The domain within your query sequence starts at position 920 and ends at position 941; the E-value for the LRR domain shown below is 5.17e1.
LRRLeucine-rich repeats, outliers |
SMART accession number: | SM00370 |
Description: | - |
Family alignment: |
There are 1323917 LRR domains in 210080 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing LRR domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with LRR domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing LRR domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Cellular role: signalling, translation
Binding / catalysis: Protein-binding - Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Radauer C, Lackner P, Breiteneder H
- The Bet v 1 fold: an ancient, versatile scaffold for binding of large,hydrophobic ligands.
- BMC Evol Biol. 2008; 8: 286-286
- Display abstract
BACKGROUND: The major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1, is a member of theubiquitous PR-10 family of plant pathogenesis-related proteins. In recentyears, a number of diverse plant proteins with low sequence similarity toBet v 1 was identified. In addition, determination of the Bet v 1structure revealed the existence of a large superfamily of structurallyrelated proteins. In this study, we aimed to identify and classify all Betv 1-related structures from the Protein Data Bank and all Bet v 1-relatedsequences from the Uniprot database. RESULTS: Structural comparisons ofrepresentative members of already known protein families structurallyrelated to Bet v 1 with all entries of the Protein Data Bank yielded 47structures with non-identical sequences. They were classified into elevenfamilies, five of which were newly identified and not included in theStructural Classification of Proteins database release 1.71. The taxonomicdistribution of these families extracted from the Pfam protein familydatabase showed that members of the polyketide cyclase family and theactivator of Hsp90 ATPase homologue 1 family were distributed among allthree superkingdoms, while members of some bacterial families wereconfined to a small number of species. Comparison of ligand bindingactivities of Bet v 1-like superfamily members revealed that theirfunctions were related to binding and metabolism of large, hydrophobiccompounds such as lipids, hormones, and antibiotics. Phylogeneticrelationships within the Bet v 1 family, defined as the group of proteinswith significant sequence similarity to Bet v 1, were determined byaligning 264 Bet v 1-related sequences. A distance-based phylogenetic treeyielded a classification into 11 subfamilies, nine exclusively containingplant sequences and two subfamilies of bacterial proteins. Plant sequencesincluded the pathogenesis-related proteins 10, the major latexproteins/ripening-related proteins subfamily, and polyketide cyclase-likesequences. CONCLUSION: The ubiquitous distribution of Bet v 1-relatedproteins among all superkingdoms suggests that a Bet v 1-like protein wasalready present in the last universal common ancestor. During evolution,this protein diversified into numerous families with low sequencesimilarity but with a common fold that succeeded as a versatile scaffoldfor binding of bulky ligands.
- Kajava AV
- Structural diversity of leucine-rich repeat proteins.
- J Mol Biol. 1998; 277: 519-27
- Display abstract
The superfamily of leucine-rich repeat proteins can be subdivided into at least six subfamilies, characterised by different lengths and consensus sequences of the repeats. It was proposed that the repeats from different subfamilies retain a similar superhelical fold, but differ in the three-dimensional structures of individual repeats. The sequence-structure relationship of three new subfamilies was examined by molecular modelling. I provide structural models for the repeats of all subfamilies. The models enable me to explain residue conservations within each subfamily. Furthermore, the difference in the packing explains why the repeats from different subfamilies never occur simultaneously in the same protein. Finally, these studies suggest different evolutionary origins for the different subfamilies. The approach used for the prediction of the leucine-rich repeat protein structures can be applied to other proteins containing internal repeats of about 20 to 30 residue in length.
- Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
Click the image to view the interactive version of the map in iPath% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 25.44 map04620 Toll-like receptor signaling pathway 10.25 map04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 8.13 map04360 Axon guidance 6.71 map04120 Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis 6.36 map04512 ECM-receptor interaction 3.89 map04640 Hematopoietic cell lineage 3.89 map00230
Purine metabolism 3.53 map05222 Small cell lung cancer 3.53 map04110 Cell cycle 3.18 map05120 Epithelial cell signaling in Helicobacter pylori infection 3.18 map04111 Cell cycle - yeast 2.83 map04612 Antigen processing and presentation 2.47 map04510 Focal adhesion 2.47 map04350 TGF-beta signaling pathway 2.12 map00562
Inositol phosphate metabolism 2.12 map00632
Benzoate degradation via CoA ligation 2.12 map04115 p53 signaling pathway 1.77 map00380
Tryptophan metabolism 1.41 map00680
Methane metabolism 1.41 map00940
Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis 1.41 map00360
Phenylalanine metabolism 0.35 map04530 Tight junction 0.35 map04010 MAPK signaling pathway 0.35 map03320 PPAR signaling pathway 0.35 map04810 Regulation of actin cytoskeleton 0.35 map00550
Peptidoglycan biosynthesis This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with LRR domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing LRR domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of LRR domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1a4y RIBONUCLEASE INHIBITOR-ANGIOGENIN COMPLEX 1d0b INTERNALIN B LEUCINE RICH REPEAT DOMAIN 1dce CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF RAB GERANYLGERANYLTRANSFERASE FROM RAT BRAIN 1dfj RIBONUCLEASE INHIBITOR COMPLEXED WITH RIBONUCLEASE A 1ds9 SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF CHLAMYDOMONAS OUTER ARM DYNEIN LIGHT CHAIN 1 1fqv Insights into scf ubiquitin ligases from the structure of the skp1-skp2 complex 1fs2 INSIGHTS INTO SCF UBIQUITIN LIGASES FROM THE STRUCTURE OF THE SKP1-SKP2 COMPLEX 1g9u CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF YOPM-LEUCINE RICH EFFECTOR PROTEIN FROM YERSINIA PESTIS 1gwb structure of glycoprotein 1b 1h6t Internalin B: crystal structure of fused N-terminal domains. 1h6u Internalin H: crystal structure of fused N-terminal domains. 1jl5 Novel Molecular Architecture of YopM-a Leucine-rich Effector Protein from Yersinia pestis 1k5d Crystal structure of Ran-GPPNHP-RanBP1-RanGAP complex 1k5g Crystal structure of Ran-GDP-AlFx-RanBP1-RanGAP complex 1ltx Structure of Rab Escort Protein-1 in complex with Rab geranylgeranyl transferase and isoprenoid 1m0z Crystal Structure of the von Willebrand Factor Binding Domain of Glycoprotein Ib alpha 1m10 Crystal structure of the complex of Glycoprotein Ib alpha and the von Willebrand Factor A1 Domain 1m9l Relaxation-based Refined Structure Of Chlamydomonas Outer Arm Dynein Light Chain 1 1m9s Crystal structure of Internalin B (InlB), a Listeria monocytogenes virulence protein containing SH3-like domains. 