The domain within your query sequence starts at position 7 and ends at position 168; the E-value for the RAB domain shown below is 6.88e-100.
All catalytic sites are present in this domain. Check the literature (PubMed 99216537 20221439 ) for details.
RABRab subfamily of small GTPases |
SMART accession number: | SM00175 |
Description: | Rab GTPases are implicated in vesicle trafficking. |
Family alignment: |
There are 39024 RAB domains in 38982 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing RAB domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with RAB domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing RAB domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Cellular role (predicted cellular role)
Binding / catalysis: GTP-hydrolysis
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Woodman P
- Vesicle transport: more work for the Rabs?
- Curr Biol. 1998; 8: 199201-199201
- Display abstract
The Rab family of small GTP-binding proteins has long been implicated in the docking and fusion of transport vesicles with their target membranes. Recent evidence, however, suggests that some Rabs may play an additional role in transport vesicle formation.
- Lazar T, Gotte M, Gallwitz D
- Vesicular transport: how many Ypt/Rab-GTPases make a eukaryotic cell?
- Trends Biochem Sci. 1997; 22: 468-72
- Display abstract
In eukaryotic cells, protein transport through the secretory and endocytic pathways is mediated by vesicular intermediates. Individual transport steps are regulated by Ras-like guanine nucleotide-binding proteins, termed Ypt in yeast or Rab in mammals. The complete sequencing of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome has revealed the total number of Ypt GTPases in this organism. There is some redundancy among the 11 Ypt proteins, and only those involved in the biosynthetic pathway are essential for cell viability.
- Novick P, Zerial M
- The diversity of Rab proteins in vesicle transport.
- Curr Opin Cell Biol. 1997; 9: 496-504
- Display abstract
Rab proteins have been primarily implicated in vesicle docking as regulators of SNARE pairing. Recent findings, however, indicate that their function in vesicle trafficking can go beyond this role, and a number of proteins, unrelated to each other, have been identified as putative Rab effectors. Although the GTPase switch of Rab proteins is highly conserved, functional mechanisms may be highly diversified among members of the Rab family.
- Haubruck H, Disela C, Wagner P, Gallwitz D
- The ras-related ypt protein is an ubiquitous eukaryotic protein: isolation and sequence analysis of mouse cDNA clones highly homologous to the yeast YPT1 gene.
- EMBO J. 1987; 6: 4049-53
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The YPT1 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae codes for a guanine nucleotide-binding protein which is essential for cell viability. Using as hybridization probe cloned yeast YPT1 gene sequences, we have isolated from cDNA libraries prepared from RNA of mouse F9 and C3H10T1/2 cells several overlapping cDNA clones with identical sequence in the regions of overlap. The cDNAs were derived from a gene, designated ypt1, which codes for a protein of 205 amino acids with 71% homology to the yeast YPT1 gene product. Amino acid sequences typical for guanine nucleotide-binding proteins and characteristic for ypt proteins are perfectly conserved in the mouse ypt1 protein. Two mRNAs of 1600 and 3200 nucleotides, originating from the mouse ypt1 gene and differing in the length of their 3'-non-translated region, were identified in mouse F9 cells and in all mouse tissues examined. A monoclonal antibody specifically recognizing the 23.5-kd yeast YPT1 protein cross-reacted with a protein of identical size on protein blots of mouse, rat, pig, bovine and human cell lines.
- Gallwitz D, Donath C, Sander C
- A yeast gene encoding a protein homologous to the human c-has/bas proto-oncogene product.
- Nature. 1983; 306: 704-7
- Display abstract
Organisms amenable to easy genetic analysis should prove helpful in assessing the function of at least those proto-oncogene products which are highly conserved in different eukaryotic cells. One obvious possibility is to pursue the matter in Drosophila melanogaster DNA, which has sequences homologous to several vertebrate oncogenes. Another is to turn to the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, if it contains proto-oncogene sequences. Here we report the identification of a gene in S. cerevisiae which codes for a 206 amino acid protein (YP2) that exhibits striking homology to the p21 products of the human c-has/bas proto-oncogenes and the transforming p21 proteins of the Harvey (v-rasH) and Kirsten (v-rasK) murine sarcoma viral oncogenes. The YP2 gene is located between the actin and the tubulin gene on chromosome VI and is expressed in growing cells. The protein it encodes might share the nucleotide-binding capacity of p21 proteins.
