The domain within your query sequence starts at position 2 and ends at position 56; the E-value for the UBQ domain shown below is 2e-27.
The domain was found using the schnipsel database
UBQUbiquitin homologues |
SMART accession number: | SM00213 |
Description: | Ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis is involved in the regulated turnover of proteins required for controlling cell cycle progression |
Interpro abstract (IPR000626): | Ubiquitin is a globular protein, the last four C-terminal residues (Leu-Arg-Gly-Gly) extending from the compact structure to form a 'tail', important for its function. The latter is mediated by the covalent conjugation of ubiquitin to target proteins, by an isopeptide linkage between the C-terminal glycine and the epsilon amino group of lysine residues in the target proteins. Ubiquitin is a protein of 76 amino acid residues, found in all eukaryotic cells and whose sequence is extremely well conserved from protozoan to vertebrates. Ubiquitin acts through its post-translational attachment (ubiquitinylation) to other proteins, where these modifications alter the function, location or trafficking of the protein, or targets it for destruction by the 26S proteasome [ (PUBMED:15454246) ]. Ubiquitin is expressed as three different precursors: a polymeric head-to-tail concatemer of identical units (polyubiquitin), and two N-terminal ubiquitin moieties, UbL40 and UbS27, that are fused to the ribosomal polypeptides L40 and S27, respectively. Specific endopeptidases cleave these precursor molecules [ (PUBMED:15571815) ] to release ubiquitin moieties that are identical in sequence and contribute to the ubiquitin pool [ (PUBMED:16185873) ]. Some organisms express additional ubiquitin fusion proteins [ (PUBMED:12729753) ]. Furthermore, there are several ubiquitin-like proteins derived from ubiquitin [ (PUBMED:12826404) ]. This entry represents a domain characteristic of ubiquitin (Ub) and ubiquitin-like (Ubl) proteins such as SUMO [ (PUBMED:17491593) (PUBMED:15479240) ] and Nedd8 [ (PUBMED:9857030) ]. |
GO function: | protein binding (GO:0005515) |
Family alignment: |
There are 49174 UBQ domains in 38515 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing UBQ domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with UBQ domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing UBQ domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Bedford MT, Leder P
- The FF domain: a novel motif that often accompanies WW domains.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1999; 24: 264-5
- Hofmann K, Bucher P
- The PCI domain: a common theme in three multiprotein complexes.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1998; 23: 204-5
- Haas AL
- Introduction: evolving roles for ubiquitin in cellular regulation.
- FASEB J. 1997; 11: 1053-4
- Haas AL, Siepmann TJ
- Pathways of ubiquitin conjugation.
- FASEB J. 1997; 11: 1257-68
- Display abstract
The covalent attachment of the polypeptide ubiquitin to proteins marks them for degradation by the ubiquitin/26S proteasome-dependent degradation pathway. This pathway functions in regulating many fundamental processes required for cell viability. Phylogenetic analysis of ubiquitin sequences reveals greater variability among lower eukaryotes and defines essential residues, many of which are conserved among the three ubiquitin-like proteins known to undergo parallel ligation pathways. The hierarchical design of the ubiquitin conjugation mechanism provides great flexibility for the divergent evolution of new functions mediated by this posttranslational modification. Within this hierarchy, a single ubiquitin-activating enzyme provides charged intermediates to multiple targeting pathways defined by cognate ubiquitin carrier protein (E2)/ligase (E3) pairs. Sequence analysis of E2 isozymes shows that the E2 superfamily is composed of distinct function-specific families. The apparent lack of E2/E3 specificity suggested in the literature results from the presence of multiple isozymes within many E2 families and erroneous family assignments based on incomplete data sets. Other apparent inconsistencies are explained by interfamily sequence relationships among some E2 isoforms.
- Hershko A
- Roles of ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis in cell cycle control.
- Curr Opin Cell Biol. 1997; 9: 788-99
- Display abstract
Selective degradation of cyclins, inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases and anaphase inhibitors is responsible for several major cell cycle transitions. The degradation of these cell cycle regulators is controlled by the action of ubiquitin-protein-ligase complexes, which target the regulators for degradation by the 26S proteasome. Recent results indicate that two types of multisubunit ubiquitin ligase complexes, which are connected to the protein kinase regulatory network of the cell cycle in different ways, are responsible for the specific and programmed degradation of many cell cycle regulators.
- Saitoh H, Pu RT, Dasso M
- SUMO-1: wrestling with a new ubiquitin-related modifier.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1997; 22: 374-6
- Hochstrasser M
- Ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation.
- Annu Rev Genet. 1996; 30: 405-39
- Display abstract
A growing number of cellular regulatory mechanisms are being linked to protein modification by the polypeptide ubiquitin. These include key transitions in the cell cycle, class I antigen processing, signal transduction pathways, and receptor-mediated endocytosis. In most, but not all, of these examples, ubiquitination of a protein leads to its degradation by the 26S proteasome. Following attachment of ubiquitin to a substrate and binding of the ubiquitinated protein to the proteasome, the bound substrate must be unfolded (and eventually deubiquitinated) and translocated through a narrow set of channels that leads to the proteasome interior, where the polypeptide is cleaved into short peptides. Protein ubiquitination and deubiquitination are both mediated by large enzyme families, and the proteasome itself comprises a family of related but functionally distinct particles. This diversity underlies both the high substrate specificity of the ubiquitin system and the variety of regulatory mechanisms that it serves.
- Hofmann K, Bucher P
- The UBA domain: a sequence motif present in multiple enzyme classes of the ubiquitination pathway.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1996; 21: 172-3
- Isaksson A, Musti AM, Bohmann D
- Ubiquitin in signal transduction and cell transformation.
- Biochim Biophys Acta. 1996; 1288: 219-219
- Display abstract
Since the discovery of ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation almost two decades ago, great strides have been made towards a detailed understanding of the biochemistry of this process (reviewed in [1-3]). It was, however, only in recent years that the physiological role of the ubiquitin system in signal transduction and the regulation of several cell functions started to be appreciated and experimentally addressed. As with other principal mechanisms of signal transduction, such as phosphorylation or GTP hydrolysis, much of the information regarding the role of the ubiquitin system as a component of cell regulation and signaling cascades, was gained in studies of transformation and the control of cell growth. It seems, however, that ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis, and possibly other processes that are controlled by protein ubiquitination, play a role in many aspects of cellular function from the control of differentiation to intracellular trafficking [1,3,4]. Here we will review some of the results that implicate ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis in the control of cell growth and that indicate how perturbations of ubiquitin-dependent degradation of oncogene and tumor suppressor gene products may contribute to cell transformation and oncogenesis.
- Watkins JF, Sung P, Prakash L, Prakash S
- The Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA repair gene RAD23 encodes a nuclear protein containing a ubiquitin-like domain required for biological function.
