The domain within your query sequence starts at position 669 and ends at position 716; the E-value for the FU domain shown below is 3.87e-11.
FUFurin-like repeats |
SMART accession number: | SM00261 |
Description: | - |
Interpro abstract (IPR006212): | The furin-like cysteine rich region has been found in a variety of proteins from eukaryotes that are involved in the mechanism of signal transduction by receptor tyrosine kinases, which involves receptor aggregation [ (PUBMED:1936959) (PUBMED:23756652) ]. |
Family alignment: |
There are 66474 FU domains in 13497 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing FU domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with FU domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing FU domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the FU domain.
Protein Disease Insulin receptor (P06213) (SMART) OMIM:147670: Leprechaunism
OMIM:246200: Rabson-Mendenhall syndrome
OMIM:262190: Diabetes mellitus, insulin-resistant, with acanthosis nigricans - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 8.70 map04520 Adherens junction 7.93 map05215 Prostate cancer 7.16 map04012 ErbB signaling pathway 7.16 map04020 Calcium signaling pathway 6.91 map04510 Focal adhesion 5.12 map05210 Colorectal cancer 5.12 map05214 Glioma 5.12 map05218 Melanoma 4.35 map05219 Bladder cancer 4.35 map05213 Endometrial cancer 4.35 map05212 Pancreatic cancer 4.35 map05223 Non-small cell lung cancer 3.58 map04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 2.56 map05120 Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infection 2.56 map04060 Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction 2.56 map04010 MAPK signaling pathway 2.56 map04912 GnRH signaling pathway 2.56 map04320 Dorso-ventral axis formation 2.56 map04540 Gap junction 2.56 map04730 Long-term depression 2.56 map04914 Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 1.79 map05050 Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) 1.79 map04910 Insulin signaling pathway 1.79 map04930 Type II diabetes mellitus This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with FU domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing FU domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of FU domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1igr Type 1 Insulin-like growth factor receptor (DOMAINS 1-3) 1ivo Crystal Structure of the Complex of Human Epidermal Growth Factor and Receptor Extracellular Domains. 1m6b Structure of the HER3 (ERBB3) Extracellular Domain 1mox Crystal Structure of Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (residues 1-501) in complex with TGF-alpha 1n8y Crystal structure of the extracellular region of rat HER2 1n8z Crystal structure of extracellular domain of human HER2 complexed with Herceptin Fab 1nql Structure of the extracellular domain of human epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor in an inactive (low pH) complex with EGF. 1s78 Insights into ErbB signaling from the structure of the ErbB2-pertuzumab complex 1yy9 Structure of the extracellular domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor in complex with the Fab fragment of cetuximab/Erbitux/IMC-C225 2a91 Crystal structure of ErbB2 domains 1-3 2ahx Crystal structure of ErbB4/HER4 extracellular domain 2hr7 Insulin receptor (domains 1-3) 3b2u Crystal structure of isolated domain III of the extracellular region of the epidermal growth factor receptor in complex with the Fab fragment of IMC-11F8 3b2v Crystal structure of the extracellular region of the epidermal growth factor receptor in complex with the Fab fragment of IMC-11F8 3be1 Dual specific bH1 Fab in complex with the extracellular domain of HER2/ErbB-2 3c09 Crystal structure the Fab fragment of matuzumab (Fab72000) in complex with domain III of the extracellular region of EGFR 3i2t Crystal structure of the unliganded Drosophila Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ectodomain 3ltf Crystal Structure of the