The domain within your query sequence starts at position 221 and ends at position 241; the E-value for the ZnF_C2H2 domain shown below is 6.4e0.
ZnF_C2H2zinc finger |
SMART accession number: | SM00355 |
Description: | - |
Interpro abstract (IPR013087): | C2H2-type (classical) zinc fingers (Znf) were the first class to be characterised. They contain a short beta hairpin and an alpha helix (beta/beta/alpha structure), where a single zinc atom is held in place by Cys(2)His(2) (C2H2) residues in a tetrahedral array. C2H2 Znf's can be divided into three groups based on the number and pattern of fingers: triple-C2H2 (binds single ligand), multiple-adjacent-C2H2 (binds multiple ligands), and separated paired-C2H2 [ (PUBMED:11361095) ]. C2H2 Znf's are the most common DNA-binding motifs found in eukaryotic transcription factors, and have also been identified in prokaryotes [ (PUBMED:10664601) ]. Transcription factors usually contain several Znf's (each with a conserved beta/beta/alpha structure) capable of making multiple contacts along the DNA, where the C2H2 Znf motifs recognise DNA sequences by binding to the major groove of DNA via a short alpha-helix in the Znf, the Znf spanning 3-4 bases of the DNA [ (PUBMED:10940247) ]. C2H2 Znf's can also bind to RNA and protein targets [ (PUBMED:18253864) ]. Zinc finger (Znf) domains are relatively small protein motifs which contain multiple finger-like protrusions that make tandem contacts with their target molecule. Some of these domains bind zinc, but many do not; instead binding other metals such as iron, or no metal at all. For example, some family members form salt bridges to stabilise the finger-like folds. They were first identified as a DNA-binding motif in transcription factor TFIIIA from Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog), however they are now recognised to bind DNA, RNA, protein and/or lipid substrates [ (PUBMED:10529348) (PUBMED:15963892) (PUBMED:15718139) (PUBMED:17210253) (PUBMED:12665246) ]. Their binding properties depend on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the number of fingers. Znf domains are often found in clusters, where fingers can have different binding specificities. There are many superfamilies of Znf motifs, varying in both sequence and structure. They display considerable versatility in binding modes, even between members of the same class (e.g. some bind DNA, others protein), suggesting that Znf motifs are stable scaffolds that have evolved specialised functions. For example, Znf-containing proteins function in gene transcription, translation, mRNA trafficking, cytoskeleton organisation, epithelial development, cell adhesion, protein folding, chromatin remodelling and zinc sensing, to name but a few [ (PUBMED:11179890) ]. Zinc-binding motifs are stable structures, and they rarely undergo conformational changes upon binding their target. This entry represents the classical C2H2 zinc finger domain. |
Family alignment: |
There are 2594488 ZnF_C2H2 domains in 441262 proteins in SMART's nrdb database.
Click on the following links for more information.
- Evolution (species in which this domain is found)
Taxonomic distribution of proteins containing ZnF_C2H2 domain.
This tree includes only several representative species. The complete taxonomic breakdown of all proteins with ZnF_C2H2 domain is also avaliable.
Click on the protein counts, or double click on taxonomic names to display all proteins containing ZnF_C2H2 domain in the selected taxonomic class.
- Literature (relevant references for this domain)
Primary literature is listed below; Automatically-derived, secondary literature is also avaliable.
- Parraga G et al.
- Zinc-dependent structure of a single-finger domain of yeast ADR1.
- Science. 1988; 241: 1489-92
- Display abstract
In the proposed "zinc finger" DNA-binding motif, each repeat unit binds a zinc metal ion through invariant Cys and His residues and this drives the folding of each 30-residue unit into an independent nucleic acid-binding domain. To obtain structural information, we synthesized single and double zinc finger peptides from the yeast transcription activator ADR1, and assessed the metal-binding and DNA-binding properties of these peptides, as well as the solution structure of the metal-stabilized domains, with the use of a variety of spectroscopic techniques. A single zinc finger can exist as an independent structure sufficient for zinc-dependent DNA binding. An experimentally determined model of the single finger is proposed that is consistent with circular dichroism, one- and two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance, and visual spectroscopy of the single-finger peptide reconstituted in the presence of zinc.