- Mol Cell Biol. 1993; 13: 7757-65
- Display abstract
In eukaryotes, the posttranslational conjugation of ubiquitin to various cellular proteins marks them for degradation. Interestingly, several proteins have been reported to contain ubiquitin-like (ub-like) domains that are in fact specified by the DNA coding sequences of the proteins. The biological role of the ub-like domain in these proteins is not known; however, it has been proposed that this domain functions as a degradation signal rendering the proteins unstable. Here, we report that the product of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD23 gene, which is involved in excision repair of UV-damaged DNA, bears a ub-like domain at its amino terminus. This finding has presented an opportunity to define the functional significance of this domain. We show that deletion of the ub-like domain impairs the DNA repair function of RAD23 and that this domain can be functionally substituted by the authentic ubiquitin sequence. Surprisingly, RAD23 is highly stable, and the studies reported herein indicate that its ub-like domain does not mediate protein degradation. Thus, in RAD23 at least, the ub-like domain affects protein function in a nonproteolytic manner.
- Ozkaynak E, Finley D, Solomon MJ, Varshavsky A
- The yeast ubiquitin genes: a family of natural gene fusions.
- EMBO J. 1987; 6: 1429-39
- Display abstract
Ubiquitin is a 76-residue protein highly conserved among eukaryotes. Conjugation of ubiquitin to intracellular proteins mediates their selective degradation in vivo. We describe a family of four ubiquitin-coding loci in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. UB11, UB12 and UB13 encode hybrid proteins in which ubiquitin is fused to unrelated ('tail') amino acid sequences. The ubiquitin coding elements of UB11 and UB12 are interrupted at identical positions by non-homologous introns. UB11 and UB12 encode identical 52-residue tails, whereas UB13 encodes a different 76-residue tail. The tail amino acid sequences are highly conserved between yeast and mammals. Each tail contains a putative metal-binding, nucleic acid-binding domain of the form Cys-X2-4-Cys-X2-15-Cys-X2-4-Cys, suggesting that these proteins may function by binding to DNA. The fourth gene, UB14, encodes a polyubiquitin precursor protein containing five ubiquitin repeats in a head-to-tail, spacerless arrangement. All four ubiquitin genes are expressed in exponentially growing cells, while in stationary-phase cells the expression of UB11 and UB12 is repressed. The UB14 gene, which is strongly inducible by starvation, high temperatures and other stresses, contains in its upstream region strong homologies to the consensus 'heat shock box' nucleotide sequence. Elsewhere we show that the essential function of the UB14 gene is to provide ubiquitin to cells under stress.
- Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
Click the image to view the interactive version of the map in iPath% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 45.36 map03010 Ribosome 13.40 map05020 Parkinson's disease 13.40 map04120 Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis 11.34 map03320 PPAR signaling pathway 6.19 map05211 Renal cell carcinoma 5.15 map00380
Tryptophan metabolism 2.06 map01040 Biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids 1.03 map03022 Basal transcription factors 1.03 map00632
Benzoate degradation via CoA ligation 1.03 map00903 Limonene and pinene degradation This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with UBQ domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing UBQ domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of UBQ domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1a5r STRUCTURE DETERMINATION OF THE SMALL UBIQUITIN-RELATED MODIFIER SUMO-1, NMR, 10 STRUCTURES 1aar STRUCTURE OF A DIUBIQUITIN CONJUGATE AND A MODEL FOR INTERACTION WITH UBIQUITIN CONJUGATING ENZYME (E2) 1bt0 STRUCTURE OF UBIQUITIN-LIKE PROTEIN, RUB1 1c3t ROTAMER STRAIN AS A DETERMINANT OF PROTEIN STRUCTURAL SPECIFICITY 1cmx STRUCTURAL BASIS FOR THE SPECIFICITY OF UBIQUITIN C-TERMINAL HYDROLASES 1d3z UBIQUITIN NMR STRUCTURE 1euv X-RAY STRUCTURE OF THE C-TERMINAL ULP1 PROTEASE DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH SMT3, THE YEAST ORTHOLOG OF SUMO. 1f9j STRUCTURE OF A NEW CRYSTAL FORM OF TETRAUBIQUITIN 1fxt STRUCTURE OF A CONJUGATING ENZYME-UBIQUITIN THIOLESTER COMPLEX 1g6j STRUCTURE OF RECOMBINANT HUMAN UBIQUITIN IN AOT REVERSE MICELLES 1gjz Solution structure of a dimeric N-terminal fragment of human ubiquitin 1iyf Solution structure of ubiquitin-like domain of human parkin 1j8c Solution Structure of the Ubiquitin-like Domain of hPLIC-2 1l2n Smt3 Solution Structure 1lm8 Structure of a HIF-1a-pVHL-ElonginB-ElonginC Complex 1lqb Crystal structure of a hydroxylated HIF-1 alpha peptide bound to the pVHL/elongin-C/elongin-B complex 1m94 Solution Structure of the Yeast Ubiquitin-Like Modifier Protein Hub1 1mg8 NMR structure of ubiquitin-like domain in murine Parkin 1nbf Crystal structure of a UBP-family deubiquitinating enzyme in isolation and in complex with ubiquitin aldehyde 1ndd STRUCTURE OF NEDD8 1ogw Synthetic Ubiquitin with fluoro-Leu at 50 and 67 1oqy Structure of the DNA repair protein hHR23a 1otr Solution Structure of a CUE-Ubiquitin Complex 1p1a NMR structure of ubiquitin-like domain of hHR23B 1p3q Mechanism of Ubiquitin Recognition by the CUE Domain of VPS9 1p98 High-resolution NMR structure of the Ubl-domain of HHR23A 1p9d High-resolution structure of the complex of HHR23A ubiquitin-like domain and the C-terminal ubiquitin-interacting motif of proteasome subunit S5a 1q0w Solution structure of Vps27 