The domain within your query sequence starts at position 75 and ends at position 128; the E-value for the KU domain shown below is 1.05e-22.
KUBPTI/Kunitz family of serine protease inhibitors. |
SMART accession number: | SM00131 |
Description: | Serine protease inhibitors. One member of the family is encoded by an alternatively-spliced form of Alzheimer's amyloid beta-protein. |
Interpro abstract (IPR002223): | The majority of the sequences having this domain belong to the MEROPS inhibitor family I2, clan IB; the Kunitz/bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor family, they inhibit proteases of the S1 family [ (PUBMED:14705960) ] and are restricted to the metazoa with a single exception: Amsacta moorei entomopoxvirus. They are short (~50 residue) alpha/beta proteins with few secondary structures. The fold is constrained by 3 disulphide bonds. The type example for this family is aprotinin (bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor) [ (PUBMED:1714504) ] (or basic protease inhibitor), but the family includes numerous other members [ (PUBMED:1703675) (PUBMED:1593645) (PUBMED:8159751) (PUBMED:1304909) ], such as snake venom basic protease; mammalian inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitors; trypstatin, a rodent mast cell inhibitor of trypsin; a domain found in an alternatively-spliced form of Alzheimer's amyloid beta-protein; domains at the C-termini of the alpha(1) and alpha(3) chains of type VII and type VI collagens; and tissue factor pathway inhibitor precursor. The pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Kunitz) family [ (PUBMED:6996568) (PUBMED:1703675) (PUBMED:1593645) ] is one of the numerous families of serine proteinase inhibitors. The basic structure of such a type of inhibitor is shown in the following schematic representation:
GO function: | serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity (GO:0004867) |
Family alignment: |
There are 33749 KU domains in 16023 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
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- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing KU domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with KU domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing KU domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Salier JP
- Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor: emergence of a family within the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor superfamily.
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1990; 15: 435-9
- Display abstract
Plasma inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor (I alpha TI) is a major representative of the superfamily of Kunitz-type protease inhibitors in mammals. Formerly, I alpha TI was considered to be a single polypeptide, but recent molecular genetic studies have demonstrated an unexpected multipolypeptide chain structure. The newly discovered genes and gene products form the basis of a new family of I alpha TI-related protease inhibitors.
- Ponte P et al.
- A new A4 amyloid mRNA contains a domain homologous to serine proteinase inhibitors.
- Nature. 1988; 331: 525-7
- Display abstract
The amyloid proteins isolated from neuritic plaques and the cerebrovasculature of Alzheimer's disease are self-aggregating moieties termed A4 protein and beta-protein, respectively. A putative A4 amyloid precursor (herein termed A4(695] has been characterized by analysis of a human brain complementary DNA. We report here the sequence of a closely related amyloid cDNA, A4(751), distinguished from A4(695) by the presence of a 168 base-pair (bp) sequence which adds 57 amino acids to, and removes one residue from, the predicted A4(695) protein. The peptide predicted from this insert is very similar to the Kunitz family of serine proteinase inhibitors. The two A4-specific messenger RNAs are differentially expressed: in a limited survey, A4(751) mRNA appears to be ubiquitous, whereas A4(695) mRNA has a restricted pattern of expression which includes cells from neuronal tissue. These data may have significant implications for understanding amyloid deposition in Alzheimer's disease.
- Tanzi RE, McClatchey AI, Lamperti ED, Villa-Komaroff L, Gusella JF, Neve RL
- Protease inhibitor domain encoded by an amyloid protein precursor mRNA associated with Alzheimer's disease.
- Nature. 1988; 331: 528-30
- Display abstract
Amyloid B-protein/amyloid A4 is a peptide present in the neuritic plaques, neurofibrillary tangles and cerebrovascular deposits in patients with Alzheimer's disease and Down's syndrome (trisomy 21) and may be involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease. Recent molecular genetic studies have indicated that amyloid protein is encoded as part of a larger protein by a gene on human chromosome 21 (refs 6-9). The amyloid protein precursor (APP) gene is expressed in brain and in several peripheral tissues, but the specific biochemical events leading to deposition of amyloid are not known. We have now screened complementary DNA libraries constructed from peripheral tissues to determine whether the messenger RNA encoding APP in these tissues is identical to that expressed in brain, and we identify a second APP mRNA that encodes an additional internal domain with a sequence characteristic of a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor. The alternative APP mRNA is present in both brain and peripheral tissues of normal individuals and those with Alzheimer's disease, but its pattern of expression differs from that of the previously reported APP mRNA.
