Secondary literature sources for NUC
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- Ichiyanagi K, Ishino Y, Ariyoshi M, Komori K, Morikawa K
- Crystal structure of an archaeal intein-encoded homing endonucleasePI-PfuI.
- J Mol Biol. 2000; 300: 889-901
- Display abstract
Inteins possess two different enzymatic activities, self-catalyzed proteinsplicing and site-specific DNA cleavage. These endonucleases, which areclassified as part of the homing endonuclease family, initiate themobility of their genetic elements into homologous alleles. They recognizelong asymmetric nucleotide sequences and cleave both DNA strands in amonomer form. We present here the 2.1 A crystal structure of the archaealPI-PfuI intein from Pyroccocus furiosus. The structure reveals a uniquedomain, designated here as the Stirrup domain, which is inserted betweenthe Hint domain and an endonuclease domain. The horseshoe-shaped Hintdomain contains a catalytic center for protein splicing, which involvesboth N and C-terminal residues. The endonuclease domain, which is insertedinto the Hint domain, consists of two copies of substructure related by aninternal pseudo 2-fold axis. In contrast with the I-CreI homingendonuclease, PI-PfuI possibly has two asymmetric catalytic sites at thecenter of a putative DNA-binding cleft formed by a pair of four-strandedbeta-sheets. DNase I footprinting experiments showed that PI-PfuI coversmore than 30 bp of the substrate asymmetrically across the cleavage site.A docking model of the DNA-enzyme complex suggests that the endonucleasedomain covers the 20 bp DNA duplex encompassing the cleavage site, whereasthe Stirrup domain could make an additional contact with another upstream10 bp region. For the double-strand break, the two strands in the DNAduplex were cleaved by PI-PfuI with different efficiencies. We suggestthat the cleavage of each strand is catalyzed by each of the twonon-equivalent active sites.
- Schmitz KS
- Cooperative monomer binding by polynucleotides. Effect of multiple-loopconfigurations on formation of triple-stranded complexes.
- Biopolymers. 1974; 13: 1039-53
- Arnott S, Wilkins MH, Fuller W, Langridge R
- Molecular and crystal structures of double-helical RNA. 3. An 11-foldmolecular model and comparison of the agreement between the observed andcalculated three-dimensional diffraction data for 10- and 11-fold models.
- J Mol Biol. 1967; 27: 535-48
- Hijmans J
- Theory of the helix-coil transition for synthetic polynucleotides formingbranched helical structures.
- J Chem Phys. 1967; 47: 5116-28