amino-terminal UIM-ubiquitin complex 1q5w Ubiquitin Recognition by Npl4 Zinc-Fingers 1qze HHR23a protein structure based on residual dipolar coupling data 1r4m APPBP1-UBA3-NEDD8, an E1-ubiquitin-like protein complex 1r4n APPBP1-UBA3-NEDD8, an E1-ubiquitin-like protein complex with ATP 1s1q TSG101(UEV) domain in complex with Ubiquitin 1sif Crystal structure of a multiple hydrophobic core mutant of ubiquitin 1tbe STRUCTURE OF TETRAUBIQUITIN SHOWS HOW MULTIUBIQUITIN CHAINS CAN BE FORMED 1tgz Structure of human Senp2 in complex with SUMO-1 1ttn Solution structure of the ubiquitin-like domain of human DC-UBP from dendritic cells 1u4a Solution structure of human SUMO-3 C47S 1ubi SYNTHETIC STRUCTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL STUDIES OF THE UBIQUITIN SYSTEM. PART 1 1ubq STRUCTURE OF UBIQUITIN REFINED AT 1.8 ANGSTROMS RESOLUTION 1ud7 SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE DESIGNED HYDROPHOBIC CORE MUTANT OF UBIQUITIN, 1D7 1uel Solution structure of ubiquitin-like domain of hHR23B complexed with ubiquitin-interacting motif of proteasome subunit S5a 1uzx A complex of the Vps23 UEV with ubiquitin 1v5o Solution Structure of the Ubiquitin-like Domain from Mouse Hypothetical 1700011N24Rik Protein 1v5t Solution Structure of the Ubiquitin-like Domain from Mouse Hypothetical 8430435I17Rik Protein 1v80 Solution structures of ubiquitin at 30 bar and 3 kbar 1v81 Solution structures of ubiquitin at 30 bar and 3 kbar 1v86 Solution structure of the ubiquitin domain from mouse D7Wsu128e protein 1vcb THE VHL-ELONGINC-ELONGINB STRUCTURE 1we6 Solution structure of Ubiquitin-like domain in splicing factor AAL91182 1we7 Solution structure of Ubiquitin-like domain in SF3a120 1wgd Solution structure of the Ubl-domain of Herp 1wgg Solution Structure of the N-terminal Ubiquitin-like Domain of Mouse Ubiquitin Specific Protease 14 (USP14) 1wh3 Solution structure of C-terminal ubiquitin like domain of human 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase-like protain (p59 OASL) 1wia Solution structure of mouse hypothetical ubiquitin-like protein BAB25500 1wm2 Crystal structure of human SUMO-2 protein 1wm3 Crystal structure of human SUMO-2 protein 1wr1 The complex sturcture of Dsk2p UBA with ubiquitin 1wr6 Crystal structure of GGA3 GAT domain in complex with ubiquitin 1wrd Crystal structure of Tom1 GAT domain in complex with ubiquitin 1wx7 Solution Structure of the N-terminal Ubiquitin-like Domain in the Human Ubiquilin 3 (UBQLN3) 1wx8 Solution Structure of the N-terminal Ubiquitin-like Domain in the 4931431F19Rik Protein 1wx9 Solution Structure of the N-terminal Ubiquitin-like Domain in the Human BAT3 Protein 1wxv Solution structure of the ubiquitin domain of BCL-2 binding athanogene-1 1wy8 Solution Structure of the N-terminal Ubiquitin-like Domain in Human Np95/ICBP90-like Ring Finger Protein (NIRF) 1wyw Crystal Structure of SUMO1-conjugated thymine DNA glycosylase 1wz0 Solution Structure of Human SUMO-2 (SMT3B), a Ubiquitin-like Protein 1x1m Solution Structure of the N-terminal Ubiquitin-like Domain in Mouse Ubiquitin-like Protein SB132 1xd3 Crystal structure of UCHL3-UbVME complex 1xqq Simultaneous determination of protein structure and dynamics 1xt9 Crystal Structure of Den1 in complex with Nedd8 1y8r SUMO E1 ACTIVATING ENZYME SAE1-SAE2-SUMO1-MG-ATP COMPLEX 1yd8 COMPLEX OF HUMAN GGA3 GAT DOMAIN AND UBIQUITIN 1yiw X-ray Crystal Structure of a Chemically Synthesized Ubiquitin 1yj1 X-ray Crystal Structure of a Chemically Synthesized [D-Gln35]Ubiquitin 1yqb Human Ubiquilin 3 1yx5 Solution Structure of S5a UIM-1/Ubiquitin Complex 1yx6 Solution Structure of S5a UIM-2/Ubiquitin Complex 1z2m Crystal Structure of ISG15, the Interferon-Induced Ubiquitin Cross Reactive Protein 1z5s Crystal structure of a complex between UBC9, SUMO-1, RANGAP1 and NUP358/RANBP2 1zgu Solution structure of the human Mms2-Ubiquitin complex 1zkh Solution structure of a human ubiquitin-like domain in SF3A1 1zw7 Elimination of the C-cap in Ubiquitin Structure, Dynamics and Thermodynamic Consequences 2asq Solution Structure of SUMO-1 in Complex with a SUMO-binding Motif (SBM) 2awt Solution Structure of Human Small Ubiquitin-Like Modifier Protein Isoform 2 (SUMO-2) 2ayo Structure of USP14 bound to ubquitin aldehyde 2bf8 Crystal structure of SUMO modified ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2- 25K 2bgf NMR structure of Lys48-linked di-ubiquitin using chemical shift perturbation data together with RDCs and 15N-relaxation data 2bkr NEDD8 NEDP1 complex 2bwe The crystal structure of the complex between the UBA and UBL domains of Dsk2 2bwf Crystal sturcture of the UBL domain of Dsk2 from S. cerevisiae 2c7m human Rabex-5 residues 1-74 in complex with Ubiquitin 2c7n Human Rabex-5 residues 1-74 in complex with Ubiquitin 2c9w CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF SOCS-2 IN COMPLEX WITH ELONGIN-B AND ELONGIN-C AT 1.9A RESOLUTION 2ckh SENP1-SUMO2 complex 2d07 Crystal Structure of SUMO-3-modified Thymine-DNA Glycosylase 2d3g Double sided ubiquitin binding of Hrs-UIM 2den Solution Structure of the Ubiquitin-Associated Domain of Human BMSC-UbP and its Complex with Ubiquitin 2dx5 The complex structure between the mouse EAP45-GLUE domain and ubiquitin 2dzi 2DZI/Solution Structure of the N-terminal Ubiquitin-like Domain in Human Ubiquitin-like Protein 4A (GDX) 2eke Structure of a SUMO-binding-motif mimic bound to Smt3p-Ubc9p: conservation of a noncovalent Ubiquitin-like protein-E2 complex as a platform for selective interactions within a SUMO pathway 2faz Ubiquitin-Like Domain of Human Nuclear Zinc Finger Protein NP95 2fcm X-ray Crystal Structure of a Chemically Synthesized [D-Gln35]Ubiquitin