1o6s Internalin (Listeria monocytogenes) / E-Cadherin (human) Recognition Complex 1o6t Internalin (Listeria monocytogenes) - functional domain, uncomplexed 1o6v Internalin (Listeria monocytogenes) - functional domain, uncomplexed 1ook Crystal Structure of the Complex of Platelet Receptor GPIb-alpha and Human alpha-Thrombin 1otm Calcium-binding mutant of the internalin B LRR domain 1otn Calcium-binding mutant of the Internalin B LRR domain 1oto Calcium-binding mutant of the internalin B LRR domain 1ozn 1.5A Crystal Structure of the Nogo Receptor Ligand Binding Domain Reveals a Convergent Recognition Scaffold Mediating Inhibition of Myelination 1p8t Crystal structure of Nogo-66 Receptor 1p8v CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE COMPLEX OF PLATELET RECEPTOR GPIB-ALPHA AND ALPHA-THROMBIN AT 2.6A 1p9a Crystal Structure of N-Terminal Domain of Human Platelet Receptor Glycoprotein Ib-alpha at 1.7 Angstrom Resolution 1qyy Crystal Structure of N-Terminal Domain of Human Platelet Receptor Glycoprotein Ib-alpha at 2.8 Angstrom Resolution 1sq0 Crystal Structure of the Complex of the Wild-type Von Willebrand Factor A1 domain and Glycoprotein Ib alpha at 2.6 Angstrom Resolution 1u0n The ternary von Willebrand Factor A1-glycoprotein Ibalpha-botrocetin complex 1w8a Third LRR domain of Drosophila Slit 1xcd Dimeric bovine tissue-extracted decorin, crystal form 1 1xec Dimeric bovine tissue-extracted decorin, crystal form 2 1xeu Crystal Structure of Internalin C from Listeria monocytogenes 1xku Crystal structure of the dimeric protein core of decorin, the archetypal small leucine-rich repeat proteoglycan 1yrg THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF RNA1P: A NEW FOLD FOR A GTPASE-ACTIVATING PROTEIN 1z7x X-ray structure of human ribonuclease inhibitor complexed with ribonuclease I 1ziw Human Toll-like Receptor 3 extracellular domain structure 2a0z The molecular structure of toll-like receptor 3 ligand binding domain 2ass Crystal structure of the Skp1-Skp2-Cks1 complex 2ast Crystal structure of Skp1-Skp2-Cks1 in complex with a p27 peptide 2bex Crystal structure of Placental Ribonuclease Inhibitor in complex with Human Eosinophil Derived Neurotoxin at 2A resolution. 2bnh PORCINE RIBONUCLEASE INHIBITOR 2ca6 MIRAS structure determination from hemihedrally twinned crystals 2ft3 Crystal structure of the biglycan dimer core protein 2id5 Crystal Structure of the Lingo-1 Ectodomain 2o6q Structural diversity of the hagfish Variable Lymphocyte Receptors A29 2o6r Structural diversity of the hagfish Variable Lymphocyte Receptors B61 2o6s Structural diversity of the hagfish Variable Lymphocyte Receptors B59 2omt Crystal structure of InlA G194S+S/hEC1 complex 2omu Crystal structure of InlA G194S+S Y369S/hEC1 complex 2omv Crystal structure of InlA S192N Y369S/hEC1 complex 2omw Crystal structure of InlA S192N Y369S/mEC1 complex 2omx Crystal structure of InlA S192N G194S+S/hEC1 complex 2omy Crystal structure of InlA S192N/hEC1 complex 2omz Crystal structure of InlA Y369A/hEC1 complex 2p1m TIR1-ASK1 complex structure 2p1n Mechanism of Auxin Perception by the TIR1 Ubiqutin Ligase 2p1o Mechanism of Auxin Perception by the TIR1 ubiquitin ligase 2p1p Mechanism of Auxin Perception by the TIR1 ubiquitin ligase 2p1q Mechanism of Auxin Perception by the TIR1 ubiquitin ligase 2q4g Ensemble refinement of the protein crystal structure of human ribonuclease inhibitor complexed with ribonuclease I 2r9u Crystal Structure of Lamprey Variable Lymphocyte Receptor 2913 Ectodomain 2uzx Structure of the human receptor tyrosine kinase Met in complex with the Listeria monocytogenes invasion protein InlB: Crystal form I 2uzy Structure of the human receptor tyrosine kinase Met in complex with the Listeria monocytogenes invasion protein inlb: low resolution, Crystal form II 2v70 Third LRR domain of human Slit2 2v9s Second LRR domain of human Slit2 2v9t Complex