- Disease (disease genes where sequence variants are found in this domain)
SwissProt sequences and OMIM curated human diseases associated with missense mutations within the ZnF_C2H2 domain.
Protein Disease Wilms tumor protein (P19544) (SMART) OMIM:194070: Wilms tumor, type 1 ; Denys-Drash syndrome ; Frasier syndrome
OMIM:136680:Transcriptional activator GLI3 (P10071) (SMART) OMIM:165240: Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome
OMIM:175700: Pallister-Hall syndrome
OMIM:146510: Polydactyly, preaxial, type IV
OMIM:174700: Polydactyly, postaxial, types A1 and B
OMIM:174200: - Metabolism (metabolic pathways involving proteins which contain this domain)
Click the image to view the interactive version of the map in iPath% proteins involved KEGG pathway ID Description 15.88 map04340 Hedgehog signaling pathway 12.94 map05217 Basal cell carcinoma 8.24 map04520 Adherens junction 7.06 map04010 MAPK signaling pathway 4.71 map05220 Chronic myeloid leukemia 4.71 map00908 Zeatin biosynthesis 4.12 map04350 TGF-beta signaling pathway 4.12 map05221 Acute myeloid leukemia 4.12 map04115 p53 signaling pathway 3.53 map00903 Limonene and pinene degradation 3.53 map05215 Prostate cancer 3.53 map00632
Benzoate degradation via CoA ligation 2.35 map03050 Proteasome 2.35 map03022 Basal transcription factors 1.76 map00350
Tyrosine metabolism 1.76 map00450
Selenoamino acid metabolism 1.76 map00340
Histidine metabolism 1.76 map00380
Tryptophan metabolism 1.76 map00440
Aminophosphonate metabolism 1.76 map00626
Naphthalene and anthracene degradation 1.76 map00150
Androgen and estrogen metabolism 1.18 map00190
Oxidative phosphorylation 1.18 map00130
Ubiquinone biosynthesis 1.18 map04320 Dorso-ventral axis formation 1.18 map00920
Sulfur metabolism 0.59 map00860
Porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism 0.59 map00730
Thiamine metabolism 0.59 map00230
Purine metabolism This information is based on mapping of SMART genomic protein database to KEGG orthologous groups. Percentage points are related to the number of proteins with ZnF_C2H2 domain which could be assigned to a KEGG orthologous group, and not all proteins containing ZnF_C2H2 domain. Please note that proteins can be included in multiple pathways, ie. the numbers above will not always add up to 100%.
- Structure (3D structures containing this domain)
3D Structures of ZnF_C2H2 domains in PDB
PDB code Main view Title 1a1f DSNR (ZIF268 VARIANT) ZINC FINGER-DNA COMPLEX (GACC SITE) 1a1g DSNR (ZIF268 VARIANT) ZINC FINGER-DNA COMPLEX (GCGT SITE) 1a1h QGSR (ZIF268 VARIANT) ZINC FINGER-DNA COMPLEX (GCAC SITE) 1a1i RADR (ZIF268 VARIANT) ZINC FINGER-DNA COMPLEX (GCAC SITE) 1a1j RADR (ZIF268 VARIANT) ZINC FINGER-DNA COMPLEX (GCGT SITE) 1a1k RADR (ZIF268 VARIANT) ZINC FINGER-DNA COMPLEX (GACC SITE) 1a1l ZIF268 ZINC FINGER-DNA COMPLEX (GCAC SITE) 1aay ZIF268 ZINC FINGER-DNA COMPLEX 1ard STRUCTURES OF DNA-BINDING MUTANT ZINC FINGER DOMAINS: IMPLICATIONS FOR DNA BINDING 1are STRUCTURES OF DNA-BINDING MUTANT ZINC FINGER DOMAINS: IMPLICATIONS FOR DNA BINDING 1arf STRUCTURES OF DNA-BINDING MUTANT ZINC FINGER DOMAINS: IMPLICATIONS FOR DNA BINDING 1bbo HIGH-RESOLUTION SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE DOUBLE CYS2*HIS2 ZINC FINGER FROM THE HUMAN ENHANCER BINDING PROTEIN MBP-1 1bhi STRUCTURE OF TRANSACTIVATION DOMAIN OF CRE-BP1/ATF-2, NMR, 20 STRUCTURES 1ej6 Reovirus core 1f2i COCRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF SELECTED ZINC FINGER DIMER BOUND TO DNA 1fv5 SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF THE FIRST ZINC FINGER FROM THE DROSOPHILA U-SHAPED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR 1g2d STRUCTURE OF A CYS2HIS2 ZINC FINGER/TATA BOX COMPLEX (CLONE #2) 1g2f STRUCTURE OF A CYS2HIS2 ZINC FINGER/TATA BOX COMPLEX (TATAZF;CLONE #6) 1jk1 Zif268 D20A Mutant Bound to WT DNA Site 1jk2 Zif268 D20A mutant bound to the GCT DNA site 1jn7 Solution Structure of a CCHH mutant of the ninth CCHC Zinc Finger of U-shaped 1klr NMR Structure of the ZFY-6T[Y10F] Zinc Finger 1kls NMR Structure of the ZFY-6T[Y10L] Zinc Finger 1llm Crystal Structure of a Zif23-GCN4 Chimera Bound to DNA 1mey CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A DESIGNED ZINC FINGER PROTEIN BOUND TO DNA 1ncs NMR STUDY OF SWI5 ZINC FINGER DOMAIN 1 1njq NMR structure of the single QALGGH zinc finger domain from Arabidopsis