with a Cubic Space Group 2fcn X-ray Crystal Structure of a Chemically Synthesized [D-Val35]Ubiquitin with a Cubic Space Group 2fcq X-ray Crystal Structure of a Chemically Synthesized Ubiquitin with a Cubic Space Group 2fcs X-ray Crystal Structure of a Chemically Synthesized [L-Gln35]Ubiquitin with a Cubic Space Group 2fid Crystal Structure of a Bovine Rabex-5 fragment complexed with ubiquitin 2fif Crystal Structure of a Bovine Rabex-5 fragment complexed with ubiquitin 2fnj Crystal structure of a B30.2/SPRY domain-containing protein GUSTAVUS in complex with Elongin B and Elongin C 2fuh Solution Structure of the UbcH5c/Ub Non-covalent Complex 2g3q Solution Structure of Ede1 UBA-ubiquitin complex 2g45 Co-crystal structure of znf ubp domain from the deubiquitinating enzyme isopeptidase T (isot) in complex with ubiquitin 2g4d Crystal structure of human SENP1 mutant (C603S) in complex with SUMO-1 2gbj Crystal Structure of the 9-10 8 Glycine Insertion Mutant of Ubiquitin. 2gbk Crystal Structure of the 9-10 MoaD Insertion Mutant of Ubiquitin 2gbm Crystal Structure of the 35-36 8 Glycine Insertion Mutant of Ubiquitin 2gbn Crystal Structure of the 35-36 8 Glycine Insertion Mutant of Ubiquitin 2gbr Crystal Structure of the 35-36 MoaD Insertion Mutant of Ubiquitin 2gmi Mms2/Ubc13~Ubiquitin 2hd5 USP2 in complex with ubiquitin 2hj8 Solution NMR structure of the C-terminal domain of the interferon alpha-inducible ISG15 protein from Homo sapiens. Northeast Structural Genomics target HR2873B 2hth Structural basis for ubiquitin recognition by the human EAP45/ESCRT-II GLUE domain 2ibi Covalent Ubiquitin-USP2 Complex 2io0 Crystal structure of human Senp2 in complex with preSUMO-2 2io1 Crystal structure of human Senp2 in complex with preSUMO-3 2io2 Crystal structure of human Senp2 in complex with RanGAP1-SUMO-1 2io3 Crystal structure of human Senp2 in complex with RanGAP1-SUMO-2 2iy0 SENP1 (mutant) SUMO1 RanGAP 2iy1 SENP1 (mutant) full length SUMO1 2iyd SENP1 covalent complex with SUMO-2 2izv CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF SOCS-4 IN COMPLEX WITH ELONGIN-B AND ELONGIN-C AT 2.55A RESOLUTION 2j7q Crystal structure of the ubiquitin-specific protease encoded by murine cytomegalovirus tegument protein M48 in complex with a ubquitin-based suicide substrate 2jf5 crystal structure of Lys63-linked di-ubiquitin 2jri Solution structure of the Josephin domain of Ataxin-3 in complex with ubiquitin molecule. 2jt4 Solution Structure of the Sla1 SH3-3-Ubiquitin Complex 2jvc NMR solution structure of ubiquitin like protein 2jwz Mutations in the hydrophobic core of ubiquitin differentially affect its recognition by receptor proteins 2jy6 Solution structure of the complex of ubiquitin and ubiquilin 1 UBA domain 2jz3 SOCS box elonginBC ternary complex 2jzz Solid-State NMR Structure of Microcrystalline Ubiquitin 2k1f SUMO-3 from Drosophila melanogaster (dsmt3) 2k25 Automated NMR Structure of the UBB by FAPSY 2k39 Recognition dynamics up to microseconds revealed from RDC derived ubiquitin ensemble in solution 2k6d CIN85 Sh3-C domain in complex with ubiquitin 2k8b Solution structure of PLAA family ubiquitin binding domain (PFUC) cis isomer in complex with ubiquitin 2k8c Solution structure of PLAA family ubiquitin binding domain (PFUC) trans isomer in complex with ubiquitin 2k8h Solution structure of SUMO from Trypanosoma brucei 2kan Solution NMR structure of ubiquitin-like domain of Arabidopsis thaliana protein At2g32350. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target AR3433A 2kd0 NMR solution structure of O64736 protein from Arabidopsis thaliana. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium MEGA Target AR3445A 2kde NMR structure of major S5a (196-306):K48 linked diubiquitin species 2kdf NMR structure of minor S5a (196-306):K48 linked diubiquitin species 2kdi Solution structure of a Ubiquitin/UIM fusion protein 2khw Solution Structure of the human Polymerase iota UBM2-Ubiquitin Complex 2kjh NMR based structural model of the UBCH8-UBIQUITIN complex 2kk8 NMR Solution Structure of a Putative Uncharacterized Protein obtained from Arabidopsis thaliana: Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium target AR3449A 2klc NMR solution structure of human ubiquitin-like domain of ubiquilin 1, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) target HT5A 2klg PERE NMR structure of ubiquitin 2kn5 A Correspondence Between Solution-State Dynamics of an Individual Protein and the Sequence and Conformational Diversity of its Family 2knb Solution NMR structure of the parkin Ubl domain in complex with the endophilin-A1 SH3 domain 2ko3 Nedd8 solution structure 2kox NMR residual dipolar couplings identify long range correlated motions in the backbone of the protein ubiquitin 2kqs Phosphorylation of SUMO-interacting motif by CK2 enhances Daxx SUMO binding activity 2ktf Solution NMR structure of human polymerase iota UBM2 in complex with ubiquitin 2kwu Solution Structure of UBM2 of murine Polymerase iota in Complex with Ubiquitin 2kwv Solution Structure of UBM1 of murine Polymerase iota in Complex with Ubiquitin 2kx0 the solution structure of UBB+1, frameshift mutant of ubiquitin B 2kx3 The solution structure of the mutant of UBL domain of UBLCP1, I5M 2l00 Solution structure of the non-covalent complex of the ZNF216 A20 domain with ubiquitin 2l0f Solution NMR structure of human polymerase iota UBM2 (P692A mutant) in complex with ubiquitin 2l0t Solution structure of the complex of ubiquitin and the VHS domain of Stam2 2l3z Proton-Detected 4D DREAM Solid-State NMR Structure of Ubiquitin 2l76 Solution NMR structure of human NFATC2IP ubiquitin-like domain, NFATC2IP_244_338, NESG target HT65A/OCSP