- LaskowskiMJ r, Kato I
- Protein inhibitors of proteinases.
- Annu Rev Biochem. 1980; 49: 593-626
- Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 34.48 map05010 Alzheimer's disease 24.14 map04610 Complement and coagulation cascades 20.69 map04512 ECM-receptor interaction 20.69 map04510 Focal adhesion This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with KU domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing KU domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of KU domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1aal STRUCTURAL EFFECTS INDUCED BY MUTAGENESIS AFFECTED BY CRYSTAL PACKING FACTORS: THE STRUCTURE OF A 30-51 DISULFIDE MUTANT OF BASIC PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1aap X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE PROTEASE INHIBITOR DOMAIN OF ALZHEIMER'S AMYLOID BETA-PROTEIN PRECURSOR 1adz THE SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE SECOND KUNITZ DOMAIN OF TISSUE FACTOR PATHWAY INHIBITOR, NMR, 30 STRUCTURES 1b0c EVIDENCE OF A COMMON DECAMER IN THREE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF BPTI, CRYSTALLIZED FROM THIOCYANATE, CHLORIDE OR SULFATE 1bf0 CALCICLUDINE (CAC) FROM GREEN MAMBA DENDROASPIS ANGUSTICEPS, NMR, 15 STRUCTURES 1bhc BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR CRYSTALLIZED FROM THIOCYANATE 1bik X-RAY STRUCTURE OF BIKUNIN FROM THE HUMAN INTER-ALPHA-INHIBITOR COMPLEX 1bpi THE STRUCTURE OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR AT 125K: DEFINITION OF CARBOXYL-TERMINAL RESIDUES GLYCINE-57 AND ALANINE-58 1bpt CREVICE-FORMING MUTANTS OF BPTI: CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF F22A, Y23A, N43G, AND F45A 1brb CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF RAT ANIONIC TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH THE PROTEIN INHIBITORS APPI AND BPTI 1brc RELOCATING A NEGATIVE CHARGE IN THE BINDING POCKET OF TRYPSIN 1bth STRUCTURE OF THROMBIN COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1bti CREVICE-FORMING MUTANTS IN THE RIGID CORE OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR: CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF F22A, Y23A, N43G, AND F45A 1bun STRUCTURE OF BETA2-BUNGAROTOXIN: POTASSIUM CHANNEL BINDING BY KUNITZ MODULES AND TARGETED PHOSPHOLIPASE ACTION 1bz5 EVIDENCE OF A COMMON DECAMER IN THREE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF BPTI, CRYSTALLIZE FROM THIOCYANATE, CHLORIDE OR SULFATE 1bzx THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ANIONIC SALMON TRYPSIN IN COMPLEX WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1ca0 BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO APPI 1cbw BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO BPTI 1co7 R117H mutant rat anionic trypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) 1d0d CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF TICK ANTICOAGULANT PROTEIN COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1dem PROTEINASE INHIBITOR HOMOLOGUES AS POTASSIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS 1den PROTEINASE INHIBITOR HOMOLOGUES AS POTASSIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS 1dtk THE NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF DENDROTOXIN K FROM THE VENOM OF DENDROASPIS POLYLEPIS POLYLEPIS 1dtx CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF ALPHA-DENDROTOXIN FROM THE GREEN MAMBA VENOM AND ITS COMPARISON WITH THE STRUCTURE OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1eaw Crystal structure of the MTSP1 (matriptase)-BPTI (aprotinin) complex 1ejm CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE BPTI ALA16LEU MUTANT IN COMPLEX WITH BOVINE TRYPSIN 1f5r RAT TRYPSINOGEN MUTANT COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1f7z RAT TRYPSINOGEN K15A COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1fak HUMAN TISSUE FACTOR COMPLEXED WITH COAGULATION FACTOR VIIA INHIBITED WITH A BPTI-MUTANT 1fan CREVICE-FORMING MUTANTS IN THE RIGID CORE OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR: CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF F22A, Y23A, N43G, AND F45A 1fy8 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE DELTAILE16VAL17 RAT ANIONIC