PDB code | Main view | Title | 1ffx |  | TUBULIN:STATHMIN-LIKE DOMAIN COMPLEX |
1jff |  | Refined structure of alpha-beta tubulin from zinc-induced sheets stabilized with taxol |
1ofu |  | Crystal structure of SulA:FtsZ from Pseudomonas aeruginosa |
1rlu |  | Mycobacterium tuberculosis FtsZ in complex with GTP-gamma-S |
1sa1 |  | Tubulin-podophyllotoxin: stathmin-like domain complex |
1tvk |  | The binding mode of epothilone A on a,b-tubulin by electron crystallography |
1w58 |  | FtsZ GMPCPP soak I213 (M. jannaschii) |
1w59 |  | FtsZ dimer, empty (M. jannaschii) |
1w5a |  | FtsZ dimer, MgGTP soak (M. jannaschii) |
1w5b |  | FtsZ dimer, GTP soak (M. jannaschii) |
1w5e |  | FtsZ W319Y mutant, P1 (M. jannaschii) |
1w5f |  | FtsZ, T7 mutated, domain swapped (T. maritima) |
1z2b |  | Tubulin-colchicine-vinblastine: stathmin-like domain complex |
1z5v |  | Crystal structure of human gamma-tubulin bound to GTPgammaS |
1z5w |  | Crystal Structure of gamma-tubulin bound to GTP |
2btq |  | Structure of BtubAB heterodimer from Prosthecobacter dejongeii |
2hxf |  | KIF1A head-microtubule complex structure in amppnp-form |
2hxh |  | KIF1A head-microtubule complex structure in adp-form |
2p4n |  | Human Monomeric Kinesin (1BG2) and Bovine Tubulin (1JFF) Docked into the 9-Angstrom Cryo-EM Map of Nucleotide-Free Kinesin Complexed to the Microtubule |
2q1x |  | Crystal Structure of cell division protein FtsZ from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with citrate. |
2q1y |  | Crystal Structure of cell division protein FtsZ from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with GTP-gamma-S |
2r6r |  | Aquifex aeolicus FtsZ |
2r75 |  | Aquifex aeolicus FtsZ with 8-morpholino-GTP |
2rhh |  | Synthetic Gene Encoded Bacillus Subtilis FtsZ with Bound Sulfate Ion |
2rhj |  | Synthetic Gene Encoded Bacillus Subtilis FtsZ with Two Sulfate Ions and Sodium Ion in the Nucleotide Pocket |
2rhl |  | Synthetic Gene Encoded Bacillus Subtilis FtsZ NCS Dimer with Bound GDP |
2rho |  | Synthetic Gene Encoded Bacillus Subtilis FtsZ NCS Dimer with Bound GDP and GTP-gamma-S |
2vam |  | FtsZ B. subtilis |
2vap |  | FtsZ GDP M. jannaschii |
2vaw |  | FtsZ Pseudomonas aeruginosa GDP |
2vxy |  | The structure of FTsZ from Bacillus subtilis at 1.7A resolution |
2wbe |  | Kinesin-5-Tubulin Complex with AMPPNP |
2xrp |  | Human Doublecortin N-DC Repeat (1MJD) and Mammalian Tubulin (1JFF and 3HKE) Docked into the 8-Angstrom Cryo-EM Map of Doublecortin- Stabilised Microtubules |
3cb2 |  | Crystal structure of human gamma-tubulin bound to GDP |
3dco |  | Drosophila NOD (3DC4) and Bovine Tubulin (1JFF) Docked into the 11-Angstrom Cryo-EM Map of Nucleotide-Free NOD Complexed to the Microtubule |
3du7 |  | Tubulin-colchicine-phomopsin A: Stathmin-like domain complex |
3e22 |  | Tubulin-colchicine-soblidotin: Stathmin-like domain complex |
3edl |  | Kinesin13-Microtubule Ring complex |