target hs00387_244_338/SGC-toronto 2l7r Solution NMR structure of N-terminal Ubiquitin-like domain of FUBI, a ribosomal protein S30 precursor from Homo sapiens. NorthEast Structural Genomics consortium (NESG) target HR6166 2las Molecular Determinants of Paralogue-Specific SUMO-SIM Recognition 2ld9 Backbone Structure of Ubiquitin determined using Backbone amide NOEs and Backbone N-H and N-C RDCs 2lgd The high resolution structure of ubiquitin like domain of UBLCP1 2lj5 Description of the Structural fluctuations of proteins from structure-based calculations of Residual dipolar couplings 2lrw Solution structure of a ubiquitin-like protein from Trypanosoma brucei 2lvo Structure of the gp78CUE domain bound to monubiquitin 2lvp gp78CUE domain bound to the distal ubiquitin of K48-linked diubiquitin 2lvq gp78CUE domain bound to the proximal ubiquitin of K48-linked diubiquitin 2lwp The NMR solution structure of the the ubiquitin homology domain of mouse BAG-1 2lxa Solution structure of the Get5 ubiquitin-like domain 2lxc Solution structure of the complex between the Sgt2 homodimerization domain and the Get5 UBL domain 2lz6 Distinct ubiquitin binding modes exhibited by sh3 domains: molecular determinants and functional implications 2m0x Solution structure of U14Ub1, an engineered ubiquitin variant with increased affinity for USP14 2m17 ubiquitin-like domain-containing C-terminal domain phosphatase (UBLCP1) 2m8s NMR Structure of the Cytoplasmic Tail of the Membrane Form of Heparin-binding EGF-like Growth Factor (proHB-EGF-CT) Complexed with the Ubiquitin Homology Domain of Bcl-2-associated Athanogene 1 from Mus musculus (mBAG-1-UBH) 2ma9 HIV-1 Vif SOCS-box and Elongin BC solution structure 2mbb 2MBB 2mbe 2MBE 2mbh NMR structure of EKLF(22-40)/Ubiquitin Complex 2mbo K11-linked Diubiquitin average solution structure at pH 6.8, 0 mM NaCl 2mbq K11-linked Diubiquitin average solution structure at pH 6.8, 150 mM NaCl 2mcn Distinct ubiquitin binding modes exhibited by SH3 domains: molecular determinants and functional implications 2mi8 Solution structure of lysine-free (K0) ubiquitin 2mj5 Structure of the UBA Domain of Human NBR1 in Complex with Ubiquitin 2mjb Solution nmr structure of ubiquitin refined against dipolar couplings in 4 media 2mlb 2MLB 2mor 2MOR 2mp2 2MP2 2mqj 2MQJ 2mre 2MRE 2mro 2MRO 2msg 2MSG 2mur 2MUR 2mw5 2MW5 2mws 2MWS 2n13 2N13 2n1a 2N1A 2n1v 2N1V 2n1w 2N1W 2n2k 2N2K 2n3u 2N3U 2n3v 2N3V 2n3w 2N3W 2n4f 2N4F 2n7k 2N7K 2n9e 2N9E 2n9p 2N9P 2nbd 2NBD 2nbe 2NBE 2nbu 2NBU 2nbv 2NBV 2nbw 2NBW 2nr2 The MUMO (minimal under-restraining minimal over-restraining) method for the determination of native states ensembles of proteins 2nvu Structure of APPBP1-UBA3~NEDD8-NEDD8-MgATP-Ubc12(C111A), a trapped ubiquitin-like protein activation complex 2o6v Crystal structure and solution NMR studies of Lys48-linked tetraubiquitin at neutral pH 2ojr Structure of ubiquitin solved by SAD using the Lanthanide-Binding Tag 2oob crystal structure of the UBA domain from Cbl-b ubiquitin ligase in complex with ubiquitin 2pe6 Non-covalent complex between human SUMO-1 and human Ubc9 2pe9 NMR Based Structure of the Open Conformation of LYS48-Linked Di-UBiquitin Using Experimental Global Rotational Diffusion Tensor from NMR Relaxation Measurements 2pea NMR Based Structure of the Closed Conformation of LYS48-Linked Di-Ubiquitin Using Experimental Global Rotational Diffusion Tensor from NMR Relaxation Measurements 2qho Crystal structure of the UBA domain from EDD ubiquitin ligase in complex with ubiquitin 2rpq Solution Structure of a SUMO-interacting motif of MBD1-containing chromatin-associated factor 1 bound to SUMO-3 2rr9 The solution structure of the K63-Ub2:tUIMs complex 2rsu Alternative structure of Ubiquitin 2ru6 The pure alternative state of ubiquitin 2uyz Non-covalent complex between Ubc9 and SUMO1 2vrr Structure of SUMO modified Ubc9 2w9n crystal structure of linear di-ubiquitin 2wdt Crystal structure of Plasmodium falciparum UCHL3 in complex with the suicide inhibitor UbVME 2wwz TAB2 NZF DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH Lys63-linked di-ubiquitin, P212121 2wx0 TAB2 NZF DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH Lys63-linked di-ubiquitin, P21 2wx1 TAB2 NZF DOMAIN IN COMPLEX WITH Lys63-linked tri-ubiquitin, P212121 2wyq THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE UBIQUITIN-LIKE (UBL) DOMAIN OF HHR23A ( HUMAN HOMOLOGUE A OF RAD23) 2xbb Nedd4 HECT:Ub complex 2xew Crystal structure of K11-linked diubiquitin 2xk5 Crystal structure of K6-linked diubiquitin 2y5b Structure of USP21 in complex with linear diubiquitin-aldehyde 2z59 Complex Structures of Mouse Rpn13 (22-130aa) and ubiquitin 2zcb Crystal Structure of ubiquitin P37A/P38A 2zcc Ubiquitin crystallized under high pressure 2zeq Crystal structure of ubiquitin-like domain of murine Parkin 2znv Crystal structure of human AMSH-LP DUB domain in complex with Lys63-linked ubiquitin dimer 2zvn NEMO CoZi domain incomplex with diubiquitin in P212121 space group 2zvo NEMO CoZi domain in complex with diubiquitin in C2 space group 3a1q Crystal structure of the mouse RAP80 UIMs in complex with Lys63-linked di-ubiquitin 3a33 UbcH5b~Ubiquitin Conjugate 3a9j Crystal structure of the mouse TAB2-NZF in complex with Lys63-linked di-ubiquitin 3a9k Crystal structure of the mouse TAB3-NZF in complex with Lys63-linked di-ubiquitin 3ai5 Crystal structure of yeast enhanced green fluorescent protein-ubiquitin fusion protein 3alb Cyclic Lys48-linked tetraubiquitin 3aul Crystal structure of wild-type Lys48-linked diubiquitin in an open conformation 3axc Crystal structure of linear diubiquitin 3b08 Crystal structure of the mouse HOIL1-L-NZF