4o04 4O04 4o05 Identification of novel HSP90/isoform selective inhibitors using structure-based drug design. Demonstration of potential utility in treating CNS disorders such as Huntington's disease 4o07 Identification of novel HSP90/isoform selective inhibitors using structure-based drug design. Demonstration of potential utility in treating CNS disorders such as Huntington's disease 4o09 Identification of novel HSP90 / isoform selective inhibitors using structure-based drug design. Demonstration of potential utility in treating CNS disorders such as Huntington s disease 4o0b Identification of novel HSP90/isoform selective inhibitors using structure-based drug design. Demonstration of potential utility in treating CNS disorders such as Huntington's disease 4p7a Crystal Structure of human MLH1 4p8o 4P8O 4pl9 4PL9 4prv 4PRV 4prx 4PRX 4pu9 4PU9 4q20 Crystal structure of a C-terminal part of tyrosine kinase (DivL) from Caulobacter crescentus CB15 at 2.50 A resolution (PSI Community Target, Shapiro) 4r1f 4R1F 4r39 4R39 4r3a 4R3A 4r3m 4R3M 4u7n 4U7N 4u7o 4U7O 4u93 4U93 4url 4URL 4urm 4URM 4urn 4URN 4uro 4URO 4v25 4V25 4v26 4V26 4w7t 4W7T 4wub 4WUB 4wuc 4WUC 4wud 4WUD 4x9l 4X9L 4xc0 4XC0 4xcj 4XCJ 4xcl 4XCL 4xd8 4XD8 4xdm 4XDM 4xe2 4XE2 4xip 4XIP 4xiq 4XIQ 4xir 4XIR 4xit 4XIT 4xiv 4XIV 4xka 4XKA 4xkk 4XKK 4xko 4XKO 4xtj 4XTJ 4ykq 4YKQ 4ykr 4YKR 4ykt 4YKT 4yku 4YKU 4ykw 4YKW 4ykx 4YKX 4yky 4YKY 4ykz 4YKZ 4z1f 4Z1F 4z1g 4Z1G 4z1h 4Z1H 4z1i 4Z1I 4zki 4ZKI 4zvi 4ZVI 5akb 5AKB 5akc 5AKC 5akd 5AKD 5boc 5BOC 5bod 5BOD 5c93 5C93 5cf0 5CF0 5cph 5CPH 5ctu 5CTU 5ctw 5CTW 5ctx 5CTX 5cty 5CTY 5d6p 5D6P 5d6q 5D6Q 5d7c 5D7C 5d7d 5D7D 5d7r 5D7R 5f3k 5F3K 5f5r 5F5R 5fnc 5FNC 5fnd 5FND 5fnf 5FNF 5fwk 5FWK 5fwl 5FWL 5fwm 5FWM 5fwp 5FWP 5hph 5HPH 5idj 5IDJ 5idm 5IDM 5in9 5IN9 5l3j 5L3J - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)