thaliana SUPERMAN protein 1p47 Crystal Structure of tandem Zif268 molecules complexed to DNA 1p7a Solution Stucture of the Third Zinc Finger from BKLF 1paa STRUCTURE OF A HISTIDINE-X4-HISTIDINE ZINC FINGER DOMAIN: INSIGHTS INTO ADR1-UAS1 PROTEIN-DNA RECOGNITION 1rik E6-binding zinc finger (E6apc1) 1rim E6-binding zinc finger (E6apc2) 1rmd RAG1 DIMERIZATION DOMAIN 1sp1 NMR STRUCTURE OF A ZINC FINGER DOMAIN FROM TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR SP1F3, MINIMIZED AVERAGE STRUCTURE 1sp2 NMR STRUCTURE OF A ZINC FINGER DOMAIN FROM TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR SP1F2, MINIMIZED AVERAGE STRUCTURE 1srk Solution structure of the third zinc finger domain of FOG-1 1tf3 TFIIIA FINGER 1-3 BOUND TO DNA, NMR, 22 STRUCTURES 1tf6 CO-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF XENOPUS TFIIIA ZINC FINGER DOMAIN BOUND TO THE 5S RIBOSOMAL RNA GENE INTERNAL CONTROL REGION 1u85 ARG326-TRP mutant of the third zinc finger of BKLF 1u86 321-TW-322 insertion mutant of the third zinc finger of BKLF 1ubd CO-CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF HUMAN YY1 ZINC FINGER DOMAIN BOUND TO THE ADENO-ASSOCIATED VIRUS P5 INITIATOR ELEMENT 1un6 THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A ZINC FINGER - RNA COMPLEX REVEALS TWO MODES OF MOLECULAR RECOGNITION 1va1 Solution Structure of Transcription Factor Sp1 DNA Binding Domain (Zinc Finger 1) 1va2 Solution Structure of Transcription Factor Sp1 DNA Binding Domain (Zinc Finger 2) 1va3 Solution Structure of Transcription Factor Sp1 DNA Binding Domain (Zinc Finger 3) 1wir Solution structure of the C2H2 zinc finger domain of the protein arginine N-methyltransferase 3 from Mus musculus 1wjp Solution structure of zf-C2H2 domains from human Zinc finger protein 295 1x3c Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc-binding domain of human zinc finger protein 292 1x5w Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc-binding domain of human zinc finger protein 64, isoforms 1 and 2 1x6e Solution structures of the C2H2 type zinc finger domain of human Zinc finger protein 24 1x6f Solution structures of the C2H2 type zinc finger domain of human Zinc finger protein 462 1x6h Solution structures of the C2H2 type zinc finger domain of human Transcriptional repressor CTCF 1xf7 High Resolution NMR Structure of the Wilms' Tumor Suppressor Protein (WT1) Finger 3 1xrz NMR Structure of a Zinc Finger with Cyclohexanylalanine Substituted for the Central Aromatic Residue 1y0j Zinc fingers as protein recognition motifs: structural basis for the GATA-1/Friend of GATA interaction 1yui SOLUTION NMR STRUCTURE OF THE GAGA FACTOR/DNA COMPLEX, REGULARIZED MEAN STRUCTURE 1yuj SOLUTION NMR STRUCTURE OF THE GAGA FACTOR/DNA COMPLEX, 50 STRUCTURES 1zaa ZINC FINGER-DNA RECOGNITION: CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A ZIF268-DNA COMPLEX AT 2.1 ANGSTROMS 1zfd SWI5 ZINC FINGER DOMAIN 2, NMR, 45 STRUCTURES 1znf THREE-DIMENSIONAL SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF A SINGLE ZINC FINGER DNA-BINDING DOMAIN 1znm A ZINC FINGER WITH AN ARTIFICIAL BETA-TURN, ORIGINAL SEQUENCE TAKEN FROM THE THIRD ZINC FINGER DOMAIN OF THE HUMAN TRANSCRIPTIONAL REPRESSOR PROTEIN YY1 (YING AND YANG 1, A DELTA TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR), NMR, 34 STRUCTURES 1zr9 Solution Structure of a Human C2H2-type Zinc Finger Protein 1zu1 Solution Structure of the N-terminal Zinc Fingers of the Xenopus laevis double stranded RNA binding protein ZFa 1zw8 Solution structure of a ZAP1 zinc-responsive domain provides insights into metalloregulatory transcriptional repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2ab3 Solution structures and characterization of HIV RRE IIB RNA targeting zinc finger proteins 2ab7 Solution structures and characterization of HIV RRE IIB RNA targeting zinc finger proteins 2adr ADR1 DNA-BINDING DOMAIN FROM SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE, NMR, 25 STRUCTURES 2cot Solution structure of the first and second zf-C2H2 domain of Zinc finger protein 435 2cse Features of Reovirus Outer-Capsid Protein mu1 Revealed by Electron and Image Reconstruction of the virion at 7.0-A Resolution 2csh Solution structure of tandem repeat of the zf-C2H2 domains of human zinc finger protein 297B 2ct1 Solution Structure of the zinc finger domain of Transcriptional