The domain within your query sequence starts at position 50 and ends at position 182; the E-value for the MCM2_N domain shown below is 3.5e-20.



PFAM accession number:PF12619
Interpro abstract (IPR008045):

In addition to its role in initiation of DNA replication, Mcm2 is able to inhibit the Mcm4,6,7 helicase. Studies on murine Mcm2 indicate that its C terminus is required for interaction with MCM4, as well as for inhibition of the DNA helicase activity of the Mcm4,6,7 complex. The N-terminal region, which contains an H3-binding domain and a region required for nuclear localisation, is required for the phosphorylation by CDC7 kinase.

The MCM2-7 complex consists of six closely related proteins that are highly conserved throughout the eukaryotic kingdom. In eukaryotes, Mcm2 is a component of the MCM2-7 complex (MCM complex), which consists of six sequence-related AAA + type ATPases/helicases that form a hetero-hexameric ring [ (PUBMED:17506634) ]. MCM2-7 complex is part of the pre-replication complex (pre-RC). In G1 phase, inactive MCM2-7 complex is loaded onto origins of DNA replication [ (PUBMED:19896182) (PUBMED:19910535) (PUBMED:22841721) ]. During G1-S phase, MCM2-7 complex is activated to unwind the double stranded DNA and plays an important role in DNA replication forks elongation [ (PUBMED:22841721) ].

The components of the MCM2-7 complex are:

  • DNA replication licensing factor MCM2, IPR008045
  • DNA replication licensing factor MCM3, IPR008046
  • DNA replication licensing factor MCM4, IPR008047
  • DNA replication licensing factor MCM5, IPR008048
  • DNA replication licensing factor MCM6, IPR008049
  • DNA replication licensing factor MCM7, IPR008050
GO process:DNA replication initiation (GO:0006270), negative regulation of DNA helicase activity (GO:1905775)
GO component:nucleus (GO:0005634), MCM complex (GO:0042555)
GO function:DNA binding (GO:0003677), ATP binding (GO:0005524)

This is a PFAM domain. For full annotation and more information, please see the PFAM entry MCM2_N