TRYPSINOGEN-BPTI COMPLEX 1g6x ULTRA HIGH RESOLUTION STRUCTURE OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR (BPTI) MUTANT WITH ALTERED BINDING LOOP SEQUENCE 1irh The Solution Structure of The Third Kunitz Domain of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor 1jc6 SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF BUNGARUS FACIATUS IX, A KUNITZ-TYPE CHYMOTRYPSIN INHIBITOR 1jv8 NMR Structure of BPTI Mutant G37A 1jv9 NMR Structure of BPTI Mutant G37A 1k6u Crystal Structure of Cyclic Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor 1knt THE 1.6 ANGSTROMS STRUCTURE OF THE KUNITZ-TYPE DOMAIN FROM THE ALPHA3 CHAIN OF THE HUMAN TYPE VI COLLAGEN 1kth The Anisotropic Refinement Of Kunitz Type Domain C5 at 0.95 Angstrom 1kun SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE HUMAN ALPHA3-CHAIN TYPE VI COLLAGEN C-TERMINAL KUNITZ DOMAIN, NMR, 20 STRUCTURES 1ld5 STRUCTURE OF BPTI MUTANT A16V 1ld6 STRUCTURE OF BPTI_8A MUTANT 1mtn BOVINE ALPHA-CHYMOTRYPSIN:BPTI CRYSTALLIZATION 1nag CREVICE-FORMING MUTANTS IN THE RIGID CORE OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR: CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF F22A, Y23A, N43G, AND F45A 1oa5 The solution structure of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor at high pressure 1oa6 The solution structure of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor at high pressure 1p2i Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2j Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2k Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2m Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2n Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2o Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1p2q Structural consequences of accommodation of four non-cognate amino-acid residues in the S1 pocket of bovine trypsin and chymotrypsin 1pit DETERMINATION OF A HIGH-QUALITY NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR AND COMPARISON WITH THREE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES 1qlq BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR (BPTI) MUTANT WITH ALTERED BINDING LOOP SEQUENCE 1shp THE NMR SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF A KUNITZ-TYPE PROTEINASE INHIBITOR FROM THE SEA ANEMONE STICHODACTYLA HELIANTHUS 1t7c CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE P1 GLU BPTI MUTANT- BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEX 1t8l CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE P1 MET BPTI MUTANT- BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEX 1t8m CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE P1 HIS BPTI MUTANT- BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEX 1t8n CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE P1 THR BPTI MUTANT- BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEX 1t8o CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE P1 TRP BPTI MUTANT- BOVINE CHYMOTRYPSIN COMPLEX 1taw BOVINE TRYPSIN COMPLEXED TO APPI 1tfx COMPLEX OF THE SECOND KUNITZ DOMAIN OF TISSUE FACTOR PATHWAY INHIBITOR WITH PORCINE TRYPSIN 1toc STRUCTURE OF SERINE PROTEINASE 1tpa THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 1uua Solution structure of a truncated bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, 3-58 BPTI 1uub Solution structure of a truncated bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor mutant, 3-58 BPTI (K15R, R17A, R42S) 1y62 A 2.4 crystal structure of conkunitzin-S1, a novel Kunitz-fold cone snail neurotoxin. 1yc0 short form HGFA with first Kunitz domain from HAI-1 1ykt Trypsin/Bpti complex mutant 1ylc Trypsin/BPTI complex mutant 1yld Trypsin/BPTI complex mutant 1zjd Crystal Structure of the Catalytic Domain of Coagulation Factor XI in Complex with Kunitz Protease Inhibitor Domain of Protease Nexin II 1zr0 Crystal Structure of Kunitz Domain 1 of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor-2 with Bovine Trypsin 2ca7 Conkunitzin-S1 Is The First Member Of A New Kunitz-Type Neurotoxin Family- Structural and Functional Characterization 2ddi NMR structure of the second Kunitz domain of human WFIKKN1 2ddj NMR structure of the second Kunitz domain of human WFIKKN1 2fi3 Crystal structure of a BPTI