repressor CTCF protein 2ctd Solution structure of two zf-C2H2 domains from human Zinc finger protein 512 2czr Crystal structure of TBP-interacting protein (Tk-TIP26) and implications for its inhibition mechanism of the interaction between TBP and TATA-DNA 2d9h Solution structure of the forth and fifth zf-C2H2 domains of zinc finger protein 692 2dlk Solution structure of the first and the second zf-C2H2 domains of zinc finger protein 692 2dlq Solution structure of the tandem four zf-C2H2 domain repeats of murine GLI-Kruppel family member HKR3 2dmd Solution structure of the N-terminal C2H2 type zinc-binding domain of the Zinc finger protein 64, isoforms 1 and 2 2dmi Solution structure of the first and the second zf-C2H2 like domains of human Teashirt homolog 3 2drp THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF A TWO ZINC-FINGER PEPTIDE REVEALS AN EXTENSION TO THE RULES FOR ZINC-FINGER/DNA RECOGNITION 2ebt Solution structure of three tandem repeats of zf-C2H2 domains from human Kruppel-like factor 5 2ee8 Solution structure of three zf-C2H2 domains from mouse protein odd-skipped-related 2 splicing isoform 2 2ej4 Functional and structural basis of nuclear localization signal in ZIC3 zinc finger domain: a role of conserved tryptophan residue in the zinc finger domain 2el4 Solution structure of the 15th zf-C2H2 domain from human Zinc finger protein 268 2el5 Solution structure of the 18th zf-C2H2 domain from human Zinc finger protein 268 2el6 Solution structure of the 21th zf-C2H2 domain from human Zinc finger protein 268 2elm Solution structure of the 10th C2H2 zinc finger of human Zinc finger protein 406 2eln Solution structure of the 11th C2H2 zinc finger of human Zinc finger protein 406 2elo Solution structure of the 12th C2H2 zinc finger of human Zinc finger protein 406 2elq Solution structure of the 14th C2H2 zinc finger of human Zinc finger protein 406 2elr Solution structure of the 15th C2H2 zinc finger of human Zinc finger protein 406 2els Solution structure of the 2nd C2H2 zinc finger of human Zinc finger protein 406 2elt Solution structure of the 3rd C2H2 zinc finger of human Zinc finger protein 406 2elu Solution structure of the 5th C2H2 zinc finger of human Zinc finger protein 406 2elv Solution structure of the 6th C2H2 zinc finger of human Zinc finger protein 406 2elw Solution structure of the 5th C2H2 zinc finger of mouse Zinc finger protein 406 2elx Solution structure of the 8th C2H2 zinc finger of mouse Zinc finger protein 406 2ely Solution structure of the third zf-C2H2 domain from human Zinc finger protein 224 2elz Solution structure of the 17th zf-C2H2 domain from human Zinc finger protein 224 2em0 Solution structure of the 18th zf-C2H2 domain from human Zinc finger protein 224 2em1 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 637-667) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2em2 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 584-616) of human Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2em3 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 640-672) of human Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2em4 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 724-756) of human Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2em5 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 768-800) of human Zinc finger protein 95 homolog 2em6 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 199-231) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2em7 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 339-371) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2em8 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 423-455) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2em9 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 367-399) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2ema Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 312-344) of human Zinc finger protein 347 2emb Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 342-372) of human Zinc finger protein 473 2emc Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 641-673) of human Zinc finger protein 473 2eme Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 725-757) of human Zinc finger protein 473 2emf Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 379-411) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2emg Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 