in complex with linear di-ubiquitin 3b0a Crystal structure of the mouse HOIL1-L-NZF in complex with linear di-ubiquitin 3b1l Crystal Structure of parkin ubiquitin-like domain R33Q mutant 3by4 Structure of Ovarian Tumor (OTU) domain in complex with Ubiquitin 3c0r Structure of Ovarian Tumor (OTU) domain in complex with Ubiquitin 3cmm Crystal Structure of the Uba1-Ubiquitin Complex 3dbh Structural Dissection of a Gating Mechanism Preventing Misactivation of Ubiquitin by NEDD8's E1 (APPBP1-UBA3Arg190Ala-NEDD8Ala72Arg) 3dbl Structural Dissection of a Gating Mechanism Preventing Misactivation of Ubiquitin by NEDD8's E1 (APPBP1-UBA3Arg190wt-NEDD8Ala72Gln) 3dbr Structural Dissection of a Gating Mechanism Preventing Misactivation of Ubiquitin by NEDD8's E1 (APPBP1-UBA3Arg190Gln-NEDD8Ala72Arg) 3dcg Crystal Structure of the HIV Vif BC-box in Complex with Human ElonginB and ElonginC 3dqv Structural Insights into NEDD8 Activation of Cullin-RING Ligases: Conformational Control of Conjugation 3dvg Crystal structure of K63-specific fab Apu.3A8 bound to K63-linked di-ubiquitin 3dvn Crystal structure of K63-specific fab Apu2.16 bound to K63-linked di-ubiquitin 3eec X-ray structure of human ubiquitin Cd(II) adduct 3efu X-ray structure of human ubiquitin-Hg(II) adduct 3ehv X-ray structure of human ubiquitin Zn(II) adduct 3gzn Structure of NEDD8-activating enzyme in complex with NEDD8 and MLN4924 3h1u Structure of ubiquitin in complex with Cd ions 3h7p Crystal structure of K63-linked di-ubiquitin 3h7s Crystal structures of K63-linked di- and tri-ubiquitin reveal a highly extended chain architecture 3hm3 The Structure and conformation of Lys-63 linked tetra-ubiquitin 3i3t Crystal structure of covalent ubiquitin-USP21 complex 3ifw Crystal structure of the S18Y variant of ubiquitin carboxy terminal hydrolase L1 bound to ubiquitin vinylmethylester. 3ihp Covalent Ubiquitin-Usp5 Complex 3ix6 Crystal structure of Thymidylate synthase thyA from Brucella melitensis 3j6x 3J6X 3j6y 3J6Y 3j77 3J77 3j78 3J78 3j79 3J79 3j7o 3J7O 3j7p 3J7P 3j7q 3J7Q 3j7r 3J7R 3j80 3J80 3j81 3J81 3j92 3J92 3jam 3JAM 3jap 3JAP 3jaq 3JAQ 3jsv Crystal structure of mouse NEMO CoZi in complex with Lys63-linked di-ubiquitin 3jvz E2~Ubiquitin-HECT 3jw0 E2~Ubiquitin-HECT 3k9o The crystal structure of E2-25K and UBB+1 complex 3k9p The crystal structure of E2-25K and ubiquitin complex 3kvf Crystal structure of the I93M mutant of ubiquitin carboxy terminal hydrolase L1 bound to ubiquitin vinylmethylester 3kw5 Crystal structure of ubiquitin carboxy terminal hydrolase L1 bound to ubiquitin vinylmethylester 3kyc Human SUMO E1 complex with a SUMO1-AMP mimic 3kyd Human SUMO E1~SUMO1-AMP tetrahedral intermediate mimic 3l0w Structure of split monoubiquitinated PCNA with ubiquitin in position two 3l10 Structure of split monoubiquitinated PCNA with ubiquitin in position one 3ldz Crystal structure of human STAM1 VHS domain in complex with ubiquitin 3m3j A new crystal form of Lys48-linked diubiquitin 3m62 Crystal structure of Ufd2 in complex with the ubiquitin-like (UBL) domain of Rad23 3m63 Crystal structure of Ufd2 in complex with the ubiquitin-like (UBL) domain of Dsk2 3mhs Structure of the SAGA Ubp8/Sgf11/Sus1/Sgf73 DUB module bound to ubiquitin aldehyde 3mtn Usp21 in complex with a ubiquitin-based, USP21-specific inhibitor 3n30 Crystal Structure of cubic Zn3-hUb (human ubiquitin) adduct 3n32 The crystal structure of human Ubiquitin adduct with Zeise's salt 3n3k The catalytic domain of USP8 in complex with a USP8 specific inhibitor 3nhe High Resolution Structure (1.26A) of USP2a in Complex with Ubiquitin 3nob Structure of K11-linked di-ubiquitin 3ns8 Crystal structure of an open conformation of Lys48-linked diubiquitin at pH 7.5 3o65 Crystal structure of a Josephin-ubiquitin complex: Evolutionary restraints on ataxin-3 deubiquitinating activity 3ofi Crystal structure of human insulin-degrading enzyme in complex with ubiquitin 3oj3 Crystal structure of the A20 ZnF4 and ubiquitin complex 3oj4 Crystal structure of the A20 ZnF4, ubiquitin and UbcH5A complex 3olm Structure and Function of a Ubiquitin Binding Site within the Catalytic Domain of a HECT Ubiquitin Ligase 3ons Crystal structure of Human Ubiquitin in a new crystal form 3pge Structure of sumoylated PCNA 3phd Crystal structure of human HDAC6 in complex with ubiquitin 3phw OTU Domain of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in complex with Ubiquitin 3phx OTU Domain of Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in complex with ISG15 3plu Structure of Hub-1 protein in complex with Snu66 peptide (HINDI) 3plv Structure of Hub-1 protein in complex with Snu66 peptide (HINDII) 3prm Structural analysis of a viral OTU domain protease from the Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever virus in complex with human ubiquitin 3prp Structural analysis of a viral OTU domain protease from the Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever virus in complex with human ubiquitin 3pse Structure of a viral OTU domain protease bound to interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) 3pt2 Structure of a viral OTU domain protease bound to Ubiquitin 3ptf X-ray structure of the non-covalent complex between UbcH5A and Ubiquitin 3q3f Engineering Domain-Swapped Binding Interfaces by Mutually Exclusive Folding: Insertion of Ubiquitin into position 103 of Barnase 3qht Crystal Structure of the Monobody ySMB-1 bound to yeast SUMO 3r66 Crystal structure of human ISG15 in complex with NS1 N-terminal region from influenza virus B, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target IDs HX6481, HR2873, and OR2 3rt3 Complex of influenza virus protein with host anti-viral factor 