variant (Cys14->Ser, Cys38->Ser) in complex with trypsin 2fi4 Crystal structure of a BPTI variant (Cys14->Ser) in complex with trypsin 2fi5 Crystal structure of a BPTI variant (Cys38->Ser) in complex with trypsin 2ftl Crystal structure of trypsin complexed with BPTI at 100K 2ftm Crystal structure of trypsin complexed with the BPTI variant (Tyr35->Gly) 2hex DECAMERS OBSERVED IN THE CRYSTALS OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 2ijo Crystal Structure of the West Nile virus NS2B-NS3 protease complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor 2j6d CONKUNITZIN-S2 - CONE SNAIL NEUROTOXIN - DENOVO STRUCTURE 2jot Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies on Huwentoxin-XI from the Chinese Bird Spider Ornithoctonus huwena 2kai REFINED 2.5 ANGSTROMS X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX FORMED BY PORCINE KALLIKREIN A AND THE BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR. CRYSTALLIZATION, PATTERSON SEARCH, STRUCTURE DETERMINATION, REFINEMENT, STRUCTURE AND COMPARISON WITH ITS COMPONENTS AND WITH THE BOVINE TRYPSIN-PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR COMPLEX 2kcr Solution structure of anntoxin 2knt THE 1.2 ANGSTROM STRUCTURE OF KUNITZ TYPE DOMAIN C5 2m01 Solution structure of Kunitz-type neurotoxin LmKKT-1a from scorpion venom 2m99 Solution structure of a chymotrypsin inhibitor from the Taiwan cobra 2ody Thrombin-bound boophilin displays a functional and accessible reactive-site loop 2ptc THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 2r9p Human mesotrypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor(BPTI) 2ra3 Human cationic trypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) 2tgp THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 2tpi ON THE DISORDERED ACTIVATION DOMAIN IN TRYPSINOGEN. CHEMICAL LABELLING AND LOW-TEMPERATURE CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 2w8x Structure of the tick ion-channel modulator Ra-KLP 2zjx Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) containing only the [5,55] disulfide bond 2zvx Structure of a BPTI-[5,55] variant containing Gly/Val at the 14/38th positions 3aub A simplified BPTI variant stabilized by the A14G and A38V substitutions 3auc A simplified BPTI variant with poly SER (C5S) amino acid tag at the c-terminus 3aud Simplified BPTI variant with poly Asn amino acid tag (C5N) at the C-terminus 3aue A simplified BPTI variant with poly His amino acid tag (C5H) at the C-terminus 3aug A simplified BPTI variant with poly Pro amino acid tag (C5P) at the C-terminus 3auh A simplified BPTI variant with poly Arg amino acid tag (C3R) at the C-terminus 3aui A simplified BPTI variant with poly Glu amino acid tag (C3E) at the C-terminus 3btd The Crystal Structures of the Complexes Between the Bovine Beta-Trypsin and Ten P1 Variants of BPTI. 3bte The Crystal Structures of the Complexes Between Bovine Beta-Trypsin and Ten P1 Variants of BPTI. 3btf THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI. 3btg THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3bth THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3btk THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3btm THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3btq THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3btt THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3btw THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPLEXES BETWEEN BOVINE BETA-TRYPSIN AND TEN P1 VARIANTS OF BPTI 3byb Crystal structure of Textilinin-1, a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor from the Australian Common Brown snake venom 3ci7 Crystal structure of a simplified BPTI containing 20 alanines 3d65 Crystal structure of Textilinin-1, a Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor from the Australian Common Brown snake venom, in complex with trypsin 3fp6 Anionic trypsin in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) determined to the 1.49 A resolution limit 3fp7 Anionic trypsin variant S195A in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) cleaved at the scissile bond (LYS15-ALA16) determined to the 1.46 A resolution limit 3fp8 Anionic trypsin variant S195A