between the second LRR domain of Slit2 and The first Ig domain from Robo1 2wfh The Human Slit 2 Dimerization Domain D4 2wqu Internalin domain of Listeria monocytogenes InlB: triclinic crystal form 2wqv Internalin domain of Listeria monocytogenes InlB: rhombohedral crystal form 2wqw DOUBLE-DISULFIDE CROSS-LINKED CRYSTAL DIMER of the Listeria monocytogenes InlB internalin domain 2wqx InlB321_4R: S199R, D200R, G206R, A227R, C242A mutant of the Listeria monocytogenes InlB internalin domain 2xot Crystal structure of neuronal leucine rich repeat protein AMIGO-1 2y5q Listeria monocytogenes InlB (internalin B) residues 36-392 2z62 Crystal structure of the TV3 hybrid of human TLR4 and hagfish VLRB.61 2z63 Crystal structure of the TV8 hybrid of human TLR4 and hagfish VLRB.61 2z64 Crystal structure of mouse TLR4 and mouse MD-2 complex 2z65 Crystal structure of the human TLR4 TV3 hybrid-MD-2-Eritoran complex 2z66 Crystal structure of the VT3 hybrid of human TLR4 and hagfish VLRB.61 2z7x Crystal structure of the TLR1-TLR2 heterodimer induced by binding of a tri-acylated lipopeptide 2z80 Crystal structure of the TLR1-TLR2 heterodimer induced by binding of a tri-acylated lipopeptide 2z81 Crystal structure of the TLR1-TLR2 heterodimer induced by binding of a tri-acylated lipopeptide 2z82 Crystal structure of the TLR1-TLR2 heterodimer induced by binding of a tri-acylated lipopeptide 3a79 Crystal structure of TLR2-TLR6-Pam2CSK4 complex 3a7b Crystal structure of TLR2-Streptococcus Pneumoniae lipoteichoic acid complex 3a7c Crystal structure of TLR2-PE-DTPA complex 3b2d Crystal structure of human RP105/MD-1 complex 3c6n Small molecule agonists and antagonists of F-box protein-substrate interactions in auxin perception and signaling 3c6o Small molecule agonists and antagonists of F-box protein-substrate interactions in auxin perception and signaling 3c6p Small molecule agonists and antagonists of F-box protein-substrate interactions in auxin perception and signaling 3cig Crystal structure of mouse TLR3 ectodomain 3ciy Mouse Toll-like receptor 3 ectodomain complexed with double-stranded RNA 3cvr Crystal structure of the full length IpaH3 3e6j Crystal Structure of Variable Lymphocyte Receptor (VLR) RBC36 in Complex with H-trisaccharide 3fxi Crystal structure of the human TLR4-human MD-2-E.coli LPS Ra complex 3g06 The Salmonella Virulence Effector SspH2 Functions As A Novel E3 Ligase 3g39 Structure of a lamprey variable lymphocyte receptor 3g3a Structure of a lamprey variable lymphocyte receptor in complex with a protein antigen 3g3b Structure of a lamprey variable lymphocyte receptor mutant in complex with a protein antigen 3j0a Homology model of human Toll-like receptor 5 fitted into an electron microscopy single particle reconstruction 3jbl 3JBL 3kj4 Structure of rat Nogo receptor bound to 1D9 antagonist antibody 3o6n Crystal Structure of APL1 leucine-rich repeat domain 3ogk Structure of COI1-ASK1 in complex with coronatine and an incomplete JAZ1 degron 3ogl Structure of COI1-ASK1 in complex with JA-isoleucine and the JAZ1 degron 3ogm Structure of COI1-ASK1 in complex with coronatine and the JAZ1 degron 3oja Crystal structure of LRIM1/APL1C complex 3p72 structure of platelet Glycoprotein 1b alpha with a bound peptide inhibitor 3pmh Mechanism of Sulfotyrosine-Mediated Glycoprotein Ib Interaction with Two Distinct alpha-Thrombin Sites 3rfj Design of a binding scaffold based on variable lymphocyte receptors of jawless vertebrates by module