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the RAB domain.
Protein Disease UNKNOWN (SMART) OMIM:190070: Colorectal adenoma ; Colorectal cancer Ras-related protein R-Ras2 (P62070) (SMART) OMIM:600098: ONCOGENE TC21 GTPase KRas (P01116) (SMART) OMIM:190070: Colorectal adenoma ; Colorectal cancer Ras-related protein Rab-27A (P51159) (SMART) OMIM:603868: Griscelli syndrome
OMIM:214450:GTPase HRas (P01112) (SMART) OMIM:190020: Bladder cancer
OMIM:109800:GTPase NRas (P01111) (SMART) OMIM:164790: Colorectal cancer - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 40.00 map04530 Tight junction 30.00 map05030 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 26.67 map04340 Hedgehog signaling pathway 3.33 map04330 Notch signaling pathway This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with RAB domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing RAB domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of RAB domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1d5c CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM RAB6 COMPLEXED WITH GDP 1ek0 GPPNHP-BOUND YPT51 AT 1.48 A RESOLUTION 1g16 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF SEC4-GDP 1g17 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF SEC4-GUANOSINE-5'-(BETA,GAMMA)-IMIDOTRIPHOSPHATE 1huq 1.8A CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE MONOMERIC GTPASE RAB5C (MOUSE) 1ky2 GPPNHP-BOUND YPT7P AT 1.6 A RESOLUTION 1ky3 GDP-BOUND YPT7P AT 1.35 A RESOLUTION 1n6h Crystal Structure of Human Rab5a 1n6i Crystal Structure of Human Rab5a A30P mutant Complex with GDP 1n6k Crystal Structure of Human Rab5a A30P mutant complex with GDP and aluminum fluoride 1n6l Crystal Structure of Human Rab5a A30P mutant complex with GTP 1n6n Crystal Structure of Human Rab5a A30R mutant complex with GppNHp 1n6o Crystal Structure of Human Rab5a A30K mutant complex with GppNHp 1n6p Crystal Structure of Human Rab5a A30E mutant complex with GppNHp 1n6r Crystal Structure of Human Rab5a A30L mutant complex with GppNHp 1oiv X-ray structure of the small G protein Rab11a in complex with GDP 1oiw X-ray structure of the small G protein Rab11a in complex with GTPgammaS 1oix X-ray structure of the small G protein Rab11a in complex with GDP and Pi 1r2q Crystal Structure of Human Rab5a GTPase Domain at 1.05 A resolution 1s8f Crystal structure of Rab9 complexed to GDP reveals a dimer with an active conformation of switch II 1t91 crystal structure of human small GTPase Rab7(GTP) 1tu3 Crystal Structure of Rab5 complex with Rabaptin5 C-terminal Domain 1tu4 Crystal Structure of Rab5-GDP Complex 1ukv Structure of RabGDP-dissociation inhibitor in complex with prenylated YPT1 GTPase 1vg0 The crystal structures of the REP-1 protein in complex with monoprenylated Rab7 protein 1vg1 GDP-Bound Rab7 1vg8 GPPNHP-Bound Rab7 1vg9 The crystal structures of the REP-1 protein in complex with C-terminally truncated Rab7 protein 1wms High resolution crystal structure of human Rab9 GTPase: a novel antiviral drug target 1x3s Crystal structure of human Rab18 in complex with Gppnhp 1yhn Structure basis of RILP recruitment by Rab7 1yu9 GppNHp-Bound Rab4A 1yvd GppNHp-Bound Rab22 GTPase 1yzk GppNHp bound Rab11 GTPase 1yzl GppNHp-Bound Rab9 GTPase 1yzn GppNHp-Bound Ypt1p GTPase 1yzq GppNHp-Bound