in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) determined to the 1.46 A resolution limit 3gym Structure of Prostasin in Complex with Aprotinin 3l33 Human mesotrypsin complexed with amyloid precursor protein inhibitor(APPI) 3l3t Human mesotrypsin complexed with amyloid precursor protein inhibitor variant (APPIR15K) 3ldi Crystal structure of aprotinin in complex with sucrose octasulfate: unusual interactions and implication for heparin binding 3ldj Crystal structure of aprotinin in complex with sucrose octasulfate: unusual interactions and implication for heparin binding 3ldm Crystal structure of aprotinin in complex with sucrose octasulfate: unusual interactions and implication for heparin binding 3m7q Crystal structure of recombinant Kunitz Type serine protease Inhibitor-1 from the Caribbean sea anemone stichodactyla helianthus in complex with bovine pancreatic trypsin 3ofw Crystal structure of recombinant Kunitz Type serine protease Inhibitor-1 from the Carribean sea anemone stichodactyla helianthus 3otj A Crystal Structure of Trypsin Complexed with BPTI (Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin Inhibitor) by X-ray/Neutron Joint Refinement 3p92 Human mesotrypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor variant (BPTI-K15R/R17G) 3p95 Human mesotrypsin complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor variant (BPTI-K15R/R17D) 3t62 Crystal structure of recombinant Kunitz Type serine protease Inhibitor-1 from the Caribbean Sea anemone Stichodactyla helianthus in complex with bovine chymotrypsin 3tgi WILD-TYPE RAT ANIONIC TRYPSIN COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR (BPTI) 3tgj S195A TRYPSINOGEN COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR (BPTI) 3tgk TRYPSINOGEN MUTANT D194N AND DELETION OF ILE 16-VAL 17 COMPLEXED WITH BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR (BPTI) 3tpi THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 3u1j Aprotinin bound to Dengue virus protease 3uir Crystal structure of the plasmin-textilinin-1 complex 3uou Crystal structure of the Kunitz-type protease inhibitor ShPI-1 Lys13Leu mutant in complex with pancreatic elastase 3wny 3WNY 4bd9 Structure of the complex between SmCI and human carboxypeptidase A4 4bnr Extremely stable complex of crayfish trypsin with bovine trypsin inhibitor 4bqd KD1 of human TFPI in complex with a synthetic peptide 4dg4 Human mesotrypsin-S39Y complexed with bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) 4dtg Hemostatic effect of a monoclonal antibody mAb 2021 blocking the interaction between FXa and TFPI in a rabbit hemophilia model 4isl Crystal Structure of the inactive Matriptase in complex with its inhibitor HAI-1 4isn Crystal Structure of Matriptase in complex with its inhibitor HAI-1 4iso Crystal Structure of Matriptase in complex with its inhibitor HAI-1 4ntw Structure of acid-sensing ion channel in complex with snake toxin 4ntx Structure of acid-sensing ion channel in complex with snake toxin and amiloride 4nty Cesium sites in the crystal structure of acid-sensing ion channel in complex with snake toxin 4pti THE GEOMETRY OF THE REACTIVE SITE AND OF THE PEPTIDE GROUPS IN TRYPSIN, TRYPSINOGEN AND ITS COMPLEXES WITH INHIBITORS 4tpi THE REFINED 2.2-ANGSTROMS (0.22-NM) X-RAY CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE TERNARY COMPLEX FORMED BY BOVINE TRYPSINOGEN, VALINE-VALINE AND THE ARG15 ANALOGUE OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 4u30 4U30 4u32 4U32 4wwy 4WWY 4wxv 4WXV 4y0y 4Y0Y 4y0z 4Y0Z 4y10 4Y10 4y11 4Y11 5c67 5C67 5ezd 5EZD 5jbt 5JBT 5pti STRUCTURE OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR. RESULTS OF JOINT NEUTRON AND X-RAY REFINEMENT OF CRYSTAL FORM II 6pti STRUCTURE OF FORM III CRYSTALS OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 7pti STRUCTURAL EFFECTS INDUCED BY REMOVAL OF A DISULFIDE BRIDGE. THE X-RAY STRUCTURE OF THE C30A(SLASH)C51A MUTANT OF BASIC PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR AT 1.6 ANGSTROMS 8pti CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A Y35G MUTANT OF BOVINE PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR 9pti BASIC PANCREATIC TRYPSIN INHIBITOR (MET 52 OXIDIZED) - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)