Drosophila Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ectodomain in complex with Spitz 3ltg Crystal structure of the Drosophila Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor ectodomain complexed with a low affinity Spitz mutant 3mzw HER2 extracelluar region with affinity matured 3-helix affibody ZHER2:342 3n85 Crystallographic trimer of HER2 extracellular regions in complex with tryptophan-rich antibody fragment 3njp The Extracellular and Transmembrane Domain Interfaces in Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling 3p0y anti-EGFR/HER3 Fab DL11 in complex with domain III of EGFR extracellular region 3p11 anti-EGFR/HER3 Fab DL11 in complex with domains I-III of the HER3 extracellular region 3qwq Crystal structure of the extracellular domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor in complex with an adnectin 3u2p Crystal structure of N-terminal three extracellular domains of ErbB4/Her4 3u7u Crystal structure of extracellular region of human epidermal growth factor receptor 4 in complex with neuregulin-1 beta 3u9u Crystal Structure of Extracellular Domain of Human ErbB4/Her4 in complex with the Fab fragment of mAb1479 3w11 Insulin receptor ectodomain construct comprising domains L1-CR in complex with human insulin, Alpha-CT peptide(704-719) and FAB 83-7 3w12 Insulin receptor ectodomain construct comprising domains L1-CR in complex with high-affinity insulin analogue [D-PRO-B26]-DTI-NH2, alpha-CT peptide(704-719) and FAB 83-7 3w13 Insulin receptor ectodomain construct comprising domains L1-CR in complex with high-affinity insulin analogue [D-PRO-B26]-DTI-NH2, alphact peptide(693-719) and FAB 83-7 3w14 Insulin receptor ectodomain construct comprising domains L1,CR,L2, FNIII-1 and alphact peptide in complex with bovine insulin and FAB 83-14 3wlw 3WLW 3wsq 3WSQ 4bso Crystal structure of R-spondin 1 (Fu1Fu2) - Native 4bsp Crystal structure of R-spondin 1 (Fu1Fu2) - Holmium soak 4bsr Structure of the ectodomain of LGR5 in complex with R-spondin-1 ( Fu1Fu2) in P22121 crystal form 4bss Structure of the ectodomain of LGR5 in complex with R-spondin-1 ( Fu1Fu2) in P21 crystal form 4bst Structure of the ectodomain of LGR5 in complex with R-spondin-1 ( Fu1Fu2) in P6122 crystal form 4bsu Structure of the ectodomain of LGR5 in complex with R-spondin-1 ( Fu1Fu2) in C2 crystal form 4c8v Xenopus RSPO2 Fu1-Fu2 crystal form I 4c8w Xenopus RSPO2 Fu1-Fu2 crystal form II 4c99 Mouse ZNRF3 ectodomain in complex with mouse RSPO2 Fu1-Fu2 crystal form I 4c9a Mouse ZNRF3 ectodomain in complex with Xenopus RSPO2 Fu1-Fu2 (Seleno Met) crystal form I 4c9e Mouse ZNRF3 ectodomain in complex with Xenopus RSPO2 Fu1-Fu2 (Seleno Met) crystal form II 4c9r Xenopus ZNRF3 ectodomain in complex with Xenopus RSPO2 Fu1-Fu2 crystal form I 4c9u Xenopus ZNRF3 ectodomain in complex with Xenopus RSPO2 Fu1-Fu2 crystal form II 4c9v Xenopus RNF43 ectodomain in complex with Xenopus RSPO2 Fu1-Fu2 4cdk Structure of ZNRF3-RSPO1 4hrn Structural Basis for Eliciting a Cytotoxic Effect in HER2-Overexpressing Cancer Cells via Binding to the Extracellular Domain of HER2 4kng Crystal structure of human LGR5-RSPO1-RNF43 4krl Nanobody/VHH domain 7D12 in complex with domain III of the extracellular region of EGFR, pH 6.0 4krm Nanobody/VHH domain 7D12 in complex with domain III of the extracellular region of EGFR, pH 3.5 4kro Nanobody/VHH domain EgA1 in complex with the extracellular region of EGFR 4krp Nanobody/VHH domain 9G8 in complex with the extracellular region of EGFR 4kt1 Complex of R-spondin 1 with LGR4 extracellular domain 4leo Crystal structure of anti-HER3 Fab RG7116 in complex with the extracellular domains of human Her3 (ERBB3) 4li2 Crystal Structures of Lgr4 and its complex with R-spondin1 4oga 4OGA 4p59 HER3 extracellular domain in complex with Fab fragment of MOR09825 4qxf 4QXF 4ufr 4UFR 4ufs 4UFS 4uip 4UIP 4uv7 4UV7 4xss 4XSS 4xst 4XST 4zxb 4ZXB 5cus 5CUS 5j3h 5J3H - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)
INTERPRO IPR006212 PFAM Furin-like