463-495) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2emh Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 491-523) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2emi Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 547-579) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2emj Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 612-644) of human Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2emk Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 668-700) of human Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2eml Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 752-784) of human Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2emm Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 544-576) of human Zinc finger protein 95 homolog 2emp Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 536-568) of human Zinc finger protein 347 2emv Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 859-889) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2emw Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 301-331) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2emx Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 273-303) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2emy Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 551-583) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2emz Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 628-660) of human Zinc finger protein 95 homolog 2en0 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 385-413) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2en1 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 563-595) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2en2 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 598-626) of human B-cell lymphoma 6 protein 2en3 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 796-828) of human Zinc finger protein 95 homolog 2en4 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 284-316) of human Zinc finger protein 347 2en6 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 887-919) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2en7 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 495-525) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2en8 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 171-203) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2en9 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 415-447) of human Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2ena Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 311-343) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2enc Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 395-427) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2ene Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 592-624) of human Zinc finger protein 347 2enf Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 340-372) of human Zinc finger protein 347 2enh Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 556-588) of human Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2ent Solution structure of the second C2H2-type zinc finger domain from human Krueppel-like factor 15 2eoe Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 508-540) of human Zinc finger protein 347 2eof Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 411-441) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2eog Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 693-723) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2eoh Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 780-812) of human Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2eoi Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 329-359) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2eoj Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 355-385) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2eok Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 441-469) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2eol Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 581-609) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2eom Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 341-373) of human Zinc finger protein 95 homolog 2eon Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 397-429) of human