engineering 3rfs Design of a binding scaffold based on variable lymphocyte receptors of jawless vertebrates by module engineering 3rg1 Crystal structure of the RP105/MD-1 complex 3rgx Structural insight into brassinosteroid perception by BRI1 3rgz Structural insight into brassinosteroid perception by BRI1 3riz Crystal structure of the plant steroid receptor BRI1 ectodomain 3rj0 Plant steroid receptor BRI1 ectodomain in complex with brassinolide 3t6q Crystal structure of mouse RP105/MD-1 complex 3tsr X-ray structure of mouse ribonuclease inhibitor complexed with mouse ribonuclease 1 3twi Variable Lymphocyte Receptor Recognition of the Immunodominant Glycoprotein of Bacillus anthracis Spores 3ul7 Crystal structure of the TV3 mutant F63W 3ul8 Crystal structure of the TV3 mutant V134L 3ul9 structure of the TV3 mutant M41E 3ula Crystal structure of the TV3 mutant F63W-MD-2-Eritoran complex 3ulu Structure of quaternary complex of human TLR3ecd with three Fabs (Form1) 3ulv Structure of quaternary complex of human TLR3ecd with three Fabs (Form2) 3un9 Crystal structure of an immune receptor 3v44 Crystal structure of the N-terminal fragment of zebrafish TLR5 3v47 Crystal structure of the N-tetminal fragment of zebrafish TLR5 in complex with Salmonella flagellin 3vq1 Crystal structure of mouse TLR4/MD-2/lipid IVa complex 3vq2 Crystal structure of mouse TLR4/MD-2/LPS complex 3w3g Crystal structure of human TLR8 (unliganded form) 3w3j Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with CL097 3w3k Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with CL075 3w3l Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with Resiquimod (R848) crystal form 1 3w3m Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with Resiquimod (R848) crystal form 2 3w3n Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with Resiquimod (R848) crystal form 3 3wn4 Crystal structure of human TLR8 in complex with DS-877 3wo9 Crystal structure of the lamprey variable lymphocyte receptor C 3wpb 3WPB 3wpc 3WPC 3wpd 3WPD 3wpe 3WPE 3wpf 3WPF 3wpg 3WPG 3wph 3WPH 3wpi 3WPI 3zyi NetrinG2 in complex with NGL2 3zyj NetrinG1 in complex with NGL1 3zyn Crystal structure of the N-terminal leucine rich repeats of Netrin-G Ligand-3 3zyo Crystal structure of the N-terminal leucine rich repeats and immunoglobulin domain of netrin-G ligand-3 4arn Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of Drosophila Toll receptor 4arr Crystal structure of the N-terminal domain of Drosophila Toll receptor with the magic triangle I3C 4aw4 Engineered variant of Listeria monocytogenes InlB internalin domain with an additional leucine rich repeat inserted 4b8c nuclease module of the yeast Ccr4-Not complex 4bsr Structure of the ectodomain of LGR5 in complex with R-spondin-1 ( Fu1Fu2) in P22121 crystal form 4bss Structure of the ectodomain of LGR5 in complex with R-spondin-1 ( Fu1Fu2) in P21 crystal form 4bst Structure of the ectodomain of LGR5 in complex with R-spondin-1 ( Fu1Fu2) in P6122 crystal form 4bsu Structure of the ectodomain of LGR5 in complex with R-spondin-1 ( Fu1Fu2) in C2 crystal form 4bv4 Structure and allostery in Toll-Spatzle recognition 4c2a Crystal Structure of High-Affinity von Willebrand Factor A1 domain with R1306Q and I1309V Mutations in Complex with High Affinity GPIb alpha 4c2b Crystal Structure of High-Affinity von Willebrand Factor A1 domain with Disulfide Mutation in Complex with High Affinity GPIb alpha 4cc4 Complex of InlC of Listeria monocytogenes and human