3hkb |  | Tubulin: RB3 Stathmin-like domain complex |
3hkc |  | Tubulin-ABT751: RB3 stathmin-like domain complex |
3hkd |  | Tubulin-TN16 : RB3 stathmin-like domain complex |
3hke |  | Tubulin-T138067: RB3 stathmin-like domain complex |
3iz0 |  | Human Ndc80 Bonsai Decorated Microtubule |
3j1t |  | High affinity dynein microtubule binding domain - tubulin complex |
3j1u |  | Low affinity dynein microtubule binding domain - tubulin complex |
3j2u |  | Kinesin-13 KLP10A HD in complex with CS-tubulin and a microtubule |
3j6e |  | 3J6E |
3j6f |  | 3J6F |
3j6g |  | 3J6G |
3j6h |  | 3J6H |
3j6p |  | 3J6P |
3j7i |  | 3J7I |
3j8x |  | 3J8X |
3j8y |  | 3J8Y |
3jak |  | 3JAK |
3jal |  | 3JAL |
3jao |  | 3JAO |
3jar |  | 3JAR |
3jas |  | 3JAS |
3jat |  | 3JAT |
3jaw |  | 3JAW |
3n2g |  | TUBULIN-NSC 613863: RB3 Stathmin-like domain complex |
3n2k |  | TUBULIN-NSC 613862: RB3 Stathmin-like domain complex |
3ryc |  | Tubulin: RB3 stathmin-like domain complex |
3ryf |  | GTP-Tubulin: RB3 Stathmin-like domain complex |
3ryh |  | GMPCPP-Tubulin: RB3 Stathmin-like domain complex |
3ryi |  | GDP-Tubulin: rb3 stathmin-like domain complex |
3ut5 |  | Tubulin-Colchicine-Ustiloxin: Stathmin-like domain complex |
3vo8 |  | Staphylococcus aureus FtsZ GDP-form |
3vo9 |  | Staphylococcus aureus FtsZ apo-form (SeMet) |
3voa |  | Staphylococcus aureus FtsZ 12-316 GDP-form |
3vob |  | Staphylococcus aureus FtsZ with PC190723 |
3vpa |  | Staphylococcus aureus FtsZ apo-form |
3wgj |  | STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS FTSZ T7 chimera mutant, T7Bs |
3wgk |  | STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS FTSZ T7 mutant substituted for GAG, DeltaT7GAG-GDP |
3wgl |  | STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS FTSZ T7 mutant substituted for GAN bound with GDP, DeltaT7GAN-GDP |
3wgm |  | STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS FTSZ T7 mutant substituted for GAN bound with GTP, DeltaT7GAN-GTP |
3wgn |  | STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS FTSZ bound with GTP-gamma-S |
4abo |  | Mal3 CH domain homology model and mammalian tubulin (2XRP) docked into the 8.6-Angstrom cryo-EM map of Mal3-GTPgammaS-microtubules |
4aqv |  | Model of human kinesin-5 motor domain (3HQD) and mammalian tubulin heterodimer (1JFF) docked into the 9.7-angstrom cryo-EM map of microtubule-bound kinesin-5 motor domain in the AMPPPNP state. |
4aqw |  | Model of human kinesin-5 motor domain (1II6, 3HQD) and mammalian tubulin heterodimer (1JFF) docked into the 9.5-angstrom cryo-EM map of microtubule-bound kinesin-5 motor domain in the rigor state. |
4atu |  | Human doublecortin N-DC repeat plus linker, and tubulin (2XRP) docked into an 8A cryo-EM map of doublecortin-stabilised microtubules reconstructed in absence of kinesin |
4atx |  | Rigor kinesin motor domain with an ordered neck-linker, docked on tubulin dimer, modelled into the 8A cryo-EM map of doublecortin- microtubules decorated with kinesin |