Zinc finger protein 95 homolog 2eoo Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 425-457) of human Zinc finger protein 95 homolog 2eop Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 719-751) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2eoq Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 283-315) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2eor Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 255-287) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2eos Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 626-654) of human B-cell lymphoma 6 protein 2eou Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 370-400) of human Zinc finger protein 473 2eov Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 519-551) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2eow Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 368-400) of human Zinc finger protein 347 2eox Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 315-345) of human Zinc finger protein 473 2eoy Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 557-589) of human Zinc finger protein 473 2eoz Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 809-841) of human Zinc finger protein 473 2ep0 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 528-560) of human Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2ep1 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 435-467) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2ep2 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 603-635) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2ep3 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 631-663) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2epa Solution structure of the first and second zf-C2H2 domains from human Krueppel-like factor 10 2epc Solution structure of Zinc finger domain 7 in Zinc finger protein 32 2epp Solution structure of the first C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 2epq Solution structure of the third zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 2epr Solution structure of the secound zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 2eps Solution structure of the 4th zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 278 2ept Solution structure of the first C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 32 2epu Solution structure of the secound C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 32 2epv Solution structure of the 20th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 268 2epw Solution structure of the 24th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 268 2epx Solution structure of the third C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2epy Solution structure of the 10th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 268 2epz Solution structure of the 4th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2eq0 Solution structure of the 8th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 2eq1 Solution structure of the 9th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 2eq2 Solution structure of the 16th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 2eq3 Solution structure of the 17th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 347 2eq4 Solution structure of the 11th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 224 2eqw Solution structure of the 6th C2H2 type zinc finger domain of Zinc finger protein 484 2ghf Solution structure of the complete zinc-finger region of human zinc-fingers and homeoboxes 1 (ZHX1) 2gli FIVE-FINGER GLI/DNA COMPLEX 2gqj Solution structure of the two zf-C2H2 like domains(493-575) of human zinc finger protein KIAA1196 2hgh Transcription Factor IIIA zinc fingers 4-6 bound to 5S rRNA 55mer (NMR structure) 2i13 Aart, a six finger zinc finger designed to recognize ANN triplets 2j7j Invariance of the zinc finger module: a comparison of the free structure with those in nucleic-acid complexes 2jp9 Structure of the Wilms Tumor Suppressor Protein Zinc Finger Domain Bound to DNA 2jpa Structure of the Wilms Tumor Suppressor Protein Zinc Finger Domain Bound to DNA 2jsp The prokaryotic Cys2His2 zinc finger adopts a novel fold as revealed by the NMR structure of A. tumefaciens Ros DNA binding domain 2kfq NMR Structure of FP1 2kmk Gfi-1 Zinc Fingers 3-5 complexed with DNA 2kvf Structure of the