Tuba C-terminal SH3 domain 4cil YopM-InlB: Hybrid leucine-rich repeat protein 4cnc Crystal structure of human 5T4 (Wnt-activated inhibitory factor 1, Trophoblast glycoprotein) 4cnm Crystal structure of human 5T4 (Wnt-activated inhibitory factor 1, Trophoblast glycoprotein) 4fcg Structure of the leucine-rich repeat domain of the type III effector XCV3220 (XopL) 4fho Crystal structure of an internalin C2 (inlC2) from Listeria monocytogenes str. 4b F2365 at 1.90 A resolution 4fmz Crystal structure of an internalin (inlF) from Listeria monocytogenes str. 4b F2365 at 1.91 A resolution 4g8a Crystal structure of human TLR4 polymorphic variant D299G and T399I in complex with MD-2 and LPS 4hq1 Crystal structure of an LRR protein with two solenoids 4im6 LRR domain from human NLRP1 4j0m Crystal structure of BRL1 (LRR) in complex with brassinolide 4j4l Modular evolution and design of the protein binding interface 4k17 Crystal Structure of mouse CARMIL residues 1-668 4k5u Recognition of the BG-H Antigen by a Lamprey Variable Lymphocyte Receptor 4k79 Recognition of the Thomsen-Friedenreich Antigen by a Lamprey Variable Lymphocyte Receptor 4kng Crystal structure of human LGR5-RSPO1-RNF43 4kt1 Complex of R-spondin 1 with LGR4 extracellular domain 4kxf Crystal structure of NLRC4 reveals its autoinhibition mechanism 4li1 Crystal Structures of Lgr4 and its complex with R-spondin1 4li2 Crystal Structures of Lgr4 and its complex with R-spondin1 4lsa Crystal structure of BRI1 sud1 (Gly643Glu) bound to brassinolide 4lsx Plant steroid receptor ectodomain bound to brassinolide and SERK1 co-receptor ectodomain 4lxr Structure of the Toll - Spatzle complex, a molecular hub in Drosophila development and innate immunity 4lxs Structure of the Toll - Spatzle complex, a molecular hub in Drosophila development and innate immunity (glycosylated form) 4m7e Structural insight into BL-induced activation of the BRI1-BAK1 complex 4mn8 Crystal structure of flg22 in complex with the FLS2 and BAK1 ectodomains 4mna Crystal structure of the free FLS2 ectodomains 4nkg Crystal structure of SspH1 LRR domain in complex PKN1 HR1b domain 4nkh Crystal structure of SspH1 LRR domain 4oqt LINGO-1/Li81 Fab complex 4ow2 4OW2 4p8s Crystal structure of Nogo-receptor-2 4p91 Crystal structure of the nogo-receptor-2 (27-330) 4peq 4PEQ 4per 4PER 4po4 4PO4 4pq8 Crystal Structure of Engineered Protein, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target OR465 4psj Crystal Structure of Engineered Protein. Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) Target OR464. 4puf 4PUF 4q3g 4Q3G 4q3i 4Q3I 4q62 Crystal Structure of Leucine-rich repeat- and Coiled coil-containing Protein from Legionella pneumophila 4qbz 4QBZ 4qc0 4QC0 4qdh 4QDH 4qxe 4QXE 4qxf 4QXF 4r07 4R07 4r08 4R08 4r09 4R09 4r0a 4R0A 4r58 4R58 4r5c 4R5C 4r5d 4R5D 4r6a 4R6A 4r6f 4R6F 4r6g 4R6G 4r6j 4R6J 4rca 4RCA 4rcw 4RCW 4tzh 4TZH 4u06 4U06 4u08 4U08 4u09 4U09 4u7l 4U7L 4ufr 4UFR 4ufs 4UFS 4uip 4UIP 4v2c 4V2C 4v2d 4V2D 4v2e 4V2E 4wp6 4WP6 4xa9 4XA9 4xgo 4XGO 4xm4 4XM4 4xsq 4XSQ 4y61 4Y61 4yeb 4YEB 4z0c 4Z0C 4z5w 4Z5W 4z61 4Z61 4z62 4Z62 4z63 4Z63 4z64 4Z64 5a5c 5A5C 5aj2 5AJ2 5awa 5AWA 5awb 5AWB 5awc 5AWC 5awd 5AWD 5az5 5AZ5 5b0n 5B0N 5b0t 5B0T 5cmn 5CMN 5cmp 5CMP 5d3i 5D3I 5ftt 5FTT 5ftu 5FTU 5gij 5GIJ 5gmf 5GMF 5gmg 5GMG 5gmh 5GMH 5gr9 5GR9 5gs0 5GS0 5gs2 5GS2 5hdh 5HDH 5hyw 5HYW 5hzg 5HZG 5ijb 5IJB 5ijc 5IJC 5ijd 5IJD 5il7 5IL7 5irl 5IRL 5irm 5IRM 5irn 5IRN 5ixo 5IXO 5ixq 5IXQ 5ixt 5IXT 5iyv 5IYV 5iyx 5IYX 5jh5 5JH5