3rul New strategy to analyze structures of glycopeptide-target complexes 3rzw Crystal Structure of the Monobody ySMB-9 bound to human SUMO1 3sdl Crystal structure of human ISG15 in complex with NS1 N-terminal region from influenza B virus, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target IDs HX6481, HR2873, and OR2 3shq Crystal Structure of UBLCP1 3tbl Structure of Mono-ubiquitinated PCNA: Implications for DNA Polymerase Switching and Okazaki Fragment Maturation 3tix Crystal structure of the Chp1-Tas3 complex core 3tmp The catalytic domain of human deubiquitinase DUBA in complex with ubiquitin aldehyde 3u30 Crystal structure of a linear-specific Ubiquitin fab bound to linear ubiquitin 3uf8 Crystal structure of a SMT fusion Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase with a G95A surface mutation from Burkholderia pseudomallei complexed with FK506 3ugb UbcH5c~Ubiquitin Conjugate 3uin Complex between human RanGAP1-SUMO2, UBC9 and the IR1 domain from RanBP2 3uio Complex between human RanGAP1-SUMO2, UBC9 and the IR1 domain from RanBP2 containing IR2 Motif II 3uip Complex between human RanGAP1-SUMO1, UBC9 and the IR1 domain from RanBP2 containing IR2 Motif II 3uqa Crystal structure of a SMT fusion Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase with surface mutation A54E from Burkholderia pseudomallei complexed with FK506 3uqb Crystal structure of a SMT Fusion PEPTIDYL-PROLYL CIS-TRANS ISOMERASE with surface mutation D44G from Burkholderia pseudomallei complexed with FK506 3v60 Structure of S. cerevisiae PCNA conjugated to SUMO on lysine 164 3v61 Structure of S. cerevisiae PCNA conjugated to SUMO on lysine 164 3v62 Structure of the S. cerevisiae Srs2 C-terminal domain in complex with PCNA conjugated to SUMO on lysine 164 3v6c Crystal Structure of USP2 in complex with mutated ubiquitin 3v6e Crystal Structure of USP2 and a mutant form of Ubiquitin 3v7o Crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of Ebola virus VP30 (strain Reston-89) 3vaw Crystal structure of a smt fusion peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase with surface mutation v3i from burkholderia pseudomallei complexed with fk506 3vdz Tailoring Encodable Lanthanide-Binding Tags as MRI Contrast Agents: xq-dSE3-Ubiquitin at 2.4 Angstroms 3vfk The structure of monodechloro-teicoplanin in complex with its ligand, using ubiquitin as a ligand carrier 3vht Crystal structure of GFP-Wrnip1 UBZ domain fusion protein in complex with ubiquitin 3vuw Crystal structure of A20 ZF7 in complex with linear ubiquitin, form I 3vux Crystal structure of A20 ZF7 in complex with linear ubiquitin, form II 3vuy Crystal structure of A20 ZF7 in complex with linear tetraubiquitin 3wwq 3WWQ 3wxe 3WXE 3wxf 3WXF 3wxg 3WXG 3zdm Crystal structure of the Sgt2 N domain and the Get5 UBL domain complex 3zkj Crystal Structure of Ankyrin Repeat and Socs Box-Containing Protein 9 (Asb9) in Complex with Elonginb and Elonginc 3zlz Lys6-linked tri-ubiquitin 3zng Ankyrin repeat and SOCS-box protein 9 (ASB9) in complex with ElonginB and ElonginC 3znh Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus OTU domain in complex with ubiquitin-propargyl. 3zni Structure of phosphoTyr363-Cbl-b - UbcH5B-Ub - ZAP-70 peptide complex 3znz Crystal structure of OTULIN OTU domain (C129A) in complex with Met1- di ubiquitin 3zo5 Structure of SENP2-Loop1 in complex with preSUMO-2 3zrc pVHL54-213-EloB-EloC complex (4R)-4-HYDROXY-1-[(3-METHYLISOXAZOL-5-YL)ACETYL]-N-[4-(1,3-OXAZOL-5-YL)BENZYL]-L-PROLINAMIDE bound 3zrf pVHL54-213-EloB-EloC complex_apo 3ztc pVHL54-213-EloB-EloC complex _ (2S,4R)-N-((1,1'-biphenyl)-4-ylmethyl)- 4-hydroxy-1-(2-(3-methylisoxazol-5-yl)acetyl)pyrrolidine-2- carboxamide 3ztd pVHL54-213-EloB-EloC complex _ methyl 4-(((2S,4R)-4-hydroxy-1-(2-(3- methylisoxazol-5-yl)acetyl)pyrrolidine-2-carboxamido)methyl)benzoate 3zun pVHL54-213-EloB-EloC complex_(2S,4R)-4-hydroxy-1-(2-(3-methylisoxazol- 5-yl)acetyl)-N-(4-nitrobenzyl)pyrrolidine-2-carboxamide bound 4a20 Crystal structure of the Ubl domain of Mdy2 (Get5) at 1.78A 4adx The Cryo-EM Structure of the Archaeal 50S Ribosomal Subunit in Complex with Initiation Factor 6 4ajy von Hippel-Lindau protein-ElonginB-ElonginC complex, bound to Hif1- alpha peptide 4ap4 Rnf4 - ubch5a - ubiquitin heterotrimeric complex 4asw Structure of the complex between the N-terminal dimerisation domain of Sgt2 and the UBL domain of Get5 4auq Structure of BIRC7-UbcH5b-Ub complex. 4awj pVHL:EloB:EloC complex, in complex with capped Hydroxyproline 4b95 pVHL-EloB-EloC complex_(2S,4R)-1-(2-chlorophenyl)carbonyl-N-[(4-chlorophenyl)methyl]-4-oxidanyl-pyrrolidine-2-carboxamide bound 4b9k pVHL-ELOB-ELOC complex_(2S,4R)-1-(3-amino-2-methylbenzoyl)-4-hydroxy-N-(4-(4-methylthiazol-5-yl)benzyl)pyrrolidine-2-carboxamide bound 4bbn NEDD4 HECT-Ub:Ub complex 4bkg crystal structure of human diSUMO-2 4bks von Hippel Lindau protein:ElonginB:ElonginC complex, in complex with (2S,4R)-1-ethanoyl-N-[[4-(1,3-oxazol-5-yl)phenyl]methyl]-4-oxidanyl-pyrrolidine-2-carboxamide 4bkt von Hippel Lindau protein:ElonginB:ElonginC complex, in complex with (2S,4R)-N-methyl-1-[2-(3-methyl-1,2-oxazol-5-yl)ethanoyl]-4-oxidanyl-pyrrolidine-2-carboxamide 4bos Structure of OTUD2 OTU domain in complex with Ubiquitin K11-linked peptide 4boz Structure of OTUD2 OTU domain in complex with K11-linked di ubiquitin 4bvu Structure of Shigella effector OspG in complex with host UbcH5c- Ubiquitin conjugate 4d5l 4D5L 4d5y 4D5Y 4d61 4D61 4d67 4D67 4da1 Crystal structure of branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase phosphatase with Mg (II) ions at the active site 4ddg Crystal structure of human OTUB1/UbcH5b~Ub/Ub 4ddi Crystal structure