three-Cys2His2 domain of mouse testis zinc finger protein 2kvg Structure of the three-Cys2His2 domain of mouse testis zinc finger protein 2kvh Structure of the three-Cys2His2 domain of mouse testis zinc finger protein 2l1o Zinc to cadmium replacement in the A. thaliana SUPERMAN Cys2His2 zinc finger induces structural rearrangements of typical DNA base determinant positions 2l6z haddock model of GATA1NF:Lmo2LIM2-Ldb1LID with FOG 2lce Chemical shift assignment of Hr4436B from Homo Sapiens, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium 2lt7 Solution NMR structure of Kaiso zinc finger DNA binding domain in complex with Kaiso binding site DNA 2lv2 Solution NMR structure of C2H2-type Zinc-fingers 4 and 5 from human Insulinoma-associated protein 1 (fragment 424-497), Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium Target HR7614B 2lvh Solution structure of the zinc finger AFV1p06 protein from the hyperthermophilic archaeal virus AFV1 2lvr Solution structure of Miz-1 zinc finger 8 2lvt Solution structure of Miz-1 zinc finger 9 2lvu Solution structure of Miz-1 zinc finger 10 2m0d Solution Structure of Miz-1 zinc finger 5 2m0e Solution Structure of Miz-1 zinc finger 6 2m0f Solution Structure of Miz-1 zinc finger 7 2m7q Solution structure of TAX1BP1 UBZ1+2 2m9a Solution NMR Structure of E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase ZFP91 from Homo sapiens, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) Target HR7784A 2ma7 Solution NMR Structure of Zinc finger protein Eos from Homo sapiens, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) Target HR7992A 2mdg Solution NMR Structure of Zinc finger protein 423 from Homo sapiens, Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG) Target HR7298F 2mkd Human JAZ ZF3 Residues 168-227 2mkn Structural Characterization of Interactions between the Double-Stranded RNA-Binding Zinc Finger Protein JAZ and dsRNA 2mq1 2MQ1 2n25 2N25 2n26 2N26 2nab 2NAB 2prt Structure of the Wilms Tumor Suppressor Protein Zinc Finger Domain Bound to DNA 2rpc Solution structure of the tandem zf-C2H2 domains from the human zinc finger protein ZIC 3 2rsh Solution structures of the DNA-binding domains of immune-related zinc-finger protein ZFAT 2rsi Solution structures of the DNA-binding domains of immune-related zinc-finger protein ZFAT 2rsj Solution structures of the DNA-binding domains of immune-related zinc-finger protein ZFAT 2rut 2RUT 2ruu 2RUU 2ruv 2RUV 2ruw 2RUW 2rux 2RUX 2ruy 2RUY 2ruz 2RUZ 2rv0 2RV0 2rv2 2RV2 2rv3 2RV3 2rv4 2RV4 2rv5 2RV5 2rv6 2RV6 2rv7 2RV7 2wbs Crystal structure of the zinc finger domain of Klf4 bound to its target DNA 2wbt The Structure of a Double C2H2 Zinc Finger Protein from a Hyperthermophilic Archaeal Virus in the Absence of DNA 2wbu CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ZINC FINGER DOMAIN OF KLF4 BOUND TO ITS TARGET DNA 2yrh Solution structure of the C2H2-type zinc finger domain (699-729) from zinc finger protein 473 2yrj Solution structure of the C2H2-type zinc finger domain (781-813) from zinc finger protein 473 2yrk Solution structure of the zf-C2H2 domain in zinc finger homeodomain 4 2yrm Solution structure of the 1st zf-C2H2 domain from Human B-cell lymphoma 6 protein 2yso Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 656-688) of human Zinc finger protein 95 homolog 2ysp Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 507-539) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2ysv Solution structure of C2H2 type Zinc finger domain 17 in Zinc finger protein 473 2yt9 Solution structure of C2H2 type Zinc finger domain 345 in Zinc finger protein 278 2yta Solution structure of C2H2 type Zinc finger domain 3 in Zinc finger protein 32 2ytb Solution structure of C2H2 type Zinc finger domain 5 in Zinc finger protein 32 2ytd Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 426-458) of human Zinc finger protein 473 2yte Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 484-512) of human Zinc finger protein 473 2ytf Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 607-639) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2ytg Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 369-401) of human Zinc finger protein 95 homolog 2yth Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 479-511) of human Zinc finger protein 224 2yti Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 