The domain within your query sequence starts at position 41 and ends at position 127; the E-value for the CA domain shown below is 1.01e-20.
CACadherin repeats. |
SMART accession number: | SM00112 |
Description: | Cadherins are glycoproteins involved in Ca2+-mediated cell-cell adhesion. Cadherin domains occur as repeats in the extracellular regions which are thought to mediate cell-cell contact when bound to calcium. |
Interpro abstract (IPR002126): | Cadherins are a group of transmembrane proteins that serve as the major adhesion molecules located within adherens junctions. They can regulate cell-cell adhesion through their extracellular domain and their cytosolic domains connect to the actin cytoskeleton by binding to catenins [ (PUBMED:25014356) ]. These proteins preferentially interact with themselves in a homophilic manner in connecting cells; thus acting as both receptor and ligand. They may play an important role in the sorting of different cell types during morphogenesis, histogenesis and regeneration. They may also be involved in the regulation of tight and gap junctions, and in the control of intercellular spacing. Cadherins are evolutionary related to the desmogleins which are component of intercellular desmosome junctions involved in the interaction of plaque proteins. Structurally, cadherins comprise a number of domains: classically, these include a signal sequence; a propeptide of around 130 residues; a single transmembrane domain and five tandemly repeated extracellular cadherin domains, 4 of which are cadherin repeats, and the fifth contains 4 conserved cysteines and a C-terminal cytoplasmic domain [ (PUBMED:11736639) ]. However, proteins are designated as members of the broadly defined cadherin family if they have one or more cadherin repeats. A cadherin repeat is an independently folding sequence of approximately 110 amino acids that contains motifs with the conserved sequences DRE, DXNDNAPXF, and DXD. Crystal structures have revealed that multiple cadherin domains form Ca2+-dependent rod-like structures with a conserved Ca2+-binding pocket at the domain-domain interface. Cadherins depend on calcium for their function: calcium ions bind to specific residues in each cadherin repeat to ensure its proper folding, to confer rigidity upon the extracellular domain and is essential for cadherin adhesive function and for protection against protease digestion. This entry represents the extracellular repeated domains found in cadherins and related proteins. |
GO process: | homophilic cell adhesion via plasma membrane adhesion molecules (GO:0007156) |
GO component: | membrane (GO:0016020) |
GO function: | calcium ion binding (GO:0005509) |
Family alignment: |
There are 347616 CA domains in 53016 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
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