of human OTUB1/UbcH5b~Ub/Ub 4dhj The structure of a ceOTUB1 ubiquitin aldehyde UBC13~Ub complex 4dhz The structure of h/ceOTUB1-ubiquitin aldehyde-UBC13~Ub 4dwf Crystal structure of a HLA-B associated transcript 3 (BAT3) from Homo sapiens at 1.80 A resolution 4eew Crystal structure of the Ubl domain of BAG6 4f8c Structure of the Cif:Nedd8 complex - Yersinia pseudotuberculosis Cycle Inhibiting Factor in complex with human Nedd8 4fbj Structure of the Cif:Nedd8 complex - Photorhabdus luminescens Cycle Inhibiting Factor in complex with human Nedd8 4fjv Crystal Structure of Human Otubain2 and Ubiquitin Complex 4fn2 Crystal structure of a SMT fusion Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase with surface mutation D44G from Burkholderia pseudomallei complexed with CJ37 4g50 Crystal structure of a SMT fusion Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase with surface mutation D44G from Burkholderia pseudomallei complexed with CJ168 4ggq Crystal structure of a SMT fusion Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase from Burkholderia pseudomallei complexed with CJ40 4giv Crystal structure of a SMT fusion Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase with surface mutation D44G from Burkholderia pseudomallei complexed with CJ183 4goc Crystal structure of the Get5 ubiquitin-like domain 4gsw Crystal structure of ubiquitin from Entamoeba histolytica to 2.15 Angstrom 4gu2 Crystal structure of ubiquitin from Entamoeba histolytica to 1.35 Angstrom 4hcn Crystal structure of Burkholderia pseudomallei effector protein CHBP in complex with ubiquitin 4hcp crystal structure of Burkholderia pseudomallei effector protein chbp in complex with nedd8 4hjk U7Ub7 Disulfide variant 4hk2 U7Ub25.2540 4hxd Diversity of ubiquitin and ISG15 specificity amongst nairoviruses viral ovarian tumor domain proteases 4i6l Crystal structure of OTUB1 in complex with ubiquitin variant 4i6n Crystal structure of Trichinella spiralis UCH37 catalytic domain bound to Ubiquitin vinyl methyl ester 4ig7 Crystal structure of Trichinella spiralis UCH37 bound to Ubiquitin vinyl methyl ester 4ii2 Crystal structure of Ubiquitin activating enzyme 1 (Uba1) in complex with the Ub E2 Ubc4, ubiquitin, and ATP/Mg 4ii3 Crystal structure of S. pombe Ubiquitin activating enzyme 1 (Uba1) in complex with ubiquitin and ATP/Mg 4ium Equine arteritis virus papain-like protease 2 (PLP2) covalently bound to ubiquitin 4jgh Structure of the SOCS2-Elongin BC complex bound to an N-terminal fragment of Cullin5 4jio Bro1 V domain and ubiquitin 4jqw Crystal Structure of a Complex of NOD1 CARD and Ubiquitin 4k1r Crystal structure of Schizosaccharomyces pombe sst2 catalytic domain and Ubiquitin 4k7s Crystal structure of Zn2-hUb (human ubiquitin) adduct from a solution 35 mM zinc acetate/1.3 mM hUb 4k7u Crystal structure of Zn2.3-hUb (human ubiquitin) adduct from a solution 70 mM zinc acetate/1.3 mM hUb 4k7w Crystal structure of Zn3-hUb(human ubiquitin) adduct from a solution 100 mM zinc acetate/1.3 mM hUb 4k95 Crystal Structure of Parkin 4ksk Gumby/Fam105B in complex with ubiquitin 4ksl Gumby/Fam105B in complex with linear di-ubiquitin 4kzx Rabbit 40S ribosomal subunit in complex with eIF1. 4kzy Rabbit 40S ribosomal subunit in complex with eIF1 and eIF1A. 4kzz Rabbit 40S ribosomal subunit in complex with mRNA, initiator tRNA and eIF1A 4lcd Structure of an Rsp5xUbxSna3 complex: Mechanism of ubiquitin ligation and lysine prioritization by a HECT E3 4ldt The structure of h/ceOTUB1-ubiquitin aldehyde-UBCH5B~Ub 4ljo Structure of an active ligase (HOIP)/ubiquitin transfer complex 4ljp Structure of an active ligase (HOIP-H889A)/ubiquitin transfer complex 4m0w Crystal Structure of SARS-CoV papain-like protease C112S mutant in complex with ubiquitin 4mdk Cdc34-ubiquitin-CC0651 complex 4mm3 4MM3 4msm 4MSM 4msq 4MSQ 4n9f Crystal structure of the Vif-CBFbeta-CUL5-ElOB-ElOC pentameric complex 4nnj Crystal structure of Uba1 in complex with ubiquitin-AMP and thioesterified ubiquitin 4npn 4NPN 4nqk Structure of an Ubiquitin complex 4nql 4NQL 4p4h 4P4H 4p5o 4P5O 4pig 4PIG 4pih 4PIH 4pij 4PIJ 4pqt 4PQT 4q5e 4Q5E 4q5h 4Q5H 4r62 4R62 4rf0 4RF0 4rf1 4RF1 4s1z 4S1Z 4s22 4S22 4uel 4UEL 4uf6 4UF6 4ug0 4UG0 4ujc 4UJC 4ujd 4UJD 4uje 4UJE 4un2 4UN2 4v3k 4V3K 4v3l 4V3L 4v7e 4V7E 4v88 4V88 4v8m 4V8M 4v8p 4V8P 4v8t 4V8T 4v8y 4V8Y 4v8z 4V8Z 4v91 4V91 4w9c 4W9C 4w9d 4W9D 4w9e 4W9E 4w9f 4W9F 4w9g 4W9G 4w9h 4W9H 4w9i 4W9I 4w9j 4W9J 4w9k 4W9K 4w9l 4W9L 4whv 4WHV 4wjn 4WJN 4wjo 4WJO 4wjp 4WJP 4wjq 4WJQ 4wlr 4WLR 4wqo 4WQO 4wur 4WUR 4wzp 4WZP 4xkh 4XKH 4xkl 4XKL 4xof 4XOF 4xok 4XOK 4xol 4XOL 4xyz 4XYZ 4y1h 4Y1H 4z9s 4Z9S 4zfr 4ZFR 4zft 4ZFT 4zpz 4ZPZ 4zqs 4ZQS 4zux 4ZUX 4zyn 4ZYN 5a5b 5A5B 5aek 5AEK 5af4 5AF4 5af5 5AF5 5af6 5AF6 5ait 5AIT 5aiu 5AIU 5aj0 5AJ0 5apn 5APN 5apo 5APO 5b83 5B83 5bnb 5BNB 5bo4 5BO4 5bz0 5BZ0 5c1z 5C1Z 5c23 5C23 5c7j 5C7J 5c7m 5C7M 5caw 5CAW 5chf 5CHF 5chv 5CHV 5chw 5CHW 5cra 5CRA 5cvm 5CVM 5cvn 5CVN 5cvo 5CVO 5d0k 5D0K 5d0m 5D0M 5d2m 5D2M 5d6j 5D6J 5dfl 5DFL 5dk8 5DK8 5e6j 5E6J 5edv 5EDV 5elj 5ELJ 5elu 5ELU 5emz 5EMZ 5eql 5EQL 5eya 5EYA 5fer 5FER 5flx 5FLX 5gak 5GAK 5gjq 5GJQ 5go7 5GO7 5go8 5GO8 5gob 5GOB 5goc 5GOC 5god 5GOD 5gog 5GOG 5goh 5GOH 5goi 5GOI 5goj 5GOJ 5gok 5GOK 5hpk 5HPK 5hpl 5HPL 5hps 5HPS 5hpt 5HPT 5ibk 5IBK 5ifr 5IFR 5j8p 5J8P 5jbv 5JBV 5jby 5JBY 5jg6 5JG6 5jne 5JNE 5jp1 5JP1 5jp3 5JP3 5jqs 5JQS 5jtj 5JTJ 5jtv 5JTV 5juo 5JUO 5jup 5JUP 5jus 5JUS 5jut 5JUT 5juu 5JUU 5jze 5JZE 5k9p 5K9P 5kgf 5KGF 5khy 5KHY 5l8h 5L8H 5l8w 5L8W 5l9t 5L9T 5l9u 5L9U 5lli 5LLI 5ln1 5LN1 5lrv 5LRV 5lrw 5LRW 5lrx 5LRX 5lzs 5LZS 5lzt 5LZT 5lzu 5LZU 5lzv 5LZV 5lzw 5LZW 5lzx 5LZX 5lzy 5LZY 5lzz 5LZZ - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)