Rab6 GTPase 1yzt GppNHp-Bound Rab21 GTPase at 2.05 A Resolution 1yzu GppNHp-Bound Rab21 GTPase at 2.50 A Resolution 1z06 GppNHp-Bound Rab33 GTPase 1z07 GppNHp-Bound Rab5c G55Q mutant GTPase 1z08 GppNHp-Bound Rab21 Q53G mutant GTPase 1z0a GDP-Bound Rab2A GTPase 1z0d GDP-Bound Rab5c GTPase 1z0f GDP-Bound Rab14 GTPase 1z0i GDP-Bound Rab21 GTPase 1z0j Structure of GTP-Bound Rab22Q64L GTPase in complex with the minimal Rab binding domain of Rabenosyn-5 1z0k Structure of GTP-Bound Rab4Q67L GTPase in complex with the central Rab binding domain of Rabenosyn-5 1z22 GDP-Bound Rab23 GTPase crystallized in C222(1) space group 1z2a GDP-Bound Rab23 GTPase crystallized in P2(1)2(1)2(1) space group 1zbd STRUCTURAL BASIS OF RAB EFFECTOR SPECIFICITY: CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE SMALL G PROTEIN RAB3A COMPLEXED WITH THE EFFECTOR DOMAIN OF RABPHILIN-3A 2a5j Crystal Structure of Human RAB2B 2bcg Structure of doubly prenylated Ypt1:GDI complex 2bmd high resolution structure of GDP-bound human Rab4a 2bme high resolution structure of GppNHp-bound human Rab4a 2d7c Crystal structure of human Rab11 in complex with FIP3 Rab-binding domain 2e9s human neuronal Rab6B in three intermediate forms 2efc Ara7-GDP/AtVps9a 2efd Ara7/AtVps9a 2efe Ara7-GDPNH2/AtVps9a 2efh Ara7-GDP/AtVps9a(D185N) 2eqb Crystal structure of the Rab GTPase Sec4p, the Sec2p GEF domain, and phosphate complex 2ew1 Crystal Structure of Rab30 in complex with a GTP analogue 2f7s The crystal structure of human Rab27b bound to GDP 2f9l 3D structure of inactive human Rab11b GTPase 2f9m 3D structure of active human Rab11b GTPase 2fe4 The crystal structure of human neuronal Rab6B in its inactive GDP-bound form 2ffq The crystal structure of human neuronal Rab6B in its active GTPgS-bound form 2fg5 Crystal structure of human RAB31 in complex with a GTP analogue 2fol Crystal structure of human RAB1A in complex with GDP 2fu5 structure of Rab8 in complex with MSS4 2g6b Crystal structure of human RAB26 in complex with a GTP analogue 2g77 Crystal Structure of Gyp1 TBC domain in complex with Rab33 GTPase bound to GDP and AlF3 2gf9 Crystal structure of human RAB3D in complex with GDP 2gil Structure of the extremely slow GTPase Rab6A in the GTP bound form at 1.8 resolution 2gzd Crystal Structure of Rab11 in Complex with Rab11-FIP2 2gzh Crystal Structure of Rab11 in Complex with Rab11-Family Interacting Protein 2 2hei Crystal structure of human RAB5B in complex with GDP 2hup Crystal structure of human RAB43 in complex with GDP 2hv8 Crystal structure of GTP-bound Rab11 in complex with FIP3 2iey Crystal Structure of mouse Rab27b bound to GDP in hexagonal space group 2iez Crystal Structure of mouse Rab27b bound to GDP in monoclinic space group 2if0 Crystal Structure of mouse Rab27b bound to GDP in monoclinic space group 2il1 Crystal structure of a predicted human GTPase in complex with GDP 2o52 Crystal structure of human RAB4B in complex with GDP 2ocb Crystal structure of human RAB9B in complex with a GTP analogue 2ocy Complex of the guanine exchange factor Sec2p and the Rab GTPase Sec4p 2oil Crystal structure of human RAB25 in complex with GDP 2ot3 Crystal structure of rabex-5 VPS9 domain in complex with nucleotide free RAB21 2p5s RAB domain of human RASEF in complex with GDP 2wwx Crystal structure of