The domain within your query sequence starts at position 806 and ends at position 988; the E-value for the eIF3_p135 domain shown below is 1.3e-58.



PFAM accession number:PF12807
Interpro abstract (IPR033646):

Mutations in the mitochondrial CLU proteins have been shown to result in clustered mitochondria [ (PUBMED:12952081) (PUBMED:9207087) (PUBMED:9601101) ]. CLU proteins include Saccharomyces cerevisiae clustered mitochondria protein (Clu1p, alias translation initiation factor 31/TIF31p), Dictyostelium discoideum clustered mitochondria protein homologue (CluA), Caenorhabditis elegans clustered mitochondria protein homologue (CLUH/ Protein KIAA0664), Drosophila clueless (alias clustered mitochondria protein homologue), Arabidopsis clustered mitochondria protein (CLU, alias friendly mitochondria protein/FMT), and human clustered mitochondria protein homologue (CLUH).

Dictyostelium CluA is involved in mitochondrial dynamics and is necessary for both, mitochondrial fission and fusion [ (PUBMED:22980139) ]. Drosophila clueless is essential for cytoplasmic localization and function of cellular mitochondria [ (PUBMED:23342118) ]. The Drosophila clu gene interacts genetically with parkin (park, the Drosophila ortholog of a human gene responsible for many familial cases of Parkinson's disease) [ (PUBMED:19638420) ]. Arabidopsis CLU/FMT is required for correct mitochondrial distribution and morphology [ (PUBMED:14617080) ]. The specific role CLU proteins play in mitochondrial processes in not yet known. In an early study, S. cerevisiae Clu1/TIF31p was reported as sometimes being associated with the elF3 translation initiation factor. The authors noted, however, that its tentative assignment as a subunit of elf3 was uncertain, and to date there has been no direct evidence for a role of this protein in translation [ (PUBMED:10358023) ].

This entry represents a central domain in CLU proteins.

This is a PFAM domain. For full annotation and more information, please see the PFAM entry eIF3_p135