The domain within your query sequence starts at position 875 and ends at position 942; the E-value for the Neuralized domain shown below is 6.5e-10.
Neuralized |
PFAM accession number: | PF07177 |
Interpro abstract (IPR006573): | The neuralized homology repeat (NHR) domain is a module of ~160 amino acids, which has been identified as a tandem repeat in drosophila neuralized, a protein involved in development of the central and peripheral nervous system [ (PUBMED:9519875) ]. Several other fly, worm, and mammalian neuralized-like proteins were found to contain between one and six NHR domains associated with other modules, such as RING, SOCS, or SPRY [ (PUBMED:11779830) (PUBMED:11731489) ]. It has been suggested that the NHR domain is required for the localization of neuralized to the plasma membrane [ (PUBMED:11696324) ]. As it has been proposed that NHR domains do partly resemble SPRY domains, it is possible that NHR possess microtubule-binding functions, similar to those proposed for SPRY domains [ (PUBMED:11731489) ]. |
This is a PFAM domain. For full annotation and more information, please see the PFAM entry Neuralized