the SidM/DrrA(GEF/GDF domain)-Rab1(GTPase domain) complex 2y8e Crystal structure of D. melanogaster Rab6 GTPase bound to GMPPNP 2zet Crystal structure of the small GTPase Rab27B complexed with the Slp homology domain of Slac2-a/melanophilin 3bbp Rab6-GTP:GCC185 Rab binding domain complex 3bc1 Crystal Structure of the complex Rab27a-Slp2a 3bfk Crystal structure of Plasmodium falciparum Rab11a in complex with GDP 3clv Crystal Structure of Rab5a from plasmodium falciparum, PFB0500c 3cph Crystal structure of Sec4 in complex with Rab-GDI 3cpj Crystal structure of Ypt31 in complex with yeast Rab-GDI 3cue Crystal structure of a TRAPP subassembly activating the Rab Ypt1p 3cwz Strucure of RAB6(GTP)-R6IP1 complex 3dz8 Crystal structure of human Rab3B GTPase bound with GDP 3jza Crystal structure of human Rab1b in complex with the GEF domain of DrrA/SidM from Legionella pneumophila 3l0i Complex structure of SidM/DrrA with the wild type Rab1 3law Structure of GTP-bound L129F mutant Rab7 3mjh Crystal Structure of Human Rab5A in complex with the C2H2 Zinc Finger of EEA1 3nkv Crystal structure of Rab1b covalently modified with AMP at Y77 3qbt Crystal structure of OCRL1 540-678 in complex with Rab8a:GppNHp 3rab GPPNHP-BOUND RAB3A AT 2.0 A RESOLUTION 3rwm Crystal Structure of Ypt32 in Complex with GppNHp 3rwo Crystal structure of YPT32 in complex with GDP 3sfv Crystal structure of the GDP-bound Rab1a S25N mutant in complex with the coiled-coil domain of LidA from Legionella pneumophila 3tkl Crystal structure of the GTP-bound Rab1a in complex with the coiled-coil domain of LidA from Legionella pneumophila 3tnf LidA from Legionella in complex with active Rab8a 3tso Structure of the cancer associated Rab25 protein in complex with FIP2 3tw8 GEF domain of DENND 1B in complex with Rab GTPase Rab35 4c4p Crystal Structure of Wild-Type Rab11 Complexed to FIP2 4cym 4CYM 4cz2 4CZ2 4d0g 4D0G 4d0l 4D0L 4d0m 4D0M 4dkx Crystal Structure of the Rab 6A'(Q72L) 4drz Crystal structure of human RAB14 4fmb VirA-Rab1 complex structure 4fmc EspG-Rab1 complex 4fmd EspG-Rab1 complex structure at 3.05 A 4fme EspG-Rab1-Arf6 complex 4g01 ARA7-GDP-Ca2+/VPS9a 4hlq Crystal structure of human rab1b bound to GDP and BEF3 in complex with the GAP domain of TBC1D20 from homo sapiens 4i1o Crystal structure of the Legionella pneumophila GAP domain of LepB in complex with Rab1b bound to GDP and BeF3 4iru Crystal Structure of lepB GAP core in a transition state mimetic complex with Rab1A and ALF3 4jvs Crystal structure of LepB GAP domain from Legionella drancourtii in complex with Rab1-GDP and AlF3 4kyi 4KYI 4lhv Crystal structure of Rab8 in its inactive GDP-bound form 4lhw Crystal structure of Rab8 in its active GppNHp-bound form 4lhx Crystal structure of nucleotide-free Rab8:Rabin8 4lhy Crystal structure of GDP-bound Rab8:Rabin8 4lhz Crystal structure of GTP-bound Rab8:Rabin8 4li0 Crystal structure of GDP-bound Rab8:GRAB 4lwz Crystal structure of Myo5b globular tail domain in complex with inactive Rab11a 4lx0 Crystal structure of Myo5b globular tail domain in complex with active Rab11a 4ojk 4OJK 4phf 4PHF 4phg 4PHG 4phh 4PHH 4q9u 4Q9U 4qxa 4QXA 4rke 4RKE 4rkf 4RKF 4uj3 4UJ3 4uj4 4UJ4 4uj5 4UJ5 4z8y 4Z8Y 4zdw 4ZDW 5c46 5C46 5c4g 5C4G 5euq 5EUQ 5jcz 5JCZ 5lpn 5LPN 5szh 5SZH 5szi 5SZI 5szj 5SZJ 5szk 5SZK