564-596) of human Zinc finger protein 347 2ytj Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 771-803) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2ytk Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 396-428) of human Zinc finger protein 347 2ytm Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 696-728) of human Zinc finger protein 28 homolog 2ytn Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 732-764) of human Zinc finger protein 347 2yto Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 659-691) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2ytp Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 687-719) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2ytq Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 775-807) of human Zinc finger protein 268 2ytr Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 760-792) of human Zinc finger protein 347 2yts Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 715-747) of human Zinc finger protein 484 2ytt Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 204-236) of human Zinc finger protein 473 2yu5 Solution structure of the zf-C2H2 domain (669-699AA) in zinc finger protein 473 2yu8 Solution structure of the C2H2 type zinc finger (region 648-680) of human Zinc finger protein 347 3ax1 Molecular insights into miRNA processing by Arabidopsis Serrate 3by4 Structure of Ovarian Tumor (OTU) domain in complex with Ubiquitin 3c0r Structure of Ovarian Tumor (OTU) domain in complex with Ubiquitin 3iuf Crystal structure of the C2H2-type zinc finger domain of human ubi-d4 3iyl Atomic CryoEM Structure of a Nonenveloped Virus Suggests How Membrane Penetration Protein is Primed for Cell Entry 3jcr 3JCR 3jct 3JCT 3k1q Backbone model of an aquareovirus virion by cryo-electron microscopy and bioinformatics 3mjh Crystal Structure of Human Rab5A in complex with the C2H2 Zinc Finger of EEA1 3uk3 Crystal structure of ZNF217 bound to DNA 3vk6 Crystal structure of a phosphotyrosine binding domain 3w5k Crystal structure of Snail1 and importin beta complex 3zms LSD1-CoREST in complex with INSM1 peptide 3znf HIGH-RESOLUTION THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A SINGLE ZINC FINGER FROM A HUMAN ENHANCER BINDING PROTEIN IN SOLUTION 4bmj Structure of the UBZ1and2 tandem of the ubiquitin-binding adaptor protein TAX1BP1 4dgw Crystal Structure of the SF3a splicing factor complex of U2 snRNP 4f2j Crystal structure of ZNF217 bound to DNA, P6522 crystal form 4f6m Crystal structure of Kaiso zinc finger DNA binding domain in complex with Kaiso binding site DNA 4f6n Crystal structure of Kaiso zinc finger DNA binding protein in complex with methylated CpG site DNA 4gzn Mouse ZFP57 zinc fingers in complex with methylated DNA 4i1l Structural and Biological Features of FOXP3 Dimerization Relevant to Regulatory T Cell Function 4ijd Crystal structure of methyltransferase domain of human PR domain-containing protein 9 4is1 Crystal structure of ZNF217 bound to DNA 4m9e Structure of Klf4 zinc finger DNA binding domain in complex with methylated DNA 4m9v Zfp57 mutant (E182Q) in complex with 5-carboxylcytosine DNA 4ndf Human Aprataxin (Aptx) bound to RNA-DNA, AMP, and Zn - product complex 4ndg Human Aprataxin (Aptx) bound to RNA-DNA and Zn - adenosine vanadate transition state mimic complex 4ndh Human Aprataxin (Aptx) bound to DNA, AMP, and Zn - product complex 4ndi Human Aprataxin (Aptx) AOA1 variant K197Q bound to RNA-DNA, AMP, and Zn - product complex 4r2a 4R2A 4r2c 4R2C 4r2d 4R2D 4r2e 4R2E 4r2p 4R2P 4r2q 4R2Q 4r2r 4R2R 4r2s 4R2S 4x9j 4X9J 4z4k 4Z4K 4znf HIGH-RESOLUTION THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF A SINGLE ZINC FINGER FROM A HUMAN ENHANCER BINDING PROTEIN IN SOLUTION 5a7u 5A7U 5aas 5AAS 5apn 5APN 5apo 5APO 5dka 5DKA 5egb 5EGB 5eh2 5EH2 5ei9 5EI9 5gm6 5GM6 5hzd 5HZD 5i49 5I49 5ido 5IDO 5ion 5ION 5ke6 5KE6 5ke7 5KE7 5ke8 5KE8 5ke9 5KE9 5kea 5KEA 5keb 5KEB 5kl2 5KL2 5kl3 5KL3 5kl4 5KL4 5kl5 5KL5 5kl6 5KL6 5kl7 5KL7 5znf ALTERNATING ZINC FINGERS IN THE HUMAN MALE ASSOCIATED PROTEIN ZFY: 2D NMR STRUCTURE OF AN EVEN FINGER AND IMPLICATIONS FOR "JUMPING-LINKER" DNA RECOGNITION 7znf ALTERNATING ZINC FINGERS IN THE HUMAN MALE ASSOCIATED PROTEIN ZFY: 2D NMR STRUCTURE OF AN EVEN FINGER AND IMPLICATIONS FOR "JUMPING-LINKER" DNA RECOGNITION - Links (links to other resources describing this domain)