4ck5 |  | Pseudo-atomic model of microtubule-bound human kinesin-5 motor domain in the ADP state, based on cryo-electron microscopy experiment. |
4ck6 |  | Pseudo-atomic model of microtubule-bound human kinesin-5 motor domain in the ADP.AlFx state, based on cryo-electron microscopy experiment. |
4ck7 |  | Pseudo-atomic model of microtubule-bound human kinesin-5 motor domain in presence of adp.alfx (NECK-LINKER IN ITS DISCONNECTED CONFORMATION, based on cryo-electron microscopy experiment |
4drx |  | GTP-Tubulin in complex with a DARPIN |
4dxd |  | Staphylococcal Aureus FtsZ in complex with 723 |
4e6e |  | Crystal structure of a putative cell division protein FtsZ (Tfu_1113) from Thermobifida fusca YX-ER1 at 2.22 A resolution (PSI Community Target, van Wezel G.P.) |
4eb6 |  | Tubulin-Vinblastine: Stathmin-like complex |
4f61 |  | Tubulin:Stathmin-like domain complex |
4f6r |  | Tubulin:Stathmin-like domain complex |
4ffb |  | A TOG:alpha/beta-tubulin Complex Structure Reveals Conformation-Based Mechanisms For a Microtubule Polymerase |
4hna |  | Kinesin motor domain in the ADP-MG-ALFX state in complex with tubulin and a DARPIN |
4i4t |  | Crystal structure of tubulin-RB3-TTL-Zampanolide complex |
4i50 |  | Crystal structure of tubulin-stathmin-TTL-Epothilone A complex |
4i55 |  | Crystal structure of tubulin-stathmin-TTL complex |
4ihj |  | Crystal structure of tubulin-stathmin-TTL-ADP complex |
4iij |  | Crystal structure of tubulin-stathmin-TTL-apo complex |
4kwe |  | GDP-bound, double-stranded, curved FtsZ protofilament structure |
4lnu |  | 4LNU |
4m8i |  | 1.43 Angstrom resolution crystal structure of cell division protein FtsZ (ftsZ) from Staphylococcus epidermidis RP62A in complex with GDP |
4o2a |  | Tubulin-BAL27862 complex |
4o2b |  | Tubulin-Colchicine complex |
4o4h |  | Tubulin-Laulimalide complex |
4o4i |  | Tubulin-Laulimalide-Epothilone A complex |
4o4j |  | Tubulin-Peloruside A complex |
4o4l |  | Tubulin-Peloruside A-Epothilone A complex |
4tuy |  | 4TUY |
4tv8 |  | 4TV8 |
4tv9 |  | 4TV9 |
4u39 |  | 4U39 |
4u3j |  | 4U3J |
4uxo |  | 4UXO |
4uxp |  | 4UXP |
4uxr |  | 4UXR |
4uxs |  | 4UXS |
4uxt |  | 4UXT |
4uxy |  | 4UXY |
4uy0 |  | 4UY0 |
4wbn |  | 4WBN |
4x1i |  | 4X1I |
4x1k |  | 4X1K |
4x1y |  | 4X1Y |
4x20 |  | 4X20 |
4yj2 |  | 4YJ2 |
4yj3 |  | 4YJ3 |
4zhq |  | 4ZHQ |
4zi7 |  | 4ZI7 |
4zol |  | 4ZOL |
5bmv |  | 5BMV |
5c8y |  | 5C8Y |
5ca0 |  | 5CA0 |
5ca1 |  | 5CA1 |
5cb4 |  | 5CB4 |
5eib |  | 5EIB |
5eyp |  | 5EYP |
5flz |  | 5FLZ |
5fm1 |  | 5FM1 |
5fnv |  | 5FNV |
5hnw |  | 5HNW |
5hnx |  | 5HNX |
5hny |  | 5HNY |
5hnz |  | 5HNZ |
5ij0 |  | 5IJ0 |
5ij9 |  | 5IJ9 |
5itz |  | 5ITZ |
5iyz |  | 5IYZ |
5j2t |  | 5J2T |
5j2u |  | 5J2U |
5jco |  | 5JCO |
5jh7 |  | 5JH7 |
5jqg |  | 5JQG |
5jvd |  | 5JVD |
5kmg |  | 5KMG |
5la6 |  | 5LA6 |
5lov |  | 5LOV |
5lp6 |  | 5LP6 |
5m5i |  | 5M5I |
5m5l |  | 5M5L |
5m5m |  | 5M5M |
5m5n |  | 5M5N |
5m5o |  | 5M5O |