Domains within Crassostrea gigas protein UPI0005C37383

E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase CHIP-like

Length278 aa
Source databaseUniProt

Domain architecture analysis

Display all proteins with similar:

  • Domain organisation: Proteins having all the domains as the query in the same order. Additional domains are allowed.
  • Domain composition: Proteins with the same domain composition have at least one copy of each of domains of the query.

The SMART diagram above represents a summary of the results shown below. Domains with scores less significant than established cutoffs are not shown in the diagram. Features are also not shown when two or more occupy the same piece of sequence; the priority for display is given by SMART > PFAM > PROSPERO repeats > Signal peptide > Transmembrane > Coiled coil > Unstructured regions > Low complexity. In either case, features not shown in the above diagram are marked as 'overlap' in the right side table below.

Confidently predicted domains, repeats, motifs and features:
Features NOT shown in the diagram:
Click on a row to highlight the feature in the diagram above. Click the feature name for more information.
Click on a row to highlight the feature in the diagram above. Click the feature name for more information.
Outlier homologues and homologues of known structure:
Click on a row to highlight the feature in the diagram above. Click the feature name for more information.